llNillliliiliimW OJP " 3&3C IMTHOSM. in tli'i f !ictiii of ,i r-'.-iil-'in i l-c.i.'u uo eliiniTt is so inip.rtut:t u that cf l.ir:I thfu J -n ids. an.t n tii jje i.-K nf i,t cMi il 11:1 s so :uuch t the hitjlthfuiiieia of a l.tcvity ai wati'r !y. In lhi -;' i t .Mn.Jmrn Spring is -atiIy Mipc.hir to .my rvcidriive loo.il it y itt tiiv c:! v ft IN r .l . It is hih, aud ilraiuje is luMipU'te. Tlio atrr tnpply ia fro:: i a t: i u utpaiMu of ahutw-intly mnplyiny UV'.l'UO 1 1 i-!o will: m.U. r, A ilihtartcc from t':i' ivr t f one h i!f mile pUce it out if !ut.ii f tn i!ou. A stviii of wa't-r vcra wi., .t tn-u m c iist:tiotilt so that iirtit ltyiMi::g w.ll h.w ji'-iihu. iu it;!; 1 of J uro v iii il-r ilin-ft iru.u the spr i;;;. Some. Facts in Regard to Its taction in Roftrono) to tin Easiness and Employment Center?. p ORTLAND'S T DELIGHTFUL SUBURB SEE M I N THORN 8 p R N as. OKT1..V N 1 i- t hi n-u ii:i.nt.i'ictuii. vent r id th.? V-rth a. r. It t !, n-i' i.nutce !.. r f-ir ma: ufi-cturii j purposes i nt ti.v f.i!tc.f t'tf V:i t:. '.' :ivr at TO I ( r ii tV . Alrou.lv lf i:i itiut teturirij i.it'-rr-.ci ..t !'.: t:.u I, i. t.-Hy i'-ui.lu;:t.-l J., a'. ( )( I V.v, priflu .m i.'.-tnie of j'J'Ujii.iMi) a:niu illy. 'I'l.-r. ai-j cn-.t.mfly Kri'Wi.ii ;''! T e it niau: icturin center is iliiUut on oirti aid. M nsiha frcm MmTlmrn piiicj-, lii'u I'.irtl.ni'l, the jjnat c uohuji ei:il iiictruplis n't-i OMfiiu'sa ce liter of thy N rtii I'ueilij coast, i "A iniifa diata.it iu the uppMMie ihreulh'ti. It re quire no tn Kb nr i:..:u;ii):(ti.m t-iso tint the country intei-yenim; between lrtl;u)i! aud 0(Vjin City its lau: of pu.-r MipnU I U the uutur.! residence location of the bt Slots.- tHi't, aiM t--;i y v .rl;. v vruer who keeu ia nuniou the various juuter-mi-sf tiiw c au l u; nufai tuiiii lateretaof tiu N.irth Tacilic coast. Ilcint ofiic , in. The Oreg-on Land Co., Until Pi.itlm,,!, l'.iriUud THE BEST SELLING L PROPERTY. At This Time the Property i immm urn i unninn i iff TTnmtTflIf1 X 3 TtavHrWir -wiiTrnmiM Itouclicd in 4 Ways. 17;7.')' CO.XVK.Slll.S'N.Y. Kllt-ST. !')' ShuiIhtii 1 acilio lr.ii: i.iiinin, (limuli tli.i r'.c rtj . SICl'ONP. I'.y U'iHamutte riv. r Bi.mii' ! liitn.ii:: ri i v li. ur in llir . "n-i i,t furil Tl!li:i. Ily r.irtl.ii!il iinil Will, nn tlu V..K. tr..i i. : 1.. . Whil. !I..iim- ,crm :! c f. rrv t.. tliu iuc'ity. nHT.TIl: li carrwKeon the U-.utifiil ilriyi .u'.i..'l..i 1 y t.l,., Mult,,,,,:,,;, A (i"i iti Tim Hi" t t'.-uutifill oiilli.i;' v.iy in tt;)" 1'i.ittti .St:.i;s, i'iMini:utiiliif. ..t I .... lit til im r ; wun.nl lull ou ri-le, U-ii.i.iii tin ritiroii t otln r, uml . . :.. .1. . .,: 'I'i... l .1 .I.... . i. ... ;. '.i ii . .ti.iiv i:in.a in. i ii iii hi i iii l'iu i.ini.iini, ... r. r)i. ..iivi.