THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. 3lAi:rHlN(i ON The tariff redaction U taMng holJ of the mlruUof the pei of the et with a mlhtv griji i-. '-V.irly bhown in the fol lowing artLIe t.ilv.'u from tlie St Ioi.i ., one ot the ablt rqjub.I can paju r- of the w ct : "The u-i uhlioan revolt iiu lit;.,: nnv h;- creu-e m c.tnms i!lh! I.a d in the tlit ii:Ji: ihiectlon. I:i ht-t-n Ik j 11:1 iony lt l i.l LauniL1 j;icJ nllciiCitJiis hi tie ui;a hcvcrul had cnet. T course, ilo i.ot aito..'i: . u in;( Mr I'lutn r e i a moveni'.'ru in .ieed. ttshouM have hile the MiKir;-featurc-, iive ihe ' H-iiaii;:i'S it h i-H-e i'..d onc, of ier ncutruiiv' ihe yood, 1 tit a ti ere i ih vrjia r-M-on h lliere fclioiilil b- any h d otv at a!! their existence i a ditriiuci.t to tse lueanre, an injustice to the y an! a s-erinu. menace to I lie bi:i;v and ; rncy of t! party. Aaii: tfie-e bad .vi:on tli raising of tne level if in..;.'- in sever; schedule-- of the I i i 1 - iv-tv coiKtent an J public spirited republican fluuld viur- tiUMy pl;te-.t The a'.ilude (f the republic. of the AVest tou.'fd the lani'f may b outline, 1 in I few u(iril. of the d.ities to which the pain- p:eJi,'i d itteif in imiIum interpreted to mean redaction. T hi i the con-ti wciimi uhi-:h lias been placed on the phr.ic in tin-. r.v.:t;i:i. Moreover, it U the onlv eonti uciion w liich i-. in har mony with tit her 1'l,:c t-r propriety. Evtrv repubiica:i li.rr.: ; ; w ho ap pea red in the et during the canva of iSiS, and every repre-entative republican nepdptr of the We-t understood and proclahned I hat by lev if ion reduction was indies- ',. Tne est in-its that, when duhi -.tre touched, they shu.i be lowered. Tin., .-ay, leave the rates as at present in the cas.s in which it may appear desirable to make no inodiilcations, but let every change be a clian-jt downward. Jo far we have ever been able to learn from a tolerably careful and conci -niiou stui y of tne matter, there U not the shadow of an excuse for a single increase of duty which is made by the McKinley bill. Not one argument has ever been presented in defense of this policy which is worthy of a moment's serious considera tion. The industries offecttd have been running along under the prevailing i n posts ince ii53, and if any of them have suffered by the arrangement in these! seven yeais the fact iva carefully con j cealea from the country until the framing of the new tariff bill gave an opportunity ' to certain interests to secure higher rate and make greater profits. The time has come for Western KdpubHcant to openly and clearly define their position in this particular. . no i'km;rnoN hkmocuats. A ciicunist.- nce of the taiitT debate nrac' more disccurrir to the vei JL).;can .Senators than its t ro!ai e lea'h is thiir ce'nonstrito inability to tie-k through the so 13 Ikisxra'.i line, iney Lave tucJ tj perce it by a iznes of clever manotuvief. hut on'.y o t-e reruUed each time by a reponst ho herty and unanim ous as to make the thy.ight of fjnher etTort that direc'-ion entirely ij.e. It is no secret now that at the outset the Republicans though: they saw their way to put Mr German and Mr McPherson in an embarrassing auiiude. lioth of those Senatorf were looked upon as having distinct Protec tion leaning, and their names had figured in the newspaj er list of those Democratic lead ers who protested against thelantt refo-m nies