VOL. I J J. AL-HAN Y. OBKUQ&-, THURSDAY. JANUAUY 1MH. SO ii'i-Z EAST AMD-SOUTH, VIA ' Southern Paciii:; II out q SHASTAJ.IN'i:. NEW NTOKH.-tia 3IJTCJIKLL. fe-VKW GOODS. Highest of all in Leavening Tower.- IT. & Gov't Report, AuC. i7. TJSLEGRAPlIic NEWS. u.llile AUvIrr, WAMU.NOlON,Jaa. Il.It nl.r , K lis wis co. Kihr.-K Tcttna I.mvu I'ortUn.I Ihiily B.u'h'l I N.tUi Ap" A M l.v I A W l.v i,on I M J'i.rtliHi.1 AllllfV lu:i.A H Ar S, i Fr-ui'.'iti-it A .vo t-iu.i il .;, only at f.. o,,ii.j Hlati..im north tf Koi.-t.ur. K;.it .rt.,uil, irt-.'..it ( itv Vmh. bum, SaIciii, Altui.v. T..i.'..;iI, Kli.N., Haltvy lUr blmrtf, Jutiuti.m Cilv, In!,., Kueiiu. HOMKlit'.KI mil,, JiAILY. (; M a H t Lv MUr Ar I'-nlam! Allmny It-wliurjf Ar -M.hr M l.v -;M h L I li rJO a H AL11AW UK'klA IHILY F.Sifci-T STM ) yno p w I l.v J;tHl P M A." 'orij,i All.niy Ar (i tt Lv fi:t a le:u.on munch. u: u I l.-M-m I Ar -li H 1 l,V -.ml Ar Al!:ny l.tiiiintn A litany PULLMAN BUPFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping: Cars, fur ArrituiiitMlu(iot f KorMiiiMlti., lnxNm Km. Mllnt ltrU lu i;ire..n Trutua. Art Hl-lr MvLloii. r.mu;i: I'oit.xiM .ii 'o is y&llim. At.!, -KAiKUAIIl (Kx.V)t.Simuay.) is. .u r .r t'orvniiuj Lv J !! w PH BtPHKtH TI.AtM IAIIT (Kxc.'i, SuililiiJ" . 4H PM I I.V 2 PH Ar PoNlai,., MirMimiville Arl- :::o a I.V f .45 A rrll-MlJvl 'l-iclfOtM Ti ttll point EAST, jFJD 33UTi3. roifui. iiiforinatiufi rt?i rnttH, tun., s uii (!iniiiu)iv A if i lit at Al'niiy, .. OKHLKK Ai-i-'tt;. V. aiui , Air THE VAQUiNA UOUTK j5n Development Cuirphny'H Hto shin JJiio. 225 32-SOilT 20 HOi23 LESS TIME lian by any other rcato. Firat-olss tUrouKli uuHseiiKor itnd 'rolfht lino from l'ortlami anii all points in the Willamutte Valley to from San t ranolaco, Cnl. Boats cik -lo8 connection at Alban with trains of ths Uroijou FaclUu itailroad T E, HOUli, Itcrclver. TIME 30IIBnUI,E.(eccit aumlnyii,) Laive AIIiaiiv lr. LiiV0 YttiUM:it 7 il'O AfH iMavo t'orviilliH.lMriA,!! Arrive Albany, 11:13 A. u . 4rr) Yaquina, i-M r, M. O. A C. trains comiwst ai Albany and ' CorvHlllK. Tim abov trnltix coiinoct at Yaoulna with tho Orpjrmi lievelopment : Oouipany's l.lne of SiermialiipH batween : Yaqiiiua and Sun Fraudsco, NAII.eJ DATES . PKOM TAQCINA. ( Willamette Valley, Jan lut;yili; luth;27th. ' - VROM HAM FRAXCiairO WllUaictto Valley Jan 4th; IJth ; 23nl ; 31st. ;.' Tho CouipAnv rHivft tbo nnt to iiniiffo KftHiiiit dates v'thout potiro. ;i W. B. Passenor.n from TonUm! nud ' illnmfltt6 Vallov pointii cftn n:ak i'!se donnwtln with the trnin fiftnfr Yp;ulna 4 'ontARt AUmny ur OorvftUis, him! il'don J tin nd to Sun Francisco nhoulU arrange to T rrlvoat Ya'ij!ua the evening hol'nre Uto t f fiiJin-. njrr nml Frlu!t ttntcn nlnaytt . atiti aptily to A K Chapman, FrKltrht and i Alhviy, v.. V. UiHiVK. O. F. r,j l Airoti . - CurralJ. steel mm J C' Par.vplo Pca '".rfrcrcr.t piftsirtii'. 'n M tba a M:k' i fifitrn i m, ft I;..?.