Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 16, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    VitL. Hi
so (.c
Ilii'liest of all in Ix-avcning Power.
S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S80.
Russel S do's Engines and MacliffleiT.K?
i -I" vnu tm'iii Kid ;lovr.
! in pa di'.l line ii tlicw (slovw in
i sB. i liliirk iiml iv.!..ivii. Am mlc iiircnt for
Thoiq r'sliinif first -class InMrumxnt,
Ihe text n kcIb to utand tba cllmitie of the
Const, can I e milted by calling nt Mn B
E HyuinVft, opposit- ti.o Mnio Tem
ple, on Klrl Wreet. The Intent vooil niirl
Inntrumenlnl munlo kept for Hnle.nlno the
UrKeit nnnortinent of mnmnliiR pntti.rn
to delect from thin J of 'Frlwio. U,i
tonn given In painting nnrt eii.broMorlnu
In ber ntadio over Linn County nnl
aim her your order and yi IH lw
p leaned.
a;knth fiik
VV"f i '.V.'.Kin n.r .-'Iiieii 'Hi.iiMinllnp
J . Ji. ! n organ or :ii;.r.'. cr " i I. !'l -irkiMin
t'V'V I 'iu c von can KuLct from a iirst cUse
5 W
t' vKffl I O O F. Alhanv I rnlso No 4 holds itn
ii , rcjtuiar mc--llm,i evt-nini; of
U-'j, '1 i eai-h ti li. YM'.inH hi-o'.herp ai c coi'ili.iily
z-rrr. CfcJ I to alten.l.
Is, '
Fotfei & livir.B.
-ru.vEitAi. hinm'ons.
Prompt vr.f.33t!0D-Fir3t-ciass Hears
$ ft
1 ) t. (,-y - . - .! tV-'.-f
tOlf i :h
- a"1t,r.'. ktt R1T41
l)i legists and Hookselh rs,
4if tv for J'itii R. AldHnTn pblilicaUoD',
hnb wil oMIl-ef prlco mat
i()-"r, v-mpwhfr tn tha countrr, a
j LlftwellBn r t -f)lMr, white polnu
i irrl reward upon rturn or Inform
1 1 ' 1 ti. 1 0 V Witta, A!-
' lUM i
Cu-deU Addition to A I ban v lias
just h"Mj thrown or. the market and will
lie h,'u1 nt kiiitIi prices and terms as wil!
ennule the speculator to make good
ir.onev. This property lies just this side
J of (i'tltra! Park; U hiuh and sightly
j ovc. locking tin city and sunountMng
fu:iti , ;he language a First
t'.ir.i't imrr-).:iril 'Th:il is ties! tilf d to he.
coiv:e the 'llun-lon rt'idin(V portion of
the i it v."
Wal'ace & Cusirk, the agents for this
popcrtv, have 4l heir own conveyance and
will he u';td to khow this, the best of all
additi tt. to ttie inter-ding Meculator.
liotiir;'.rli( rK AMnuiy Oregon.
AVe have houht ?vT th negatives matte Vi
llClll l ,ly of US r I ; ; .1 'i.V.'i4. V ,. Imvf-
,L-- c-.i Ik; had fit
oi ly inli hue f-f
:d w irk at
Wct-hiill he
..11 ht .1 'm ir Kiuir.anV
lin-i III MjOI-'I 'I'i-ii'i-Iu.
'I he tran.dtiun froi.. lon, lincrin ami
pninhil icknjv to health mat k an
t-poth hi t!;e life ''f the individual Such
a rfiiiif Ki-.bie twut is treasured in the
memory and the em:y whereby the
KO(jd health hi.s been alined is gratefully
lilessed. Hence it Ir that o much is heard
in praise of Electric Hitters. So many
feel lh owe their restoration to health to
the use "of theyvt-at alterative and tonic
iMou are troubled with any disease of
kidnet s, liver or sioniaeh, of long or sliort
HMfu!iii, ni! ill Mi-ch find relief by use
of Electric liitU's. Scld nt 51 and $1
per botile ht Foshay & Mason's Drug
KkfiT UoxKji. For ;:ll kinds of fruit
lioxva p to t he Sugar Tine Jiooraim
I.uuiUt Co. Hod rock priced.
Copyrielit, 13SJ.
