Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 26, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
XJ. S. Cov't Report, Aug. 17, 1689.
Vtj. H'")
Russel & Go's Engines and Machinery
; .. . )
ThnA tr'Mtiinir A fl rut plan. IllNtru iTl'-llt.
'!io lest ITde to tn.l in a cltnme nt't )'f
poast, can e nuited ! railing at Mn H
K HyitiA'K, nppnit t i.j lii.-'rtn'n Tm
Ho, on Firtt Stront. Tho Uin.t voil ml
nntrutnflntHl ni'inlo knpt fir Hiln,nu thp
lufeoit amortumnt nrsump'iitf itt"rn
to 8leot (rom thin ld3 of 'Krinjn jn
n glvon In imintlnu unci on.lirnl'l'irlTig
in her atudio over Ijinn bounty Rnk.
'Mr hr yotirordnr ril yiu will 'he
1 ' '
fr-iy. -:.T.t.'V-."ltl..t.'v.v..-t.t4-:.-.-.A,-..1........,.
W mm&mm
-a(;::nt-i fhi:
ami !':-;ae::us in
FoftmiiiSf k m
H'NEKAL directors.
frrntpt Ittentlon-Firgt-oiass Heara
mmm & eulbsbt brqs..
Peal Estate Agents
Fa -mi ftnd !!miehen fr vale.
Aim city t)r.i,rty in Albry
;md C"ralbi.
8 K Huiiih. Wlilw Siram Iiu,lry.
(fpiiRml Ifundrv w rk Suiwclein.
L'on rr 411 -jcI .l ayettenla, Altwny
im Powder
".I I wj.Jirt'o . UWrry,"
I fail pr cent from 50 to 5,6 years of
i'vwt per cet t from 45 to 50 veajs of
Kiv nnd a half per cent from 40 to 45
years f a
.Six and a half per cent from 35 to 40
vvirti 'if :i;;e.
Ten and a half per cent from 3" to 35
ve-irs iif n.r.
1 wiity-iive per cent
year- o( iijje.
from 25 to 30
per cent from 20 to 25
years of age.
Three per cent from
20 years of
Oiie hundred per rnnt if von buy vonr
Irlothing of (J V Sinipsm, Alhanv, Or
'rfadinji lliut!sr:i)!oi'H A!b:ui y 1
11 (Ilttiiur, i-.v,
h-Mii 1 .
jt'-s CJII 1
vit'We f rt .h .i..d
!i;v,-bt I iit h t- r (iist
pU .!( ! In v m (u at 1..
iiJn?k , mxt door to Ma
..u- T.
The transition from Ion;, linijering ami
prtin fill hickness to robust health marks an
epoch in the life of the individual Such
n remarkable event in treasured in the
memory and the Hwencv w hereby the
tMod health b:. been atla'ned Ik gratefully
Dle-ssrcl. IK'iitfit is that so much is heard
in praise of Electric Hitters. So many
foei th owe their resioration to health to
the use of the ureal alterative and tonic
II von are troubled with anv disease of
kidnrvs liver or stomacli, of long or sliort
htJndiii'', ou will tu'clv find relief by use
of Electric Ititte's. Scdd ft 50c and $1
per bottle t Eonhay - Mion' Drug
Fki it Box KB. For all kinds of fruit
boxt's goto the Sujrar l'ine Doornnd
Lumber Co. I'.ed roek price.?.
S.uuke th ci hdtrjtted Havana 1:b
iari, iitaiii.fhcttif 1 d jtt.'u' u; .lo-rph'n
I' . Only 5 u.-nt-.
I ei
Oi'tiLifip I:wa 1
drrtiiuhl t f
Cam. ixn SkTTl.i-:. Tbore knwiny
Ihemj-elvef indebted t the oid linn of
Kr.iiise it Klein, ti!l phase call art.i ei
i'e a', once.
j IOO K. Albany Lo.iyc -So 4 holds it
rftu hi r nuetin i; v edueday evening of
1 each week. Visiting brothers are cordially
I nv'ted to attend.
