3 1 - H i 8 VOL. ill. ALBANY. OB., MONDAY, NOVEMBEIl U4, 1800. SO 173 TELEGRArillC NEWS Highest of all in LeaTening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. The Pastes? Water Filter will bo on exhibition i:i our Show Window, on its arrival, and can I I! fTcn throwing both Filter ed and Un filtered water. Can bo attached to main direct, or we will have them for well water. They tako out all Di -cao Germs, and are per fect filters, not strainers. Fully Warranted. I il""!''Lfa.t., jiffB T if"- 'i fl 'Iran?! SMITH & SENDER! THE WORLD'S BEST Ha litei slim Has no equal forfctvio. ritiuvl Vc.r. Positively the best si:oiiiAit:ci!c i fc t!i- :r.( ny. Ironic l6 deceived. tSuf: stvvvi :;n .V:tr; ; i ; c;icn r-hnj. Take noo""-. i-wiv p:.ir v.;i,Ti'i-.v -1, H.7li.;Si ami equal to in ysc .iVKihitiic-rari-ei. i.--y S3 DES -3trO.TrTCa- foie Agcnt MindwandertnccnrM. Books Icarawt in no rw ft dm jr. Testimonial)! from all FiiKK. Pmib on Jippl lent ion to Prof, A. Uietui, 17 Ave. Now York. nriTWfJ-Bith rubber and lorther DLL 1 1 lUj 1?-1 tlnor alwayn on hand a Stnwnrt vfe Sox'h. a1o rubor, hainr. and nsbretoes picking. FCSMAY & REASON, T7-J,fI-lB 4Jt HUT AIL" l)i -Bft-gisTs and Kookwlki s i r.ii lit for John B. AIobd'h iiulilIcaMOBs, blch wt tell . p'jbliilier'. ;'ri:-o witlj .twain-1'" RedCrownMills SOM. LANNISH & CO., VSOPR'S. AND BAKIR8 REST ST0RA6P FACILITIES. j.a.cummixCm Kir JMJRE drugs. 1 AND V rrPATR 1 C KS FlLlSl OarJaiHl. Gald Coin, Argand, Monitor and Superior llio best assortment. The lowest prices. Beautiful goods. Reliable dealers in Pumps, Water Supplies, Plumbing Goods, are And They Pay the Freight. ...r M SMSBSSS Two Men end One Boy FOUND DEAD!! While trj-ing to Crowd tlieir WAV INTO 0c0S Si FBOfflaEtl BROS Store, where they alwa 8 have on hand th lamest Stock "souih of Portland, of ihe latest improved Rifles and Shot Guns; on Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; TenU, Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention, Repair' Shop in connection with the Store, and one of .lie best workmen in the State to do any itui ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick "0.1" i out motto. M TATE FOR SALE -I have , ' acre, near Lowanu o-n he Harrow Gauge. 10 miles from Albany, All In cultivation. Fair hoi is a and barn. Good water for stock and domestic pnrpesei. Floe oak grov . AlHoanotherfarin ot J 28 acre, three mile rro.n Lebanon. All lu cultivation. Fair hotise. Good water. Both good wheat ftvms. Also house ami two lot on Fifth and Jf fferson streets, Albany, For furth er particulars call on V Umphrey,Centei proeinct, or on Hewitt A Irvine. Albany. Z A, UMPHREY. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer, o' 1EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AUD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. ipeclnl attention M o plrln li dso(msflbiner FaVtrrns Made on Short Notict llSfplli Cooks, Heaters and Ranges. ANY HEADACHE "WhiieYouWait," BUT CURES - NOTHING ELSE. M Real Kate g Loan Brokers T)'ur h ir-'iir.i) tiMtirnnco bminesg, pjirtlei 0iir:ii'4 iiiuriiiK-u will to well to tuu ti'.cm. AOKSTrt FOU Aetna litHuriifft 4'tntiiMtir, lncortv.iratet i .o . U ,x' r j-i it iii thin Aiil'i'lrnn I'ir t:i. 'tiipany, PhHadrlphl;, p.iij, tiu,rey1-:wJ. i'oliiiiil'la V MnHne In. 'nmpnny. of l'.trtUii'l. Or. Awicta, 200,37:; .03. Ttiiai oi.e ot trtV'ii' b.st companies. PCCnJ All kind, of Ural nnnda, pure JLbU0 mid olan, are sold by Slow art & tiox, Prices havo ubanged alnoe last aa ion. Come aud aee U". DRIED APPLES, In St Pul on Sept 24. Varmers. go to Stewart A Sox, buy an pple paring mi-c d favc jour f.u City Meat Market. SHULTZ BEOS,, Propriotars. Kop a full line of aieata of all kinds 111 i cool pkee, coinpluly pro tected; and always frost). it you wish iu u.vv jinn w.n and piomptly ropiired and w.rrantedjto run i MEAD THE JEWELER Eevsre House: ALBANY, . OREGON fin-'innirirAn CHAS. PFEIFFEK I nut uir. i vil Fit'ei un In firat-clana style. Tabl tuppllpO Willi the best In tne marKPi. Nloe sleeping-apartments. Sample roonv 1t;r cominerolal traveler t n.rli in aa I rr.a Ike H.lel."l SyuiutontH of 4'oiuumpiion. AViIli?m J Sh arnica. Port Oram. Morris county, N J, writes: "My busman is that of ehari)emr2 