DAILY DEMOCRAT. UKAIiS: V WIIX NOT IH). A esteemed democrat, writing from Browrtiville, sayt: Republican htreabouu iwear by the Ortgonian and democrat b r the State Rights Democrat. Now can you give unome iiatUtical information as to the congress elected in ib74 and that elected in ityo. I mean a to democratic majori ties, a none ot ui ne re nave any.ana near say evidence will not do." The congress elected in 1874 was com posed of'293 members, of whom 179 were democrats, 10S were republicans, and 5 in dependents. There were 9 territorial del egates of whom 4 were democrats, 4 re publicans, and 1 Mormon. This congress assembled for organization December 6th, 1S75, whe- Michael C Kerr, of Indiana, democrat, wa elected speaker over James G Blaine, republican, by a vote of 173 to 106. The congress elected tne first of this month will have 333 members of whom (as nearly ns the returns now show) 236 arc democrats, 90 are republicans, and 5 are Farmer's Alliance. The figures as to the congress of 1874 are taken from the World Almanac of 1S76. The figures as to the co rig 1 ess just elected are taken from tele graphic reports published in the Orrsronian San Francisco Examiner , "Sew York World Chicago and Philadelphia Timrs and St Louis ttfublic. The West Short becomes quite sensitive because the Democrat called It to account for criticising democrats for favoring the free coinage of silver whea Its own party In Oregon, Vashington,Californla, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the north west generally are just as much In favor of free coinage as democrats are. It does not seem to comprehend a plain criticism. The Democrat finds no objection to the WcslSIiore flegellating democrats. It ex pects that. But what we do object to is, ts calling democrats demagogues for fa voring the very measures that alt the lead ing republican senators and representa ive jn congress from the northwest voted for namely fiee silver coinage. If democrats are demagogues so are senators Mitchell, J ones, St an ford and many other republican lead 1 es. Already we have the names of quite a number of republicans who say they have grown tired of the course of the republican party, especially Its espousal of RecdiMn i and McKln!eyUm,and have determined to sever their relations with that party and i unite with the democrats to promote tariff reduction and reform. These men will be welcomed by democrats everywhere with outstretched arms, for this great battle oj the masses against the classes must be pushed to ultimate and complete victory. Then let these men upon whose mind, through investigation, light has fallen, he encouraged to take this step In the right direction. POLITICAL LKillTMNU. Our democratic friends will please re member that th political lightnldg uf 1890 will not strike in the same place In 16'jJ. Mountaineer. Well, no; it Is not neccessarv to strike In the same place in 1S9:. McKlnley, Reed, Cannon, Harrison and soon down, .have been so effectually knocked out and dead ened this time that they will not be In he democ-ats way in 1S92. But tieino cralic lightning will shiver to piece any man who runs on Mckinlevmn in liyJ No more righteous result can be founi In alt the late elections than that of Mon Una. This Is the state fiom which repub lican leadcrs,unabashed at their open crime stole two United States senators from the democrats. The state is placed In Ih democratic column, a rebuke to those who stilled the voice of the people there. Speaking from a party standpoint, no more encouraging words to democrats could be heard than those of republican leaders pledging themselves to stand stead I'.y to the McKlnley bill. The democrats cheerfully accept this challenge, being en tirely conscious that they are on the side of right on this subject and that success, Immediate or remote, will crown their ef forts. To defeat protectionism and lay it low isn far greater victory than to wrench political power from the republi:an