THE DA1IJ DEMOCRAT. THEY HAVE. A ubcr!bcr to tho Dkmix kat call at- tertijn to the fact th:it tin mot perUtent objection to the MilU turLT Mil, urged by republican, was tha' it made no reduction on woolen go!, ami if "that t."re partv has not lucrca-ed t'-e d'ltv on woolen goods ;;i he McKiuIiy bill." It U lime that peon'.e ere gcuinj, the cxac. facts about iie n.M'.ur. The average rale of all uuo-!i "n.jJs, under the present tariff law I- ,u-i c-i-.t. The Mill bill reduced this rati- to 4,2 per cent. Notwitb-tanditi tiiis ir.cuntL-table fact, th. other republican pa;e;-s per tented that the Mill- bill m.ui of tariif rates on wu..en .; .! of honest n, it. -k J lV'-j'1" country tMpjv-rted 1 believed this to he t: deceived and thev :. As to Hie change- i made in "he McKii:! say that that bili of (liltv flO'll (, jvr 1 law to 1,1 1 . r f.vit Hii. Tl is.k of i. I :r.h.or ;-aY;.' '1 i e Uunkcts I 73 per iv:. haw f4ir:::i after in lican p!;e been r. v a r. . !?- dor . ui f V. r: .i!l.i: i- r I' e ave . -!,!.: th 'I. til IVW :y r.'pre-cdiicM-i V.T llltf i-e the v badly l it out. n ''o;N The trade In Shetland ponies ha grown steadily for the lost five veers. Nearly a thousand are now Imported annually. They are only imported between Miv and Oecember, and the tiade U now at its height. A Oiid pony will bruijj from $40 to $5 . though some blooded Urk U no v being imported for bicrding at much higher t:j;urc. A Michigan firmer ha Mieeeedi-d iu breedi;: p.riL- o mo.'II l uidv fit for c!ii' hen'- nl.iv r of them on'', furl v inc'.e- 'LOOK AT (81 Tl IV.... fl ! lilt :(!! -!' Ii that tl th(n;t ld-h. M" I'M, ';;t U, . In iiv-j. '.IMUH'l I it at V.l'. li t V Hie l.ailie ItrUulilr... a-e rale pre-cr.! k,:- -.uJ.Kf ilu- McKii'dev :u-r-. Tl.h.k of ,1 "v "'i and .'.. ! I!; i.ii-cd iro:n :it. A..d :bi i- :vo, :e are IcukeJ jji!. V-- Jj i.-t hear ri-rul- ct-i:i;i!r.! tl.r.t there has 1 tion 0:1 woolen giicd-. What i ixinal fr MilU to do may be ivln -h l:.di'K n; t' ii ve, Sjrup f Fus. v it tln-ir fjv..T!t-. r-'ii . , n::d to tin- 1 .v ; J1 1 1,;: ." , H-ir.iY.'.ir.!. - iuvtij i.l.T 1 U: !t: ii or, t i UNY MJ l.T.N K 11 AT TI1K HT, It is with unft ined pleasure thr.t we join, with others, in welcoming Mr A Noltner back to the fie!d of journalism. Mr Noltner U an experienced journaiUt, wields a keen, trenchant pen, is thoroughly and devotedly Heinocratic, and a ill add much to the forces that, i.i a few brief years, are to make Oregon a truly demo cratic state. We take the following from Mr Noltner's salutatory published in the World of which he has j'.ist become editor: "I have alwas been of the opinion that no one can serve his country in a better cause than by laboring and" bringing to sucessful iMie the principles of democracy. The past year has demonstrated the in capacity of the itpubMcans more than ever. A reckless and profligate congress has squandered the surplus of the people; it is endeavoring to create further bur lens upon tlum through unnecessary taxation in order to enrich the rlc 1 ; to siir up dis- coru ana contusion, 'crn other purpose man party ascendency; corrupt the ballot box and destroy free will of the peo ple. Had there eer been nv doubt in my mind as to the revolutionary tendency of the republican leader, such' tyrants as Reed and his followers would have re moved the suspicion on this suqject. The democratic party and its principle) are correct. They will win in suite of every renal and cunningly devised scheme of the corruptionists and the World will endevor to do what it can in its humble way to bring about this result. Jt is try desire and hope that my old friends will give the 6uppcrt necessary to make the World a weekly un surpassed in the state." 'in Men and 0 FOUM DKAIM! While trvini: to Cmwi WAY INTO tlu-ir FS0?.lAfi BROS Store, where they a!wa s have on hand t!-.H lare-t Stock fOuth of Portland, of the latent improved Kitles and Shot Guns; an itnmeiiHC stock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention. lleair Hliop In connection with the Stoit, and one of the best workmen in the State tw do any and ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble "vr.-. ,.', '" f-'' .Before Buying I I'lir run hii M ncs ami the licsl Hanoi's mi tin- mar arc tiic la rics I liainllc of can make von belter ; c liantllc eer'tliit Kan;:c, this week, ket Inn- llie .le( Ilii 1 1 1. ike in 'llii-: tiian oi!,ers. 1 oii uav i't' harilwai'i'. ji.Ti 11 i:vs it W'a t f. i-ilKco Tiuwiro, V"" want ' '. Wo " 1 1 1 . and ;-' I that ana-;;s. y Goo.;; T!!' is 11 1.1 rfinsiit E&TOR SALE HY I he Leaaj.