1 VOL. iJI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 37, 1801. NO 253 Having bought the stock of Stoves, Pumps, Hardware and Cutlery from G. W. SMITH, and, wishing to close the same, we will sell until July 1st, the entire stock at COST for CASH, has Albany Manufacturers o' 1EAM ENGINES CRISr AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON t-KGNTS AUD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, !H IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. , Special attention ,aid da of machhiorf o v pairing ll Pasterns Mado on Short Notice FQrtfuillef & living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona Sciontil Ically, Red CrownMills SOM, LANNING 4 CO., L SOPH'S. "EW PK0CKB3 FLOCR StTTKKIOR tOK FAH 1MB ahd bakers esa. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. Ban stock or !2nd ;oo1a lu the Va ley, nnd tho motit roast mle prices, both '.n b KeHing. 1 have on IihikI all k!jUo FUfiMTURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PlliTUI.ES i CLOCKS, CRQCKF.RY, ETC., ETC. door west of S E Tfoang' ol" trt L. COTTLIfcB City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant wiil be made H rut class n every reapeet. The public will bt given good meals at all hours for only 25 cents. Everything neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oysters In every style- DR. G. A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevae Hospital Medical Jollege Now York City. Diseases of w.man a speoialty. WOffio romaa's Brick, Albany, Or. kHELPS, Job Printer, l8t.St..,!ft Albany Smith & Co ', Manager. HEALTH Pit. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Prain Treatment a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, bisnu.BS, Cnnvul Ions, Kit., Nervous Neuralgia, He.dache, Nervous i r,,.iru,m cau.ou ny me use or alcohol or tobacco, VtHketulneHfl Mental Depression. Hnftonhu- of the Brule, resulting In Insanity ami leading to misery, decay Midilea.h, prematar. olil sr., barwiess. inns l- L iT n ovor-exertlon or tne brum bach be. 'wntainn one month', treatment, tl a boa or six boats ror 6, aunt by in.il preialU on receipt o prico. r v WE ",'T;KfTEK SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY ue. With e.ch order received hv u. for .ix hoxc. aec..niiue.i with as, wo will send the punhaierour written guarantee to refund tho money ir the treat ment doe. not effect a cure. Guarantee, issued only by i. A. Cummins, Druggist, sole agent, Albany, Or, NEW STOKE.- 3IITCIIELL, & IS WEALTH ! I rue DEALEHI IN AgricsaUisral ffiiiislcmeiits & Vclsicks P.jni8 2ndSe3 !Is. Permiit.ently cured wfthmit 0tttlniT, r.urnlnir rr Pi l.tttn(f. A perfectly palnleu trt-al merit and a uiiarit.ii iMd cur in every cno, no mutter how lmr utandi c This treatment, for Strom e. of l-r ltaktH'H ,n the Itr atwt liivory known t" niwllctre. It (tinnolvcs nd ctnipletpl removes the Stricture without sunny- 1 or in tu the patient. 5IS. POTiillar to their flex, an i not proper to tune her., incluillns; .11 th:.o delieale InflrmUio. and Weak new, whkh they woulii ahrliik fr.nn ilirel.mlnn to their family phvlci.n, permanently cured In 1c. time th.n ever knoirn to Medicine before, hy Dr Viieir. "New System ol Treitmenl." Ilrejuvenalos the eenitvunr.ryonr.n..tnl mnko. wc.k men.trona When llle. It i aliray. het to call lor personal cnnsulMtion and !cil .T.itln.ttan. nnt tho,. who cannot nnlwV eall, .hcmld write, iUtinit their e folly. HMUiino sent ay mail or exi rc... se.le.1, (roe from eiiure, to sll rts of the I'aciSc Cast. Ailitre... Win. A. Boioll, M. D. Portland, Oresaa. us ram i wnwiii - , . Corner First and I'ir.e stre.ts,oTerl'ortUr.d STRICTURE ! National Bank CRY OF MILLIONS. OH, TV BKCKl TOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BE TOO LATE. T have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and haw sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of Apri! I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner lliai 1 was oem over. When I ; at down it was almost impossible for me to ECt up alone, or to put on my clothes, whe kind ITovidence sent Dr. Henley, with t OKKGON KJDNKV TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost mirnculous effect, and to the aston- ishmtui of all the guests at the hotel. in a few days.I am happy- to sute, that I was a new man. - wii recommend the tea to all afflicted! as 1 have been. G. A. TUPPER, rroprietor Occidental Hotel, tianta Rosa, Cal. ANY HEADAGH iin.:t- ... isj While You Wait," but cures NOTHING ELSE. S-EV GOODS. LEWIS CO. ALBAEY, OREGOK. Conrad Mever. PW'KtttTC'.l OF- STAR BAKERY Cmuer Broaflalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN iiird rrtiiis, ( anueil Jleai, MtxaoMre. ftrpnairarv. rtrn Frnili. feKelablca. obHcan, 1'itcarN, Sognr N', 4'ollrr, Tea, Ktc lite., ' . . wythliiR that ia kopt In a n i . va snd grocery ore. Hlgbe o rttetp t aid for M KINDS OF PRODUCE. I l.atp,l IS if Highest of all in LeaTening Power.