i MU 4,4- U VOL. III. ALBANY. OH., FRIDAY. DECEMKKK 2C, 1890. NO ID? Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, ,885. . m .wan j I J-n-f a I :-rr. 01LikSiSa2SH Our stocks in every Department are now com PletOi and we are ready to show the Largest, Best Assorted, most Attractive Stock of Goods in this country. Our Specialties are too large to give' in full; but following are some of them: DRESS SILKS. IN CHEAT VARIETY, i u.ck ) oiun.. SILK WARP HENRIETTAS .in black and color?. LADIES, CHILDREN AND MISSES CLOAKS AND WRAPS. rflnur UKtSS PATTERNS. BLACK AND FANCY SHAWLS, .UB FASCINATORS, LADIES LINEN nnu aim HHiufitiiUHItl-s LADIES, MISSES AMD CHIL03EN3 FII13 rlnt SKIKTS FOR LADIES. TABLE-COVERS, TABLE SCARFS, LAMBREQUINS. ' LACE CURTAINS, PILLOW SHAS. CARPETS, CARPET SWFPS3 RUCS IN MEAT VARIETY. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. PERFUMERY, FANCY CROCKERY! TEA SETS ClUCPlinPF. r-A . . 1 nit onuca. riiK 1 units, mkvfc nun run nam 1 aunn nr......... ..: TSSh! " FINE BLANKFTS. WHITE AND COLORED. STAMDF AMD CHILDREN, "ST t STAMPED LINENS, C3NSISTIXG OF BUREAU AND TABLE SCARFS, SPLASHERS, TIDIES AND TRAY C'OTHS UMBRELLAS. WITH COLD AND SILVER HANDLES, BOilCHT EXPRECSLY 'FM I THE HOLIDAYS Many of these Goods were bought expressly Tor Holiiair trar. U the host find. Artfif TOUii cYnnA ABSOLUTEflr PURE Copepay. ni ' what you ougnt to have, njfact yon must have it, to enjoy life. Thousands are aearcniog lor it dally, and mourning be cause they tlud it not. Thousands upon thcusands of dollara are apent annually by our people in the hope that they mav attain this boon. And vet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Eleetrio Bitten, if oaed according directiona and the una peraiated w Iting yon good digestion anil onat the demon Dyapepeia and install instead fcupcpy. We recommrnd Eleetrio Bitters for Oyspcpia and all diseases of Liver, stomach and Kidneyf. Sold at SOo and $1 per bottle by chay & Maaon, druggists. For lame back, or aide cheat, use Shiloh'a Foroua Plaster. Price, 25 cent. Cblldreai HaveU From revere Mcknesa. Dr H olden: I nntiee by the papers that you are placing jnur valnahle Ethereal Cough Syrop before the pnlilio. It is a charataHeact. I have used it in mv family for many yeirs, to my satisfaction: I believe e u..e of it in time, to mv children . ha litem ' iickuea. JIB LANK, ree.ize mall 50 cent. Forsslcby Cuniniitig nggiiit. and cannot buy too as is always the ca.SQ: vaTnr:.T:rfr:i, "Ja , V?. tn.9 rn, oil . " i. ' &u auuoumuu Wd WOUin 118a T,n SOOn as n -a r t.ha TTU 1 " A 7 , "T"-Ui"i3 all our customers. give Samuel E Voung, xrlteuirnt Runa hinh in A .any r.t F'oslav & Hit. eon a drug store ccrSvarrm Bnilder, aa everybody ia oain. it for Catarrh of the Stoin i ch, Dyiwpsia. Constitution and Im pure Wood. Try it ; nd tell yoor friends bout aa it mnst poss.won-irful merits when ipeak Bell of i. i sire enre for Hi- w :kky habit: Dr L ton's Antidote to Orunl ennera will o any case of the liquo ns hit in from ten I itt y day, from the ip d ral v drinker to. t drunkanl. The Ant Uo n be given in cup of coffee nithont ll knowledge of the l erfon taking it. Th Antidote will not injm elhehealcn in any wa . Manufactured l.y t I.eLivingaton Chemio .Co., Portland, Ore cn , cr from J A Cun ming, i oleageat, Alb iv. Conrad Mever. STAR BAKERY Oower Broadalbin and First Sts., ' DEALER IN 'ud Froilit, faMttieore, rlcn FrnllN. ' obitcon, incur Coflev. Kte Tiv. it a ra , n 8t p ) aid for ALLK Kn'ftii, Tea. etylblng that In