DAILY DEMOClllT Pabilsh.d .Tory uajr la lb (iHk x pt Sunday. IflTES k Nl'TTIMJ, Id lton and Prop'n, Entered at the Pout Office at Alliany, Or egon, aa anooud o'wm mail matter. TUESDAY OCTOIIKR 28, 1890 L.OCAL. 11KCOKD. Ckook County. S m W lllnclmnn, of Lebanon, Is here attending court. Several wngon loads of Vebfool fruit were ditbosed of in town this 'week at two dollar a bushel. A R Lyle recently bought 200 head of young entile In Wubfoul, and has taken them to his ranch on Hay creek. W 11 Bowman has made an assignment In favor cf hi creditors.nnd Geo. Sutnn.ers had been appointed receiver. Lark liilyeu was the firBC man whom the grand jurv made happy this term, lie had been bound over fur assaulting Hob Cannon, and the grand jury relumed "not a true bill" last Monday. Last Monday what might be considered a fortunate accident occurred In Linn Wood's saloon. Jerry Cochran stooped to pick something; off the floor and a pistol fell out of his side pocket, sti iking on (the hammer and discharging it. ine tan struc 11 F Allen, Jr.. In the fleshy part of the left leg, Inflicting a slight wound, and lodged against Jas. CantriU s back, though It i'id not enter the flesh. Mr Alten wuj called here as a juror, and having nothing to do in the afternoon, dropped into the si- loon, nrobably for the first time In a year, and about his first introduction was to catch the bullet from a pistol carelessly di charged. Review. TUB kMUIITH TC.Hri.lU, The Uraiul Commandiry of Knighta Templar of Oregon ure In Hcnuion this afternoon at the Muaonio Temple, in thin city, performing the aucrtt buuineBs of the coiiinmndery. Fifty to xeventy-llve Kniglita are present from different fmrta of the elate. The inemlieraol the Albany eoiuiimndery met the visitors and Lilier uti's hand at thedepot.when apioeeBsioii was formed, which marched through the principal streeU. Liberati furnished soino very fine music with his forty-four pieeenT To-night the concert liegins at 7 :ItO at the Opera 1 louse, followed at U :S0 liy a hall. The concert program will lie as follows, which we republish at the ro itiest of several, only a limited number of programs having been printed : I'Aiir FiasT : I. Overture w'illiam Tell, Rossini. Invitation a la Value, Weber. II. buiiraiio rolo Cavatinu Roberto. Meyerbeer, Miss l'arepa. t. reieciion iteiuge, sillier. 11. lirightly Oleums our Banner. b. 1 limit i I ill Valley of Kdun. c. Tlie Home Over There. d. l'ass Me Not. e. One Sweet, Solemn Thought. f. Triumph llye and liye. g. Refuge. Ii. To the Work. i. Yield not to Temptation. j. Tell Me the Old, Old Story. k. What a Friend wo Have 111 Jesus. 1. Whiter than Snow. 5. Cornet Solo Remembrance of Swit zerland, Liberati, Signor Liberati. 0. Reminiscences of Oouuod, liodfrey. i'akt second: 1. 3. 4. Btbalino. "If Salem steals a march on Albany by getting a road via Tillamook first, says the Tillamook Headlight, she will have done a great deal towards es tablishing her prestige as tiie commercial center of the Willamette valley." Salem already enjoys the prestige of being the commercial center of the Willamette val ley, but to maintain that supremacy and increase it to a superlative degree, the railroad in question is almost a necessity in the near future. Iiy the way, what has becomo of the Salem & Astoria rail road company. Journal. Albany already enjoys the presence of being not only the railroad but the commercial center,being the distributing point for the valley. Our neighbor should be satisfied to be what it is, the state building center of the state. We mention this fact because the endeavor was made to steal from us the credit intended by the headlight pointing from the Tillamook. March, Wagner. Hit and Miss Quadrille, Strauss. Waltz ISl-jo Danube. Strauss. Les Voltigeurs Lancers, l'Uin- quette. 0. iertuina sc'pitusche, AM. Ii. Amusement tjuadrill, TickofT. Following grand officers were elected: F. N. Shurtleir, KUC; V. 1'. Mason, D Itv; S. M. Yoran, U; J. M. llodson, Uli; 1, W. rrntt: 1'rel: 11. Ji. Limmi cott. S W ; G. E. Chamberlain. J W : U. O. Whitehousc, Treas: T. J. Bab- cock, Rec. Fine Workmanship. The Oregon Bank building has been turned over to the nwnrrnhv the'eontractor Thaver & Trainer. and has been duly accepted by advice cf the architect the building is one Albany ir nroud of. as well as the owners, and con fers great credit on the orkmanshls cf the contractors, who have displayed a skin In their line of business not often seen in Al bany. The work was peculiarly thorough ly done in all the details, true to the spec ulation4, giving great satlsiaction 10 ine owners. 