-, rout iiost-paid ja receipt ot lu Ji.Ws. PERHY & Ci' , LanCo;;. kz. I'. S. Office, 010 .roai-.jr, k. v.:x TOTIClC OF DISSOLUTION. Notice IK is hereby given that tu partnoralnp heretofore, exinin litwitn V II Cow lend, M I), and L ! Stratlon under the tirm name nt1 Pacific Medical Company haa been thia dnydi-M.ilved hy inii.tiai con "out: From and after this dale L C titration wiil collect all outstanding ao 'onnt.nnd pay all debts of nald linn. Ilatod at Albany, Or, this lsisli day of ; 'co, usw. w H (tOVH,.u L O SI KATIOX. (Joburg Lumber. . I sell tho best lumber io tho ceiinty; also idar posts, shiut.de, lath, dmira and win uw moulding, etc. Price, from $5 to .'42 r thousand. Yartl at Low.on, on the Narrow frauca. See mo lM.nr unpii.l.... e'.ewhere. W VV Cra wroRD. . Adreas.P O Ttll usa, 1)- DWOL'JTfONNOriCE--n miitna nnnAllt tha liArot.irnra .vLiln. M . f .aches ,t Son baa title dar dlsulved pattitr:hlp,.ioiri H. Zachet. Junior mem bnr, retiring. All liabilities and assrta "in ue oerriett ny John zaelies signed 0,e 17, '-:. John .ACHaa, Joitn It annit. -ik.i.i:ki In Pome and Sg3 Us. Conrad 2duver - l'JIW"Kl!S'l'it OK- vSTAil BAICKUY UfuutT Broaclalbin ami First Sta., -nKAI.EK IN m. j FruiiH, tn frnllw. (oiler, Etc., liiiiue.l T3 .!.(,, tmimiiim Oi;lalIM, Kp'flB, Tea. tic. 'erythlni; that Is kept In n land grocer? oro. HlgboM " . ra riret n aid for l KiNDS OF HOBUCE. Albany IRONWORKS Miunifftoturorn o'- 1EAM ENGIKES GRIST AKD SAW yiLLMAC!il!E3Y IRON FRONTS AMU ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AND LIC!!T WGRK, IN IROU MiD BRASS CASTINGS. Koml atloutiiin .hid ds of machinort o .fwttrittu .it Patterns Made on Short Notic 2nd llbl'j, :wlc ol'l't.d rir ;omls n ih Va ly and ilin ir.'Mt roasi ''l I. n iling. sll i.'ii prit'HN, botli liafi bund Ftl .NITltf E, STOVES, TiaWASE mm, BOOKS, PIUTSBES CL3SX3, CisiSXfaY, ETC., ETO. iWwotttnrSKYniiniiN ..!i sl..r. KEAf. KSTA I H KOR 8ALK-I have . n farm ut 2411 ,;re-, near lxiwsoo ;ci.t. on the 1. arrow (Jainip. 10 mi lea from Albany. All in t uiilvallot . rhJr llflllVA mi.l ltdl 1. and domestic pnrposo., l.ne oal: ar AlHoniititherf.irin ol litl aerus, lhaur iro.ll I.hltlinil. All In militi..i(l m'.: honie. linotl witor. Iich ,. wlirtal fa-ma. Also him, ami tw.i lun on f ifth Anrt JorTMr., 1.1 .lrn.1. At. ... ... . rnr nlrl ,......v.,.i.,n vn., 1.. vjtiiiirev,f onto. precinct, oroti UnwUt ,v. Irvino "am titr . TAX A. U.vriJKKY. ' 1 fWrvrt-TlT'v. lQlir ARTICLES W:. f I 1 ! j 1 I. i A rvt-'-r '.nr- , - -7txla.--. ACT NT 1 s & Vehicles "1 mr. ... ALBANY, OREGON. S ANY HEADACHE While You Wait NOTHING ELSE. Cannot ba auscasKfuiiv mv.i.i1 i.itfi g) coveted poti'Jon li l!!o require, tho full r.vs...w.l ui.u I'crcugn o an m, lac ulties kind nature has o-Joncd ue with. These conillionj cannot exist unlet, the !iy!cal being I, in per'ect working crier, and this r Impoulble when tha liver and epieec ire torpid, thuiobitruct. Ing the oorjt:ont, csuslng Indigestion and ivsncpsla, mitli all ol their accora- .uiyuijj ncrrore. OR. HENLEY'S " t - - - v-iiB,lw I Will V exerti a h- Ifio Influence over the liver, , flxcltpa II vi haKJthti i ,. , " " vi ew , rasuivvB ii chfODcenywgement,Dnd promotes the jwD,,u"a uro inuiganion ana constl- Dltton. ahaDeMI th anntll. tbe entire VtsHm. and tnaUa iif