kopl In .. .d isrjd grocory i.rc. tjlgheat S OF PRODUCE. "Tmimi ifirnii ii mi mii tu t I ,l"WaaaaaaaaMaaaa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'aaaaaaaaaaMitaaaaal RON HARROWS L call on Stewart .t Sox not to forget tliii. m cur n iron iwiint'lyoa lirst iwill nay you in one rua-HnR. Teatimoni.ilri tn-m nil pir of tfioit!ob, Inipec(U3 Iobt mr.r., rmt on nppiiotjtn to Prof l-iautw, 7 i .lUi Ave. Aew York. CUBES ANY HEADACHE While You Wait," I saw I Lunts NOTHING ELSi S2 Hoi.mks Busw.ss College, of Portland Or. will open Sept. 1st. J A Wpsco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it t.'ie leaning business college. Send for a catalogue. TaVGET. December 25th, 1890. The Christmas tree here Christmas eve was a great success. Both trees were OLdt d down with presents. The health in and about Tangent Is good. No more new cases of diphtheria reported. The dance given by B S Mills and Win Sharp in Beard's new house In Tanirpnt on the night of Dec 17th, was an enjoya. uicmiair. music was furnished by Ma rion Sharp, first violin, and A Hogan, second violin. About 10 couples were present. Mr E L Bryan has his new house about finished now and a famllv will non v. cate it. Our school will start about the first Monday injunuary. Miss Maud Beard, a student of the Al bany College, is spending Chilstmas at her home in Tangent. Several of the members of the Southern Church have been fixing up the church In a grand style. The Tangent correspondent to the Her. aid waa a little mistaken about Uncle John Beard's new house being completed It is no more than half done. Mrs EmmaKium, wife of lllram Klu..., from, near Waterloo, is visiting at R E Moore's. George Mills has been clerking for Mr W J Davenport In the drug store. Miss Savage, a sister of Mrs Turner, Is visiting friends In Tangent. We noticed a few young men highly inebriated here in Tangent at the shooting match, B Mr John Ballard Intends starting up his shoe shop In a few days. Young America. Corners. Corsets. tt'e make a specialty of ladies nnd misses fine corsets and waists. We also have a drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents Extra good-value. Saml'kl E Young. HEAD QUARTERS IOO F. AlKm v Loage So 4 holds Its regular meet In 1; Wednesday eveninir of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend And verythi.'.g else m WATCH, Qimi. And jeweleiy line, for HOLIDAY'S, at the lowest prices, at Will & Stark's., 73HELPS, Jo mmm v j v OverTh Express Off Printer hot, : A".."flUNITIQN, ETC, nLZ'L 'XJwder, loaded shells, rariridges, otc.ami ; " mil at reason nine tiKure. Won't for V"v t when you 'come to Uv in your ' a aiiDPlv of nminunition. to nrotftnt ; four tanuh from the inroad of ttt rime i sd emigrmiu Stkwart a Sox. PH. H. DAVIS. sicUn and Surgeon. 'Offlce tip malm In Strahan'a Block. be found at Ilia oliics nay and iilirht. 9 TATK FOR 8ALK I have 01 164U nere. nar Txiwnnn he t.arrow Gausn, 10 miles o. .All In cultivation. Fair t and bii- . for atoe i domestic pnrpesft. Fine oak gr 0 another farm ol 128 aorea, Hirer . ,ea u bebmion. AM In eultivatl Fair' . Hood water. Both t whnat nt. Also houe and two lot on Fifth 1 JefTeraon tneta, Albany, For furth ' particulars call on V. Unipbrey,Centei -luct, or on Hewitt Irvin Allmny. 