mine drills, and I am much exposed to ntnoko and gar. About three years ao I began to have a, bad cough, with couaiderable indigestion aud pains in my chest. My physician told me I had symptoms of consumption. By the advice of my father, an old frien lof nrauroth s 1 ills, 1 commenced usini? that valuable remedy. Uy the time I had i?ot through the secon I box I began to paw a very disagreeable hnmor or pun. I bee an to improve yery rapidly after this, aud grew strouger and better everyday. My omgh is now well. I sleep well at night aud have no more indigestion, ' f! nek leu's Arnica lW:iIve. The beit Salve In tho world fm Cutn,Hruise,Sorpt uicDm, Slt Kieutn, Fover mran, Tetlar, Cbapp liaii-N, Chilblains, C'rn, nnd all Skin Ernptio. m positirelj-cures Pilo-t.or n i piv riitircJ. It iasiiar nteed to eivo nerlect satiifa-jtlnii. or numav ie(und d. Pr;ca 23 ccnu per Iwx, For tk'.s b Kosbay and uuun A sure care for the whisky habit. lr Ltviauston'd Antidote for Drunkenness will cure any caia of the liquor habit in irom ten hirty days, from the moderate drinker to t e drunkard. Tim Antidote can be given in a cup of coffee without the knowledge of the person taking iv. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in any way. Manufactured i.y the Livingston C hemical to., i'ortlann, Oregou, cr from J A Cuinmiug, sole'aent, Albany. Tear tiers Eaiuliiatlon, Notice is hreoy given thit the reul a public examination of teachers for Linn county will take place in Albany, com mencing at 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, Nov ember 26th, 1S90. AH teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. Teachers desiring state cei -tificates should present their recommenda tions from district boards at the above time. G, F. RussellH County Scnool Supt When wanting the bst groceries in the market at reasonMi print ' -all o Fowll & Co CROUP, WHOOPING C0UG1I ard Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. MrsLiN Un Mr.ttn K.vit. In great variety erf styles at bottom prices. .Samuel E Youn. Holiday 13ook. Ladies, call at Mrs. Hymen's and give your order for the Juvenile Hooka, for Xnias. The latest OMt. For la mi liM-k, or nde (best, use Smloh'a Porous Piaster. Price, 23 wut?. Fine ctlk tiiihrt la's nt v M Fremh's jew elry utoro. IOO F. Albany Looge No 4 holds its regular meeting et're tb v i-veiling of each week. V isiiing brothers arc cordially nvltec to attend flo confident sre the mannfaeturfrs of Dr. tare's Catarrh Itemed? In their ability to ours Chronic Catarrh In the Head, no niKttr how bad or of how long itandinfr. that they cfTor In good faith, the abovo reward, for m cast Wbiea they cannot euro. SYMPTOMS 07 CATARRH. Hrndarbft, obrtmetton of roo, dlschprgM falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at other, thick, tenacious, mucous, urulent, bloody an J putrid; eyes weak, ring, ng in cam, dcofncAB, difficulty of clearing throat, expnetoratlon of offensive mattrT; breath offensive: amcll and tuto Impaired, and general debility. Only a few of thM symptoms likely to be present at once. Thou minis of cnxes result In consumption, and end In the grove. Hy its mild, soothing, sntlscptic, elMir,rfng and healing properties, lnv Hnjre's ll jmcdy rures tho worst caws. CoM l:i tlio Ilend Is cured with a few applications. Cainrrhnl Headache Is relieved and cured as If by magio. It removes offensive breath, loss or Impairment of the senso of tast. smell, or hearing, watering or weak eyes, and Impaired memory, whfn caused by the yio 0oid by dnivglsts,st fifty oents. Manuf act- lenoe or uaiarrn, m uiy wut irwjunniy ured SociATiOM, OtSl Halo Street, Buffalo, IS. T. by WOHI.O S DtSPBlfSAItT MBDIOU. AS- DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Laiatirn. or Cathartic, acoordlDir to alas of .cm. D dnuwlsu 16 osnu a rial. The desire of the public aeems to have been to "give the democratic party rope," History is ilkely to repeat itself as usual. Oregon JiUulc You are very right. In 1S74 the people rose up in their majesty and elected a con gress with a democratic majority of 71. Two years following they elected SiinueJ J Tilden president. In 1SS2 the people desired again to "give the democratic party rope" and the result