DAILY DEMOCKaT. Messrs J It limns A Pun liavo iimt completed tlio erection o( a liutse ' I i ...Ill ...... 11 water taiiK unu mm. fnwin ir- limi liroK.. of Alluiiiv. nut tiptlie mill. It in a very line one una will lc a emit eunvenieiice t? tlio proprietors ol the stable. .Mrs I. K Rlnin. of Alliany. was in town Wednesday in the interest of tlio V C T V. Hie delivered a Biinri lecture to me hulit's of the I moil, lliree new lniin V were enrolled, and tlic Union now promises to be o helpful oiganizatiou to Jlulsey. Anions tlio institutions that c to make up a city llalsey has a real estate ollice, a barber shop, a tile factory and a dentist, liesiilea the regular business bouses. ews. Money lu Loan. We have plenty of money to loan on real elate security, on two to five years time. Call on lis at our ollice, opposite the Revere liou.e. llL'KKHART & Kef-xky. Corsets, Corsets. vVe make a specialty of ladies and misses ine rorsets and waiits. We also have a drive in a French saline corset at 75 cents fcxtra good value. Samuel E Young. tunniPO VTTAI.iyT.Tt i. uW vnn ....1 I... IVmiiixiinn IiMfit Annfttit llis- ziuofi, and all sMiiptomi of Dyspepis. J'rice No Danger. No one can ever be wrecked financially who buys their groce ries ol Parker Bros. You are sure of good quality, low prices and first class treat ment Their stock Is always up with the market, consisting of the freshest vegeta bles and best groceries to be found. Their akery department is In splendid nanus, and their baked goods can always be relied 0 W Simpson has received his fall stock A stockinette and sealet jackets and three qaartersealet oloaks, and have a complete assortment of all the latest atyles. Dried Fra X am prepared to Day the hlghestmjr Set orlce, in trade or cash, for choice dried fruit of all kinds. Sam'l E Youno. Whereto GetTiiem. When wanting -Mi organ or plana call on G L Blackman h-e you can selert from a first class ttoc. Hoi.mks Bcsinss College, of Portland Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Bend for a catalogue. The OXLY place in'tha ty where Eist era tickets caa be purcha, is of W. L. Jeiter. at the Southern Pacitio Co's ticket office- STRICTURE !ernihentty cured without CutUnjr, ffcirniajr r M lui(f. A perfectly painless treatment tail iura Uwti cure In evry spb. no matter how lour MoAifg. Tlii treatment, for Sirictu o, mi Dr Iloxu.lt , is tfce r-itt discovery known to medicip. H4iaulv ml completely retnovM the StrioVura w.tba annoy. 1 or pain to te patient. DISEASES OF WEHI Pfouliar to thtirSex, an 1 not proper to HtUD here, in.-hi.Hnir all ihzme delicate IrUirmlUw ana Wtk moms, whkli tliuy vmlU stiriuk fnini dUtloalnff t tlieir fiair.i'y phy.-lcian, Kjruw.uiy ottrad In le time than wan cvtr kno-n lo .XUaidue More, by Dr U.iXfir"NL'wSvtein of Tritmni.w It reju'eiwttw tlx'ireinlo-urii drvortcaiiAaiKl makea weak m Mroiw When pntilij,'it t alw:in bunt to coll Kr puiwind consult at im. nml fK."i-:i.l examination. Hot Ui-we who uniuiot i.HMblv call, Hhoulil write, slating their nue fully. Mt ilk-inu sent by mail or xin8. nealud, liutrfmn. i xnKiure,to all parti of the PaeilsC Cnaat. A AViii. A, Boxcll, M. D. M I'nul l liMnr. Irtliuil. orrsnn. Corner KirM ami i'li e strix-ta, ovcrL'oitliiuJ National lUuk. f ' V Jv C r r I - ' . v,;.;.:i ' , y . I- ; r: y Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! "Whilo trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEYOE a F301VIAN ESS35 .Store, where tlu'v alw.f8 have on hand tin larsrost Stack houth of Portland, ol the latest improved Rifles and Shot tivms; nn Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammock, Camp Chairs and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention, n connection villi (lie Store, and one of :he hest workmen in the State to do any nui ad kimls