Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 24, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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7aiht democrat
Published every (Jay in tho mlc x
4 SuoiUy.
OTSINOTTI.G, Editors and Prnp'n
ntered attue Hit OIThio at All lanv. tlr.
agon, as second o'ass mi, I unttir.
'BBHEMMY UlTKnilDIt tl, I81H),
Tub Milk Maids ('o.wkxtiiin to le
presented l,y the ladies of tho Jr. K
IChnrch of Allmnv, Tuesday evening Ieo
10th, 1800, nt tin Opera House, promises
10 be B treat, follow inn is tliu iiioeimn
Music. "Milllirio Overt
Solo, Mrs CO Lee.
Music, Selected, ( Irchestni.
Select Heading, Mint) Moses.
Music, "Crecent L'itv Walt.." DnW
Milk Stool Drill, liy nine of the milk
Bl' The laughable Farce entitled, "The
iMilk Maids InterstuteOonvention," rep
resented by twenty-six ladies in costume,
. will then be presented.
L' Admission, 23 cents; reserved seats,
35 cents.
itaii .
Bad Acciukst. Lewis Anderson, a
young man who has been working in the
Bed Crown Mills, of this city, for n yenr
or more, went to Uarrisburg a few days
ltl? ago to take charge of tho flouring mill,
J.J ownod by L Douglas of that place. Yes
' terday morning he went lo the third
3p;tory of the mill to look after some of
the macliiuerr. After he had been gone
A short timo tho engineer heard calls for
help from that part of tho building, lie
shutdown the mill and went up to the
third story and there found Mr Ander
son with his leg broken just above the
ankle. Ife had been caught in tho belt
ing of the mill.which resulted in a broken
limb. He was removed at once to the
residence of Mr I, Douglas, when Dra
Davis and Mendenhall were called in and
set the limb. Tho voting man will lie
taken care of by the Odd Fellows of Uar
risburg, of which order he is a member,
having become a member of Albany
Lodge, No4, only a few weeks since.
As Explosion. This morning Ed
Bchmeer, a clerk at Mueller (Inrrett's.
was at work among some Christmas hens
andturkevs, when a lantern, bv which
ue whs uiiiuiiiiaicu, expiouea. lie ex
' tinguished the (lames by throwing his
! coat over them ; but in the operations
I one of his hands was burned in a pa'in
i ful manner.
Mrs, Amiorr to-morrow night at the
' Opera House. It will be a (treat treat.
. Mrs Abbott tosses men about like tenth
irs. The feats of a Hercules performed
by a pretty little lady weighing oulvOS
Saunas, yet possessing a giant's power,
othing like it every Been before. A
mystical power which is truly phenom
enal. She performs the most incredible
feats, and lias dumbfounded nnd aston
ished all of the learned men of America.
The Minks. Dr J'.arker, of the Golden
City Mining Co., came down from the
mines Tuesday. Ho reports arrange
ments being made to run eight or ten
men during the winter getting the com
panies mines, of which, they have about
twenty claims, ready for a twenty stamp
mill, with n capacity of forty tons a day,
which will be put in in the spring.
No TJelivkrv. There sill be no de
livery on Christmas day, Dec 35th, by the
undersigned. Joe Myeks, ,
John Stewart,
Wm Wallace,
J V Taylor.
New Carpets, new carpets, new car
pets and new styles, latest patterns, the
best in the ninrlrt inat- n A II
Mcllwain's. Tho stock is large and
: choice, selected for this market, nnd neo
: pie wanting the best carpets at the low
est prices should call and inspect his
splendid stock. It was bought low and
will be sold low.
At Kenton's Cash Store. Dates, figs,
bananas, choice candies, nuts, mince
meat in glass jars, condensed mince
meat in packages, mixed pickles, saner
kraut, best quality raisins, citron, lemon
peel, orange peel, dried currants, nnd a
general assortment of groceries, all cheap
Tor cash.
Not 111NG Small about Matthews
Washburn. See the necessary article that
all newly married people want (shortly),
that they offer to give to every couple
married between Thanksgiving and New
Years, '91, who puichase a cook stove
f them. The article is on exhibition In
their show window.