- ABSOUUIElf pros WHY WILL YOU coagh whcnSliilnh . Curo will givo Immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 50 cent! and SI. Foshay 4 Mason, agents. k EHILOirS COUGH andrConsumption Curt is sold by ua on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Foshay & Mason, agent,. hf i.JlDg Photographer A any Orejo. Me have boutfit all thenegatm emade by L W CUrk and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, lb&9. Implicates can be had from hem ouly of us at reduced tatea. We have also about 18,000 negatives mane by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like ia.es, We carry the ony luM line viewi i f thin state and do enlarge d vork at lowoit ritefl for first class work. e shall be pleased to see you at our Studio in Fi Oman's olook. no xt door to Masonic .ten. pie. AH rubber (Cods at cost fct Klein Bros, W. F. Kod keeps the best naaortment of fancy gocds in towu. A sure euro for the whisky iabit; Ur Livingston's Antidote for ifruii1 tuners will cure any enso of the liquor .iabit in trnm tun to thirty day", from the irndf-ratts drinker to the drunkard. The A irti(?oie cn le ivno in 1 cHp of flVo witht ut th knowledge of the person taking ;t. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in any vay. Manufactured Ly tho Livinyaton Chemical Co , Portland, Oregon cr from J A Caixmiug, '-ole fcgent, Albany. FOR DYSPErSIA and liver Complaint you hare a rrinte guarantee ou every bottle of Shiloh s Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Foshay & Maoon, agents. Whereto Get Them. When wanting mi orcan or plana call on G L Blackman vh"e tou can selpr.t from a first class t'JJ.tv. EaeUemcnl Rnna hiah in Albany at Foshav & Ma son's druir stori tr System Builder, evervbodv is nsinc it for Catarrh of the Rtnmach. Pranenaia. Constiiintion and Im pure Hlor.d. Try it : nd tell your friends about it as it mast lOss. istvonitrfal nmrita- whea ail spoak well of i. ,'reueh Tan.y Wafer. wafers are a sure and safe ; clfl. kindanf female troablei ar.i !' all obstruciions to the mor. 1 no mrtter what the cause, 'll fwhat every woman necl.,. ai The for a rcmot period are j; can b ised with safety. For sale I tli Livingstone Chcmlcai Co., also fron v sole nj;ent, J A Gumming, drugijif, Bu berg bock, A lbany, Oregon. 1 O O F. Albany :.out;e No 4 hold6 its regular tncetlnir Wednesday evening of eacli week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. Copyright, 1489. Tho eoAilvnlont. In Encllsh money, of JJ ISOO Was once oflVn-d hv an old lady in Itndon for the return or r. fnvorito cat which had strayed or boon stolen. Peoplo called her a crank," and perhaps she was. It Is unfortunate that ono of tho gentler ei should ever fruln thla title, yet many do. It la, however, frequently not their fnult. Often functional derange ments will apparently change a woman's en tire nature, fmn't blamo such sufferers tf they are ' cranky' hut tell them to uso Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription, which Is an In falllhlo remedy for " female weaknesses." " Favorlto Prescription " has ouml thou sands of poor, bed-rltldru suffering women of "fcmalo weaknine," painful Irregularities, ul cerations, organlo displacements and kindred ailments too numerous to mention. It la the only medicine for women, sold by druggists. under n no.ltlvA ornnrmiteo that It wl every case, glvo satisfaction or the price ($1.00) ider a positive srnaramteo mat it win, in 111 bo refunded, 111 bo refunded, Wonr.D'a DinrEXSAnr MfdicaXi ApsodA- noif. Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS Pnroly Vegetable and Perfeetly Hans, leas. Unenualod as a l.lver 1111. Snialleat, Chenpwt, Easiest to Tako. Ona Tiny, Rnrur-ronled Pellet asoae. Ciire. lick Meadnehe, Bilious) Headache, Constipation, ludlsreatlon, Billon. At tacks, and all derangement, of the Htocnaco and bowels. S3 cent a vial, by drunKta, U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, AN 1NDECUAT A dispatch from South Dakota on the night following the election of Kyle says: Senator elect Kyle defines hii position and political tendencies in the following remarks made to night before a meeting of the inde pendents and democrats at Ticrre: "When two forces acting in opposite direc tions meet they produce a new force, which continues to move in a direction different from either of f he other force. This new force L called in mechanics a resultant. Tonight I feel that I am a resultant formerly a republi can, then an independent and now that I have been elected by both parlies I am a resultant of both parties. I am an Indecrat, I have always been in fsvorofa new tariff, and alxut four years age, when the republi can party decided in favor of a high tariff, it was too much for me, and I sorght a more congenial party, which I found in the demo cratic party. After the independent part wag formed last year I found that its principle8 were still more congenial. The independent cannot affiliate with the republicans. The re publican's ring rule and high tariff ;ave made affiliation impossible' The democrats clain that Senator Kyle may be counted wilh them 03 party issues, and it is believed that he has pledged h mseif to this effect He acknowledges that he owes his election to the democrats, who voted for him on receiving assurances from Illinois that the alliance would support Palmer or some other democrat. All the party leaders admit that In the future South Dakota will be classed among the doubtful states. The election of Kyle wil; strengthen the democratic and weaken the re publican party in the state. TI1K (iOLUF.. RULE BAZAAR, Has a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which got luiunacupn tumuicic nsEoiMuciib, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird" cages, nliish goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph booka. scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Koger JJros. lt47 silverware. e w leli to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for HUB blue, wrucii stiveo luu uem ui nulla faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and linking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea und can of backing powder drawl a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass wnre. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you WRnt, and will be shown over the etore and be treated kindly hy my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods'are'all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jri.ii s Gradwohi. SHILOH'S CL'RE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Foshay & Ma-.on; atreDts. Cloaks at cmt at W F Read's. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiluh's Cure. VuoT of merit. The proof ( the tin rit-J d a platter a the :t' it e(T"ctt, and the voluntary teatimo- til.'. ' I '.nose v. no nave ue ftlitoe. e 1 or- nn. P nnere du'ina the pn.t thirty yes's is nitiintieachstila evidi noe ,f I hur superiority .ndthoula convince the an St sltepticrl. Self-prvire i. no recnrnmenilatinn, but cer titicstes frnm tliosewho lt.veut.ed t'lfln nre. Beeer-p of imitations and do not he deceived by n"trepreeei.ta'i.n. A"h for AlleneW'e, and let no tn'ioitt.tirn orexpl. nation induce you t- aceep, r ntbetile'e. AI:eoek Coin and rSltuin Miields effect quick ai.d certain relief. Xctice to Farmers. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, nnd all kinds of farm produce, for which 1 will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for good H. W. Simsos, Albany, Oregon New Blacksmith SiitH". G V Willis has just completeu his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second nnd Railroad streets where all kind, of Iron and wood work can be nad and done In first class order Bring on youi ilows, wagons, etc., etc for repa ir WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep.ia and Ltvr Complaint! Shiloh aj V ita'izor is guaranteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, msoo miserable kw that terrible cough. Shilnh'sCuie is the Remedy for yen. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ATerrlbleifTalr. Lonuon, Feb 26. The great event of the rVy was the launching of the two new 10,000 !on ironclads at Portsmoulh. The weather as fine and the brilliant spectacle was wit nessed by an enormous crowd. The queen performed the launchirg ceremony with her arcustomed ease of manner, though just before the programme was begun she had showa signs of considerable excitement, owing to a heated discusiion with the l'rince of Wales. The queen and prince were observed to be quarreling for several isinutes as they stood beneath the ship's bows. Her majesty's man ner was imperious, while that of the paince betrayed extreme irritation and he seemed to be defending himself from some imputation cast