party in the general government. Well, It has come at last. For years re publicans have told us that a solid south meant a solid north, and the late elections verify the prophecy, for the north too Is solid, but its solidarity is of such character as to make the whole country solid and harmonious. There will be a Lodge in some vast wilderness of democrats in the next con gress with nothing but a bruised Reed to lean upon. THE GOLDKS CI IF B.tlVttK, Has now a complete line of Holiday Hoods, dulla, doll busies, boys' wagons, velocipeueH, ana many otlier pxxls which co to make un a cumulate line fur Chrst- lnas, besides a commote line 01 lamps 01 every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glasnwure, mm vages, oltinh goods. Btieh as albums, toilet Beta, autograph bookn, wrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a tsazanr store, inriuuing Hover Bros. 1M silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the 1 olden Kule prize baking powder Mid tea, put up expressly fur this trade, which gives the lest of satis faction's is attested by the hundreds who have used lotli tiie tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the t. olden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of hacking powder draws a prize in the shape 01 a tine piece 01 glues ware. Be sure to call, w hen in Albany, at the (.olden Rule Bazaar, as you w ill he eure to hnd what you want, und will be shown over the store and bo treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My j'oods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. 1 ours truiv Oct. Ifi, 1S90. J l' Lit' S GllADWOIlL, The largest stock cf sjetadei and eyo pLissti ia Linn county at V M French, Rt-nt roA:t cofTeo in tLe city Mjtri. Conrad NEW A DVERTISKM KM .S. fl'")H SALE. On e-vy turnis, a aaw mill cnp'ible of c-itUmg luGuO feet per dny. Apoly at this olli :o. (170) L. E. B Has just received a superb'line'of. Ai Fall and Winter Clothing, The largest in the Valley, carefully selected for tlit trade here, including an elegant lino of Ovekcoats, all of the latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship His Furnishing Goods ep't Is complete with all the novelties of the season. His Boy's ami Children's department consists of high grade novelties. In his Hat Department "Will bo found all tho latest shapes of tho season. His Boot and Shoo Department is filled with a choice line ol goods llh Tailoring ftepartmcM Under charge of the expert Mr Schifller, is well stocked with a splendid line oi suitings Strictly One Price. POWELL & CO, successor to Geo. C. Henderson. DEALERS IX- IVE !ari;e amounts, from kjx month to five voaif, 0:1 coot Albany n! Linn county roul nuatfu Cull on or adtfrttfi W K MrTlitirion, First St., Albany, Or. ARTIES WRiitlnir pHiure inth Mon iei'li pasture, went M fu the ditch. can .uiuo it nt glp'jr m-Mitn , by ct lin on FKKD W. ItlX'MliKKO. VTANl'ED.-At on a good wown wiro matresH vrtfavor. Apply at T rt)()MS TO LET. Furnished or ur L funikhed. Inquire at this oflksrj. VU V. Thrfe mnth oiaim. Call at the 1!.uol":at ollive. (Iti7( Horses for Sale. rpiIE VNI IH:M t bus firm: a A nip piaro r.tcr All Buy a Ir t nt pood veil I rokf her to-wit: A pan (f nor rM. v.!ght 1420 ouixiu tah; f-pan o lir-jv. 14nr Hpsn ct lny--, lliOP; span o dri ."HiH, Pftni 01m family cnrri'ge horsp IhITh hikI pood ntylt-; and two good fruddt Iiovncs. I'riocs rcasoppbie nm tf riti -v. J KM K- ELK INS; The leaders of the Farmers Alliance in Kansas declare for the organization oE a third party. Fou tiir HofriMTAL. The Ladies Aid Pociety will flve a New England dinner tthe W C T U halt, on Thanksgiving day. Meals, adults, 50 cents; children, 25 cents. Family tables can be secured tor any hour lv leaving orders with Mrs L E Blain. Okdkk a Fink Ti'hkey Foil TlIANKStJIVINO cr Mi'1'.m.f.r & (Jarret r. MoTicK --1S47 Rogers Uro's knives forks and spoons at V M French'VThe corner jewelry More.' Warranted A Ko. l Poi.'t f-.il 1" vnr