SWUj democrat WHAT HUM IT SI KAN? Politician eat are puzzling their brain to find out jrhethcr the election of Gov. Hill to the United State Senate mean that he will not contest for the presidential nomination aenln&t Mr Cleveland. Tlie Sun which has been waRlng a hltter.unie lentlng,unju6tifiable,peronal warlar upon Cleveland U mucti grieveu in spun over Hill's election to the senate, thinking that it meant Hill's abdication which Mould make an opcnf unobstructed way for Cleveland to the presidential chair. The Sun, in its great disappoiniment, (for it has, for some time, been urging Hill not to accept the senatorshlp,) is moved to say. The question of ihe day.'almost equal in Its interest to the momentous cou'.esiovnr the force bill in the senate, is whether be taking the office of senator in congress Goveronr H!l!, now abdicates the great post of Uader of the democracy and necessarilv the democratic nomination for president in 1S92. It ii a problem which cannot now be solved withdogmatic positlveness, but which lime will soon de termine by facts. From the first the mug wumps who support Mr Cleveland exe'u sively have been of the opinion that for Governor Hill the senate means abdica tion and as such thev have desired it and worked fcr it. On the other hand, while we have shared their opinion ard have made no secret of it, we have desired in tensely that their efforts might prove futile The most intelligent and uncompromising of Hill's original friends, thoie who have supported him and promoted his advance ment from earnest devotion to democratic Ideas alone, have also been of the same mind with us ref peeling this subject and it is proper to say that they now regard the events wilh feelings of diimay and disap pointment not known since Mr Tililen w in defrauded of his office. Possibly they are mistaken and we sincerely hope the sequal may piove it, but this is no time to pass complaints or encourage pleasant illusions. The Oregouian says: The New York Sun is distressed because it fears that Governor Hill's acceptance of the senatotship is and abdication of his pretensions to the presidential nomination. It does look very mu: has if Hill had mr.de a deal with Cleveland, taking the senator ship and giving up the presidency till lSy6. If this is true it gives new interest to Cleveland's views on free coinage. It is evident that the Sun regards the governor's election as ending his presi dential aspirations for iSy3. If the gov ernor has resolved to accept the senator snip and forego his ho.cs to become pres ident In 1S92, it !s but anotherof the many proofs w hich he has exhibited cf being a very astute politician. However, whether he has concluded to stand aside from the contest for the nomination for the presi dency or not, would appear to be of small consequence now, as, should the natlsnal democratic convention meet to-morrow, the contest between Cleveland and Hill would hardly be worthy of the name of a skirmish, fur the proof Is abundant on all sides that the great body of the democratic voters of the country favor the nomina tion of the Man of Destiny. Of course the sentiment among democrats may change on or before the meeting of the national convention, though there is scarcely a probability that it will. However if Gov ernor Hill should be nominated, it vould be simply on the ground of avai.ibiiity and he would receive the hearty support of the democracy of the country. It was a candid sta'.ement made by a representative Montana republican that he deemed It "ill-adiiscd for the republi cans to continue to hold out. I am as drnnira nartv man as is wanted when the time comes, but there Is nothing to te gained now that the two senators have been seated." This is a fair summary of the republican faith steal states and dc bauch the ballot hex so long as any spoils are in sight, then surrender a gracefully as a Sioux brave. A ne scheme to rtrtngthen the r.. 1.1 on the State treasury, made by the wagon road Jills is the introduction of a tinmb-r of hills appro miatint! laree sums to built bridges on variou streams throughout the state. The frienis nf thpse hri.lee hills w ill he willing to support Ihe wagon road bills in order to secur; support for their own, and thus a combination is form ed that at once threatens grievous burdens In the tax payers of this state. Will llicy amuse to a scne oftlicirdanger ,or, will ihcy wall until it is too late? If the talented Mr McKtnlcy overlooked nvlhinn in his tax bill that could be taxed the public would 1 ke to know what it is. lllio but the great high taxer, with a seatclung ey which sweens the entire universe at a glance would have "thought of putting a duly on natural gas? Hie McKinley bill does that very thing. If no one cl.