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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1891)
n a, VOL. ill. A LISA NY. OKEUON, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ,5, 181)1. NO 251 UtiL Having- bought tho stock of Stoves, Pumps, Hardware and Cutlery from G. W. SMITH, and, jwishing' to close the same, we will sell until July 1st, the entire stock at COST for ha L. W. PARKER, Manager. Albany IRON WORKS M.uitifitoMi !- o'- 1EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW KILL MACHINERY IRON 1-KCfiTS AKO ALL KIPOS OF HEAVY AND LICH1 WORK, I?! IRON KNO BRASS CASTINGS. ' attention M da of maehlnun wiring PaUrrns Made on Short Notict FortmiKer k Irving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona Scientil lcally. EedCrownMills :S0M. LANMNH & O.. 120PR'S. AND BAKKR8 CB. KESTSTORACF FACILITIES. ;oc'k or 2t.l f!V ;onds tn tlis Va Jftfi and itm niiiHt rnasi- aio prh:e., boili b follinir. i bve on hand llk!iiu. FlIIiNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES : CLOCKS, CRGCKFRY, ETC., ETC. . do.r west of S E YonDg's oil" nn L. COTTLItB City RestanniBf. nil popular rentaurniit will b madn first )m n every ro.pcct. Tho politic will bt jivfn (food m.als at all houra for ouly 2fi wnt. Kvcrj thing n.nt and attractive. Irivat. boxes. Oyatera Id every atyle. DR. C. A. WHITNEY, Physician andSurgeon. Graiuate of Bellevna Hospital Medical college Now York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. "OIBo rumaa'a Brick, Albany, Or. (HELPS, Job Printer, 10 a I (MpgJSni CURES I W0$B$- i7)Arr?dHEfiiCHEl 1st. St. ."Eft Albany mm Smith & Co HEALTH IS WEALTH ! :1 Wt. K.C. WEST'S Nervo v.l Dln Treatment m unnve-(i ifwjm.imr Hysteria, IMzziimms, Cuivul iioiii, Vt a, Nertmis Neurljfi, Hmtl.irhe, Nervoiij 'r.trtlm L-iiietl by th of alohoi or ubcco, Hnk-rfulftvw, MrmM M .ft- ninp vt the Hrai resulting In lii-u.l-y imtfitiip to ml-cri, Jrvav iJ.lo.h, i-rvnnt'in. .,.) btrruimcM ls II ri t 1 nttil hv Kucli tains una muii-liN tr. atmoiit, tjl a u x Mix bo. for,, wmt hy mtil lire ailurt rj :lit o price. WB filTARAXTEK SIX OXKS TO .'URB ANV case. With u-!i onlir rwelveti by us fi r six boxes, accimipanteilwith .', we will wn.l th .urchaor our written (piaintn tt reCum! Die nione- t( tlie trrst ineiit tloeR not effect a cure. Guarantees Issue,! only by J. A. Ciimtmns, Drutfytst, sole ajfant, Album , Or. NEW STOllE.-Su 3IITCIIELL. ..... I fS "xLs-? I NOTHING ELSE. -DKALKHH AgrkultEsrai Siiiplemctiis & Veiikles J Pome .na Scb Us. PcrmaiiOntly ctirrd wftlnmt Cuttin?, Tltinilnj t r Ti lattng. A terfwtly painlcm trout men t ami a uiumi" teed cure in sverv y e, no mat'er how utardi' This treat mi-tit. for S'.rictu e. of Ir lfcixells,ls lla jrr at est discovery known to medicine. It 'ifxlvi.-s nd comptuloly renmvca tha StrlL-lurc without aunoy l or iain to tho patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to tiielrHcx, ant not proper to name her, inrtudinv all thm delicate Itiflrmilien and Weak ncffftes, which thoy would shrink from di-wl.ttiujr to their family physician, pormanently curl in hs time than was ever knoa-n to Medicine 1 of.tre, by lr floxell's "New Nvstetn of TreHnen.,' It rejuvenates the cenlto-unr arj- orifans and weak men etroiiir When possible. It Is always best to call tor personal consultation and incial exair. nation. Hut those who cannot pos-iiMy call, should write, statin? their case fully, Medline tent Hy mail or express, sealed, free from exosurc, to all prts of the PariSc Coast. Address, Win. A.BosclI, M. D. l Paul D lp.aiurr. r.rllaad. r. Corner