Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 13, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Prom our rwiulsr oormtonleiit.)
Washington, Oct. 8, iSyo.
Senator Carlisle who has remained here
lnce the adjournment to assist his ton,
who compiled the '-democratic campaign
textbook," is putting the last touches to
that valuable book, the issuing of which
was delayed so as to include the conclu
sion of the long tariff light, will go to
Kentucky this week.and it is probable
he may make speeches In other slates dur
ing the campaign. The Text book is non
out, ond the democratic congressional
fommittce is prepared to fill orders for
I have been making a quiet Investiga
tion to learn what the uongresslonal coin
mltte is doing towards capturing the next
House, and I find that Mr Flower, the
chairman is In New York looking after Ms
own aOairs, political and otherlc,(inostlv
the latter) and that the committee is mak
ing no pretense of doing anything, except
to furnish all of the documents aked for.
It furnishes neither speakers, nor money
to pay the thousand and one little inicden
talsofan active campaign in those dis
tricts where it is impossible to raise it lo
cally. If this policy is to be kept up noth
ing short of a miraculous popular tidal
wave can give the democrats control of the
n;x House. Documents are all very good
In their place, but with the election not a
month off it is good talkers that are need,
ed to meet the arguments of the men sent
In swarms by the republican committee in
to every doubtful congressional district to
blind the voters to the injury intlicted upon
them through republican legislation. The
democratic party was never so well equip
ped with good texts to preach from as at
the present lime, and the opportunity
should not be lost through lack of prrach
ers. If the national committee will not
furnish them let the local committees see
tojt that the fight Is not lost by not having
the Irsues nroperly talked up to the voters.
Of course, In criticising the congression
arcommltee, it should be remembered that
thsy have no protected manufacturers to
fcr unlimited cash as the re
publican committee has, and no sensible
person for a moment expcels that the dem
ocrats could spend as much money- as the
republicans, and it would not be desirable
If thev could It Is against the principles of
the democrat!: party to carry elections by
Representative Wheeler, of Alabama,
aays the result of the Force bill will be the
election of a solid democratic delegation to
the next House from the Southern states.
The second military society to be com
posed of veterans of noth armies of the late
war was organized here last week. It Is
called "The Military order of America"
and according to its constitution "the pur-
poses of the order are to cherish the mem
ories of camp.field and bivouac of heroic
deeds and strengthen the bonds of re
union, sympathy, valor and patriotism be
tween those who were enemies in war
and are friends in peace and their descend
cuts." v Raum still holds the fort.but it Is bcllev .
ed that Mr Harrison will furce him to re.
ign as soon as the election is over. If he
does not he will sssume a heavy responsi
bility. Capt. E.J. White, superintendent of the
sixth division, railway mail service, has
K.n nmuiintcu superintendent to succeed
J Lowr'.c Hell, who succeeded M r Clarkson
Arrnr.llnB to the Lvon Medical the in
quiry made by the order
to carry out the new law giving
advantages to fathers of more than seven
children, has shown that In franco i
present there are 3,000,000 l.ou.en.m.. ...
which there has been no cnnu; i0,-0
In which there was one; 1,300,000. two
children; 1,500,000, three; about 1,000,000,
four; 550,000, five; 3j.0. nx, aim 200,-
000, seven or more.
Correal' fcTtals.
Everbodv remarks at the 6plondid dis
play of fruits and vegetable at
Powell & Co's, where they get what they
want in the first place.
The best and largest supply of peaches
will be found at I'oivell & Cos.
Liave vour orders there when you get
ready to M put up" peaches.
A large supply of shelf goods, the best
In town, at Powell & Co's.
All kinds of nicknacks at Powell &
Warm weather goods, picnic groceries,
...... a, i.nma 1-ri .'E 1'1'iTU variety of
groceries In the market at Powell & Co's.
Better than Government Bjniis.
The ordinary living expense of a family of
five persons, in the customary manner ot
American people, amounts to not less than
. nar It would reouire nearly
(40,000 in Government Bonds to produce
this income, leu acres ui .u.iu .n me ..
!...,,, vnltv nlnntpd to nrunes. with an
Air,- pmn at nr.llnarv nrices will net
moie than $1500. after paying for all labor
placeJ thereon. 1 ou can uuy wn a..u
Tt.-orMinn I.nnrl Cnmnanv of Salem, in
tracts of ten acres or more at from $55 to
f75 per acre. Aauress ine uicgun iauu
Company, Salem, Oregon.