sage sent to Congress by Mr Cleveland. More over, the fact that Mr M:l'herson had voted for the Tariff bill ol ifcSj, when his party op posed it, was made the basis of a hope that probably he might be intWnced this time by observing that the schedules relating to the in dustries of his State had been studiously cared for by the House. The Republican calculation, howevei, vaa a mistaken one. Neither senator, when re proached with his past recorJ a.d position could be made to flinch. Iioth confecl frankly to the position they had a, one time occupied, ai ii txith as frankly stated that they s'.ooJ with their party to-day. Mr Gorman was most explicit on this point, and Mr Mc pherson has emphasized his declaration by moving a reduction of the rates of the very schedules which it was thought would at least make him silent when they were leactied. He courageously refused the bait and has jailed for a reduction a W through the earthenware schedule. Things are completely reversed indeed, There are no Protection Democrats, hs that term wasonce used, in either House of Con gress, but the most perfect accord in the Dem ocratic ranks on the subject of a reduction o taxation. The bjot is now on the other leg. The bolt is in the other party and it is growing serious, Mr Plumb, Mr Teller, Mr Paddock, and even Mr Ingalls in many things are much nearet to the Democratic than they are to the Republican view of taxation. Their votes and utterances so far in this de bate conclusive!) show that the McKinley bill is drafted on lines to which they do not sub scribe and which, in tlicir judgment, are pre judicial to the wel'.ird ot the country; nor i.i theie any evidence of Miiundi-r on tl.eir part. The bill to the end will continue to receive their ciiticiin, and, ui'h repaid to Wcw Plumb and 1 edci, stnuicT things have hap pened th.iii J.;it the uiea-uic m.iy htiotne a aw without iliL'ii otit. Manchester I t.i.-ir. II ;is Tuin 1'l.ut, alleys in a recent letter on this subject, the j -ivty that can command the sup oil of the young men of the co intiy whl win in the nct camj aign, tht Kepuldican party may as well gel lea'Iy foi hiui il. The )ig iniation I Of sed by Reed, Mt Kudey t o is nut nttractmg that element. Moiuv wi'l buy nlinot anything, but It wouldn't buy the I.otii-iana alliance nun. The fanners ate imrreptibU and they delight in ai'a kiii corruption wherevt'i encotir.tered. -v This 'I r;ii ie Mai k tm a to e rnVtRft" " lk "r V- , i.C . i rI ntt a"4' "kill tan eon. yy tii e. . ild only by ,n.i:h Senators Ingalls and Man Jerson joined Senators lMumb and Taddock In voting against tarifl robbery. This places two western republican states outside of the tariff for the-rich-man-onW column. They are not free traders, but they see that the western farmers are getting a sutfeit uf tariff taxation. Talin t;e w Uerinij.p! ees d ces. So d, ;.,cm by in- to lack lurking l's the a her , f.Tee.i s;u . a the costume bi he summer youn ran : ed u; home ra-'v or l e 1 bi'!. V'trr full., Pr K S Jlo.den: I liavr hi .ttoiitf war t'. .''Miftiu.t i : . i in ' t.i HiV Vi:m d have ;ev r kn. u it Id I disordf.H. in cuiiiilis nttit it iwit K K SlOtKW KLL, St,, ktoi "-null .KJ tvL'tf. I or j"a!e 1'V J A Cun.minv, iirai;4:at. I V i;. , ). i i.iuit titti srnK ni'iKt r id ''rTi till-' Ir . itj'i ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. THREE NIGHTS. CJMMKNCINO, Atia vr ISTJI. CORDRAY-WASS IMamalic C'ompniiy, Rcaile'l by the utiivpial favorite. MiSS KSSIK TI'IIKL, and tbe sterinij actor, Mil K li. i'HJCSCU. in tJe fcilowinu reertoire; MONDAY 'DIVOIM K." TUESDAY- !. 