0, Rh, lot me w?, what do you (rive for
00M on tl;o chest?" inked Jonn, in a sort of
iiidifforent tone, of a doctor with whom ho
wan filightlr ncqunlntl, f.4 bn met him on tho
itrwt. "Advice," was the laconic rpply. Ho
do wo. Wo ad1w you not to wtrloct that
hacking oouph (ind drowny fi-ciing", the coatcHj
tontruo, tho failing appotite, tho lndi3rnstion
and srenrnil lussitudn ao;l debility that "tirM
fflinir." aa to many exprros it. Take Dr.
l'icrcr'i Gulden Mnifcal Uteeovery, in timo,
ai d it will not disappoint. It Is not only the
nvwt wondrrful altpnttiye or blood-clranvr,
known to medieal icience, but also poMeMi
miperior nutritive and tonlo or atrfiurth-(riv-Injr
propfrtifs. For Bronchial, Tijroat and
Luni )irasi-a, aroomi'nnWl with linrinir
eoimha, tho "Golden Modlcnl Discovery " la
at wdu tly unpqiiald as a romcdy.
For Woak bun, P pit tiny of lllood. Short
fiirath. Comiumr'tive Niaht-aweata. and ktn-
drrd affectiona, It lurro all other mc-U.
etnea. n a tno oniy in
n remftdy, aold by
druKirlsta, guarantoi'd to cwnrflt or euro, in
very uuae, or money ruiunucu.
tp r an lneurabla cum of Ca-
larrti in ti Head by
tba propriotora of Dr. Sage'a
,nirrn nemsay. nr ui
tnild, aootbina and healing
brooert'.ra. It curra tha wont
no mattnr of how lone tndln. Only
10 ocnU. Sold by druggifta overywhara.
i ii k ifimvni U'.A'm 11 dk,
! he 1 o'i.y of ihe Ieiuociats in the Senate
is a very simplejor.e. They have only to wait
ami watch lo win.
In discussing and seeking to amend the
I anflTiill (he l'emocratic Senators are exer
cising no more than their tight and do'ng their
duty. They air, furthermoic, pursuing the
regular and orderly and necessary parlbment
ary course of action which has been followed
uith every Tariff Hill or other important meas
J re in that body since the formation of the
(jovernmeM, The illumination of ihe bill al
ready secure ! is ample proof of the necessity of
lebate upon ii.
A to the l'o'ce ltitl and the (iirule, it is
tire cue of the Democrats to Oppose bo'h at
every s'.ep and to Je bit'er end. It is credit
able to tiie independence and patriotism of a
nr&t: Kuiiibcr of Republican Senators that they
:i;.vc revolted ngiinst the revohuionaiy pro-:-.-.uune
uf h--A sriitpvilou-t leader. The
I it'ino-jra'u: titem'ters have Only to siivk lo
'! !, ( lllTX t lllllt Hill Ifllt
-tie' i- hereby uiven that the rcpiiar
jiublie vNiimiiiiition of top.fherjj fur Einn
C'jiimv will t;u;e idare in .AMmnv, com
:iHinin;r tit I o'clock, or. WuhiCHday.
.uust 27th, 1S;(). All teaehera desiring
exaininatioti wii Tie;it?c te present at
the litiniiiiif:. Teachers desiriug state
certiorates should Tfreeent their reccom
meiulationri from district boards at the
above time. G. F. Ul'hkki.l,
County School Hupt.
Gift Estkhimuse. Go and gee that
iK'autiful gold watch at the "Golden
Hule Itazaar." Julius Gradwohl the
proprietor of the Golden Rule Bazaar,in-
lorins us that lie lias the rrize Jinking
I'owtlcr, and isol Japan tea, expressly
un for his business, and for the benefit
01 liis customers, each Ikx of baking
powder will win a piece of fine glassware
and also each pound of the tea will win a
piece of tine glassware, and customers
who buy one pound of ten or a box of
baking powder, which is warranted, will
havf r chance at that beautiful gold
v. iu'!.. He lias also added a fine assort-iM-i.i
of family groceries to his uiam
...outli stork of glassware and crockery.
which is the largest in the Willamette
Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at the
Golden Rule Itazaar, and you will find
that notlnmr is misreproentea.