Fall and Winter Clothing,
The largest in tho Valley, carefully selected for the trade
here, including an elegant line of Ovkkcoats, all of the
latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship
Ta.lia. t-jM anil see the 1 ttast novelties in
dross goods at K C Searls.
1, man nnni'a.n Tim m nnrt'Ortl Hi
,...U..n.ii.i.lini. .mrln,. Ih, ll fn HAtttA
of Hoffman, Hayne .v. Co , carrylun on n
c?xierai msuuiaeiunuu m iiruuum aiwuc
Mau-n,. nltiA .( 1,1 AlltHllV. reCOU II
this day nisoivou uy uiuiuai niuwm,
John M. Hotluian, roliiin. Tbe bus!
....... .....1 l.n ...., i m.a.l I, crai Ti or ItV IT. ii.
Uavne and C. S. Buck, under tbe firm
uaiue of Havnedt Buck, ami at tbe old
place ot business, Ttenew Attn assume
all liabilities and collect all accounts
.')ateil this lath city 01 jci.'or, ihw.
John M (Iuffvan.
U. li. Bavnk.
stock or band, stiap, vmmon anil Mcr.
v.av iron: also machine, loo', pick and
orrne All kinds of p.ras.s seeds, purs
OLLUOj and clean, are told by Stewart
Sox, Prices have uhangea aiuoe issi
son. Come and sea us.
T-. T ft. V Tn la.rra .till
small Bums, from 0 moDthj t live
year, on i;ood Albny and Linn county
real estate. I' yon wan' money sive nie
a call W. E. McPhereon, Heal ivsiaw
and Loan ijroxer.
rNiTlnms iNTKn. Oirl wsnia s
O place to do kouiework or d.uing room
work. Address me at Scio.
las just receivod a superb lino of-.
His Furnishing Goods Dep't
Is complete with all tho novelties of tho season. His
Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade
novelties. In Ins
Hat Department
Will be found all the latest shapes of the season
His Boot and Shoe Department is filled with a choice
line of goods -
His Tailoring Department
TTiwW charffo of the expert Mr Sehifller
with a splendid line of suitings
, is well stocked
Strictly One Price.
S. Ztsset.
ITS. OK SAIjB. A good, joting slngl
' bungy horse, fine traveler; and jump biiuKy. hsruess, etc., nearly now.
Inquire of O C Awbrey, In Odd Fellow's
I JOK KENT. For offlca or loaMnnee
1' use, the building on Hrdalbin
strjet. Icquireof L. Vkihick,
j 1. SI. J. PATIOS,
JilumberB Biock, Albauy, Oregon.
t Lowr'c Hell, who succeeded Mr Clarkson
a, Second Assistant Postmaster General. I Co '' .rci-tv
A :-n..lnmf Inutrtirtinns as lontf as Vojr !
IX I.IIUIUi w. .. a . (
arm regarding the new lottery law has been
sent to Postmasters by Wanamaker. j
The legalized robbery of the people (
known as the new tariff law goes Into ef-
feet to day, and history will put ii among j
the gloomy days of the nations.
Mr Harrison places great reliance upon
his soldiers supporters, and upon them lie
Is trustfully leaning for 'ji. He left this
morning for Galesburg, Illinois, where his
old brigade will hold a reunion Wednes
day. Thursday and Friday he goes to
Ottumwa, Iowa, and Topska Kansas, re
spectively to meet more old soldiers. He
will return heie rext week.
The new battle ships are to cost $3.'fv
ooo each. One of them is to be built at
San Francisco ani the other two at Phila
delphia. TheUieaof caldng an eitra .ession of
congress to pass the Force bill has appar
ently been abandoned, though of course
there Is still a possibility that it may be
f IMa -
1 mm
Benjamin II. urison is swinging around
the circle In the vain hope of allaying the
uneasiness that Is assuming such vast pro
portions among the farmers of Iowa, 1 1.1
nuis, and the northwest generally. The
trip he Is now taking was gotten up by the
national republican committee of which
Quav i chairman and boss Think of it!
The president of the I'nited States making
a political lour under the auspices of a
man whom a leading republican from
Ohio on the lljor of the House sometime
ago denounced as a branded ctluiinal. If
the president persists In paying so little re
spect to iheollice of president nc will soon
U-se all the respect due a president.