Biack Dress Goons. 1 make a spe
deity of keeping a fnU line of black silks
Silk, Warp llcnricttis, Wool Henriettas
and' all the late novelties In black dress
goods nd trimmings.
j hAMl KL E. Yof NO.
Kew Blacksmith Siiii:.U .V Willis
hatjust completed his blacksmith shop at
theicornor of .Second and Railroad streets
where all kind-, of iron and wood work
can he nad and done In first class order
Bring on your plows wagor.s, etc., etc.
-- ...
r.j To Samit.l K Young for vour boots
i mioks. The largest stock in the city
.1 best value for the monev. Dnn't 1,
pcived bv offers of discounts, or big ad
Vliscments You will have to nav some
!s a profit. The question Is who can
ord to sell for the least pr-fii.
Carpets. f h? ve just rccel ved forwl n
trade some of the nicest patterns in
tia super and .VP'y carpets ever shown
'"is city, also 4 new line of wallpaper
! decorations.
I Samuel E. Youno.
A 7 Music Dox, giver, away Jan. 1st.
fith every dollars worth oi goods you
V you get a tlcl.t nn the box.
T. A. (,'UMMINO.
'HACKMETACK,' a boding amll tra
ins pe.-lume. Prioo 25 and 50 cents.
MM HI AMI Pt csAl,
8 W R"cce, of Green Ilasin, is in the
D V 8 Keid and fHinilv, of Portland.are
111 the county for Christinas.
Judge Struhan went up to Coburg this
noon to eat a Christmas turkey.
Hubert Huston and w ife went to Cor
vallis this noon for Christmas.
Muliu F.wert has returned home from
a several mouths visit at Oakland.
It rorder Davis nnd family, and J K
Wyatt, went to lla-risbuig to-day to
spend Christmas.
Jos Watson, of Tacoiun.wns in the cilv
on his way to Newport, to spend the
holidays with his parents.
Frank ( raw, recent It on tho S. I. bo
tween Portland ami Junction, has been
engaged as iimineer on tho Lebanon
branch and will lieuin hueiiien.i to-mor
row. Mrs Craw is already in tho cuy.
1:1 41, tit; Mills
X G Rice etux to Trustees Mellur-
gue cemetery, small tract intp
14. Sit 2 w 1
J II Uobb toT It Hibbard, lots 3,
4, 111 , Mieiiiurn
A J Hodges to F W Spencer,lots 7,
5, bl 7, F'b A, Albany 301)
Henry Cyrus et al to Nanev K
Croft, S K or of sec 31, In 10, S
K1H 10
Frank Cmbtree to Nancy Croft,
same as aliove . 1
J C Johnson etux to Lee liilveu,
parcels in Scio 1400
W II llobson et al to .1 A Maag.lot
4, bl !l, H's A, Mill Citv 25
Virgil, Klectra and Estella StiteB to
J J linker, 1 acre, Harrisburg. COO I'.ilyeuet ux to N C Myeru, lot
2S, in Seio 400
G I) 1'eebler to C Goon, lots 3, 4,bl
) M K'8 A. J.CII 27
A I) llornerettixto Anna B Berry,
40 acres sec 31 , tp II, S It 3 K . . 1
A Remahkaiile Old Man. John Stipp,
an old subscriber to the Demochat bids
farewell to it in the followine
a very elegant handwriting:
1 snail not renew my subscription for
I Sill as I am now too old to read news
papers, I being in the 85th year of my
age. I have been a subscriber for five
periodicals; but only one political.the
other four were religious. Two of them
were pulilisheu in America. One, called
the "Signs of the Times," is published
in Middletown, New York , and the other
in Greenticld, Indiana, called tho "Prim
itive Monitor." The two English peri
odicals are lioth published in London,
one cnlled "The Gospel Standard," and
tne other called "Ulinstian's Monthly
Record," but for tho last three or four
years I have not read one-fourth of them.
I live a very lonesome life entirely alone.
