DAILY DEMOCRAT. TKK JIOUMON IN I'OI-I IH'S, Judge Goodwin has been for years wag. ng an open warfare against the Mormons, To him more llian to any one else are gentile indebted for the foothold they have secured in Utah. His ready pen has ex posed Mormon villainy time and time a gain. He has never swerved, never fal tered In performing the duty he allotted to himself, tfie duty of exposing Mormon rascality, the duty of hunting and hound ing to death cowardly Monr.on assassins making It safe for citizens of the United States to feel as safe in Utah while en gaged in the pursuit of lawful enterprises a they would be elsewhere; and In all tills he has asked for no reward, sought no emoluments.only asking the good ul and cooperation of hit fellow-men opposed to murder, rapine, lust and bloodshed, ti paper he lias edited with so distinguished ability has been and is now rons-Utently re publican, but he dares rebuke his party for practices he cannot countenance, and re publican papers who are fond of quoting the judge have not a word to say about hib recent scoring of Wyoming republicans, He accused them of having entered into an offensive alliance with the Mormons in order to carry the state. The Cheyenne Sua denied the accusation made by the Tribune. The Tribune in reply says: "Do you not know that every Mormon voted in Wyoming for the legislative tick et? And do you not know just as veil that when the legislature meets it is ex pected that every member elected on the republican 'icket will vote for Judge Carey ? Of course Judge Carey can say that he has no bargain with the saint ; so can the Sun. But many a man has pleaded not guilty in court and still has been convicted on pure ly circumstantial evideuce,it being so plain and conclusive that no jury could cone to any other conclusion. Now, put this and this and this togcthcr,and let us sec. Jude Carey, when presenting the constitution of Wyoming, refused to have anything like a test oath included. He fought Mr Dubois , on the same proposition, and did what he could to defeat the admission of Idaho. In the national convention he did not want a a word said about Mormon is in or polyg amy. Now, every Mormon in Wyoming has voted for a certain legilativ, ticket. It is expected that that legislature, when it convenes, will elect Judge Carey a senator of the United States of Wyoming, When all that is done does not the 6h expect Judge Carey in congress will be the fast friend of the saints; that he wiTl oppose all legis lation hostile to them, and support all leg islation in their favor? And if it is all true up to date, and the arrangement is sucn that it A-ill have to continue in the same channels with Judge Carey, was it too harsh for the Tribune to say the he would go to the senate of the United Stated with a Mormon collar around his neck? We take it by the tone of the Sua that it Itself sees nothing very serious in the Mormon question, because it refers to all those who have been fighting what is illegal and un civilized in the creed as out and out fanat ics. If the Sun knew half as much about Mor monism as some of the rest of us, it would not take that view of the case. If Wyoming had a few rich agricultural val leys that could be peopled by saints, three elections would not pass until it would be;' very much more frenzied fanatic than nuy who are in Utah." What is true of Wyoming U also rw of Idaho. The republicans carried that state by the same offensivealliance as was form -ed in Wyoming, and to attract attention from that transaction are claiming demo crats, not republicans, are the allies of this hated organization, an organization op posed to all fiee Institutions, an organii tion whose members vote as they are told to vote, and wha will not vote at all unless ; instructed from Salt Lake. The .Mormon element is an element which should b eliminated from American politics. Re publicans making use of these men who obey nothing but piiestly mandate Is proof that that party is not to be trusted. Power Is sometimes purchased at too dear a price. The libeit; vouchsafed by the constitution of the United States was not intended for persons who set at defiance our laws and who acknowledge no head of government except the head of the Mormon church. Missoula iiazetie. 