-ti liming in- i litiro Ulniiu'i' hrr'iin. Soma Fasts in Roard to Its Lcat'oa ia Sofarsuc to ?tiiri-l tonsit Facilities, I'I ll. 'V. e S uf h. 'in IVii;!liti It iilr.ml, u ho-n liio J"'1'" 'iiivotly llirt'ic.-h Jthis ,VMl. 1 1 ! ji 1 Villi, i;.n in'i"ii..- r;n li w.iy Hint' r.-.'iil.ir train's :iu 1 ; i'..v(,;.l,., m - n km;,,,,, i,, i inn-, n: ito ;.u ii"ir!y miIi;iI:ji m.tI." ftoin r.otlnii!, ijiviinr a Miui.f tl) i f,,r r. ticil trip. Id Tin Wo 1-foi-U M.it.ir I, mm-, u!r-;i ly ir i, i u p.'h.t it' i: ( no aul !! h.tit li. li. , w it! v. i.tn Oly I c i r.-h .! to tl.iH piop. tly . TIllUI: A t-'it.p n iiic rjT.'t. .t 1,1 On-iv" 'ity 1 run an l--.t.iu untor lit Loin ih tt ci'v U) r..it!:i'l propi to oonst 1 m:t their l'io t lir- u-h M iml. urn Sprin-1 property . !'')L.T ll'l'il. A i'' .in 1 .my 1 uw orjnni'-d .ni'l htou'i Biiinn.-iih.. to hinhl a h!ean in. tr line l.i'Uvi.".! I'iir;l..nl m 11 ilivi'i I 'ry v. ill run tl-ir imo v. ithin a ipiartrr of a mile of lint M ii: I.' tm pnnH j rupirty. !'r sa'o hy The Oregon Land Go., Iii U'l r.-rtliiitl, 1'oitai.J. ilinne oJlitv, S;i DAlLlr DEM0C1UT. hints io not ikus, A little aimiiuiiia in tepid water vill soon soften and cleanse the sin. Gas is always ol jeciionaule in a sickiooin.as it exhausts the air, and in be J rooms generally it shouU not be u&ed. Old brass may be cleaned to look like new by pouring strong ammonia on it, and scrubbing with a scrub biush; rinse in cl:ar water, The daintiest covers for the toilet table are made of linen and hemstitched on the bordeis, and wro.sht in diawn uori; End darned stitch. U.mri ihitiine)s are easily cleaned by hold - 11. them over the s'.miii hum a teakettle, and lubbin thvm wi.h a soft cloth and polishing with jiajier. If tl-.e fat in the (yig kettle is hot before you nie ready fur it, put in a diy crust of bread. Ii will not burn as long as ii has some thing to do, only when i; is left idle. It ii not generally known the linoleum can be waxed, like a hardwood floor, and polis-hed with a regular polishing brush. It is generally treated in this way in English houses, Ky spraying the region of the external ear with ether,' I )rs Unoque and Fridel of Taris render the dental nerves insensible, and cxtrac1 teeth without pain or general anaesthesia. JukI Itrrelveil Watermelon!, (i rapes Egg Pnt, Peaches, IM urns, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Squash, 1'eppcrs, Muskinclons, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Lemons, lilackberries, String beans, '1 urnips, App'c-s OCJ3 EXjOYiS lintli llio im ll'.oil uml results wlica : vrii i f Fi's U 1 : ; it is Jiloamnt mi l refreshing; to tlio taste, timlaets p-iilly yet ;MMiiipty on tlio Kidneys, Liver und JJmvela, cl'!iiise tlie uya Ibi:i efi'ectnaily, !i.