1.1 A. UMPUKEY. TlWIJ Both rubber and leather ' I l'U belting alwava on hand a vt St Mox's. Also ruboar, heinf and aoea packing, 1 ..IOTTO-'It he ruhlio;tnu ,o chtat it.' hotter to eeive . FOR I French Tao.j Wo'era. The wafers are a sure and safe i ; ilfi. for a kindsof female trouhlei. arte w'M remote all obstructions to the mor.ir It I'v-iiuw i iiu iiiuiicr wnai me cause. Hit are jt iiwnnt evt-rv woman neca , ai i can o iseu wun saietv. ror sale L th Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron n soleaelll, J ACuinmlng, dru(!(jlff, Bi berg b Kk, Albany, Oregon. A N4&AL IJKCTOR free with each hmtleof hhiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Trice tents. AT COST ! My entire stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a large line of 1 -ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. BKE 0F WN-bN Til T AK,: OOIN-Q AT COST. rinfonD3, consErs. GINGHAM, f-Vrim OOS3AMKK3. BLAXICi'ts j'Call early while the selection is good. Ifirst street, -:- - ... Albany, Orcgou. GmandREVOLVERSrBI(h'u!r.t:: ave diaposedof thlapartof our bulne. That's a taiaiake. We am In It now deeper than avar. We have a nice line of Marllr and n inebmter rifles, and breechlnadlni, hot fcun. rauyinK in prlcefro r (12 to jus. Also aii the lata improved revolvers. SrawART di'sSiM. i. n. wjnmi, 1TT02K3Y AT LiW LM MLU PUBLIC, "Hfflc lii Htrahan's lllook, So'a 1 and 2. ALBAHY, OREGON. Hollol Hello 1 1 IIcUo III" "Well; what is ft?" How la your mother, thto mornlnfff Vorr munh Itttnrr mhm hA ..! -natfl Bleep last nifftit : eho la aliuoit ita of her niiclit wchui, uoupa una Dorvoueupus, ana is ff row ing quite clienrful. How grataful wa ail aro to jou for that bottle of medicine." " Don't Kimk.lt of Kmtitude. What doot the doctor mj 1 " "He nayi he never taw tto wonderful a enftnge la aucb a serioua lung trouble. H till thinka wo are (fir lug bUt uicdicioot. I don't iiko to tf-11 hlin." "TLiat'i right, He' an old friend, you know. I'm ure your motlipr will get well now; but you won't forgut too name of the medicine, will you?" "Never I Dr, Fierce'! Ooldcn Medical Die eovery" are houi. hold wordi already, and It baa oomo to stay. Do come and see what: tun ihine it hu brought alroady, aud lui us thank you again for it. I will. Good byo." Tho foregoing la a fair representation of a Tery common oofurrenoo. "Golden fodieal IMscovcry" haa cured Berere, lingering coughs and arretted Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, In thousands of casee after docVm have failed and other medloiaot have been tried and atn. doned as uifs. The " Discovery " Is guar anteed to benefit or cure 1n every cast, if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money will be refunded. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY eune the worst casce, no matter of how long Blinding. CO oenttt, by druggiata. d . V BiaArRnrK. OKO.W, W.l O IT, riCKgURJf & WRICMT, Attorn ays at, Law, W.l! p'oiii i. !' the Onrta of th tr tr. !'( MiilMllt.ifl'iiii iflt tu all 10I tr.p f nl ii"cd fniir r.r. (tihee O Id Kilhr.a l sm,r, A.bany, Or THE UOLIIKSI ItriK III7.1AR. Has now a complete lino of Holiday (roods, dolls, doll Inigjriea, boys' waponn, velocipedes, and iiintiv other cood go to make up a compliite line for Clirst- inas, wskics a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy iWnralrul i.-nn ..I 1 .'' ...V-.....VV. no,,-, KJiiM-ware, oini cagea, plnsh goods, such as albums, toilet sets autot'raiili books, scrap lxioks, children 'g A II (.. p.cture books, and all goods that are c lined inn Huznar store, including Kngcr liros. 