of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to . iuiw j;oca1s. "Siall profit and quick t-.. i. 0111 motto. Assignee's Notice . Notice is herehy fiivo.i that tlio under ..:ned has In'tMi duly appointed anil iualllK'd asbiiico rf the otte of Ksrl Race, an -.live, t ilehtur. All oeraons having claims 1 t!iit suid t-stato aro herehy rt'iUireil to st'tit tl'.e nunc ti the uiulcrsinncil at Al uy, On'.'ii, within tlirt-o ninntlis from this . ti-, ptupt'il vcrilir,! as by law retUirtd. .N'uvenilier .":h, IStK). I. C. Mahsuam,, Aasinve. Qrcno Ml kind- of Rrasn aeerls, pure C'CttlO) nn, ,.!,,nn, are oll by Utownrt A iixt ri'f' lmvo olmnged siuo last sea su. i'otiio and hco us. flDICn A PPI -'Worn worth UnltU hi I LtO, 1,1 St Pul on Sept 24. I"armerf. ko to Stewart 8ox, buy an pple paring machine and aave your fro 055 J'JJJJOYS K l!i'- mh-i",..,.1 11 ml results wlie:. r;i "t' l-'ifj.-; is t ii 1; t-1 1 ; it is jileiifjint Mini i !'r-.'i:::! V) iiie tustu, nndacij .'ciiii v vol jroiii julj 0:1 tin: Kidneys, I ,ier :n;.l !!ovol., clciiiis"B llie sys t..:u flli'ff.iisily, diuls culds, lifiul r 'lit -i ml i"i"it't.s r.ml cures Imimual .-..:::ji:iti 11. Svrun of I'ig is the only nit'tnly of its Uiatl ever pn lin-t!. jili'iising tii tlio tatte and 11c c. pt. .!(; I ) liip tliiinuch, jiroinjit in iij :i. i ii :ni.i truly lieutncial in its iu- iuitny cscslient qualities o'i.ii.ii iiii it to ail. It U uirsalo in .'0o and $1 bottles by all leading 1.1 c,. . v'U?ACTUREO CKLYBV THB CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S1 FX IXC ICtltZ'.llU. AT. r.i. CAL. The Road to Wealth Caanot be luccassfullr traveled with. cut good health. To reach wealth or ins coveted position In life requires the full possession and operation of all the fao ulllea kind nature hat endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the phtsletl being It In perfect working order, and this It Impossible when the IKer and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct Ing tha secretions, causing Indigestion nd dj;pepla, with til et their iccoo psnying horrors. PR. HENLEY'S Engli Dandelion Tonic exerts a if- Iflo Influmcs over the llr, excites It healthy action, resolvet Itt chronic enavrgementt, and promotes the secretions ; curst Indigestion tnd const! 1 pst'on, sharpens the appetite, tones up the entire trttem, and makes lift worth I living. t I Real Estate Loan hkn Dojnr u if 31 era I Imumnca busineM, Partlei mithm iniurAuce will to weil to avo t lie in. AO KNTS FOR Aclrtit liKlirAtire Ctinipiiur, Inc.iniorated 1319; fictxtur (M3riuuiiil. i.'i'MwS -ft'l m .0 yearn, 9o3, 040,000. AbU, 3,730,7 U.OJ, (uiirili.in In. CiMiiiMinr of Lntlnn, England, lusiuK pa-.il uvor sd,lXrtl,CO0. , .luiTlran Fire In. 4'imimny, ft rhiladelphia. paid. ylU.u'JO.'itki. 'oliiuiMu Fire t Mu-lti Iiih. ('Ami:ni.v. of ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, fLBAMY, - - - OREGON Coniin.-tHil by the SikU. fht. JSt-nodiet Tuiliitn In moU'CL day ciic'il ruiiKentroiu $5 to Shi. KnrtcriiiH ir n.ar.lliitr Snh'ot or arty priirr Ihis apnly nt Ihr Ai-atloinv nr.nU ttd?tfH Siller 8uperiori-H. THE WOfJLD'S BEST Has nooquiil forStvlo. Fit nnd W.ir. Positivr ly ilio))ffit8iHo In Aim'rk:. lor t ho nmnoy. Do nut lnM.ccelvrd. bji f.t;iiiipo;i ln'tltmrt t;ich slioo. lake no o'v". F.Vf rv i;ir warnintfiL StvlWti aaii'imilt'M:nvsrii(,t' in tlumuvkft. HTatloly rf. tiU PCa'i.E.i As CO., CHICAGO. J.E. WE ATHERFORD , TTOllNEV AT LAW tlUlM, UUICON First National Hank 0" ALUANl. KEGON rtss.al.1fnt.... Vic l'rwUuiil . Coiner I. Pl.IVS E, W. LANbUuN, W It BILYKU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And 8)liritor iu Clianti'i Vi 41.1I1NY. OKKGOX Collitloiin prumi-tly made on all po'nl tuieuKtialeit on easoiiuLletor.nH v. K. s.Ki.Acr.nciiS, OEO. '. WUII11IT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice' in