Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 18, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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ubilsheri every day Id tbe week ex
it Sunday.
TES i PfUTTl.MJ, Editors and Prop'ri.
tered atthe Post Offlna at Albany, Or
gont an aoeoud o'an mail waiter.
tpuHMEUH. Tho Keforin Journal, of
jrthind, one of whose editors lmn been
oiigh the valley, given the following
nee ns uiiiuug tnose interested in ru
in movements in this countv.
f:ikvillu: Mr. and Slrn. It. A. liani-
1, Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Morgan, A. Y.
ith, JoliiiBon White, K. J. Juiikin,
11. Crawford, etc. U. A. liiimford
I clear ideas on liiiunce. taxation. hind
nor and outer reiorinn.
$hedd: V. W. Kobinctt, N. Hnlver-
id, Win. KobertH, Jiuiirs Mav, Mr.
Jrawford, J. 0. Davis and F. M. Kine-
irt are anions the many at Shedd seck
DC good government.
Hutsey: J. 11. Lame, P. Z.Taylor, II.
. Keniston, J. W. Wright, and the
latemaiiH are tmbHtantial men in thin
ocahty who vote ami work for the nona-
ation of Uncle Sam from the lirm of
'eeler & Skinner.
Harrishurg: 1. W. Ishain. lr. H. A.
Davia, Walter HiiHtun, lir. Ilendrix, and
itheru are milMtiuitiitl workers in the
rork of reform.
Da. Ooiins lectured Inat evening at tho
iV. C. T. U. hall to a fair house. Hie
liacniirao was an interesting one, and
leoplc interested in tho liibte are highlv
tYored in being able to hear him and
bin relics of the Holy Laud. Ho was
at of a party of twelve who -made the
-nly trip around the Dead sea that has
ueeii made by a partv for Bix hundred
rears, though two or three men have at
emotcd it alone. The laud east of the
Jead sea is full of robbers, and the peo--le
never wash, bo it is no wonder. To-
uiffht the doctor will continue his trip
rod will have a dozen of our citizens in
costume, to illustrate the habit of the
The Fikhmkn'h Mall. Nicely gotten
up invitations aro out for tho firemen's
vlll, to take place at tho Armory on
.aauksgiviug evening, Nov. 27th. tiood
jiBsic has been secured and a big time is
ected, firemen appearing in regulation
Ldiforui. Following are the committees:
tn Keception. Capt O II Irvine,lr M
TiKllis, J N Hoirinan, Judgo I) K N
blltckbiirn,C II Stewart and Geo Humph-
n Invitation. Will II Warner, J It
Wvntt, I. Vioreck, II I. Oanor, 1) j Du
bn'iillc, II G Hale.
Floor Managers. T J Overman, Walter
Parker, F N Wood, Jr., Thos Monteith,
Jas Callahan, M 1) Phillips.
Guessing. The San Francisco Exam
iner gives a list of those winning prizes
in its prize guessing contest. All the
closo guesses on Oregon were by Cali
fornia men. V E Dingle, of Woodland,
Cal, came within ten guessing 3PJ,rxKl,
aim no received the flUUO bull. W 10
Osborn, of Sacramento, Cal, and (iustav
l.ieske, of San Diego, each guessed Tort
land's population at 47,3110, being within
fi. J h C'arr, of San Francisco, guessed
Astoria's population at 7,0li.', within t!4,
getting a lot in Traver; Kdwurd Weller,
of Suleni, guessed closest on Emieuu.
I.'.lot), w ithin 8, and received two lots in
'alermo, Cal. John Clarke, of Hun
Diego, guessed Salem's population at
i,i'ni,anii me r.xilinllier gives it as I, Nub.
A inistako tliere of course. 0 11 l'ark.of
r.ugcne. gets a lot in .New (Jlncuco. gues
sing The Dalles population as 3, 175, given
as 3,015. AuL'ii-t Kess'er.of Oakland.Cal.
was closest on Washington's population,
gicemug ,i-io,OfO,wiiiiin u. it Li iiiirieii
sliaw, of AHhland, put F.llcusburg's pop
ulation at L',NW, within 4'.', and gets two
i raver lots, ins inthur lives at Lebanon.
Mr 1'mrtciishaw also got lirst pri.e on
1'ort Townsend, guessing 4500, within 1,
getting a lot m (south Sacramento. A r
Cute, of Fullbrook, Cal.Kiiessed Tucson's,
Arizona, population as , zoo, within b,
md gut the lot in Wheeler's addition to
Albany, presented by Wuiluce & Cusick.
