; 'it J :! f : f Satin; democrat I'atenth Granteu to Inventors in the Pacific States dicing Hie past week. Re ported by C ft Snow & Co., patent attor neys and agents for procuring patents.opp. U S Patent ollice, V:isliinuton, I) C: J S Kenn, San l'ranciseo, Cat, fiv bookt 1 .N Borden, Valley Center, Cal, talde; T V Ilrook. San l'rar.ci&co. Cal, hydrant; R M Dmiotun, Portland, Or, compound for covering broom corn; S N Goldy, San Francisco. Cal, sah balance; W 1' Humphreys, San Francisco, Cal, joint for suction pipe of dredges; J II Jones, San l'r.-iiicisco, Cal, injector oil burner for boiler furnaces; G F Kincaid, San Fran cisco, Cal, photographic camera shutter; 1) F Oliier, Oakland, Cal, Merrick; A A Palm, Calico, Cal, screen; A Y Ueppy, Oakland Piei, Cal, electric arc lamp; Stempcl, San Francisco, Ca', anti-f:iclion bearing. tlur I'urli My dear, said she, when you go out lie f 'ru to Bend me pome witter kraut. You'll lind it good t M. & (i.'s, Who nleo keep that line Swiss cheese. Chow clioiv, pickles nnd inackerul "off shore," You'll lind displayed at their front door ; Teas, colfees, epices and sugars without sand. For cash they are wiling cheaper Than any other stand. Their clerks are kind and pleasant, And greet you with a smile; And as for waiting on you Its just in first-class style. 111 It 1ST NATIUK.1L 1IWK, VY AL11ANY, OHKUUK, President ........ Vice frtfsiauiit .. . C'tiir...M.H L. . S, K. .K. W. LA N TRANSACT; A (IKNKUALbaakmit'tiusiiiesa. ACCOr.NTd KKIT aiilijua to slieck. 810IIT KXl'IIANMK ci Ul Tsphlc translrr, so 45 .t Yini;, hail Francisco, licig-o alal I'm CoU-EirriONK iIAI'Eud tsiumtils teriv.s. FS Cough, Cold. Influenza, Bronehltlt, . Haarsnss. WhooD.na Couah.CrouD. i 7hrn-t Atthma. and every a:fcciion of the Throat, Lungs nr.d Chest, including; Consumption, bpeciy aud priaanect. Cvuuiue tinned 2. B'ittS" Will & Link OrERX HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AOtXTSVOR THBCELRBRATKD II. F. Miller, And the Fsvorlte J.BAUER & CO.S PIANOS. Palace and Earlmff jtfonseProof Organs S0L8 AOEX T8 FOR T1IK EltougB B, and Sa Eoma Sewlaz Machln m. Organs Cleaned - and - Refaireii ALBANY, OREGON'. N1U11II1BIIID H . . . . the ci:i.r.mtATr.D m mi SKiJTH & WESSON " to ni in a arv m mm asm. K1 a The Finest Smcl! Arms Ever Manufactured. ! accuracy! .k-.J H DURABILITY. WOI:s'AX?HIP and (I I UUttVCKIEKCE In LUAOIIJIiand SAFETY, Beware of cheap iron imitations. fjg Send forl:!usiratcd Catalog and Price Liit tocj ;;riiiM a wtsson, xriuxiiri Ki.tt, m iss. & 1 WftW OR. G.WATS0?J MSTCK Physician and Surgeon. Ufllra opponlto the Democrat. Blutnberg Itloek, Albany, OregoD. 'emalo and prlvato diseases a speoia'ty Vcnsultntluu lieu. EedCrovnMills SOM. IjANMNU & CO., I'ZsOPR'Se ItlW PROCRS3 IXOttR SUPERIOR FOh rAHK.l AMD BAKERS USX, REST STORAGF FACILITIES. ALBANY NURSERIES T R HAVK ON HAND at our nurnery y f on the CcrvRlll road, one-haif mile from town, as flno r. lot of fruit trees of all kinds itsotn bo found any where on the oiwt. If you contemplate planting; tteei It will pay you to ree our tock and get our prices. Catalogue fiee. 1 FY M AN A BROWNELL. IJTJOYfl Roili tin' iiK'thoit r.inl ivfiiIim wher. r!vril) -if Fyn a laken ; it is jile:!.