r'irnt and I'irestreets.JiTefJI'uilliliil National Bnk STRICTURE ! CASH, THE CRY OF MILLIONS j" OH, 7UIV BTSCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE. disease of the kidneys and have tried many different reroedils and hav sought aid from different phyaiciap without relief. About the i.sthof Anri I was aurTcrirnr from a very violent attack that almost orostratetl me in such n manner tnat I was betitover. When I at down it was almost impossible for me to pet t p alone, or to put on mv clothes, w he tind Providence sent Ir. Henley, with t ukjui jviinuy it A, to my hotel. I immediately commenced fisuip the ten. Jt had an almost miu.ciiloua cifect, and to the aaton ishmL'itol alllhc aueats at the hotel. ui a lew oays.i am nappy to state, mat i was a new man. . will recommend the tea to all afflictc a i uavc been. G. A. TUPPER, l'roprietor Occidental Hotel, banta Kosa. Cal. SSXEW GOODS. & LEWIS CO. IN- ALEAKY. OREBOH. Conrad Muver. -I'lU'I'lilK'!''' OK . STAR lUKEliy CniiiBi' Broadalbin and First Sis., -DEAI.EK IN nurd KruitK,, rlen FrollH. ' nbaoco. ioar ( annul Mvut-, tfflalXPH, Tu. Kic K1, ' v . 'erytblng that Is kepi In t, Ken ii a ra land grocery oro. Hlglie ft rVstp t aid for Ml KINDS OF PRODUCE. i a: t 4 I ft I Jib r T!c Kighest of ail in Learening Fower.- krzm Powder AESOIAJTEIY PURE WHY WILL YOU -.oatfi whenShiloh'a Cure v.i 1 give Immediate relief. Price 10 wutt, 50 ceuta aad $1. Foshay & MaBcn, RHH.Oirs COUGH aad''Coanmption Oun ia sold by u. on a gna'antee. It cures oonmmption. Fosliay 6c Mason, agents. t i (diiigPIiotograiiUera A any Oregon. A e havo boniilit all them i-ativi made by L V Clark ani W Greet ood tip to Nov 15th, 18SD. iJiitilicatta c;u be htvl from hem (irly of us at reduced intes. We hav also about 1S,000 ucjativei made by our selvtn, fr.Kii which duplicate! cad be had at like la os. We carry the tm y full line nf viewi i i this state and do enlarg'd work at lowettrttes for first clabs work. V. onhall be pleased to see yon at our Studio io Kiomaa'a blouk, next door to oiasocic 1 en. pie. Atl n.blier U uU Klein Er W. F. Re ui keeps tho beet i?ortn.ent of tkUcy giictii ;q touu. A Sire Cure for the whisky labit. Ir ivinirstfVa Antidote for tbun eur.ftfs will fure any cane of the liquor nihil in imm ten t. thirty days, from the trod miedriuker to the drnnkard. The Aitidoecrn be given iu i cap of co fTe a vith iit th knowledge of thn pen-on taking it. The Antidote will not injure the healtn many way. Manufactured .y the Livinestfin Chemical Co , Port laud, Oregon cr fnun J A Cummii'K, 'olo agent, Albany.; FOR DVSPKI'MIA nd iiver Complaint you have a trinte guarantee ou every bottle .f hil'ih a Vitalizar. It never fails to cer. Foshay & ?.!ason, acntp. Whereto GstThkm. When wanting vt organ ur niana call on b L Ulackman h "e you ran Bert from a first class to,- Kxrilrment Hnna hih iu Albany -t Fot-hav Sc M aoii'a ttmn aror . er Sstin HuihUr, as evervl-odv ia nsirir for Catarrh f fche St'-n-'-ch. T)ymtpia. Costi .ration and Im pmc I'liMd. Try i id 'c1' vottr ti od afK-nt it at it niat pob fcnn'Vful tn-rits wheu a tprak wH nf i 9-teurh Tansy Wafers wafers are a sure and sife 'II- . (01 a rcir.'j pt rluu kiiuitof female trouble: ar. vn.' nil obfitrucMons to the mor. 1 no miittcr what the caue. Tl : whnt evcrv woman neco at i are ji can be iscd with safetv. For sale I th Li' ine,tone Chemical Co also fron v sole uent, J A Cummin, druggist, Bi. herybjek, A Ibany, Oregon, 1 O O F. Albany Louge No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. Tho equivalent, In EnRli!h money of $3.