u;eti' and Ir.'V cititfun- i ( t. r pnrcl'aNit g t Icoh in rv. W'e tv the ti"!,t tl.ithm tir the ht ninncy of any ri'Hisn in tin wy. l.ouK and ut con- IS NOW l rO.ITLAHO. ORE30N. Inmrlctiox in Mlsic. Those wMi Ing instruction in piano, origin or har mony, should call on Mrs M F llollen beck, at the residence uf Mrs Thomas Mnnteith. Private musicak's will he given ach term for the benefit of pupils. New BLACKsMmfcTiii. G tV Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc. for re pa r. ltememher that Ihahop Heck or will ausiu lcctuio in Albany, nttlin Opera Iiouc, on VovcmWr 27th and L'Sth. His topteawiil be "Kyypt, her pyramid, pieces and ruir i d tcniplei of glory," ami Il.oucucoof the pulpit atid pltfnrm ." rORTIUISK WHO AN0T P(lSSUl!,T C.tT TYU KM!,t,T,UO1K TBK1TMKST I'LAt'Kl) V.1TH- u Tim UK.W11 of aijti:at v. ill tiiva r.:i::fUs:u'T cuuk. The mrrt tosiiive ami portna- Ucntctire forCatirin ol'thc fleml, Asthma, ami all Thror.t, UronchiM, I.unj,', Heart, ftomr.ch, Liver an 1 Kidney Affections, Nervous DobiHty, etc. Cousinnptiun, ia ilB various stnjjes, p-cnnanently cured. Jja. AliORN'S onj;Mal niore of treattnci: and his medicated iulmh.-ioiu five's in stantaneous relief, buib's tip ami rc viril ize 3 the whole constitution and system, tl:pnby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken -down constitu tions, old and younj:, invariably pain from ten to thirty pounds iu from thirty to ninety days. Dr. Auorn's phenomenal skill cud mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast nud throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the I lead, and all Throat, bron chial and Lung trouble 'nstatitly relieved, mid Peafness often cured permanently nt first consultation. 1r. A horn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption mid a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary cures, tiniled free. Call or address DR. AEORN, I'cwrrj u,l "cnrlwn Hi-,, Portland, Oregon lx; - i u l c-n Tjc ic CojI, fur inoe who W.'ii TC u FOB F.1CF CCiJlTAIICa I Produce; Crockery Ware; Tdbac co Etc. Etc. DDPOD . ffiDAf A TT ABOa'T IllllPHiiPP Largeand Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing,! Boots, Shoes, Etc., Htc, IStc.? Including many novelties. A fine line of Scaletto Jack ets. Children's Hoods, etc., dec. '"Tis a Feat to Fit tho Feet, But He Can do it and do it Neat," AT COST! My entire stock of Dry Goods, to make room for a large line of Boots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. f SEK BELOW SOME OF T(IK LINES THAT Alu: GOING AT COST. $ DUKSS GOODS, COKSKTS, CLOAKS, FLANNELS, KM5ISONS. LIN EX. UINUHAM, CALICO. (iOSSAWEItS. ULANKKTS, l'Call early while the selection is ;.ood. First street, -:- n mi Was nevr so Cheap in Albany as it has been since . L. WALLACE & CO. opened with their Mammoth stock. Albany, Oregon. .1 rocers and 1 Kccpa nrmriata itock of (irooprico. Produce, nd I!Ve4 CiochIb. Bottom prices. It I VA.li i nml H IdllW . M .. )ln0 OD liaml iird cn p Ivo you rooI prlo Stkwart A Sox. TOST.-In theMonlo cmclry or the J Aibunv cometery, orontliowiiyfrom Allny to'thom, on Snml ly, Nov lrtf;, 11 tmWen op(n ff )!vr witch. Kinder will miner a srrat favor by Icnrlnx t ONOI.IAN PHKANAN'IS WANT 11 1l rd.Thon who think thny on t preont or in lhpfullirfiirni!i lire Mon eollan phiwHiii.t or their egus will do well to correspond with TIIOS. a. FATIUELL. IortI(ind, Oregon. f 'l 1 . .nil on stewnrt A Six. It will pay you I not to forir:-t this. i We are also selling immense quantities of P.oots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, at greatly reduced prices, quality considered. Come on with tho masses, inspect our stock and carry away barga ns. FINE NEW GOODS, : Cheap for Cash :- JEALTH IS WEALTH A' 1K. E.O. WKsr8 Nerva and Ilrain Trcoimcr.t iiiiarant(l niwcifle for Hysteria. Dizzinnes. Ooitvul t'U. Fi n, N'-Tvmi Ncu'raliria, IIe:itlache, Kernin niration caieeil hv Iho 111 oi alcoh'il or ltilnxt. Wakeful itrti. M-ntaJ Ih-presitM.n, tvfteriinjf ( the Hniin, ro-nltini; in insanity and leading to nilwrv, H.