Doll IIa.aak. The ladies of the Uni
ted l'resbyterian Church will hold a
Doll r sometime near the middle of
December, Full particulars and details
will he given later. A largo and hand
somu assortment of dolls has been pur-
council in isisuuc, rapier .Mache, wax,
iduna, and even the traditional rag
habv" will have a nlaee. Kverv child
can lie accommodated, as both drcBsed
and undressed dolls will be on sale, the
prices ranging from 5 cents to f.i. r.very
variety of costume from the "old short
gown and petticoat" to tho handsome
party urcss will be displayed. Cloaks,
ulsters, hats, caps and bonnets, also extra
suits of clothing and underwear, will be
furnished. Any lady preferring to pur
chase a doll dressed to order, can call nt
Mis S K Young's and select her doll and
leave her order. Those wishing extra
suns ot clothing can nave them made by
seniung an order to the same place.
Com. op Akkasuk.mknts.
2300 Siiakkn of stock in the C. & B. K,
M. ic. M. Co. changed hands Wednesday
1500 shares were traded for a l.TOacre
farm in Nebraska. Brownsville Times.
2 low any one could exchange stock in
inch a well established woolen mill for a
Nebraska farm, some of which people arc
almost abandoring to get rid ot is an
enigma. If the stones of immigrants
coming from Nebraska aro true we
wouldn't trade our office towel for a dozen
farms, particularly if wo had to work
thaiu a year.
Anything dot Kansas. Just before
the late election Benjamin Mitchell came
tojWa.diington from Kansas. Hehasjust
received notification of his election to the
If rislature from the Tenth Kansas district,
fc-a) declines to return to accept the ollice,
i he would rather be in Washington wUh-
tftomcethan be governor of Kansas.
Ilia Walla Statesman.
I 1 ' --
! H & T. A Th mnnthlv mestinr of the
Boll(ling and Loan Association will he held
ext triday evening at the ollice of Uewett &
Iryine. The iiftb series will be opened.
iter get in .
m mm
Will he Hkre. The LaditsAid Society
,ve received a cablegram giving no! ice that
:he Peak sisters cf Alaska will he here on time
lor the entertainment to be given by 1lieq on
tbe evening ol isovcmber the 2oth, at the Ope
ra House.
Police News. A man too drunk to
walk, tumbled off tho sidewalk this fore
noon, was tumbled into Mueller & Gar
rett's delivery wagon, and thence into
tho caliboose. As he is a 200 pounder.
muscular and from Stavton, on the Sun-
tiain, we refrain from publishing him to
the world.
Two wood choppers from across the
river came to the city last evening, tilled
up on fermented com juice, got glorious
ly druiiK, and were corded up this atter-
noon in the can noose.
1'. S. They have just broken out of
the rear end ot the building and skipped
Only Onf. 1'aper in Oregon stands up
for the recent centus. The Pendleton
Tribune, edited b' superintendent of the
census, Stange says, ''What is the tense of
the continued "kicking against the au
thenticity of the census. It was belter
taken than any pievinuscensus.and though
not ahsolutelv will be the found
ation of all data concerning population etc.
for the next ten ears. This being the
case why shoulcn t those dissatisfied wit
it stop butting their against a brick wal
Thev cannot bv any poasibility have it
changed ."
Silverton lias the broad gauge now and
ill soon have electric liifhta. I'mbnblv
11 UO Other statu can so munv tnu-na lu
found able to support electric lights as in
Oregon, in proportion to its population.
Hazlett, tho pilgrim printer, is now
making bis ?.'iid annual imirnev on foot
northward through the Willamette val
ley. Some years ago ho worked for us on
tuo uoidendale Gazette a w hole week
without getting drunk, the reason being
that he had nut a cent and nobody would
ireuv nun. i 'alias itemizer.
A boy with a new fcl.SOtov engine and
suoes in snreds. Ins heels and toes sport
ing in i no irosty atmosphere was a spec
taclo a Democrat i.-an did nut contem
plate with urbanity. The world is full
oi it.
Drummers brims most "gags" to town.
