HOLIDAY -::- GOODS. " MMiti iif TTTmriiTiTwmi STAN ARD & CUSICK. Hl7lMIHIIIWH BIMWMMW , , mrrrTOTlir Plush and Leather Albums, lonei oabtK, PniH PpnTfete Etc Ft, t-, - uan rniw ftt.c.Qpnhfit. Baas, uoia rens, n. lo., n,iu, tLtc roll LlllltJ UdOCO, jiviuiiiuwi w ,--r rr-oTT-R-LE TO SHOW GOOt)S.I -- U V ' - ' Santiam Forks, Ogn., Dec. 23, iip. Editor Democrat: If the many honest republicans will only keep their eyesopcn.they will notice from time to time, admissions made by repub lican lecders and journals, that well illus trate the hollow pretenses of the republi can party leaders of ts day. For Instance, the Ortgonian in an editorial of recent date severely abused the farmers, and took occasion to say that the scheme of Senator Stanford for the government to loan money to the farmers on their lands was unjust and clas6 legislation, and fur ther 6tated that Senator Stanford oweshis eighty millions of money to the sfecitl class legislation that has enabled him as well as many others to accumulate money by methods corrupt and dishonest. Now light here Is an admission one which admits a truth lang claimed by the democratic party, to wit: that the republi can party by its class legislation, enacted by it during the last twenty five years, at the dictation of capital and in the interest of a favored few, is directly responsible for the existence of such millionaires as Sena tor Stanford, who, the Ortgonian says, has been enabled to acquire great wealth by means of corrupt and special legislation . It must be remembered though that when election times roll around the Oregonian with the other republican journals.are very ready to call on their allies the monopo lists, tariff protected industries, trusts, and such capitalists as Senator Stanford with the suggeston to all such, that they . must contribute a part of tluir wrongly ac qaired gains to that party which created and stands by them, that is, the grand old party of Lincoln, which has now degener ated so far from Us first principles as to claim the light to fry the fat out of the tariff protected capitalists of the country. If the toiling, hones' masses of the repub lican party who are still voting "for Lin coln and a prosecuton of the war" could only find time to brush the cob-webs from their eyes, and Rip Van Winkle like, real. ize that the party of Lincoln and loyalty had drifted from its earlier mooring into the strong grasp of monopolists and the stockholders of tariff protected combines -if they, the farmers,and laborereof the re publican party would but read the effects of the legislation and the imposi tion of the high tariff on their business, they would turn In disgust from the party whese poliilcal key notes are sounded by the favored few who, controlling the re publican party, seek to make the laboring pscple believe that capital is not yet ready to take care of Itself but still needs that fostering care produced by a protective tariff which makes the rich only the richer and the poor but the pocrerstHl. Another instance is that of our esteemed friends of the Albany "Herald" who in the Issue of sibt instant under the head "foicign Immigration" said the restriction of foreign "would also supplement the wholesome operation of the protective tariff in maintaining the high standards of American labor" and in the same article says "for the unskilled laborers who crowd to America and by their wlllingnew to work fur a pittance depress the wages of Air.eiican mechanics." Now tl.e last statement is a truth which the democratic partv has maintained for the last twenty five years and longer, and the republican partv is just now admitting the truth of it and ncxt thing will be claiming that the doctrine started with that party. It U a known fact that during the whole existence of the republican party at lease since t,e war that the creatures of that party by special legislation have acquired wealth from preying on the unprotected classes, and openly for years, until stopped by the democratic contract labor law, Imported Into this country foreign pauper labor.and discharging American