Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 14, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' J t
jdliwl mo.-y liny in the woolttx-s)inl"J'.
i JiUTTIMG, CJitori and Prop'rs.
MlY J.MKV II. ihji.
1 ar ilia I'n-t OlU.m nt Mliany, Or
y SO'I'IOU t an m-til III itt'ir.
Ki.kctionh. Yi'Hterduv ut 4
wua tlie time tor bank gi-nonilly
aim mil ehitioim for tin' Bvltction
irH. Ill this ntv Hie Kirnt Na-
ul I. inn County National liana
I tliu olil directors', nml tliu nf-
remain thfminiu. TIifOivkoii
fe-i'lwttd tliu olil director with
GCt'ption, Mr John Inim being
i to succeed Mr Huh Itryant, who
u.rposed of his interest in 'tliu hank
will retire. It in umlurntoo.1 Hint
F Merrill, now vice president, the
teen hanker o the eity, and one of
mxt eniieti'nt hankini; men in the
By, rill l elected president by the
cton at their meeting to be held in a
or two.
".OftNixu Hi.aze This morning a-
S'clock a bright liKht In the dl
n of the Culipooia hrk'yc annnuced
emigration In program. A Ukmo
r man Investigated the m.ilter anil
1 that the chicken home of V K
a -vas entirely consumed. I; was a
structure I ixn leat and waKlnsured.
w of life was considerable, twelve
elcrns being roasted alive, being be
able to escape from the. burning
f. Mr Graham takes his lost, phil
ally and announces his Intention
ft a
3t IloitKK. Ah Swill, tho well.
1 celestial hog rniticr, left his horee
ig near the depot this forenoon.
sc reason or other lie could not
a A Wells Fargo driver sent him
'f tho O 1' depot, lie rushed wild
s' the city and r.t one time was
i. fifty feet of it, but found it not.
f- rim across tho S I baggage
returning from a trip down town,
' ho is reported to hnve tried to
it entire outfit. Ah Swill was pro-
in his thanks for tho restoration of
iwill conveyor.
City Cimkteh. The citizen's com-
nd the council's committee com
d their lalxirs this noon. A written
ft ig being prepared and will be pre
ed to a citizens meeting at the court
oil Saturday evening, probahlv.
committees ngreed substantially on
intendments heretofore given. Tlierc
be some clianges, though, such as a
ision oingaway with the taking out
sdebtedness in the citv assessments;
appropriation of the 7.ri,(K)0 first to
r and bridge, before using for eity
i nd a few otners of minor impor
e. The report will be published in
probably tomorrow.
cui.vciL ruociiDixi;.
Prnuilnl Mnvn. llnnnnln. Mural..!
Street Commissioner, Treasurer, and
Councilinen French, Hurkhart, Hawkins,
Tuhler, hmilli and Unrrett.
Mayor ('owuii appointed the following
committees for the ensuing year:
Ways und Means Smith, liurkhart,
Accounts and Current Kxpenses
liurkhart, Smith, 1 lawkius.
Streets and Public 1'roperty Tabler,
Hurkhart, Smith.
Ordinances liurkhart. Hawkins, (iar
rclt. Licenses larrett, Hawkins, French.
Fire and Water French, Garrett, Ta
bler. Health and Police Hawkins, Garrett,
Mayor Cowan made a few remarks
stating that he did not nllei the usual
written message, as tho Council was al
ready working in tho lino he would lay
Tho Marshal reported that the only
nuisance a lulled was that of W W C'row
der, the others paying no attention.
Chief Kngineer Stewart read his an
nual report showing the apparatus to be
in good condition, with 2000 feet of ser
viceable hose; that the H & L Co had
ordered an extension ladder and fire ex
tinguisher, lie reported a letter from
the Pacific Coast Hoard of Underwriters,
refusing nt the present tinio to lower the
rate for reasons entirely unsatisfactory.
He recommended the purchase of an M)
gallon fire extinguisher, and that four
cisterns bo built, 2 in the east and 2 ill
the west end of the eity, and that the old
cisterns be cemented.
Applications were read from S V
Iteece and W A McClain for nightwatch,
John Jones for engineer; A J Hunt, K K
Parker, M W Orton, I W Anderson and
W K Kelley for street coinmissioncr,and
K J McCaustland for city engineer.
