i iiiihiVsed T.-y y la the Mk- JKiiii i. mi. Kiitm-ml atthe Pont Oil. jh at llinv, Or ttOIIf l wui.iiiu tinn 11111 mtn'ir. LOCAI,, UKCOKD. A IIumk l'.tcToiiv. A Dkmoihat man, Svlio culled ut tlio turtiin establishment iif UiclmrilH & I'liillips, wns nurpriwil to liuorve the manner in winrii tliev nrc tyruiliially bruncliing out in their Imii' iiii sH. unit iih it is u matter of putilie ill' ftt-rcst, mentions the (aet. Anion;; other Milium 'hey are mamifaetiiriiii' a step .'liuWur, batter Hindu than those received rotn the east, which they rail wholsale ?nt as low a figure as anything brought liere. The linn also has the contract or !btiilliii)? the extension ladder for the Mlook & Ijidder Co, doint! the job for !.". that would cost 1 1.1 in the cusv: Victories, and doinir as iroo'd wiH'k. The jla'Mcr will be a f0 foot one of lir and ush Jnith all the modern equipments. I Skxsiiii.v Saiu. Tho following from f n.n t .. i ..i u..i..... :.. ...... ; (lie .IOIII Mill, Ul in in Dll uiii, i.uu trnst to the little flint; in a recent issue of the Statesman, of thnt citv, and ills plays .1 spirit that is pleasant towitners 111 a raieiu paper. .v eoiiiinoici; oi ladies from Albany aro in attendance iinon tho legislature to iiresent the mat terof an appropriation for the orphan's home ami hospital at Albany, an institu tion under the control of the Ladies Aid Society, of Albany, which has a buililiiiK erected and enclosed, and desires aid to complete and endow it. 1 ho object is a worthy one and should receive the same state aiil that nimiliar institutions ill Portland am' Salem receive." Kish Kai.akaua is iliad, Bays an ex change. Kal was a pretty fair kinit as kings go; and w hile gentlemen wearing this title are rapidly tailing into the pre dicauient of Mr Othello, who woke up one morning and found his occupation gone, ytl we will be accustomed to mo presence of such inonarchs for some time yet. Kalukaua was much loved by bis subjects, and witli the exception of go ing abroad occasionally and mortgaging his kingdom for a poker stake, he made a iair success m reigning. - Srm. S 1" liilyeu lias disposed of Jiis barber business to K 1. l nomas. I A Miinkcrs has purchased a one third interest in the livery stable busi ness of liilyeu liros. What wo have hitherto known as the Oregonian railroad is a thing of the past. Sroodburii-Sprirglield branch, S. 1' K U, is nouiancliituro given out from head quarters. Tho election of officers for tho Scio bank, on Tuesday, resulted as follows: President, S S Morris. Vice President, JLl'owan. Cashier, O S May. Kirec tors, J S Morris, K (loins, P ) Smith, J W Unities, T .1 Munkers. l'rcss. llr.Lo. The examination o fie Sweet Home men for riot, in breaking into the Evangelical Church tlie.-e, was completed this morning. J R Wyatt representing the state and Judge Whitney the defense. Justice Humphrey after hearing the evi dence and remarks of the attornies ordered the defendants held to await the action of the grand jurv, Rev H I Blttner under $500, and Rev McElroy. Geo. Slaven, Rudolph Spilng, Samuel Xolhingcr, sr., and Samuel Nothlnger, jr, each under $100 bonds, all of which will be furnished. Rklioious. Special services have been conducted at the United Presbyterian church this week by Rev W W Logan of Portland. He preached a very effective sermon last night from Jno. 11 2S, "The master has come and callelll for thee." He will preach again this evening and nrobablv remain over Sabbath. Theie is to be a meeting of the session this even ingforthe reception of members. Prayer meetings n-e held at 3 p. m. and services will beheld Saturday and Sabbath as usual. Xotk'k. The person who took the seat from