-:iiii ami l-elVe-hitii,' ( iusto. mill acts (.'etiliyyct prniiijitly u the Kidneys, J.iver iiii'l Hnv.els, cleniist'H tlie sjs tein ili'ectititlly, lixi('la cnhlf, litml iit lies attil lovers mid cnri s lin'iittiiil constijatio!i. Kyrup cf'Fif.'s is the only remeily of its kind ever jno ihii'c.l, jileasing to lie ttu'tc liiul ac ct'ablo to tlin stonmch, roniit in tin action and truly heneficiul in its ilLcts, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in iiOc nnd 61 bottles by all leading urujgists. WIUFACTUnFD ONLY DY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAU FpAKCISOO. C4. tOWSh tU, KY. AEW YORK, H.Y a- K Vol Ktl L If Ili.AIK. DlKKCTOk. I'd hd V . Sox. L'nn C;;. .National Hank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL SI OCK 100,011'). President J L nnVAX vl,v 1'ri.idtnt J M UM.STON V slii.r I. tn K CM AM IlKltl.AI N Aut Cashier O A AUI IIIIUiLl). D siwTiiai, I L tW;fl. J M KalHt.MI, K rhaiulierUiii, W 8 LtdJ, VI 11 U.il.ru, J A Craw lura and u A ArciillxiKi. TKANSAtrrHairenersI hankltiif husknees, UKAW 81(1111 lilt FTS cm Now York. San . 1 1 f.i ,i I Oreri:i. LOAN MOSEY nn appicved sevurll? UE( EIVEdepuslts suL leet check. B AIN'H OF MC'IO, (iCIO, OHKaON. Delmofiico Restaurant. Opposite Blumberg Block. Sew Rooms; -:- Seat Service; Good Meals, Promptly Served, for Twenty-Jive Cents. Oysters -:- in -:- all Styles. Court.ous Treatment; First classt'ooks. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. first Term Opened Bepteiubcr loir. 1K0O. A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL ' CLASSES. CourHAS ot tllfiv RrntiivAH m mr H. floi of ail grades of students. Special inducement offered to students from abroad. KEV. ELBERT ti (OM)IT PresMent .............. Vice l'rvitit'lit... '. Cavliier , J S Mnrrii, E Cioin. 11 Brvaiit J 8 51 j Km O b MM 1' o .Smith. Pnca m areiirral baukintr and exchtru'e tunin Siht draft usutxl uu Alba, 1'ortlsUiJ San 1OUTI,Al KtVIXGM BAXK, OF POHTIAND. OlCEUuN. Paid up capital . ....frito.nf. Surplus and profit w . UJ.UO 6 per cunt per annum Interest allowed on a rings derosita u follow: Onorlii)ary uvmun IhiuWi ....4 percent kt nnurn. un term WMiiira uitmit On cert i .Walt) of deposit. For tlireouiuiiths For aix nuxitha Fur telv month .4 per cent per annum: o er cent per annum: iwr cent ier annum. rit.t.Mt irrit m, I'reHiileiit . P. THoAirsoX Viee-PrwidenU II. C, hTKA PTOX, Cattblen J . K. "WEATHEHFOSD. TaOHNE AT I .AW AIUA.W. OBES.MN W li BILYEU, ATTOKNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in t'liancerji iLIIASlY, . - OREGON, Collections promptly uisde onali po'nt oaaa asxotiatan on ea.vmaDifi tonus. . R. K. BLACRBCEX, CEO. W. WRIOHT, ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the SistM-. f St. Benoilict Tuition In select day scbool