-pels colds, liead inlies and lever mill cures lia'iitnul foiifitijM'.tidsi. iyrun of Fij;s is the i'i:!y lomcdy of its iiinil ever pro diu-ed, ileasing to llio taste nininc Citai)!e to t!in ptoiuae'n, prompt ia i-s nttioti and truly beneficial in its fiict.., its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in V)cj and $1 bottles by nil leading druggists. .NUPACTUnEO CNLV OY THE CAUFCP.NIA FIG SYRUP CO. sn fraixisco, cm. iou:siiiLC, r.r. ko york. n.r DR.C-lATSO?JSTOrJ Physician and Surgeon. Of bee opposite the Deiuncrai. Call earlv niul secure the best. .MlP.l.KR A (j.MtKKI'T. If vri am rttdinu nuy iitm in ti e c:tk J fctoe line a cillat Motih. w ; Vvj.-i,l u-n's t tore u litre lh;y en hi. you ifL r.tt.vos frdin three ilollruH ai d Ltty ceuti u;iv.ud will coin inci! tliy mobt fcUcptiuil tftt tlitir Btore ii the place to trrme. i.j. whTtkey-"'" Afitotiey And Counsellor At La? t KD 'otav ' K'nblfic ALBA -v CRGGK fa iti i O A itVi! & i l ti i' 'U 9 ralir. of Ediiib;, 3oof3and, . . i t i ' i v " 1 1 . n ii1: I ; f 'ii i ;tr ; c 1 l .v i r i " 4 l ' k .' 'I : mi ; , h ) :i - ; r i p i' r :i i ; i - i i :T i ; . i, il 1 . -!. if- v . r : i mtvt.i-i In i vi.'iii-M or vu . -i . .-' 5l'Hild:Ts s : i 'iji.'iIh, ItoIv1 . v I i !s, s;r t ;i -. I. t o, ')?i) do OR. W H. DMIS, PhysicUtx and Surgeon. ?3"Oflico ut MtairM in SttHhfui'.t Block. S5ay bo found at his oftee ti:ty and night. mil Pliysiciai and Suiueon, . illico cor. ' ami Ferry ir.e:s, ALBANY- CJ?EGOfl i i t i ; i .i i J. K. VE ATKEIIFGjID , aT'J'OKMK Y AT LAW Y It BILYEU, A ITOliNEY AT l.AYv' Au si iioi- in '.'!::-.:tcf'iy, I,B,ISV. - - tXiKGO. (.Vilitii'tiiio.'t prO!ii.tl.y i.li'.e ontili jm'nt E.oin'.wnoL'0'.i'in.'it on u.'immirL.Io tonus. tr 5 (T ' 31 I si - DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease, PS HILLER'S HYPRASTINE RESTORATIVE. giimuLto nutrition, rurino tho bl.Al. C;:rc4 iij .uf ji., Cuutii4liou u l GviktaI iJibii.t) . A jierfuct tonic wnl Btrciitli liuilj.-r. ii!1-: !:''-' ER'S AMTI.SILir.VS STOMACH AMqjLIVt RJSURE. cures r.nbu. i.ii uij :i Livr I'wuUu. and l-vur, MauI t'v.urB, miiJ fell Tij.bui.1 cuiiilitiaiid. V, Klt.lSR'5 CATARRH CUJRE Cures Acute Catarrh, Chronic CatKrh. nn.l rttarrtrt! 1V..I.I.... (u.au:.tk'cl to i.iiru ti.v vmtal cacs when dlrcUoiisue flljwo.1. ur niiucy rcluu.lutl. rj?.'SlX.T) VinSilS'i C'lr" Co! ,,0:'r,,':,OT' '-i:f!is. Ilrinchl::., I-.curi.v vnt i'l.t. jni mi ., L.l rtlicvvj L'viiQU.'ui.