the hack, near r.altimore's brick, had better return it nnd save themselves trouble nnd costs. You are known and will be prosecuted. K, U. Dokris. No Flies. There are no flies on Conn k Hendricson'a new clerk, that faces their customers on entering. Every body treated the same, a smile for all, nnd the best groceries in the cby and bottom prices. See their brands o tea, coffee, their canned goods, etc. Smokers gel lets of sallxfactln'l out of the fainomlVppoose and other ciar-. New 15i.acks.mith Sikh-. G V Willis has hist completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Rnllroad streets where u!l kinds of iron and wood work can be tirtd and done !n first class ord-r Bring on youi nlows, wagons, etc., etc, for repp 1- Nkw Caiii'Ets, new carpets, new ear nets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, lust received at A. 11 jVidhvain's. The stork is large and choice, selected for this market, nnd pi pie wanting the best carpets nt the ow' est prices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. On it Hl'.nprkd Waqons just received which I am going to give nwny free, one with each canot torestl itv (hiking Pow der. Come early; I) li Uiiow.nkm,. Notick. Parties desiring a cab w ill do well to call on Triton P.ros, w ho connect with nil trains. Minerals and wcddmgi specialty. Siieei" Lost. At Oakvllle, one sheep, left ear cut off, rope round neck. Return to firm of Wash Coon. John A Ai-nenT. A ILOVt EUI LETTER. Ill the Charlotte, Michigan, Trihttne,of January I llh. the Dumockat finds the follow ing from tho pen of Alice ('. Love, w ife of Mr. Love, the druggist, recently with (i. I., lilacktnan. It is a very bright literary priHluctton, which our citizens will read with interest: Ai.iiasv, Okkiios, Nov. 21, ls'JO. I have now Is'cn ill this glorious land ot Hiiusliiue unci llowers nearly four w eeks. 1 nil i nariotie 111 noon on weclnesuay. (let l!-'nd, and arrived ill Albuny, Iregon, me loiiowing .Mommy. The weather here is very warm anil bright with sunshine. In the yards are roses, rrvxanthcniuuis anil ail endless variety of other flowers, tireat creamy whitu roses, dark, ilainask,lovely pinks, and yellow roses, all a mass of bloom and beauty, though now tho latter part ot November. Potted plants aro still left on the porches or out of doors. For flow ers and fruit the Willamette valley is the .Mecca" 01 me west. Itns valley varies from ten to forty miles in width and is one hundred in length. Many apples and ptars still remain ungathered, there iK-iiig no danger of freezing. I never raw such large, tine pears and apples. mellow juicy and of delicious flavor. 1 cainu too late to sample tho plums and cherries, but the residents here say that cherries grow to the size of ordinary plums and are not sour, as are eustem cherries, but more like a peach as regards the I mil' ness of the meat, while plums grow to tho Hize 01 peaches and are perfection 111 llavor. In the "west i.hore I read description by K W Allen of a plum tree 011 bis place, in its third bearing year. It bore this year over three hundred pounds of 'ruit. Hesays: "Two thirds of the plums would go over two pounds to every ten plums." He adds: "Toa resident east this may sound a little fishy yet, if told to an audience of 0110 hundred Irtitt growers in Oregon, they would won der why I was occupying their time tell mg ot so common an occurrence' came so recently that the climate could iiotallect me so seriously in so short a time, so whatever I say you can accept as tacts. Albany claims seven thousand inlinnitants. The Willamette, a large and beautiful river, witli water clear as crystal, lies on tho north sido of the city. The Ciilapoa flows through tho western part, then there is a canal running all over the town, I mean it is conducted all over the town ami furnishes water power for the several mills and factories. The city waterworks obtain all the water for lighting fires and all other purposes from this canal. 