-iJLJI!K-!IL.f.ff'-" i, . VOL. I J I. - " ALBAXY. OR., TUKSJAY, SEPTEMBER l, 1800. NO 113 1890, THE WITH THE mN ASTS-DUST ARI'TED OVEN WILL BAKE MEAT. '3?4D PIES AMD CAKE. PERFECTLY. DON'T 67 OO, rq nn &in Am. rn nrt f1A $16 $19 00, $24 OO $41 OO, SSI cs $71 OO, $161 OO. Fi 1 Jl ..i r Stoves, 'ORTLAND'S INDUSTRIAL EXPOS UlJi.XS SEPT. 25. 1890. CLOSES OCT. 25. taMnMfcite.Hr' Ti,ly SC".C,C'1 M""'"" Mil rr..1.1, ,h. Six .ml on. of ar . Ml .Kw will b. m i..? .'" K?"""li"" '"' v' il.w,..i,UM In .very attrlme..t wast bcll.ru "'Ida in. opportunity such us he, never boun ..reicnltil to tlio pccpli ol thi. THE F AT A NO DnMPSTin id, "iTtlokrt .111 17. h JV" "!"" 6 ES EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Truina leave Portland Dctlv Wl M, j I'.crcl I JiSH-H !,v All.cnv i!fA U Ar Nn, Kranol Ar IMS A M Lv l):14 A M Lv ,M Al..vo tni.cn at ,p y t (c.:iucvinK atations north cl ltcM.il.tin,. K.iat l'ortai.,1, ow :iiv Wc.od. tami. Allunv. Tment, SU...I.I. Ilal'ccy. llar- "al.iirK, J ui.tt.rjii cjity, Ir, in.., Kusuno. RCJSKIiriU. MAIL, ll.ULY. AI.IIAXY liCJCAU lAll.y;(BXOIT T.HAV) J.0 I- j Af iVJny Lv :w a m LUBANON BRANCH, ;.',0 p M I Lv AStny iiSTTS ::16 p M Ar l...l.aii..n t,v 8411 a u :Ml.v Alli.iiy Ar 4ti :2 A u Ar Lijlnnun Lv 3:40 p m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, 'or Accmiiiiioiliiliou nf Secoiiil-Clau I'ltancn Rfr., nltiirlitl l Kxprean Tmliiit, ileil side Itlvl.lon. KTvTtK. I-(lltTLAM All! t VAI.LIM, Mail .'rainpaiii (KxsoptSunuay.) 7:3cj a m Lr 11:10 f m Ar Portland t.'orv - r.::H) f a ixniKBS trais daily (Kxojpt Sunday. :10 ml I,v 7i2.j pit Ar tirtland McMinnvillo' Ar I :20 A H I.V 5.4f. A it Tliroixjvii rTiclcets To all point. SOUTH AND EAST. fni fin; Information rccrardlna ratos. map., to. ill no r.nnnn..., a . .. owu ' 1 . KOEIILER k p. nnnirnn Alai acrcr f WtO. F. ..id F, Air rHrm Tt.r Anlc foriloO'), IW') MII.KS fro.n Tr.lo.1.., en Yqiilno Itiy, ciicl iiiib-i .nrtn of a tnllo litem THilrilAil. It. ci.HISI.St8 Of 'Id H TS. title land, i.clinrc bottom n'ld hill lnd. (oocj fr.t.iK1. ln.ii.Ae, fll liniHlioii. (ffoitb vi00) l:irn mid otlicnr ImprovometitH. Kor furtbo imr;!i;ular.4 oRli on or i''drf..c,, i'W. (I, HAKKKK. Yaqulna City, Or. FOR VS Rhli B JRlNQ, KOOK VRht Inn and prospecting, write to J. .F, "jghoii, Albany. Or FALL STOCK ! MAKE A MISTAKE. -' -j O.iii'v '"fc stover sjaix7 Hr,IJ ranges KH333f taHblBihl.tarl.n.. rj.nri-.sji,Y jsSyES ore to-day making "o World's Best- comfortai,i0 and happy than any other brand in ex htenco. Thoy aro made in all stylos and sizes, both for Cooking and Heating, and aro eold at prices to suit the purse ef the rich or ?001, of imitation'. Eianine HmmrP, ttado marls closely, an IJJ VV that yog aro no', ix-v 4 'Hardware c-r-nrM nr9nTurnT Kx.-Hltion from 1 p m until 10 p .n, ) - "W". -A-I-iT-jEUST, Su.t and Sec. Two Men and One Roy Wliilo trying to Crowd their ' WAY INTO Store, wIktc they alwnts have on hnntl the; larucnt Stock uot.lli of IV.rtUnd, of the latest Improved Rifles nntl Shot Guns; an immense stock of Hshitij; Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other tilings too numerous to mention, Repair Shop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen in the State to do any and ail kinds of work. Come one, Come nil; No trouble to show t-oods. "Small profit and quick Puis out motto. Fortmilier k Irving, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt ittantioa-First-oiass Hears City Drug Store. Stanard & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and cheniicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfnniery,scnool and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. " I I I 1 l I aul Pais ncj on. E A