gaily 5moa?rtt NT4TC lEI.lKHU str. Salem, Jan 22. Following ro the mont important bills introduced: By Cross, providiiiK for better preparation for teacliiin.'; creating ollU-e of attorney general. Committee on public buildings reported in fuvr ol !il,twu lor iinmniiiK Htate capitol. TIiih w 11 be a good tiling in ralem'a nnmml building, list. The committco on Kicurugua canal reported favorably. A joint manorial on Indian war claims was reierreu 10 cou'inuiee on icdunti re ntioiiH. 4.i.O0O lor tlie ex penses of I ho legislature, are the present figures. The Australian ballot bill was read third time in house and will pass that body. t'rpurh TuntV Vt'cfrrs. 'Tin u'ltfi'i'K nr n kiii-h mid s:lfe t" I III. for a kimisof female trouble!, ai;. "' remoi nil obstructions to the mon . 1 rw.i-l.irl nr. tirlt.r the CaUSC 1l ran he iod with s:ift:tv. for sale I th Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron sole afcent, J A dimming, drupgirt, Iii bergbiKk, Albany, Oregon. For Ismo lack, er u chest, use Sniiuli Porous Muter. Price, 23 cents'. I.MHST NATIOXAI. IIANK, L Or Al.UAtiY, OHKUON, The best roast ccttVe in the city at Com ad Meyer a, Io rot p.issCE linw-nell's st ra if jou watt to live ecouotnimlly. Best goods and I lowa jr ccs gu.irancM. Uit!t tltu m. lhoil ami io;i!n wlioi. -nip oi' is tiikcn ; it is !!?!. tit i:!iil n iiv'ihii!-' to the f:i it. tint nuts' I'.'iitlyyet promptly on tlm KMiieys, Liver 1111.I ll'iufls, cliiinsn (lie uys teiii ellletnaliy, !:s;k-1j i-iiMm, head-i-.elies iiml fevers iiiiiIciiivh 1iii'mIii:;1 ooustipuliou. Syrup of Fipi is the only oi' its kind ever pro dueotl, plrasinj; to the taste ami nc ceptahlo to tlin stomach, prompt iu its action mid truly beneficial in its ?llecti, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil. It is for salo iu .ri"c ttnd SI bottles by ail leading druggists. MNurACTuneo cnlydy tms CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CM, tCOISVtUt, KY. A'f.V YORK, N.Y ........... Vit Pr,siiUii( Culiivr...M.H , L FI.1NS , 8, K.YOl 'Mi .K, W. LAM-l-ON THAN8ACT3 A (iKNKKAI.tuiikinitbutlnoM. A'CtH'NTN KKfT iUtiJi-it to trIitxU. BK.UT K.U'liAMlK auU Ifl Ttliio trti.fer, Id iow Vk, Frsnciutf, Chiuo ftna VuttUiui COU-EOTION? JAUKuii fn arable lem:s. OiKiirohi a- E. Yot'Mtt K, V, LKa.n L K Blaui, L. Kuan Edward t . tiox. I 1XX CO. X VTIO'VAK ICANK, A CF A BAV, OHfUiiN. CAPITAL M'Ot K jluO.OW). Preci.i'-'iit J L row AX. viit.--lrMiJt.'iit J M KAI.sTi'N. Ohitiwr UKO E CIlrXM ttK It LAI S, AutCuhter O A AlU.'llli'.t.l.l'. D erctdkh. -I L C.twan. J M lUlstnti. (Ivn V. inininTiiii, n n n 11 uourd, j t. ijr (urd and U A Arcliibold. TKANSACTS RifHimml lianUhiir Im-me.. UHAW bllilJ'l KUAH'Hun Nuw Vurk, t'A-. it ' Jrnjon. LOAN MOrtEYun i.M"-vtl veftirity KL-lslVKdpoitst tut'iuct cliwtsi. -a at C3 B K OF OK.tiO. 1LI1A.W, OllkOON. See W F Read's hue 1 f dress gocds and -uike before buyieg eUewhere. Defmonico Restaurant ! Opro.Ti! BLrsiBKnc Block. Aeio Iiooms; -:- Seat Service, Good Meals, Promptly Served, for Twenty-Jiee Cents. Oysters -:- in -:- all -:- Styles. Uourt-.ous Treatment; First classCooks. flflDrO Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, uUtiCO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, 6oro Threat, Asthma, and every affection of Hie Throat. Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. felccdyanu(M;nuaaeuu Oenuiuc siloed " L StU. Pianos. Those v'shlne flrst-clasi instrumntt the t est rr f da to stand the climate of the Coast, ran I e suited liy calling at Mrs B E Uyinas'e, opposiw tLs Masouio Tem fde, on First Street. The latest vocal and instrumental music kept for aale,alto the U lyeat assortment of stamping patterns o select from this sid3 of 'Frisco. Les sons given In painting and embroidering In her studio over Uiun County Bank. Olviher yj.tror.lir yaa .will b pi eased. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1S91. first Term Opened September iotlr, l.wn- A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. sled of all grades of students. Special inducement ojffn td to sludenll from abroad. KF.V. ELHEUT N CONUIT ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY. - - - OREGON Conducted by the Siett... f St. Benedlot Tuition In select nnsuhr,,. 5 to $10. " Korterms 0' BmrdlngSch vl or ny prticclars anniv at the Apnrlin . ,i. adesa Sister Su perloress. Will k Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, i AOBSTS'FOB THHCKLICBRAT8s II. F. Miller, And the Favorite J.BAUER & CO.S PIANOS. Palace ami Earliuil JUonseProof Organs CALIFORNIA re$iTiVE2 aPsh niieumatigm, Neuralgia, Corns HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. Tlis Oallfornls FosUWe sad S'gittTs ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CURIS COLDS. CROUP. CONSUMPU0N. BM ky all Druggists. Each 25c, 60 ft i Oraatlnsvr & Co . Proa's. Los Anatlos. Osl, niillal. President .... Vice-PrtnMeiit C'sshW II F VKIIItll.l .... K J LANNINO Jat W ULAIK A grneral banking business transacted. B AKK OF MCIO, 8Cio, oKi;ao. Preltrnt M. Vice- l'reiieat ....... Cashier ........ J S Morrli, H liryant pi recto aa: E Coins, J 8 Msrrw . duty Mvek o a mv John Gainee PO Smith. Does rentral liankint and exchsnrra biitinwi SiKlit draft issuej ou Albxiiy, Krtlautl anl ban hi IS ss 03 TJOUTr.AXI NAVI.S HANK, Paid up capital . t-xwt win surplus huu prouis (17,000 Interest sllowcd on Barings ilecnslts ss fntlnw.! Onurdlnary ssvlntretxHtks ....4 nur cent iwr uiiiiiitn On term savings .. ..0 jwr cent per simuui For three months 4 per cent persnnum: For six months 6 jier cent -er siituuu: For twelve mosth. ft per cent per suuutu. or.KtJI, rreenlent I. 1". TIIOM i SOS Vice I're.iJenl. II. C, Sl'HATTUN, Cashier. ). E. WEATHEKFOHD, TIOHNEV AT LAW ALBANY. ABECOX W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in Chancery ILBANT, . - OREGON. Collections promi-Uy made onall point QBMousuenon easonaDinterma. II. C. 17ATS3N, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -.- OREGON. Onlee In tbe Slraliau Block. i?. di. WHITNEY. irtuLiey And Counsellor At Lay . ND- sotai'.-' Tublic. albai mm SOLIt AGENTS FOR tllR TTTT" TQ f EldraagB B. and Ho Home &- w paisley, Newini; Machintx. Okoans - Cleaned - and - Rei-aired. ALBANY, OREGON. OR. G. WATSON MASTOID Physician and Surgeon. OtRco opposite tho Deiuocrat. JTJK. .11. J. PATTOS, Ulumberg lllock, Albany, Oregon. r'emalo and privato dineaaea a specla'ty Uonaultatlon Hoe. , Altiany, OrHson WHOLESALE DEVI, Ell IN- Tabasco aai Oiprs. Pig tn acknowledged the lefliiiriF rempilv lev Oonorrhcpa A titefl, Iheonlv Hiitn rptTn-.1v I XjencorrhfpaorWhitea. j itrescriLx) na feci MfA In rwvimmonillntr it V ONONNHI.O PM A. J. bTONHR, M. XXl-f W sold tr nrmncuitfc Mil "'IIH1'.! ill I'RICU 61.00. el AM.iliU A ( i sit k, "i'nrPR In PUotrinUfl not lt T kdm Bulciax. fofilf r Physician andSurgoon. Graduate of Bullevae Hospital Medical 3oPoge Now York City. DiReasea of womaa a Rpeciaity. 3TOffio rumaa'a Brick, Albany, Or. Eevore House: ALBANY, OREGON SOU, LANNINO A CO.. li0Pil'8e raw rRocBw n.ouR sitkkiok roK rAun tus AMD BAKERS C8K. REST STOUAGF- FACILITIES. ALBANY NURSERIES CHAS. PFEIFFEK I'ftOPRIETOR. FHteit ut tn flrat-rlstMa tyle. Tables supplied with the hett in the market, Hoa sleeplnirapartinenta, 8.imple roonv 'xr coinuierciai iraveiera. i I nad frim Ike H.iel.'4 IVTE HAVRON HAND at our nursery Jf on the Corvallls road, one-half aillo from town, na flue a lot of fruit trees of all kinds aon he found any. irhere on the count. If you contemplate planting trees it will pay you to 'ee our lock and get our prices. Catalogue