Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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ubilaaad erary day In Iho wk ex
it Hnnday.
frESlHUTTIJIfl, Editor, .nil Prop'ri.
JAM tUV 10, 1HOI.
credatlhe Host Ollbw at Albany, or-
t At Haoona oitvi tutu iiiui'jr.
Biokkinto A church. Mr 1 nomas
irrls, of Sweet Home, came to Albany
i miirulnz with "blood in 'his eye,''
fcise an oIJ expression, ami tuning me
ha been in close consultation with
J I) M Jones, huntinj; up records, etc.
a,wfirlv as the Democrat can learn this
.the cause. Yesterday Rev II I lliltner,
ot East Portland, a follower ol Hlsliop
Bowman, of the Evangelical church, was
t that place for the purpose of prenchinir.
Umv Thos A Yost, an anti-ilowman
prtacher, lias charge of tlic church
nmi liiiii' everv hahDa'h since the trou
b!l, Tlie report is that Rev Ulltnerand
hl" followers broke lorcibly Into ttte
church and took possession ot the fame,
hold i ml' services. Mr Miirrls is a member
of Kev Yost's church and was here for
the purpose of makiui; arrangements to
secure the arrest of Rev llittner and his
followers. The matter is an ou'eome of
the old trouble, and the Dkmochat mere
ly gives the facts as reported simply as a
naws item. It is to be expected there will
ba numerous versionsof it. Sweet Home
people arc at least greatly excileJover the
matter. Mo arrests nave yei oeen muue.
Mr S I' Harrier, of lirownsvllle. was
In the city to-day,
License has been Issued for the mar
riage ol William Worth and Mrs Surah
Mrs L A Allen, w ife of one of the Alle.i
Bros., urrlvcd in Alb.ny Saturday even
Kilcy kirk, iii Brownsville, wsnt lo
Salem thh morning, lidri't learn what
he wanted,
I)r E R rtaiker came down from the
Snrtlam mines Saturday evening by wav
of Sweet Home, hrinuinK some line quart;.
lie reported eiL'ht 1 no lies ot snow at the
mine. 1 he Albany 11. ill U arain run
nhii;, the new machlntrv havii.12 arrived.
(i V Wr'yht, Esq., has been absent for
the last three weeks attending to leual
husiness in the superior court at Spokane
Kalis where he scored a leu a I victory for
his client, returning home last evening
le says Spokane U quiet, and banks are
loaning very little monev, while the brc
kern are reaping a harvest on the loans at
iroin two to ten per cent per month.
Oregon should have a state mineralo
gist. The large Increase in mining lnter-
U makes thU the proper thlmi. Our
slate LegUlhtors will please contemplate
ue mutter.
vThk Citizbn'h Mkkting to hear the
report of the committee on the city char
ter was held at the court houc Saturday
evening. L Klinn called the meeting to
order, and the secretary read the report
heretofore published in the ukmock,
The amendments were adopted after
triliinir out the provision in reference to
non-deduction of Indebtedness, on motion
t! Mayor Cowan. On motion Oil Irvine,
J K Weathcrford and J U Cowan weie ap
oointed a committee to attend to the pas-
fitre of the bill by the Mute legislature,
end also the passage of a bill authorizing
the construction of a wagon bridge at this
cUy. Our citizens arc almost a unit on
the matter of a bridge at this ciiv, which
would do more for Albany and this part
of the vallev than any other cnterpri!
that could be named, and it is to he hoped
there will be no opposition. The com
mittee should push the oill from the start.
' Tub Toledo Depot. A Is usually
the case, there are two sides to the Ore
con Pacific Toledo depot matter. The
citizens petitioned for a depot and called
the railroad commissioner to thfi- rescue,
but (he board was unable to accomplish
ftivuitrur. A conference was neiu wuti
the Oregon Pacific company with this re
ult: The company says it will build an
ample depot at Toledo just as soon as the
citizens of that village vacate the com
oany'e rieht of way. a considerable part of
which thev ate now occupying in various
ways. Statesman.
Small Tracts Sold. Townsend &
Wilson have made the following sales off
the Cant. Smith farm of 257 acres recently
ourr based bv them: 20 acres to S P Wil
liamson. $7co; 30 acres to II M Stone for
$600, and 30 acres to another resident of
Oakville for $600. Mr Williamson will
inake a fruit farm of his tract, setting out
prunes mostly.