-iv anu uefttii, prt-maiure oiu aire, iwrrennes. iwcr, cAift'tl ny ovcMxertK-n 01 tint rrnui. Knell box c-ontniiiH one nitinUi's trfatnici;t. a kx or buv9 lor &, nt by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE CI A RANTER PIX BOXFS TO CITRE ANY caw. With tach order rtH-eivel by ui for six boxe- mipaiwen wun v., we win criu me i.urr-ii:ir r written jjuaranu-e to refund tlie money if tho treat ment doc not 1 tfect a cure. (iiumnUcs i-uttl only by J. A. Cummin, Iruj,'it, tola agent, Aibinj, Or. TTrr:tl r-i" tf.ltOT rerrart! fnr t est rf I.lTTt C 'r,:p'an.t. It;-jjK ia,6iPt Ilewlaf lio, ImJiK't-tmn. Con t'jjutiun nr Cmvi.vcucks o rr.nnot cure itn Wcrt'i li I ivt-r n ts, v hen tho dirppilonn a: e rtrii-tly iiplii ! with. Tiicy arc lmrely Vegetable, and never I to (rive ji-ttl-if i.tton, Buar I'd;;:, . La:ro oojcea, italr.lii(f 31 ') rents. liwaiu or i-omitvrlKits I iiniatloa. Th. .viuino monnfftct'irttl o.iiy lij V iOuS V "'r'M (AJiU'AXV, tlllCAOy.lLi-. .1. A. tT.HUIMi, Apcn I, Albuny, r. PHELPS, Job Printer, MT Hill 0!! Cnnie am) rco u lis, hruMio.ft coa.JJ oii, lubricHtirife oils oxie grease, oto. stkwakt sl oox Notice to Tax-Payers. Notice U hereby given that I, or my dtjHiK, will meet the tux-payers of Linn county, Oregon, nt 9 o'clock a m, and re main until 4 o'clock p m, at their respec tive place of voting in the several pre cincts at the followi'n times and places, for I tie purpose of collecting the taxes for the year of 1890. Rock Creek, Monday, November 34th Fox Valley, Tuesday, Nov 25th Scio, AVednesday, Nov 55th Franklin llutte Thursday, Nov 27th Sanliam, Friday, Nov 2iith Lebanon, Saturday, Nov 29th Waterloo, Monday. December itX Liberty, Tuesday, Dec 2nd Sweet ilome, Wednesday, Dec 3rd Hrush Creek, Thursday. Dec 4th Crawfordsvil.c, Friday, Dec 5th Uro'vnsville, Saturday. J)cc 6th Center, Monday, Dec Sth Syracuse, Tuesday, Dec 9th Harrisbur, Wednesday, Dec 10th Halfey, Thursday, Dec nth Shedd Friday, lec 12th Tangent, Saturday, Dec 13th Orleans, Monday, Dec 15th Peoria, Tuesday, Dec iCth Kast Albany, Wednesday, Dec 17th Wfst Ail-any, Thursday, Dec lSth Albany, Friday, Dec 19th Prompt payment will be required. Pay vour taxes and save costs. M. SCOTT, Sheriff ai.d Tax Collector. Dated November 3, 1S90. AMMUNITION, ETC., carry If lm I Ull rir I nonl'ul.. nirilot Inailurl uhatla nartriilrrau n u ill sell at reasonable figures. Don't net u whon you come to Uy In nlors supply of ammunition, to pr nir rnneh from thft inroad of t tin t uooked emiraut. Btrwaht 4c SX Havine been eutirely remodeled, this old ud popular restaurant viil be mtde tirst urn 11 every respect, ihe public will Ih given good meals at all hours for only 2." nent.N. Kverj thing nent nd attrao'ive. t riVAte boxen. Ujstrrs ia every style. "steel piiS" I Nm If 1 flute 1 i.im.: K,?., fjui post-paiU ja ruceipo o 10 ci.N PERRY & Ct t.. U. S. 0!m, 8t9 jrmajr. Yotii. ALBANY NURSERIES' 1ITE HAVE ON HAND at our nnrur. on he C'OTTnlli. roil, oii-hlf mllo from town, as fins lot of fruit trotm of all kinds as n bsfouml any wLere on the com'.. If you contemplate jilantlnit trees It will pay you to reo our Block and got our prices. Catalogue flee. IIYMASanROWSEIjL. Conrad Mever. STAR BAKERY (Comer Eroadalbin and First Sts,, -DEALER IN ' r.unoil rruilH, C'nnpi SCcnta, rloci FrultN. t'oj;-tal.7f . Tobacco, Cigar, ajcar Ho' tt. n. t.'oflec, Ten, Etc,, Km.. T everythlnit Hint ia kept In n r. rarlety and grocory ore. Hlgbert n rket prloo raid for AP.XII9DSCF BOBUCE. Fortmiller k living, ld ? (i 0 0 -i'L'N torial I lcally. -i'L'NERAI. DIIIEfTORS.- Artorial Emo:i!mi;i Dons Scieiitif- 2nd Store. ' Bpl .took or Si.d f foods III the Va lr, anil lUAinint rv lain prleea, bo'" 'n elllnK. I have on hand llk'ii.j. fURKITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES i CLOCKS, CR0CXR.W, ETC., ETC. f)r westofS E Young's o!f "" L. COTTLltB lliW olllce. (I0J) oot l0 org,,t th!.