PtiliilHioil every day In the week ex M) suuday. STITES 1 M'TTIMi, Eililorx and Frop'rs. Pilfered ltlie Mont OlHiw at Ailiany, Or eKOll, HHflOfKl CH1H IIDtll IliaU'tr. ruiAi., I l!!tlt I All 4. mot, cirr uyi'c,r. pai-eh. HiKIIL l l'IU(lt.. t.OCAl-- ItECOlMX Kaki.v Vi'BiuirioH. AevunliiiK t Hie records in tlie comity clerk' otlico, W N lirillilli anil Nancy Slmw were Itie lirat pontile married in l.inn county. 11 L l'.idwn wan J I'. Tli'm occurred on JnW K, 1SS0. No 2 wiiH Unit of Jesse llunkit mill Nancy ViiiikIiii. No :l was l It Jloniimn mill Amelia Alliinc, on Oct 10, 1S50, I iy II M Walter, elder. No 8 wan Win K I'inley mid Militan t Toniiileton, on May 1:1, IS.V, by Uev Wilson lilain. Jtoli were I. S llelin i.inl Amanda Ha ley, on Auk U- llS.i2, by Hulit iliiidon, J 1'. Holiert ( iIiikh and .lane (iruy were married on Feb .S,, by WiUun Ulaiu ; W F Alexander and Anna Newman, on Fell l.'i, 1S5.1. UrSII Irvine's lirxt cere mony was tliat of James M I lantern and Jlary J Mcllnrtney, on Jan !", ll-M. 1 1 in next was Hint of John Smith mill Klia betli S Yoiin. Tlio names of Joab l'owcll mid lienj Simpson appeal' at the Ixittoin of Home of tho certilleateH of those days. No 52 was Win Kalston and Laura Denny, on .March 10. IMiil, liy Kev I.utlicr I Woodward. Adam Seltle luire and Lotiisu Nanny were married on Jan mi, lHTil. Oliver 1' Coshow mid Sarah K Cochrane on Sept l.ri, 1H.".'I, mul so the record, an iiitertHting one, continues. Sthkkt I'avkmknt.s. Tiio city of Salem is contemplating paving several blocks on Commercial street ill that city, and as the matter of pavement isalsoof vital irtercst to Albany, wo irive tho linures of citv surveyor Ueuner on dillcrent kinds of avenient. as follows: Vitritied brick, laid over broken rock : cedar blocks, over broken rock : square stone Mocks (llclgian puviii";) over concrete or broken rock; asplialtum, over concrete The estimated costs of paving the streets in the several manners is, ny tlie siuaro ynru,na follows: nncn, io or proii' ably less, depending oif the price of vit rified brick : cedar blocks, JF'-i flC : stone cubes, $3 BO; Rsphaltuni. 4. The cost of paving four blocks on Commercial street, anil the same amount would nrobablv pave six of our blocks, which are shorter, and our streets just two- minis me wiuui, wouiu oe, iiiciiiiuo pavement nf street car tracks, brick, $1)4, 405.2."!; cedar blocks, $:l ,277.50; iielgian, :;,7HS.,r;0; asplialtum, lf."'0,04l. E 1) Hagi-n, the miner, of lliownsville, wan In i he city lo da v. Mr t 'ass Humphrey, of the state print ing olllce, is in the city. l'rof MitJiell. who has liccii teaching school near Shcdd (luring the fall and winter, is in the city, Frank Iiorris returned to Albany last night after an absence of several month at 1'ortlaiiil, Seattle and other places r Henry, of I'.rownsville, was in the citv toilav on Ins wav home from Salem where he has liecn most of the time for several months. The anniversary exercises of the Wo man's Crusade, held at tbn W 0 T U hall last evening, were of an interesting order. Short and entcrtainingaddresses were ilehvereil bv the president of the W C T i:, Mrs K K Sox, and Mrs Dr McAllii-ter. Songs were rendered by the 1'aptist male uuartet and a mixed chorus, and Hev I II Hughes, of the Christian church, delivered tho address 01 the eve-ing, a bright, thoughtful effort, The Anol In c ub reivnlum last cven- nir at. the residence of .Mr and Mrs F F. oil, was one ot the most enjoyame events of the eason. After the render ing of several seleetiens of music by the Apollos, the company, which consisteu the mcmiK-rs oi tne ciun, incir wives. and a few invited friends, was tendered an eleeant lunch nreoared bv the host ess. The time was then spent in social intercourse until a late hour, w hen tin coniiianv returned to their various home feeling that the evening had been one of proht. oai.vii.ii:, This w inter, especially tlio last three weeks, tias been verv iiaru on stock I) K Iiinkin lias lost four head nf cattle and has two more down. C V Yates has one cow on the lift. The fore part of the w inter was so nice that this sud den change lias got aw ay w ith the stock H M Stone is grubbing on the land lie recently bomrht of the Smith estate; he intends to plant