Tin: U Ai'Tisr Church L?rge con
giegations attended all t'.e services at the
Baptist rhurch yesterday. Membeis
were received into the church Saturday
evening, and seven more were buptizcd
Others have asked for admission by letter
o bap'.ltmi. which will make the to tat ad
ditlons since the beginning of the present
pastorate about lift v. eslerday the Sun
day school reached the largest number In
us hitorv, 153 being in attendance. A
largely attended young woman' prayer
meeting was held In the lecture room in
ths afternoon, while the Chinese Sunday
school wa going on in the audience room
and the east Albany school on Main
street. The special meetings will he con
tinued this week, with preaching by Kev
C M Hill, of Portland. Mr Hill is super
intendent of missions for the American
Baptist Home Mission Societv, In Oregon,
anu 13 an auie anJ popular preacher.
To-Mohrow Night. Goodyear, Elltch
& Schilling's minstrel troupe appeared at
the heeler opera house last evening,
It was by tar the best minstrel perfor
mance that we ever had here. The music
and singing were of a high order, whil
the tun was rolickjng and pure. In
stage setting in the first part was a work
of art, and the same milit be said of tin
costumes of the performers. The Times
cannot undertake to mention the man
good features of the performance in detai
Suffice it to say that it was excellent i
every feature; devoid of coarseness and
barren of "chestnuts." Aspen Dailv
Times, Nov 14. Reserved seats at Will
& Link's.
Now that Dempsey was so easily
whipped his friend are crying to Kit
slmmons, Takea fellow of your size,"
which sounds funny alter the blowing
Dempsey did; but it shows the soui grape
wuy of the wortd.
Mr Grant Wolverlon and bilde, of Spo
kane Fulls, arc visiting fi lends and rela
tives in this countv. Mr wolverlon is a
Polkcoun'v bov, and was only recently
married to Miss Prosser, of Spokane Kails,
10 is by birth and education a Phlladel-
phian. Her hu band has accumulated
considerable wealth since he has been a
resident of th central city of the "inland
empire." West Slc'e. The groom is a,
brother of t, E olverton, of this city.
W E Ilogue 6old a team early In the
week to some parlies who gave him in
nvymcnt a check on the embarassed bank
at Spokane falls, lie soon lound the
to he valueless and Immediately secured
the return of the horses.after some parley.
It is supposed the buyers knew nothing ot
the bank s failure. atavton Sun. .Nt
thcless the liank is 6aid to be on its feet
again, and the check would probably have
been cashtd in full.
The following from the Pendleton E O
would indicate that wholesale houses
pushing their debtors indisc Iminately,
"Str'ckfaden & WagenblasLof the Pendle
ton Saddlery company, have been com
pel led to make an assignment. An at
tachment suit was brouuht against them
by Hogan U Speedy, of Portland, for
&6S0, and owing to tht stringency of the
money market, they were unable to meet
the obligation, assigning 10 ti a nan
man to protect their remaining creditors.
I he asMiniment shows 57,000 assets, be
sides jo worth of property belonging
to an individual member, Mr Wagenblast
while the liabilities are but $4,677.29. The
result shows what may be expected if any
firm doing business at present Is subjected
to a sudden pressure by creditors. Hogan
.v Speedy were offered any amont 01 gut
edged security, but had to have money,
Buy your grooerUi of P.trker Bro's.
Bauer kraut at C K Hrowuell's,
Cloaks at cost at W F lined'.
Uiilin & Duwtion, drutrxists,
Ktee groceries; at Conn Si HndricsonV
Jtirghiiio in library kmna at C H Brow-
Regular m!etioj of ilie V'i to-morrow
A barraiu counter of chi'drem ana misses
shoes Lt 'Su-irls.
(tannine Iowa torthutn oo draaiilil'at C
K PruHnull s
Dtilicinui uranuu cider on tan at C E
tine music
Too Xeau Ai.jkk. An article appeared
111 the Iaat issue of the Mcicury, rela
ting to a letter found upon the street,
referring to a married woman of Album.