Mc- ffi rtment ffl d this H FOUND DEAD!! 1890. . mora tuo J ENDEE'S, Cannot be successfully traveled wltti out coed health. To reach wealth or any coveted position In Hie requires the full possession and operation ol all the fao ullles kind nature has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working cdor, and this Is Impossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct Ing the secretions, causing Indigestion and dyspepsia, with all ot their accom panylng horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a sp ItTe Influence over the liver, excites It w healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions; cures Indigestion ano con lu nation, sharpens the appetite, tones up the entire system, and makes life worth living. Real Estaia s Loan Grokers '-: Insurance a Specialty. : AlIKSTrt FOR I TN- INSURANCE -;- COrtPANY, Incorporated 1819; Charter Perp'tual. Losses Paid in 70:Yeirs, $C3,046,500. jTotal Assets, $9,780,751.63, One of the oldest and strong est companies in the U. S. .1 mm - x - - ft." THE WORLD'S BEST ITa3 nncqiml for Ptvlo. Fit and Wear. Positively the beat a. login Anirrlrnfortli money. Do not he deceived, tico stamp on bottom of each shoo. Take no other. Every p.itr warranted. Stylish and equal to any SS shoe in the market. Made by J. M. PEEPLE3 & CO., CHICAGO S. 3EJ. 'S'OCNCI, cole Aartt m 1 no miBME TOlVf.SEHD -ft WILSON, :0m KV SU Highest of all in Learening Power. ABSOUUTEIY PURE The tmndiion from lontr; lineerin and painlul sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual. Such remarkable event is treasured in the memt.rv and the atrencv whereby the oood health hhs been attained is gratefully blessed. I lence it Is that so much is heard In praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel lhe owe their restoration to health to the use of tiie great alterative and tonic. It you ore troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standini., vou will surely find relief by use of Electric liitteis. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Koshay & Mason's Dru;; store. 'ieadinsi'I.i.tugi.iishei'S Albany Oregon. "Wo l:uve boujlit nil tthoneirativeft made lv h VV C':rti attii V li Greoi.wood up to Nov 15th, 1'iSU. DuT'licaUa can be had from hem oi;ly of ub at reduced ratoM. We haye tiii I it: 1 r ill ntt .nr. re it imt-i! rur.u V hnup 1 " 8oahf.ntlS,000 ucKativca mado by our- I solve?', SroE.'i w inch dunlijatrs can hti had at iku e carry tie only lnh line (A vieifv 1 1 tli'H tjtnt'! ami do udj urged work at lowest r-it&rt for lirt cIash work. We f hall he pieaititi to see yoo at our htuuio in rroin&nt block, next door to Maouio Temple. When You nc nil Kun.t OWJ Haie m apLet.ite.f c) lio. all the ti r.e. sleep iO:8 not refreari o;i. f et 1 w-.i,k atd ltatlta't bjve dyapcpbi:i, hove c Id hai da and teet, are fionstipait'd, fttut, in r;ct your s'- ttm is ad out ol orier, t.ke Dr 11 Liter 8 Hy draatiae lleMtorntive. I- n'wt.ti rofreahiDg sleep, reue'cd(tronthi L'uud diirostiorj, per fect nutrition" niid perfect health. For sa!o at Fo?huy & Maaon's. The Pnlplt uutl (he Hinge, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, nine Alound, Kan., savs: feel it mv du'y to ttll what wondersDr King's New Dicovtry has done lor me Mv lungs were badlv diseased, and my paiifihioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. 