5 I TEN." V D'DAY-"!fA OK H E." BfMtitifiii cctuuiM! Prcia scftner! T"; ulr nrit f , 'St and SO ren'w. pVtUt on me at iVill it LiMcV.-iS Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AQENTB POB T!l I'RLXHRATCD II. F. Miller, And the Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Al tlic Mouse Proof "EAREU'P," And other First-C!as O IR G--3SI" S. S-ile Ayenuf'r ihe ELDREDCE B. : and : SE1V h!ME icwlnit .'lutliiiM. Ol'.'JANS - Cl.KANF.IJ - AND - Rf PAtUKD. ALBASY, QREGitS THE BHKAD WAflO.V, and j!..t FUKSil BUEA1J tvery iiioniiiv, or leae ortU'ri w ith J It UinU'laK, Bl'e tht- llvtr y ute rid ail (r MireitN . Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! "While trying to Crowd Ihoir WAY INTO DEYG'l & FKOMAN BROS Store, where thty always have on hand the larucft Stuck smuh uf 1'ortlantl, if the latent iinpru .d Kitle and Shut Guns ; an iminene clock d Kishinj; Tackle of v cry de-cription ; Tents, Hammock. Cam :i Chairs ami thousands of ether things too numerou-. lu inentior, In connection with Itie Store, and tine of the be.t in the Mate t. do am and ad kind of w oi k. Ccnic oiv, Come all; No trouble to show Mc.ds. "Small piolll and ipiick ra's" i oui motto. City Dniff Stanard & Gusick l'ruprictDrs. if-ucci'ssors to (iiiisr- it Son. IValiTsi in ilnijrs, liiciii linos ami i lii'iiiicals, fancy and toilet art ides, spon ges, lirushcs, IH'rl'unH'rv.sclioiil and ar-ti.-tssu)lk'S. riiysician's i'rc.-L'riitinns aim rat id y "HIHM!Ull(Il'tl. i Li U 4 M .is tititk.-, ..i .',-': ,7-.-,l eiore taTKOR SALE I'.V The liCadi. '':i!"r in Clotliin.r. rni';iii:in,ur Caps, Boots, Slioi-s ami Trunk FOR CENTLENIEN Ii3 the Best Shoe for the FOR SALE BT2-- '. G. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK ok GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CLOTHING, ETC., ETC, Is now Lanrer and Jus. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Ilemlerson. ix- FRESH Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Trices and Prompt Attention. L KENTON'. -DEALER IIST Choke Candy, Fruit, etc. NEAR THE FOSTOFFICF. ALBANY, ORE ON SMOKE THE CIGARS Manuf.-u'tuu'i by Julius-:-Joseph, IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GIUARS . 1 1 : 1 : ' mm --.....:,-.v ouyin 2Zj! (.Ir.odis, Hats in the Market Price. Better t! -ver. m 4 1 t." . I 82.50 igBBfTT. r H V. z rnii on M v. - and ' . if et I am. on i ... i.iaik ir' t!i- larv.-. !.:,!.." v oi" i ' , ran inaKe von i .!. ' Wf handle ,,.'. in ,!, i:ihi;!.T!P.:!',l tf.'.-l; f'l I" n' ;nii! -!ii. is n )'v ('"npU't-. i-i :i! I 'ivi f. .r nitt: i.uU-. t.- ui.l s. i'cn llHiiH v nl-lixin ' l J :uiii -, tnit f oi. il rhiVn.!. lint- -.Im. s a Ilsdii.iir Ai n, - (. The Place! By !1 niHKii cili on FAUKEU KliOS, KOK V' VK Groeer.'es, Pnfluce, Bated Gcods, Etc. Etc. Their j:oi(1r arn tun J tin u .r'vr rnasnuatiic. Conrad Haver. 1',''KIICK'.C OI'.. ST A 11 iVAKIvllY Dniuer BroadalMn and First Sts., DEAI KR JN Mulled Frails, Riifir Vtiii.. llatihvrrt l--enMrv. Crleii FriillH. It'envtHhtv, Tolmccn, 'l'4. B Uncitr . I'utlrr. Tn. t.'lp.. tile.. ' .. -rl vryliinif Um im Ici1 'm 4 act' vnrltyantl vrntw iijn. Hiuho4 i. rkit prlr 1 ai-i for ft! . 