The plaeo should have read Albany in
stead of Alhina, being a typographical
error. This correction is made in justice
to an eminently respectable lady bearing
the same name, living in tlio moral city
of Album. Mercury. People sav that Al
bum iH the niOHt immoral city on the
coast, and the Democrat regrets the sim
ilarity ot the names, and we suspect now
the above is simply for the sake of get
ting out of the gcrape.
Card of 1 hanks. The entertainment
committee of the GAR desire on behalf
McPhersan Post to thank the public for
the liberal support extended to us In our
efforts to en'ertain in the "Veteran of
1 Si 2. And we desire especially to
tank Miis Jennie Clayton, Mrs II C
Harkness, Miss Etta Stratton, Messrs Geo
E Fish, J R Wyatt, II L Walden, Miss
Nettie Monteith and the ladies who assist
ed in the tableaux; the members of F Co,
Mr f J Overman, manager, and all others
who so kindly assisted us.
j Yksterday. The attendance at the
Rabbatn schools of Albany, was r.pproxl-
mately as follows, according to figures
secured by the Democrat: Biptist, 153;
Methodist. Mis: U P. 13?: Presbyterian,
117; Congregational, 90; Christian, 84;
Baptist mission, 751 bvangcllcal and M &
south, estimated at 130. Total, 932, prob
ably being te largest in the history of the
dtv, and showing the increasing interest
in spiritual matters generally.
A man recentlv in Spokane all, sava 2
to 1'J pur cent a month is paid for rnoney.and
it i tcaraent that, lu-u a have been re
duced thnre 2o per cant, the demand being
so general.
ji Wkiinesday Night. "The selections
played by Mr ilild among which were
aimers rreisiieci," the "Faust ran
tasle," by Sarasate, and the " Wleniawski,'
D-minor concerto, wsre performed with a
degree of artistic perfection which stamp
feim a virtuoso. His grand and soulful
one, wondarful double stopping. In short
us magnificent overpowering pcrtorm
nce entranced his hearers." Staatz-Zcl-
iung, of Chicago.
I Claims a Mink. Mr. John S. Dean
akes affidavit before the County Clerk
that he has done $100 worth of work on
l ie old Fidelity ni ne, in the Sanliam uis-
itrict and thefore c aim the ownership ot
he same,
School Report. The first term of the
iTancent school closed Friday, Jfn 17th,
in0i with 74 enrolled, us neionging, 05.5
pvernge attendance. u ionby,
No Flies. There are no flies on Conn
& ilendi icison's new clerk, that faces their
customer on entering. ii-very body
treated the ftme. a smile for all, and the
best groceries in the city and bottom
prices. See their brands o ica, coffee,
their canned goods, etc. Smokers get lets
of satisfaction out of the famousP?ppoose
and other cigars.
.Thr Reason Why. Why Is it that
Klein Bros, can afford to sell boots and
shoes so reasonable? Because they ate
both practical shoe makers and make partcf
heir expenses by working on the shoe
bench, any boot or rtioe you buy ot them.
no matter what kind it is man, womans or
chllds, that rip, run over or the sole Hps
loose they repair them for you free of
charge, and as they do all the woik them
selves, they don't charge you 25 to 50
cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay
tome shoemaker to repair them for rou
Thev nlso make a specialty of repairing
ruDoer doois.
Lock IIkrk. Fresh Columbia river
smelt, silver salmon and salmon trout at
the Albany Fish Market, next door lo the
l . O. M Hyde Prorr
Bring Your Horses and l.ct Yonr Cnh,
Sir II Urandenstein, from San Francis
co, will bo in Albany, buying horses,
dan xu ami i, at it (tenders stau'e, de
siring to buy the following horses. linvs
and hlacks, age, iroin 4 to 8, weight, 1075
to 1 i-u pounas, 10 10 10 nanus nigh, well
broke, sound, anu in good condition.
1. DKNoKItSi
Nuw C'Ani'KTt. new carpets, new car
ets and new styles, latest patterns, the
t'st in the market, itist received at A. 1.
-Vellwain's. The stok is large and
choice, selected for this market, nndne
pie wanting the best carpets at the ow-
est prices should call and inspect his
splendid stock, it was bought low and
win he sold low.
Notice. Parties desiring a cab will do
well to call onTrites Bros, who conned
with nil trains, funerals and weddings
a specialty.
