.1 The Pendleton E. ., of Monday, savs: "A rumor lias reacheil Pendleton o( ex-1 eitniK times on the Oregon Short Line, I resulting from the niunleruf a lirakeinnn I by four tramps. Near lili'im's Furry the I tramps ooitrcieu a ireiirur train, nnu were bounced by tlio liewl brakeuinn. Tbey I afterward got on the train apim, mul overpowered me iirnkemun and, whom they threw under the t rain. Both of liis 11! were crushed and ho died shortly afterwards from the effects of liis injur ies. The trumps were caught near Huntington ana tnreo ol tlieiu were lynched by the angry railroaders. The I lourlh escaped. la n -Z7 Alone lo Luau. hat- ,...r,t. ,.t t time. Call on lis at our office, opposite I hit cctr iiuum?. JiCRKIl V $ CeENEY. WHY WILL YOU nnmt when Shilnh! Care will give immf-iHate relief. Price 10 A tine lio of jdwo'ry, btst 'o the citv. at in own k, iur me nuutisys. SIIILOH'SCIT.E will immeliatelv ra lieve Croup, Whooping Cough acd Bronchitis. Mfsi.is LTNufcnwKAR. Iu gieat variety I s siyies at uotiom prices Samuel E fount;. r.otli the iiK-tlinil ami results wLeu 'yritp of l'i; is taken ; it is jilcasaut mul refreshing to llio taste, ami acts (rem ly yet i!omjit!y on the Kiiliiep, Ij-vpp ami JJowels. cli-iinsis the svs-k-m cflcciimlly, dispels colds, licatl aclies nii'l fevers ami cures linmtunl con stiput 1011. Svrr.p of'Fips is tbo only remedy of its kin'l ever pro duce.!, j)lensiii2 to the tai to mid ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action aud truly beneficial in its JJThcU, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale iu r00 and SI bottles by all leading MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TN8 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, 10UISVIUC. nr. A'l Y0K. H.r First National Ban OF ALHAN1, OKEVON President ..Hm. H L. VU.H Praaidmi. 8. K, Caahler W. LAN THANSACTa A UENEKALbaiiRmaliii-lneaR ACCOUNT KHIT RUbJstt to slices. SIGHT EXCHANUE ami tel T. hlc tran.f.r, 1 New Yurk, aa KrkiivUuo, ilmmu anj Fui COI.LCirriON'y HADE on launhl. l.rn . onixoroiji j K Votytt E,W. Lasuu.. t K Ulaix, L. Fun , Erwiia F. Sox. Lirn Co. National Hank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL hi'OCK tlOO.OOO. PrwHvnt J L POWAS, 1'lot'-lrewdf!it J M II KLSToS. C hir ....liEO E I II AM1IKKI. AIN'. Atot Cillltrr O A AUL UIIIOLI D RRTnR4. I I. C'lwin. J M lUl.lnti. ; OimlierUiii, W 8 l,i 1 1, W II ti.il.ri, J. A Craw furd Rlid O A Arc-tltUiiJ. TRANSACTS, . neiiera h.nkhi bilFlmm. DIIAWSIOIII pit Af-rs 011 New York. Kru ill -;. i JA'con LOAN MOrt'EY fn Rilovl Re:urlty RECEIVE depoRita RUbiect cb.a. OUR LADDER rilprC Coughj, Colds, Influentt, BroncMtli, yUntO Hoarseness. Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, and every t flection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, iocludmc Consumption. TOWNSEND & WILSON, eal Estate I Loan Mm. TiyUi't 7enrat Inturan'M bmlnes. ' Par nirkii; insuraaco will to well to et thetu. 6 Wr ajSljiiWT Will & Link. OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AOISTS'FOK TnK'CRLKBRATKD II. F. Miller, And the Favorite ; J. BAUER & CO.S PIANOS. Palace and Earhufi Mouse Proof Organs -SOLRAORNTSrOR TUB Eldradp B, and Ka.V; EomB Sewlos MachlnrH. Ouoans - Cleaned - and - Repaired. ALBANY, OREGON". TWO MEN AND ONE 1301 FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd tlicir WAV INTO Store, where they alwa have on hand the Inriret Stock houth of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Ounn; an Immense stock of Fishing iackle of every description; Tents, j-iuii.itiucKK, ump tnairs ana tncusands of other things too numerous to mention, Repair Shop Ln connection with the Store, and one of ye uest workmen in the State to do any "i ii riiuus Uk nuik, Comt one, Come all; No trouble to mow (iocds. "Small prolit and quick tW is oui motto. -AGENT3 FOR- I Aelim Iunrnnrc Conipsn- Incorporated 1519; cu trier periu,. lddwii ma la .0 yuan, fui,- I GUJirtlinn In. fampaiir, ot London, Eneland hitatlwh.?"