was that the democrats secured congress that year by a majority of 67. Two years later they elected Grover Cleveland president, thus repeating the history of 1S74 6. Now then in the year of grace 1S90 the people again desired to "give the democratc party rope," the res-jlt of which desire is excru tiatingly fresh In the minds ot Reed, Mc- Kinley, Harrison & Co. to be followed in two years by the election of the man of detlny in his law office In New York City or some equally sound, able democrat, Of course history wilt repeat itself as usual DSnOTKATIC IT 0NTETlOX A mass meeting of the democratic VO' ters of the city of Albany, will be held in the Circnit Court room, nt the court house, on Saturday evening, Nov. 2i, 18i0, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nom inatintr candidates for marshal nnd Treasurer, to be voted for nt the regular annual city election, to be held on Mon day, Jec. i, isyu. WA1II MIETlNdS. The committee would recommend tlmt Ward meetings be held on Friday evening, Nov. 28, 1890, at 7 o'clock, nt tne tollowing places: First Ward: In the Circuit Court room at the court house. Second Ward: In the County Court room at the court house. Tiiiru Ward : At the office of the Al bany Farmer's Co. Koch Ward ill nominate one enndi date for the City Council, and select a person ns member of the Central com mittee, to serve during the ensuing year. 0. If. Ktrwart. Joiim Cl.ELAS. City Central Committee. Notes ok Albany Cic.ak Factory. If j'ou want a real choice smoke try our 10 center. Why smoke n Chineso made ciirnr now that von can get a far superior one at J Joseph's cigar factory, made by white labor .' Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We iiuike n specialty of selling cigars of our own iniiko by the box at factory prices. Fire Meerschaum nnd Iirinr pipes'and a full a?.-'ortment oi smokers articles. ('nreil In une Eln. T)r Hnlflei. : A f-w nights iinco I wa tuk-n withnst.ro. throat, cough and "till neck. 1 u-frt your l'.iheret CouifIi hir.iit, ninl I, y ii.ii'iiin I wax neatly wall, nnd lv night cured-, .Iajik Tattpfson, Cnnt Woo!en Mil's, fc'trcklon. LirW'Riz SI. wnall 50 ceut. For inlehv J A Cummin, dtliggllt. tupepny. This is what you ougnt to have, n fiei you must havo it, to enjoy life. Thmisands are searching fnr it daily, and mourning be cause they (l:nl it not. Thousands upon thousand! of liars are tpeut annua'ly by our people in the hope that they innv attain thishoon. And vet it may be hud by all. Wn guarantee that Electric Hitter, if amm! according directions and the use persisted in, will brin you good digestion and oust rha demon Dynitepsia and install instead Kiipeny. Ww reeommend Electric Bitters fnr Dyspepsia and all diseases ot Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Hold at 50o and SI per battle by Fohay & Mason, druggists. J W fVntley. beat boet and shoe niflkorjio city, thn-e doors north of Democrat office. I have just received a Hrge invoice of lace ctrtsmv, ranging in price from one to nine dollars a pair, scrim, J-urtain net, etc. Also a line of curtain pjloi sr.d fu-nituro cover ug. Samuel E Yocso Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C E Hrowncll s IKxellrmenl Runs" hieh in Alhny at Fo!hayQ& Ma on's dn:i? n'ora over Svstem UuihUr, as cverybodv in using it for Catarrh nf the Sbimnch, T)ysrwjsis, ConatipBtiou andlm imre Wood. Trv it and tell your friends Jooutit, ss it must possess wonderful meritH whvo all 1 peak well of it. This Trade M ai k on a stove means it Is thn best thsr ex- perlir.ee nnd skill can con trlve. Moid only by Mnith & Senders. THyT qACKlXO COUGH ca iDickly cured hy Shiloh's Cure. W )knteeil. Ecshay ikiasoj, sgen:s. The I nil Inn Trouble. CuiCAco; Nov. 23 .General Miiei this afternoon received a telegram from ore of his officers at Rosebud, saying that information had been received that the hostile Indians are moving from l'ass Creek toward Pine Ridge, in two parties. This news comes from Indians who have returned from l'ine Ridge, and is believed reliable, It is reported they are going to Tine Ridgt agency to get the Indians there 10 talk to the commanding officer in theit behalf the intention being for Chief "Two Strike1' to stab the general as a signal for a generalattack by his band. The officer adds there seems to be no doubt that ihe leaders mean war, only using the prophet Short Hull as a pretext to keep the Indians together. A I'ruzy kins it end, f he IUtii'K. Nov. 23. The King of Hol land died at 6 o'clock this morning. I lis illness took a sudden turn for the worse yesterday morning, symptoms of uramia appearing. Oueen fcmma was at once summoned, and remained with her husband until his death. 