out a largo peach or chard. Tho winter term of school closed last Friday. Work lias not commenced on the A & O motor line, but the people of Oakville are doing their part ot tne talk, ine are able with that kind of capital. Canadian Farmers' Wife throws out hint that she knows Amicus. It may be possible that she does, if so please not give us awav. We would ask why she does not sign herself "Carpenter' Wife," or "School Marin." Perhaps w don't know you .' The steamboats liave been runnin; above Corvallis the past week, for tli hrst tunc this winter. Mrs Hamilton, a pioneer lady, Is lying unngerously HI at her home near nere Mr Will, of Albany, was here the fore part ot the week, uoine again, anu nei us with our motor line and "gaB works, Wo might call it the "gas-o-line." AMICl'S. Money is w hat counts. For that rea son no counting is being done at present mis precinct. (jrant County iews. "Sarah I Wager-Will II Happy," forme uiihiiiu combination of names under he list of "Married" in a recent number of n Chicago paper. In its last issue the Malheur Gazette iivs: "Weston the nrcss to marry .Morg Logan to Mrs F.lla Kinnieat the ale Intel. Particulars next week." The editor is probably a J. I'., like many edi tors sort ot a jack ol all trades. How todisiiosc of the Indians lias icen thoroughly and nromutlv settled n an illustrating in I'm k, iuxt out. It is to send a Salvation Army into their country. Some men mode more money on the Lake I.abish accident than they will make in several years otherwise; but ney are entitled to it, and no one envies thein tho fact. The poor men who were killed can never be paid :n money value. A COMMISBCIAI. IIIKTOK5 OK Al.HANY. The 1emoci!at is nsglad to commend merit where it is due, as it is free to con demn wrong whro it sees it. The Me tropolitan Publishing Co. are getting up a Commercial History of A'bany, which, judging from the company's work in other cities, the Dkmochat believes to be a commendable thing, in fact by far the best ever attempted here. The illustra tions will be purely of Albany scenes, and tlie previous work of the company indi cates thai they will be of a very high order. The wrlteups are to show the commercial importance of the city. We believe tho work when completed will be one our citizens will take a pride in sending back east to their friends. Spo kane Falls and other Washington cities have spent thousands of dollars in such works. Albany may well invest several hundred in what promises to be a worthy production. Put your money in good things and keep it out of shoddy all'airs is a good motto. Action Now. The City Council should immediately take steps for joint action with the County Court for the construc tion of a bridge over the Willamette at this city. There should be no delay. The people of Albany have expressed themselves emphatically on this ques tion. They want a bridge almost to a man. No comment on tiiis part of the subject is necessary. Action is the war cry now. The people of Albany and Linn county are in a good condition now to build it. Lets have no excuses. Kx . cases are lame anyway. Will the Coun cil move in the matter at once. Tn the ei-ncralanoronriation bill passed bv the leiMHluture is an item of $1,705 for repayment to Clatsop county for care of non-resident poor. Now the question arises, w hy is Clutsop entitled to an ap propriation lor keeping non-resident poor any more than Linn orany other county. The chicken with L'old in its crop has been rc-discovcred ; this time the bird is in the Nehaleni and a resident of this citv, of undoubted veracity, is authority for the storv. J he (rent email in ouestion owns a timber claim in the valley, and while there last week had occasion to slaughter a chicken. In slitting its wind pipe some glittering particles fell out, which on examination proved to be vir gin gold of the character designated as shot gold. Arguing that there is aplace nunc on the place the gentleman pro poses doing some prospecting. Astorian. Oreeon is to have ."0.000 with which to make an exhibit at the World's F'air. The ninnpv bad lust as well be thrown into the Columbia river for all the good it will do. We hope the governor will veto it F.ast Oregonian. The Senate did the vetoing, nevertheless