Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 23, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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jvOL. III.
tSouth.ern Pacifl..; Ilo ito
Kxprois Truins Wn I'l.rllatid Daily.
B-ut-b T' " I ?nk
J:ir. . I bv Portland Ar j li it
t l-v AM-niy l.v Hi'i k M
10:1;" H I Ar San Krui: ! l.v j ii;mr m
Ab"VD t 'a In t" ""W at f-.!-iiii.' Nt:titM nnrtli
f Kdxolmrif. Hunt l ort ami, Orutf.iu I'iiy, Wmd
turn, K;iiin, AHruiv, Tmtoit, Sliill, lluNey llttr
Fr.i a I Lv
H iHt liurj
Arj 4:-lrl,
l.v I H
Lv I (l v a H
h-.Xiru I Lv
4PHLv lWtland Ar;fOAK
jrtW r M A Albany LTjJj1' a "
A Unity
rl it:-:r. am
l.v I u:4o ah
Ar I 4:-Ut h
Lv 3:40 e m
tj.pM I Ar
51H I Lv
iTourist Sleeping Cars,
r Aer.nNliil.ll. l SeroniM'la.. laarM
cr.( utlucliril tu KxprrMi Tralu..
f Ac.l Shlo lilvlalim.
3 UAIb .'SAlKDAlll tExaiptHimuny,)
i I I. v
kt:lu r h I Ar
Ar I r V
v I l'J:ii ra
SXI'KXHH TtAI.1 DAILY (KCjpl. Stllliliiy.
'.Aura I Lv
2 r I Ar
W, Minnville
Ar I :J0 A H
l.y 6.45 A
rriironj?.)i Tielietw
', To all pniiita
j Fot fui. information ririrarriiiift rati, nu-rs, j
i uit 0Tiip.iiv Audit at Al'iany.
X -.. K t. I'tKiEK
t Utiiur AsVtU. F. ami P. Air
f gon Development Company! SUmio
ship Line.
hen by any other rc Jte.
Firat-clasg through paasaiiKor .nd
freight line from Portland and all poluta
In the Willamette Valley to anil from San
Francisco, Cal.
Boats make close connection at Alban
with train of the Oregon Pacific itailroad
T C, MOtili, Becelver.
TIME gOHKIULC.(-3iCTpt Sunday.,)
LiMV. Albany 15:'i p. a, jLJave Yaquma, 7:"0a,m
f.Y. Corvallis 1:14 p. a . Loave Corvallis, ll):3tj a,m
4rrl Yaqulna, 1:S5 p. a. Arm. Albany, 11:1S a. h
b. O. traia connect at Albany and
Oorvallls. The above train connect at
Yaoulna with the Oregon Development
Oompany'e Lino of NtOHinahips between
Yttquina and Ban Fruncisco,
i S.Il.lSiO DATES .
WUlaraotle Valley, Jan l.t;0lh; ll)th;S7th.
WUIanictt. Valley Jan 4th ; 14th ; -3rd ; 31at.
The Compnv r-mwivea the rn;Qt to
thance Balliug datea :thout notice.
V. B. Passengers from Portland Mid
TUlamitte Valley poinla can mk rlose
anneclljn with the trains of the Yaqulna
ronteat Albany or Corrallis, and if des
tined to Han Francisco should arrange to
rrlve at Yaq-jinn the ovoniu before date
f Railing.
eoKPr soil Filftltt RntrN alw.yi tne
atl'tti ajmly to A It Chn;iman,Vrellit and
Albany, f IKXilll:.
fl. P. ar-ill Airtin .
r. v'
! STEEL Pirn
:' 4 cm Samplo Pea;, rlilToroiit iutf cmo, m
i fl Ni. k' 1 Iflutea .linti'i Jt.s,
icut potit-paid jia receipt ot iO JfJ. L'&,
X'. 3. Olilce. 0i0 jrnalkay, f - Vi:k.
4 :
is hereby given that the partnership
retoforo existing bKweAn W H Itow
i.d, M I), and L C titration under the
m name oc racitia Meotcal uomnanv
&as been this davdlsoived by niu.uai con
(But: From nmi after this date 1. C
Kratlon will collect all outstanding ac
toiint 'and l T all debts of said firm.
lUatsdat Albanv, Or, this 18th day of
eo, 1890. W II HOvvLAD,
Li U tilSiilUJ.