1 supposed canals were ditches tilled with dirty sluggish water. Imagine my surprise oil seeing for the first time n canal, to behold a stream of Clearwater with rapid current moving so swiftly as to form ripples and little waves on its surface. The canal conducts the water from tho Santa Anna river, a mountain stream, a distance of ten miles, before it leaches Albany. Albany might well lie called a city of churches. With in n radius of two blocks from where we live are seven churches. Services were held in tho Universalist church 011 No vember Uth for tho first time. The ex pense of building the entire church, furnishing it witli organ, chairs nnd electric lights nnd nil else was liornc by one man, .Mr Pierce, of this place. He purchased tho land, and after the church was built furnished walks completed, lawn seeded down, everything furnished, he thru presented the property to the Universalist Society, of Oregon, a grand gilt to the society and the church and an honor to tho city. Albany has a public school, a college nnd a school for girls, conducted by the Catholics, known as the "sisters' school." We have street curs nnd electric lights, but strange to say, there is no telephone in the city. Tlie w eather so far has been just perfect, cool mornings with warm, bright sun nil day. Tho air is so full of invigoration that to inhale it brings a sense of pleas ure, strange nnd new. Warm winters, generally three months of rainy weather, with cool dry summers is the climate of Oregon. Tlie people hre are very social nnd try to make a stranger feel at home, hut I realize that no place can quite be Char lotto to lite. Leiiasok. Itumor says that negotia tions are pending between the Catholics and Mr Mossholder for the public school building, to be used by that denomina tion as a church. Sheriff Scott was mado the victim of a good joke on Monday at the Albany de pot. Jiiat nan a warrant lor me nrrest of a certain clergyman whom ho did not know, lira some niisciiievioua uoys pointed out Rev T P Eoyd, of this place, as the man ho was seeking. Kev Boyd established his identity, Mat apologized, and the crowd laughed. Frank West, section foreman on the 0 Ky was seriously hurt Tuesday. Tlie weather oeing toggv the regular tram came 11I1011 him rather unexpectedly. while bound his men were on the hand car, and it is thought that he jumped oil' before the car stopped and 111 doing so the car passed over him. Dr Foler was called immediately and pronounced him tmdiy unused. express. irii.!, Inchkasino. The interest nt the M V. Church is increasing from night lo night. Evangelist Connolly with his uiiiiiuo illustrations strikes tho truth home. Ihirteen canio forward to the altar last night, nnd some were made to reiotco that their sins were foruiven Large congregations nnd the best of or der has prevailed. To-night services at the usual hour, hut no services to mor row. Everybody welcome. Tint Reason Why. Why Is ft that Klein Bros, enr afford to sell boots and shocB so reasonable? Because thev are botn practical he makers and make paricf heir expenses by working on the shoe bench, any hoot or rhoc vou buy of them no matter what kind It Is man, wnmans or chillis, that rip, run over or the role dpi loose thev repair them for you free o charge, and as they do all the woik them- selves, they don't charge you 35 to 50 cents a pair extra lor a warrant to pay rome shoemaker to