the bill should have passed. Oregon Bhould have made a -showing at least. As it is we will have to rely on the real estate men and boards ot trade lor a represen tation in Chicago. The following original item appears in tlie Astorian : Amid the slush of yesterday a man wandered down Third street and stopped in front of a pile of trunks. On one was the legend : t ' V"t ; This size for $10. : "So do I," said the wanderer, as ho passed on. jsow who sees tne point at tne nrst lance. Fink Oil Paintinus Mr A W Best, who has been conducting a large class in Salem, has on exhibitition in the store opposite Stewart & Sox, on F'irst street, a valuable collection of the most noted and picturesque views on the Pacific coast, the result of three years' skctch- g, and which are pronounced by all ho havo seen them, to be the finest er exhibited ill Albanv. He has also some ligure pieces by Tojetti, the teutons San Francisco artist, who is acknowl- Iged by all to bo second to none in flesh its. The object of this exhibition is to ve the public an opportunity to judg" air nest's worrf, as he is here to or- mize a class in oil painting, and all ho are interested in art should call and see him. They will be on exhibition for the next two weeks, during the day and evening. Was Hkes Tried. How to gel a home In a good country having a cellghtful limate, and how to assure an inco.-ne of 7ooo per annum from an Investment of 2D0O. The Willamette Vallev Is the natural home of the prune. The cost ot a ten acre orcnara, not wi nding Interest, Is $12 SO, Including first ass cultivation f. rtwo vears on the In stallment plan. Apricots, pears, peaches, plums anu cherries arc all prolific bearers and can substitute for any of these the prune. We plant just such varieties as the purchaser may select. HIE (JKEGON VOMI'ANY, Salem, Oregon, A New Gold Sei-akator. Albany and Corvallis have both bad their inventive geniuses in mining machinery. Now comes one from Ponicroy, Wash, who is to revolutionize mining. iho Imlepcn dent says: "This city will some day fee) proud ot an inventive genius now in our midst and who has patented a device for saving gold that will revolutionize nun ing and bring an income to the invento that will place him along side Cricus in point of wealth. It is useless to attempt a description of the invention in its pro cess of doing its work. Centrifugal power wi'.l do the work of separating the quartz or refuse from the gold in a cylin der coated with quicksilver nnd run at a high rate of speed. Tho great paper of .Miinn A; 1 o w ill soon have a full descrip tion of this machine accompanied by cuts." Notice. F.ach subordinate grange is requested to elect three delegates to at tend a County convention at Sand Ridge Grange Hall on the first Saturday in April next at 10 o'clock a. ni. of said day to elect representatives to the State Grange lor the ensuing year. KA Irvine, Deputy Found On the sticcts of Albany to day a pocket book containing some valu able pnpeis. Owner can have ihe fame by cnl'lng at ihlsollice, proving property hiiu paying lor mi nui:cc. Wasted. A lady wants a place work in H small family. Call nt th olhcc. Governor Pennover vesterdav received official notice from rlon James G' Blaine, secretary of the state department at Wash ington, of the apportionment of represen tatives In the fifty-third and each subse quent congress under the eleventh census. 1 . was Issued on tne iotn (lav ot the present lonth, and bears the great red seal ot the state department with the usual amount of red ribbon attached, and also the secrc. tary's autogiaph which lesembles more the first scribbling of a beginner In pen manship than anything else Statesman. One of the results of senatorial elections will be to transfer Gov. Hill, ot New York, to the senate, and leave his place to be filled by Lieu. -Gov. Edward F Jones, favorably known to thousands of farmers in the Empire Slate as the sole manu facturer of Blnghamton. The Jones who navs the freight has a popularity wmcn ordinary politicians cannot affect, as is shown by the fact that two years ago he rhn 4000 vots ahead ot his ticket, and re ceived more votes than were ever cast in a contested election for any state office. ause a Moment. If you want