living. Ponnai.oi-tly enrwt wfthmil Cnttlnir, Ilurnlnir r Dl. Utln A nflrfrctly tisinltffiN trsatmutit ami a it".van Tim treatuwnt. fur S-.rlctu a. i.t llr llmclt's , li the K lat.t umcriTcry known hi medicine. It diiwjvos ml cnmplctclv removes the Sttkluio without aunov. BISEASEe OF MEM! Ptviiliftr to their S'jx, am not pn.pir to name her.. iniUhlun: all ileliuaie liilirinities ami Weak- ik-hvos, wl.k-h theywoulil Hhrtitk fn.m t'Ut lonRnr to th'-ir amUy phy-i -ion, p.;rminn.:itly cun.-d In vtM time than was ever kiioaii io Mticino I ef tire hy fr HoxeH'8 "Now S8ti-m of TreituH-ril." jt rtjuvenatct thc ifMiito-unrrtrj ortfiintiaiid inakca wenk nittii ftntne When p'wsilile. it in alwavH hest to c;ill lor iierst-nsl eoiiHIiltittiuii nnrl n.....i-il .-an,i. ... .. . .-.-. ...amniiiiiiKi, j.ufc iiioho wPm cannot pimyibly rail, should write, stntintf iht-ir e fully. MclnHne wnt hv mail or express waled free from cxiiuniire. to all nart of tli. l:,..iii.. Aild'ess, Will. A. lir,rll. T. Tl l Paul n l.pi u.iirv. I'orllnnil, .irraou. Corner r'irit and I'll e strcors, over Pmtiaod .itintial l;..nk. HEALTH IS WKALT !'?. fc.O. WEST'S n- anJ P-rain Trtntniet t a -,-uiri'tnri) s.i-.n-: for Hysteria, liZEiitr,, iul ("ions, i (i, .;riniM Neuralgia, lleiifjchd, Ntvu I'r.i.tr.tM-ti c.ueil l.y th umj of ale,. hoi ..r lusM0, Wnk-(utiU"-r, M.titnl llfjjrussion, H iftnin of 0 Hmi; rc-nUin-; in hiia'iity a:tl fn.lintf to mlfr , li-Cjj -si.) ilua.li, prtiiiaturu o!.i a je, k.irrcTUieti. itf-i ff l-i rtui-l hy overexertion of tlirj hvtH hSch U ifintains one hi-n hs treatment, 1 a It'-x nix lit. w f.r o"., acitl hy t;ia.:l prupaul un rvitit o price. WK OI-ARAXTHB SIX BOXES TO (TIM! AKY ea-ie. With fSfh t 't rereirei) bv m for Ik Irotef. aceompmiietl with -vc will wu-i the purh i-Fr 'r written iruaiantrr to r.7"in-l the money if the tvA- IlU'tll itiMt'H ll.it rfT...- n flitn. ft. ...... ...... t J ....'l hyj. A.Ouniinin;, Iriiil, oIofijrBnt, Alhr), lr. r.i Viijfis;' , r : tv.-JaTi'.-aif'.-" V 5. r, :-7 1" FUaVEIJAI. DIKEfTOIiS.- Arterial Embalminp- DoualScientil Ically. City .Heat Market. SHULTZ DSflS,, Proprictnrs. rMp s roll line of meala ut all kitul lu t ivm.I pbee, rouipletoly pro. tected; mid always fr..n. re td STRICTURE ! i ! t rl v tV I .1 ,ia1 .. LI W ABSOUJTEty PS 'ruuunnml HuiirlrM, Vol Mnvril. From a letter written by Mr. Aila K Hunl .f (Irjitcn, S 1), w quote: "Wn. tak. n with l'l tfu.d. which cttle.l on my Lun cousbs ec-. in .nil fiualiy tcriniuatrd in f tuniption. Four doctor, Rave ino up siyini; 1 ci-uld live but a hort time. I five iny- If np to my Saviour, lictermined if I could uct.tay with my frisnde co earth, I would mei-t my ahnut onea above. My huahand wa rdn.ed to sct I)r KioR'a New Dikcovcr ry fur foniuniytion, t'on,,ha and t'olde. 1 cave it a trial, took in all eitdit bottler-; it baa cured me and thank lod lama well and hearty woman." Trial bottle, free "at Vo (hay A; Manou'a drui; atorc, regular iz-. 