1 he building Is a monument to the skill of Thayer & Trainer. Eastward. A man recently from San Francisco says the steel rails belonging to the Oregon Pacific, for some time 'in bond ment to Oregon. A big railroad contract-1 or, it is reported, says he has made ar rangements to extend the road eastward to a connection with an eastern road, and the contracts will be signed In a short time. Next year, there Is now little doubt, will see some O. P. railroad building of a char acter not yet witnessed here. I ISIIIT COTUT PUUCKEI1.K, Martha Pierce vs Mallnda Hodkin; sui' in equity. Decree granted. Moyer Uros vs Robinson & West; action on note. Hetault, judgment. W II Goltra vs Charles E Elchler; re Cuver money. Dctault, judgment F M Kizer vs J T and C E Caveniss; to correct title. Default, decree. ij u Campbell vs W A Bodine; recove moncv. Default and judgment. Marx Jorgensen vsTBlew; recover money. Default and judgment. Stewart Sox vs W H Millhollen; re cover monev. Settled. A II Marshall vs Earl Race; recover money. Default and judgment. Maria A Rauson vs Chas J Stewart; re cover money. Continued. Deyoe & Robson vs J B Potter; recove money, wonimueo. Devoc & Robson vs D F Letsinger an IS F Parsons; recover monev. Continued as to Letsinger judgment s to Parsons. Deyoe & Robson vs Win Reeves ; 1 e cover money. Continued State of Oregon agt John O Boyd; sell ine liqucr without license. Three indict ments. Dismissed. Josephine Summer vs Wm Summers coniirmation. oaie connrmea. Col. Iloao and Judge McClure came over on the Oregon Pacific in a special zar and lett on the overland lor fan Francisco. They will soon return when no doubt we will lie treated to the sur prise Mr. Win. M. Hoag mentioned. A lnrge amount of iron in San Francisco will probably betaken out and Bent to the valley, for use in tiio construction eastward." msriTs. At least it can lie said that the iirpaii nf Oregon is alive. Journal. Thanks. When an Oregnniun goes East he writes ick : "Oregon is good enough for inc." Verily Albany is nietronolitan. Resides having Keene. Lilieniti. Stevens and Morris in one week labt eveninir it run teams all niirht clenrimr First Street. That is the way they do in London, l'ar.B and New York . Some people think newsnaners net comps for everything. The I kmockat is rtuiu this is not true, for a lawver in a listant citv w ho collected a fourteen dol lar bill charged us just half for his in tluence. Someone has discovered that a watch a relialtle compass, and a Dkmookat man who has tried the following finds it o lie a laet, and a very Hiterestinir one. Point the hour bund of the watch direct- tovvards the sun. A line midway be tween the hour hand and XII will point lue south, mis will not work nights. Albany knocked Salem out on big squashes and cuhbages ; but on big girls tor the present we gently succumb to the home of the convicts and insane. Hays the J otirnni : ' alem cau boast of a little miss eight years old, who tips the beam it 14U pounds. Albany lias been crowing over us on big productions but Salem can produce the genuine article to engender prida and admiration, a growth of pleas imr humauitv that is rarelv seen. Come oil' the limb, Mr Albany Democrat, and surrender. Verily, the growtli of the Willamette valley products is wonderful.' A very unfortunate family is told of by me uoiuenuaie sentinel, lour 01 wnoin have died from fatal accideutB : The first victim was a little daughter of Ed Snipes who was drowned 111 the Klickitat some seven or eight years ago. The next was lienny Allen who was drowned in the Yakima river three years airo while at tempting to ford the river. Ed Snipes was drowned in the Oolumhia a year ago last summer near The Dalles. And the fourth and last on the list, Mr Wm Snipes, eot on a wild horse bareback winch lie assured was gentle and started to round up some horses. The horse bucked him off and he