Uoburg Lumber.
I sell the bfst lumbar in the ceuntv: also
Har posts, shinHles, laths doors ami win-
Jow mcuklinir, tn. Prices from $5 o ""22
pr tbonaaod. Yard at, on the
Narrow Oaug.. bb me bufure parohasii.g
V W Crawford.
Ailreaa.P O TaI lutn, Op
1',I3,'OLtJTIONNOriCE--Br uiutna
4-7 consent the heretofore existing; fljni
tt Zaehes A Son ha this day dissolved
frtnr"ip,.i0::ri H. Zachea, Junior mem
fr. retiring. All liabilities and rssp ts
Ft ill be serried by John Zscbee-
ignea lies 17, iavu. JO .arnaa,
Joint B Zacbk
Agric33Sl5?a'a! l!uipk.Bie.!ls & Vehicles
Porno anil Sob Us.
Conrad Mover.
Ciu-cer Broaflalhin and First St3.,
iird rraitM, t un-i .TJenln,
ON(, Hrtcrnnwisre.
rivn frnlti, 1 er;lHllepi.
crco, llgrs).
iagar tip'ti.
Coder. Te.
Etc., tic,
. veiytblng that is kept In . oii
ii v cd grocery oro. Highest
o rlcst p t eld for
ManttfftOturun o'
HHiinl attmiMnn jid o . miring ,11
ds ot machlner
PaWms Made on Short Notiut
Best a'.ock of 2r.i1 ST ;ooits In llie Va
ley, ami the most rpiiv ,aie prices, both
n b pcllirg. i h&vo on band
ll !!l!u
ETC., ETO. .
diir waatof S 1j Yiiuo's o ntf
I. fiQTTLifc'B
a farm uf 'jau acref, npr 1wson
depot, on the 1. arrow (jnuur-, 10 miles
from Albany. AH in cultivation. KHir
bouse and bsi - v... for atoc
and diMnestic pnrpes.. Pino oak gr
Alsoanotherfnrin ol JX8 aures, thcer . ,rn
ITOin Lebanon. All in nullivatl Fair
house. Good water. Hotli ir whul
farns. Also bouse anil two lut on KitMi
and Jpffrsin strpets, Alba-iy, For fnrlh
er particulars call on V Umphrey,('entu
proi'inct, or on Hewitt Irvinn, Albany.
I I ri'MiIIVP ruKHPirnoK
"While YouWait"
iload to fe
Cannot bt luccoi.Iully trtveled wltV
out good health. To reach wealth or any
coveted position In life requires the full
poeteselon and operation of all the fac
ulties kind nature has endowed us with.
Thece conditions cannot ol:t unless the
physical being Is In perfect working
orcor, snd this Is tmposs.bls when ths
liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct
ing tho secretions, causing Indigestion
and dspsps!a, tilth all of their accom.
panylng horrors.
tngWtr Dandelion Tonic
exert, a Wo Influence over the Ihrer.
incites It healthy actloa, resolvss Its
chroalc sng.rgements, and prsmotes the
aeoretlor.8 ; cures Indigestion and constl
A pathyn, aharpsns the appetite, tones up
tbe entire lysten, and makaa lift worth
H IWng.
Furmai.ently cured wfthout Cuttintr, Duniln; rr DU
Utinjf. A rtji-fecOy painless treatment and a guaran
teed cum in every r ue. no matter how louv tandieg'.
This trajatinant, for HMictu e. of Or Itoxelrs , is ths
IT latent discovery known to medicine. It diosnlres
and conipletelv rtnvvcs the Stricture withoutamiuy
1 orin to the patient,
PwilKrto their Sex, ant not iriertG name her
incliitlintf all tn:se dcllcrite iTinrinuien anil v.fck.
nutiKOs, whioli they would shrink fmrn dincltiaihtf to
their family ihyician, iKTmnnently curnd lu lt
time than was ever known to Mndicine 1 efore, hy Dr
Boxfli'x "Now Sntcni of Treatment." It rejuvenates
the venito-nnr nry nrcans and makes weak tntin struiifr
When possible, tt is always host to coll tor personal
fonitultaUon and iccial examination. Hut thmo
who cannot pofwlhly ta'l, should write, stating their
co fully. Medit.-inu sent by mail or ex prt-ss, sealed,
free from exposure, to all parts uf thd i'atiSc Coast,
Win. A. Boxoll, M. D.
