Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 22, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    WW 3
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KO 171
HiShest of all in Learening Iwer. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
. The- Pastcisr Water Filter
will !o on exhibition in our Show Window, on
its arrival, and can ho seen throwing both Filter
ed and Unfiltered water.
main direct, or we will havo them for well water.
They take out all Diseaso Germs, and are per
fect filters, not strainers. Fully Warranted.
J i
Will & Link,
II. EF. Miller,
And the Favorite
J. BAUER & C0.'S riAXOS.
Palace ainl Earliuft?
Mouse ProofOrgans
80tK AOESTsJroaijItE '
Eldradge B. and Hm Eonn
Scivluic Machine s.
Oucans - Cleaned - and 'J Repaired
! J. J. Cl'llMM, ! "JSrSEflBJr
r a. ,1
rnrrs? pktricks kits
Revere House;
Fifed u n lu Grst-class stylo. Tablet
aiippllnd with tbo beit In the ninrket.
Nioe alneplDirnpRrtmenls. iiimple roonx
for commercial travelers,
0 Coarli to tnil fritm the Ifutel.t
SOM, LANNING & C'.)., 1 OPR'S.
"w rRoctvu flour arpiRioR ron ruiun
Can ho attached to
GarJaml, Gold Coins, Argand,
Monitor and Superior Cooks, Heaters and Ranges.
Tho best assortment. The lowest prices.
Beautiful goods. Reliable dealers in Pumps,
Water Supplies, Plumbing Goods, are
j, auhjP'V
And They Pay the Freight.
pw s
m t-n.-
Permanently cured wfthout Cattltisr, Burnioc r-r Di
bti'iif. A perfectly Twinless treatment mi a ir uaran
tctd trur in evry no natter how loiur Atai'dirtf.
Tim t'rat'iient, (..r Sirictu.e, of lr Daxell' ihn
ff - aicst diK-overy known to mcdiclro. ltdlwlvctf
ad iv.npletelv remove the Strlctuis without turno-
1 or i-ain to tho patient.
PtVUHar to t heir SeX. an I nnt T-rrYror Ir. ni.ns t.u
Including- all th;so delicate ItUirmiiiea and Wealt
hchsi, which they would Hhriuk from (U-uk.sii.jr to
their f unity phyicun, pi-rmAiieittlv cured in le-ia
time than was evor known to Mtdiciiie t cfore, by tfr
lUxclVa "New System of Treatment." It rcjuvonutas
tli" Keiilto-uni ary orMitt) and mnke woak men strung
A huu i.snilk-, it is alwavtt best to call tor personal
coiisuiUtl.iii and special uxan-liuttiuri, Uut thM
who cannot po-tiMy will, should write. Btatimr their
cine fully. Medici no eont by mail or exnrunH, muled,
lre from oxiHieuro, ty all narti of Uta Pawillc Coast.
Wm. A. Coxcll, M. D.
M Pnnl U tnien(itry. Pttrllmiil, rfson.
Cirnir First nnrl 1'ir.e streets, yv..-r Pint land
National Bauk.
PIIRF? Cogh, Coldj, Influenza, Branchlllt.
0UI1L0 Hoarsenesi, Whooping Counh, Croup,
bpre Threat, Afthma, and every .flection of tlic
Throat, Lungs nnd Cheat, including Cjnsumptlon.
bpvcdyaudcrnuneuu Oeouine u.ncd " 2. fiuttt."
o acre, near Lowhki,
epoT he r.arrow Gsukh. 10 milea
from Albanv, All In. cultlvatloL. fair
houso and barn. Good water fnr stock
and domestic pnrpose. B lue oak irrov .