I am company for no one, and no ono is
company for me. I am nearly deaf. I
do my own cooking, washing nd iron
ing, saw and split my own stove wood,
feed and water my horse, travel and
preach for three churches, which occupies
nearly all my time, so that 1 have but
little time left for .readme religions peri
odical than I do political. So I bid the
btatk KioiiTS demouhat a last iarewell.
Aflectionately your sincero friend,
John Stipp.
Scio, Oregon.
For Curlstnins Dinner.
Fine Fat-
Smyrna t igp,
California Figs.
Orange Peel,
Lemon Peel,
nnd a fine assortment of
Fancy Cream and Mixed Candis, Cali
fornia, nnd imported cream and Swiss
cheese. Also a full asHortniont of choice
vegetables, nt Mueller & Garrett's.
Is Hunting around for something to
remember the children witli on Christ
mas do not fail to inspect the large stock
of holiday novelties at Conn & Hendric
son's, just the things the children want
for enjoyment, things that can be pur
chased with small pocket books, cute
things, useful things, all kinds of toys.
And while you nre there observe that
they carry a fresh stock of groceries and
produce, ond that their prices are bottom
ones. A prize is offered for the person
who doesn't get good treatment at Conn
& Ilendricsou's.
The Reason Why Why Is It that
Klein Bros, can afford to sell boots and
shoes so reasonable? Because they are
both practical shoe makers and make partof
their expenses by working on the shoe
bench, any boot or thoe you buy of them,
no matter what kind It Is man, womans or
childs, that rip. run over or the sole rins
loose they repair them for you free of
charge, and as they do all the woik them-.
selts, they don't charge you 25 to 50
ccuo n iiuir cxira ior a warrant to pay
ro.iie shoemaker to repair them for rou.
Thev also make a specialty of repairing
ruuuci UOOIS.
Iackets and Wraps T hnv i..ut
ceifved for the Ho'ldav trade a new line of
Diagonal and plain Beaver and Stockinet
jackets, The popular thing for winter
Samuel E Yoi-no
Kid Gloves for the Holidays. T'i
argest aitortlncnt in the city for gentle
men, ladles and misses, tvery pair war.
ranted at
Samuel E Vouno's.
Sitting Bull is dtisd and s.i are high pricos
at G L Hlickinvi's. Do now makes the pub
lic a genuine otfr to sell ho'iday gKids at
first oust. Be sura and examine his stoc'
and ascertain his prices.
The ONLY plsee in the ty when1 Eist
era tickets cm b purchan is nf W, L.
rster, at the Sintaern Pacific CV ticket
The host roast cTO-ie iu tho city at Com ad
Mojv r's.
fi .vOIFS COUfiH C .snmntion
Car? sold by usonaguu ntee. It cures
coui lmption.
T trrt passCE Brown 1 ore if ven
war 'olive economically. ?cst foods anil
owi trio's guaranteed.
A ISarkrje's euncemiim or Frail and
l-run lulture.
The people of Oakville, iu this county,
are paying considerable attention to the
raising of fruit, and very naturally com
mune with their eastern friends on the
subject. A prominent man of that place
did so, getting the following bright let
ter, which be hands us for publication,
in order to benefit fruit-raisers generally:
"Your kind letter of recent date is at
hand and contents noted. Am glad to
heurof your bright prospects. When
you speak of setting out 1000 fruit trees
my mouth almost shunes itself for shed
ding tears. Y'ou also mention something
aliout grubbing the ground before plant
ing to trees. This reminds me of my
boyhood dins ill Ohio, when I UBed to
earn my grub by grubbing. I never en
joyed it very much as a past-time until
ine nine was past anil the puv was ill
sight. Lxtracting roots is a painful ne
cessity, aim never was 01 great pleasure
to me. Since !eaving the timber country
I have had occasion to let a small con
tract for taking out some old roots, and
although I was right there and had an
easy seat, and was not asked to assist in
the work in fact was requested to keep
hands oir yet in some way I felt for the
fellow workman and mv interest in him
was such that I think" I sweat fullv us
much as he. It is siniiliar to "tilling a
long-felt-want," and the more nerve one
has, the more nerve one needs.