As an instance of ruinous depreciation in ll.c
value of agricultural lands of F.ngland, it may
be mentioned, siys the St James Gac-.te, that
I he l!tackinlKroiij;h estate, in I.inculnsiiiie,
which was valued tcnty yean ao for inoit
fiage purposes at SlO, and since lint time
h'.is had f 50,000 cxpcnJcd on iin; roieiiu-nts,
lus now been valued at only $;j,o -j.
roannniinHO ciot row 1 bit cam. k
801.1.1, IIDlIt TRKiniE.1T PLACED WITH
l.T Tilt Kr.AI'H OF A I.I. Til IT WILL IUT
The n;ot speedy, cosithrc arts! perma
nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma,
and all Throat, PronchisJ, Lung, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections,
Nervous Debilitv. etc. Consumption, in
its various stages, permanently cured.
Dr. Anor.N'S original mode of treatment
and his medicated inhalations gives in
stantaneous relief, builds up and revital
izes the whole constitution and system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
debilitated and broken-down constitu
tions, old and young, invariably gain front
ten to thirty 'pounds ill from thirty to
ninety dHys.
Dr. Aborh's phenomenal skill and
velous cures have created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past twenty-rive years. Asthma,
Catnrrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial and Lung trouble distantly relieved,
and Deafness often cured permanently at
first consultation. I)R. AnoRS's essay on
the "Curability of Consumption," and a
treatise on "Catarrh of the Head,"
with evidences of some extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Call or address
Tsarth sad Xorrtsos Kts I'ortlsnd, O IT pott.
NaTs. Home Irtatment. securely kc A, sent hj
axprot to all pari, of the 1'acilK Coast, f t Utose wSo
can ft-( possibly call in person.
FOR CEHTtFlflE-' .
Is the Best Shoe in the Market
for the rice.
-:G. W. SIMHSUN,:--
general'" merchandise.
Is now Larger and Better than Ever
Low Trices and Prompt Attention.
Successor to Geo. C. Henderson.!
UTWlicn in the City, Call at tiie-jj
and inspect the immense slock, consisting of
Furnishing Goods,
Boots, Shoes, Hats
Bought for casli in an eastern market, at such pro
as will 'iuahle us to offer bargains, in tlx above lines, tli
will attract attention.
Call and see us.
strahan Block, Albany, Oregon
The Place
By all means call on
S.K. Steele &Cti
Heal Estate t Lean Bid
Praflucs, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc.
Largo list of good farm anil citv pre
I.omiih, inopt-y on retl estate in Lfn
adjoining ooutiiic.
Ir.riiratieo written up iujreliabu'jcompj
Notary rublicand convvyancer.
Call on or write me.
TLelr Koooa are the beat ail their prices
Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac
co Etc. Etc.
We arc giving the other dea
ith our special low
rates on stoves and ranges. Il
you don t believe it, see now
thev bid for trade in big typo
V al loud talk, llns -jveek we
A j ( 0iiVr to start the ball rolling
with the largest stock at the
w WJ lowest prices. Come early, if
you want a good selection. We handle the newest ana oesi
things in Hardware, Tinware Ktc. Ktc.
.Matthews & asiihuks
Conrad Mever.
Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.,
'-stunetl rroiM,
Drlen Frnltsj,
Cssanes Mcist,
r,.rt evervtblnK that n kept In a aei
a I mrtety and grocery ore. HlgheH
n rkst prim paid for
Fortmiller k Irving,
"THELPS. Job Print.;:.r.Tl3ii'
City Restaura
Haviug been .ntirely remotleieo. H
and popular restaurant w"' 06 ""'J
class 11 every refpect. Th P"''"c.'
;iven gootl litems v
ont. Kor)thin! nest tnd a
I'rivste boo. Oysters in evry itji
S. W. Paislrf
AHmnr. Orgn- I
-WnoiXSlU! I)EAt.EBl
Grocers and Bakers;
Opposite tlio Revere House. ,
Kcc n nmi-mss slock of tirocorics, 1'ioiluco, and IlaVivl Hoods, llottom prices.
frompt ittantioa-First-ciass Hoars
Tobacco and Cigars, i
Onlnrs solioited from mirrJ'