&ion. Contains DO Oplitcs. Cure Croup 111 lj lulnilU-. Try It. n. niiER's n:PMTr;rriA and sore throat cure, l'ruvcnta anil rurcs htlicrL.. luiiLhcly ouit any ur turvnit ui (;viu ii to liun, cures Quinsy in 3 ,Uy. P.J:.1' ..j ILY.-.H!?5'- Indiwnwblc In all acuta discos attcn led with r-ver. i rj.xii. a.t-i curt. j bcaiut IWir, c.-axUtina, and Ik'toles. Mothers houid btar tl.U in luhnl. JJ iV.5Y?iL1itJIX!l!5v Cur- ?;cn""", wcavnwi. , cr Jlib.l:.!l--D"J-1l" -c. mP, JIEV yf-?.10,..01'-,. Cur", Neur:.. liuul, Luibao'0, oinl aiatiia, by iiutr.u.n inu Uau ciiti vUi(Ax tau-ic tiium. PR-Jj ILLERrTrETHj NGCU R E.. AM tha growth fci.d development ot chiMrLn dnriiijc it't ti'ttl.n.ti iJ'i'xl, enrtun inuiilL-ns tetthinif and notttid ti-eth, aid prevents and rnrts Spi-ui-t, ItkktU, liraiii 'lYuuidutf and Buvvel Couiplainlu, A bicueiinf U irutii niothtr rfiid child. On. KILLER'S WHUDPJNU CUUGH CURE. VnwnU and Cures Whooping Couh. Noti:. Vi'ith tho oxcipMon ot Dr. Killer's Hvilrantiiw IlotitoMtive, IT. HUler's Ithrunintia amt N i'r.ti: One, ntid I'r lld'ur'ut ou;;li Cure, Iht uIkivu rentediuaare put up in Tiiljkt fttrtn, i't , .r not oUaiuai.lc fiom yuur dru;titC, will w scut (ru by uiuil, un rwtipt of prku. $1.00 pur Package. Six Packages for $5.00. Thrc rt nuHlseH are thf result of twenty-five years cf prartical proftioiial experience, tvi-1 an- i.-iwrntileed toi-iru when ac-tire p miblo. lr. IHIk-r't iVt-pvre bin.k ,1 dirti-tioim .r h-'iiitt ttmlujtut, .-ot:taiiiiin; aiubi iusirui.Uoita an to tiyivue and diet, miiCFkikuu appUcation HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. M Foshav unson, Asenls, Albany. Orsson. l'r'crlptlon Drtmli- 1 r : W-ER l JVM . r-- - ,'i A New Rop ui- Chop Ib.s j it 1 I'll n;itnt''l nn l'iit f-t r t , i.Mio li'' lli: Iiwu.-u', whcft y u t'.-r. ti t ul i.i.ni-i.i I r . ii arlli-'b" iiiCIhI-'', ilctktt .'.ill i (M'i.h tij.iird, Iiijm tillti!. Vc '!. tun I In ccli-.lr jnii)li :ittfi:il((i -m mm lltKlHl HY I'KI'ARtMKNr, ) Ol I U K Ml lllMni'.n.',Ki iiK till Cl KliKM V, W;luiu:ni, M.iy Jlut, :K ) W nriil bv mliif.i' t'iry cvi.lctnu preieiited to lt ii;i'lfii.'iti''l,it tiiirt ln-i'ii ii. a lit t ftp iir lb it llir 'linn I'oiinty .Niilhuiiil Itunk.ot Albiiny. in bf A t ( Alln.i'v, in the r.iutily of l.inn, nmlttr .i i iiv-:', l i ' iii;lii d wiili nil Hi') prut iiniM ( lln-4i!il!i- i'( tln-l nil-.! Sl-tttn, re pi i red t b- eotnplit il tlh bvlnre ;! iiH4.K-:.ti n uli ill bu aulii.rli-.ed In t Himit tit e tliu IuhhicjM f baiiWing. v. Itirri'Titrr, I, K-lwarilH Im-v. ri-iu'drol tci d tin' .li iviii-y, tin JuT'-lty I'xf.ify th;it " Tlie l.nn l.iiuiity Niilioiml IVuik.of Al.miiv,"ni Hit) eity of Aibnuy, tii llio enmity of l.lim, and Stutu uf Or''irn i:iulhitri. 