AlBonnotherfann ol 128 aures, three mllef
fro.n lyibanon. All In cultivation. Kair
bonne. Good water. Hotli (rood wheal
f:vm. Also house and two lots on Fifth
RUU ilUlU'ianil on.rv., I 'II llirill
er particulars call on V Umphrey.t'cntoi
precinct, or on Hewitt it Irvine. Albany.
jl A, UMl'HKEY.
h ve disposed of this part of our biislnoss,
Thst's a mislake. We are In it now deeper
than evor. We have a nice line of Marll
and Wluchostor rilles, and breecliloadlni
shot p nnrni(inr In price fro n 812 to ftia
Also ail the late Improved revolvers.
rrrn nilTTCDP! Have one third o
rttU bUI I 110' your horse feed by
using fe'Hl gutter, 'Siewart A Sox have
our k; l Is lor silo.
'While You Wait,
MamifEctumrs or
ieo)l aUentmn nl o t firing ll
dn of iriHclithflri
PaUrns Kado on Short Nntiot
mm BROS,, Praprietnrs.
Vop a full lin? of ninata or nil km. is
In a cim1 pice, oomplHtoIy pro
tected; and alwajH t'rusn.
if vou wlo!, 1.. h ive vonr watch nuatlv
nd promptly rupiired aud w.rraitel;to run
S. W. Paisley,
Albany, Origan
Tobacco and Cigars.
W Keep on hand
I a lar -o HMortmetit
all the tinid euibrRclriK h(toAt pamol and
rwnopv tops And ratixini! In prion from
?H to 940, Thore fnn't a nicer lot of "jnnt-
rkroutal fruit banketVinttm vahpy Wo
a tto havo a tow that we rent.
Stkwakt A Pox,
Those w'sblni a first class Instrument,
he i est nctdo to stsnd the climate of the
Ooast. oan I e miltod by calling at Mr II
E. tayinas'e. npposus li.3 Masnnlo loin
pie, on First Ntront. The lareat voc3l and
Ins'.riimental musle kept for sale,also the
ii reii nssorimeni or stamping; patterns
to zieloct from this slda of 'Frisao. lies
sons given in psiutlna; and embroidering
In 1'er studio over Linn County Bank.
Olve tir your nrdsr and yau will b
1 Powder
I'runounreil lloprlrsi,Trl Suvnl.
From a lttr written by Mr Ads E Hurd
of Groton. S 1), we quote: "Was tsken witli
s bad coid. whioh settled on niv Lunija,
ooui(ha aet in and nually terminated in Con
sumption. Four doctors gave me up saying
I ceuld live but a abort time. I cave my
self up to nty Saviour, determined if I could
not ttay with my frianda eu earth, I would
meet my absent onea above. My husband
was advised to (jet l)r Kinu'e Now Difccovor
ery for Conaumytioo, Oouijha and Colda. 1
gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it
baa cured me and thank God I am a well and
hearty woman." Trial bottlea froe at Fo
ahay & Mason's drug store, regular aiza, 50c
and SI.
Bargains st;Read'a.
Can Hell I he fltllitrens' Ilrallti.
Whooping cough and croup instantly cured
by Holdeu'a Ethreat Cough Syrup. It is
infallible in ita effecL.and pleasant to take.
Large size $1, small 50 cants. For sale by J
A Cumming. druggist.
fading Photographer Albany Oregon.
Wo havo bought all thenegatives roar. by
I, W Clark and W II Groenwood up ti Nv
15th. 1889. Duplicates can he hid from
hem only of us at reduced rttpf. We have
aleo about 18,000 ueuative.. made hv our
selves, from which dupHci.t oan be had at
like rates. We carry the ouly full Hue of
viewa of tii tb state and do enlarged work at
lowest rates for tirst clani work. Wefthall be
pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's
block, next door to Masomo Temple.
i Dr. M. H. Ellis, rjhvsieian and aurirenn
iji jiny, uregon. calls made in city
Ktfan & Acliisori h icdle tne celebrated
Portland cemebtwuJIs fur cemetery lots.
TheKO wal In can l-e furniohd at half the cost
of any other aud mt nupcnor.