1S47 silverware. M'o wish to cull the nttention of t!;e public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prizo baking powder nnd ten, put up expressly fur tins t-ade, which gives tiie lust of suliy fiictinn, as is attested bv the hundred-, who have used lwtli the ten nnd baking powder ever sinco introduced by the iiuHien ituic r.azanr. Kach package of ten mid can nf backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of ginsn- ' ie sure 10 can, when in Allmnr, lit tlr' (jrdden Kllle llnyoar o ill be si. re to lind what vou wr :l un.l .. Ml be shown over tlie store nnd be trenb d kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. Mv goods are all marked in plain figures so as imt to deceive anyone, ami I have but one pn-je to all. Yours trulv, Oct. 18,1800. ,lU'l;8Ci'''', TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ' A Buuttd Orlnr. Seattle, Dec 25,-This city was struck by a vendue eye one early ,his morning which connnued with Bradually diminishiag fury until evening. The wind was herildcd by s:cadr dona Kiur of rain which ret in about dusk on eilnesday and continued into this morning At a.30 A. M. strong gusts of wind began to blow aad hy 3 o'clock the wind rose to the dignity of a gile. It blew with increasing fury unlil about 5 o'clock; It was shaking every house, wrecking many and lashing i he sound into foams tearing vesels flora their anchorage and dashing them against one anothe; like bits of driftwood, laying low giant trees and appear ing to threaten to sweep all before it. Male Assessment. Salkm, Dec. 35 With cne exception that of Multnomah county-the assessment rolls of all the counties of the state have been returned to the secretary of state. Of thirty-one counties, sixteen show an In crease In the total assessment for i!oo over that of iSSo, and the remain:ng fifteen re turned decreased amounts. Estimating Multnomah it $40,000,000, the total lax. able property for the states is $1 i4,6Sj 263, aa against $101,593,341 last year. It is es timated that the levy for state purpo.es will be 4 mills. Last year It was t 25. 35 mills. y Eaatera Ktornia. Washington, Dec. 2J--A special bulle tin issued by th signal office, referring to the present storm, which extends from In diana to Virginia, promises the greatest amount of snow in anv single storm for several years. Warnings were sent rail roads In Pennsylvania and New York to day, and the storm will reach New Eng land by Friday. Fiom three to seven Indies of snow fell today In the Ohio val ley. . . . Mure Indian Aewa.' Omaha, Dec. 25. A special from Pint rtldge says the Indians in Bad Lands are still in council, Couriers came in todav with the news that Short Bull sail that if the government will agree not to disarm his men, nor take their ponies he will come in. The Indians holding out fear they arc to be given oxen Instead ol ponies Wuljr a Hairpin. New York, Dec. 25. A peculiar and fatal accident occurred on Eleventh street. An elderly woman fell to the sidewalk, and when picked up she was found to ba dead. An examination disclosed the fact that a hairpin had been driven into her brain when her head struck the sidewalk. Tbe Deadly Wire Tacoma, Dec. 25 Early this morning, while a news earier was making his rounds on Sixth street, his horse stepped on a droken electric wire and was killed by the shock. T hat the carrier, Waller Boardman' was unconscious, for a shcrt lime, bu subsequently was able to make his route on loot. ' v 'ronoBBeeililloprleaii.il el Saved. .,, From a letter nrittea by Mr Ada E Hurd of Orjton, 8 D, we quote: "Waa taken with a bad coid, which settled on my Lunga.' oouuha aot in and Dually teriniuated in