774 Secretary Hester of ths New Orleans cotton exchange has issued an official report covering the first three weeks of the new cotton season. The report shows a decided increase in all movements compared with last year, the a- moui t brought into sight being over 1 25,0:0 halci more than durinn the lame period last season. Of this increase 51, coo bales has oc cured during the last week. The statement shows receipts at all United States ports since Sept I of 171,031 bales, against 256,906 up to this dale last vear. Overland, actos the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac Kiveis Northern mills in Canada, 9941, cgainst 7: last year. Interior stocks in execs of those held at the close of the commercial year, 2S, 977, against 20.675, Southern mills taking 30. no, against 29,SoS, making the total awunt of new crop brought into sight thus far 440,05s, against 315,163. Exports have hecn 149,022, against 96,245 last year, an increase of S277 bales. The total taking of American mills North and South thus far for the season have been 104,750 ogt'nst 83,214 last season lliese mchule 74.642 by Nomiem spinners, against 53,406 since the close of the last com mmcial year. Stocks at American poits and twenty Line leading Southern in'e:ior maikcis hive increased iS6,2S6 against 135, 700 lali during the same time las; year, and are now 58,662 bales larger than they were a', this date last season. Including stocks left over at pons and interior tewns from last crop ae.l the num ber of bales brought into sidit thus far of the new crop, the supply to dale i 51 l,9oi gainst 378,626 (or the peiiod last yen. L. E. BLAIN Current fcvent. Ever) body remarks at the splendid dis- P1.1v of fruits and veueublo at Powell & Co's, where they get what they want in the urst place. The best and largest supply of peaches will be found nt Powell & t'os. Leave ycur orders there when you get ready to "put up peaene. A large supply of shelf good, the J. in town, at Powell & Co's. All kinds of nkknacks at Powell & (.Vs. n arm weather jooils ptcn.c 'rr.cencs. st.iv at home groceries , cverv varietv of groceiiob in thif market at Powell a: Co s. i TER THAN GoVKIIN'11;NT lt.-NI'S.- Ti.c ordinary living expense of a fainilv of five iM.rsons, hi the onstotnarv mantur of A:ih ru aii people, amounts to no, less than it soo per vear. It would require nearly $40,000 in Government liond to produce tins income, i en acres 01 lanu 1.1 trie n IsoiiL'tte vcdJey planted to prunes, with an ordinary crop at ordinary prices w ill net ni'jit than $1500. after paying for all labor placed thereon. 1 ou can buy tins land ot 'J he Oregon Land Company of Salem, in trr.cts of ten acres or more at from to W5 per acre. Address The Oregon Land Company, Salem, Oregon. Umbi-eilaK, jrOMsnitfi aril rublur bi-ots iijfl chut a at the lowest pnui sit K. C. Seaki.s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Public Sale. I .VING MORE STOCK THAN vE t cup w ini r. we wili tell on Suluida v Nevt-mlj-r I, lhHO, at cur imm on the Narrovv Guue 'nitre-ad, mhe-i outh of 'i'ahiiKU. without reserve, to the highrat bidder. 8 ltne lot f y ting horses. conin tint; o brood iiittrt-H in foal to Oncoo find Aluo rofidtsters. uvrlthorosant) ponirH on followtoi; tjrn: Out e.ir!& time, without mitres, wth approved sectiruj. 'i w.lvu ptr cent ttV tor ctttdn ifflt-Kiu&ht I2ros. -LV furiiked, TO LET KmrlMied1 or un- Incpiiri) nt lliU olllce. Jlmirr to Loan. Wo have plenty of money to loan on real ctate security, on two to live years time. Call ou us nt our otlice, opposite the Kevere house. UCKKIIART Ki:ki;V. I'nmomicrit lloprlr, lrl Nnvrri. From a letter written hy Mr- Ada K Hud of Orotnn, 8 l, t quote: "Was tnk n w iri. a bnd cold, which irttU'd on mv L-int.., coughs set in iud liunliy Un.ml in t 'on tiiiinption . Four liuetora unve nut up tjii.t 1 ceu hi live hut a short tiin I tixve 'in self up to my .Saviour, determined if I c tild not ttay with my frit-nds t.n earth, I w w It! meet my absent ones above. My l usliu.d was advised to it.-t lr Kind's New Iic vt ery for CViisu my tinn, Coughs atiil folia. I ave it a trial, took in all eight bottle-; it has cured me and thank (o1 I am a. well n hearty wvman." 'J'nai rv.ttiea frue ;at r' (bay MjKou'adrtiff atorr, regular ai.e, and $1. T PCriTLANO, OF mm V,'.i.h I'ai'kr. - I linvc juct roccivnl torn tlio e:nt 11 Lvtk invoicnf wall in ner, tiunli'if', l('ciiiiiliii!i!, etc., ini'liuliiift Hie 1 tn i 11 in;raiiiH wliicli arc luTominu rerv pofiulnr. Theft' j(uoiIh nn; lietter St) leu ami elieaper than ever lu fure. Ntiii'KL E Vot'.-;.: FOR TIIOSK 1VII( CAX.T rOSSIBLT CAll PER. 80N1I.I.V, HOMK TKUTJ1OT PI,A( f.U WITH 1.1 TI1K HKtlH OK Al.I, THAT WILL UITK WTASTAXWIl'S KKLIKr A.NB A riXMANKXT IUUE. The most r. -.