8F RODliSS. Albany IRONWORKS- 1EAM EMoOiS CSiSi AMD SAW lLLHAC!ilSERY IROH FRONTS W ALL Kin3 OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, 111 IRON km GRASS CASTINGS. 'Pc1h1 tttAtition jhM o fHirinu M ds of inachtner Paitorns Made un Short Notice Delmonica Rcstaurani, CORNER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS, The underpinned haviiia purchased the old Herman Restaurant stand has opened andur th ahova na n a Hrst-ciass revtau 'ant. Wa are prcpnred to furnish mea! for parties nr dances on short notice. Ova tern served in every Btyla, eastern or coast; nil kinds of rMi knnw.i in the market. Employ only hra-clas rein, and waitmo will he prompt and court coup. Hettular meals 25 cts. Coffee of lirat-chiMs ntmlitv nd a cup of cotft'p and cake Mt from n to 10 t. I am well known in tins city and re nest the tizeun to yive nic a c.i!l. SAMIi' K'I S I'ri)rietor FRANCIS TFEIFFER. -PROPllllCrOKOF - Albany Soda Yorks. nd MnmTfHrtuiprs of jEOIGE CONFECTIONERY, .Ve now prop iri1 to fell at wSoli j, ttlwy fr'li pnd ,11110 Rt Pnrlh nit ,.'c to lioalarK Wo a'si kwn s fi ll Huts and Tropica Fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO City Heat Market. SHULTZ EROS,, Proprietors. K'ep a full llni af .nrlo of nil kln-la, 1:1 a onfil -Ii".c, rtunpl.'tflv .ro tooled; mid alwava frn;i. i I Mathi i:vs & WAKIIItHtX, AIJ'.xNV, :- OltKtio.S il.; i-.v.i.v:, Stoves. auJ Tinware. Jt'tm - ' - '-i;s v '-k. H'yoii want i.i .1 I I t ! m i"- .o-wiioi r-. ih i ; i!-..' in !:!!- iion. and i ... i ... . i i....' r. . . i. .., n '" i'hui-i niai w.iv ;' iiardwarf. Mattiikus it 'asiii;i i;.v. . MDlOll MIM p . (if xM E. C. SEARLS, nR'jAfL'El?rT RESTlHMiVE PERFECT mVSm Ta only rcmi'ily Lnown which will Stimulate Ids Nutritive Frccesses ol the tajfl System. Tly t!i:s t:n'Mri! r.::l "Inudi niRnft qu-Vkly nn.l i-Tai.iiu-ii: . riii; Ail Foruu of IijMii-Ii ia, t.iMlfim'Uni, Mi ntal ami Ncrvou Kh:uis(lunt ;puerul ! bllilr, J Irwin Fap, or any rzTiuiiHlril or neak cmimI coiulilliin of the Kytm, fm:n u hut rver cuitv, Skin KrtiplioiiH, ltolln, JCiiii nlntf Srn, Scrofula, anrl nil DU.-asrn of the lilootl, Stoiuat-h, I.lver uud KlUueya S 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00, Ir. 1!i!lfr'f.l w lmt. (lc-cri;,(ivi. n It. drnlnic IC-htnriititi uuj Jaik olijer itvliit-i.tA cut lrce by uiuiU HILLER DRUG CO., San Frar.clsco, CaL TOM bALK UY FOSHAY & MA&ON, ALBANY, OCN. Real Estate f; Lean Broker. Liryf liit of jjonl farm and citv propcitj for sale T-tmn, nmiTV on real entatu in Ijcujand ailjiiililiii; CNiunti.H. IuMirancp nt'eu up in rt'lial.le cumpaniea Ntiy I'unlicsnil CiliVevai ijur. Call on or write me, S. X. STEELE, Cily Restaurant. Htvinu heen outircly rmnndeleil. Illii old anl t"p'iUp reituurAut wiil he mude liri oU 11 every mapect. The puliliu will ha jiven jfmiil nitak at all hi. nr. for ouly 25 cent.. KverjthiDK neat ami attractive. Private hoxes. U.tera in every atyle. W. A. M.-C.KE. ART STUDIO, Mr. Dr. Pulton, Cor. Uil and Lyra Mi I'XSOXS (ilvnn In Ir. inu. Paintlnx i nmi.Mpnic. PiiitiiniH IV. r wiloor pHlnlva to order. S. W.. Paisley, .UliMtir. fir.fnm. '.VilOl.i'.- VI, K IS Tobacco an:l Cigars. Orilfim mlioil. J ;r,.ni tho triil... MQ Store. I'K-ii '.wk ol rr ;nor! ill tlio Va roc, mid ilm iiin.t remr .ain prices, bolh 'n Iiiiviiii! an I mlln. t have oa hand Ml ol' fU.ililTJlt, STOVES, TINWARE, m.u:, c3oxs, pictures CL.1SXS. M&CXPRY, ETC., ETC. w.'i t f S K Yniinj;' o!t' slore. !.. GOTTLIEB