50c oud tfl. Oats Straw. Loose oata straw for sule bv F G Ktirkhart, one mile ,outheat ot this cltv. HoLMKa l,t:sisftK Coi.i.kcik, of 1'ortlnnd Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wmco, the leading peiinmn of tlie coast, lias become a partner in this school and w ill make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. ding t'liotogmiiheiw A i;ny i reuoa. W e have bom.ht all thencgntivi i made by L V . lark and V H (;,ee, ood up to Nov lath, 1SSI). Duplicate can be had from hem ouly of ua at reduc. .1 latea. We have aleoal.oi.t 18,000 ueativea made by cmr elve, from which duplicate, can be had at like ia:ea. W. rrv il. r..i. ... - j j iu,i iiud iij viewi ( f this state and do eularg. d w ork at ....... . ,kcB ,ur utai ciaa wotk. vv e Shalt be nleanpfl tn au Ci....:. , . j a. uuc .luiiio in r roinan s block, neitdoor to Maaonio fea.plo. rniliirlir; ami llyspevsla i "'" E Rockwell, No 512 WestfiTth Strett. New Yoik. a.. hi h.,i. mait.tr to l.tln,,., headieba m d clvrpensia. Any iiiditcretiou in diet,oelfiitiue,or co'd, briDes on lit of il H ine.ri. ... I.u ...II. J ... , ,,, ,,n IHI.1I hy a heailnehe laiti a two or three day s at a time. I think I must have (i it 1 over twei ty different remedies, which worer'coin- mencwa ae certum mimu ,u ln,.t.... t.-; t- but It House. Atlait I lliouaht 1 would lake a simp''e coutse of (.ur.tirii with Utandrtth, I'ilie. For tliu first we.k I tookjtwo pills pvery iiighr.tltril one pit! for thirty iiialitii in that lime I uaiueil thtoe pniniils )u weight, and never have had an ache or a pain einei ." l)ioa,.e in one pat t f tho body will .v.utli.Ily till 111 wl.o'e body witli di.ea.-e. l-verv year or twi. tome Hurt Of llll .VRVii. irUa li..!. ....1 I ; totltcav. tiucll put should he riinovd at nin e, and new matter In allowed t . take its ir.'.Ui. I kre . tin IIHi.il l.t n.l.n.. .... I with asiirceon'a sedol. 1'urt.e twnv the '1,1, disensed and worL cut t'at ts with r.iai. drutl.', L,l!. IOO F. Alhutn- i .uKe So 4 holds it regular mreiinj; Uednesdny evunin of each we. k. Visiting brothers are cordially 11 vile d to :iitt!Hii. The story Is told of ... flermnn, wbo took the Jon.lanf his clock to Hie maker to havo then, tlxed, because tlier dl.l not keep proper time, or course, the clod;-maker demanried the Jtorl.j, ue In them lav the trouble, lloil, and olotelice, pimple, and other eruption, oa tho exterior tell of a dianrdercd cou.tition of the Monrt within. If you havo these indication, 5? ?,'". lri tln. and take Dr. rierce'r Golden ,j iPnl 'Ws'-overy. It put, the liver and li. dncya In tood working order, p.ir.ric, tho OlOOd, c!canA"fl llm av.lem r..int ull li.ini.ri- U( the functions arncrallT. UcMe.i Medical Disci. err" check, the .-rrul Inroad, of Snroiiila, and. If taken n n in, arreata tho mnroh of (Jonaitmptlon of the J,iinir, fwhleh Is I.ttngHKirofulal. ptirili'-a nnd enrichoa tho bloo.1, tlierehy euruair nil Skin and Nealp IXaeasia. liiccra. Sores. Mwcii fnaa.and kindred allirionta. It la powerrnlly tonic na well as attentive, or bkx-c!cp.nliiK. In It, eireeta, hence it AtreOBlhcn. the aysU-in and restore, vitality, thereby 'iitnclllna- all thoee lantrttld, "tired fecllnn" rxperlcBcrd hy the l"billlate.l. isnnelally has It. mani fested I's intone? In euhtiv T.