A mi" cjt fur in whiky habit: Dr.
iwiiu't.'i.'i ActidoiH far DiMitk!nnetA Hill
Hits ,uiv eae f tlie liUr hi hit in tnni tet
. ilurij duys, from the ino lrato drinker to
I..-drunkard. The Antidote Ciin he yivn
1. ;up i't C'dTt'D nithdiic the knowledgu ol
:. 1 - r-"-i taku'i i'. The Ant'doto will ur
jiiM :! la. u( i-.ny wav. M.iii!:fac:itr;d
ii... t..vtn"?tim t'iietnifiu1 C.i., Puriland,
1 'yoi. , '. r truin J A Citiimiiii', fole ayeiil,
'. lo.uiy.
W htm wntt int
mil tf ;it Ji-ii-ip
; Ik-m. i-meuiiijK t"i tin
p: kra e.iti 01 liwidl&
Itii- I'tilpfl initl ihe SV.izv,
Uev V M Shrout, pastor United Uretb
r.n Chinch, I line Mound, Kan , civs: '
ft el it my duy to tell what wonders i;
Kbit's New Dicovt rv has dm; lor mi
Mv luo's were badlv dicaei', and t: y
: ;;ii;I-.i.iteis tlioelit I could live only ;i
iev weeks. I look five bottles o! I;r
lii!L;'s New IMMTttvery ar.d ntn hound and
'.vt-li, :rii.;i:i'r :6 lbs in weiiiht.''
133, J 33 ?.YAiV
Pr. M. .!!
:. 1 tisN:i;n and pureim
. rlls tm da ic ity 01
i rriM'li Tily Unlera.
ThehC w afers are .-urc anci safe specific
for nil kinds of female troubles and will
remove nil obstruciionR to the monthly
periods, no matter what the cause. They
are just what every woman needs, and
can be used with safety. For hale by the
LivingHtone Chemical Co., also from our
vole nirent, J A dimming, druggist, Bl 11 ro
be rg block, A Ibany, Oregon.
I Ontemrnl Klil iiovrH
ceep a full line of these gloves In
black ami colored. Am pole agent f 01
Albany, Oregon. Samuel K Young.
WriRRKTO C-ktThkm. Whrn wuntlng
organ or rtlanft call on G U
aIu e you ran select from a first class
A Oneral Break Now a.
Of the nvntfin in termed "lanrral TJetdlity.
Thehody it not, properly nourifchfil; it in
ftirverl condition The ytem e.innnt
m iint,in itRelf. It is remaiVnh)- to hnw
piieKly it person in this c"tditinn will rt-viv
inder the ii thiei.e of I)r Hil'er'i Hvdra-ii-fi
Iteitorative. nt Sle at Koahay &
(terrain Iltl II.
I'liSKirmx, Aur. 15, A peculiar nuven
tuie was had with a hear Wednciduy nenr the
cimj'of J II Il'.itihrrd, who has chaise of K
Cillim's band of :di'i'p on the cast foik of
lliirh rrcfk m the niu'.mtp.ins. Mrs Hubbard
and child, n't.t 2 yc."is Accompanied Mr
Ihibluid lo his hoiI;. The child ran off some
distance and rtfust-d to rctirn hut wnntcd its
mother to come to it. She did not do so and
the chi'd set up .1 mournful wail, at which n
bear appeared u; m the scene, emerging from
th"lruh alout sixty yards distant from the
child. Mrs 1 1 til bard was st'-tpetied with hor
ror nd unobfc to move, The bear advanced
toward the chi'd at a lively pa Hop and the
mother then fount) her voice and rent the air
with piercing screams It was a case where
feminine vocal Otgans were used to advantage
for bruin became fiightcned when be had near
ly reached the youngster, turned and sneaked
oil", Mr Hubbard who had been attracted by
the cries, (hen arrived, but the infant was al
ready safe in its mothei's arms.
InilepeiMtrnre to lion iiioh Ih.
IsiiKi'ENnENCE, Or,, Aug. 25 The trial
trip of the train over the Independence Mon
mouth railway took place this aftei iiocn. AIout
200 citizens availed themselves of the invita
tion of a free ride. The train puiled out amid
loud huzzas. Transparencies were carried,
and at Monmouth much enthusiasm was mani
fested over the first train. This morning '.he
citizens of Monmouth have a which
the oiliceis of the railway company and officials
of Independence will be toasted. Regular trips
wi'd now be made at 5 cents fare. The com
pletion v( this line nniks an epoch in Ihe his
tory of Polk county.
lliite Prtispoci.