Hut, let us return to the orchard. I
like that move. I think it is tho thing
to do with that land, and I almost wish
I bad an interest in that fruit farm. It
might not injuie the fruit and would
help to "Plum" my "Currant" expenses.
I do not wonder at you being "Cherry"
when you contemplate the results, which
is shown by actual "Fiit"-nxc8 to be so
good as to "Seek-no-Furthcr." A "Pip
pin" to the matter would make a "Mai
den liluoh," however much she wants to
"Pear" with "Tallmansweet," who is
constantly bo "Cider." Both being in
the "Bloom" of votith. should, with he
as "Roman-Stem" tho tide together for
rous ana roas nt least. i.very "fcheep
nose" that a "Haiubo" is "Juice" right
in the full.
But later Bro. "Johnethan" and Miss
"Bell Flower" are in ereat demand bv
all pie-us people. They are solid friends,
good keepers and wear well by acquain
tance. Miss "Siberia Crabb," being a
drawf, makes a fair show. But notwith
standing her "Trunk" checked entirely
through, free of charge, she brings her
manager very little else than "Saace."
Sometimes there is a "Jam" that trener-
ally ends in a "Pickle." The "Willow
Twig" has produced less "Salubrious
hweet" to the "oung's Delight" thun
the "Candy Red," yet I think produces
better results in jfouth than is always
admitted. This "Twig" keeps well in all
climates, houses, and is a good thing to
help keep the young from souring.
When properly "Appl-ie"d to the trunk
or limbs it invigorates and elevates the
human race, and makes the race more
swift. This should be attended to at
"Prune" ing time.
Miss "Jeiinctt" remains erean durinir
her sunniests days, but, although not a
"Greer ing," she "Clings" to the idea
that she must be en"Gage"d to every
"Beauty." Place her near the kitchen
and wash house whers the reflection will
have a healthy influence on her, and
then ner lruit wilt be in good taste.
Don't nlant nnv "t'hpstnnts "
Well really I "have no right to advise
you about fruit culture. I am only a
imcKtye, ns you Know and never saw
OreL'on, and of course what I say is cheap
and thin, and don't cost anything, but if
I have my health and can so "Orange"
matters here, will try at some future
time to learn more of fruit nnd fruit cul
ture, even if I have to go to Oregon."
Men like useful presents on Christmas
and genera'.ly get them. Such things as
neckties, silk and linen handkerchiefs,
and slippers are always in oider and are
very acceptable. L E Blain carries a
large and line stock, and his prices are
bottom ones ns can be ascertained by nn
examination of his stock. Besides he
nas many other novelties suitable for the
holidays. ,
23rd, ISM), near Albany, to the wife of
Cornelius Raiischneider a girl.
The Corrective Properties, of tlio
Juices of California's Vegetable
Alteratives Almost Sensational.
A lady formerly of 1221 Mission St., but now
of 400 Hayes 8L, S. F., writes to tho il'.lwln W.
Joy Co. as follows: " Mrs. II. T. Ecvcrly, of 86
attle, resided with mo last winter. 6he had long
been a sufferer from dyspepsia and waterbrash.
Her stomach was so weak that for months at a
time alio lived principally upon milk and the
wbito of eggs. Among other tilings she tried
one of tho mineral sorsaparillas only to find that
It gavo her pnlns In the head and weak sluklug
spells. Having taken Joy's Vegetable Sarsapa
riila myself with great benefit In stomarh
troubles, I Induced bcr to discard tho potash
preparation and try your Vegetable compound.
It began relnvigorating her stomach and In a
fhort timo helped her nMimisMiigly. It Im
proved her apetitc nnd strength to 'lint extent,
that Jil3t before sho left, she was beginning to
return to solid food, siio authorized mo to
wrlto yntl t lit is stnfoment nceordlnclv."
Don't lie in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such a3
Will have (he nicest assortment that ever came to Albany
A Merry Christmas.
Holida goods at French's.
Have Vlereck shave you.
Buy your groceries of Parker Bro s.
Sauer kraut at C E Brownell's,
Cloaks at coat at W F Read'a.