"littlt: no PEEP
bad lost her ulicrp and couldn't tr-H whpra
to find them." lo the old nurnery rhyme
tiiVM, and It itotb on to bid her " l-uva ttietn
atone and they'll come homo and bring their
tall behind thi tn." All this may be true ot
Jodt sheep, but if you have lost your heultti
you cannot afford to 1rva thaV alone. It
will not come hark of its own accord. Homo
people brim that thoy nenrr bother about
colcifl. They ' kt them (ro tho way they
came" Alusl too often the victims sro to a
consumptivu'B frrave. Until very reeontly a
euro for Consumption, whieh Is unlverHtdly
RLknowkdffid to bo scrofula affectlnfr tlia
lun3. would have ben looked upon as mi
rnculous, but now peoplu are beginning to
rcaltzo that the iliwaso is nt Incm-nble. Dr.
Pierre's Goldon Medical Discovery will cure It
If taken In time And (riven a fair trial. Thl
world-n-nowncd remedy will not tuaka now
limit f but It will restore disessod ones to a
hfajthy state when other means have failed.
Thousands amtef ully tostf ry to this. It Is the
most potent tonic, or strength restorer, alter,
tive. or blood-clMUwer, and nutritive or tjesh
builder known to medical adenc. For Mr
forln(rCoufhs,W k Ltinn, Hpittinf of Blood,
n Liver Complaint " and Dyspepsia or loditfoa
tton. It is an unoquaJed remedy. ;
urea (toe wont oura. BO tnnlMr af how WOf
aurce the worst oases.
m eeata, r orvuraTM.
The Wotera farmer h,.s no interest
whatever in a protective tariff. His inter
est rather lies in the direction of Iree trade
of access to all markets whatever hit.
products may be hi demand. It is for his
'nterest to well what he raises wherever in
all the wide world he can find a purchaser,
and thus provide himself with the means
cf disposing of his surplus crops. Not
only is he vitally interested in necuring all
possible markets, but equally so in buying
what he netds ae cheaply as possible. Sell
where he may, and bujr at the lowest
figures: this, selfish as it may seem. Is
what most concerns the Western farmer,
Free trade will give the West the mar
kets of the world, and an opportunity to
buv what it remdres at leus than half it
now pays for these same articles.
Lumber, hardward, furniture, clothing
groceries and agricultural implements !
these the West needs principally. Fue
trade wilt biing these things to us at fiun s
frr below protective prices.
In alt this the I Iiamfion speaks solely
from ttie standpoint cf elf-interest. ll if
with states and sections as with individual
citizens self-preservation b the fnt obli
gation. A due regard to our sectional
preservation, our territorial interest, dt
mands the-adoption of free trade com
mercial reciprocity with all nations. The
Est, as wo. have stated, has grown danger
ously rich by means of a protective tariff;
now let tie West assert Itself and use the
means at its command to change lis
economic policy to one more conducive to
actional welfare.
The question is broader than part y
lines. It is more vital than mere formal
political dominance of any particular set
of politiciais, foi it touches our life and is
indisolubly interwoven with our existence.
Protection continued twenty years
longer, and the West, with its vast agri
cultural possibilities, would be a pauper
bound hand andfoot. Let us who live
.1 the West be fools no longer, Lut
i.H exercise our common sense and
,iotecl our own interests by obtaining,
just as quickly as possible, the freest trade
wl-h all its attendant be lefits, Atchison
uint Irv.a torhum on draught at C
ell 8.
i-les' r.taitt coffee in the city
C.' i-i- n Sk' ti.k. Those know ing
then, reiver- Indebted to the old firm of
Kr.iusse k ICk-ii), rt ill please call and set
t'e at one:.
i-rrticU litliM Mnfet!.
TIicm? wafers are a sure and safe sreciia
(or all kinds of female troubles and will
remove all obstructions to the n.onlhlj
peih iU, no matter what the cause. The
are uit w hat everv woman neeus, iiim
can be used with safety. For sale by the
Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our
sole ayent, J A Cumminr, druggist, lilum
bcrg block, Ibany, Oregon.
IV hat liey are .co.l l-'tir.
f kam I:kthj 111.1 a sre tho best utdieinc
Ui'ov n.