Like Hie beo thev gather tho nollen of
joke in town after town and spread it
about. One of thein ill the city says the
gag now, when a man is "layinganytliiiig
down" to you is to saw "Ob, 1 don I
know" to every remark. Gradually he
will work himself into a storm.alid there
n lavs the fun. Thu idea isveiv bril
Six Chinese pheasants turned loose in
18H8 iii the valley have increased to
,000,000 bv careful computation. Now
if that is the case lure, will some student
Ull us how many pheasants there would
now bo in China if six had licen turned
loose in the davs of ConftiFcius. and in
creased at tho same rate, w hich of course
they have not for few countries aro so
prolilie as this.
Ten years is not very long: hut it
makes some difference so far aB the rela
tive population of t he states is concerned
iNew KorK was lirst in lso and likewise
in 1800. Pennsylvania was second hot!
times. Ohio was third in 1S80 and fourth
ill 1800, Illinois having jumped up from
fourth to third place. Missouri retains
tho fifth place. Massachusetts has
jumped from the seventh to the sixtl:
placc,liidiana dropped from the sixth to
the eighth, Kentucky has fallen from the
eighth to too eleventh, Michigan remains
ninth and Iowa tenth. Texas lias increas
ed from the eleventh to the seventl:
Mississippi has dropped from the cigl
teetith to the twenty-first place. Minne
sota has como tin from the twenty-sixtl
to the twentieth, Oregon dropped from
thirtv-seventh to tho thirty-eighth.while
asliington increa ed from the lorty
seventh to the thirty-fourth.
E C Searta, is foiling his entire stock of
dry gnods 'at cost, to ui&ke loom for a large
line of bunts and tdmes.
Powell & Co.
City Council to night.
J It N Hell, ii in the oity.
Hiive Ylereuk tluve yol.
Buy your groeerisof Parker Bro's.
8aiU'r krsutat C E Urowuell's,
A good FuuuUla pen at F M French's fir
Try it. CE
E. J. McCatistland and wife are in the
Geo Humphrey is in Seattle on busi
ness. J. W. Gardner left for, the Santiam
mines this afternoon.
Mr K. Ktiner, traveling salesman for
II. Levi & Co, was in the city yesUrday.
Capt. E. I. Lanning has returned from
his coal mine up north, bringing home
some tine specimens.
J. W. Compton, one of the solidcst
farmers of the county, of Scio precinct,
has been in the city today.
Cheadle cheese is the best.
Fresh Now England mince meat, on sale
st C E Bruwnult's.
810,000 to loan hi next two weeks. S N
Steele & Co.
Call at IIulio - Ds von's New Drug Sto.e
or fresh drugs.
Ilulia & D-iwson, druggist's, with F M
Frt neb, the jeweler.
Nice hlesohed celery every moruiug at
Blodgetl's & Sou's store.
A barrel if ICapo CjJ cranberries just
odoned at blitugett s.
leu bvautitul pieces of silvewaro givon
away French a Jewelry Store.
Mr L ludson has just opeueil a meat mar
ket just east of Muller & Garrett's.
Phvsiciau's prescriptions carefully oom-
pouuded at Ilulia & Dawson's drug store.
Thirty sets of Hne spare ribs at Haiglit
Bros, to-ninrrow. Leave your ordeis early
At auction sale of horses this afternoon a
apan or gras, nve ami six years ox age. soiu
for 4.
We are selling five one ponni Vars of
Savnu Soap for tweuty five cenls. Blodgett
.Si Sou.
Eistern ovsters mud snuer kraut just re
ceived at Mueller o. Uarrett s
Oond solicitor and salesman wants position
Address Bustler, care o' this office.
Marshall Hoffman has nut into the city
pound six or seven head of cows, heifers and
teersauu a roanj horse.
Wo have just opened a barrel of choice
ucinixed pickles which will be sold in quan
tities to suit purchaser. Blodgett & sou,
S N Steele & Co., cap get you loans from
$200 to SI 0,000 fori, 2, 3,4. 5, (i and 7 years
on good real entato security. Call early.
Thos. Kay woolen mills blankets, flannels
men s, youth s and boy clothing, tor sal,
by (1 W bunpsoii s, agent, Albany, Oregon.
City election Dec 1. It promies to be
very ouiet. As the salary of the Treasurer
has been iucreasid to $200 a year there wl
be more of a contest for the ollice.
Tnt aimed a full line of ladies, cllil
drens. men's and boy's foot wear at G W
Simpson's, which will be sold at bottom
A title- display of chlldrens school shoes on
center table at C K Browne!: are going rapia
ly at less than lirst cost. Call and select
pair before they are all gone.