'il lu enin iilmii tbt) btuitieii tif banking f )t.' i'l'd In ivtt'ii Fifty out) liundrcd and iitj ifi.o uf tho rot im-'l nt:ihitfn of the I nilod 8lk'i. In tritlni'tny whorp'-.f witne-ia mv I . . I livid an I of "ttb-c this 3Ut tiny f t " uv. ls'.O. . 3 I.ACV. Omiptnii'iT ot the Currency NO 4326. MONEY TO LOAN. $ joo.ooo loan t 8 per centj Im rve I lrm r citj property. WalliocA Jviios, n. 11. N . l!l..i'l;r.l (;N, i;i:o. w. wiimiiT, SlASJm'JSM & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice, in all the Cottrto the State. IVotnpt attention ivt-ii to all Ijum-n-ihn otitiuttcil to our care. Otliop O.hl Kellotva Temph), Al'mny, Or ATTaaasY at law and mart PUBLIC, fWOIIlee In Stratum's il'.ock, No'n 1 ALBANY, OSZGOrJ. SJ. C. WATS9N, Attorney at Law, AI.HANV, -:- ORKGOX. nmrt In llir Klmlmu illiirk. JAMES P. MEAD, Attorney at LawandTitla Examiner f ALBANY OREGON. Wilt practice in ll tlie-courU of the State. Abstract, of Title furnished on hart notice- Ten j-e.n eiuerienoe, SI PATRICK'S, PIUS jT1TJT"E 11 W?,l..i,-r.fi f 7-.'.rarA Km5.! W.Vctt H- U JJtJoOrTo.-Aorr.xr MtttinflJcrrVni.-.?. r)'.iil. Si'Hi. MMI',""'l f, 'Iv H .i..r.. li . I i I (jr.-- t 1 1 ruiKi hon n:AK.I Ai'UfUil'I'li I M ' - A C4':T-..i' Hit-. A"".n.'il.ly tiLifalltr.tr I. Oil, IhUri: M-ll-i,.-. In .1 j. P.ii if.iliV rr-tn 43 Ctsv., Tt t l:-.-l- , nl : . .-. i. h '. -i i'-i. Yiur:i3 ttrUe Vilfm. l(o f . t fl I'lioii, nn' ' n.-if. ,n -ilv-J free AdareM P'Il Hcaii.iL C&., titl.'i'.VLU, . T. JJift y xf .VJ j f.ra:!nite f lt-U'vne il'.ipitai MVi.fcn. ol'ejic Nvv VltU City. !iciw:H i.f uimm.i n "-pcuilty . fl"Ot.ic t.-ii'Vi's I'rh k, Alh.iuy, Or. I Btdl the l-t lutnln'r in ihi ctunty; aUo ?ilar paf., nhinlt, laths ihr-i nl wtn ow itH'uliltiir, etc. iVicra from 5."i tn?2'2 Pt th(MiM.iiu1. Yard at. I.ow.-ton, ou the Narrow (juiige. Ste in hcfitrc parcltaBing elsewhere. W W 'i.AunKi. di.KB.r O Tal In.ait, O" Pom'.? Wanted. Ail klh.lKnf poultry, Blivo or ilni.wtl r.utnil xt I lie WIMainelto HirkliiKt'ciu Dny'a Store. Alliany, Oreicm.. RedCrownMills SOM, LAXXIXO & CO., I tOPU'S. aiw f. roc as ri.oua scriitiox von rmniu fiEST STOUAGF FACILITIES. Special w Announcemeiit OK . F. READ. My Sjirinij; Stock in now Nmi'i.ktk, Kinhracin all the batest Xovt'ltics in ress Goods IJoth in WOOLEN and WASH FAUUICS -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of LacMes Underwear, in K.vit liinr.Ki) and Mfsi.i.v. Pkicks are the JJWEST and my Goons the i.r.sT. Am solo agent for tho Celebrated Y. S. R HOSIERY, ' Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. First National Hank Pr'.i tnt L. FLIXN Yu-jj Prettidoot S, K, VOL' N(j Cwl.l ir K, V. LANUlj., Tit AN:SAtTy A OENKItALhturniMn biHinoaa. AC00UXT.S KKI'T mibjutt to trlwck. SKlIITK.U'HANi'iE nndWl mptiiir tnir, vo! ii .W-w V'rk, San I'rxiici.icc, tiu-i ftud l'.