all the Court of the tatu. I'roinptaiteuiiuii utveo t all uuai e8 ttntiuHteti to our oaru. Otiice O.td Fellowa Tetnplo, Albauy, Or J. N. DUNCAN, ATTORKET AT LAW AND MAM PUBLIC, f-tTOftlee Id Strabau'a ISloek, No's 1 and 2. ALBANY, OREGON. H. C. IVATSOH, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON, Office la sue Hlraham Ul.irli. J.J. WhlTKEY, laoiaey And Counsellor At Lav ND Aotar Public. ALBAHS ORECON . L. HILL, Physiciai. and Surgeon, Otaoo cor, I'" and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C.WATSON Physician and Surgeon. Ufflce opposite tbe Detune rat. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College Now i ork City. Diseases of woman a specialty. tlTOSo roniau's Brick, Allisuy, Or. TKANSACTS A UBNKHAl.lis.iklinl lu.lnm. ACCOI'NTS KBIT ul)J.t to elifi.il. SIOIIT KXl'IIANllK ami tl r.plilo Irun.ter, so o Sew fork, Hall Frsuclsco, ilcki suit I'ul '"OolXEimoSir UAUCou Ismnhls terms. SIKICTOkS u. E Yorsa B, W. L.ou. s L E Bum, I', tun , I 'l Special Lips Co. National Hank, ALBANY - - OREGON. CAPITAL .TUCK 100,00ll. PrcsMrnt J COWAV. ' Le l'reidJelit J M ItALSrciN C.shi.r lis.. K ,'IIAMIlKllliAIN. AwC.liler O A AKCHIUULH. D rkittokii, I L Cowan, .1 M Itnl.toti, K Chamberlain, W H lltl, W U i A Craw (unl and O A Arehil.ijM. TRANSACTS a seticral liankliiK bualneea, DKAWSIIllllllKAKrson Now York. Sao a il ; , t Jreifon. LOAN UOrlEYua w 'il security HKCKIVK deposits outleet etieia. , Hank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. OAPITAL, SBO.OOO. President II. BRYANT Vice PresnleiH II. F, MKKKII.I. Cashier J. W. BLAIN DIBECTOBa. II. Bryant, J VV Blaln, Quo Humphrey, OHrtewirt, KJLaDning, II F Merrill. Slfr,htexcbaiia;e nml teleirraplito trait fer on New York, Sun Franelaeo . id and all prliiolial points in Oregon and "Washington, oilections m ede cn lavcrsl le Uru s I)UKTI.AI S4VIXON BAKK.l OP PORTLAND, OKJSOOir. Paid up capital ... surplus aud profits... .. $3CO,00O - eu.ooo Interest allowed on sarlnirs deposits as follows: On ordinary savlnirs books ....4 per cent iter annum. On term savings books u per cent per annual. On cerlincaleB of deposit; For three months 4 per cent per annum: For six month. b per cent jier annum: For twelve mouths e er cent per sniium; HtANK DKKUM, ITe.iJi-.it I). P. THOMPSON Vic.Preldent.' II. C, STKATTON, Cannier; ALBANY' OR. WEITSMAN & HULBEB.T BROS., Peal Estate Agents Farms and Hunches for tale. Also city broperty in Albany and Cory all is. Announcfiiiieiii W. READ. J.IJM lalltaW- -" My Fall Stock is now Comi-i.itk, Knilnicin a! the Latost Novel ties iij ress Goods, Both in WOOLEN ami WASH FAlUtIC: -To The Ladies,- Mako a Specially of Lac4es Unders7earf in d Rushed and Muslix. My Piuuks aro tho LOWEST and my Goons tho Best. Am solo agent for tho Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Good! T have a Large Stock at the Lowest Prices ever offered in tbe YalJ CARPENTERS BUILDERS, DR. Vtf H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Oftine up Htnlrs in Strabau'a Block. May bo found at hid oUicc uay and uight. JK. M. J. PATIOX. Bhinibeig B!o(k, Albany Oregon. Female and prlvato dietascs a specia'ty Cousultaiion lioo. PHIIRW? Wo keeP notliiutr but tho 1IUI1H0 famous barrel cburn.. There is nothing no good, and no one can beat ua on prices. Stkwakt & Sox. WASHING MACHINES.SS.a-S give yon honiething hat you will like Bring your "better half' around and see what we can do fir you. bTKWAHT & Sox. Contra o on or anyone wanting iny thing in tin h rd- ware line win uo well to call on Mewarc ASox before purchasing. They keep nearly everything iu te ine of builders hardware, and a magnificent stock of tine roots. TIMRFR MEM -Call on Stewart &Sox I IIVIDLIt IVItlK, for your supplies. They carry a foil lino