Yesteradv afternoon EdwarJ Cue receive
a Gne of &5 for being drank and disorderly.
As i is approaching New Years it would be
a good time for Case and some of the other
lioys to begin niakisg lesolution to quit the
infamous habit.
Powell & Co.
Gold esues at Will of Stark's.
F. M- Freoch keeps railroad time.
Now oreain cheese just received at Cohrad
For artists' supplies go to Stauard &
Egan & Acliison ate selling monuments at
Portland prices.
iou hsve a big stock to select from
Poaell & Co'
A popular place L Viereck'i sheviog and
hair dressing parlors.
The piano that cives perfeot satisfaction
you can find at Mrs Hymen's.
Choioe sweet Delaware grapes rceelved
fresh every morning at C E Brownell's.
Big bsrgains iu ladis -o,d scuts Rold and
gold tilled watches at F a1 French's.
A 2 horse enulae for sale ehoao. iu good
oouditiou. Write to J B hughes.
Beet, stock ofilver ware in Albany at
Will A; Stark's. No dsuht of it. Se-j.
Mons', Youths' and hoys' clotting and
turuisiung goods at u w .itnp9oti'fc. ,
A ti st cl-iss nhave for ouly 15 cents at L
Viercck's, Saltmati-h Biock, Albany, Or.
Have you aceu tho-e parlor suits that T
Brink fios just received They are nice.
If you w-mt a hue t-aii-t or bath soap ea
on Stuuard & Cusiel., City Drug Storo,
For perfectly pure water buv the Xatun.1
Stoue I'dterer of M.ittliews 6? Washhuru.
For bargains in monuments, headtt'ines.
etc., goto K.n & Aiimou. Aloany, Oregon.
Lidiei call and tlie Idia novelties in
dross goods at li C Soarls.
You should eail and see those flee library
limps at C K UroH-uuil's before buying else-wne.'e.
If vou want a good tilk umbndla with
gold or silver hautllo go to French's jewelry
Quality is u hnt hrhfa Matthews & Wash
burn ell the most stoves of anv house iu Al
Call e.vrly and civo vour orders to Mrs
Hvmen lor tho -luveniie B .ik. so they will
be here for Xtnas.
Buy vour jfwclry at Fro ich's Jewelry
Store. Every, rlo'Iir3 m c:th gets a ticket to
the drawing.
Tickets for ALL e-titero tmint, over
ANY route, for sle by W. L. Joter, at
S. P. ticket offi.-c,
't'or cold nights buy ThosKiy woolen mill
blankete, clieapct In town. Forsulo by G
W Simpn, sgeut. AUmdv, tlreen.
Aro Dr. Dnrrin'n Cures Per
maiieiit. This '1'iestion 1' often a-kod, aa many
of the cures are done so quickly. That
they are permanont no one will attempt
to deny, alter reading the following Bat
of names our leorter met at Dr Darrin'a
offlcs, who had been t ureal two or three
year ago.
Mr Vllltam Parrott.r.f Middleton, Or,
was almost totally deaf for years, cured
two years ago. Rev M M Baanor, of
Brooks, Or, cured of nasal and throat o I
tarrb three years ago. Mra F A Morris,
Nowberg, Or, ay she Is cured of othmm
and bronchltea of ten years' standing. was cured three years ago. Wm M
Co! well, t-kamokawa. Wash, sciatic rheu
matlsin and liver complaint, restored to
health; also bit brother, Geo L Colwell.
Skaraokawa, Wash, waseuredof a numb
cess of tbe arm two yearn since. Mra F.
Ahlf 103 North Fourteenth street, Port
land, cured three years ago, after nine
doctora had failed.of pdnlu! menstruation
autl womb trouble in every conceivable
way. general debility, pain ttiroiign the
heart and lungs. Hundreds of other
p?tients could be named uad we space to
publish them.
The doctors are crowded with pt.tlenU
from 10 a m to 8 p ni. Hrs Darrln are no
doubt Hie hardest w irked men in ."ortland
Tho doctors have a larue country practioo
and send tnelreleotrio r. medies to anyone
desiring borne treatment for any curable
cbrunte. acute or private diseases, which
are kept strictly o--nndenllal.
One of the doctors Is, vbdtlng different
towns In the state to better accommodate
i hose who llnd it impossible to come to
port and. tmeofthe doctors will heat
the Washanor hotel, Baker 'ity. Noy IT
to 2 the Umaillia house, The Dabes,
Nov 2'i and 2-1; IheOregou ho el, Ashland,
Nov 'M to 3H; Kugeue City, Doc 1 to 8.