-cily, oositive and perma nent cure forCatauli oftheilcail, Asthma, and all Throat, Uronchinl, Luiik. Heart, Stomach, Liver ami Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in Its various stages, permanently cured. DR. Aiiokn's oriiral mode of treatment and his medicated inhalations rive3 in stantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the whole constitution and system, therehy prolonintf life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down coustitu- 1 tions, old and younij, invariably pain from ten to tinny pounds in lrom Unity to ninety days. Dr. Auorn's iihenonienal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the l'acific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past tweutv-five years. Asthma, CaUirrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Luiir trouble distantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Auorn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," arid a treitise on "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, Fourth am! Horrl.on M.., I'ortUntl, Orvpon. Not.. Horn, trpatmcnl, n-nrly pact:.'!, .pnl tiy P to all pm .f Hie l'AcilcCoat,for Iboe who CuiiA ptMii jly call in person. LL INVITES TD CHI FCR FRFE COMS!!LTATiCH lias just received a superb line of. Fall and Winter Clothing The largest in the Valley, carefully sclei-teil for 1 1 1 trade here-, includina: an ek-irant line of Ovkih.-oats, all of llu latest fabrics, and of a higb grade of workmanship His Furnishing Goods Dsp't Is complete with all the novelties of the season. Hoy's and Children's department consists of high novelties. In his ili gradi Hat Department "Will be found all the latest shapes of the season Shoe Department is filled with a choice His Boot and line of goods II is Tailoring liiicsat Under charge of the expert Mr Sehifllev, is well with a splendid line of suitings. -locked Strictly One Price. POWELL & CO., Successor to Geo. C. llonderson. -DEALERS IX- es ra Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. THE SPOT Racket CASH tore, Is ntill in existence: It only removed, Oct 1st, 1890, one door west of Thompson & Overman's Harness Shop, on Frst fctrest, whero everybody can effoct a saving of from 15 to 25 per oer;t by buying any article sold at the Corno and bxamine Prices. Respectfully, Oct. 11, 1890. BERNARD LEVY. ft C. Searls, Dry Goofls, Notions, OentFnrn ishiDgs and SOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of boots and shoes i& noH- complete in nil lines for spring ide. We will save vou tn one n buying of us. Ladies, mi use i and children's tine shoes a spec la l v. ITWIien in Viix. U tkr f! R fi mi A n 7 AlECiM-v IE. I lie I.I l I. O W MIOKS C3. s-Jlje&: ric'H Now I k. ItiuiniH Grocers and Bakers; 4liOKip (he Revere House. Keep n nrntoinss stoi-V of (iroocries, l'rwluce, nnl I'iiWil (.ioods. Bottom pricm. i v 1 HlllAil fliunn. iroiu d innmiM to live rnr, ou kooiI Alliny nml Linn countv roHl tie. If .Toil wan" money ijive me a en 1 1 . K, Mcriiermii. lUnl l-.Vnte mid Loan rok?r. LVnf SITUATIOV V ANTEO.-Oirl wiintii ft plaojto do licii"woik or d.iiliifr room work. Ad:lreta tne at Soio. IOK SALE A 1-npny lmrt.0, tine trave'er: P'io!, j onn ninKle and tump i w.Hf nnuk'V. imrtL-.M, fro., ma.'v nt'W. Inqulro of u C Awlr.v, In odd fellow' Tenip'.o. .T)!S liKNT. Tor r .nice or loildnnrc '!, t:io liuilcllg n Pr'adn'Mii , slrx'l. 1 1 . 1 1 1 e of L. VKiiurs, and insjieet the iiiiuu ii' --;. Tc, .Mi.-ttu'r ( Clothiim', Furnishing (floods. Boots, Slioes, Hats, Jit". 'uiii.T Soi' 5 Bought for cash in an eastern uk-.i ki I, at in li priees as will !iiahle us to oiler lmrgairs, in :i!ve lines, that will attract attention. Call and see us. T.L. WALLACE SCO., Strahan Block, Albany, Oregon, j S. Steele & tto., Ileal Estate i Loan Broker. ! LarL'o list of good farm and city propcity for sale Inans. money on real estate in Lmti'an adjoining couutitfl. Insurance written up itiJreliaMeJeoni parties Notary Public and conveyancer. (Tall on or write me, S. N. STEELE Albany Oregon The Place Conrad Mever. .-PROrKlKT OK STAR AAKEUY (Cotuer Broadalton and First Sts., DEALER IN- ' uuned Fruits, 1'biiuoiI ItleHtn, HnNKVre, 4)eeniwrr , Drten FrntlH. Vesetuhfe, TobHceo, ClKiitn, tiacar N'rtN, t'otlee. Tea. I'.te,, Vie., ' .. ct evorytliiiiK that la kept In a son ti.t variety and grocery ore. HlgheM & rkot prim raid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Fortmil'.er & Mm -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Pronipt Att3asIsa-FIr3t-cissi Hoars By nil tneHn orH nu I'AKKKll BIIOS, KOR TOUII G roeeries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Tl.Blr Boodt nro the Lost ai tlif tr prl maaonaltlo. V City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old and pcpular restaurant viil bo made iri clafa very rexprct. The poldio wl b iiven goc d menls at all hours for only 26 cents. Everything neat and attractive. Private boxes. 0)fettru la every style W. A. McGtt S. W. Paisley, .lllinn', OrKCn. -WIIOLKSLK DKAl.EIt IS- . Tol)aaco and Cigars. PHELPS, Job Printer, 3st.St.K..Albany W mmm mmm