1 DAILY DEMOCRAT. viiuukii.ii:. Auyust 8, lS'JO, Sini-o vc liocmi tlif lucrative luiahu'ss of i'oriosponlmu for your valuable paper we have BulwitU-iI to a greater or leas ex tent on a diet ot wind, ami aa we we out on last Saturday moraine at an early hour, in quest of our liiornini: meal, we saw Mr liarney I'usliman coming to ton n with disheveled hair, ami, tn inn of a timid turn 01 muni we secluded our Bclf until he could pass us, when we fol lowed to see w Hat was the matter w ith the vouiiK man, ami learned that on the jiit-'ht lefore a child had been born unto tohiswife.and that mother and daughter were doing well, and ISarnev would no iioiioi recover, e thought this a good item, and having enough of pure air, we returned to our writing. Dick Larkel has returned to this place .i. win ujcu ins tailor snop again. The Woolen Mill Co have ordered a new It) Horse wheel to run their electric light machinery with, so there w ill be less irregularity about the lights than if run by the main wheel. The wife, eons and their wives, of J M Waters are going to Seattle soon where Mr Waters now is. Thev have large in terests there in the shape of a fJO.000 lwnns. Their mills w ill soon be readv for business. Threshing is dune and we have had an average yield and prices arc tolerably good. Teams have been tmuring into town for a month with the golden grain mid the fanner is hnppv. Hop picking is the order of the dav and they are pood w ith a good price. Truly w e should be a h.,ppv and con tented people in this land of plenty. O P Coshow, R X Thompson ami R II (irover were appointed a committee to correspond relative to securing a pastor for the Baptist church at this place. John C'ushman, who is engaged in gathering and hauling old iron to vour city, while breaking a knuckle from a tumbling shaft a piece of iron Hew and struck him on the shin shattering the bone. He was brought home hereto day. The meetings at the Baptist church have closed for the present. OAktll.Li:. Mr Iiaviil Irvine, an old settler of this county, died at the residence of his son, S (i Irvine, at Newport, on the "th inst. Mr Irvine was one of the first settlers of this county; was a member of the I'nited Presbyterian church of this place, and will be buried in the cemetery here. The presbytery of the U P church will meet nere the second week in October. Mr If M Stone and family will move nacK on their lruit larm next week. Mr Stone has been away all summer build ing bridges. lie hits the best prune or chard in this part of the county. Itev A M Acheson preached vestcrdav from the ."i.'M Psalm, 1st verse, '''The fool hath said in his heart, there is no Hod." There were a great many vacant sits. Some have gone east on a visit, while some are in the Imp yards. How long will it take the Christian people to put down the liquor traffic, ii thev help to make the beer? Is the hop vard a fit place for a Christian on the Sabbath day? Can a man pray to Cod todoawav with all evil, w hen be is helping along the greatest evil of the age? And, I w ill Bay further, that the money used ill the hop picking is the price'of blood, the price of human souls; and again, a ma jority of the hop pickers are opposed to the religion of Christ, and are constantlv taking his