On motion the salary of the night
watch and engineer was placed at 70,
that of nightwatch at f, and of stieet
commissioner at $05,for the ensuing year.
The vote for street commissioner re
sulted as follows: First ballot Hunt,
1; Parker, 1; Orton, 1; Anderson, 2;
Kelley, 1. Second ballot same, except
Geo liurkhart received Hunt's 1. Third
ballot J W Anderson, 4 ; Geo liurkhart,
2. Mr Anderson as declared elected.
The vote for special nightwatch re
sulted as follows: A W McClain. 4:
Geo Savage, 1 ; S W Reece, 1. Mr Mc
Clain was declared elected.
lohn Jones was elected nightwatch
and engineer from No2's and Win N
Miller from No l's.
The vote for city surveyor resulted as
follows : Vv li liarr,4 ; E J McCaustland,
2. Mr liarr was declared elected.
The Recorder was directed to advertise
for bids for gravel and dirt, keeping pris
oners, lumber and city printing. .
The hill of James Laurent for $3380.30
for building Railroad street sewer was
read, and on motion was allowed, the
sewer being accepted.
Hills of members of the Council were
ordered paid.
Hills referred. J W Girvin & Co, 600
leot of hose, f475, and others.
The Recorder was directed to advertise
for bids f jr latteral sewers heretofore pe
titioned for connecting with Railroad
street sewer.
Hell and Peniland have already dis
solved paitnershlp In the West Side, of
Independence. The Corvallls Times sar
castically gives the reasons as follows:
lieu reiuscs to play unless he can be the
g master anil rentltnJ says he won t be
the trick mule."
A couple years nito Hon R A Irvine in-
roduc.-d a bill to do away with a horde of
nni'cessary clerks lor ihe committees in
e legislature. Hut it was d-.'Icated. litis
ear a like resolution lias been passed and
only tivi! committees hi eacli house will
a.o one clerk apiece. A sensible move.
The editor of tlie Tillamook Headlight
ha' published 8:o timber land notbes and
330 homestead notices. As he receives
$10 apiece for the former and Sstlie latter
his income has leen a pretty lively one,
the cost of giMtlpg out the paper being
If items as first "setup" were always
published there would need to be fighting
:illlors ur certain, ro instance vesterdav
two items adjoined each other in the copy,
one, about three young men returning
from Salem and the other about a man
nd his family returning from California.
Here is the way the items were first mixed
p: " relumed this niton from
Salem , where they have been spending
Severn, months. The climate did not
agree with some of the menbers of their
Special to Peuucrat,
Salem, Or., Jan. 14. Governor Pen-
nrtver took the oath ot office at 11 a. m. to-
ay and then delivered a very able mes-
ge to tne mini convention and a large
assemblage of citizens. It is a masterly
state paper. 1 he two houses are now at
work. Progress.
bowing in Interest. The revival
icei at the M K Church are increas
m interest and power. Last even-
Rev Hoyd. of Lebanon,
powerful sermon. Evangelist James
a ,iKiii looKing young mnn,ot
reputation, from Canada, arrived
ie city this noon and will take
e of the meeting to-night and here
. Services at 2:S0and 7 p. 111. The
c is cordially invited to attend.
s m
Divided Trai.v. Yesterday after
the freight train going south became
td just after leaving this citv In some
ier, the caboose and two or "three cars
inlng behind and running slowly af
e main train. The engineer and fire
t were looking ahead and cou:d not be
Med. They went to Tangent before
overing their loss, and had to return
sral miles for the conductor and brake
), all of whom were in th caboose at
The first bill introduced in the house
as by Jennings, for the creation of a
precinct assessor. Several bills appeared
on assessment and taxation, and there
ill be more. A bill by K1II111 provides
nit employes shall he paid not less than
once in 30 days. Hills were introduced
fixing rate of interest at 8 per cent, dis-
laying Oregon s resources at the World's
air, a resolution in relerence to the rail
road commission.
In the senate Mvers introduced a bill
appropriating $'1000 for the establish
ment 01 soua springs at irouavine. ir
Myer also introduced bills amending
laws ol Oregon, denning and punishing
criminal negligence, liills were intro-!
duced by Veatch, repealing the R R
commission law ; by Crosno, authorizing
the O P R R to issue bonds ; several ap
pioprating in all about $40,000 for wag
on roads. Standing committees were
announced. Weatheford, of this county,
was placed on elections, federal relations
and enrolled hills committees; ill vers on
claims, mines and engrossed bills, of
course, being democrats, at the tail end.