Tlicae wafers are a aure and safe specific
lor ail Kinds ot tcmale troubles andiv'i'
remove all obstructions to the rr.onthU
periods, no matter what the cause. They
are just what every woman needs and
can be used with sufetv. For sale bv the
Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our
sole aent, J A Cumminj;, drust, lilun-
Dcrg diock, Albany, Uregon.
-a"!-.. This Trade .Mai k on a stove
JSj'Ta! means It is the best titer ex-
vrS-iiVASffT peiitnce anu skim can con-
trlve- oab' bi' Jimlth
ti454r & Senders.
I O O F. Albany Loage No 4 holds its
regular meeting Wednesday evening of
each week. Visiting brother are cordially
nvit'jrt to attend
Vfy eonildnnt arc tho mnnufneturori of Dr.
Fnirn a Catmrh Kemcdy In their ability to cum
Chronic Catarrh In tho Head, no matter bow
pad or of how Jony stnndinjr. that they oiTer
In p-ood faith, tho above reward, for a cose
Which they cuanot euro
nndsch( ohrwnietion of not, dlscharprt
fftllinjr into throat, somptlmRS profuse, watery,
and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous,
fiurulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, rfntf.
njf in ears, donfnrns, dilTJctilty of clc;oring
thront, expectoration of otTt-nnivo matter;
breath olTensivoj smell and tanto Impaired,
and (rcnoral debility. Only a fow of tlteca
eymptoms likely to be present at once. Thou
eunds of canes result In consumption, and end
in the frrave.
Hy Its mild, Booth )njr, antltptfe, c!rans!nT
and hcnlinfr properties, r. Hade's Komid
rums tho wnrat comm. "Cold In tho
llend Is cured with a few application.
Catarrhal Headache Is relieved and cured
as if by majric. It remove offensive breath,
loss or Impairment of the sense of taste,
gmell, or hnarlnir, watering or weak eyes, and
Impaired memory, when caused by the vio
lence of Catarrh, as they all frequently ara,
Hold by drufrfrifta, at fifty cent. Manufact
ured by WoHt.D'a DrffpCffiAHT Midicai AaV
aocuiio. 6C3 Mala btreet, Buffalo, W. T.
LazstlT.. or Cethsrtle. aceordlDa; to aUa M
aoea. lly dnigaruta 36 cents a rial.
A Newark, N J, baby ten weeka old weicha
only three quarterlof ofa pound. Its fath
e' is a powerful man and its mother a large
If nothing aucceeda like success, nothing
convicts like conviction. The power to be
lieve deeply is one ol the working forces of
A hotel has been erected in Hamburg hav
ing a facade made of paper, Poora made of
paper are said to be superior to those made of
mmoni.tTiu iity rwxi'ESTioN.
A mass meeting of the democratic vo-
t."s of the -Hy ol Albany, will be held
in the Circuit Court room, at tho court
house, on r-atumay evening, .Nov. 20,
1S00. atT o'clock, for the uuruose of nom
inating candidate fnr marshal nnd
Treasurer, to be voted for at the regular
annual citv election, to be held on Mon
day, Doc. 1, IStW.
The committee would recommend
that Ward meetings be held on Fridav
evening, Nov. 2S, 1890, at 7 o'clock, nt
tne louowing places:
FiitsT Ward : In the Circuit Court
room at the court house.
Second Ward: In the County Court
room at the court house.
Third Ward : At the office of the Al
bany Farmer's Co.
Each Ward a UI nominate one candi
date for the City Council, and select
person as member ol the Central com
mittee, to serve during the ensuing year.
U. it. hTEWART.
John Clelam.
City Central Committee.
Notes of Albany Cioar Factory. If
yon want a real choice smoke try our 10
center. ,
Why smoke a Chinese made cignr now
that you can get a far superior one at J
Joseph's cigar factory, made by white
labor i
Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled
white labor cigars. V
We make a specialty of selling cigars
01 our own nmke by the box at lactory
Fine Meerschaum and Briar pipes'and
a tun assortment ot finokers articles.