name in vain, 's this fit company for a Christian? Kead 2nd Cor. litii, i-tth to lUtli verses. The agent for the pitiless clothes line was here last week. V.'e cheerfullv rec ommend the line; it is a verv useful ar ticle and evcrv familv should have one. Miss .lean McRinicl "is ng.Mit. .i:in"."s. m rrrilfll luus.v Mil.'tTH. 1 wafers are a Mire anu ,-afc srecific for all kinds of female troubles anil will remove all obstructions to Ihe u.onthlv period-, no inciter what the cause. Thev are )iist what evctv woman r.icd, and can l.e u-eel with safetv. For sale by tin T i..: . ....... , : . . . . ' 11 iny-uine nemicai io., also lrotn our sole agent, J A Cummin,;, druggist, liiu.ii ber block, Albany, Oregon. y s;::v.,:v-".-k'; v L ! te-iia - ; i I I Will & Link, Ol'lTiA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, A'.KMb FuK TIIK CKLKItltATI D II. F. Uillcr, A:d the Kav..rite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. AImi till- Mouse Proof "EiREFF," And otliur First-Class o R C3- -A. zsj- s . Sole AjfcntH for the I IJlKCIlCi: 15. : ami : XEff MM Co iv I ns MafliiiicM. ()n;i.Ns - Cleaned - anu - Kei-aiki-:i. A WAXY, OtEGOX Assessor's Notice. X jti." i - -' en that the Huald of Kjualiziti"i wiil a d At the oltiueof Ihv oiiunty clerk, in county, Oregon, on iMuii'liiy, the L'.'ail day of Sehtember, l.V.K), amiv'ill crrect nil errors in v.iltiAtion, ties Clipti m of lamls, lots, or other property. J'l ii 1st ilaylof Sel.timber, lS'.K). Z li MOSS, Asicsor v"'j: i sty OXR I5VJOYS Both tlio method ami results when S nip of Fife's is taken ; it is ilrasnuf ami refreshim; to the taste, itnd acts jri'iitly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver ami Bowel?, cleanses t!ic sys tem eilect'.inlly, dispels colds, head aches mill fevers iiml cures hn'iitmil eoiistiiuitioii. Pyrun of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever tiro ilticed, pleasing to the taste ami ac ceptable to tha stomach, prompt in iis notion and truly beneficial in its fleets, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in !i)i5 and SI bottles bv all leading ilrug-ists. MMIUPACTuntD CNLY DY TtlS CAUFGP.NIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Ctl. uvismuc, ft. tiew ycna. x.r. OREGON STATE FAIR. 1. THIRTIETH AXNQL EXHIBITION, Cniler the maiis.jeu.ent of the Oregon State Board of Atfncuimre, win oe neiii on tne state lair gruiuiiLi Dear Salem, cuuitneuciDg od MONDAY, SEPT. 13T1I, 1890. And lasting one week. Over $15,000 CASH PKEMHilS Offeml for aTricnltural, stock and mechanical ex h'bilu, for wo.'tu of art and fancy work and fur trial! of 8eed . Iteducetl lates for f.ire a.id;freltfht on all transpor tation to and from the fair. Important improvo munt have been made uikiii the i-uuiitls mid in creased facilittoi are oiloruti exhibitors. The Pavilion will k Open Four Nights Barirg the Week. A splendid fluid of hones entered in the ftpech de partiiibiit Mid tine exhibitions of racing will lie given each day.. Entries for premiums close Monday at 7:3(1 p m. Exhibitors are unfed to make att many of their entries on Saturday before the fair as possible. (.uoila, ani mate and articles for exhibition must bo in their places by 10 p m, on Mouduy. PRICES OF ADMISSIOX. :- Man 'a day ticket Woman day ticket e 'J ui's tjeaoii ticket Ht'i r0 Woman's season ticket ijn oo JtiTSend to the secretary at l'ortla-d. Oregon, for premium list. l II LCOS K V, J T CKKtiO, President. Secretary. FOSHAY &. MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Atfju Uibr John B. Allen's publlcallor.s, wj sell at publisher'- priciw with Revere House; ALBANY, CP.EGCK' GHAS. I'FEIFFEI! IT. OPI1IET0R. Ktttr.ii n r in ft rtit-dcibti sty lf Table .iMDlilintl wit.il tliH un in thM itiiifMt Nico f)!