The bead otllc? at 70 J Washington St.
Portlauc?, will run aa usual. ConRUlta.
tlon slid examination free. All clause
treated free from ID to 11 daily.
A large of oil cloth and linoleum just
received at Formiillor A: Irvieg's.
Remember tht Htuh-.p Backer will again
lectuie in Alhaoy, nt ilu Opei) Home, on
yov-'nihor 27th ai.d 2S:h. His topics will
bo "Egypt, ner lyaninU.p'Onces and ruined
temple or tlory. art.-l ' .oiuenoot the
pulpit and pUtlr.rm."
The largest
g'ases in Linn u met:
d spectacles and rye
at F M Fp-nch'a. Tuilns.
New CAni'ETS, new carpets, now car
rada and new styles, latest nattnrns. tbe
Best in the market, just received
Mcllwain's. The stock is large and
(choice, selected for this market, and peo
ple wanting the best carpets at tho low-
leejt prices ' should call and inspect Ins
r olendid stock. It was bought low and
111 be sold low.
Wall Paper. 1 have just received
mi tlio o.nt a lar.i.1 invoio'if wall pi-
. borders, decorations, etc.. including
plain ingrains which nre becoming
v popular. These goods are better
k s and cheaper than ever before.
Samitel E Yolno.
!!i.ack Ditiiss Gixiim. 1 make a spe
1 1 v of keeping n foil line nf black silks.
floi.tiiAY Presents. Christinas will
soon be here, and nearly every one wan
a holiday ;ircseot for a friend. The most
elegant, tastv, enduring and attractive, 1
the Home Manual, for the home, a work
nicely written, and full of just such mat
ter as mot himes need. It is handsome
ly goiter, up, finely illustrated and deserves
a place in every househeld. The book is
a guide in social, dumestic and business
life, a treasury of useful information,
touching on etiquette hygiene, household
economy, bueaty, care ot children, money
making,' fancy work, house decoration,
civil sjrvice, history, geography,, physiol
ogy, art, etc. Mrs A.M. lalt Is now can
vassing tor tnts nook, and every subscrioer
lor it gets a yeais subscription to the
Home Magazine, a monthly journal.
At the last stated communication of St-
.lohns Lodge, No. 62, A F & A M, a resolug
tioa wis paste I 'Mi tnging tne limeof meetiii.
from the. 2d Saturday to the 3 I Tuesday
All M. M. will take notice and govern them
selves accordingly t -jight at 7, p. rp, By
order of tln.W. M.
Hintto Housekeepers. Always set
tho mouse trap before retiring nights.
Keep the best class of groceries you can
buy and use only fresh produce. Trade
at the best grocery stores.and by the way
there is none better than Conn & Hen
Jricson's. They keep tho best in the
market, buy their produce of the b'jst
gardeners, keep the freshest fruits in
season, and carry a fine lino of standard
groceries generally.
Fat Turkeys,
Sweet Potatoes,
Turnips, Beets,
xfcauer Kraut, rarsnips,
x Fine Chickens,
Pigs Feet, Pickled I'ork,
Juackerul, Sinclair llams,
Figs, Oranges,
Lemons, Comb Honey,
Strained Honey, Pears.
Cream Cheese, Chipped Beef.
All ol the above nice and Ircsli nt
Mueller & Garrett's.
Notice.---1847 Rogc-s Bro's knives,
forks and spoons at F M Fren?h's,"The
corner jewelry store." Warranted A No. 1.
Around Buent Vfata this yeir fl W Mc-
Lsughliu has this season raised 1,000 bu'hols
f potatoes. Win. Sutherland 100, C P
Wells 2,000, R A Wells, 2.800,Frank Gronnd
3,000, H W Murphy Al vSoo 8,000.
They Have Comb. A large and ele
gant assortment of suitings, never surpass
ed In Alha.iv, and can be seer, at W R
Graham's. The designs are very pleasing
and will suit the most fastidious. Mr
Graham appreciating the desire here for
stylish goods In elegant patterns has taken
cxlra pains to bring on a stock of such
suitings as will meet with general favor.
If you would see the best stockof goods in
this line ever brought to Albany call at the
tailor shop of W R Graham.