The Peak Sistkhs will give one of their
popular entertainments November 2(lth,
at the Opera House. Admission ,50 cents :
gallery, 25 cents. No extra charges for
reserved scats, lickcts on sale at Will
& Link's. Proceeds to be used towards
the Orphans Home,
quickly cured by Miiloh's Cure. W
anteeit. Kohay it Mno.if agent.
leui-ticra Examination.
Notice is liercoy given that the reuia
public examination of teachers for Linn
county will take place in Albany, com
mencing at 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, Nov
ember 26th, 1890. All teachers desiring
examination will plenee be present at the
beginning. Teachers desiring state cei
titicatcs fhould present their recommenda
tions from district board) at the above
G. F, Russell.
County Scnool Supt.
This ia what you ougrit to have, n f.ct
you must have it, to enjoy life. Thousands
are searching for it daily, acd mourning be
cause they Mi d it not. Thousands upon
thousands of (iollara are ptnt annually by
our people iu the hope that they may attain
tmiroon. Ami vet it niiy be had by ail.
Wa guarantee that Electric Bitters, if need
according directions and the use penis ted
in, will brine yon rood dkeatlon and oust
rhe demon Dy(tepsU aud install instead
hapepfy. We recommend hlectric Hitters
tor IyepepMa and all disease of Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1
per battle oy f oliay & Mason, druggists.
Hyutplems of Connumptloa.
William .J Sharpies, Pott Oram, Morris
county, S J, writes;
"My huinets is that of sharpening mine
drillr, and I am much exposed to smoke and
k(fiM, About three yearn ago I begin to have
a had couh, with considerable indigestion
and Trains in my chest. My physician told
mo l had symptoms or eonsumntiom My
the advice f my father, an old frien I of
Brnrdreth's Pills, I commenced mi riff that
valuable remedy. ly the time I had got
through tho second hot I began to pass a
rc.-y disagreeable humor or pns. I byan
t" improve yery rapidly after this, aud grew
m longer and better everyday. My cough
is now well. I sleep Well at night and have
no more indigestion"
Fins silk umbrella', at I' M Frcucb'a jew
elry store.
ftacklen's Arnlrs Salve.
The bent S,t.. In th worl.l (01 C'ut..nniiM.Sore.
L'lccr., Hhetnn, Kv.r sir... Tttlur, Chapp
hanits, Chilblain, Corn,, and .11 Hkln Krnjitlo. a
rKmitirelyitirta rilM.onmrwvre'l'iir.d. Ifeiamiar.
utwl to iri.e perfect satisfaction, .r money lefunrl-
d. Price 25 eenta par box. Pur asia by Posh., and
Citoil II) e, Vflinrd.
Ciuc.vr.o, Nov. ai The Tiil une says
there it fin lnn.r n.,u ,i.. .... ...
I V- , . ' vuai mc coniroiol
the Northern l'acihc railway has been wrested
from Henry Villaril and those associated with
him. All rnmt. n,rM It... - i.
. . ...u. m Lviiioinauon
consisting of the Yanilerbilts, Jay Gould
Drexel, Morgan & Co. ami John I), and Will
liam Kockafcller, of the Standard Oil Com
pany, has secured control of the road. The
Standard Oil Company has been absorbing the
Northern l'acilic stock for some time, and so
have Jay Gould and other member, of il.. I,:..
A Mob llepulaeu.
attacked the city jail at an early hour this
murdered Constable Rosa and nephew, They
could not force the inside iron dool but suc
ceeded in breaking a hole through it. A man
na-ued Coulter climbed through with a revolver
.wi,i, a rcpori was neard.and Coulter
said he was ahot. Sam Sellera alarted in to
ma assistance, when Widis. or one f the other
prisoners, shot and probably fatally wounded
lllrn. The moh Ihn flA Tl.-.i.:iv
gled Widiaoutof town this morning. Ti.e
r j,(lu iiu cAcnemcni.
A Ulg Libel Mu.'l.
Colfax, Wash., Nov. 21 The
libel case against the Commoner is not to be
wipiuiiuKii, aensaucnal developments are
very probable. ki:rh,n .n.,..j
that he would surely bring suit, but for 840 .