-e in congress reinem beted that Canida pro.luc.-s natural gat Mc Kmleydid, an l foreseeing that, with the failure cf the American wells, it might I e im ported he taxed It. The effects of his thought. fulness havejast been let at liJlTil.i, where the reorle are compelled to pay the tax on Canadian es, which they import to take the place of their own exaustc.l product. N'jtice. 1 have moved my millinery store across the street In the litiimberg block next d.or to J A Cummlngs drug store, w here 1 will be pleased to meet my rienos auu lusiuihi.m. Ii. M Bki'sii, Money M Limn, We have plenty of monev to loan on real estate security, on two to live years time. Call on us at our office, opposite th evere house. BUBKII .EF.NEY. NEW A 1 VEI5TIS KM E."l S. "TOTICE TO CiNKAcr Mix. ion j tractor and liuililnrs desiring to bid 01 the enmtructlon t tiif new United Prouhvtxrinn c hurch ImiMinf. to 09 ereni- ed at "tho sir of tin old buildinir, will find thp plain and f .lltalnn. lor 11. e same, at lbs morn of Mfwuri Sox. Tho data of opening bi !s will bo announced hereafter. jfOXEY TO LOAN. In small and 1 larcn amounts, from tlx months to five veats, on good Albany nd Linn countT real eMst. Call on or nddrtsg W E McPhersou, First St., AlhuLy, or. PHOTOGRAPHER, Or Smmil andFony St, Albany, Ot ("1 UI'KRIOK ve)k. guarnntfpd in vr branch of jhe an. arK:i!aifrluR c a.l kiii'i. a i-ecilly "TH! HELPS, Jo in lOii.t, Print ev Albany r -i'v ''al55 Mind wwlrlrtt f nivd. li-v'fs lamM fTt '-T?. in kw f-i:ii;;iiir, T-Bti'm-ni.iSsfn m Ml -r.'.,Ui-7Vv-r . of I I W Ar iULU), tali Av. Xc York. STKAXEY & X AG LEY, PKfM'UHiTOKS OK TIIK-i City Livery, hi and Sale -S T ABI, K .- Fnn Kjn-rfi( Ilaris Who (.- ar.rt from Covr.ili- li t. ricw urn' 'hp-:l mm ii fie citv. Neclrti arfnii'ti pirn l1 transient ht;ck. hourth Mr"t, between E lswo-th ami Lion. AUumv. ureon. Ciiveats, Rnd Trarte-MJrka obttiiTicd. nnd all Pat ent hueine.js conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Oico is Opposite U. S. Patent Offico. nnd we can secure patent in leiBtimo than those remote from Wahinton. Seud model, drawi'ijj or photo., with dpfcrip tlon. We odvfre, if j.itenTnl-3e vr not, free ot cinrze. Our fve not due till jat(-nt is secured.' A "Pamohlet. "How Uy Obtain Putentf," with rr.me of actual cik-nts in your State, county, or ti'wu, eeat free. Addict's, C.A.SHOW&CO. Opposite Patent CSlco. Washlr.oton. D. C. IS NOW AT PORTLAND, OREGON. Ivan & Achi'on Imr.dU tne edehnttd Portland cement will" fcr cemetery lct. l'heso walls on bo furnished at half tho cost of any other and am far superior. - ') : 'f-.'A - - 2 Mueller & Garrett's cash prices arc do liiK the business. Monr saved ny deal ing with them. ALBANY :OFJ. WRITSIAN & HDLBEM EROS,, Real Estate Agents Karme and lVinche fcr ale. AIho city hroperty in Alh&iy and Corvalli. DR. W H. DAViS, Physician and Surgeon. rofflce tin tnlr in Strahan'n nioeW May bo found at hi olliee ny and nlnht ily Restaurant, Hiving been entirely remodeled, this old and popular rentinrant will be madn first clas n every respect. Tno puhho will Kiven good meals at all hours for only '-V. centa. Kverthin neat and attraeMve. Privata boieo. Oysters In every style- CLEARANCE SALE, Jg DURING JANUARY 33 L..