Sunday School Institute. The Bap
tist Sunday school institute is to convene
in this city this week under tlio direction
of Rev E G Wheeler. The following
program will be carried out:
Wednesday afternoon 1 :30, Devotion
al services, led by Key J C Richardson.
;00, Address ot welcome, Key ueo vv
Hill. 2:15, Response by Rev Kobert
Whitiker. 2:30, Enrollment and organ
ization. 3:00. Renort of schools. 3:30,
The school Its management How to do
c. ill unties Him respuiiBiuiune-o w
ulcers. Discussion opened bv Supt B F
lorris. followed bv Supt W S Thompson,
T S Cbilil, Rev Wm Wells and others.
00, The class a normal lesson conuue-
Evening 7: :30,Praise and prayer meet
ing. 8:00, Addresses, Key ju Aravis
and Robt Whitiker. The importance
and power of tlio Sunday school.
Thursday mom ng 10:00. Prayer for
pastors and siiperiiitendents.WHT'honip
son, tender. 10 :30, Paper.Mrs M Bailey.
10:4o, Address, The ssumiay r-cnooi riar
vest, Rev G W Hill. 11 :15, Paper, Miss
Rose Trumbull. 11 :30, General discus
Afternoon 2:00. Praver for teachers
and scholars.Miss M Har'low.leader. 2 :30,
t'ractical teaching, normal lesson w
luctor. 3:30. Papers Work among
young people, O P Coshow;. Power of
personal example, Miss Auuie imams.
4:110. next Sunday's lesson taught before
the institute to a class of little ones by
Mrs E G Wheeler. 4 :30, tlueBtion meet
Evening 7 :30, Song and praise ser
vice, b :00, Jjecture now wo Bpem our
Sundays on the csntinent of Europe last
k Warp Henriettas, Wool
al all the hi'e nuvellics iu
nls, and trimmings.
Sa.muei. E. Young
black dress
xe Iiuxiiiinj Waoons just received,
ill. I am going to give nwnv free, one
li each can of Forest Cily Baking Pow
. Come early. 1 E Bhowneli..
Order a Fi.nb Turkey
For Thanksuivino
of Mueller & Garrett.
The Most CAiti ETS. Fortmiller & Ir
ring have greatly enlarged their carpet
l ipartnient, and now carry one of the
largest and finest stock of carpets ill the
N'allev, embracing a choice variety of
the latest designs. This stock is a splen
did one to select from, including all
grades for all kinds of rooms up to the
most elegant parlor. Cull on them for
bargains in cartels.
Jackets and Wraps. I am now receiv
ing my fall and winter stock of hiding
missi s and childrens jackets and wraps
which are of the latest style and good
value, and as cheap as standard goods
can be liought. I have on hand a lot
of Indies Newmarkets carried over from
last year, which 1 am selling at cost to
close them out to make room for new
arrivals. 6AvrrL K Yeuao.
Instruction in Music Those wlsh-
-' Instruction In piano, organ or har-
my, should call on Sirs H t llollen-
Vck, at the residence of Mrs Thomas
JJontelth. Private rnusicalcs will be given
Ipch term for the benefit of pupils.
I New Blacks.mithShiiI' G .V Willis
ps just completed his blacksmith shop at
- corner 01 second and Kallroad streets
here all kinds o! Iron and wood work
n be had and done in first class order
ring on your plow., w.-.gir.s, etc., etc.
r repa if.
Everybody Says So If the wild
aves could talk hey would say, "Go to
Powell & Co's for groceries and pro
Ju;e, for their stock Is large, their prices
low and quality the best. Tills Is the
universal verdict of their customers,
Dok't RdN Around. Every steamer
nowever foggy the bar, brings to Albany
an immense quantity of fruits and pro
duce. The best and largest variety al
ways goes to Powell (1 Co's, Their
stands are always full of just such things
as the publH w'ants. Save runirg around
by oiling at their store first.
Kid Gloves I Handle. Our Own,
genuine kid glove, warranted at Jpl.fio per
pair. The celebrated P Centcmcil a. $i.6j
per pair. The Mather in button ano st-lng
fastenings nt $1 75 per pair, the genuine
roster hook at $2.00 per pal" AlsoMus-
quelair, Sued and Glace finish.
Samuel b. Young.
Novkties in Wash t Annies. 1 have
lust received direct from ( Incago novel
ties in wash dress goods. The new thing
for fall and winter wear. I nm receiving
the largest line of stapleand fancy dress
goods ever brought to this market Those
needing their fall and winter supplies
will do well to give me a call.