St I'liii- n lfiMuiirv, Porlliiitil, recon.
Crne r Kir&t and l'irostrcett ov.r Portland
Nntional liaiik.
Vi't. E.C. WKST'3 Ner.-e ar.d Tlrali Treatnmr.t
a viinrri'itRod i,ciii for HvMerin, Di2innnts, O.icivnl
fdonn, Fi 9, Korvou.i Nfiiraljfiii, lienLvche, Nervwns
Proxtration dii'Sil Iiy the uoe of aloohol or toKico.
WatMulm:, .Mental Moyessinn, H'iftaniii)f of Ur
Vraiv re-ultinif in iimnl-y and leading to mifier-,,
fjrea jddv&th, prcintture old aare, barrenoeM. Uftj
of K ' vaunotl hy over-exertion of the hi
fcUch I., contains one mon'h'H treatment, SI a 1'"X
or six bo. r for So, sent by mail prepaid on receipt o
pane. With each onie rwififel by iw fornix boxes,
accompaniwl with ', we will send tho purchaser r
written guarantee to refund the mone t( the treat
mcnt de not effect a cure. Onarantees only
hy J. A. Cummin, Druirittt, iole agent, Albwuj, Or,
Fartmiller St lnfir.g,
Arterial Embalm inp; Don aSciotitit
City Meat Markd.
SHULTZ EROS,, Proprietors.
koep a full line of meals of all kinds.
In j cool pke, completely pro
tetfed; and always frcan.
Highest of ill in Lcaycaiug Tower.- IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, taUj,
IruQounrril llipprlriiM, Vrl Havccl. '
From a letter written by Mr- Ada K Hurd
of Groton. 8 1), we quote: "Was taken with
a bad cold, which tettled on my Luna.
couutis set in and iuially tenniuattd in Con
aumptioD. Four doc tori gave rue up Haying
I ceuld live but a abort time. I ave my
ulf ub to my Saviour, determined if I could
(tot ttay with my friends co earth, I would
mefct my abient onea above. My husband
wan advieed to get lr Kidr's New Ditcovor
ery for Cousuuiytinn. Coughs acd Colda. 1
tjave it atrial, took in all eight bottles; it
has cured me and t.iunk jod I am a well and
hearty woman." Trial bottles free 'at Fo
shay Sc Mason's drug store, regular siz.5, 50
and $1.
Oats Straw. Loopc oats straw for
sulcby F G Durkhart, one mile southeast
oi this city, I
Holm k a Bf.siNss Collkor, of Portland
Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the
leading penman of the coant, has become
a partner in this school and will make it
the leading business college. Send for a
5i 1 ding Photographer A any ""l-egon.
e have bought all theutgativ. ifad by
L VV Clark and W H Green rd up to Nov
15th, 18S9. Duplicates op be had from
hem ouly of us at reduced ...Us, We have
also about 18,000 negative, made hy our
selves, from which duplicate can be had at
like taei. We carry the on y full Hue of
Tiewt cf this state and do enlargt A work at
lowett rites for first cjasa work. W e shall be
pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's
oloek, next door to Masonic lemple.
eailaebej and Dyspepsia
ll ft-11 E Rockwell, No 51'J Went 57th
Strert, New Y'lrl,, aif: I hnve been a
martyr to bilious headache srd dyspemi.
Any iodiauretiou lit diettoeiftii:u,or co'd,
brmuaou til of it'diiceatiori, T" i' followed
by a headache lattti ft twi or -three days at a
tune. 1 think 1 must have tried over twen
ty difTereut remtdies, which were l'rcom
mei'dtd as certain cures by loviui friends,
but it was no ut-e At tt I thought I
would take a simple course of (.uryitiru
with BiaDdreth'a Pil's, For tho tirbt work
I tunkitwo pills 1 very night.tlu'U one pi'l for
thirty uixhts: in that time 1 yaiucd tluve
poutsda in weight, ai,d never have had an
ache or a pain Minci-.' li in one part
of the hociy will 1 vptituIly lill lh whtde
body wih difeaH. H very year or twtome
part of the system :r,ws weak and bciiius
U di cay. ouch put thouia he reniov-a At
onrt, and nnw matter bj nHowed t take its
pi :-'. There's no need of cutting it out a Haryeou'i RCrflpuL Puryo iwav the
old, disrasml and woil cut parts with Brau-
dnth'a nils.