ranges from $5 to $10, Forterms o' Boarding Sch ol or sny prticclars apply at the Academv orjd. adess Sister Superioress, CALI PesiTivE mm it. FOR MIA 0 A AM A a . . UAiAHnH CURES Bliciiinatism, Xcurnlgia, Corns HEADACKE, And ALL PAIN. Tb Osllfonls Fosltire and Megstlrs ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUKES COLDS. CHOUI'. COIISUMPIIOH. Gold b7 all Srnftpats. Eaci 25o, 60s & Orcaslnajsr & Co , Prop's. Los Ancalas, Cat, S. W. Paisley, .Albany, OrsRou WHOLESALE DKL1-:H IN- O is acknowledpwl the len()inr reme.ly fof Jonnrrhfp A utet The Ank nnm romsViv fnr Xscacorrhira or Whites. J prescribe it and feel aafe in rvrnmmendinir it I THEvriaCHEM'2JV to all utitTprrrn. . Oncihhti,i m mm a. j. oiunr.it, n. v., I 'E( ATI K. 1LU Sold tT lrnKicit. hi AN iKD A 1 SICK, Apeatn V. W JriTr5HAYP.l Bym UiiasTkoiMd not to f d UMmIi Kt , ...... Eevore House: ALBANY, OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. FU'fvi un In flrfiUclatts style. Tablfs ruppliml with the het In tun market. Nljoe nloejilnsr Apartments. Himple roonv ror commercial "travelora, j t i.iid rrrna Ibe Hotrl.m $500 Reward I Wxt pny ili r.hoTi trw.irl f"r any cam of T.lvf omHftint, livfsfp9ii,fiv'lc lloivUwhe. lnJ.,rxtioTi. Con utiin -r l" ttvene-- e rnnnot e.ire witlt W.ita enTtn.ilpi.1virli.ln,1nn tlio (i.wtion are strictly cri!lictl with. Tl.ryr.re ir ly nrliiti!, and noer ail to giro nation"! ton. 8mfr Cont.-J l.irv Im.xm, onta.' " " VS eeitt". p.wnro of nmntt rflti ml In... . . rri'nuino mnnufartiin-il oil 1 7 by SttK JCUW C V.T.ST COitl'ASV, ClUCAlMJ. ALU. j.i.cir Mtiivu,.. . o L. HILL, Physiciat and Sur;eon, Olnoo cor. I and Ferry Streets, ILACKBURfJ & WR.GHT, Attorneys at, Law, Vill practice in all the Courts of tin tate. Prompt attention given to all busi es entiusted to our o are. Office Odd Fellows Tern u'. a V. I 1 1 , 0 11. G. WATSON, Attorney au Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON, Ufflce In Hie alrahau Itloek, .J J. WS.1TNEY, sUut-ej And Counsellor At Lai KD- lotar.- Public. alba:;i' cregoh G. A. WHlTfJE-y, Physiciaa .and Surgeon. Graduate of IWIvue Honpital Medical College Now Verk City. Diseases of wom&.i a specialty. O0lHc iwiiiA'i's llrit-k, Alliauy, Or. 03 t'aveflts.nnd Trndc-Mnrks obtnfnpd,nndallPot cut huslnt?- conciurted for Moderate Fees. Our Otfice Is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, nnd wc run criiro pati-nt iu less tiiuo than those remote from Waphinirton. bend m(Mlel, drawiii' or pir!n.. with descrip tion. We advise, If patcm.iiHe or not. free ui cliarfrp. Our fco not dm- till patent is eecured. A Pamohlet. "How to OMnln riitenta," with nsmes of ai-tu:il clients inyouri3t&ti county.or town, cent free. Address, c.a.slov&co. Opposite Patent Ollice, Washinqton. D. C. FOSHAY & MASON, TV3MP-1UI AND KB7AII. Druggists and Hookseliers Atrot.ts for John B. AlilnV pu hi 1 cat Jons', wnleh wt sell at puMinhnr'a pricea with ALBANY, OHMJO PI V. .M. Fkkhv iSt Co'a Ml fl IHiMtratcd, Dcicriptive and Priced tS I SEED