Samuel E Youno;
Do not pass C E Brownell's store if ion
wan" to live economically. Best' gords and
owest prions euirantei il.
SH1L0H S COUOH and CnnimpHon
Cura i sold by us on a guarantee. It cures
n,, to Rent. Two furnished
rooms pear the college, inquire at llil
COMLLY. On Sun.lay eveninj, Nov
1890, to the wife of Adrien Canity, a
pound boy.
tte W
CATARRH (URKD, ti.tli unci sweet
broil Shik h'i Catanh remedy.
Feu 50 cents. NiHil I:ctor fro. Ft
$hay & Mason, agents.
barrow untf lyou iiwt
call on Stewart A Sox. Ic wilt pay you
not to forget this.
Beautiful Pieces of Silverware to be
Given Away.
At F. M. French's Jewelry store, com
mencing Nov. 1st, I will present every
one purchasing $1 worth of goods, a tick
et entitling me noiuer 10 a ennnce to
draw one of the following pieces of silver
ware: 1. One large dinner castor $10 00
2. " fancy fruit dish 1) 00
3. " silver cake basket 8 00
4. " silver card stand. . 7 00
6. " set silver knives and forks 6 00
6. " double pickle castor 5 00
7. " silver butter dish 4 00
8. " single pickle castor 3 00
0. " Seth Thomas clock 2 00
10. " silver cur-. I 00
J E H AA'E ON HtSf) nt our nursery
on itie Ci.rvallts, nne-half
mile from town, as fine lot of fruit
trees of all kind; as can be found any
where on th If you eontomplate
planting tree h will pty you to Fee onr
stock and get ot'r prhes. Catalogue fiee.
F. M. Fuescu.
Cor Second and teriy St, Albany, Or,
O TJPERIOR werk. guaranteed In overr
O branch of the art. SVEnlaiglng of
all kinds a specialty
I bavo jtittt received a case cf Stanard
rinta which I.will cell at 25 yarcs to the
dollar. Samuel E Youno.
SlltS. C. 1. ISTrAKT.
V.m. C. D. Stuart, o( 400 ITaj-cs fit, wrltrs, "I
havo for years hr.'t of Indigestion nnd nls-
pitsla, and Uici licurly cvcrj-thlnir. 1 lnnily I
toot A well known .Sarsnpnrilla. ltcausM pirn-
plf to break out on my farev.-itluv.-.tliolrlns inc.
.coring that Joy's Vcsctaia t.irsoiar..ia
nctconlein mlncrnt, nn t raisMnct rtitrorently,
Iront for it. The iim;.Us dlsarTsrtd fmmcill.
atcly, and I bail 1:0 more returns ol tlio old
pells." Altliounli llo nhovo was written a yenr
S:ro, Mrs. 8:nart uow n::cr.t:i tl.e pcrmnncney of Its
sheets, fcays sho tal:cs an occasioned riors to
upl.rcss a symptom ot return and tl-flta'.-.e l:sa
perfect f ir.iTcar:-! over her oid tronMe.
Thrco m mth organs.
' at the Dfmoo.'.at ofllce. -
L(ST. In the Masonie cemetery cr he
Albany cemetery, or on 1 he way from
Aihxnv to'thsin. on Jsnndiv. Nov irtt.'-, a
ladies open fitos hllver waicb. Under
will comer a err at favor bv leaving
this ofllce. (-Cft)
WANTED.-At one a
"ire mairesa weaver,
srood wr vn
vpply at T
I'll ed. Tboso who think they ran at
nrcent or In lliefiilurnfurnlnh live Won
u-nl-nn phessat.ta orthel: fggs will do
well to rorrespoprl with
P'.rtiand, (ircg n.
And everj'thi.'ig else in the
IvVATCH, 610 K.
And jewelery line, for the
HOLIDAY'S, at tho
lowest prices, at
Will & Stark's.
MOTTO "It Is better to serve
Hie public timu ,0 cheat it."
Sold again ! .But we've just re
ceived a iYesI) lot which can ho
peon on our floor any day. Wc
are talking about doves. If you
are thinking .of buying one,
come and inspect our stock and
get posted on our prices, for we
are quite sure they aro from 1
to 2 per cent lower than else
where. AVe handle everyhing n tho way of stoves, tin
ware and hardware. Matthews & Wasiihuhs.
Ftir yVll tlie Treading:
Kecijved at
Cash Grocery Store,