("plnsrapartino:ti-t. Sanipla room' for i-omiii(rual truvoIorH, CiTl'r i.icti to nu. I rriu t'tc Jiutcl.TKJ ALBAPJY On. "WRITSilAN & HULBERT BROS., Real Estate Agents', Fftime and IliUiches f -r mc. Also city brnpurty in Albany and (Jory.iliis J. WL-iITiliEY b-wubj And Oounsellor At La7 .sn ALBA:!';' OREGON Uoburg Lumber. I null tho host lumber in the county; alao edar poHtt, Hhintun, IntliM doora and win ow niouldim, uto. J 'riven from $5 to 22 r thniiflnnd. Yard at Lownnu, on the Narrow (iauge. 8c-e me before parchaainc plsewhert. V W CltAWFORI). Attnas.r O TalltJiao, Or NOTICE. Taken ui by tho un l;raijned, two tniloa above Siwuot Home; 1 daplu irrcy horHc, i or 7 years old. branded on tin iu slinuMcr; 1 brown ni'Mnitf, alout name aye, branded "S" on rinhtfhotildcr. Owners are request ed to vail and pay charges aod for tins no tice and take them away. 55. C. 17ATS0H, Attorney at Law, AI.HANV, -;- OREGON. Olllrr In I tic Hlrulmn lllm k. 1OR WKM. 1UKINO, HOCK DULL lug ami propwtlng, write to J. II. U'jgho.i. Albany, Or. HOME TREATMENT A Specific f P.HUER'S HYDRAS-TINE RESTORATIVE. Stimulates nutrltlun. ruriQca tho lUoikl. Cum. lij Ceu.liiliou awl Uiucrul DiUlilj . A porfoet tonic and itrcnifth liuiMiir. M-!'."-."rS'S ANTI-BILIOUS STOMACH AND LIVER CURE cure. LUIcm.. mat ana all Litr Iroublea, Ulilla aud t'evvrl'tdiUrial l'o"enl.' au""alPliold eolidiUoua. PH. HILLER'S CATARRH CURE. Curel Aouto Catarrh, Wjronle Catarrh , anil Catarrhal Uv.UiU'u. Uiurantuca to cure Urn wonleawa when direvUona arc (uUuwcd, ur Ulunoy rof uudeil. OB. HILI ER'S CPUfiH CURE, l-urt. ColJa, lloarwnni, Ceutlu, Dronchltli, l-leurl.y and riiuutiioiiia, aiidfviiuhv.i.'un.uuipUuiu Contains no Opiate.. Cures Croup In 10 minute. TrjlL DR. HILLER'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. fr.nu and eurvs Diphtheria. H ill pu.itivtly cute any uru turuat in fruiu !i to 1 hur.. Cures Ijiuiiiy lu 3 days. DR. HILtER'S FEVER CURE. Indlspensalle In all acuto diseases attrmled wllh tevcr. I'ruvcins a.id euro. Searlet r'cvtr, Scarlatina, and Mcanle. Mothers should bear this lu mind. 2iL!SLEJL1- "" Nervous AVea.ness. and Loa. of 10w,r. .Never tail, bend tor l'liiate Circular to Utile Dm Co., Haa Francisco, Cal. DR. HILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC C1IPE. Cures ftheumati. h'euralij.a, Uout, LuiuImo, uud DciUca, ly uculraiu.uj tlio UXa"riIls auiiu cause them. DR. HILLER'S TEETHING CURE. Aids th. growth and development l children durinif tl.e UttliiMr l-ciioil, ensures painlc teething and sound teeth, and previ-nts and eua-s bpatuu, lUckets, llraiu ITouhlca and Uoacl CoupUtiiU. A Uauitv Ut WUl mother and ehlkl. DR. HILLER'S WHOOPING COUGH CURE. Prevent, and Cure. Whoopine; Coiyta. Note. With tho exception of Ur. If illerti lly.lra tinn Restorative, fir. Ilillor'n fthpiimtls and Neuralwlc t'lire, mid lir. lliller'sCou'li cure, the almvy n intiliwiinre put up inTahkt furiu. anJ, II not obtaiuiUe from yeur dru'Ut, will ue sent frco by mail, on receipt of price. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages fop $5.00. These remedies are the result of twenty-five years ot practical prnfcKHional e-rperien-s and sro guaranteed to cure when a cure 1. pofeiMe. lir. Miller'. ol-at.'o OiKk ,1 directions f.ir home treatmcut, ooutaiuiiur valuable instructions as to hc,ioDo and diet, scut kkbe on application H1LLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. Fos 1 ,Ajre n Albinv. OrMiin. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Safe, Sound; saM.nu -n"iBm-wwmrrnn.tmiLmi y f csinuera u uuta sexes, attriuute iiieir success to a course at the Portland Busi ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business Collego, Salem Oreeou. Both are tinder the inanagement of A. 1. Armstrong, have same course of study same rates of tuition. Business, Sl,orthatul,TvtKvritinif, Penmanship and Una. hsh Deaartmcnts. Write tneittier rr r-.,, ,t ' . ' saaMaaiaif.fvii.i.l...Z liiU -i ,7 Physiciat and Surrjeon, OtHco cor, r and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGOPJ DR. G.W&TSOrj m$Tffli Physician and Surgeon. GIUco oppo!U tha lcijPcrat. Phy, 3ici-.n and Szirgeon. JiaVCililne mi iitalrs in NtnihHii'a Clock. May be found at dim olhcb day and njlit Oil, G- A.WilSTO, Pnysiciaa aadSaraon. Graduate of HeUevue Hospital Medici! college Now Yvr k City. Diseaaesof woman a specialty. fyOlfio ivman'a lirick, Al!any, Or. J.K.WEATHESFOXD, A TTOHNEV AT LAW ALBANY, OUF.GOV W 11 BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT JLAW And Solicitor in Chancery, ALBANY, - - OHEtiON. Collections promptly madeonall point Loans nearotiated ou uanonable terms. D. 11. V.BI..CltBCRS, OKO. W. WlilUlIT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in nil the Courts of the State, Prompt atteution (iven to all buai ens cutttistcd to our care. Oftiee Odd Follows Temple, Albany, Or J. N. DUCAFi, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NUTARY PUBLIC, "t)lllco in Strahan's Itloe-, No's 1 ALBANY, ORECOH. JAMES P. MEAD, Attorney at La wand Title Examiner ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Abstracts of Title furnished ou hort notice- Ten years exuerienco. DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease. Company, Conservative tat.1jkaac. , , .....y...... ...... . THAT CAlV nu t si-u i;vj.;rv day cuwmui. uuu aciciutcub ut peuiuausiltD. First Xafioaal Bank Pr-istdont iJ pjjw Vice i-VL'si.its.ii ' s' . K .'vol K(. Cashier K, W. LAMJiJON, TRANSACTS A GEXKKAL Imulcmn Imsincsa. ACCOUNTS KEPT nuljuct t.i iie;-k. STGIIT EXCHAXf'K ud tjf -m.hic trwmfrr, ol u Xcw Yorlc, San Kriin-i-to, ik-au ai-l I'-.i If IT' !'. COI.LEtTlONJf iIADKon fv(.ril.ie Irnrs. snar.iTDfj ? K Tot'BQ R.W. Lakh. lh Co. NiUifmn! Sfenk, CAPITAL rt'HJCJi flfO.niit). Prc.n-tit 1 iviww 1 -) sMcnt ,i 'J i:i.sT. i tint i: CH MiiCltl.VIN', iisim-r u A J'.U''F(i;i.l,i 1 KT-f'.tvi, -T I, t' .wati, .1 M ii-.,, f lmrilN-limi, s U-M, W 1( i:.l.iv, .1 A Ca.v icni :ti. ii , Ari'ltili fl;. 1 RAXSArT.S aitoiiora- l.niikiriij tnri:tit. IP.AWy.