workmen put In their places In the large protected indus tries of this country these same foreign paupers. That Is but one instance of the many special franchises, giants and licenses that have been bestowed by paid legislative hirelings of monopolists upon the favored wealthy of this country under the disguise of republicanism. gjThe fuel is that under the republic system almost every combination of capl tal has asked and received some favored class Icglslal ion, tariff or otherwise. There Is too much governmental taxation for the aid of private enterprise. Even a great many of the substitutes and roustabouts In the service of the union during the war believe that the whole country should be taxed to pension them for doing w hat all should have done, and many failed to do, viz: their dutv. It Is right to pension every honorably discharge! Union soldier who received actual wounds 01 injurics.or con tracted disease while In the line of July ,,.! the volunteer soldier asks for no more, but those chionles who went into .,.. .nr mi! llirOHL'h loVC of COUlltrV . Illlt because of money and bounties offered them, are the main ones who are loudeit in the cry that the government owes them a living, and to all such, as the Oiegonian admitted the other, it is lime to cry halt. The loyal brave the patriotic volunteer, regardless of politics and Influenced only by a love of country are the ones who saved this Union and not hired substitutes, coffee coolers, pension agents nor the re publican party either, for the loyal repub licans could no more have saved the Un ion without the assistance of the hundreds of thousands of loyal democrats, than a human being could cause the sun to cease shining on this terrestrial sphere, and that old frivolous claim that the people owe a debt of gratitude to the republican party for doing only their duty Is not believed In by the patiiotic young men who believe it is the duty of every citiien of this re public to fight for this Union because ol country and not because . of a hope cf money, pensions or any reward except that knowing that they have done their duty, a thing the government has the light to expect regaidless of any obligation of bounties or pensions. Youis truly. Randolph. An Eastern magazine just received. under the head of "Six ISritisli Lions," illustrates Queen Llizabeth, l'rinco of Wales. Mnrmiis of Salisbury, (iladslone. 1'nrnell and Lord Randolph Churchill. Appropriately the heading should read, "i'tvc British Lions and one Ljoness." Christmas eve tonight. Children's night. The night of giving, when men are madchnppyr ml women and children receive. Verily it is more blessed to give than to receive. The happiest of all mortals at this time are undoubtedly the men who give and can afford it. 31 rs Charles Davis died at Fossill a Sevt days ago, after giving birtli to a child. Mrs Davis was only 13 yearB of age. As a license cannot be issued to a person under 11 there must have been some false swearing. Albany's local building association lends every month amounts ranging from ifl.TOO to if'200, says the K. O. The Pen dleton building association can do the same under proper management. This institution has done a great deal for I'endleton, but the value of it tins not been half shown because the interest it deserves has rot been given it. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSOLUTION KpTICE. Notice ih hereby given that the copartnership of Obllng 4 Wallace has been dissolved by mutual concent. AH liabilities will bo assumed by Ifenrv Ohlh'g, to whom all accounts should bo pall. henky ohlino. fhank Wallace. Albany, Dec 21, 1M0. N TOTICK IH HEREBY G1VKN THAT holders of the Farmern tt Merchants ln- Hiirnnce Company, of Albany, Oregon; will be held at the o flics of saitl Company in Albany, Linn county. Oregon, on Wei no day, January 7, Ifc'Jl. at tho hour of 2 o'clock; p m, of said day, fr the purpose of electing nine directors of said company to serve foi one year, and to trammel such oilier mm nos as iny regularly come be fore Haid meeting. liy oruor oi tne