! 18:1. L".ital, O.ytW.'JOO. Totol fire Ijuoh i.J over 3,li,000. Amrrtrati Fire Ins. frimpanr, of Philadelphia, si anitvi joiu. vasit assets, t-,tt.,ijj. LiOMCS paid, $lU,500,'2t. Ool am lila Fire Murine In. ntnpaiij. of K'rtlaiid, Or. Aiwets, $2jj,a7m2MJ. That is oiie of Orugim'i bst coni-mmes. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers o' IE AM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS W ALL KIFDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - ORECON President H. BHYAN Vice President II. Y, MEKKII.L Cashier J. BLAIN DIRKCTOR8. II. Bryant, J W Blaln, Geo Humphrey, O H ftewut, E J LkDcing, H F Merrill. SiKht exchange u l teleertplde tra fer on New York. San Frannlxco a id aud all principal points In Oregon and RRmngion, olleotiona m adeon favorable term T)ORTLAXD SAVINGS BANK, or ruirriiRno, oJtuuoff. Paid up capital Surplus aud i,rollLa (260,000 OJ,000 Interest allowed on aa rin?a decoalta aa fnllowa: On ordinary aa-inird booka 4 ler cent uer antmin. va wnn ai ttiift hooks per cent per annum un certincatea ol deposit. For three months 4 percent per annum: rur via mourns .& ier cent ,M,r aitriiim For twelve moathi 6 per cent per aniiuui. KRAXK DEKl'U. Preanleut I". I. THUMi-siiN Vice-Prealdent. 11. C. STKATTOX, Caahierj IOS1' Alxint Sept 1st. 1800,2 miles J north of Albany, out, brown vearlini: Jlv. a natnral nacer, witii atar in forehead. r-d haltfr broke. When left it was w?thin orrel faced pouy. Any oua briugiu the c me at Albany wiu be reasonable rew arued JOIIK baiMKLR. D..C.'.VATS3riMA$T0 Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the l'eooocnii. JK. .ti, J. PATTOX, Blumberg Block, Albany, Oregon. female and private diseases a specia'ty voDsuitaiion tree. HilM IHnTff H"rt Sox I Have a very larire vxk of band, atrap, nemmon 'and tier way Iron; alno'maonine, tool, plek and pir atee). 'fjecinl attention alrt ds of maohinor o . palrluz ll Patterns Made on Short Notice f5FCnJ AH kind, or grass seeds, pure and clean, are sold by Stewart fe Sox, Prices have obanzed'slnoe last soa- Ron. Come and see us. l-BF.S BIPTIOV V -I UKIM.IJT, BABY CARR!AGES,7urTaswrt all tbe time embracinir hood. Darasol an ranopy tops, aud ranuini; in price from 8 to 40, There Isn't a nicer lot of "inat- riironial fruit basketV'inthe vahey We a.so nave a lew mat we rent. STEWAhT A SOX. HEALTH h v tresis v IS WEALTH! CALIFORNIA - v X secures CATARRH IHicniiuiisin, Jiriiralitia, Corn., EI. i:" rAoaoHS. a-id aut. paim. f-m,(l tMip.c .:.'.,jy.''i.v.ii. I ..