repair mem lor vou Thev also make a specialty of repairing rubber boots. For Sale. - $500 to $tooool household furniture In exchange for Improved real estate. Inquire at otbcc of Oregon- Land Co. January unci, 1S91. .lames Dlaino. ir.. son of James (i Iilaino, got gloriously drunk, took his shoes of at a ball in l'.altimore, tickled a young lady 011 her shoulders, and wns put out of the bull room. Such is high life. We seo bv the papers that tho state agricultural college is making nil effort 10 get another appropriation from tho statu during this session of the legisla ture, wo womler w hen this senseless begging is going to cease. Monroe cor respondent of Pilot. Probably tho oldest house in the Cnited States is a decaying stone dwell ing that stands in (iuilford, Conn. It was built in Hill) and is still occupied, In colonial times it did duty occasionally as n fort nnd was n plaeo of refuge for settlers w hen King Pnilip wns on tlie war pnlli. A prominent San Francisco attorney lias confessed that he bus made paupers ot two widows and their families by tin bezling estate funds amounting to up. wards of $150,000. Hanging would serve mm rignt. The Democrat is informed that a neti tion is being circulated in Albany against the new city charter permitting tho bonding of the citv so that a bridue and Bowers can be built. In view of tho fact that the people of Albany have already spoken in very emphatic terms on the subject this is ridiculous. We are glad to know only a few are signing it, and most 01 them must lie ashamed ot it. Here's the way n bridgo in Albany would also lw used: "Mrs Jane Pent land, of llalsey, who is laid up with a sprained knee at Have Matheny's resi dence across the hridue. undertook to keep track of the amount of travel over the new viaduct a day or two ago. She enumerated fiftv-four farm w aeons, sev enty-six carriages, thirty horsemen nnd two hundred uml nine pedestrians b tween eight in the morning nnd six in the evening. If you wish to see a mad man just go over to T P Lee's warehouse, where he has about eight men busy repacking ai pies. The trouble is he bought from several parties without examining every box. When ho cauie to examine them to ship he found over eighty boxes of worm eaten and shriveled apples that would not mnke first-class hog feed. This is on3 thing our fiuit growers should consider of that it is to their interest to see thnt tlmir apples are packed proper ly. Grants Pass Courier. Up in Washington there are 58, 104 mortgages filed, indicnting that it has taken lots of them to boom tho country, llero is the wav thev are divided: Adams, 105; Asotiii,4S0;"Cliehnlis,l,Sjti; Clallam, S:r) ; Clark, 2,01l; Columbia, 2,4S; Cowlitz, f2i; Douglass, 25S; Franklin, ai; Uarlield.2,104 ; Island,!!)!); leflerson, 875; Kim?, 8,M51 : Kitsap, 31!); Kittitas, 1,0; Klickitat, 75!l; Lewis, 1,408; Lincoln, 1.4:i0; Mason,152; Oka nogan, 28; Pacilic, 3j0; Pierce, 7,747; San Juan, 307; Skagit, 1,250; Skamania, 74; Snohomish, 1,430; Spokane, 7. '.147; Stevens. 234; Thurston, 1,185; Wahkia knm.lllS; Walla Walla.3,591 ; Whatcom, 1,7211; Whitman, 0,251); Yakima, 703. SIX I II AMI VRIISON AI.. Ed Daly, of Scio, is in tho city today. Mr Louis Kirchofl, of Astoria, is in the citv. Mr II Farwell and wife left this noon for Paloiiso. where their daughter, Mrs W W Johnson, is lying seriously ill. O II Irvine and Hon S A Dawson re turned this noon froru Salem, where they have been in the third house for several davs, l'rof Russell left this noon for Halsev, where the district school teachers con vention will meet tomorrow, tho pro gram for which has heretofore been pub lished. Alfred Ilolman. editor of the I - I. of