1 took five bottles of Ur King's Xew Discovery ard am sound and well, gai.iing 26 lbs in weight. l ):aveju'.t recfcivpti a Jirs tnvoieo o: !;ice cur tain?, iniigiri in iiriuP trom mis to nine d"ii--.i8 a pair, Benin Jairtain uetf. etc. Also a line of curtain p le.i ir c! fii-MMiro eivt-r- n:. Samcel I Young I (Yftfemfoi Klil tl.lovr. Keep a full line of tlie&e gloves in black and colored. Am pole agent for Albany, Oregon. Samuel K Young.' Myers force pumps are the b?st, a: Smith & Sender's. I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds it regular meeting Wednesday evrninu of each wei;k. Visiting brothers are cordially nvHed to utlend. WHICH WILL IT BE 1 Which fs tho cftttivftt., a roe or a Illy? Which Is tli cfyeteBt, a peach or a rear? Merry's eoty ,hb, and charming Is MlJIy : Dora Is geutm und fair. (hPi. Bwoet as a flower was her face when I kissed (Lovd ' tho romimco and glory of life.) Milly, mj tiny mate, I lovo llko a slater," Hut Dora 1 choose for my wife. That Is rtffht, young man, marry the girl fou love, by all means, If she will have you. hould her health becomo delicate and her beauty fado after marriage, remember that this Is usually due to functional disturbances, weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex, in the cure of which Dr. Pierce's Favor'to Prescription is guaran leod to give snticBfactfon. or money refunded. Bee the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. I'or overworked, "worn-out," "run-down." debilitated teachers, milllucrs, dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop - girJa." housekcepern, nursing mothers, Rnd feeblo women gener ally, lir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being unefjusjed as an appetizing cordial and ruatomtivo tonic, or Btrength-giver. Copyrlfbt, 1888, by World's dis. Usd, Ass . Or, PIERCE'S PELLETS regulste and cleanse the Htst, stomach and bowels. They are purely legeUbie and per feotly harmless. One a Dote Bold by druggists, n cents a vial. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking It Is quite useless' for the republicasn in congress to attempt to keep Mr Kennedy's remarks out of the Congressional Record or to print them only In a diluted and doctored form. Everybody has read Mr. Kennedy's interesting observations in the newspapers, and nobody reads the Com- gressional Itccord, anyhow. The country knowB where Mr Kennedy stands 0.1 the Quay question, C tmprettsiondl Ittcord or no Congressional Record. It is found that the blue light ot the electric arc is nut so efficient in piercing fog as the yellow light of the gas burner, for the reason that the fog is blue and the light of the electric lamp intensifies It rather than pierces it like the yellow light. The introduction of hydrocarbon vapor in th; arc, a described elsewhere, produces a vellow light. Ex-Governor William Cameion of Vir ginia has published a letter announcing his withdrawal from the republican party. lit has been a leading iigm in me repuD lican paily of Virginia for many yean having been elected governor under the Ma hone regime. Too much Force bill, McKinlcy tariff bill and Reedism for him. The largest sawmill in the world is at Christiana, in Norway, ami is owned by one man. It runs thirtv-six gang saws From forty to fifty ships load at once at its docks. Tht same man owns two large flour mills. The lumber yard of this mill extends more than a mile. Wanted at Onck. Bartlett pears for shipping, and dried fruits of all kinds. Highest market price paid by U. W. Simpson A ue cure for tho w lucky habit: t LivicUgfrton' Auttdole for Druukenneas w cure any catie of the liquor habit iu trom tun lo thirty duya, from the moderate driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote con be given in a cup of coffee without the knowledge of the person taking ii. The Autidoto will not injuie the heulto in nuy way. Manufactured l.y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portlnud, Oregon, c.r from J A Cuuimiug, sole ageut, Alhiitir . S.ml;e