-a ti.,. f.o, ft $50U iioward ! WT!w,ll pay thrth-irf rewdnl fnr tvej iwo of I.trre omtlalat,I'xiirHa,8ifk lloruliwhojni.lt.tion. Coiv .lRaitin or rmtirrn?! we cannot cure witn Wrfg '.Slal.t Liver I'll la. when the dtmllna ttroitrtctlf ot4ukd with. They arm ptirrly Vcrfctablf, and rifvuc alwprlreiwitlfatinn. Hutrar f'ontwl. Larira ttniM, .oetal " , jj rent. ..aware of rounterfaita and ln.... n (rctnitna mannfartun-d only bf XiX JOUH C WC-ii OuMlA.Ny.CUICAUO,lUt. J.A UMMMU -eni, Attmny Or. ilOUlT ARTICLED .111 M 1KSI"L LS3" Delmonico Restaurant. Opposite IiixMBiino Block. A'eto Rooms; -:- Sent Service; Good Jfeali, Promptly Served, Cents. Oysters -:- in all -:- Styles, Court cus Treatment; First cUissCooks IR. E.C. WEST'S Nerve and llrain Treatment a iruaraiitcd oiMH ifie for Hysteria, bi2z.nr.s9. CotAllI aintia, V'V, Nervous Neuralgia, Iloadache, Nervous l'ft tration catiul hy the u&e of alcoliol or tohacto, Wftkfulnt-M, Mental Depression, Hof tuning tif the tlniu, ruultiti in insanity and leadiiijr to misery, jrcny -'iddeaRh, prematura old ae, larreniiet, Jong i'f f-c- 1 cuuvitl hy over-exertion of tin) hratn Kach ... lotttains 0110 m.mtli'j trtatment, 1 a b-x or nix bdia's for t, sont hy nmil prei-aid on receipt o price. WE fir MIANTEB SIX COXES TO CURE ANY cac. Witl, u.u-li onlor reecivtii by us for six Imxes. acL'.iniaiiie(l with .', we will neiid the purehatter ur written truaianteo refund the money if tliu treiit incut does not olfec-l a cure, (itiarantees ittued only by J. A. Cummin.;, I'ruiht, Bole aent, Albany, Or. . Special Anno-uncemeiit W. P READ. HARDWARE. Goods, 4 CUTLERY, t City Meat i.rlt. gnULTZ EMS,, Proppictflrs. kofipa full llnp of st.fH.lii of b11 kinds, iu a fol pluc'S coniplfjLfily pro tooted; and rIwvs fry(. LADIES, ATTENriflM, ,;;?, nave ine uew sneaM ani STRICTURE ! frrmahentlT cured without Cuttlnir, numlnr rr fi, lattntf. A wrffetly pain lens treatment and a icatraii lkril cur in every 3? w, no matter how long atardif tr. This treatment, for H'.rictu-e, of br Boxell'a.ia the fnatest discovery known to moil id ne. It dlwovee lid completer removia the Stricture withoutatuioy DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar t-j their Sex. an 1 not itroper to name hen. luctuaintr an in:ae uencaie inunniiies ami ,ak' ncwen, whlih they wruid ahrtrik fnra diwlonitiif U their family phvirian, itennanentlv cured In Icm time than waa ever known to Medicine before, by lr tfoxeu -B"ftew Mnlem ol I reatment." It rejuvcimtet thf ttcnito-unrary oriranaand makes weak men ntromr When noaaihle, it it alwayn let to call for nenkitial eoniultatlun and eciKl exanitnatton. Rut thotc who cannot potwibly call, nhould write, atatintr their ease fully. Medicine sent hy mail or exprenn, aeale!, froc from exposure, to all tarttof the rcillcCoaal. Annreaa, Win. A. Boxell. M. D. at r.ul D lM-nnrr, I'orllaiut. Oregon corner (mi ann 1'mestioeta, overfi'oitland fsa.ionai mdk. nut to bat we t this city, and wocau prove it to vou anv time. Kverv oalr warrRnlH.r un.l . ho : retuinoil ir lliey do uot (rive sitil n J n is is no orrfg or ulustei; we mean U ve any. Stkwiit A S City Ilestaarant. H.tvini; liecn entirely re:noU!Ml. tliis old ana popular restaurant will be mado first class n every reupcoc The polilio will ha Uiven (rood meals at all hours for only 26 nverjininij HM. ana attnotive. rriras. oexea. uysters ln every ntyle. TMS-OL'JTION NO riCK-Itv .nt,,. JU consent tbe beretoiore puisiiln,. n of Xarlins ,t Son bas this dav dissolved partncmlilp,.lohri H, ZacheR. junior mem ber, rHllriiii;. All lisbiiitlea and assets tviii i,n i-wrrieu uy .foun Asclios' Signed I'ec 17, IS'.H). Joh.- Zirnca, Jon.-, B aches HKNT. A stnre room 22xOn ft suitable for business: centraiiv inr.atA Kor particulars rail nt tha 1iWvoua. ollice or ou J as V lipe. I su ROPE AND CHAINS " sold In this market. We carrv nnn. pure manilla, and can Rive- you anv size from X to 1!,. All aizoaof chain fm 3-ltftoK- Stewart A Sox. LAXTERXS, g i h P COPPER, v 1 U E3 3 . nter Stock is now Comi-i.ktk, Einlrnci ' (lie Latest Novelties in VOOr Hoth in WOOLKN and WASH rA;!;fc.' -T(TThe " Ladies,-- .Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, iu jjl IxiBiiKU and JIl'smx. My I ijicks are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely j fast, and Free from Poison R R ASS, CRAXITE (1 AXD STEEL WARE. WATER 3 H WARRANTED. ALBANY, lOf- A OREGON. Stoves, Ranges REFERENCES: loh ExaminB Our WORK. PAY Or Not as Ion TLEAPE. rLTJMBING By Contract, .Good Workmen. : To The M n : Call and Look at My values in ki Furnishing -:- Gool I have f Lre Stock at tlx LoweHt rric;8 vtr tiTere l i- the VfciH I isul a. I! Imanfll.n ....ti 1 Pll I I t I T L' T --y hi "uo '.'i inn wiwm'iniijrTr't lU t U 11 u.'lL g 11-J4, 11111 i i.jr wear a umsb. liHryn stoc'j ol KsnmoiDEitiEs nr.,! FLotrxciXtii t, dm I.m a- . f.A tl,. v ii. .. . .I.,. ..... . :.. r "". w .i y uv intlillj fill If- IU jrf)n. Albany Cisar Fact i. w 't J. Joseph. -:- Proprietcr. : WHOLESALE&RETtt l; i i r if p g. Safe, INSURE III THE v ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Sonnd; Conservatiw JOHN SOM, PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works -And Mancfturtnrr'rH nf CHOICE' COSFEliTIOSERI, A"e r.re aow proparer1 to sell Rt vh,. , always fresn p.nn ,uio at rnrtii' ;ih to dealers. Wo koop a fi. -.f Kuta ami Tropical Fruits. CIGARS A WO TO 3 AC Revere House: ALBANY, - OREGON WAS. PFEIFFEU rilOPRIF.TOR. ritto i tin In Urst-clnis style. Tnblr-s .upplted wlti tlio bc"t In the market. Nice sleapir.s: apartments. iUmple ikiiu for cotntnorciftl travelers. t"nach Ii. aul rrini the Potcl.t-S 8. C. !ATS2?3, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON. Olllre In (be Htrahan Block. FortmiliEr & m -FUNERAL I1 RECTORS." j Arterial Embalming Dons Sciestj-. lcally. J. thirl' FEED CUTTERS -rW UMlnrf a f id cutter. Stewart A So' w'l our kri.lK for riale. P.HIIRM3-VV nolhlnit umw-'iiv, i.Mnous barrel cnuru. , . is nothing hi eood, and "onorJ"' us on prlcei. stkwabi , A3 rt ANV- OR. WHITSMAN & HULBEB.T BSOJ. Real Estate Agents Farms and l!.inchcs forRl. Also city branny in AlbRfJ and Ct rtullii. eCUIMf! Is.PUISJCC -Stewart ASox 0LI1II1U IlinOHIllLO. are aixo be new Wheeler & Wilson No 9, S. W. Paisley, Albany, Orazoa WHOLESALE DEALER IS- Tobaoco and Cigaa DRIED APPLESaToS Sent24. armera. so to Stewart A Sox, buy an I ile paring machine aid save your fruit -1 CARPENTERS & BUILDERS ;0rf 4: nvime wsntlntf tnvthing In tn- 5 ware line will do well to ' 1 w;t hardware, and a magnificent st R tools. . Fianos. Tlmwi wla'iinir a first class instrntBt- - ,n.rei"'-. 1 lie 1 est tr.Hte to sta"u , .iMnf Ooast, can I e salted by callmllj , , E Uyinas's, opposits tL3 Mawnw plo, on Kirsl Htront. The latest. -Instrumental muslo kept for '';' TIMBER MEN Call on Stewart ASox I for your supplies. They carry a fall line of axes, wague-, sledges, snauta, maul rioga, broiJrr axes, from. RAInslIng horses, peaves, wood and Iron taakie btoeks, and by far tke beat acsort Caentof crosa out saws la the valley, aooda of tb best and prim Use lowest. h viiet assortment of atamnlna :ii r to aelom from this std3 ol 't "...m 1 Riven In palutltiK "ae"' , bM ir studio ovor Man yanl'Str sons In her Civ ber yiniror.ljr pieasea . at ..nil when you . . m Us, brushes, coall oil, luunc -j. oxle grease, &o. STsttVART PtlVTVnn,! AH B -Come rhi.i i nun viiiu.