Seattle, passed through Albany last night for San Francisco, where he will invest in the marriage lottery, Mr Allen Thompson, son of Dr Thomp son, formerly of Albany, and .Miss Fisher, both of Corvallis, nre to bo married at that citv on next Tuesday. Several will attend from A'bany. Mrs S S Train and Mrs Thos Hopkins returned this noon from Salem, where they have been in the interest of tlie orphan's horlie nnd hospital. An appro priation of v10,000 for the institution is confidently anticipated. It is 1111 inter esting tact that tlie citizens meeting inr securing the home and hospital, was held just a year ago tomorrow, isow tne building is up, nno nil niai is necessary is a liberal appropriation to make it a solid institution, and it is entitled to it. Circulating Library. Mr Joe Tall, who orunnlzcd a circulating library a year auo. and nlnced IlK) b )oks at the 'tore of C E Bre'.rr.c'.'. ha slarlcd out 10 increase the nutr.t:C7 Uooksby getting new mem bers It cri-. costs ii.sO to become a inembei -?.-h tm-mbei has Ihc right lo rend all the books In the library. This is a very cheap wav lo secure leading matter. Remember c:ich member has the righ. lo rcaJ any booV in the library or any that ma he placed there by Increase of membership. C E Browned Is libra rian. A Goon Resoi.itios for New ears or anvotlier time is t buy your groceries, bated irnods and nroduce of Parker Bros, One of their resolutions is to keep the best in the market, to sell nt reasonable prices and to treat cveryliody with cour tesy. If you want to know w hat store to point your tracks towards tor a wtioie venr look towards Parker Bros., w here you can always find the goods you want A fee stock of laco curtains f r 90 cuts to $10 to suit the customer, at Fortmiller & Irvilga. lust ariiied a fall tine of ladies, chil- drons, men's and jbey'a foot wear at G W Simpson's, whieh will bu sold at bottom priaei. Chenille chee'e is the best, Er iwnell. Trv it. C I! HOME Al AIIKOAU Buy your groceries of Parkor BroV Sm r kraut at C K Hmwueil's. Hulin & Dawd'tn, druggists, Fiae groceries ut Coim A; HeodricsrmY Pirgitins lu library htiuw at C E lirow- Qell'a. A biri'rin counter of rhihlreiia aua misaea llioea it Scarls; Clcuuinc Iowa Kir'hum on draught at C K Itruwuill s Dt'licioua cranuu cider 011 tan at C E hruwiiell a. (-'all at IlullD I) isou' New Drtv Ste.c forfrui.h drill's. C i'l and uh. a nor of b'.'tiiketi that Searla is st'lljpg lui leas than cost. Tal.U'ts, pencils ami aisitnr . at Hulin k Dawtfun'g, I'Vi-iith's career. Sliuike t!vof!tihr.it..d Unvi'.ua lilled 5 cent cigar Julius Joseph's, Dd hot nil tog,.ta pur (if cMldro-ia or nuiiSL's shoe from Siiarls' bargain comit r. Bareaitis in choice ur.ierijs can alu-ava bo aecurid of Alleu Bros.. Fliun Slock. A lari; stock of wall paper, with lato de signs, at rortlniller t Irving's.piat received. M c.uts ia p-iid for droefe.1 p rk. 2 to 3 ceiils l-.r i-fcot on toot, iO cents for Jini.aod $3 tol for mutton sheep. Keen it in your mind that Alleu Rr.n i.ro- poo kecpiuc the kind of groceries the public ui-maiuis. 1 neir stock is a line 011a The Willamette at this citv ia only 1 font 9 inches above low watir rmrk, too lovr for Boats lo run ivitu eate. !J uto a contrast to a year ayo. The natu-al ens w.dls that were f ITerves- incseveial mouths ajo all over, seera to have ail culiaused. at lease cotning is hoard of tnem now. vt hat'i ths'inattsr. Dou't fail to rre our men's and Leva' clotluog rH'tore imrchaaing elsewhere. We sell tlie D-al clotliuir: for the least money ot any nouse in the city. . Lock and ho con vinctd. G W Simpson. Hannah Haes, the oldest resident on the Puylallup reservation, died yrstenUy at the