In the lionse Welsh introduced a bill
making licenses to sell liquor $400 and
zou; also making legal rate ot interest
8 per cent.
ontract Let. The contract for
dlngtlfe foundation o! the U P Church
' let to day to Mr H C Chamberlain
ire were five bidders. The contract for
remainder of church will be let In a
trlme. Architect .Mct'aiv, of Port
1, wa In the city, assisting in the work.
Circclatixg Library. Mr Joe Talt,
who organized a circulating library a year
ago, and placed 100 books at the store ot
C E Hrcv r.:!! has started out to increase
the nuinhcr zi -ooksby getting new mem
bcrs It cn:r costs $i.s0 to become a
membei ard tzch meinbei has the right
to read all ihe books In the library. This
is a very cheap way to secure reading
matter, Kemeinner each memDer nas
the rinht to read any book In the library
or any that may be placed there by increase
of membership, t- c. tsrownell is libra
A Packed Houbk. We refer to the
warehouse and store of Fortiniller & Ir-
vimr. A biir car load of furniture, just
received, did it, consisting of an elegant
lire of stands, bedroom sets, parlor sets.
chairs, loumres. etc.. it offers a fine as
sortment to select from. Tins firm Keeps
probably the lnest stock of furniture in
the valley. I -lrchasers have a big and
fine stock to a, lect from.
Oats Straw. Loose oats straw for
sale by F G Hurkhart, one mile southeast
ot this citv.
For ilnnie back, ir side rhest. use Shlloh'l
1 omus Planter, t 'rice, zd cents.
"0 Fmes There are no flies on Conn
ndrlcson'n new clerk, that faces their
hts on entiling. tvery body
id the same, a smile for all, and the
groceries In Ihe cly and bottom
l-es. j see their brands of tea, coffee.
ir evinej goods, etc. Smokers get Irts
r-" ucuon out ot the lamomfrppoose
-" t-igiirg.
1 "
IutiCk, 1 have moved mv mlllinerr
fcirosa the tp..t 1.. u. Tii...k
P "xt d r td J A CummlnK' drug
Eh. r.e 1 wi" be Phased to meet my
lnd and cuf.'nn.,. '
Iia M Brush.
W. F. Uftd keeps the hestj assortment of
fHticy golt in town.
.11 oner lo loan
We have plenty of money to loan on
real eoiaie security, on two to five years
time. Call on us nt our office, opposite
mf evere nouse.
Burkii J. S "Cernkv,
3 NO! 1.11, AM, l-KDIOsiAL,
' ftnlpii Davidson, of Corvallis. is in
13 F Powell in in l', (lo.,.l
A Irvine is lvinc serionslv ill ni
l"p in this citv.
fv J Hiimaker and wife, of Inde
ce, are in the city.
Inch, of Medford, the rustling
agent of the Farmers & Mer-
insurance Company for-Southern
. "as ueen in tho city on business.
lientlev returned lnf. nii.lit lrm
where he had been since Monday.
141,1, Him ii was inrougn ins
"g tnat Joe bimon was elected
01 vuc senate.
cvenuiE after thn mtvlliu rnf t,o
, the OlilCem nmt nionthum'nf 41.A
I voted on who should furnish an
"Upper, and Councilman (Jarrett
fleeted, a fine repast of Yanuina
-jers was bad at the City Restaur
"kmocbat man beimr one of tl,
10 uo justice to the occasion.
J!y dear, said she, when you go out
lie svre to Bend me some satier kraut,
You'll find it good at M. ii U.'s,
Who also keep that fine Hwiss cheese,
Chow chow, pickles and niackeral "
You'll find displayed at their front door
Teas, coirees, spices and sugars withou
For cash they are Belling cheaper
Than any other stand.
Their clems are Kinu ana pleasant,
Anil greet you wiiii Eiiinu,
And as for waiting on you
Its just in first-class style.
better bist.