upon him by bis august mother. . Both dispu tants became so Hushed as to threaten apo plexy, and witnesses of the scene were much relieved when the tilT was over. Of course no one ventured to intercede with the parties to Ilia dispute, and all pretended not to have, observed it. The supDosition is that the trouble grew out of some trilling breach ol etiquette on the part of the prince, who is not as punctilious in tliese matters as the queen is. District Tracker's Institutes. Salem, Feb 26 School S.perintendent McElroy is arranging the programmes fcr teacher's district iustitutes to be he'd during the year. One for the second district, em bracing the counties of Benton , Coos, Curry, Douglas and Lane is to be held at Koseburg for three days, commencing March 24. That for the third district, being the counties of Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill, at Albany, beginning the 31st of March and closing April 3d. Fc the fifth district the institute will be held at Forest Grove April 7 to 10. and embraces the counties of Clacka mas. Clatsop. Columbia and Washington. Killed by a Bnuwslirie. Crested Butte, Colo, Feb sfi. A snow slide swept over the Bullion King mine, at Irwin, yesterday, carrying away the boarding house end Superintendent Ki e'l's dwelling. Mrs Ed Clark and rhild and B F Smiley are still buried in the slide, with little hope of re covery auve. The UeTolullon. Euen-os Ayres, Feb. 26. Additional advices received here from Chilli state that the bombardment of Iqulque by the In surgents resulted in great loss of life and heavy damage to property. Afleithe sur render ot tne city ire rebels entered and attacked the stores and residences on the six principal squares and completely wrecked them It is known that 260 women and children perished In the ruins of the 6acked buildings. CATARRH CURED, health and Weet breath aecured,by Shiluh's Catarrh Remedy. Price bO cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo shay & Mason, agents. ' Honey 10 Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on lis at our office, opposite th- ever. house, Burkmart &' -Cheney. A M&SAI INJECTOR free with each bottle if Shiloh a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 centa. Fohay& Mason, agents . tnpeu.y. This is what you ougnt to have, n fact you must have it, to enjoy life. . Tbonsauds ara searching for it daily, SDd monrnlng be cause they hnd it not. Thousands npon thousands of rlollara are spent annually by our people in the hope that they mav attain this boon. And vet it may be hsd by all. Wa guarantee that Electrio Bitters, if used according directions and the use persisted in, w briog ynu good diuostioo and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Kuprp.y. We recommend Elcctrie Bitters for Jy.pci'ia ard all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle by Foshay & Mason, druggieta. The ONLY place in the ty where Eist era tickets can b. purchaa is of W. L. Jester, at the Southern Facitlo Co's ticket office "HACKMETACK,' a lasting and oraut perfume. Prico 25 aid 50 cants. fr Fo fthsy & Maton, sger.ts. E.an & Achison handle toe celebrated Portland ceni6nt waIIs for eelretery lota. Thehe walls chu be furnished at half the cost of any other nnd are far superior. Dncklen's Arnica Salve. The botf S.l. In thw world for C'uts.Urulse-.Sor Ulcere, S!t Kheuin, Fever s ire., Tetter, Clinpp ' li.nd., Ch.ihlalns, Corn., snd .11 Skin Krnptio . tioeitivelycure. I'ilevjr no Py ronulrod. U is uuar nt.od to irive perfect satll.utHni, or money rer jnd d. l'ric. '15 cenu per hux, Vor sa'e by Foshu) and tlss-jn Prenonneed llupetess. Vel aavetl. From a letter written by Mr Ada F2 Hurd of Groton, S D, we quote: "Was tskeo with a bnd cold, whi.'h settled on my Lungs, congh set in fed fiually terminated in Con oumptwn. Four doctors (tave mo op saying I could live but a short time. I gave my self np to my Saviour, determined if I could not tay with oiy ftisnila cn earth, I would met t my absent ones alove. My husband was advised to pet Dr King's New DieCover erv for t'onsuutytion. Coughs ar,d Colds. 1 cave it a trial, took in all eight Lotties; it has cured me and th.nk God Iam.Hclland hearty woman." Trial butties free at Fo shav & Mason's drug store, regular siza, 50a and $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a rnsi'ive enr. for Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canlter-Meutb. Fcshay & Mason, agents. SHILOH'S VITAI.IZKR is what vo need for (.kia.tipatiua, Leas ot Appetite, Diz aineas, and ad suiatnn of Dyspepic.: I rice 10 sad 7tr ' I