-ttcr, .s:.t rhcinp. t-Tzi-ma, Krrei,o1aa, Iloll Carbticcli-e. Boro l,tii tloitre, or Thlok Neclt, uid En lorired fiianils. "tioiilcn Mi-.ll.nl Dlrtoorery " la the only blood and l.mjr remedy, eolrl by dniralita, end tpuiranttul by Ita luaniiractiirrni, to do Mil tlint. It nl iltn.ul .a ......... ..i:.U paid for It wi.l l promptly refunded. WoRi.r.'a lin-piTNSAtir 1kiih;ai. Assocta. Tliw,. Kaniilnciilnjra. No. CHii Jliilo Ktnxu. Uullalo, N. V. SSOO OFFERED r- of T)r. Sajrf'i CatarrU U.-nxJv, for u 1 ir.tunvblo oaati of Catarrh in Ut tlmiX, i1 iKui-i:itA.4 : ( U1.UI.M. EJitaJ by Alha!iy W, C. T, V l)r llelroth, the great Vienna surueon. says: "The co!om.uI Increase of nerve and mind disease In ourdav is jndoubt- ea.y the result, to a great extent, of the tobacco and .ilnilirtl KitSi'i m.l tl.u ing of the nervous system caused by these Mrs Leavitt formed the first V C T U in Italv. at Naples, Nov 2S,with five mem bers, all ICnglUh. Kour more were added before she left town, with still others in prospect. Ether-drinking has become so prevalent In Ireland that the l.rd Lieutenant has scheduled ether js p.iison. to be sold onlv hy quaiilied chemists. The hahlt started in Irapers!ow n, jnd claims ;S.S5l slaves. The chairman of the Liquor Laws Commission of South Africa report pro hibiting liquor laws in the OrangeiYec .State, Natal and' Dcchuanaland. It is siaten on good authority that the next oliicial bulletin riflii rAn.. c... -..w i itC JlrtLC will contain a d-cree prohibiting the im- Kul,"llu u' ";oe or tiisiuieu liquors in the whole (iri,i. rPu.ii.... 'i-i - - "hv .tiinwi. .ue natives almcst un.inimouslv asx for prohibition. They have the idea; one of them save: "The sight of the canteen increases ihe desire for drink In the same wav that the sunt ot a pretty bonnet in a show-case onen mmices ladies to bur what they otherwise would be contented -without." .THE .OII.KS RII.K IMZtAR. llus a large nml complete lino of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, VO ru'inoiTno nnl mmit. ... 1 i . . ,uu,ljr uuifi gUUUtJ WHICH dfol to make up a complete assortment, I resides n nnnii.lntn lit.A 4 t vv.juici iij.iiun, viiinu crocKerv, tancy decorated ware, ulaeswure, bird" cases autograph books, scrap books, children's A Tt C Tiinfm-tt lwwl-u J ll 1.. are carried in a Bazaar store, including iwt-i jiua. j.o- silverware, we wish in on) il.n otti.tt!,,, K s V..V- aenvnu.ll UI UIW pUUHC 111 par- ticnlar to the (ioldcn Kulo prize baking ...... . ....... i.i,,,,,, (ihi-b uie oest 01 satlS- lnction. nil iu ntlimtii.l 1... l.n 1 1 1- w ho have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the . j.iiv.,, pucKllge 01 tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Albanv, at the liolden Rule l'azaar, s vou will be sure to lind what you wait, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindlv hv tttv elorlr ATn Mill..- t.. goods' nru 'nil ii'iniked in jiliiin figures so id .ii-.t iu ucccive iiiiyone, aim 1 luive rut one price to all. Jt hirs Gbadwoiii IH Iiemy. ':!: if wlmt yn mjjjn to I -ji vp, n f.tft vo hp i, to Miji.y lif-. Th u-anta i r.