struck on the hard zround on his head, breaking his skull open just above ins forehead outoiwmctv the brain oozed." uon u 4-osir.uia(;. HOME A h it 1UK01D. Novetiks in Wash Fabrics. I have juBt received direct from Chicago novels ties in wash dress goods. The new tiling for fall and winter wear. I am receiving the largest line of staple and fancy drees goods ever brought to this market. Those needing their fall and winter supplies will do well to give me a call. Samuel E Young. Black Dress Goods. I make a spe cialty of keeping a full tine of black silks, Silk Warp Henriettas, Wool Henriettas, and all the la'.e novelties in black dress goods, and trimmings. , Samcel E. Youno. A Politician's Opinion. Henry Wat terson, the celebrated editor of the Louis ville Courier-Journal, talks about Clara Morris as follows: "I regard Clara Morris as altogether the greatest emotional actress yet pro duced bv America. Her professional riosition ought to hold its just relation to icr genius, for she baa earned the right to the first place in importance among the actresses of her country and time. What Bernhardt is to the t rench drama, Clara Morris is to the English ; she has been properly named the "American Rachel," for none save that great actress has ever approached lier in the ability to sway at will the passions and sym pathy of the hitman heart." At the opera bouse Friday night. Lidrrati's Band. The enterprising photographers, Wilcox & Conn, have al ready on exhibition at their gallerv Cor. 2nd ;and Ferry St., a fine Instantaneous view of Commandery parade. Send in orders cariy. New Citizens. -This morning in Judge Boise, s court Mrs Johanna Newgulst, a former citizen of Swceden, and Walter Gilderman a former citizen of Holland, were admitted to citizenship. New Carpets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, just received at A. B. Mcllwain's. The stock is large and choice, selected for this market, and peo ple wanting the best carpets at the low est prices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It was bought low and '. ill be sold low. Powell & Co. Gold caues at Will ii Stark's. F. M. French koups railroad time. Haw eream cheese just received at Courad Meyers. Kor artists' supplies go to Stanard. & Cusick'a. Egao Si Achison are selling monuments at Portland prices. Awhrcy gives gas for the painless extract ion of teeth. Fresh kettle lard at Haight B.-i.W ranted t be good. xoa hive a big stock to aeleot from at Powell ii Co' A popalar place L Viereck'fc shaving and bair dressing parlors The piano that gives perfect satisfaction yon oan find at Mrs Hymeu'a. Choice aweet Delaware grapes received fresh every morning at C lirowa.il s. Big bargains in ladies and gents gold and gold tilled watches at ty M kronen's. Best stock of silver ware in Albany at Will & Stark's. No doubt of it. Sei. Mens', youths' and boys' clothiog and furnishing goods at O w Simpson's.' A fi st class Bhave for only 15 cents at L Viereck's, Saltmarsh Blook, Albany, Or. Have yon seen those parlor suits that T brink has just received? iney are nice. If you want a fine toiiet or hath soap oa on Stanard & Cuslck, City Drug Store, For perfectly pure water buv the Natural Stone r merer ot JNlattnews & Waahhurn- For bargains in niounments, headstones. etc., goto Egan ft Achison, Albany,Oregon. Ladies call and see the latest noveltiesh'n dress goods at E C oearls. Y'oa should call and see those flue library lamps at C E Brownell's before buying else where. If voa want a cood t-ilk umbrella with gold or silver handle go to French's jewelry sto e. (Duality is what blips Matthews ft Wash baro cell the most stoves of any house in Al bany. Call early and give your orders to Mrs Hvtnon for the Juvenile Book, so they will be here for Xmas. Do not pass C E Brownell's store if von want to live economically. Beat goods and lowest priers guaranteed. Powell & Co. T L. Wallace &Cj. Have Vlereck shave yon. Constable Bilyeu. of Sclo, is in the city to-day. 1 wo Pendleton linns have just made as signments. Miss (Tiara Philpot, of Harrishurg, is in the city visiting friends. A large stock of oil cloth and linoleum just reoeivedat KortmilUr ii Irving's. The Oregon Dank beeuu business to-day iu their un7 and elegautquarters. L