Just arrived full linn of Udie, chi
ren, ma'i slid ibny's foot wear at i
Simpson's, which wd;
be sold at bottom
Notice. I have moved my millinery
store across the street In the BUimberg
block next d.or toj A Cummlngs' drug
sfore, where J will bo pleased to meet my
rienus and customers.
Ida M Brcsh.
One IIukdrrd Waqons just received,
which I am going to give away free, one
iwi each ennof Forest (;itv l'akin- row
iter. Come early. ; Is Brown ll.
PARR Y PHELPS. At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Byron
Phelps, 2212 Third street, Seattle, Thurs,
day, lanuarv I 1S01, Will H Parry, ity
editor of the PosUlntclligencer, and Miss
Harriett N Phelps, Rev David Clalrborne
Garrett, rectorof St Mark's parrlsh, ofli-
chitlnLT. Mr Parrv was forrt.erlv editor of
the CorvalH Gazette and Independence
West Side. The Democrat feels under
: obligaMons to extend fraternal congratu
January 19th, 1S91.
Oh what a nice warm winter we are
laving in Oregon this winter. Eml
ranis sav if this is toe kind ot weather w
have in Oregon every winter it Is a
exception ot a winter.
The farmers are still taking advantage
of this beautiful weather plowing for their;
spring seeding.
Dr Rowland, formerly of Albany, is
stopping with his son-in-law, Mr Henry
Uawley, in langcnt, lor a lew day.
Uncle Jim Casev,of Woodburn, a broth
er-in-law of John Beard's,has been spend -
lng a tew days in langcnt and returned
to his home yesterday.
Our school will start up to-morrow
gain with a new corps of teachers, Mr
Chas Howard acting as principal.and Miss
A r arreii, ot Albany, as primary teacher.
MissFarrell commenced her school last
Tuesday morning and the scholirs all
seem to like her very well.
Mr Chas Crosbv, one of II W Settle-
mire's old employes, of Woodburn, is
spending a few days in Tangent.
Miss Nellie Mills Is spending a few days
at ner brother's near iern Kidge during
tne weeK.
Mr D M Hogan and wife started to go
to a dance across the river from Albanv a
days ago, and when they pot within
a mile of Albany the springs broke and
let both ox them to the ground, falling fn
such a manner as to sprain them badly
1 hey returned to their home and have
been sulfermg from the sprains ever
Tangent is being blessed with another
revival meeting, commencing on rnday
light ot last week, conducted by w H
iiowaru ot tne ii & ciuircn down.
Uncle John Beard Is having his new
residence finished on the inside. Mr B W
Mills and son, and J F Beard, are the car
Mr II F Jackson left last week for The
Dalles, to be gone all winter.
GcC Will has itist onentd 1
toro iu S.dein.
Call at Iluhn Dwong New Drue Stc.e
lor in. in uruga.
Call and set a Diir of blankets that Searls
is Killing toi k-hK than cost.
300 bushels of s Red whea wantf-d imme-
Iijttely at Morrln& B lirnf
Tablet, pencils aud suoueus. at Hultn k
uiwuipu (i, rrunen s corner.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
Hie WCTU will meet to-morrow at 2
p m uitfttmlof 2:30 p in as usual.
Do not ml to get a niir of child re ns or
mibsea khoo from Soarla' bargain eonnter.
Bargains in choice crrociriea can alwava
be secured of AUen Bros,. Fliua Block.
A largflstock ofwallDaner. with latede-1
signs, at Portmider 1 1 s.iust received.
A statu convention of sheriffi will be held
at Salem tomorrow. SiitsrilT Scott will be
A Hue stock of lacs curtains for 90 cents
to $ 10 to suit the customer, at Fortmiller &
Keep it iu your mind that Allen Bros iro-
pose keeping the kind of sroceriea the miblic
demands. Their stock is a line one-
Q W Simpson has received his' f&liyatock
if stockinette and scald jacket and three
quarter scalet cloakf, and have a complete
assuruneni 01 an tfio latest styles
The cara were full of Legislators this noon
returning to Salem . The averace iudtrment
of thtthvisUtor as indicated by th bilb he
mcrouuues ana votes tor is very poor.
Don't fail to see our men's and br.vs'
clothing before purchasing elsewhere. We
sell the beet clothing fur the least money of
any nmse m the city. ! Look and be con
vinced, u w Sunpsou.