IOO F. Albany Louge No 4 holds Its
regular meeting W'ednesday evening of
each week. Vhdting brothers are cordially
nvited to attend.
Tho story is told of a fJerman, wb,o took the
hands of his clock to tbe ranker to have them
fixed, because they did not keep proper time.
Of course, tho clock -maker demanded the
UfuWts, us In them lay tho trouble. Boils and
blotches, pimpl ana other eruptions on the
exterior tell of a disordered condition of tbe
UihxI withhi. If yu hare these Indications,
be wiso in tiro, and tako Dr. frhvee'a Golden
Medical Discovery. It putj the liver and
kidneys In (rood wortdnt? order, purines tho
blood, cleanses tho system from all Impuri
ties), from whatever caute arising', and tones
up tbe functions eeocrallr.
r. -le-j Mdloal Dlscorcry' cheeks the
fntLnal Inroads of Borofula, and. If taken
m lime, arrests tho maroh of Consumption of
the I. hum (wuieh Is Lung-scrofula), rtnitlrs
and enriohei the blood, thereby onriair all
Pkln and Healp Dlseaaee, Ulcers, Sores, flwrl!
insrm and kindred ailments. It Is powerfully
toufc ns well as alterative, or blood-clean si 11 7,
In Its etTcota, henoe It strenrrtbens tbe system
and reatorea vitality, thereby dispelllns; all
those languid, 'Utrc4 feellara" experienced
by tho debilitated. Fpeetally hna It mnnl
fnttnl 111 pobiney In curlnr Totter, Salt
rheuiB, Hero ma. Erysipelas, Bolls. Carbuncles,
Sore Eves, f.altro, ur Thiok Meek, and Eo
larred (lands.
'(ioMcn Mfttien! DiooreT7M It tbe only
blood and lunr remedy, sold by druggist,
and ywiranUfl by its raanufarturers, to do
all that It tu rlilmed to accomplish, or money
paid for it will Iw promptly rcfundod.
Wour.n's IiiflPRNffAHr MEincAr. amiocta
Tio!V, Manufacturers, No. 003 Main Strees.
Buffalo, ti. V.
r- of Dr. fofe's Catarrh Kemedy, for tm
incurable case of Catarrh lo tbe Head,
3 -3552311--.
23, 180!.
, ' ww mi hi tm in 1 rnugini mm
For four'een years ex-postmaster Central
Dickinson has been working to solidify,
strengthen, and exjiand the democratic party
of Michigan, and on the 1st of January he had
the pleasure of setingi democratic arndn-
stration from garret to cellar take posession
of the Michigan capitol. Governor Luce.
however, remained as chief executive until
noon, when Governor EJ a in B Winans and
Lieutenant Governor Strong dropped into the
executive office together. Clerk Hopkins, of
the supreme court, was seat fur, and the two
took the oath of office. There were no trim
mings or furbelows all was Jirffersonian sim
plicity. Not hilf a dozen people were in the
room when the oith was administered, and
very few in the big brown stone building knew
that the new Governor had arrived. After
Governor Winans had qualified e-Govcrnor
turned ovw the office to him. For thirty six
MM t; UA , . '
years the republicans have held control ot the
State capitol. In 1854 Governor Bingham
was elected, and since that day the elections I
have been but a series of republican victories '
In 1SS2 there was a slight break when the
democrats and greenhackcrs combined and
elected Governor Begole and lost the rest of
the state ticke'.. but the Governor's office
occupies but a small corner in the big build
ing. Now, Governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, attorney
general, land ccrr.missioncr, supreme court,
and both housts of the legislatuie, all are
Una a large and complete line of
goode, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons,
ve ocipedes and many other goods which
go! to make up a complete assortment,
besides a complete line of lamps of
every description. China crockery, lancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cages,
plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets,
autograph books, scrap books, children's
ABC picture books, and all goods that
are carried in a Bazaar store, including
Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish ,
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking
powder and tea, put up expressly for
this t-ade, which gives the best of satis
faction, as is attested by the hundreds
w ho have used both the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
(.olden Rule Bazaar. Each package of
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prize in the shape of a tine piece of glass
ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany,
at the Golden Rule Bazaar, s you will
be sure to find what you wc at, and will
be fhown over the store and be treated
kindly by :i:y clerk, Mr. Miller. My
goods are all marked in plain figures bo
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one pri ;e to all.