Washington, An;;. 25 SpeJal Agent
L.eLnd h.tS v:red 'hv ;t nu t.b'xe that he would
ws.i.t: un inv''s:t.uicn in'.o the complaints and
h.'ri;ts in W.-iliii''oii cuunty, Or., which
how a vfiy ifjeiUct ci.n:.u. The census
biitenu has as-M.incd n ('uii-junt Ijwaid ihe
:ni hunts from ()reo:i, ; mi it ii believed
thai Lcbndhns btn 'uri'iddng the office some
iufoimat on relative 10 t!.e intftitient count
made of the stale.
Vrau iiJuchh.
IIoseui'Ro, Oi Aug. 25 A full gang of
men are clearing the way, and looomore will
be put to work on the Koaebutg & Coos Bay
railroad the middle of next month.
A treat Tunael.
Tokt Huron, Mich., Aug. 25. Woikmen
engaged upon the two ends of the St Clair
liver tunnel, between Port Huron and Sarnia,
Ont. shook hands wi h each other this morn
nig under the St Clair river, and made the
great svbterranean highway echo with their
cheers. This marks the completion of the
greatest river tunnel in the world, and probab
ly the greatest piece 01 engineering
of this
countiy. it is eleven leet longer
than me
Brooklyn bridge.
A t orn I air.
Vienna, Aug. 25, The corn fair opened
to day and was well attended. In the esti
mated ciop of the world America is credited
wiio 414,000,000 bushels of win at and 1,600
000 000 bushels ol maize, anainst 491,000,000
bushels of w heat and 2,113 000, coo bushels of
maize in 18S9.
Bartlktt Pears. I am ngent for the
Suiem cancery and preparuil to niy al
the Itartletl pears brought to me in a con
dition to ship. Parties having pear ft to
sell will do well to sec im.
Oh! Yks. Call at J U Dotiglas' con
fectionary f-r tore for choii'e ice cream, 10
i.eiits a dish, milk KhuU1, 5 cents, and
everything else equally cheap. l'"irst
Street, opposite lluya Uou.e.
T.kk It Away, TIm.-m having stock
in the pasture of K I Snrh at Cloverdale
:re tiidil'.ed to take tiie same away on or
ptemher 1st.
I 1 I if -o i:;v..ire of lace
1 ii in tn line to nine
'ififin r.i-ts, i-te. Also
; 1 i1. fu-1. if urn eover
Sa.mi ki, IC YoCNU.
t.t v.:
VtUal lory
' i ki it's I'n.i
iirt! Hi oil I
the U:
i i -They
u 1 cly vegetalde, in fact
a n n'lcfi ! ! '-!.
1 cox 1 1 1 (: 1 i ti dofo always products
tb' mii. tlhct i'htr jmrutivvs rupuiu
in',"-si-d d- n-ii in.d buaiiy cease acting.
'I "ii: t It 1 i.i fy Ihf bhti fl.
1 oi'h 1 h I i v i. visdinta 1 l o dicstiou
n' t-c-Miipe th- t' n ach nd bowea.
) rn n Tl - stiiitulat.- the liver and e n r
r.fT vitiKtid 11 0 i.rd otbtr depraved it ire -tiorr
1 t,f tirfi twttir three dfrn ) ))e ft.tjry.
Tin ski. bt-ceiii. clear, the i . - bright, ihe
miiul 1 1 tiv.-. tij. tion ii, eotive
nes cut-t il, Uv m imal vigor th recutti.d ;.nd
all decay
Ilriiidi-t bV I'-inare told in every drug
a.-.d inetiicue :ore, either plain or tugar
ilmuy Market.
V!i. 1.: fa
liny -W.'Xt.
"otatoe- 76 fir bUMholf
Bt'flf on AhU, H't'
A,ipl 75 com pi- hu
Purk 6;e por 1 irMaed.
Farraa- btimi l"?'!1.
ahoiiiot rt, ,o,
aide Mm.
.Jird 0e,ptrl)f.
ITotir 4.J6 por bbl.
' blrkons- 4 00 pnr doit,
ill) Feed- bran, 14.00 pr ton
horta, lft.
mlddlin-js, 20
i if