- io-n;l.ini' f. . 1 .1 irv. ami 11. 0111 t' -y iltil it, rot. 1 iti u.amU upon itiils of .n!!nm ate i.i nt niititia l v b ";;Ie in the hope n i,-. thev lllav attain on. Ai d v(t it ciiiv Ih hud by all. sr.:nr. tlMt 1CI, n, ! tore, if used it g duie'inn. nt o he nro rersistctl tl:-ii-iiir j ihis I j accoi in, w hijto.' -iii fiM-ii ,h e-oiort ami oust the I'lin.n IhM.jisii ,,id ttlall instead Kup i.r V ii.,.. niif.i d Eii cltic liitteri for Jii-pf t -r. Mil ail m'se.-i.e,. of i.ivei", Sti.n .-h anr Ki.li.ev. S..:d at. ."itio and .! per I . tt'e by I o-l ay A; Mason, drucgltta E'r.'iirli Tnuj i.rer. wiifcrs are u sure ami bile : r l it i Mf female tronldc: at. ; 11 ohstriicilcns to the n.ot no turner ha! the caue. '1 1 : wluit every woman necc. a' istd with ui.fViy. For Kite 1 il ''" i" C'hi'inici'j Co , also fron 1 mi, J A Ciinini'tt, druptp. Ih. jtk, A Ih.u.y, Oregon. Ciii-w -.r Hti whisky nbir. V tttii'n ArtinV for ruttl (.lll(ca w.:l v v'i- of 11 e li(ii. r 'cl it w m-ni tei, ' ihir, fr-.ni the h nrtrnti drinker to iit-aul, 'fhe AitiiN)iR c; 11 heivni i'f v. iXt-v mill, m th kion!c(t.:e of o'i tat i-v i . 'I't.r -iitiikte will iit Til.! for 1 remt. tei iti I are t : A - i.ivini 1 11 I V H to tr.i tho ih in 1 v. Ihp it injur ln'aliii indi-j m v. Mi niifac:urel l y tin LiviniM.... riittnii I Co Porilai.d Or.1,,,1 rfli'M. .1 A Cftl.ll.il'ff, oJo JPBt, Alhaiiv.l W. r. lafMl It-f ir the I'l-dt ortn.fciit of farcy j o in tt.w u. Allmny Market. Wrim' ; pr 1 vt( - 6( cts or tUMhi) i;, , r- - '1 f. ut, H'-t , y'r liOrcnln por hu. L'ftn - fci.tni Ur fnmi.fWjTfi To ali.H f -tit" IV pr M.. - f nr 4.-" per hbl. '.iffcfn 3 tm pur-lof.. rtvC'l-'hrnn. 14.00 pnrtoii hnrti, Itt. M'fthl itur, iO. apparent now that the election, hid 1, adeer bio' r. M " PU"'"'. ""to Ih. .adership of 1 loar and Aldrich have been otitgeneratcd and outmanaged by li e shrewd ,nd crafly (Jonn., The Maryland democrat has not made a S'1'';1" V,1'1' '" hi" cITlHon to the bl.l, and all the experienced senator, on the renub can s , hn... i .. T. cope with him. The sooner the re,,h ncans come to the conclusion that the country is nat behind the election bill and the sooner it is dropped the better. A Valuable rtinrarlrr. Seattle, Jan. 21. For dcf.nn.iti, character, Minnie O Drown brought suit in the KtllWiHnr b . Kassell Go'. ,7 To: V.i'Pf'.W' j " vjuusiein tor 3c,ooo damages. She claim, that thev slated that she formerly kept a lodging house on Pike street, and that it wa, 1 house of ill-fame. She say. that the .tatc ment was scandalous and Iniuied her good name and character 30,000 worth Squire Drnl. Oi.vMrniA. W.i.h i, ti . . t . 1 j -1. 1 tic sui 11.1, set unnn tn,ti, ( l.i. . . . , - ; s--""iiii .scnatoiial asi iratton.. Snator IVa.soa C Squire wa, re c lec.ed Td day cn the n nr h.ll lr- . 1.. 1 . ..i f " ,ceciveu 50 vote. Judge C atkin, 30, Thomas Carroll 21 . .Acting Coveruor kaughton I . A larmer Falls. I'KSDI.ETOM. tin 1, T T r-i-:- .. . -'j j ... ..gin, 01 uma- lilla county, a most extensive fanner, against w hom suits were brought hy creditor, several W'Jek. Hon. in. milt- : . ,..,....., ,.., assignment to M I Creen or the protection of those to whom he is indebted. 