Fo!owirg is the lis, of letters remaining
in the post olhos at Altwtiy, Uon county
Oregon, Jan, J4, 1SU1. rerstins oalliDg In
these lettur must give the date 00 whic!
they were advoitised
Berry, Miss Eddie
hveiuart, J
(lenrge. Fred
Hamngtoo, Mintij
Mclml, Kobt
Nash. Miss May
Patterson, John
Respy & Co
H'a. Genrue
Vsle Brothei-s
Wilson, Hugh
Drthick, Miss Lill
Fuller. A A
Uelmer.Miss Cassia
Thomas & NefT
O'Brien, Lewis
Reynold), Mrs E V
Itnoney. John
Utter, Mrt
Wart, John
Zos 1 an, Fredriclt
r, TuoMrso.t, P, M,
Tno Vm -rincf 1812 Friday night,
liny your grooetwaof Parker Bio'..
Stuer kraut at C K Biowoell's,
Cloaks at cost at W F Bead's,
ilulin & Diwaon, druegiiU,
Fiaegiowrii-a at Conn Al 11-ndriosoo's.
The 'Three SUteis" will beia luueing
Friday .
The ti-Mt ccst of tho Sal, 111 briil. ii
Htrgiiiia In libnry I imp) at C K Urnw
Anni'strik it rji i -a I fr,nn II iljhinl,
in Mariun county.
A biriin ermntir of elit ilrens ana minxes
shne t,t ,Se.ii u.
on dlaahl'nt C
ranKe cider ou tap at C K
Genuine Iow. for-hn
K Itritwntll a-
Call at Hulm Dimsou'a New Drag Sto.e frt)Kh ilruj;H.
Call and a piir rf !!.i:i!teti that Searls
is selling fol lei Ihsn c 1st.
3f)0 Itui-hrls f lt d wheat wanted iinnte
liatnly at Murrii t llN uiit's ,
Tablets, lienetls ar.,1 suongwi. at Ilulin 4
Dawson's, Fn-uch's ctrner.
Smoke the cel,.-,rite,I Havana filled 5 oeut
cigar at Julius J wopli's,
Geo Hmpphrey, E-q., r,, admitted at
Salem yesterday as a't nttiri,'-y at law.
Do not iail t'ipi tt pur of children! ur
misses shoe from Searli' bir.ii'i counter.
The World's fur bill l y Moore, of Bentoo
oounty, is alont ri!it. It: w.mld raise juvt
abont 115,000 for t'le basiilHsa and tltali.
Goodyear, Euteh k Mcliillioa's Minstrels
haye a great acquisition to their company in
the famous Furoiean atliletea, the Brothers
Leondor. Tr.ey are cal'ed the lithest,
StroDgiPt men eu earth; they are simply
marvelous io their Greek and Human glad
iatorial contests atid ul-uiKtc posturing, rep
lesxnting mythological, historical aud bibli
cal statuary.
won 11 coiDi:uiu.
F. M. Frooch keeps railroad time.
Itftw ereaiu cheese juat leeeived at Cobrad
Euan & Achiaon are selling monnrocnts at
Pottland pricea.
Fresh Ktw England mince meat, on sale
at C E Hrowneli's.
Mens', youths' aud hoys' clothing and
furnlabicg goods at G W Simpson's.
liavo you seen those parlor suits that T
Brink has just reoeived? They are nice.
Groat rcdnrtion io men's furnishing uooils
for the next 30 dys at W F Head's.
I W Hciit'i y. best boet and shoe makerin
city, three doors north of Democrat oltice.
''or bargaina in litonumcntH. heatlHtones
eto., go to Euan & Achiwtn, Albany.Orcgon
lou shnnld ca'land see those tine library
lamps at C E Hrowneli's before buying else
Tickets for ALL eistern ttoints. over
ANY route, for sale by W. I!.. Jester, at
8. P. ticket office.
Forfresh meats of all kinds an to Judaon
ft sla'ers , opitaiite Schrnee, s livcrvstible
Urde.i taken and prcmpt delivery.
for cold merits buy Trios Kay woolen mill
blankets, cheapest in town. Forsalo by G
W Sitnpon, agent, Albany, Orefteo.
A fine display of childrcns schotl shoes on
center table at C E Browne! s are going rapid
ly at tees than nrstcoRt. Call and select a
pair before they are all gone.
Fresh drui-s. perfumery, biir brashes.
clcth brushes, tooth brashes, tieshh.uatus
oombs, moocy pursea. box paper, face pow
der, and, iu fact, everything f und inabrst
'las dru? store, for sale at botLcm & Dawson, druggists.