Con-' dninptinn. Fuurdnotora gave, me up saying' I cculd bvo but a abort tima. I gave iny- atli up to my Sayiour, determined if I onuld m.t .tay wi-.h my fiivnds cn earth, I would1 nieit my absent chmi above. My huaband v ss advned toutt Ir Kine's Nuw li ery fur CuiuiiiinylioD, L'ouRln atd Colds., 1 w ' vriai. looa ill .11 eiullt Loltlos; it has cured me and th.nk (Jod lam a well nd hHjrty woman." Trial K'.t ties free at Ko by ti Wason'adrug store, regular size, 50c ami 1. '1 1', 1.1 Si Achwm ha1l the olebratcd ten) id ceineut wills fr cenetery lota. I htti- walls cmi. Ih fnmisi,. d at li.lf the cost nf ai. fttier and r- lal HiiiH-rier O.ik Hr.s-nnmi tv.ooNg just received, whiel. I am going to give awnv free( one with each can of Forest Citv I'.iiking Pow der. Uime early. ' li BuoHNiii.L. K 1 JIng Photographera A any rrgon. Wi hav. boueht all theno ativ. 1 made by I. W - lark and W II Green toed .;p to Nov loth, 1889. Duplicates can be I ad from Item ity nf us at leducui) 1 ttn. We have also 1 out 18,000 uegutivi naile hy mir snlv.i , from which dupllj..! io.iu he hsd at llkeir.es. Weeatry the o, y full lino of viewi f thia atnte and do largi d work at Inwel rata tor lirat elasa wi ik. V. e shall be ulr ii to sen oo at our Sta lio in Fromsn's idouk. iiextdoor to Masonic fen.ple. WASHING "IIIINESsK irlve yon amn Hniu your hi what we can do ava lire am. nn M v I r.t 'on l i kn '. '.a f" Kiiinr.d anwi. f in, bTKWA ur JS s. .x. snanipiun uurdlrri 11 A A Jordan, bhampinu hurdler of Aimr i:a, and holdor . f the An rr'enn rectid for' luuning U'Dyaida ovei 3 lot G inch hurdles "I have for a tn-st many urn usid AI!-" Kk's l'..rous Plar, ..ii ul.ily durintfi if T-ll il;2 seSBOll. I tioil l iihL if T t.m mt. T.ul'd in hack or Io:iin ivilli .. LI...1 nf ' pali. r ..train, that All.'-cl'a I'. l. m Plaster. iiniuilv nil,. i,l reli.l. J.V,i pi,,,,. , t,a "Vv, -l.e iisult nt u bad cold, to tl i g can re t AI cock's 1'la-t. rs. 1 w.n.l I e. ij;i.ly ricon in-nd Ih plsstcrs to n.y afl.l. to b is nll'ering with tmroiwa or ttifToiss wkilx in tr.it.t!i,'' FOP. OVSPKPtlA and .he Couii 'a nt you lv. a i.rinto guarantee very l.ottlo ' o.' . IoI.m 'h Vitntin T. It nevor i.iIa to cure. rATAIiP.II (UI1KD, Lnillli . -1 swrct breath si l und.bv N,il, l,' ( 'iilan I, Ji- iredy. I'r i ij fill conta. Ni'aal Injuvtor fne Ko . slmy iV Mason, sgeiils. RiKklru's Arnlen ISnive. Tlie uu.lSlWu In thev.irM f it Cuti.nruiso. sr . hheef, S,lt Uini',1, Kiwr n ,r.M, r.,tler, ;iia,., hsii l.. I'lillliUin., Corn., ami all Skin Ernnt u a pmitivelycurvs I'ilos.or no iav ruqulre'l. Itlsmisr. inuuui MLwuimn, or monsy lufuna . rur skis oy roshsy ana ' ,1. Ussoii THE a. Mi CRY OF MILLIONS OH, BRCK! 6T0t IT NOW, BOOM IT WML mt TOO LATC. I hire hffn tronblH msny vrnn wf'.h fl'waK of the kidneyi and .mre triH many dllTercnt icmetliti and h hrtifcht oid from different tihvuicun without relief. Atntut tin 15th uf ApiV 1 luflertfii from a w-sy violent Mtnik that altnoit r,rotrntI me in ntich a innnner t nit I wn lx?nt over, when I it (Ji.wi. It wan alnio' Iminwsible for ma to ret 1 p nf, or to put on mv cl-Hlie, wli kln-l 1 ntvi'tcire nem jr. 1 1 en lev, with i.. wKr.itu.N KIl.-.r,Y TliA, to my hotel. 1 .mtitctliitrly cutntnenctxl uxinft the tea. It had an almost riuamil iiih effect, ainl to the titon- uiimt'it of all the Kuett at the hotel. in a iew uays.l am uapp; to Mate, inat J waa a tieT r.ian. . will reojfnmciKl the tea to all lT..ctcl o. a. TtTppna, I'twprlrtor Occidental liotcl. ranta Hoaa. Cai, 1 I l IJSU