1 ho inventory of the real Drop, erty show, ,t, vaPe to ,,e nbout ?2fi I he value of the personal properly i, fixed at A Ucsfliiirs ITeiliiing. KosEsuKG.OrJan 21. -The nuptial, of ' Miss .Sultana Simmons, of this city, and Mr KufusSkipton.ofCorvallis, were celebrated lntnepiesenreofabout 500 guests' at the parlors of Prof J 11 Horner. Mr ,d Mr. Skipton leave on the morning trnl.t for Cor rai ts, their future home, lollowed by the best wishes of t'..eir many friends. The present, were numerous and handsome. Klanirieaut. Nashville, Jar 21 The Tennessee lecis . lature adoDted a ioint rlicnlmtA.. .1 . ft... j . w uckittiiog tiiat action on the bill to appropriate 8250,000 fcr - , . uc jo.iponca until ihe hnal dispcsilion of the election hill in il,. senate. The ONLY lilacs in th fv ..i.AMi?.. ern tiokHt. 0.1, 1 lia ,ii,.l...u ;i -t ti. 1 Jester, at the Southern Pacific Co', tio'ket ollloe Ilnrklen'a Arnica SSalre. 11 .p. ti in """r"i on curs.nruises.sore, linli.lt.. tJhilbluliM, Corns, ami all Skin Ernptl. (lositivulj'cures Hiltm.or no iay ruquireil. ltiscuar.' ntveil to triVH mirriif.t u.i.i...i.. ..f.-i "... ' ....... -v.. ..ii, ui iiiuni; ll'lullU lias.)!. ' ' . ' -"" CATAItrtir r-ITRirT, u u j . . . . .......... nUiBikii Bun awrcs hrenlh seeured.hy .Shllcn's Catanh Eemedy. Price ,e,0 conrs. N...I T.,;a.... ..v. shay A; Mason, agents. Notice to 1'abm;:ks. Wanted at once cliickens, ducks, peese, tttrkovs, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and nil kind's of farm prcdure, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for t?ociK U. V. Sim kcn, Albany, Oregon Wnr.RKTO f'-lTTllEM. When wanting -.rsan or i.i.m a cell on G L Htockman aln e vou can sc!rt from n first rlns. I- r 1 i.. I ack, 1. I.. Plaster. Pi : liteFhlloh, , 3i,f. WHY WILL YOU .....tl, vlun ShiM,', Cl.;.- .il gjv mineMHr- luf, J'rtie 10 e- "0 Cftita a'jii $1. I' shay & Union, ;'i-Ht. SHJI.OH S C A VA HUH I: KM ED Y .1 fMim ii o i n f, r CitjirrH, Dfphiin ria and t'aiil--i-M.imh. Knflmy .M.in-n. &tteiit. lill.OJTS CCUCM nr.f Cc.i un.pti..,, i.'ih- ii- fold hy ti.n aua-A-.tfe. It i-un coi u r iui. roahiv & Man.,,.. . ... . 'I t Knv w . f i:thV W Sii. t. nj. n ir.tMa t.l .t kttf, fl hi t b.y uhuhiry, ti. . i V, atei.t, Ahi., 1 Tor hai , otts. atraw i-rrhrn jt on Mir nA:Hlrin. c-ir-er or B-kir and Fital Ktr..Td. 1 o'.iver Many (.in if tl, city witii. tit t-.lm cti!.;. H)li DYSFKPMA -mi . ivcr ( on..Iaint yon I pvr a rtii.i.- fci"iri.iitiMoh t very hnttiw of M ih.l.' Vitalizi-r. It nevt-r fmU to cure. Fxrlirmetti Uuv hih in Albany t Koshitv?' Ma -Wn ihun a'ora i tr Stm l.uiMrr. as pvei,hilv ij tiftii g it fir Tatarrh of tl, Stoi! nii.i e ia, Cot.irii nth 11 ai d Int. Dine 1 liw-il. Tr it ml Ml i-ui frifniH alVtii u fit ii immt om t u ..i, (ul nun In -htH h 1 rprtifc wtil of 1. - - - "HACK M F.TACK,' a AatiiK ami f-a grunt pnrt)ihP. It 1. 15 ar.il ceutn. Fo h iy & Max r. ny-ht A NASA!. INJKCTOK fne with rarh rtttln f jShiioli'd Catnrih Krtnrily. Price 0 cunt. I't.'i ay Si Manor-, ai-et.ti