UK4L torOK ali:s
or lite Hulrl Portlaud How Mbe Waa
Cured or kbrniuali.iu by Urs
Uurrln'a Eleelrlc Cure.
AC'APD. I hava liMin RiifTtlnv fnr a.
long time with rbeuutatbiu in my right
shoiibler and arm. It became so bad it
wat with great dinieiilty I could use my
arm. It wsa heipless-i and ptlnlul. In
this ooniiiiion I cau. to Dra Darriu for
renai, 1 went under treatment three
weeks aluco, and a 11 1 ow hati.iv 10 sav I
am per'ect'y cured by el-Mtrici'y. Can
ue roierreu to at tue U i'el Pottland, rorti
luud, Or. Nkllik Ktow.v.
The best roast ontlVe in thecitv at Com ad
Trai-ltcr'a .Heeling.
The regular monthly meeting of the
teacher's of Linn county will be held at
llaisey, Jan zi and 24, lblil. 1'ollowmg
is the program :
fkidav, 7 :3t , p. M.
1 Music. 2 Song. 3 Address of wel
come. 4 Music. 0 Response. 6 Music.
Recitation. 8 Music. I) Lecture, by
Pres li N Condit, of Albany. 10 Music.
SATURDAY, 0 :3G, A. M.
1 Music. 2 Primary physiology dis
cussion, by Mtss .llen bite, of llarris-
burg public school. 3 Music.
BATUHDAY, 1 :30. P. M.
1 Music. 2 Methods of teaching U S
history, by Miss Ida Maxwell, F M
Mitchell and Z T Truelove. 3 Music.
4 Miscellaneous.
All teachers, school officers and the
public in general are invited to come and
take part in these discussions.
County School Sup't,
M HKlliset ux to The Ladies Aid
Society of Albany, bl TO- U's
A to Albany $ 2500
J V lleugepetlt to alary t Hedge
peth, 4tl acres in D L C of El
mer Kees 800
Daniel River ct ux to J D Hedge
peth, 40 acres in D L C of El
mer Kees 800
J AMcPhee toCLGray.undivided
i hit ill HW acres in tpl2. S R
I 2 E 200
LAamlAl Allen to SC Yanllorn
and J U Powell, 1 12 acres. to 10.
S R4w 10
MtsEJAyers and bus to Peter
l'oweii. 6io acres in tn 13. li
1 Ennill w 2000
J F Backensto to Peter Powell, part
of I) L C of Jas McDowell
Josephine Forw ard etal to Peter
i'owell.part of the D L C of Jas
United States to Jas McDowell,
3-J0.U2 13,S R 1 w Patent
U S to J L Williams. 315.85 acres
in tp 12, SRI E Patent
FJ lilount et ux to Annie Price, w
K of N E or bl 112.118 A. Al-
blmy: 1500
R Hiat to J (i Bovle.lot 2.II's
A, Lebanon 100
J W Miller et ux to H J lladley,
lots 1.2. bl.l.Shelburn 65
A McDonnell toj II Mullan,15acres
in 1) L C of Andrew Kees 10
M J Havs to D S Busey, 4 acres in
Hafrisburg 200
State of Oreaon to II Ward, 40
acres in sec 3fi,tn 9.S R 3 E. . . 80
Tuesday, January 20 th, 1801.
Goodyear, Elitch SLSchiUing's
Royal Court First Part,
An Oiirn Idler.
Dm 1 now (-ate
the pleaiure of writing you that ,iW a
full cnurHe of onr electro nmKn,iic treat
ment I am entirely cure! of piin in my
ckftht, whioti troubled me for ovarg
ya-rs. Havlnir been nn-ler treatment of
doctors of Liver poo J ( Glaxow, Calcutta
and San Francisco, none of tliem did tut
any yood I came under your lieal
meut, which am Bure haVpmvUly
cured me, tor which, goatlemeu, beg to
remain youra gmieitniy.
Seattle, Wanh.
Dcafuriti Cnrcd lu Ten ninulc-i.