- . - B L A IN "Will clos out hi.s entire stock of "Winter Clothing, consisting ot Suits, Un derwear, Overcoats, Etc., Etc., Etc., -AT- Greatly Reduced Prices, In order to make room for liis" SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. of : which : he : will : have : a : large : and : choice : stock JUST THE THINGS Don't he in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as FOR THOMAS BRINK "Will have the nicest assortment that ever came to Albany ALLEN BROTHER' Wholesale i Retail grocers T. L. Wallace & Co.'s IF For such our would-bo coiii.et;tors will find it, -For Two Months,- BRUARYl Wc kick over tho traces and cast all businjj rules to tho winds and do business at a loss. Every overcoat '11 have to be out of the house at the expiration of the time. Read - the - Prices! Which ')1 Have a Demoralizing Effect on our so-called Compete! A $12 Chinchilla overcoat will have to o for.C. The whole stock of overcoats will he closed out at same ratio. All woolen goods will he sold at cost; consisting shirts, underwear, etc. Fine all wool suits, worth $15, and sold at other places for $1.", will he s-dd for $10! Fine dress suits, warranted to fit equally as well as your tailor-made, worth $27.51), wiL be closed out for $20, at an actual loss to us. AGENTS PCS THE fiL3AY MOSLEM KUL COODSf SoleAsent forllANAX & SON'S Tine Shoos Ever vm s xu W ak ss a xt ei, AT T. L. WALLACE & CO,'S 'I !io ltl-:lilnce ol Jrft and IKoiict ItiirRiiinK. Strahan Block, Albany CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON: Flinn Block, -:- -:- -:- :- ALBANY, OREGON Everyone Talks ABJOUT fOl! THOSE WHO CANNOT POSSIM.T CATX TFK. SONil.l.Y, HIIMK TIlKATDKYr PLACKB Willi H THK IIKAI II OK AM. THAT WILL (JlVii INSTAXI ANKOIS yl,i.T INK A rci'.nAM'N t Mux. The most rpocsTy, uositive ami Tiermn Bentcure forCiilarrli ol'tlie iloail, Asthma, and all Throat, Protuliial, Hinp, lleatt. Stomach, Liver mid Kidney AfTecliotis, Nervous Debility, dr. Consumption, in ita various stages, permanently cured. Dr. Ahoxn'S original nm'.e of trcatmctit nd his incilieate.l inhalations uives in- tantaneous rclicr, builds up and revital izes tint whole constitution and system, thereby proloiii;ini? Ii fe. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitu tions, old and youmr. invariably pain from ten to thirty pounds in from thirty to ninety davs. Dr. Aiiorn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the l'aeific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catrrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and I.unji trouble distantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Hhohs's essay on the "Curability of Cont'iniption," and a treatise on "'Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, t'oarth anil ?lorrlAn M 1'ortUml, Onfoa. tJoTR, Homl trc.ilmriit. frmirfly p.1cV?,l, r.t txpna to nil vaiu ni tti Pacitc Ccaat, for those whe ani4 possibly ell in pctton. tt IHVITtD T3 CAll FOR F3FE Ci'HSUUATICH Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, !Ltc, Stc, !Etc, Including many novelties. A fine lino of Scaletlo Jack cts, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. AT COST! My enVre stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a 1 linnt.'a Viivnisliinirs. 1IIU Ul i. flUil U1IU Ull'l v-v... . (J j p- ;;kk i :low somk of tuk unks that Aitr: ooino at cos D.iKS (10OIJS, CORSKI-.s, CLOAKS, FLANNELS, HUIHONS. LINEN. GINGHAM, CALICO, (JIWSAMKKS. ULANlvKTS, jgfCall early -vliilo the selection is good. -:- - -:- Albany, Ore, irst street, SUBSCRIPTIONS !! lr Vll tho T-.e:itlinr NEWSPAPERS - Al - MAGAZDo Iteceivert at F. L. KENTON'S Cash Grocery Stow ' 'TIs a Feat to Fit the Foot, But Ho Can do it and do it No it, If you Avant tho best and most durable furni ture that is manufactu' ed in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S THAT CANBR f!KI KVKRVlH is thp kind tlmt .nnm p S y "K husiness men, and him . dredsof l)oolc-WoeTHTtnnd stpti. ornpliers of both s'xe, attriluitc their suci-esi to a course at the Poriian J Busi ness Colloso, I'ortland, Dromon, or the Capital Business College, Salem. Oregon, lloth arc under the management of A. I". Armstrong, have same courses ol etudy, same rates cf tuition. Uiisincf!1, Short h.'iri(l.Tycvritiiiif, Vcnmnnship mul Htif VtU VspartmtV- Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens of pcuiuaniip. We always keep our cye;: indicator of popular and aro tlicrclore ubiuVj pared to supply it a'',rfr rates. We are selling stoves and ranges, tho m I u!ar stoves made at prese If yon want to ajve money of iioiiK. l.old arlicieBbuy 'em IT 1- ...im II II HI Lit " now wn csn BHve yon monn w w uimko ui tTHN MATTHEWS & WA&n BL LEADING DRUGGg DRUGS, MEDICINES 1STA1 lOHARVf