Buy your holiday goods of W. F. Road.
The achools are all olosed for tho holidays.
A fine lot of holiday candies at Parker
Hulin & Dawson, druggist's, at French's
Rargaius la lihrsry lamps at C E Brow
nell'a. Cheadle cheese is the beat. Try it. C E
Ijat Saturday the O. P. paid up for Sep
tember. Genuine Iowa sorghum on draughtjatj C
Delicious orange cider on tap at C E
Call at Hulm Da ajson's New Drug Sto. e
for fresh drugs.
W. p. Re.,1 !,.., I,. h. ....,,... f
fancy goods in town:
The CitV Onnnntl mof t.. .1
adjourned until Monday evoning,
Ten beautiful nMHn . :
Ft., . i" - K'"u at
reneh s Jewelry Store.
See W F Read's line of dress gotds and
silks before buying elsewhere.
C.reat reduction in men'e furnishing goods
for the next 30 days at W F Head's.
Phvsician'a prescriptions carefully com
pounded at Hulin Hi Dawson's drug store.
Antl RWMI ftllff l,.,fnn. IV.fl r C1..I.I.
Just the thing for an Xmaj presont.
Holiday goods at first oast at G L Blank .
man'a. See hit ad in another column
For nnvftltipB in l,a;, win a- -
11 " " 111 gb aisis
are al le to show a superior stock of goods.
Lace curtains' !... -f . ; ... t a I..-.
snnment (rom $1 to $9 Samuel E
200 cloaks tn Km .,1.1 &f . sir v
Read'a. (ltim nml man.. L:l-
the assortment is large,
For yarlety and beauty of designs, Will &
StArk'a Strait nt pinm 41... 1 , j
. - --7 "n p lulu, auu
Christmas is coming.
BnV VIKir fbriatn - E Li.
j. j ..... .,.olnH Mk rreuens
Jewelry Stoie, aod get tickets to the draw-
iug w Miae piace a ew 1 ears day
'i he larvAtt.l mnf i.-.Ai:- J: , r
. n Biiiniiii,, oi
thnatmaa goods in the city is at F M
icuuu , xno turner jewelry atore.
Thos, Kay woolen mills blaukets, flannels
men . """"'' and boy' clothing, for sale
v v. .. "iiupoui, agent, aiuauy, Oregon.
Beautiful onA root..!.... t i.j: j
tlemen at Will & Stark's at wonderfully
low prices.
No DkUOCHAT fiwmnrrnn. r'U-l.l
- ...... ww u.,111. .U1IM'
maa la one dav on wbinK Uf.n ri-t- n
allowed to celebrate.
People ate talking about the big stock o
holiday goods at Will & Stark's.the jewelers
Everything imaginable.
Fnrfresh mpata nf stl b,.l. n 1.
r,, . ku uuuwu
& Slaters, opposite Schmeer'a livei-ystable .
Orders taken and prompt delivorv. '
The McFaddeu farm near Lebanon waa
sold to-ilay at Keterees salo by W B Stout,
to John Curl, of S. io, for 51050. It con
sisted oi vjk acres.
A lsrge line of fancy crockery cups aod
saucers, mugs, vases, salid dishes, cracker
jars, card receivers, etc., will be sold at re- iiiivoi iu eiuae inein out, at Samuel
E Young's.
A fine display nf childrens school shoes on
ueutui muibsivc nrownoi: s are going rapid
ly at less than first cost. Call and selects
pair before thoy are all cone.
Mr acd Mrs Wm Baltimore made thoir
uaugnieralyhristmas presentln the way of a
tine J Bauer il Co. pian", bought from
Will & LinLr. A IV M.fl.L ..
bered his family by perchariog a fine organ
for them from the same house. '
William II Warner and Harper Cranor
have leased tha Alhnn n... trn,.da r...
two years aod will begin business as lesseos
vu -liiiuary jst. inev are iastlors,are good
judges of what the public wants In the
theatrical linn And Will nn ilrtnlii n1.. a k;..
ousiness, gradually increasing.
S94. That is the number that drew
tne nickel.plated stove at Hopkins Bros
Who holds it?