C Stratti-n M6 a dav or two auo for Ohio, where his father is lyiug danerrusly Tickets for ALL eiitern rmints. over ANY route, for site by W. L. Jester, at P. ticket ollice, Mr and Mrs llohsou, cf Iowa, who hive been visiting their son, John Rohsun, left yesterday for homo. For cold oiidite buy Thos Ksy woolen mill blankets, clit-auOKt hi town. Forsale by C W Slmpm, agent. Albany, Oregon. Thos. Kav woolen mills blankets, flannels men's, ynuth'a and boy' clnthiug, for sale by U W Simpsou s, aguut, Albany, Oregon. Just arriied a full line of ladies chil dren, men's and boy'a foot wear at G W Simpsou s, which will he sold at bottom pneea. Mr Henry R Sponcer, mothel and uiece, Helen, t'10 only child of the late Chas H Sueneer, left this noon for their future borne near rungston, Canada A fine display nf chlldrens school shoes on center table atC b brownell 's are going rapid ly at leas than first cost. Call and select a pair before they are all gone. Everyone that has children taking piano lessons should tsae them to hear America's celebrated pianist Thursday. Oot 30th. K served seats, 75 ceots.at Will & Link's music atore. Mrs H A Liye and children arrived in the olty last evening from Charlotte, Mich., join ing Mr Love, who has been a resident of Al bany several months.nresciintion clerk with u ij Diacaman. The eoming piano concert will be the first of tae kind ever in Albany, and as good an artist al America has produced. Do not fail to hear Miss Stevena. She deserves a fall house. At a meeting of the members of the Con cregational church last evening, Rev Abiel H Wright, of Portland, Maine, was ordered formally called to preaca for that church tie is nigniy spokou ot. This noxt Friday evening will be a e lod opportunity for any yoang man to join the Y M C A either as active or associate mem ber. Hand your name to S N Steel, chair man ot the membershipcommittee. Stewart & Sox have received a nice assort ment of toboggans. Anyone wanting a slide lit do weit to call 00 them. Thev can choose their own place to slide, down stairs, on the couse top or into the river. Alban y has to be in style anyway. Heaters of the most artistio and incenius patterns, known to tho art of the manufac turers, may be fonnd at Smith & Senders. with big doors for big wood, small doors for email wood, direct drafta for warm houses. return flue for cold houses, all nickeled for proud men, without nickel for plain women. The piano that will he played Thursday evening at the Opera House is an Artists Grand, 8 ft 10 inches long, the largeat size of pianoa manufactured. It is from the factory of H F Miller t Sons, Boston. These pianos are the favorites of manv of the best artists of Europe and America. Will & Link are agonta for these pianos and keep the op- igntin scocK. DR. BARHiTS CURES Are NetOalr Dope Qulrllly Br Elertrlrlljr, Bui Are Permanent-free Treatment 'onllnnril'Three More Ke marakble I'ures to Itelale. Editor Okkoonian: For six yours. 1 ant I have been irely aflllctod with rheuma tism and nouralgia Of late I have been in almoHt constant pain In evory muscle mid part of my lcdy. Had 10 walk the noor at liiuiiis, ani nan out I'luasioep lor ton days past. Last iuomiuv I came o ur uamn lor leutirent ov elecir.ciiv and to my Lrat ioy mid Malefaction 1 am about cured and iro noino rejoicing. I reside at Hueu-t Yis-a, Polk coii'ity, Or. M as. Wm, DavidwN. Jackets and Wraps. I am now receiv ing my fall and winter stock of '.itlia misses and cbildrens jackets and wraps which are of the latent style and good value, and as cheap as standard fcootis can be bought. 1 have on hand a lot of ladies Newmarkets curried over ruin last year, which I am soiling at cost to cioe thein out to lnuko room for new arrivals. Samuel IS Y'oiso. Notes or Albany Cigar Factory. If you want a real choice smoke try our 10 center. Why smoke a Chinese made cigar now that you can get a far superior one at J Joseph's cigar factory, made by white labor I Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We make a specialty of selling cigars of our own make by the box at factory prices. Fine Meerschaum and Bnaf pipes and a full assortment ot smokers articles. Kid Gloves I Handle. Our Own, a genuine kid glove, warranted at $1.50 per pair. The celebrated P Centemctl at $1.60 per pair. The Mather In button and st.ing fastenings at $1.75 Pcr P3'1'- The genuine Foster hook at !j.oo pcr pair. AlsoMut;- t(iietair, Sued and Glace unisii. Samuel E. Youno. Doi.'t Run Around. Every steamer nowever foggy the bar, brings to Albany mi immense quantity 01 fiults and pro duce. The bet and largest varietv nl wrvs go.