reputed age of 102 years. She waa knoa n by rll he residents on the reservation, and was related to a majority of thein. A nian from Seio says eycry man in tho rnrks nut tour signed a petition tor a new county of Santiani. This urohahly is au ex aggeration. The petition will be takon to S'alem so as to be there on next Monday It is safe to say it will do do good. Mr Shannon Conner, whose leg wrs broken in the ljake l.ihish wreck over two inon ago, is not getting along and is not able to walk, though he cots arouud tho bousu on crutches. The hones of his log do not knit well trom some c:iuse. Oregonian: The State Temperance Alliance in pension at aale.n elected tlie following olhccrs yes- erday: I refluent. Key S I llsoo, ot a lem; vice presidents, WT lti,;d"n, Salem; J C Booth, Rosi-burg; Leslie Buiier, TiK Dalles, and John Luce, of Grant county. The Victor is the name of a journal jnt issued bv the Y M C A of Albany, H W Young, Secretary. It contsina 13 paee. It is tu be issued monthly for 50 cents a year, and deserves a lllier:.! patrooaio. The printing is dono by Paisley & Smiley good styia. The faihiro of J M Elgin, Rt Fendletnn has led to tno'asdit'nnieut of David Brown whose property was attached bv reason of his being one 01 the sureties on E,!gon s notes. A foreclosure would he disastrous, and in order to nrotect himself and his credituts.M Brown has made an assignment to M J Greene, who is also the assigneo for Mr bl liin. Brown's assetts will reach &40,000.nnd his lishilitinp, iuciuding the security debts, fSo.UOO. lhat city is certainly getting it share of heavy fallun s. Fresh drugr, peifumery, hair brush' clcth brushes, tooth brushes, tieah b. ush combs, niouev nurses, box paper, face 1.. der, and, in fact, eveiythingf nnd in a liist cta8s drug store, lor sale at bottom puces.l tiuhn K D.iwson. drucRists. Cloaks at cost at W F Bead's. FrK -: - Dressed -: - Chicken AT :- A -:- Gakrett's SIEGMUND-BARZEE. At the home of Mr Clark Barzee, seven miles north of Jefferson, Wednesday, Jan 21, ISM, Wil liam M .Siegnitind, ot i-cio, 1110 weii known miner, and Lucy L Itarzee. of Marion county, Kev W T VanScoy ollici- attng. H(m;n. STIIKLDS. On Thursday, Jnn. 22nd, 1801, ntAHUera, to the wife of James Shields, a boy. Cnri Mlllor.ot Mondnflno City, pni'w?Throi,ri B. K. rrrunllv. Ho mivh. " Joy's Vertublo f-tir-stiparillit buUrcly cured bis liver uuii Lktncy truubie," Tlrib't T. rarrr. AMlctnnt PuthtIiiI indent rull mnn l'alato Cur Comjutiiy, whiie in t iiiifornii lust suinitn-r. rti'l not ni!iT with H i!iiul cick hfii'Iachos. He icave Joy't Veuvtublc .S:ir.siiiinriU& as Uio pruvcuiinij i;geut. John M. Cot Hvps at 5 Turk P. V. He used to bo at.lii'trl witli fi-k litM.hu-licii. lit1 "had one otUrk ttm d.i. h coinmeni -ed t.-ikiii Joy'i Ycpoti'M :-;ii.iiiariiltt, but noiiu since Tiicy u;u Uuu C. A. Bnshnoll, rt tho Mnrpity TuilMin?. MnrkctPt. H. K, fnf'.ewd wllli Jtiuiju-ntiou nii.l dvHTKiisiain Its WoM Imn Ur ynirs, till Jov'a VejcetHtilo Har.nimr!im r.mo tu hl r- h.'l. nowr rctommcuusit to everybotiy iKiiuiiiirly af flicted. Mrs. Dr. J. IT. Vnson.of NA 10-"sT yirV.t fit., R. K, whoso trouMi wns chronic iiUnines, Mivaof J'iv'h W-iiiMe Hurwiiturilln, "itititinn Mitliolivt-rriifl kidiioyi ia dtjeidul and I uu steadily iini. roving. A. W. Tlpnrt is a wholw-ilon'ioornnntifartti-ror, at "(', Mlnj(mHt.,H.K. He mytt," Joy's Vh:v tHtilo Hfirffly'iirilln Iins nivoii lilm riitiro relict trom hia iinJincfilon and dKcisia." B S U u Q S Q I B K II B rjj TlfE CEl.EMlATV.n w L SMITH & WESSON " Th Flnst't Small Arms Ever Hanaf sctured. ? UnrivaJcdgl cy7 "'j!; W M WOt'sUNSHIP ar.d C0MVENIEN0E In , tOAOIMianrt SAFETY Bewar. of chuniroil