Buggies nml llucbs.
The best makes are to be foundin Al.
bany at Price & Robson's, who have just
rcciveda carload of the finest hacks and
beggicsto be found. Their prices, con
sidering quality, are remarkably low. It
pays to ride in a good buggy or hack.
Keep this lact in your head and when get
ting one call on Price & Robson, who
nave me largest variety to select from.
Will be Found
at the Square
jjeanng stove
nouse or
! Mueller & Garrett.
nottiu o.8Iuekix(.
F. M. Frenoh keeps railroad time.
New ereain eheese just lecuivcd at Conrad
Ejiau & Acbison are selling monuments at
i'ortland pricea.
Fresh New England mince meat, on sale
at C E Browoell's.
A L Viereck'fc shaving and
hair dressing parlors.
Choioe sweet Delaware grapes rcnelved
fresh every morning at 0 E Brownell's.
Mens', youths' and hoys' olothiog and
furnishing goods at l W Simpson's.
A fi. st olasa shave for ouly 15 cents at L
wreck's, Saltuiarsh Biock. Albany, Or. "
Have you seen those parlor suits that T
Brink baa juat received ? They are nice.
J W Boutley. beat boot and shoe makerio
mty, three doors north of Dkmocrat office.
For barusit in n.An... i- u j-.
.... . ... .....uuiiicubi, ueauKiuneB,
etc, goto fcgan & Achisou, Albany, Oregon.
You ahnnlil nnll l u 1:1
mum nue nurary
lamps at C b Browuell's before buying elsc-
Rv 1.11 RIMIU aan Will S. C.-l.l- i
j - ii n. ouih a elegant
line of silver ware for the Holidata. Fmeat
ever broaght to Albany.
Tieknta Inr ATI. ...I
km.i-iu ,uiiii, over
ANY route, for sale by VY. L. Jostor, at
For enld ninhta TU. , ..,
i.i i I . " . ' "lv,wv wuuivn nun
blanketa, cheapest in town. Foraale by'U
V Sirap jn, agent. Albany, Orrgeu. . '
U w bimpaon haa received his fall stock
if sLwiUinnltn ,.A j . i
. u jwicn mm tnree
IllSrtuP .!11aI nln.l.. 1 . . .
n ' nun nave a complete
assortment of all the latest styles.
Lion t fail to our men'a and bova'
alnthiiid hii( 1 n,
ii i. i. I'u.iinoiu ciaownere. ive
sell the best clothing for the least money of
any nouse in tho city. Look aud be con-
7 inniiH sl Wf to:
Jullua rirflrltarnral's. etnnl. t l"J.. 1
ii now cooiplete, and ii undoubtedly the
4 i?tBt Md be8t as80rU,1 of any in the valley.
All he wanti is for the people of this part of
Oregon to call and examine his goods. The
Beautiful Pieces of Silverware to I
Given Away.
At F. M. French's Jcwelrv atom nn .
mencing Nov. 1st. I will nmnvni. .n
one purchasing $1 worth of goods, a tick
et entitling the holder to a chance to
uruw one oi uieioiiowmg pieces of silver
ware :