a tail or made suit of clothes orany par of one, ell made, of the best materia: to h? se ured, have W R Graham do the job for on. I to hfts uist received an elegant nc of suitings. of superior fabrics and dur able texturec, than which no Letter have ever been seen in Alhanv. Ilchas marked hie 'ices down to bottom figures. Those (lcsi'rlng to dress in jtyle should call on Mr Graham. Ten Tons of salt j'lst received by R M Robertson, several grades, which will be sold at wholesale and retail. Lime, ce ment, plaster, feed, oats, hay, etc, kept on hand and sold at reasonable prices. On March 1st will move from present place at foot ot rerrv Nt to airanan brick on Second Street, just cast of mkmockat office. Juiit nnitcd a full line of Isrlie, rh rirens, men slid beys foot we il St (i W Simpson's, Jwhich will be (Old at bo torn price. New Spring uoons, I am now re ceiving mv first invoices of spring novel tics tn wasn gooos, pnnis, cmgnams, seer suckers, etc., I have also jui received new line rt all wool summer plaids a beiges, SAMUEL b Yolno Wanted, to rent an organ for several months. Call at tho lIkmockat office. Thai, Ky woolen iniilsjiilmkcts, Hnne men's, youth's and boy clotlimy, fin sa by O W Suiipson'f, attr-tit, Allmiiy, Oregon A psir of ft hlek bote free with fvory palrot ladles altars coning c.i or moie Seal Is' shoe store. For Sale. S;oo to Sioooof household furniture In exchange for Improved rc estate. Inouire at olhce of Oregon Land Co. January amd, 1S91. Several young men wish to know what young lady desires a reform in tlie social relationship of the sexes, agreeing in the idea that there should tie a higher piane in the intermingling of young men and women. Well, her name is that of most intelligent and high-minded young wo men, Sho wants an association wunout sentimentality alone, necessarily. Any sensiblo young woman will be glad to receive the company ol young men ot iroood character and spend an evening W llll UlCUl ill Ull llllCIUllMll)fC Ml Llldl UMl thoughts on the live topics ot the day, literature, etc, with the idea that it is necessary for them to occupy one chair. left out. and witn tne idea estaunsneu Unit it is not to lie confined to one or two alone ; nor that a love ii'atch is necessary Give them all a chance to know you Talk sense: don t gossip; do not, gusn ; let your mindB run in good Channels and vour ambitions be pure ones. If mar riage licenses arc required they will be founded on a better sentiment than that of most of them nowadays. none and abuoad fiO cents, Kor reserved setts To 1'iof. Lorillaid'i coocert. At Opera House Friday eveuitig. Pie plaut roots for aalo by J If Townaond . Buy your gioceriaa of. Parker Bro llulin ic Dawson, druggists. I'iae groceries at Conn Al llrudricaon'e. All rubi er fcoorts at ojat at Klein Bros. Smoke tli? celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. The ovcrlaud train, due this morning is ex- pvcieu io arrivo at !l u clock to-tight. A large slock of wall iianer. with late ile aik"s, at Fortiiiillcr fc Irvine's, just received. See W F Head's line of dress gocds sod suss bclore uu)lug elsewhere. Bargains in choice groceries can always oe scuur. il ol AUi-u Uros,. Hiuu Block "Clark's Diphtheria Prtvsntative"for sale Ly llulin anil Dawson. 4, UAS11.11L'. .V)c a cozen, indntlin? for men fiee,at Mrs Ktngsjust cabt of the Democrat oiiice. KetiervLu sr.a'.s for Pn f LonlUrd's concert, Friday eveiu-g, Feb: 2'J:h. ou sale at Will & Link s. A drcs.ti sheep iu front of Shuliz Bros, meat market wua marked 105 lbs. Tbat la large for mutton. P It Beckley, of Oakland, has been pre seuted with SoOOO in liquiditiou of thj dam ages he received in the Lake Labish accideut. The City Council meets to night. Not yet having a transcript of the new charter,it is probable nothing will b? deue u-ider it at '.til': Ulrctlrc., The Oregon Ruk. of this cilv has ci m plcted arrangements by which it can draw 'tsown drafts on all the principal cities of the world. It wasn't Col Hope, after all, though men who knew, stated positively that the Col. had arrived, in fact employes on the road. But the Col. is comiog thortlv, or later Another big land slide in the Cow Creek csnyon is looked for. An avalanche has started down the mountain and