The tli rectors of, the Oregon bank, at a
meetinc held Saturday evening, elected the
following rtlicers. II F Merrill, president;
L'apu xu j LAHDiDg, vico-president; Jay w
, uiata, cienier.
Geo fimemffc. the historiio.died Saturday
evening at Washington at the age ot iH)
year?, iq tns deatli the U.S. loses her
most eminent historian. Though he wrote a
hts ory never completed it wilt always re
main as a monuu eut to his ability.
Next Wednesday the Decula of Albany
will have the opportunity of hearing five of
ir.e .ending ana u 'miliar musical art. sts ot
New York and Boatcn, who compose the
Dotea Jiim-rark Concert Uompany. lhe
ive the iifth entertainment in the Star
course at the Opera Hooe. Tickets on sale
lociay at Will & Liu Us.
R II Norton, manager of the coal mines
noar fossil, says that surveyors for a rail
road from tne mines to The Dalles will be
put in the field inahout three weeks. There
is a rumor afloat that the Union Paeitio is
considering the advisability of bnildinir
road to the mines, probably from Heppncr.
Dallas T. M. Mr Noiton recently resid
ed at itbany.
The cowboy whom the Democrat men
tioned, a few days ago, as being taken from
i9cs Bay to Pendleton with his legs iu
snacKiee, was named Ihos U Williams,
vv llliams had fled to Coos Bay and ws stop
ping with an uncle. He refused to bear-
rested when the denutv sheriff anDealed.
and the result was a couple of shots tired at
uiui, wneD ne gave himself up. lie was
gamy looking man.
F. M. French keupa railroad time.
Kew cream ohttesn just reoeived at Cobrad
Ei-au & Aohisou are selliug mouumtnts at
Portland prices.
Fresh New England mince moat, on salo
at C . Brownell s.
Mens, youths1 and boys clothing and
furnishing goods at u W Simpson's,
Have you scon those parlor suits that T
brink has just received 7 1 hey are nice.
Great reduction in men's furnishing goods
for the next 30 dysat W b Bead s.
J W Bentley, best hoot and shoe tnakerjin
otty, three doors north of Ukmockat office.
For bargains in monument, headstones
etc., goto Egan & Achison, Albany, Oregon
You should caW and see those fine library
lamps at C E Browne U's before buying else
Tickets for ALL eastern points, over
ANY. route, for sale by W. JL, Jester, at
S. P. ticket office,
For fresh meats of all kiuds go to Judson
x Slaters, opposite bchmeer s hverystable
Orders taken and prompt delivery.
For cold nights buy ThonKay woolen mill
hlank'jtt, cheapest in town. For sale by G
W Simpon, agent, Albaoy, Oregon.
A fine display of childrens school shoes on
center table att h firownei: s are going rapid
ly at less than first eost. Cad aud select a
pair before they are all gone.
Fresh drusp. perfumery, hair brushes
clcth brushes, tooth brushes, tiesh b.ushts
combs, moiiey parses, box paper, face pov
der, and, in fact, everything f und in a first
lass drug store, for sale at bottom pi ices, b
nulla cc JJiweon, druggists.
Of the Hoi el I'un Und How b Harsv
4'ured r Kt.eunillni by Ir
Uarrlns Klrrtrle 4'ure.
A Cahp. I have been suflWInir frtr sk
long time with rheuniHtiem in my ribt.
niKHiiur himi arm. ji oecamn so vwui ir
wan with great dlfllctilty I itould nse nir
arm. It watt heiplc-tut and niitiful. In
tii in condition I eaiLA to l)r Darrin tor
tf-iivu I went under treatment Xinetr
weeks siuee, and an 1 rw han.w to ssr 1
am perftctly cu'rd by e!'y. "
do reierred t- at, tfie h. h PoitlanJ, Port
laud, Or. NKLLIK KtOWfT. .
The ONLY place in the ty - where East
ern tickets can be purcnas is ot w
Jester, at the Southern Pacifio Co's ticket
SHILOH'SCURE will immediately re
lieve Croup, Whooping Cough acd Bronchitis,
romay a jiasoo; agents.
Alfred Wiigbt, one of the most exton-ive
manufacturers of perfumes in the world, died
lact meht at itochester. N, Y.. after an ill'
ness of nearly two years, aged u'l.