Jrt.ii's GHAftwoui .
js, v. lmt mi oiignf to Lu ve, n faot
you iiiii-t hnve t, to p;oy h Thousands
,n- n" icliiiii f r i d rii. ."1 ir ournint be
caUHe :li-y tl. il it i:ot. I'houi'ds upon
thrucai .U ftf i.ulUtn uic upent ntn-iiriMy by
enr ie-; ie in 1 1 v. hope that they miv attui"
thin ii ". A il vd it inny be, I '.d by all
We uii.-ninth th. Klectrii; Id tier", if an-il
accotdii k dir Orion and i),e use rsihted
irt, w b'iiiif y)u good diestlor-nnil iiunt
tin ditit-n Oypeptsia uud ttintvll instead
Kupit" Wi- teei inim-nd Klcot:ic Bitters
'or t-fi't !i aid all "ireiii of J-iver,
Sti.i- Kidney. s ,ld at C0c and $1
w , t Mt r hj 1 iht 5; t.ittson, dmiists.
A care fur thti whisky nwhit; l
Livtit4.f.t. it's Artido'e for run' cm-eft will
cire sin c.. of V b liquor 01. hit in rtni ten
to l J iUvs, from the 11 ndi rate driuker to
the iliiiiAard. The At tido-e can he given
in 1 cup - f ct'ffte ith-nt th knowledge of
the. htm u takii'u it. Tho Antidote uillnot
injure th henltn j nt-y way. Maii'ifactnred
l.y the l.tvinirftftn Chemicfil Vo , Portland,
(Kf.iH' i r fnm l A Cummiiig, o!e agent,
W. V', He'd kei-pathe bs. tssorfmont of
far.oy g ia in town.
Albany Marker.
Rmma - pt 111
f .M- 5bT
(f , it.
l,"tHtoo k) eta pnr tmhet
. ffoi. co-. Si
A ,.plra 00 centa per bo,
f.,ix H per U .itwa-ws,
f-ni n- r'siiin. 1 1c
ahoiiMrra Tc
Hldoo 9
m d 9r per It .
,ctir-4.2S Per bbl.
I.lckeii- 3 00 pr dor..
ii r'eftd t:rn. 14.(pi ton
bnri. !.
tnidvliltitft, 2(i.
' n n.
NO 223
A Man lu aTrunU.
SEATTLE.Jan. 22.-The partially decom
posed body of a man locked in a trunk
wii. found today In the woods near Smith
cove by 11 Newjjuard and UnLt llushy,
Norwegian fisherman. The Hunk was
concealed on the summit of a lofty clay
bank, and the ot U only .accemable bv
water. The fisherman were looktn for
"dead-fall.," to use for firewood, when
one them uw a blanket be'ween a clump
of .apliras. Several niece, of dead
branc .en held the blanket down, and
these were taken away. A small trunk
was then exposed containing the remains
iu cu.e 10 me neceascu lias been secured.
Prattle foainiatler Ur.lxas,
SEATfLK, Jan. 22. A M Brookes to
night sent his resignation as' postmaster cf
this city ;to president Harrison. Mr
Brookes reslirns the otlicc. which it worth
about $3500 a year, to accept the pos
lion of cbasbier of the Boston Nation!
Uank. &quire vill probably name his
successor, and there will be a big scram
ble for it.
A Bold Attempt to Rob.
Boise CitY, Jan 22. There was an at
tempt at train robbery at Xampa tonigot or
the Union Pacific branch line to Boise. Much
gold bullion comes daily to the assay office at
Boise by express. While the messenger stepp
ed into the office at Nampa tonight to make
a transfer, two men entered the express car
and secured a bar of gold bullion. They
fled on discovery, but were run down by a
crowd of people and captured. They will
bavea hearing tomorrow. It is the first train
robtcty in Idaho in two years.
Out vf FiiipIoTuiciit.