fiee. HYMAN A BKOWNELU $500 BoTsrord I. VTF, will pnv xr?tihorn rrvurl f any cai f T.lTot oiuplmru, l)FKwtia,8l-fc Hciwlftrhe, liniment ion. Coo lnllon 'r (.'mtiveneM wo cannot ciir witti WettH egv table i.Wrr I'll In, vhm Hie diirrtionii nre itrtctljr cmiitlird wlih. Thi-jT ikro v" 'J" Vrtall, nd nrr kll to Rlro iulUfiu-tlnn. ftuiftir "orlnl lxrv hov ontft!' u rnt. Itewnt of rountrfltal Tid In n irrntilna tnnntif.irtuml only by L. HILL. Physiciai and Sui,eon, Otlloo or, and Ferry Streets, Ji4iraul of Uio livwa.dl. llnw totj M v? v",,,"in i'ti tout s, Cavcitn. 'J'radeAji . f VIX Murkf. Cnpvriyhts. 8iE ftet.&k f W S301 Itrondwuy. CI) t-r a FOSHAY l tVSASON, $ rH o T3LIliAl.i AMU H.BTAII Oiuggistsafid Booksellers AkolU for John B. Aid en 'a publications, vaira vfh sen puonanor price WJU) oals.'teannAr ALBANY, OHKUOSl THE BEST. 1). M. Fbrrv & Co Illuimtcil, Dwcnptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1891 will be m.ilrd FREE I ato all appJicnu, and to Inst tcason' i i customer, it it ociter man ver. , kvcry penon using Oardtn, ffowtv r Held Sttdt. should tend for iu Address D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MICH. ! .atTrrii Seeiltmen in the world I Pouiiry Wanted. All ktn,1a of p.mUrT, allre or draawd the Willamette Picking Company's stoie, Albany. Urritet.. OUR LADDER s .! HARDWARE. CUTLERY, I CARVERS, T LA XTERXS, H j COPPER, I ! & ill J1RASS, s CRAXITE E N STEEL D WARE. E j WATER R FILTERS, c I IvVARRAN'IED.' i ALBANY,; 1 IStoves, Panges -and- Ht iters, REFERENCES -W- BxamiriB Our WORK. PAY Or Hot at Yon VLEASE. riXMBINO by uoni'aor, i Good J Workmen 0 5 a 05 r W 03 4 o o o p pi d o r ' ef B TJ 03 CD O r C OB CD c o: Special Ajonounceiei W. F READ, My Winter Slock is now ('o.Mi'i.Kn., Kn,hia, ;., tlio latoHt Novoltifs i:, u" Dress Goods, JIull. iii VOOLKX and WASH KAIlIUC.' -To" "The TadTes Mako a Specialty of Lamias Taderwoafj in & liiiiiiKD and JIi'sLix. My TiiR-RS aru tlio LOWEST and my Goons tlio 1'kst. Am milo ajciit for tlio Olohralud Y. S. l HOSIEIt Y, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Freo from Poison : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I have a Larj-o Stock at the LiwtHt l'ricea over ofTorfl in tlieT'n Icairvf ill linn uf the oi! !-rciinwi J 15!1')AI)11K.,1) si aaat'u ur wear a' ti.nnh. L-trzi! Htocic il KyiiitoiiinitiKS ami I'Lorjxcisr.i c anil he col ced that A.Uiuny in the Lest trajinjj jiut iu Or-'jur'. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, Safe, So nnd; Oonservativ CHAS. H. D0DD & GO., IMPORTERS OF hardware, Iron, $teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. :flONT, riEST AND VKT3 ' STEE3TS. POUTLAUD, 0SE5S Sola Agents for Oregon and IfVashington for ft 1 rf irt; J : '(fHfyssWfr'i M0JJNK.IIX- CD A 1 " ' ;iUrVhMN';.r.,l''1.lT',',r"rrow' They area,, almnlennd nrnvm n.rnlw.lni l.uli, .t msn I hi.,i,,rBi.pi I hriu . k run i.nt Miy cnutl !" I" 1 " v ini-i'i u in nr WHh.iuLKCiit uttncliiueiii. Kt'uL utlu;liiucntH uio nxtm. :322EE POWEE LIFT &XTXj2ZX PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS fiRAiN i. a ! k. yt. Hoc 1'rcNi (train Drill, Ttnrki-yi. On-tlnra, Iturkivi Spring Tooth Harrow. SOf ""..n;niii OUVUVI H. iiow nrirtuvv MINU Stcut'.. - . Improved lor mr!i lumnicr fallow. Tho most -oniric mii'i'iiKwriil l. ..I i... mu i iuin.uiim; in um'i , a lull line of BtiRxiea, Oarrlarscs, Phnotons, Mountain Wsc1'' SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. iitr".! 1 latest . :.!so havo 'Tieo A Chapln's K)rlng-Tnolli llni.iw, peern Harrows. Scientific I'ut'inc FuiiiiIiik Mills, haiku hahh -wmi:. i:tc:.. ktc. nU M'l.t'II, CIRCl'LAKS AND PRICE LISTS. XT-'- . .Ml E. THRALL, AGENT: ALBANY, OREGON. Albany Cigar Fact if, J. Josenn, -:- Proprietor. WHOLESALE RETAIL he 1 abor Ei I I ALBANY- OREGON