thj celebrated Havana filled ci- jntt manufactured at Jul up Joscph'u cigar h.ci.irt. Only 5 ceuta. The LimIU'S UclIxMcil, The vjlrasant 1 fleet and the prifect safety with winch ladies may use the lituid fruit It'X'itivc, Srnp of Ki'S, uudftr nil coiiditiocs n,.il;: it tlibir invorite remedy, is pleasing u 0 e ' i d to r.hu taste, ti-io, ut ctlijc V. &1 1 i ting on tho kidnfs , liver and howe.'s Laoiks SUMMIC! a.v ?lt!i"s, j.i-it r.;coi irs by f.iprs. BLOUS6&- I t-e lates cd.fi"''n m.iiiufaci Samuel E Young ins nt Pteads. Tlil.lWp M.c 1 L- nn a cctrcA-p fLircana it lsth bestthpt ex- icr.ee and skill can con. Sold only by Smith cSj Senders. lloi.MKD Rumssh Cou.EOE, of Portland Or., will open .Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leiuling iiciiinan of the coast, lias become 11 partner in this school and will mnke it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. Where to Uzt Them. When wanting n organ or iiana call on G L Blackman h' e you .on select from a first class tlO.A. Dr. M. II, Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls mad. in city 01 ODuntry, PAISLEY & FISH, JOS POINTERS FLINN BLOCK ALBANY. New Blacksmith Sjioi. O V Willis hns just completed his blacksmith shop nt the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kimi of iron and wood work can be nad and done in first class order Bring on vour plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repairs. Call and Settle. Those knowing themselvco Indebted to the old firm of KrnusftC & Klein, will please call and ct t e at once. Rnrkten'n Arnlra lulve. Tlte bort SiWe In thu W'trl-l f't Cuti,Itrui.H)rn Ul'-or, Hlt ItliRum. Kovur rr,, IVUor, C'hspp hnnil-, ;hil))Ialii Corn), and all Skin Krnntlo. an poftttivelyeiiren Pilcn.or ii'i p.y roiptlruil. 1 1 In itunr. iitoo! to ivo porfecf. sutisfauli'-m, or money tefund L Price 20 cent! per box, Sk!i by Fothy and If 3 ton Best roast ooflee in the Meyors. city Conrad TKLEGRAPHTC NEWS A DetUflertlcroDvrnllou. Helena, Mont., Sept. 15. The democrat ic state convention here to day was the most enthusiastic ever held in the state. A full presentation of delegates was present, lion T E Collins, ol Great Falls, presided. There was only one candidate for congress, "lion vV W Dixon, of Butte. The convention was thoroughly united on this choice an J when his acceptance was received the scene following was almost beyond description. Delegates rose from their seats and )elled for fully twenty minutes, Speeches were made by Hon W A Clark und Martin Maginnis, "the democratic senators elected last winter. A t'ouulerfeit Decision . San Francisco, Sept. 15. United Slates Commissioner Sawyer to day decided in the case of John J Brow n, charged with sweating $20 gold pieces, that under the United States statutes he could not be convicted, 1 he slate provides for punishment of persons mutilating or lightening coin, but not for punishment of persons having such coin in their possession, or passing it. lirown s method was lo place 920 gold pieces in an electric hath and by rapid chemical action extract about twenty grains of gold from each coin. The coins were not muti la ted and their hgntness could only be detect ed by experts, Under this decibion any one can pass sweated coins without fear of pvosecu. tionk ItecfirtU Broken. Peorta, 111. Sept, 15. Smith and Muphy of the Xew York Athletic Club, broke the world's amateur mile tandem record this after noon. The record was 2:33, They made the halfin 1:13 1-5, and the mile in 2;27. The world s five mile amateur record was brokeii by Rich and the same club. The English record was 13,57 4-5, 107, Rich made it in 12,51 1-5. The one mite world's record was broken