1. One large dinner caBtor $10 00
2. ' fancy fruit dish 9 00
3. " silver cake basket 8 00
4. " silver card stand '. 7 00
5. " set silver knives and forks 00
J). double pickle castor 6 00
". " silver butter dish 4 00
8. " single pickle castor 3 00
0. " Seth Thomas clock 2 00
10. " silver cup 1 00
F. M. French.
-And Vicinity,
That we now have the largect and most complete stock of Loots and shoes
ever shown in Albany. Our assortment of lion's and B.n'aKipand Calf
Boots nod Shoes is cotnp.etp, n,d we can fit any foot, be it lean or fat. Our
line of lubber boots and shoes is
Line comprises bom.i K.irt.i.t of rnor.'3 embroide.e.l velvet and
Com puses all ihe Intent novelties in combination sn I colors, in felt, p
nd velvet, rsnging in prices frrm 85 cents to $2 50. Our line of
Ladies and Misses Dress ShoeS
In hand and m-cl.ine sewed, a.e in (lie most Sundnid makes in thu United
States. We also havfl a full Ii. f Mies and uiiss-s . il grain, d.ycralrj
calf-lined and unlined, in I u ton n d luce, at EASTERN PRICKS. Our
line of
Mens" and I Joyn jOi-etsH Slioo,
la oomplem in all styles and st I.owi:st I'uices. Out gn.- are all dusir
ab.B styles and latest nov liies -all the attractive oiuiibinstirns in Boots and
Oxfotdv, Turns ami Webs. Also Spring H-. ls for the little ones in great va
riety in d.sifin.tlie latest; in material, 1I10 finest; in workmanship, tile best
of all. If. is onr piir,WH t csrry a line f boots nnd shoes containing moi
than any hnuve in Albsnj.
To the fact that (irices of boots and
penses umif r wiicii uiov arn sniii. mr eipot,t,8 sre lower than lin-e of nn
houso in Albary the result is LOWER I'lUCiiS TO YOU, for rsh.
Give us a trial and he convinced.
Never Sacrifice Quality for
and Shoea and Sell them
Mike narkry l ureil or Ururueaa ur 10 Years
MtamllnuAl.o Mr F. II I'leree n
tervril Hie aauie ts'uy
Editor Orngonian. For twenty -roarn I
have iieen i-radually gruwiiiK d' af, ao
c.niuMd with sll s iti ol rinaing noUes
in my ears. I had do-pdrej nf over be.
ing relieved uiiiil Kime of my neighbor
had tried I'r liHrriuand been cured, 'i nat
Kvve we courage, and led me lo try biiu.
He bus restored by my hearing and
stopped the uolsi a with e.eetrieitv,
cal and surgical treaiment. I liye three
miles wnt nf PortUnd, nn the Barnes
road, postolliee, Purl and. Or.
Xr. Vrditor: For flftne i yers I have
lieen doaf, am! iiradusdy growing worse
iiutil tl.epuat three years I could not hear
my watch tick Mr any o nvemation. I
eitie to Dr Darrln and roeeived his eiee
trio treituient, aud am now able to hoar
a watch tick, and feet overjoyed with the
cure I have received. 1 live In Albina,
and my place of busineasisln tho inaiket
on Kui-sull street, Lear the Continental
hotel, EDPIhKCE.
J a JrnnhiK Cured nf ftkln Disease.
Editor Oregon! '.n: For fbtoen years 1
have been troubiod witn xkiu dliease.
Dr L'arrin haj cured me. Koi'er to me at
Sellwocd, Or. J S JENNINGS
Dr Dnrrln's Siierlalllrs and Flare or
Dm Darrln make a spec'aly of diseases
of the Kye, Kr. JSose and 1 hroat, and alt
nervous, chronic and priVHte disi'SNes,
such as Loss of iM-inhood, Blood 'laiuis;
Aj'phllls, (lleot. lionnnhoea. Mir let 11 re,
Spermatorrhoea, Semihal Weakness, or
I oss 01 Lexire ot Sexual Power In man or
woman. All 1 eeullar Female Tr.ublcs,
Irregular Menstrt.tion, Displacement, eto,
are cor.fldoni tally and MiccesHfuily
treated, and will under no oircum- tancea
teku a cae that they canuot cure or ben
ell. Consultation free. 1 'hargtej reason,
ahle. Pnres of private diseases guaranteed'
Bnd never pul.libd in the pipe.s.
Circular and question blanks sent free.
OlPoes, 70J4 aHhlngton st, Portland, Or.
Christmas Candies
Sabbath :- Schoo's Supplied,
At Extremely Low Rates
CAM, AND Mi: H1.1I.
DR iKO W GRAY having sold his
drmbt business, to give po-sess:.OD
Jsnuary I, 1891, mrst earnestly requests
bis many fiieofswho may wish him to
put Iholr teeth in good repair before re
tiring to call eBrly. Ail who find them
selves Indebted to him, are expected lo
cal! and settle soon.
shoiis are largely governed b the es
Quantity Soil Fewer Boots