A Good Resolution for New Y'ears or
anr other time is to buy your groceries,
miked goods and produce ot Parker tiros.
One of their resolutions is to keep the
best in the market, to sell at reasonable
prices and to treat everybody with cour
tesy. If you want to know what store to
point your tracks towards for a whole
year look towards Parker Bros., where
you can aiwnys nnd tne goods you want
ri axk or okeoon.
Capital. -f
I $30,009.
President . II F MEItHII,
Vice-Prcsldont . E J LANNING
Cashier JiV W ELAIN
A general banking buaineos transacted
tractors and buiidern desiring to bi
on the construetion of the now United
Presbyterian church buildinir. to ba ermt.
ed at the site of the old building, will
find the pi aim and spec dilation a for the
same, at iho store or Stewart t Sox. The
date of opening bids wilt be announced
Tuesday, January 20 th. 1891.
Goodyear, Elitch &.SchiIIing
Koyal Court First Part.
An Open idler.
Dra tar.-in Oentlftfren: I now tabm
the pleasuro of writii.K you ibat fter m
full cowtta of oureUotrotiMKnAt:c treai
ment I am entirely cured of pain in my
client, which hi h troubled me for overt
yoBra. llavtm? boon under treatment cat
doctors 01 Liverpool, uiagnw. taleubs
and San Franei"eo,'non of the in dki um
any i;ood until I came under your lren
ment, which am 8ure lia permanttv
cured mo, tor which, gentlemen, bog ic-.
remain yours grnioiuity,
Vt ILIA A 31 l.UTLB.
Seattle. Wasiw-
IlearnritB Cured In Tru Minutes.
Mr Editor Dear Sir: I reside in North
Yakima, Vah. I onuultod Lr Darrin
for deafness over three years aj My left
ear wa totally de-ff. With one operartiou
ilh Drs Dirnu's eleciJ" cure, ctf
ten minutes. I was in to a well aa
ever in my life. It remains permaut to
this da. 1 was mIso cured i a nesoy
growth ovrr my eye. Can he referred to aw -
to the truth ot my statement.
U V rovrt
Drs Darrin on bo con to! ted free at 70L
Wabhi"(ton str.'t;t, Portlind, from 10) a in
to 8 p in daily. They trat ail curabl
chronic, acut-s and primte diesse and will
send ihe'r cucumrs. o, nest ion UUnkS' aoa '
remedies to any niail orezpre&u aadressc -
Drs Darrin havt len pmcticiuz their peciv-
liar electric treatment for tha past tweuty
seven years, and that they do cure where ad
other melhods fil is shown by the ootw
remarkable euros.
John Elitch, jr. Prcprietor.
inaa n. acaining, Aianager,
firKYerythinc new In the progrtml
sT"New Scenery!
910,000 In gorgeous wardrobe and Drap
eries lor tne ureal first fart.
Comedians, as Monte Crlsto Jesters.
VocallHfa, as Uay Cavaaers.
9Snstciauw,H Monte Criato Fishermen.
: The only Original
: The Unique Arrlst
The Negro Delineator
The European Flayer Shadowrrapblst
The FsmonaOomedian
Symonds. Hughes and Rastus. Bentley
Biotbers. Brothers Leon dor. The
Southern Quartet, and a
host of otnerH.
Lower FIcor 91 00
rirst Kow uallery (rleservod) H 10c
Balance Galiery ... 60c
&"Reserred SeaU at Will ft Liuh's.
aR-ZlaalBaBk 14 H U i .
A pamphlet of Information and -L
JTV alract of Iho lawi,sbuwmg llow to 'if
ObtaiD Patent!. CavemtK, TradefV ,
XL-Martu, Coprrtfthla, tent ?
VflaU iddM MUNM A CO.iyr -As.
3ttl Broadwoj.
Sheep Lost. At Oakville, one sheep,
left ear cut off, rope round neck. Return
to farm of Wash Coon.
John A Albert.
Oats Str aw. Loose oats s!rr.w for
ftnlehy K G Burkhart, one mile southeast
of this citv.
W, F. Uiul k the bcrtt Rh'iortmcnt ef
fancy goods in tewn.
Pretty-fine winter weather.
CIKO. A. tV'alltKEB.