ia looked for at tho bottom sometime within a few days. Key J H Hughea will lecture at the W C T U Hall to-niiiht on "Initersoi the Blas phemer." An admission of 10 cent will be charged. The address promises to be a good one. The boot and shoe firm of Luderman & McGrath are rocairing and enlarging their storeroom preparatory to receivir g a line of Brownsville clothing. Baker City Deivo crat. The meetings at the M E Church Sonth will be continued during the week and until further notioe. Much interest is being awakened. Rev D C McFarlaod P t u as sisting Rev MrShangle, Don't fail to see onr meu's and bevs' clothiue before purchasing elsewhere. We sell the best clothing for the least money of any nouse in the city. Look and be con vinced. G W Simpson, The Baptist Sabbath School have elected the Jollowinc officers: W S Thompson, Su perintendent; O PCoshow, Assistant; Anna Foshay, Secretary; Edna Allen, Organist; Nellia Bolton. Assistant Oriranist: W S Thompson, Chorister; Arthur Foshay, Li brarian; li r Merrill, lreaaurer The mail currier at Canbv. named Car rothers, was killed last eight by the local train. An attempting to cross ine iracis iu front of the train he slipped and fell. His kull was washed, one leg vist oroaou, ana 10 was unused in a terrible manner. Ini Democrat has been looking foi such an ac cident at Albany fur some time The collece entertainment to have been to-night will take place at the Opera House on Friday evening, Marcn 0, ana promises to be a verv bright afl'air. W Dean Howell's Garrotera one of the most sparkling dramas ntten, will be the main feature, ceaiaea this there will be recitations, songs, music by the college orchestra and a short farce entitled "Sweanug tne jury. A case of an escape from the fool killer comes trom St rout. Ji. aespatcn says ames D Lea, who, a year ago, was one ot the wealthy young men of Washington, spent last night at the cent ai ponce station in tho den of the tramps. lanuary 10, 1890, ho eame in posression of real estate and other property valued atover$l,t)00,000,b aueathed him by a bachelor uncle. He bought Ins mother a co tage nome in ivaan ington. and tften sec nimseiiouEtusquauu hia fortune. He leased and furnished house in West Twenty-fourth afreet, New York, and it was there he lived richly for nearly a vear. To meet his expenses, he WOKTH CO!lli:illU. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Hew cream cheese iuBt received at Conrad Jifcycis. Ecan & Achison are sellioff monuniLnta at Poitlaud prices. Mens', youth s' and liovs clothing and furnishing goods at U W Simpson's. Havo you sceu thowe parlor auita that T Brink has just received T 1 hey are nice. Great reduction iumsn '4 furnishing troads lor tne next ju uys at r uead s. I W lloutley, best boot and shoe msker'iu city, rhroe doors north of Democrat office Kor bargains in monuments, headstones etj., goto Egan & Achison, Albany, Oregon Ticket for ALL eastern points, over A.N route, for sale by VY . JU Jester, at a. r. ticket oince. For cold nights buy Thos Kav woolen mill hlankots, cheapest tn town, lor sale by u W Muiptin, agent. Albuuy, ureyr-u. JIONTEITII. On Monday, Feb 23rd 18111, to the wife of D R Monteitb, a girl -NOT IbOL.VTKtV CANICS. To show that the curi-s made by Joy'a Vege table Sarsnparllla arc not only: not exceptional cases, but that It holps everybody, wc cite a few Instances where two in the same. fuuily took Jl aud were both cured. Thomas Stephens, of ICS Sixth St., 8. F., took It lor weak stomach and dyspepsia, It entire!; cured him. lie then gave It to his wlfo for her sick headaches, since which timo she has had no return. It cured them both. Mrs. R. L. NYhouton, of 701 Fost St., 8. F., was sufferer from stomach and liver troubles and biliousness. Finding; that it relieved her, sue gave it to a little girl living with her whose af fliction was a large open aore which nothing seemed to heat It also cured the child. H. S. Winn, of Gcnrv Court, Geary St, 8. F., prominent in tho Order ot Kcd Men, was very feeble and greatly reduced. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla restored his hoalth and accustomed vigor. Ho thereupon gave it to his wife who was similarly afflicted and had nervous prostra tion. It had tho same happy effect upon her it had upon him. Scores of similar coses could bo cited but we have no room for thcra here. sacrificed his real estate at half its value.and on Christmas he found his fortune complete ly gone. Stop just about ill the middle of the block, on F'irst street, south side, be tween liroadalbin and Ellsworth, and von will lind a place where yo.i can al wny igct first-class groceries and fresh produce nt reasonauie prices anu oe wen irented without extra price. The sign rends "Parker liros.," and everybody knows the name. Their baked goods are the best. Their stock of goods generally s kept replenished to meet the demands of a growing trade. Men and women do not always agree, tn fact they freouenllv disagree and ser iously toocausing many divorces and collapses hi the matrimonial market. One thine, though, they agree on, and that Is tbat Conn & llendricson keep the kind of irrocerlcs one needs In h.iusekceplng.they treat men and women alike and give them bargains In goods In Ihclr line. Call on them for groceries nnd produce. "Font prints, frieods.are what wc live for, l-.very nay we re n aking more. So if now yon are in misery, (Jo at once tn Seal Is' Shoe Store." For lame bak, or side chest, nee Sbibh Porous'1'lwtor. Trice, 25 cents. T.TOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEX TO 11 the legal votera of school district No 5. Linn ceuntv. Orcon. that the regular annual school meeting of said school dis trict wlli be hold on tne nrst Monday. being the 2nd day or March, 1801, at the houi.- of 7 o'clock p in, of said day, at the court house in the city ot Albany. Linn county, Oregon, in said district, for the purpose 01 nearing tne reports 01 ine ui reutors and clerk of said district, and to levy a tax for the su pport of tne scaoolu tor the nnsuinir year. Also for the pur pose 01 levying a lax ior ine purpose 01 navinir interest on tlio bonds of said school district and the second Insla.lmoLt of the principal of said school bonds, due and payable June 16th, 1891, and fortbe trans action of any other business that may le gally come tetore the meeting uaieu this 16th day of February, A D. 1891. u. M. iurkhakt; J. K. We ATnEFFORD, District Clerk. C hairmau Hoard ot Directors, Dtt. ABORN, AT rORTLMD I'MIL JULY 5T LECTRICITV THE KOAD TO HEALTH AM) VIGOR. When wa conititnr the Inestimable ofliMaltn. ami th horrorH of waHtlutc 1.H0HNe mitT finpniretl vitality, we imiKt aeconl to I r DurriniliediHliannlMh- a nonor that bluntCN on v to the nob lent benefactors of our rice. Hy this dtseov err, will h enabloa hrna to vitnlizn hie nimlicinrit by ineuiiH of electricity. and to Mend the Nf unrrentH of thft great agent 1 11 rough ine nebiittateu frame, be aiiaye pKin, re-tt.reK tne htnngth and norm bloom of utorious LeHh. mid the e l eli cit y and joynuMifHK f Ki'iiit that are lost wneu Kuiif rii'ie from untae os tuo or- Haiih, or dietirr iiKeiiiant ot the nervous centers. A few iniitancH of cure we Hive as a proof punitive of the superiority o electricity over other uiethodauf cure. Mr Isaac ivlncard, Ct-ntralKt, ash. Ant h it of 18 yctr' btaudiuv. restored. Jot Mnore.Stt harles llolei Keatanrant. Portland polypuu in the uote tiftcei yers, cure I. imiss jLiucy .Moran. a.onoinu n.wregon,. Croft eye. straightened tn one minute. J W Bottom, Aftoria, !.. kidney add liver computet for yons; r. stored to perfect health. 8 1 Whitman, Monmouth Or., dealnese and ringing noises in thecara tieive 3 ears, rerored. Miss Mamie McKean. 21n I Mreet Port laud deatucftsand i-atarrb Rtutrtu jcara" standing, cured. E K JohImi, 'Ike Dalles, Or., 01m barging ear twenty-one yeans, cureo. Dr Damn treat alt curable private, chronic and nervous di eases, secret blood and skin disuses, t-otc and swellings, nervous debility, Impotence and other weaknesses cf mannood. He corrects the seeret errors ot youth and Ihtdr terrl b.e ertVcts, lesi of vita:it. palpitation of the heart, lo of n emory, oVhpondency and other traublwaof mind snd body. PmvAiiLs conbiimntion.hf ait dhease.soft euiug o the brain an i spine, insaniiyi and other slit ct.rns rauseu oy ine error,, exctsseH end diseases of hoys indnien,, He restores losl vftfot and manly powers, lemove" dolormitiea and restores the or gans to health. He also cuns disease cusd hy mt rcury and other toisonoua drugs used in tt e improper treatmeut cf private cmeaa'M. lunco 74 vasmngmn hiMroriinuu(vi. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. daily, lixira inatioh free and confidential, question bU"ks aud circulars sent gia'.U to aiy. address, patients curbd at Uom. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Vfll--- st and a fine stock of , Real Estate i Loan Bnta Oflice. BALTIMORE 1BR1CK. nninir a ireneral insurance business. Parties Miring- insuranod will c'o well to see thm. AOKSTS TOR Aefna Insurance Cumpany, fneorpora ed (140,000. ASM(s,U,l9U,71t,til, (iuanllan Ins. Company, of London, England EsublishiHl 18rl. Capital, 85,000,000. lotol are losses paid over 8,OJU,000. American 'lre Ins. Omnnnr, of Phllsdelphla. Onnmzed 1I0. Cash assets, ,042,000. Losses paid, 10,MW,200. Colnmbla Fire Marine Ins. Company, o P. inland. Or. Assets, -2UO,S7a.CO. Tins is one of Oregon's litst companies. generally, its well as jewelry, Watche clocks, etc., at F. M.. French's.. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! DR. AUOIIN. Fourth and Aforrison streets Portion 1. Oroiron. the most successful pi ye- clan on on the American coutiuent for the speedv, Doaitivt, ahsolute and permanent cure for LUlarrh or tlio Mcau, jisrnm Bronchitis. Pnenmonia and Consumption. Twenty-live years successful practice. Tnat.ant.aiinnnn relief and normancnt onres ofcon effected upon first consultation. Dr. Ahorn, lv his original, modern, scien tific method, effects Speedy end Tadicnl enres of the most ob- of h'asal Catarrh. Ozena, l)oafne"S, Pis chirura from the Kirs, Asthm, to onchitis and Consumption. Also' Stomach Dionlers. liilions Colic, ttall Stones aud Jnndtce. Heiit, Liver, Kidnev. Bladder and nervous Affections: Diseases nf Men. Also all ailments peculiar to women. Dr. Abnrn can he consulteu from now nn'il Jnlv fi. when ha leaves for hurone, Note Hometreatment,aecurely pscked, so't hy express to any part of the Pacific Coast and Territories for those who cannot yossibly call in person. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEV THAT Xl the nnderal -nel, tho duly BppointFd iimll(led and sclintr administrator af the pntato of Ruth Rrsdshaw, deceased, has thlR day filed hia final account in said eatstn with the clerk of tho county court for l.inn county, Crcr;on, snd the court haa llxrd tne 2nd in,y or n'.arcn, inn; a the hour of I o'clork p nr.. to hoar objrn tionntoasld account If any, avid for (ho acttlement or sairi estato This, iho 2tith day of Jannarr. 18fil V. Cf.KMK'S. J. K. WKATnrnroan. Admi: ttator, Avty for A d in i n 1st rator. f 1 30) While trying to Crowd thoii WAY INTO DEVCE & FROS-IAFJ BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest ttock south ot rortlnmi, or the latest Imnroved Kltlcs mid Miot Guns; an Immense stock of Kishing Tackle of cverv description; Jents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things loo numerous to mention Xt-eimir Shop in connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen In the State to do any md ail kinds of work. Come one. Come all; No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick ta1" is out motto. A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER, Folly Abreast with the Times. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT' for tho Family, School, or Professional Library 11,. Anthamtia W fibster' TTnSA- fcHdired Dictionary, comprising tho, t r 1 am "ia Mr. M. nnnvrielited . roperty ox tno nnaeraieiieu, is now hAmnfflilv Rviaerl And Enla.rfr.ed. and na a diatintrnishing titlo, bear tho asms of Webster's Interna tional Dictionary, Editorial worn upon tnii revision has bon In notive progresa for ovor Ten Yours. Not less than Ono Hun dred paid editorial laborers have been onrcaod upon it. Over 0300,000 oxpondod fa its) preparation boforo tho first copy wn prcniou. Critical comparison with, nny other Dictionary iuivicil. Get tho Best. O. & C. MKUUIAM & '., rnl..:r.!i.TS, Sprim-ili 11. , V. . A. Sold by all UookM-Jit-i. lilu.-n u-i !-i-".'l': ;: Dr. M. J. :8 ELFIEDCE EL K, ST:- SAUM,0R. DISEASES OF PHJVATE DISEASES. roif u'.tntion dontlai. fieo anil ntrlrtl con :F. L KENTON, : Dealer in OCE RIES Near tho Post Office, Albany, Oregon.