-s to Powei. .1 CX'.'s. 'Their stands ar? always full nf J.st such things as the pu'jli- w:ant. Save runlng J; 01 id lining ai uic-ir store nrst. Instruction in Music. Those wish ing Instruction lu piano, organ or har mony, should call on Mrs If F Ilollen beck. al the residence of Mrs Thomas Montclth. Private muMcalee will be given each term for the benefit of pupils. Watch W11.L& Stark's. Will & Stark have received a new line of as elegant, as ell as reliable watches, gold and silver, fer ladles and gentlemcn.as have ever been offered to the puollc In Albany. They are attracting considerable attention, and miy ers should not fail to inspect them. Everybody Says So.-If the wild m ,,iv Ik 'hey would say, "Goto Howell & Co's for groceries and pro- du.c or their stock Is large, their price l.iw a"d mialitv the bc.l." TWs Is the universal verdict of their cut'omcrs. Vr.r s- n-e'triT nice ii i1 . Klei r.i-tot icst received 1 5 "- cumpi to nice visoi.aitn Largest in the Valley. Will & Stark have received the largest and finest dis play of silverware in the valley, as thei. elegant display of novelties in the line wiil testify. They invite the public to call at tneir store anu sej meir n me tropolitan stock. a W Simnaon has received his fall stock . rr-ltlnltA anrl aeaWt i icketa 'anil th ooatterstalet cloaks, and have a comph te asor.ir.enl of all the latest styles. Lost. On the street to-day a small pair of clssors. Finder please leave at this cilice. Corsrts, Corsets. Wc make a specialty of ladles and misses fine corsets and. waists, vt e also nave drive In a French satine corset at 75 cents Extra good value. Samuel E Young. Notice Panies having books out be lon-ing to the Odd Fellows library wil plci e return them to Ihe library G. F. Russell Librarian' Fine silk umbrella's at 7 M Freu-iii'e- j.; eliy stoie. s. to Rent. Two furnished rooms rear the college. Inquire at thii office. . a KT1KS wanting rumm In Ihe Mnn I iciih p-Ktura, we.it fi le the ditch, r seiuie it a SI I'M monih. by c ling on Yar.D W. JlLUMiiKRO. Another Bemarkuble far of lirnrueas. To Whom it May Conckhn: For Years I have boon t roub'ed w - it It ch'ouic catarrh So troublesome had it tiec.iine that 1 Id scarcely ftreulhe tbroiich my noxe. Han, entirely loat sense of kiuhII, and I bfcaiie alin.iHt tota'iv deaf, accompoiiie 1 with ringing no tea in my eara. Altera caiitse of elect no turn Hiiiui'-'ul treatment by Dr Iiarrln I hid perfecily cured of my deafnesH and Irti7..ing noist-s. Reier to ma a. KslHiua; Wash. JAML'S 11.AN11AOAN. The Dung Gone . Ad vcrtising do wonders. It has most effectually ban ished the dudo from the l'nile.1 States, it has also helped to build up a live grocery business for Conn & lleudi icson, of tins city, where high prices uro un known. 1 hey keep a hue line ot groce ries, produce, etc., and doing their owe work, sell at bottom prices. s can h easily learned by pricint: their goods miss wm mm, AmtrUVi Ftmoui I'Uuist, Albany Opera Sli;ust October :5()th. An ArtUt of Pint. Ilai'k will iflv k Pit ualny an Artlat Cr.ti.tl I iai:o. The Bucetug she Ima u tt with both in Europe and America li ummialid. Kuitok Ohkoonian: For of vr lit Years pritir to gI..ik on li Turrin, 1 have been Ueaf. aocoic.-niiletl with rintfint; nuloea la my earn. Cuturrb wa a grat source ot annoyance -bo uiui'ti bo tunc 1 could srcrcttly breathe i)irout;h uiy nose ut times. Dr Damn cured my tiealnwsa in ten mlnutta and (he caturib is Dearly well. T. II. UuiLBK. Osljorn Hotel, Kaat Portland. THS DaKRIN can be consulted dally ,iin Wnfchliic-lon hiilhlinir. corner cf Fourth and Washington FtreeUt, Portland Hours, 10 to 5; evenin 7 to 8, Sundays, 10 to 12 AH chronic and acute dUeaae. blood Uinta, loss of vital power and early IndescretiuuH permanent y cured, though no reference pre ever made in tho proas concerning such cases, owing to the delt cacy of