OfO. A. TaiHr,Mnllkuira bo. tngrarw,
X lei Cmlllornla St. 8. F., wrlwito the i:.lwln W.
or C... that all wife hm bwn Uklnt Joj'l Vff
eubl. tanaparlUa (or monttii lor liver trooblo
and iDdli-aatlon with ipleiKlId raslu. Il.nri.
"ii bar. fonnd It Inraloable lor koepla U
7itoa refulated. It dlrldca th. toad with a
drrpepalal itomach and raylacol th. dktfeMlng
sent, of fnlneti and oppression with a feeling
ot enio and relief, lt Is a perfect llrer and bowel
regalator. W. here both been taking It for
months. It la good to hare bandr."
Real Estate g Loan Brokers
rr'na" a ironeral rnnranco bnIno.
niina insurance wlll'io wtll to tvo
Aelna IniHttinrc onipnnr. TncnrnonitMl 1810
chirtr !vrMitiml. h-nwcii mhI in 70 years, $03,
IMGXM). Ae.t19,7si,Tl..,ty)
Cfuarrifnn Ins. f'oninnnv. if fyonl.t,. EntrUnd
tvtUbl.fiti.wl 18.1 . t:Al'i.l, .tA.OUO.Ouu. 'Jotl Are
Watei over 4,000,000.
American Flrr Inn. Cnmnnnr. n' PlillmJelnhla,
Onranlxt 1H10. tMh asseU, $i,642,OW0. LoMvt
lld, 9U),600,2fl6.
Colnmtiln Fire Marine ln. Ompnnr, of
P )rtlnd, Or. Aueli, J0,74.09. Tliiais on of
Oregon beat enmulet,
Will be Found
of. friA Rnnsrfl
Dealing Stove
LV nurrmTT
Wctlucsdny, January 21st,
The Hild-Park Conceit Co.
Cmp6d cf the following eminent
olo artists.
The (treat tie no an Violinist.
The famous INew Voik Cuntralto.
The woil knowa and popular Bt.riton
Mlt a 4AKL IUI.(
Tho greatest livinn la'-'y Cornelia!
While trying to Crowd their
DEY0E & FftOSlliii. BROS
Storet where the always have on haniu
the largest Stock south of Portland, oC
the latest improved Ritlcs and SruC
Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tent .
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and ihousand
of other things too numerous lo mention -
Htepir Sliop
in connection with the Store, and one ft "
.he best workmen In the Stale to do j
md ail kinds of work.
Come one, Come all; No trouble
ihow goods. "Small profit and qiusai.
qW is out motto.
Blamberi; Illock, Albuy, Or.
' By ih most modorn and approrail
methods curn d'8aws of womon and
children, and all privtedlxi83of eitbe
eex C'atorrn. cnnd by a quick process..
ConMiltHtlnu la frro ami evertthln
strictly cinHii-niial. Ofllco hours. 10 to IS
2 to , 7 to 8. I.esldeun. Or. Third and
Lyon st re- tt.
nnd fino'atock
P.F.3Kl:VKD SKAT.-)..
"Seata on
music atoro.
salo at Will A Llnk'e
i3 annusl meeting of tli stockholders
of the Albany iiiilltlintr and Loan Aasn.
elation will he held on Friday, February
20, 1WIJ. at the hour of 7:3(), p m, of said
day. in the ureiro.1 bank olHce, in Alhrny
Linncwunty, OrfiKtif'r tiie purpose of
electing nine directors and throoaudilnrs,
to serve for the term of one yenr next
ensulnfr from '.aid mnetinK, and until
their sucraHsnis are elided aud qualified,
and to transact aurh other business as
msy liien enmo before ttio aatoclation,
Ii.n'ie by nrilor of dlrnctus this 17th day
of Jan IS!:. W ) C'aSSKLL,
Jai Hlaik, President.
generally, a 'well as jewelry, AVatclic-t.
clocks, etc., at
City Restaurant-
ITivinff heen entirely remodeled, this oli
and popular reftmrant wiil mndti ffrss.
class n every renprct. Tho pnblio will ht
Riven good meals ac ill Honrs for only 2i
cents. Kerj thine, neat and attracrtivsv
Private boxos. Ojt-rs lo evrv style.
TO HF.NT. A store room 22x9i few
anltnblefor bininessj centrally locate
For particulars call at the D km oca
office or on Jaa V Pipe.