Fij:st They a!e 11 rely vrttable, in fi.c!
tt-.t funi.
ric.fSit The !!! dote alwss prd'uc-
Ho- n 11.0 i th tt tttii-r purntivis r qune
n ci t ici ti do-en and liiiuliy ct'ano acting,
TlfiUl l l" y 1 11 1 if y the hlitfid.
I'ot tti ll Thrv i.-.viuoratu the drstinu
:ind (!thiM' the Mnnifech and bnwi ls.
I imt- They siiuiulatethe livtraud carrj
.ff vitlattd lilie ltd uthtr depraved seen -timi
Tire tiist two or time doses tell the etory.
i lit; kin b conies char, the eve I riht, tht
tnii d active. diKstion is tettored, cop tive-ues-
cured, the animal vigor is recuittd ahd
ill deufty Hneft'H.
hraiidrethV Fills are sold in every drub
ad medicine ntore, either p'ain tr tugar
John Miller, a on f the celebrity
Jo.nittn Miller, rrcapid f'om the peniteii
tiry etrday. He was an uutiustwort'n
trtnty .
The Put pH and Ihe Ninax
Rev F M Shrout, pastor L'nited Breth
ren Church, lilue Mound, Kan., says: H
feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr
King's New Discovt ry has done for me.
Mv lungs were badly diseased, and my
parishioners thought 1 could U e only a
few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr
Klnt's New Discovery ard am sound and
wellj gaining 26 lbs in weight."
Ilnrklen's Arnlra Salve.
The bert SWe tn th wnrll for Cut.ttruUe, Sort's
Uler, Mlt Khmim, Kver n n, Tlfr, Chipp
hntl, UhllMatns, Corns, and ll Hkhi Ernptle. an
txitlvtycurs Wlwi.ot tKi imv rorpiirml. It Is irur
uteed to fi rft sttttfftution, r monv tsfand
k. Phes 8cnU per . for by foshy oi
New York, Aug, 15. A mile in thirty
seconds was the rate nt vundi a patty of news,
pit tr iiic-n were uliiifed alurj t!ie l!-ynton
hitytlt; raihvny fnmi (Ir.u'wsend to liiyhton,
Cuiu-y I. A sinIo LuyUc p; car
was used. 1 le it:!f ,is a iletker
euli detk Uin; six duul l; ore sinj;!e
f.iiiii'.Tiinuiit, :uh rt iiij'.irtineiil ly v
self auri cntftid honi the t-iiie of llic car. lt 1
in width 111. .ti hi If of the standard g -iio
tmek, so lii.'i '.woiiiia can rass eatli i:!.rr
hen ilicv ;uc ien t'Ti opt'Osite rails. 1 . ;
wheels ul the it re dire tiy under tl e centc: .
doiil-le thve gtaspirg 'die rail, I he u
n-vciile.i fiom topi lint; over by double wheel
attached to the to: tf the cai and running one
n each sitle of a ci.iitinuoua beam held up by
h'iiiKeuuik on either side of the track. The
engine is a bicycle one also. The car is run on
the principle of a lioOp in moiioi, which the
faster it goes the Itss likely it is to wobble or
fall over. Some eneiiu'eiinn' papers have al
ready declaied it is destined to revolutionize
the piesent system of passenger transportation,
The U It KlrlKr.
lU KKAi.O, X Y.t Aug. 15, I he efiects of
I he New Yoik Central stiil.e aie stiH rrparent
in the 1 usim ss of that company. Pnssenger
trains have been arriving and dtpaning very
nearly on time, and in the pa&wiiger depot
everything is moving smoothly, 1 he condi
tion of afiairs in the frirght yard is different,
however, aud the yanls are now blocked. The
Like Shore and Xicklc I'iate roads arc finding
much trouble in geiii ig iid of cars. The
yards of the former arc completely choked at
Kast liufialo. This afiernuon three trains of
stocK and peiisha de frtight were sen, on'., but
dead freight slill lies theie. The reason given
is that iheie is no room Last. Switchmen aie
l! at work and ihe inakemcn are in their ca
ujoso3 re.ioy 10 take their trains out. It was
.tated m the ya ds In evcni..i! that frcLht
wind:! he tnuveii late Uj-uighi. Conducts were
received in ilic hiegtu oliice io take freight for
the I'.ast,
A Ulu,
SEA'i'i'i.L, Aug. 15, I'lie amiuunement is
made that lbs Vesler avenue cable 'load has
ocensold, It is stated 10-d.ty on direct auth
ority that a syiiii;rsic of Settle gentlemen.