(100 was onecMilT r livanohl lady In fnndon f or the return of a fit v . irito cat which had strnyc-d or btn stok't!. J't-oplo called hera"Tank," and perhaps a'im wan. It in unfortunate that one of tho pcntif-r ex ehould evrr Kain this title, yd nruiv du. It 1.1, howrvor, frufjucntly nut their inult- Often functional dfrango mento w II npparcntly clianre a woman's cn tiro mtiir. lie, rt nltimc eurh euffwi's If the; an " ornr.kv." hut tell tliem to uso Dr. IV'rco'b r-ivoriti-" 1'roacrtpt Ion, which Isnn iu ialllr..! r itu-iiv lev "female- woakwsps." J's :ito I'rvfu'iiptlon" rirw curt-U thou san'' r t,r. b-' Tiddrn miffiTlnic women nf "ferriflii c'ltkni' x,' painful irrrfrulnrltirs, ill eeratl"r in-anic didpluccments and kindred ailrm c-K nn:iiprVu8 to mention. It is tho onlv rr' io fur Momon, (nld by dnfrfrittd, undr: j, c-tHitivf s;naraiiteo that It will. In every tn' . riv MtiijtacUou or the irice t(1.0U) will b : . I'lr-'K-'t. Woi i - ii! i.; N.ATtr MrnirxL Afsocza tiok. i'i-irl tor.-!, lulfalo, 2i Y. Dr. riSECS'S PELLETS Pnrcl IT K.'iiililo nl Perfectly Harm. riiimnrat. I'i:.' ut Tmkn. OnO Xlnr. ru. 1 ii.'iiii. mi uij.-iiimUM firt ft Liver a-lll. oinaurm, Hiiimr --.( 1 .'cllel a Currs $1 :tt t tMlloue Ifeadacba, oii.iIibc1i.:i. ,.li;i'allnii, Hllloaa lb tarlt. p .1 ... I .!"rt iiTctncnUof the tftnmacb tiiJ Vi J. -' i ::u a Tlal, If druggist. t " m' ' " Coi jrlg LI, lS9L IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, jSBo, Farmers Alliances are soon to be orgonized hroughoul this state. If e;ch one proves to be as fine and efTerttve a means of educating the people of the rural di'tnets up (o a knowledge of the oulrcgeous burdens imposed upon them by the McKinley hill, as they did in Kansas .ebraska, and outer states they will prove ih msclvs tcil pdhtic benefactors. These or sniza'ions throughout all sections ol the coun try have emphatically declared against the vic ousness of a hih tariff and the will very likely au ttic saoe to Oregon. The best LVidcu.e that the republicans have a lung bullenug dread of Clevdland. may be found in ihe liiat ulnle iliry contemp late hi prububic tiouiinaiiun lor the picsidency, they are concuciinu atl s'.ories about his declining, and al;uul the hopeless divisioii ir iht dcmociatic paity his nomination would entail. They aume all round to advise dciii ccrats what to do in ilt premise! but their advice is :oochf;j lor consideration. THE tlOLUE III IF. BtZiaU, lias a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocinedes and manv other itoods which gol to makeup a complete assortment, besides a complete line ot lamps 01 every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, Irlassware, bird cases, plush izoods, such as albums, toilet sets, autoeraph books, scrap liooks, cliildrcn'6 A 15 U picture Dunks, and all goods that are carried in a liazaar store, including Roiter ISros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the uoluen Kule prize oamng powder and too, put up expressly for this t-ade. which irives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lotli the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Kule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, wnen in Albany, at the Golden Rule Jiazaar, a you will bo sure to find what you wtjt, and will lie shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. Sly goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. J r Li is Gbadwoui. A N4SA1 INJECTOR Ireo with ench hnule f Shiioh s Oarirrh Uauiely. l'riee 50 ceptN. K.nnay.S: Mhou, seat SHILOU'SCCRS will immediately ro tievp Crnu 11, Whooping Cough and Krnucliitis. Fo.hay &,; amenta. Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only $3 a cord. Leave onlcM ut 1' W Spii.ks' lumber yard. One ha:f dollar rt-ducl-wn on cverv pair bf Ludlow's tin hhofif. A good hneotthtm 1 UK Wang's. Kt.'i it in your' niod that. Allen Bro pro pot-o keeping th ki:id of erncne the publt demands. Thir HtocU is a line one A I'ne stock nt Ucn eutiuiiiH 90 cents toJIO '.o suit th cut-lonier, at Fortlnll'.er & Irving',. cuoui. wiiuukmj nii'aii id ltroiu-!iit; immediaitly rt-lieved by Shihh' Cure. IVeof n. Merll. onf r,f il, e i m'.1 (fa piait.r a Ilia Th. pr e 1 ilf.ctF, ard lio.' v.i!uitr ttntiti.o iu!. of hme m Im, ti.v, Ufet Allcock'a I'or oux V ( dti'loii ihe pant thiity yfa-s is iiiiimpi.'.i lifhli' iviilcncn ol then superinrit) II I .fc -u!a convllicti the m Ht skeptic!. Si lf.pni.n m 1,0 rt-coniirvn'Utinn, l.nt cer tiriv-JiW'H from those who I sve UHe,l thfntarc. Hi'wvio of i...itmi-i-n aud do not he deceived h rni.ri-uvtt.('iita'.i"i,. A-k lor Alh-ock'i., ihI let no Miettnti,,n or . xpUna'ion induce ..U to ;,ccep I tthhrtihtte. Ailwwkr..:n aid ctni.:.w M.i.lJs effect quick slid c.rt.ln reii.f: Notice to 1 aiimkrs. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, goe?c, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, egv'H,.ntid all kinds of farm piodtico, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchangi'for good-. W. W. Sims'.s, Albany, Oregon Nw Blacksmith Slim- G V Willis has just complclei. his blacksmith shop at the comer of Second and Railroad streets where nil kind of Iron and wood work can he nad and done in first class order Bring on yoin ilown. wagor... etc., etc (or repp 1 ' WILL YOU SL'FFKR with Dyspepsia and Liwr Complaint ? Rliilnh's' Vitalisnr is guarsnteerl to cure you. SLKKPLKSi NinilTS. msdo miserable h n,t terrible ccnarh. Shiloh'aCnre is the Kemrdy for yen. TELEGRAPH NJ NEWS. Toe California Hood. San r'RANcrsco,. Ktb 24. Lktest reports show that the Morra is about over. Serious damage has been done 10 railway property, especially in the southern poilion ol the state. rmuuu tiuijuii, on rue line entering Los Angeles from this cily, is in almost as bad a condition as last year. Much of the new and costly work, which required ten months 10 complel", has suffared from the storm For 50 miles, between Seven Talmj and Yuma. the ..ires are down, and nothing definite known of the condition of the track. The Sunset route will probab.y be inaperative for a week, and no tickets to Acw Orleans will be sold at present. Several cases of drowning are leported as the result of ihe Hood. At Duarte, the family of Wells, husband, wife aud child, were drowned. They were recently from Iowa. The bodies have not been found. The liouies cf two Mexicans were also seen floating away on the torrent. In the vicinity ol Downey City ihe country is flooded. The country west ol there to Ihe sea is one vast lake. A French loy is reported missing, and is supposed to be drowned . The rainfall for the storm was 4.37 inches. Kor the season, 1 1 :2j inches. Waahliigl.os M'liral :rep Tacoma Feb 24. The prssdecls for the Washington wheat crop for 1891 have leen brightened v:ry considerably by the heavy fal1 of scow east of the mountains dining the bat week. Superintendent Curdin, of the North ern Pacific Elevator Company, w ho has just returned Irom eastern W'ashiugton, says: "The fnnwfalt will supply the necessary moisture needed to insure a wheat crop.', lie estimates the entire crop of ihe northwest