ANNUALS ViFor 1891 will be mailed FREE BJ M o all Applicants and to bit season 'f Vf W customers. It it better thao ever, fif H Every person using i.ardtn, flf HI tlff'Mtr er frit Id Stedt, IS Vq ihould send for it. Address fcj H D. M. FERRY & CO. M DETROIT, MICH. ffl M Jircf?si SeeUmen in the world B Pouiiiy Warned, All kinds of o.niltrv. alive or rlsAinol at the Wlllaiiietie Picking Company's J ) T1IK j cuTLEir;, CAUYEllS, LASTERKS, B " ! h ! j COPPER, ! & i S !j ,1 GRAXITE p s 1 E I AS J) f WATER STEEL WARE. 3 a 3 S fj FILTERS, ft S I tjWARRAMED.H SStOVBS, Ranges -anl- Htaters, ALBANY, lof-OKEGOX. REFERENCES: loy- Examina Our, WORK. PAY Or Not a? You I'LEASE. 3y Contract, -PT- Good Workmen Special ' W. READ. Mv Winter Stock in now ('. i-i.ktk, Knibratin.i the laterit Novelties in Dress Goods, liotli iii WOOLEN and WASH FAIUUC.- -To The. Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Lac'iss Underwear, in i Kir.i!i: and Mtsmx. My Pkicks aro tlie LOWEST and my Goons tho 5kst. Am solo aont for tho Celebrated 5 Y.S. I. HOSIERY Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from PoiS011 : To The Men: Q r Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods f liav a LarH Stock at the L0wi.1t Trices ever off. reil in tltdlq, Icairyw ,ll line of tti wori.l-renowi-d II 111) A l)l I K.VD ijovli, n-i (jr wcru tiiiikli. Lurgw slock cf Kii khi u i K ui ks ami Thoracisa. and b cot ccd tlrjf. AH my if l lie bunt tradiri; Coin', in Oregon. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, Safe, So nnd; Conservatii nafsaMitBrtss.B r-mtrmnvpwtwnstrmannmnvrrm"nmmwaKn 6HAS. H. DODD & CO, IMPORTERS OP hardware, Iron, $teei AND FARM MACHINERY. :fiOUT, FIEST AITS VINE STSEETS, PORTLAND, OSTK a ira3Uuz5FjrasESHSVauruunt iiEesMTis?' s.-esi rasa nrj vu? nnnn MCaUnUSM Solo Agents for Oregon and Washington for MOLLNtTlL. tC-ff' f DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. i . l'..iii.lo,nrTrlppIc l-'urrow. Tlioyarpsn lm)itnnS omcso nonr nhwier linn, lhitt lliosn who liiivi- nw'il Dhmii i.r scti llit'tn wxi k ran lint say enou.' their praise. V furtilsli Ihptu Win or u llliiiut si'ut altaclimi'iil. .'ut ullHchna nts uro uxll'ti. -JSEEB POWEB LIPT STJIjIK: n.o"W& BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DXILL. : ve II. Press (irain Prill. Ilurktyn Soodors. nurkeve Pprlng Tootli Harrow, f liruin lirllls, Huperliir feeder. CORBIN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER. ' latest Improved Implement ,r sow! r summer fallow. The mot -om siii.-ei ssritl tool lor this purpose In use. 1U30 have a lull line of Dueiries, Cnrrianos, Phnntoris, MounMln " riatlorui and other bpring Vehicles. t 1 . SCHUTTLER FARM WAfiriNS. .oiieo ,t Chapin's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Sclentlnc i'-1 . nuiuu ruiiuiii .tuns, ii.VihMi iiAnii wmn htm., mtc. '.;NU KOK Sl'liflAL CIHCILAIIS AfU MUCK i.imth. E. THRALL, AGENT- ALBANY, ORECONJ ftlbany Cigar Fact J. Jcseph. -:- Proprietor. WHOLESALE BET" "ue 1 abot E ALBANY OREGON