the patients. Kxatnatlons free to all, atid circulars will be Kent to auy address. Chargos for treatment according to patients ability to pay. The rich and poor treated fre of charge with electricity from 10 to 11 daily. All private dfeeaaea confidentially treated and euros guaran teed. Patients at a distance can bo cured by homa treatment. Metliclnea and letters sent without the doctor' uatn? appearing. N. B. Dr. Parrln ha a '-niich office at the Uimuhia Hotel, The Daliee, Nov Srd to 8ib. The grtat Utr' F, Lhxt, lr. llansVon Euelow. anu oinvra, ki'Vuk in int uiifiieti i Ueinir tht first Great 1'lanUt anparinir bJore th Alttaur I'ublic he liuld ba yreatcd Uy lull huM. iKuatrvcJ tk-aU at Will LlnkV gTRBOTURE! pcrtna)irtly mrrd l thmit cuttlntf, bumlnir or '11 UtiriK. A rorft L'lljr iiikviileiw trvtttinent nd a ijuarea latti euro hi every , no matter how Untg sUndi' g. This treatment, for K.rctu e, Dr Bo&ell'a.ia ihe freateat diacovery ki unn w n edicire. ItdiNKilve and ctmpltlv rm-vt-it the btrktuie withoutauuuy ance or iu Ut the tiiit. DISEASES OF F'EN ! Peculiar to their acx, an i not rrr to name here, iDcludlhtr all th:ae dolu-ate Inflmiii.itie!" ai.d Wtak nene'a, hich they wuid ah r Ink from dMcloiiiiKto their fmiiy i'li-i'4n, priiant-rttly currd in 1cm time than wae fver ktiuwn to M-airine I fore, by Dr liojetl'n "New Bttem of Tretiiifia." It rcjuvetiatei th (tenito-urtraryorjfaiia and make weak men utronft When ioseil.lt, it la a!waye btrht to eull tor personal consultation atul special examination. Hut thoe who cannot jHtaeihly caH, should write, sUtiiitf Ihfir fi-e lully. Mttiit'ine Mtui ny man or enj-roi., keaieu, f red from expoeare, to all carta of the Pacific Coast. Aaurtea, "Win. A. Boxell, M. D. ConftuUlDK PhjrMlclan, ST. PAUL DISPENSARY, Circuit Court eonvenod yebterday without a jrisouer in the county jail. u . A VOICE i'ltO.U L'OFi T A liaclj It In ten two Astonlaalnrs To wl.om It may concent: I bore tried every conceivable rciMMly lor b.ltouucR. w inK the past five ye.irs mi I a:n of a ti.loue U.!.'i porament au'i st:iT.T ranch from iiomac't r liver troubles. But not hi tip ever gave ine I relief that I obtained from ujIui; Joy's Veci t.iu. Barsaparllto. In fact 1 think lta cura for t j- r ailments. At the time I was using it I hud o little girl Uvlugln my family vrhoao neck was seriously affected by a larce open soro, a:ul v. o tried a great many kluds of lotions, salves and blood purifiers to no avail. I gave her some of my medicine (Joy's Vegetable 8arsapurllla thinking It might benefit her and as It iva purely vegetable, knew It could do her no harm. To my astonishment she be;;an to Improve, and within two weeks It was entirely healed and alio Is now as well as ever. Mrs. K. L. V HE A TON, -- "mrOf,, Ron Prnnntsoo W'hydont you po to the 'irncr Jewelry Moret and F, M, r'PLNCH will tell yt.u im rta UrjiaUi-, either Ladies or Gents. i I I ! Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AOIXTS FOR THE CSLBBXATED II. F. Miller, .' : .And the FarorUe - ' J. BAUER & . CO.'S PIANOS. . Palace nnd Earhuff Xouse ProofOrgans s6lb aostits roa SIIS r-' B. and Nbtv Home Sewing Maclilaes. Organs - Cleaned - and - Repaired. ALBANY, OREGON. T A.E20VT- , Larga and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, . .. . . .Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealette ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. Jack- Albany Opera House. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST. The Great CLARA CAMILLE ! Amf'riiA'aJ Greatest Emotional Actrowi. Supported by t Talented Company. r.ttrvoJ ! o" 'e at wi" '"Tis a Feat to Fit tho Feet, But Ho Can tlo it an3 do it Beat," where. Sold again ! But we've just re ceived a fresh lot which can ho seen on our floor any day. We are talking ahoul btoves. If you are thinking of buying one, come ami inspect our stock and get posted on our prices, for we are quite sure the' arc from H to !) per cent lower than else- Wo handle everything in tho way ot stoves, tin ware and hardware. Matthews it Washmtiix. SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! For tlo TiixMnK Newspapers - and - magazines u It ecel)vel t L. KENT I am fa s. sa. t. sMAanin WEAR THE POST OFFICE. ALBANY, OREO. r"3 . Dtore,