ot axes, wedite , sledges, mauls, maul rings, brofcd axes, troes. shinsllnir horses, peaves. wood and iron tackle blocks, and by far the best Resort- mentor cross cut f.aws in I ne valley. Goods of the best and prices tbo lowest. RHDC km PHAIM-A tlel of iui u nisu uuni,i,,i,n!,p rope is being scltl iu tills market. Wo carry none but fmre inauilia, and can give you any size 10m K to Dj. All ii.rtof chain from 3-J()tO?i. KTKWA1U & SOX. JOHN fSOM, -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. -And Manufacturers of CHOICE COHFEliTIONEEJ, A'e r.re how preparei to pell Bt wbolt always fresh p.no ,nne at Portlt od ,;ts to dealers. We aNT koep a ful sf fints and Tropical Fruits, C GARS AND TOBAC SEWING MftCKiNES.-; h n-w Wheeler V Wilson JNo St, ?m Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or dressed at the Willanmtte ("ictlug Company's store, Albany. Orejci.. Y S "2j Mind wrnlTr.nn nm1. Booko larntr kJin i me nilinB. Tttimi'tiiaN f mm ftll f Kin r, itit mi iipplicatiuu to rnf, LJI A. LriMitUf, 3JI YUth Arm. Htm Yurlfc DCI TI MP Hot!, ruliber and let r her Utml. 1 1 HUj bolting lwv on liAtul n Stewart A Hox'n. Alo ruhtwr. henif and inbrutcHMi pu king. rOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers aui la for John II. Ahleu's publications, blch w sell a', publisher's price wlti Ugead.ls A I. HAN v. itt:;is Delmonico Restaurant, OlTOSITK ElXMIlKKO Hl.OC'K. Xew J!ooihs; -:- Seat Service; Good Meal, VrompVy SeneJ, for Ticenl y-jive Cehla. Oysters -:- in -:- nil Styles. Vourttous Treatment; First -clttssCooks. PdSiTiVE FORMA i r ITlnDU uures UMiMnnn Rlicunmtisiii, Ncurnlgla, Corns HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. The California Poiltlre sad Kagstlvs ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUKIS COLDS, CftOUP, CONSUMFIIOH. Bold br all Dmggiits. Eack 35o, 60s sV 11 Greaslngsr Ji Co., Prop's. Los Anal, Oa KNIVESiANO RAZORS -?re fiassr lov Mil ralsen Ibe vaIuo of outtlerv coi.flitU'rabl y, but we have lnre stock a1ruail loiight and prices will remain the satre as usual until It in sold out. Come and sea whal we have and learn our prioos. Stkwakt A Sox. City Drug Store. Stanard & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss ife Son. Dealers in drugs, nieLiicincs and cLemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, pertumcry .school and ar tistBsupplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. I cairy a full line of the worM-renowcd BIIOADHEAD goodi, unei-4 for wear and finish. Large stock of LiiUBoniKRiKa and Flouxcixoi and be com ceil tin. Albai'y is the liext trading point in Oregon. Albany Cigar fad J. Joseph. -:- Proprietor. WHOLESALE & BET) Only Whke 1 aboi Empti i -G. L. E LEADING DRUGGH DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY INSURE III THB ALBANY AND MERCHANT! Insurance Company, j- Safe, Sound, Conservati ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 18Q1. tClrnt Term Oprnnl gppicubfr lotlr, isro. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coumoa ot study arranged 10 meet tb' nd of all grades of students. Special tuauccmenlt offered to students from abroad. nr.. f.liicbt a cosdit Uoburg Lumber. I sell the host lumber in tho ceunty; also edar posts, shinnies, laths doors and win o w niouldinir, stc. Prices from S3 to .'22 t thousand. Yard at Low.on, on the Narrow (isuge. See me beforo r urehasiiiB a'aewhere. W W CriAWFORn, Adress.P O Tall-ntn, Or IRON AND STEEL w stewBrl stock or band, strap, common and Nor. way Ironj also machine, tool, pick and plovraieel. 4i Fill! It von want th and niost'durable fv liirp Hmt. ia mam Sod in tho city goto Thomas BrinS NEW STOKE.-a tS5"XEW GOC MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. -DKALKHS In- Agricultural lmiei.iet & VeSik OF -:- ALL -:- KI1SDS Ocas and Sseni. :