Mr Alitor Dear Mir: I relde iu Nth
Yakima, Wash. 1 consulted l)r Dvrla
for deafneu over three yearn ago My left
ear wan totally deaf. With ono opir-tion
with l)n Darrm a electjo ntdcnetric cure, of
ten minute t, I was mido to hear aa well aa
ever in niy life. It remaiua permanent to
this da. 1 was tisrt cured of a recti y
growth over my eye. Can be referred to aa
to the truth ot my statement.
C V ronLEB.
Dm Darrin can be consulted free at 70
Washington utrtet, 1'ortbutl, from 10 a m
to 8 p ro daily. They treat all eurabU
chrouic. acut4 Ld private dkcanes, and will
lend the;r circulair. question blauka and
remedies to toy mail or expresn address.
Drs Darriu have been practicing their pecu
liar electrie treatment for the past tweuty
sevn years, and thntthey do cure where all
other methods fil it shown by the mbove .
remarkable cure a.
Frlfl&y Evening, Jan, lBth, 1891. ..
John Elitcb, jr. Pre printer.
Chaa K So'jllMng, Manager,
New CAni-KTs. new carpets, now car
Cets and new styles, latest patterns, the
est in the market, just received at A. B.
Mcllwain'a. Tlie stock is laiye and
choice, selected for this market, andpno
pie wanting tl.e best carpets at tho ow
est prices should call and inspect his
splendid stock. It was bought low and
will be sold low.
A Good Resolution for New Years or
anv other time is to buy your groceries,
baked a-oods and produce ot 1'arker bros.
One of their resolutions is to keep the
best in the market, to sell at reasonable
prices and to treat everybody with cour
tesy. If you want to know what store to
point your tracks towards for a whole
year look towards rarcr iiros., where
you can always find tlie goods you want
Osk IIcsdkkd Wagons just received,
which I am going to give away free, one
with each canot i'orest uity liaKing 1'ow-
der. (Joiue early. ! IS;i,l.
l)nD t fail to see our men's and bt.v
clothing beloro pnruhaslnu elsowbe'e. We
sell the test clolhini; for the ltut money of
any house in the t'ily. Look and he con
vinced, u w Tnmnsiiii.
l'rcttv fine winter weather.
ADAMS. On Tuesdav evening, Jan.
13th, 1S91, in Albanv. of membraneous
croup, Johnny,' son of Mrs John Adams
aged 2 years, 3 months.
Notice. Parties desiring a caD will do
well to call on Trites Bros, who connect
with all trains. Minerals and weddings
a specialty.
G W Simosnn lias received his fall stock
f stockinette and sealct jackets ,rand three
.luorter ealet cloaks, anil have a complete
assortment of all the latest stvles.
For hay, oats, straw orchon aill ou Mor
ris & Blount, corner of Bikr and First
streets. Deliver to any part cf the city
without extra cost.
GrCverythinir new in Ihe progr?ml
jrji'ow Cnntumei!
i&ITNew Scenery!
$10,000 in gorgeous wardrobe and DrBp
cries for the Great First Part.
Coiuedlumt, as Monte Cristo Jesters.
oraltHln, an Hay Cavaliers.
MnilclanBi,aR Monte Criato l'ihertnen.
: Ihe only Original
The Uniquo Ariist :
The Negro Dflinoalor
The European Flnaer Shadowgraphlst
The Famon Comedian
Sjmnnds, Hughes and Rastna, Bentley
Biotbers. Brothers Leondor. The
Southern Quartet, and a
host of other.
Lower Fl..r (I 00
Fiist Row Gallery (Reservod) 75c
Baiaoce Galiery 50c
fiTReseiTed Seals at Will & Link's.
McPnereon Post, No 5, G A R, assisted
by the iwt local talent, will repro
dace the thrilling military drama
"THE yETERAfl OF 1812."
"Kesiah and the Scout."
Pronounced by competent Judges to be otw of ttw
best playi ver produced ou tfa uxut4urUy,
fsTHcheu on sale at Will A Link'.
(Doors open at 7:16, Curtain at S promptly.)
Illnmberg Blorkt Albnuy. Or.
By the most modern and approvpd
methods euro d ets of women und
children, and all prH-ate dfHOfyp.iof either
tex Catarrh curd by a quick prrcosa.
Consultation it? free and over; thintc
BtrietJy confidential. Offiw hours, 10 to li!;
2 to ,7 to 8. hesldence Cor. Third and
Lyon atroUH.