for :8oi at 16, 00c, 000 bushels, 12,000,000 of which were for export. niu)icef llalflc, MassowaH, Feb 24. lie iialian native levies, hommanded bj Captain Rinelii, have inflicted two severe defeats on Ihe Soudanese. Six hundred Soudanese raided the frontier of Italian territory near iJun. In revenoe for alleged injuries the Italian native forces sur prised them, rcuied them after two shrp con- iiicis anu Kinea 200. including several chiefs. An Indian Killed. Pexdletox, Or., Feb. 24. Yesterday' v.cs'-bouna freight train struck an Indian . twenty miles east of here, lie was picked up out of a snowbank, where he was thrown with great force, and brought to Pendleton. It was found that his hip had been dislocated and nil head cut, but his injuries are not necessarily fatal The un fortunate Indian is deaf and durrb, which accounts for his not getting off the track, as the engineer used the whistle repeat edly. gonial American strikers. Rio Janerio, Feb. 24. Strikes are ex tending and paralyzing business. Labor ers on the Central road have struck. Trallic is stopped and the military is keep, ing order. Cloaks at coat at W F Read'a. Hoaey to Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our ollice, opposite the Severe house. Bl'rkhart S -Ceexey. Gnpep.j. Thin is what you ougnc to have, n fact ynu must have it, to enjoy lifu. Thonsanda . nm searching for it daily, and ir.onrnlng be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thensands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they mav attain this boon. And vet it may be had by all. We guarantee- that Electric Bitters, if ased sccoldiug dircctiona and the use persisted in, w bring ou good dike.tlon and oust the demon Dyspepsia bd install instead Eupipry. We recommend Electrio Bitters for )ypf 1 is ard all nisensea of Liver, Stoniach and Kidney.. Sold at 50o and $1 per I ntt!e by oshay & lssou, drugista. Thn ONLY place in the ty where Est etn tlcketa cau h. purrhaa is of W. L. Iater, at tho .Southern l'aciliu t'u's ticket iflioo "HACKMETACK,' a gMnt Dflrfuine. Price 25 elny & Maron, sgenta. listing and id o0 ueui. f F. E -nri A Achi.on hucdlo tne cpiebrsled Portiat'd conientwrtlis for serretery Jots. ThHae wall, con l- furnished at half the cost nf miy nth-r and iiro Ur superior. Ituckleirji Arnica Salve. The best Sl"fl In tlie rnrH (;r 'ur.,nruU'j,Sors I'li'-r., Salt llhpuin, t'.Tar .ra., rttar, tjhapr h-iii'l.., O'irnf, alio all Skin Krnnttu 1 .,Hi:!vvly,mrt'H I'ila.i.or no p.v rtapiinal. It la trnar iitfl-i l t,i ci lrfoi:t aitisracllon, or monay leluoa J. I'i'ica 20 cent, per box. For sw!t by loshy ami UA.on Pron.nitrril Hopeless Tet Havrit. From a letter written by Mr. Ada E Huril of (iroton, S 1, weqntitel "Waa tr.kon with a b.d coid, which settled 011 my I. miss, couuiis Sfct in sr.d linslly terminated in Con sumption. Knur -l clors Kkvit rre up saying I ctuld live but a thnrt tlr.i'. I trave my self np to try Savit ur, nc-terniini ii if I 0'n!d uot .tay with n;,y frirnda i.n enrtb, I Wv.uid niei-t my absent one. above. .My liushsud wan advised to t I'r Kiitu's New Ditcover cr for Consumption, Coub. ard Colds. 1 cave it a trial, took in all eivhi Lottler; it hi. cured m. ard th.nk (id Ism a well ami heart y woman " Trial buries free at Ko shay ti Maaon'adiUK store, lesularsize, 50a sndil. SHII.OH S CATARRH REMEDY a lo-i.ive cum fur Catarrh. Dipl.tbtiia and It. Fishay & )l , a.ku.ts. SlULOU'rl VITAI.IZt'R is wh.t v. Deedfoi Coa.tiralion, Lot. nt Appetite, Dir sineas, .ml all asaapum. of DjatMpiv. I ric It sa 'i .sals r b.tti.. n T