000 instead of $jo,ooo, as at first announced.
'; "KScvcu party claims to have lost his
Position as a drummnr fnr liAr.lAn.l i
- v. t.uuu lluilK,
wor"h 5,000 a year, through the snice in the
A Peculiar Weapon.
Daker City, Nov. at E G Winningham
was struck on the head, just above the left eye
with a corkscrew by Eck McCarty, to years
of age, a waiter in the Lyceum theater, Wedn
esday nigbi, and died from the result this morn,
.ing. An autopsy revealed a hole over an inch,
in circumerence in the abull.
Molld for Woniea.
Jacksonville, Or., Nov. 21. Yesterday
the vote waa taken in the Jacksonville M, E.
chunk on the election of wo.nen as lay dele
gates to the general conference, resulting
unanimously in favor of it.
A Muscular Hnn.
Montreal, Nov. 2t.-Louis Cyi broke the
dumb-bell record, putting on 109 pounds.wilh
one hand from the shoulder, twenty-seven
against 100 pounds twenty times, the previous
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia
and LivLr t7nmniAint. Sh.lnl.. V;..i:1.5 j-
guaiuuteod to cure y.u.
Holiday Presents. Christinas will '
soon be here, and nearly evcrv one wants
a holiday present for a friend." The most
elegant, tasty, enduring and attractive, Is t
the Home Manual, for the home, a work
nicely written, and full of just such mat- '
tcr as most homes need. It is handsome
ly goiter, up, finely illustrated and deserves
a place In every houscheld. The book is
a guide In social, domestic and business
life, a treasury of useful information,
touching on etiquette hygiene, household "
economy, bucaty, care ol children, money
making, fancy work, house decoration,
civil ssrvice, history, geography, physiol
ogy, art, etc. Mrs A. M. Talt is now can
vasslng for tkii book, and every subscriber
for it gets a ycaia subscription to the
Home Magazine, a monthly journal.
Black Dress Guods. l make a spe
dalty of keeping a full line of black silks,
Silk Warn I Irnriftrnn IVm.l il..n.iA..-
and nil the late novelties In black dress
goons, nnd trimmings.
Samitki. E. Youno.
When wauting the best groceries in the
mirket at reaaoosMs prior call on lowell &
For 1 .rno buck, or aide chest, use Shiloh't
Porous I'liister. Priee, L'5 ci'utr.
rlroncbitis immediately relieved by Sbiloh's
MiuN l'M,r.inr.Afi. In great variety
of etylcs at bottom prices.
r-nmucl Young.
Holiday Hooks. Ladies, call at Mrs.
Hymen's and give your order for the
Juvenile Hooks, for Xnins. The latest
A sure euro for the whisky habit; Or
Livingston', Autidote for Drtinkenneaa will
cure any case of the liquor habit in from ten
hirty days, from tbo moderate drinker to
t e drunkard. The Antidote can lie given
in a cup of coffee without tho knowledgo ol
tho peraon taking il. Tho Autidote will not
injure the hoaltn in any way. Manufactured
by tho Livingston Chemical Co., Portland,
Oregon, cr from J A dimming, sole agent,
J W Bentloy. beat boot and shoe mnkor in
oity, three doors north of Dkmocrat oltice.
I have just received a l-jrge invoice of lace
curiums, ranging in price from one to nine
dollars a pair, torim, Curtain nets, etc. Also
a lino of curtaiu polca ar.d fn-niture cover
on. Sami'll E Yoi'No
Geuuino Iowa sorghum on draught at 0
E Hroa ticli a.
Rnrs high in Albany st Fohay' & Ma
son's drng .lore nvor System Builder, as
everybody is using it for Catarrh nf the
Stomach, Dyanepaia. Constipation and Im
pure Blond. Try it and tell yonr friends
jboutit, as it most r.nsee.awon'Urful merits -when
sll .peak well of it.