Tds satire proceeds is iro'o the relief fund ! the
City Livery, Feed and Sale
-S T A B Li E .-
Ron nenoml Hank line to and front
Coivr.nis. Bt-at rig- anr cheapint ratoa
In l',e oltv. Npeoli' attontiin glren ts
Iraniilnnt Ktnek. Fourth atrt, batwnn
E lswo'th and Ljnn, Albany, Oregon.
and a fine stock
A von:n i'no.i: i'cKt.
A Laily Itrlntcr two Antffr.lw'litns
T( iv'-om Umay conrem: I hum Irl-.-I
.very .utit-clvauie rcur.iijr fur"
'lip past vc j iars m I am of a b;;io.: t. r.i
piTiunont anil s iff.-r roucli from s;oinn;li cr
liver lr.ulilc. I:n: iio?!.l:irr t-i'cr iravo i.ic .
rdiff t:mt 1 cDt.ilui'tl from lislnit Joy's VcrilnS,
Saracparlllo. In tact I lliluk ita cr lor t;- c
alliucuts. At llif tlrao i was usln; It I liad a
little xi;l Hi-Ins hi my family whoio in-rk
seriously afTcctid by a luro o;n sorr, and no
tried a great many kinds of loiluni, aaivi-s and
blood verifiers to no avail. I Ravo bcr atKiio of
my medicine (Joy's Vcirctablo 8orsnrllia)
thinking: It mljht benefit hor and as It waa
purely vegetable, knew It rould do Iter no harm.
To ray astonishment she bc?an to lmprore, and
within two weeks it waa entire healed and sot
U sow as wolf as wrer.
Mrs. B. L. WnRATON,
""i l'it Pt. Ban Pnooltoe
While trying to Crowd their
tilore, where they a!wo8 have on hand
th largest .Stock boiuIi of rortlnnd, of
the latent Improved RilU-s mid Sliot
Guns; an Itnincnm tock df l'lrshin
Tackle of every ion ; Tcntft,
llanrimockn. Camp Chairs and tuouandK
of ctlicr thing too numerous lo mention
Repair Nlii
,n connection with the Store, and one of
.he befct workmen in tlie Mate lo do any
ind ail kinds of work.
Come on Come all; No trouble to
ihow goods. "Small profit and quick
m" K out motto.
Will be Found
at the Square
Dealing Stove
House of
flO HKNT. A store room 22x90 feet.
I aultahle for bnslnesa; eentrnly located
Vnr nartiouiara call at the Dkmocbat
oflice or on Ja V l'ipe.
Reel slate i Lean Mm
Doinir (renorat In Miming bmlnea, t'nrtioi
liirtntf Insurfttivtj will (o well to vei thni.
Artnn Iniarnnrf fitmpHnv IncfirimmU-'d 181!;
ntiirt'ir tjriotu.l. iuh'! ihii In jUicani, (fw,
U4(i,i00. AiiutB,fJ,7aO ,716,03,
Unnrillnn in. ('ontinnr, of Iyn.l.ti, F.nvUnd
F.iUtilinlitnl IS 1. ( ii'Dnl, tf&.OUU.U-JU. lutut Arc
IobjM vJ ovvr (S.UjO.Ouo.
American Flr Ins. 'tnipnr. P)illfilclrM,
Orititliel IH10. I'Mh aeU, $:,6UtGM. LumuS
ColnmMa Flr A Marine Ins. (Vmpnny, of
I .rt'ntl. Or. AmoIk, $fiXta7i.M. Thia I out of
Oregon's bgt ooinjnl.
Delmofiico Restaurant,
OrpoaiTC Blvmbkbo Block.
A'eto Jioomt; Seat Service;
Good .Veali, l'romplhj Served,
Oyitert -:- in .- all -:- Style.
Court-.o'is Treatment; Firit elatsCooht.
generally, as "well aa jcwelrj-, "WfttcheS;
clocks, etc.. ak
CSiy Mesltmrant.
If iviiig Iwt n cutirely rotnfidoled. this old
and popular restaurant will h msdn fine
cUv-a n every rcpect. Tlio public will he
jiveu good meal at all hours for only 25
c-uts. Kvcrj thiu neat and attractive.
Private boxes. Oysters tn every rtylu.
Fortmiiler & living,
Arterial Embalmlnp; Dona Scientil