by AVindle, The record was 2.28 on solid the, and 2.26 4-5 on pneumatic tire. vv indie made it in 2:254 0n salld tire erlo broke the safety world's record for a mile, England's solid tire record was 2:34 1-5 and America's two seconds lower, The pneumatic recoid was 2:32, and Berlo smashed them all doing the distance in 2:30, An O recon l'limeer Demi. Salem, Sept. 15, W 11 Culver, who was stricken with paralysis Monday last, Oitd at his home, six miles cast of Salem, yesterday afternoon. He was aged 67 and came West from Ohio in 1S52. lie wasin the legislature in 1886. A Horrible H.rIU. New York, Sept. 15. The crowd of people who attended the play at the Park theater to night were treated to a horrible spectale when leaying, Lineman Koop had gone up a pole in front of the theater to tix an electric light, and in someway received the deadly current, lie lay limp across the wires, while the awful sizzle of electricity burning the flesh could be heard below. He was removed as soon as possible and taken to the hospital, where he died, VruM Lands lu (lie VlUuiuctlc Valley, The Okeooj Land Company, of Salem, Okluok, is Offer 1 fo Some Choice Bargains in Frvit Land, Tiiis lnd is situated from 3J to 5 miles from the State Capitol, with its excellent Hhippiug lucmtifcs, cannery, etc, and ia ca peciulty adapted to fruit raieinp . Five acre irscth from $r5 to $73 per acre ali cultivated and reitdy to set to fruit. Ten acre traits partially cultivated for $50 per ceie. Xeity Rcrrs lij.ht timtf.r with good sprm branch, it'.io per fecre. Twcrti-live acres, ti ft en aures in culti vatioi', si lii.g branch runiiing on the place, for $3.") per ucre. Forty HC!u6if choice lard all cultivated, small Iiouhc, some youag truit aheady set our, $7 J per acre. forty acrts of laud ail cultiiited, iu w!M!i.t this year, for $05. Forty -I hi ee acres, twenty-five riicrts cul tivited, tine spring branch, pUceJ all fenced in, for 140 per aero. i''ruit rait-ers prolit from SlflO'to 150 per aro after the tie- are 4yeats old. An iudusirioua n on can mate a prod iiy jig for his family while bis orchard is com ing into hearing, by raising vegetublfs and vari.ua cnips f.r the cannery, Let us kne w what amount you have to invest and we will advise 11 s to location, Hcnd fr maps, pamphlets andfprice lints to The Oheuon Land Company, Sulcm, Oregon, (iirrcnl KvcAtK. Everj body remarks at the splendid dis play of fruits and, vegetables at Towel! &Co where they get what they want In the first place. The best and largest supply of peaches will be found at TowVll & CVs. Leave your orders there when vou get ready to 'put up" peaches. A large supply of shelf goods, the best in tow n, ut Powell & Co's. All kind of r.icknacks at Powell & Co's. Warm weather goods, picnic groceries, stay nl home groceries, every variety of groceries in the market at Powell & Co's. OiFT Kntkiu'risk. Go nnd seo that beautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule Bazaar." Julius (iradwohl thv proprietor of the Golden Kuie Itoiir,in forniH us Unit be has the Prize Baking Powder, and No 1 Japan ton, expressly un for bis buyino.st nnd for the benefit of bis customer, each Ikix of baking powder will win n piece of line glnswaro and also each pound of the tea v.ill win a piece of fine glnsewnre, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of baking powder, which is warranted, will have a chance nt that beautiful gold watch. He has also added a line anHort mentof family groceries to his mani mouth stock of glapgware nnd crockery, which is the largest in the Willamette Valley, (io nnd see Mr Uradwhol at the Golden Rule Bazaar, and you will find that nothing is misreprccented. i