(iin hCAh iSo-i New Y'Tk. 1 1 i ", . -.)nair'in. LOAN MOSEY m appt'.vrtt gecurfty HE(.EIVK-;;pi"iUf;uJ:K'Ct cict'rt. Iank (if Oregon. HUiil, - - - DREGGfJ. C3A.XX'a?.A.Xa, S-30,000. Pro-lilniit If It K Y A. NT Vino Prostilnllt H. K, MKKKri.L CRHhier i. -V. J'.I.AIN rjltlKCTOHH. II Bryant, J W B'tiin. Heo Humplirny, O H ftew.rt, K J IiunninK, II F MiTrill. SiirhtPxclMiiKnnn I tolcarnnlilo trai s for on New York, Sun liniisco 1 and an prlnorpal points in Oregon anil WaHhinton, ollections iiihiIh on favorable term x MQRY Mind wandtr1nftrnrMT. non'j.ln. in nrn'nlinr. TeHimfnial-i frniu all I)ir1 of t Ills irlnltn. PriHruu-lna n. 5jrnKlt, w-nt uti iit'Ttliriition io lrof A. aUiMtM, Xil l Alh Atv. N uw YwtJu RedCrownMills S0M. LAKXIXU A &.)., I HolMi'S. KSW PROCEU FLOUR atTXKtOK TOK fMMII.Ifci ASI (HKKKS USE. REST STORAGF FACILITIES. I POSITIVE Por WSTor ?AIMNf DTANTIOODj Sen,r' NERVOUS DEBILITYt fJTTT? T Weakness of Bodysml MinJ: EfTfrts y '' ofErrorsorF-icesieiinOlilor Younr. Hip...il.nK(R.rsii-vruil'riMiit4i.a rKTH.rnifir. ! if s.wu.s insa itiT-n..,,. i. . ..iMilfr f 4I Sl.t, T.rHt.rl... ... r.r.lnlo.nirlM. am) ffss aasm. mu miCl (J Hlffato, . 1. Special Announcement ! Oh' W. F. READ. My Sjn'ing Si)ck is now ('omi'i.ktk., Kmbrneing all tho Latusl Novi'ltius in Dress Goods, 15olh in WOOLEN and WASH FA1I1UCS -To The Ladies,- I Mako a Specialty of Ladies Underwearj in Kmr lliiusr.o ami Mi'si.ix. My Vuickh aro tho L(JVEST ami my Goods the 1'kst. Am solo agent for the Celehratetl . S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, ami Free from Poison, :To TheMen: Call and Look at Mv values Furnishing -:- Goods, I have ft Lirge Stock at lli Lnwtwt Piioiw i vr ofTreil in tlm Valloy. I cstry a full lino of tlm worM - p - 'iow. fur wear anil fiiiidli. l.e.rff- H'twU ani he convii.ced that Aloaii' i 1I10 xr. :aE KEEP -OX pgioii iib a !i iM:o AdviH Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. Et Also read what one of the about thorn: MR. Z. T. WRIOUT, Porllani), Ori-gon, lU-urSir: In rt my Advance Thresher, purclins!.-:! of von and better work llinn any oi.ier inacl.i ie 1 ever saw, ami 1 nave seen an inai are rep resented in Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the i;rnin better, runs lighter and saves the grain better from the straw, than any other machine, ard seems to he strong and durable. 1 am readv at any time to o into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and Ihresn for from $100 to $( They arc the best in the market without doubt. If you desire you can refer to me at anv arid all times. tlgncd ' I. D, MILL?:R. For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193 names of parties who have purchased Advance Thrcsheri in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. LEADING DRUGGIST x.B-A.sr"Z", -;- ox'iEG-oisr DRUGS, MEDICiiiES STA1 10HARY-&C in - J IJ!l;).Y!)iU'"A.D rjniili, unexcelled f ICmiih iiiii:ui!:3 aad Klouxoinos. Cal tuwt iruiliuit (Mint in Orngnn. 11:1.33. YOUR TH K ihr 8 ill Thftr- solid men of Linn county says MlI.l.f.RS, I.INV Col'NTY, Oukcox,) Scptenibcr 25, 1SS9. J - fr.'rcncc to vour Inqiilry ns to how I liked Ihis year, will say the Advance does more Jt you Avant the best and most durable furni ture that is manufaetur ed in the city go to Thomas Brink.