'he King's hut hours were peaceful, lifeebbinc quieiiyaway. Immediately upon (he announce mem oi tne sad event the palace and other public buildings were closed and notices were posted oi the cessation of all business. 1 l.e ministers were summoned and held a council at noon. Cure or Con un nip lion. HtKLiN, Nov. 23. An English patient with lupus was practically cured after five in jections of Koch's lymph. An English phys - ician ciiarges Kocn s assistants wall selling lymph to doctors in great quantities without the knowledge of Koch. iA Biff Ball florin. AuiUQUERt'E, N. M., Nov. 23, Woid has been teceived here from seven Laker, in ihe Gallinas mountains, that four sheepherders were killed recently by a hailstorm. Others and 1600 head of sheep are missing. The messenger says it was the severest hailstorm in Ihe mountains ever known. 'at stunning San Francisco, Nov. 23. Robert Mc Arthur, of the Olympic Club, today ran a half mile in two minutes and five second, beating the Pacific coast record. S. K. Cassady ran 250 yards in lAeniy-sevcn seconds, lowering the Pacific coast record one second. ttnmr In I be East. Kingston, N. Y., Nov, 23. Winter weather prevails along the Upper Hudson vsl ley. Snow fell throughout the night, and tht ground i covered from two to four inches deep. The thermometer is, however, around zero. Holiday Frrskxts. Christmas will soon be here, and nearly every one wants a holiday present for a friend." The rnost elegant, tasty, enduring nnd attractive, is the Home Manual, for the home, a Work nicely written, and full of just such mat ter as mobt hnmcs need. It is handsome 'y potter, up, finely illustrated and deserves a place ii every househeld. The book Is a guide in social, domestic and business life, a treasury of useful information, touching on etiquette hygiene, household economy, bueaty, care of children, money making, fancy work, house decoration, civil service, history, geography, physiol ogy, art, etc. Mrs A. M. Talt is now can vassing for LkU book, and every subscriber for,H ge:s a yenis subscription to the Home Jiagnzine, a monthly journal. I3lack Dress Goods, I make a spe elnlty of keeping a full line of black silks Silk Warp Henriettas, Wcol Henriettas and all the late novelties in black dress good, and Uimmings. Sami-ei. E. Young, I am prepared to nay thu highest mar ket prict", hi trade or cash, for choice dried fruit oi all kinds. Sam'l E Young. ... .r.:.- r ' . .-. :v w r or ri i vftuiB m p iibiiMi -m ui . u. Jt?t' J, at tlio Soulh.'ru Paeilio t'o's tic'iefe o;i.ju WILL YOU SUFFER wth Dyspepjis an 1 L vr Compiaint ? Shiloh's Vital izur ii guna tttd to cure y.iu. leading Photographers AUmny Oregon. We have boiH'ht sll the negatives made by L VV Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov loth. 1$S9. Duidicatra can ha had from hem only of a at red u of d rates. We have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates oan be had at like rates. We carry the only full line of views of this state at.d do enlarged work at lowest rtes for first clas work. We shall be pleased to see you at our Studio in Fromsn's block, ncxtdixir to Matrnie Ten. pie. E.sn St Aehison handle tne celebrated PnrUacd cement wJla fir ctmettry lots. Thefts walls can bn fart is hod at half the cost of any ether and 1 ra far superior. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB PPIHTERS FLIHN BLOCK ALBANY. PrenrliSTausySrl'nrers. Tuee wafers are a sure and safe specifl. for all kinds of female troubles ondw'!' remove all obstructions to the monthly period, no metier what the cause. They are jukt what every woman needs, and can be tucd with safety. For sale by the Llvlngstore ChcmicafCo., also from our sole agent, J A Cumming, druggist, Blum berg block, Albany, Oregon.