Imitations. luy J ' li S;iJ fcrli'iustratcd Cataltarao and Price tut ta , . CM ITU A. WESSON, 11 sriti: i iui.i), .v.! a b ie e u '2 ACCURACY, T3 U AV woRiu 'oiii:iuNj. P. M. French keeps railroad time. New oreain otieesa just leoeived at Conrad Meyera. Kgan & Auliisnu are selling monuments at Portland prices. Fresh New England miuco meat, on sale at C E Brownell'a. Mens', youths and hova' clothing and furnishing gooda at (i W Sunpson'a, Have you seen thoso parlor suits that T Briuk has just received ? They are uiue. Great reduction in men's furuishing goods for the next 30 dsysut W F Read 'a. J W Beutley, bent boot and alio makerin it;, riir-e doors north of pkmocuat otnee. For bargains in nionuuieute, headstones oto., goto Egan & Aehison, Albany, Oregon You ahnnld call and ae those tine library lamps at C h tirowuell a before buying else where. Tickets for ALL eastern points, over aisx route, tor edo by w. il. Jester, at S. P. ticket office. For fresh meats of all kinds bo to Judsoo ft Sitters, oppoutn bchmeers hveryatable Orders tikeu and prompt delivery. For cold nights buy Thos Kay woolen mill blankets, cheapest tu towu. forsale by G w Mmp, agent, Albany, urepen. A fine display of chddrens school shoes on center tablo at L L ttrownel! s are going rapid' lyatlesathan first cost. Call and selects pair before they are all gone. Rcsrsmrrsr'M. JO-JO EB RUSSIA3 - DOG FAjED EOY, uy:ii:, The White Haired Aboriginal Bsau'y, of Australia, witji white hair. 0 fait in clrunmfhrenca, and os chlatiniE pinkeje. 2 OA1SI OXLY 2 Thursday and Friday Jan 22, and 23! From 1 to 6 o'clock, nnd 6:10 to 10 o'clock, in the Ftnre room at corner of First aud Fairy streets. 25 CENTS; Childrcn.10 Dents. and a fine stock SPECTACLES, generally, as well as jewelry, Watches, clocks, etc., nt DR. PATTON, Blnmbrre Block, Albany, r. rBv Hie mr.st inodfro and approved mnthoda euroa d s-aaw of women and children, and all private disnaam of either sex Catarrll curel iy a ouick process. Consultation la free and everything strictly contldoniial. OfTloe hnura, 10 to lit; i to 4, 7 to H. hesiaence utr.i inru snu Lyon stre'-ts. A iMEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Fully Abreast Willi tlio Times. VEBSTER'. INTERNATIONA! DICTiONAFY .:, I. ! al I." rsi. Ttin AntUoH'.lo VoLi.'cv'a l;im brlilpiccl ;;: ! rj, .i.:r l'.tiiv.V- tlio iKKicscl :-'-'- ' . ' iO C - 4j-:ir.I- pro:c:'t;;' ' I'l-.o l -rnl.is licv Tiiorruc:l-.j'.' V.ovJwi'i tvuJ X';:larrrocl, rnclr.3 i:.-.:'.ti:f-iTif,.,i..r tiIc, tsara tho :.:::." r- A:cii: .t.,fa Xi-.toi-aa- u rovisiou Ton c: vs.. iv'oi iOio3nr clrod Ti'.iil c?t;'ori..'i jhdci'uij khvo becu o;:.- i-c I : ,.ou i-. Over &..;(;.'.) tt) ci-tnio1. i-i i.a prepura'.io.i kel'orv 'J.u i-rs'. i?jy wal priuicd. CrifieaJ eoianarixott WJi yrs'nir-Dictioar.rj-i ii-.'vl '- I Ok'; i o C. it C. . I .. .. fMLIislier-. S:rlni;f;. lii. ?.,... , i. A. iv.i.t 1'vaii ii.-.;..-!!. i.-. i;t.,-ii.. ..ii..,i,n , B.K.ELACKBCflN. OKO. W. WRinilT, HAG'uBUr.M & WRICHT. Attorneys at Law, NV. p' otioe in all the Courts nf thi ut... i'rompt atUution given to all busi an futinst.'l to our care. Ofl ce Oild FjIIost. Tamplo AlbMy, q T HUE IT AWAY HI CKlTCUEg. EnBlurtr W IIiin. of lit Mo u I her a PelD It H, Jotn tlie Lou a LM of I'ullruia urrJ bj Elcrtt lclly by Dr Da rrlli, 0U Fifth t, Rut Portland, J rll 1 12 J81M. J Kiiitor OreironUn Ueur Sir: I hold It to Im a duty a w)i urn a pitmtmre in make Known iiirniiKli tna prctn mat wlilcu of nil oilier things 1 uiont eiaentUI, vix: The wny to euro pain mid ileknuss. From iwo in, to the iinu i wm con lied to my hotiNH with Ktiatio rlutnitinin. klluov trouble, .ntUmation f m od ef iha biad it-r and u- iioiml hidi-i.oiltion. Could not Hlep more than an hour at a time. AH meai:H i tried proved ciiHvallinn;. 