headed hyLS J Hunt, bought the property
lor 400,000, pjing down the sum of $1 10,
000, the bub nee ot the purchase pi ice to Le
paid on the 23d of this month. The syndicate
composing the new buyers of the present pro
perly, controls the cable systems of fhi city,
Messrs Furlh, Stewart and others being inter
Overwbrlmed With Hltver,
St Louis, Aug. 15. Kan'A at Kansas City
and afew o her Missouii points are overw helm
ed wi h friiver coin and are .tying to reduce it
by shipping to the St Louis sub treasury and
getting silver notes instead. Forty five thous
and dollars in silver came in this morning ". he
banks have to pay express charges both vtays
011 the money, which r mounts 10 about ! et
$ 1 oco,
K li I', i... H
not expi cted to Jm
pref. r of A lbs d j, was
nil 1 ij-l:t a ve ei:t to
Tiik KKctr.iis of 31 .Mt ion county thoy
the Iittting of luiiiiy tlicuKnntl acres of
hind in small tracts of ircm 5 to 10 acres. '
Capital City Fruit Fimuoi (MO nrrOF,Sun
nile No I :iJ0 iu-r's, Sunnyside No 2
1-iOaeri H, SmiiiViiiile No 3 -170 acres, and
11 number of oti-eiH have 1 ten placed on
the records: ly the (wept-i. I. ami Ctuniany
of Sitlein, Oregon.
This eompiiiiy is a!o ih:rg I uii;ieps in
Fort kind antl A'llinuy, i ave fur cale
nuiueroiiH ot in r simiti t r;n i -:. The great
advantage of thiw phm i lii: t it brings
together in one community the elat-H of
people, who nrc all ergaged in the same
hiimes, viz: fruit gruv. :ng.eonr.eiiuently
tliere s. rings up hirpr drying and can
ning t stahli'iiiu nt similar to thoi-e in
theeity of S.'lenijW hich advantages makes
pi..utiti.le market for the irodticU of
1 j.- :i nit ial ins-.
t i.nlt ytjiir interest hy hnying of the
t Jr. g-ii Land i ompanv ut Saieiii.Toitlaud
of .Uianv.
1 1 1. am 11 tc lis
The Ut nuikth are to he found in Al
1 ai.y at I'rice A liobncnV, who have just
net ivtd a rarinn! of the finest hacks and
-(vvi w io Ik H-niid. Their prices, eoii
s: i 1 quality, are nmarkaldy low.
1' lo ride in a good huguy or liack.
Kit j) tliin fact in your head, and wi t n
getting one call on Price it llohaon, who
have the largest variety to select from.
(Ii: r Km kki uio and see th.i
lK-autiful gold wnteh at the "(hdden
Kule I'aaar." Julius (iradwohi the
proprietor of the (iolden liule IJezaarJii
lorinrt iih tiiat he 1iih the Frize I aing
Fowiler, ami No 1 Japan tea, expn wdy
up tor h ik lninepH, and JVr the in iiclit
ot liin eti.-toinerH, eaeh 1 ox of having
powder will win n piece of line irlat-Mvam
and uto each pound of the tea will win a
piece ol line glansware, ami cUHtotners
who buy one pound of tea or a Lux of
baking powder, which ia warranted, will
have a, elm nee nt that lienutiful gold
uat'h. He hatt also athled a line assort
ment of fnmily gr(Meries to his mam
mon th stock of glasHware and crockery,
w hi h is the largeHt in the Willamette
Valley, (io and h;c Mr (iradwhol at the
(tolrh n Utile lia.nar, mid you wilt find
that uttthintr is iniHrfprmiited.
Tenrhrm t:amlnn. Ion
Notice is hertdty given that the regular
public examination of teachers for Linn
countr will take place in Albany, com
mencing nt I o'clock, on Wednesday,
August 27th, 1MH). All teachers desiring
examination will please he present at
the beginning. Teachers desiring state
certificates fhoithl present their reccoin
mendationrj from district boards at the
above time. O. F. Russkix,
County School 8uuk