Chicago, Jan 22. Delay in beginning
' wusi,ng crioiw appiehenslous here, as the
cy "irly overrun with men who have drift-
ed in here under the impression that work
wou.d be plenty. There are 15,000 or 20,000
men unemployed here now, of whom ar least
5000 are recent arrivals.
A Chinese Kale,
Pendleton, Jan 22. A report from Mil
ton ihat a general raid was insiitnted there
lust night against the Chinese. The story
goes that about one hundred men went to the
Cbinese quarter and led the celestials out with
rupes arour.u their necks, afterwards com pel !
iig them to leave town. It is conjectured the
raid is the result of hiring coolies in place of
white laborers on the railroad sections. It is
said the Chinamen were roughly handled and
two were pre'ty badly hurt. The "firing
party consisted of discharged while section
hands and sympethizing Milton citizens.
Lock Herb. Fresh Columbia river
smelt, silver salmon and salmon trout at
the Albany Fish Market, next door to the
P. O. M Hyde Propr.
The ONLY place in the ty where East
eru tickets can be rjurchas ia of W. I.
Jester, at the Southern Pacifie IV ticket
o til co
SHILOH'S CUKE wi.I immediately re
lieve Urou p, Whooping Cough and Brouchitis,
Fojhay & Matou; agent.
It uck (en's AniUa Salve,
Tho bolt Salve in the world tor CuKRrulfov.Sorra
Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fwvor aorss, r.tter, Ctiapp
hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hi; In Ernptie p
iwbitivelycures ftles.or no pay rutpiired. Ft t8(ruar
nteml to give perfect satisfaction, er money refund
d. lrice W uents per box. For s.!u by FuBhtty and
CATARRH CURKD, health and aweet
breath tcurrd,by ShiltVs ('atarrh Bemedy.
Pric SO centh. Nasal Injevtrr free. Fo
shay iV Maeoti, agents.
Notice to Farmers. Wanted at once
chickens, ducy, geese, turkeve, dried
fnii'H, butter, Cfjga. and all kinds of farm
priH.uce, for which I will pay the high
est price in cash or in exchange for
good. G. W. Sim on,
Alliany, Oregon
WriKRETO GET Tli km. When wanting
n organ or plana call on G L Blackmail
a!. v urn i:an select liom a firht clasa
WHY WILL YOU roegh hrn Shih h's
Curi vill jrivo Immediate le i. f. Price It)
U'-.ut', 0ciita anil $1. Foil.j k Mason,
S"!!.OH S CATAItltl! KKY EDY a
ininrit m h fir Cutnrrh. Diphthfim and
Caiikt-i-lYiiti.tfi. F shay & Masoi. hy,oot.
fFILOH'S COUGH nr,d'irn
Cur m Ktild by Uftcii a icuniB tee. It wi-n
enmu 1 j i.on. Foxhuy ic Mafton, agentt-,
lit".", Kny v-tolen mi Hp bliiikf.ts, ilanntin
mei.'u. vfutli's and bo)' cluUiin;', foi salo
by ti VV imi.pioitV, hveiit, Albany, Ortgon.
F't U-,k . wila, atrtiw orehrp jail on Mor
ris iV 1'lrmnf. eciner or Bfknr ar.d First
street. Deliver to any prt. -f the city
wit Ii 1 1 exlru bust.
FOP, DYSPKP.-1A and JLiver Complaint
you 1 1 vp s nrinte puami.ti e on every bottle
nf IS'hiImI V Vitaiizcr. It rever fails to cure,
Fftsha & MaS'fi, agents.
Rnna hih in Albany M rohyg& Ma
sou's d'ltii stnra t it Siltm Putliler, aa
everjlnlv is usiig it. torMtarih of the
Stiii. m 'i, T)jn hi a, CnniiNtiiD ard Im
pnro l.-i d. Trv it rd i. ll ynor friends
abou' ii 'i it iniist j osa. tt nun "c 1 fu 1 merits
when a 1 piak well of 1.
"HACK METACK,' a Irstii g and fm
g-ant pnrlutre. Price Co aud r.O ctct. Fo
hay Si Maion, igt-nts,
A NASAL INJECTOR free with earh
fHtln f JShibdi'a Catarrh Rrinedy. Price
0 ennte, lty Si Masor, aerrts