-i t -.. COl.LtliTION? tlAHKoii fft.orablo terr.:9. Eiurci;'R j. K. YOI NO V..W. I.ASt.DuN f K 1!i,m.v, ff. rii.p 1 Kr-w.vati F. Hox, l-!3"i Co. Nettioiia! Bank, j AS.3AWY - - - OlUiQO'i, r.M'lT.M. MUCK $l,nl, I'ro.i.i-iit I I. niV.AV, l,.-..;J'l..1t I M H M sr. rn.:-r oi. k c;l mi;:;:ii,m;.. A-t fit. l.l.i o A All' lili..M.II. II r.;:rr. i:s, - 1 I. f ..-.in. .1 IM.; (;... y . . ..r... rl.,..i, V S l.i !!, W li i;.,I.rn, .1 A l.'r,.. I. i.l !.;i.l il A Arvh;i...i.l. VltANS.M'TM a cnoral Nanking ;t liliWVSIlllll Hi: AKI'S ..li S Y.iA. s., li.. i'i ' . ". . l OrcL,'..ii. LOAN JIO.CV im ai.jiK.v-i'.l .c;iri;.v 1. K 111 V K iii.; units Kii!i:vt. oht'i.... :To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Famishing ..rj;.i fvtoclt :i'. i.lie I.iv'.it. l'lic.v 3i I'Vi'f ( tV.'t'H;l iii tlm Vulli-y. i ' i I'l'l lirti ..f tl"- w ir1 l-r r I ',l I.VUIIK.VU U' 'l, ii u-I jJ ! .-. hi..: li; Jsli. Ij-.rj(i) n'o.-fc i f Kniiit iii::i:ii:-i aail KljuwiN'n-i. O'sl h c ,.-ivii in- I tin-. A'lnny i.i t'i -i ,,!it;.; Mi;ii. in O.-' i;on. v THE Hank ol' Orc.;:ii. AtSANY, - - "ci'EGa:;. Pro-iilin' IF. IIWVANT Viiw PmsKifiit 11. K, M KIJKI I T. Cnsliidr :. W. 1(1, Ai DIRKCTOHH. II liivnnt, J Blnin, (ii'o llumplirey, O II 6:tev.u, K J I.iniiiliK, If F Merrill, Miitlii ox'ihiiiiu'rt Hnl toU'irrnnlilc trai s fer on Sew York, Nn Krani-Un'i a A iul nil principal points in Orognn hii'I WAHlilnirton, r.ll(.rlinrt8 irnd. on fnv orpl-tr u mi.k ANTS Cily Sicsfsiuraitl. II iving hfon entirely reinodele!. tins old uml pop'iUr rt'nt.Mirant wtil be mudo first cUfn in cveiy ruMpect. The public will be givnu jjoinl iiicaIs at nil hours for only 25 contB. Kvorjthmn neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oynlora lu every style. W. A. Mi'fipjs. Revere House; ALBANY, . . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, FUteil un In flrnt-olan.1 style. Tahle. iippll.il with the heet in the market. moe eieepine-anartinente, Mainpleioonv lor commercial traveler. trrr e r.ark fe a.d treat Ike H.lel."M -BAMY FARMERS AND MERCF Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Consorvativa ,vt umimmvam x.-trmTmmmu. i id i. njaj.tmwt -G. L. BLACK LEADING DRUGGIST A.Xj33-ADN""3lT, OEEGON", DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIOHARY&C Jt yon want tho best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur ed in tho city go to u lEl, Thomas Brink