rresiaem, J- O. Writsman, Secretary. Albany, Or. Deo 1st, 181H. v!c3) from my frrra near Tangent one rale red hoifer. two years old Lis spring. umrhed with crop otf the rik'tit ar and swa'lWtVirk in frit ear. Any information regarding her will be amply rewarded. K U UKYAN, 15 UILDINO AND IjOA nharos in I 'Jnd series, for s-.!e. Inquire tU Bank oiOregc n. Ti 1 OXKY TO LOAN. In mnH and ItJL larce amounts, from fix months to tive yeaia, on good Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or address W K McPborson, VXrnl St., Albany, Or. Of 1 1 CO Don't UUPLLU, oi piie? at weights any i longer. Many a larmer loses enough in that way in one year to pay tor ag vod Hca o. ho io Mewatt tV box ano price thir tcnh a oa!l kind. f V M PHOTOGRAPHERS, fVi vn i.d BiioJcny M,. JAlbany, Or, Ql'Pl'RIOK vrk. Kuarantted In eviry 15 branch of jhe ail. irKulaiging of all kinds a specially "JuiAxy oi'Kiu Twi'ss, Cm Nielli C(i!r. THUIiSDAY. DEC. 25TU. L. E. BLAS Has just received a superb lino.of . Fall and Winter Clothing Tho largest in the Valley, carefully selected for the trade here, including an elegant lino of Ovkkcoats, all of the latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship His PuniishiDg Goods Dep't Is eomnleto with all tho novelties of the season. His Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade novelties. In hi3 Hat Department "Will be found all the latest shapes of tho season. His Boot and Shoe Department is. filled with a choice lino of goods lite Tailoring Department Under charge of the expert Mr Schifller, is well stocked with a splendid line of suitings Strictly One Price. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale Retail grocers CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON- At Mi UNTIL JANUARY 1ST, 1891. n Will sell H Holiday Goods at FIRST COST. This In a genuine oiler, and a rare pportvnity to obtaii goods at such low figures. y i We always keep our eyeont a indicator of popular demisj and aro thereloro usually. : pared to supply it atrtiaj rates. "Wo aro selling the ki ) stoves and ranges, tho mo8pyf !ar stoves niado at present, h If you wHnt to sjve money oo ill of boud'-liolil nrlicioa hny 'em of u 1 know wo can sava yon money because we mko that our businwa. MATTHEWS & WASHBUEX. I TO SEE THE LARGEST AX I) BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Plinn Block. -:- -:- ALBANY, OREGON, T AISOUT- LaxgG'and Choice Display of Brv Seeds, Clothing,' Boots, Shoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealette Jack ets, Children's Hoods, Ac, &c. "Tis a Foat to Fit the Feet, But He Can do it and do it Neat," Api'Caranro of Tho Little Uoors'U Slagntt the i Niton of nie idtii intuit. Grocers and Bakers; Oiiponlto I In' lW'vere House. Kccpn fimcir.fs stcc' of Groceries, TroJurc, nnd linked Goods, llottom yirieea. SU SCRIPT I O N SI! r For jVII tU Tcfitinr New ipapers - and Magazines Hecelweil at F. L. KENTON'S Cash Grocery Store, NEAR THE POST OFF Nit msn run hold nn limStTl'i over her hml. She ran lift eiicht men pi In I on two wpanU? chair, and do many other (eats iqUal.y tu astonishing. Admission,' 53 cts., Gallery, 25 cts. f'rRwcrvnl iK-s M at Will ft Link without sxlrs isiivrcuMii D7no?-Tii - crrni . ,K.r ,v. Annlv At this nllw flvm tji. tSAI.K. On sy terms, mr ' mill rspnblo of outline 10000 (eft lov Mil raises tli value of tttery considerably, l)ut we lisve m l stock Rlren(i oo the satre Come n Our ITil-eS. HtKWAHT ,t Sox. tiv, out we neve a in siocki... . , . ..,..,. ; onV-l.t and r-noe ill nmsiniBUtClbA fllld lA(iOM,-J" , :v" s usual until It Js sold out . ... ,, ' "lre, " rt se .ht. have and learn bttod a, J canfcive ycu (tood prlo.s i Mt Bssd Santa Clans Headquarters. Si ..COXSISTTXG OF. Plash Goods, Toilet Cases, Albnwv Fancy Perfumeries, Novelties, ies, Etc., Etc. ;H. EWERT; h Prepared to Show the Public ss Fine a Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, In his Line, as can bo found in tho Valley, consisting COLD AND SILVER WATCHES OF OTHER LEADING KINDS. P MOXDS, GOLD HEADED CANES, GOLD AND SILVER HM" UMBRELLAS, AND MANY NOVELTIES TOO SUMEROtS if ri-fri at MENTION.