1 waa proinptpd 10 viit Dr I'ttrrfn throntzh th ndvio of my frtmnW, who had hoeu cured uv nun tii'mcli, I imi-t nay, I had but tittle faith ;lm electricity would ouo me. I came to tt e doc or on crutches. Two weeks electric treatmom has cured me, so I have thrown awny my crutches, and my other complaints have all disappeared so 1 tao command of my en pine today. V HAYl-. How 5Brh"lllcr Calnrd: El&bl Pvuntla, Eftbt Portland), Jnn 11, 1S01. Mr Editor: As others are telling what wondt rJul cures Prs L)ariia have mane for llu in ind their friend, 1 want to tell bow much they nave helped me. Less than two inonti s ago I bean taking their medicine nd electi ic treatments. Before one week had pHHsed I Iwtian to Improve and am now iiko a different person. I can walk anywhere 1 wih to k nd weivh eijjht pounds more than when I beuan btctorlnu with them. 1 feet pleas ed aud prateful and want others w ho are sick and miserable to Know wuat tney can do for them Can be referred tost my home at any Ifnie, Irvhag addition, Eat-t Port laud, co.ntr Kith and Alder. Airs 11 J M1UL.H.1V. Dib Darrio can be consulted free at 70$ Warhington utrctt. Portland, from 10 a m to 8 p in daily. They treat all curable chronic, acuta ar.d private d .teases, and will end lhe;r circulars, question blauks and remedies to any .ail or express address. Drs Urrin have been practicinf; their pecu liar electric treatment for the past twenty seven years, and that they do cure where all other 'methods f'ii is shown by the above remarkable cures. We do not publish (he names of one in 50 on an average, aodonly then with the, writ ten consent of the patient.' lleware of anyone renrenentinff himself as Dr Darrin traveling through the country, as they a-e frauds. Drs Da rin have closed all ouUide ( dices. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their DEYciT& FROKfiNBROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention ) Repair Shop in connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen in the Mate to do any md ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick, nlfV' is out motto. TOWNSEND -& WILSON, Heal Estate Loan Broker Dotai; grtifntl Inmrance tmslncus. Parties !uirii.j( iimirauce wilPio well to tea thtiiu. AGENTS FOR Aclnn Inftnrnnrr 4'oilinny, Ii.corcomteiJ 1S1!; ch.irlcr imnictuil. Lcafrti .md in 70 years, $03, O4(J.'00. AttUi,?9lTtMJ,7i:,ts, dannllnn In. 'nniinnr Intlm.. England KsUltlihhetl 18.1. Jil:il, ').(ftrO.0U0. lutul Or U'hui i J over IS.tXK'.ODO. Amrriftiri Fire lilt. ('nitHmny, "f Dillnilctphts, t.rvtti'ifMl 1K0. Cash sU, sl',642,IJ1K). ItOises t'oliitiilii Vit n-ln 1n. Conipnu.r o I trtininl. Or. Afe(!, -aO,872.tl'J. 'fjiuii oue ot Oii'ko"' I'-'t com tint. Will be Found at the Square Dealing Stove House of SMITH -and SENDEES. . STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. ' NUtK.'ni JS HKKKBY I H AT THH Biinuel mnetiiiKof the stockholdert of the Albany rtiiiUlinir and Loan Ahso elation will he he'd on Fri1ay. Kehrtiary 21), 1WII. at the nour r f T:3. p in. of Raid dv. in the ureitoa bank ottlco, In Altieny Ltnn county, Oregon, for the purjmse of electing nine rilrrctnrs ard threeHudltora to serve for Hie term of one jer next enaninir from 'BlI ninettnir, and until tbeir auoreasoin nreehctert an.t qimlitied, and to transact anrh oi her business as may Ihnn como br-fore tho fla-orlatlon. D ine by order of illrectirs ilil" l"th day of Jan.'imil. W O CaSSKU,, Jay W ItLAix, i'realdect. Becrotary. TO PENT A store room 22x0 fee suitable for business; centreily looate Kor parliciiisra call at the Pxvotpa office or on Jae V l'lpe. llll