-.L' R show gocds. "Small i ou 1 motto. prolit and qui T7 "I WKLli 1! UUN'GS, ROOK DHL! ilughej. Albiuv.'-lr Aiiro tn J. Ji, Vi-S. rou EARLY, Although it mav be rather early and too warm to discus's the presidential ques. tion,vet we are ylad 10 notice.tliat demorat ic newspapers in all sections are favoring the candidacy of Goveonor David licnntt iiill of New York. This is pleasing, as the K I Dunoirut was among the first, to nail Lis name to the mast head. It was tne first newspaper In the I nitcd States to name Grover Cleveland for presidental c.m- idateand ve sincerely hope Governor Hill will be selected, lie is a sound democrat and is the 'jn!y man who can unite and harmonize a!! sections." R. I. Democrat, It is too earlv to decide upon presiden tial candidates, but it is not out of place to call public attention to the distinguished democratic governor of New York. He f. - - - Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE H MUSIC STOR AGK.NTH mil TI1K f HLKliHATf p II. F. Miller, Ami the K.writ J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS Proo!",t'AEEUwF," And other First-Class -O R G A H S. Sole Agents (or the ELDREIIGE IS. : ami : SEW ItOME hewiuir Jlarhiiirn. Is a man of great ability, a great organizer Organs - Clkaned - and - Rkpairkd. - of political elements, and one whom dem ocrats need not he ashamed of. Hut some- how the people have not lost sight of a very busy lawyer in one of the law offices in Ne.v York city. Grover Clertland con tinues an object of wide spread attention. .. A A comfart in a sickroom is a wooden bed-rest, which, when placed behind the pillows, enables the patient to sit up easily. Another contrivance which I have seen answer admirably is a very long net, the ends of which were fastened to the bed posts, and, being passed behind the patient and confining the pillows, f.jrmed a se cure means of reeling him w hen sitting up. a r.ii Ayr, ojtEaox Myers force pumps are the b; ' Sn.ith & Seader's. st, Wanti:i. cords of 1 womlat till' Alkiny ',.,il, ii at the Mills f. r articular-. Knn rm iiis to mil, C I;ulrui!It, l,ui S:. .ly red lir Mills). Call 'jiiire nf Mrs r.lumWe's iiii...:tc.i (.'hnnnard ii , litun (.il'.il,) em hi- f..ui..l at Trite JIr atil-te, l.u ti:t!l s i-l t snni.lrt hen. he will serve a Imutel n:irti.T tf norcs .luring the full ..caiii . ALEANY-OR. nmm & hulbept iros.. Real Estate Agents. Also city lirofterty in unci C'Tali8. f'T alc, Allmry Pi mm mm Mind wrirn'orinR itt'"11 :vi ii i -rr .111 ru I're.pc, tils F'i'T Eugene City Bonds For Sale -VfOTlCE IS HEKEBr GlfEN THAT XI u a dor the protitiont of n ct of Uo lKiilature of Orefloa antitled, "An act to incorporate the City of Eugene and to re peal alt acta and part of act in oooftict lierv with," liJed iu the olflce of the SecrvfarT tA Stete, rebrnary !Wth, 1899, the uomtnon council of the City of Kuseue will inue and diipoie of th hoinls of Hid city at per reJue of from f.10,000 to $.10.(ii)0, in denomn- tioiii of from 100 to M000 at the purchaeer tuny dwiire, payahte 30 yenae after dnte of iMiinif the Tn, with fcitereit thereon at the rato not to t-xoco 5 yr cent per annum, ; aal.Ie wmi autmaJ iy. ?Aid jrorjni!a t- tMi'vhait nu honda will ho rocired l r tu titnlerjiif tI nt IviqoTic, Orrjon, unf 1 Spt lt, 10 all I'mpo; re-'eiT'-d rill h ot,.-:ni ti, con-i.lerd on thr .tii .In Vf Sr.t, !;:", anl said horn; w;!l he dipon-i) of u, the '.tr.n or jifrvit.i inakwi the I cit oifsr or fir tll'Ttlnr. The en nii cnuncd rorrT the riy'nr to rv'i'Ct m and a;l pn. Hy or.ler .,f the council. Mjiv PDO. n F IiORKIS, Kcorder i t the Ci r of Raton e Jtfilk! Milk!!" 1 i.m pr, ir. .1 to deliver n.i'l. t., 1 pnrts of til- city. t:u3r.inte tho h-t ipiahty. '.- .ifc o r. nrnwncll s ercct.rv oaior in C lot liiifr. iirniJiin.r f:,-,,,. Caps, Boots. Shoes and Trunks. Jns. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. ircndorson. DKALUKS IX E. C SEARLS, WMLE, Real Estaie i Loan Brcksr. Larye li-'t ; f for sale. 1 fa i in aiid ciiv 'r.jt'rt) ttldl-t-V (HI rutl adjaiuint; coiiutUH, -t iti I.n.M a Ineurance writtoit up iu rdiuhle tv.iopn Notary I'uhlictn 1 ooiivevauciT. Call on or write nn , X. STKELK, Alhany On.'.p. . i. ii .I v. Ml'., ' EESTOHlok "PERFECT Sg&Um I Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac CO ShLQ. liitC. Low Trices and Prompt Attention. F L KENTON . DEALEE 1 1ST I mlr And. ! Choice NEAR THE POSTOFF3CF. ALBANY, OREGON FAROO'S 82.50 mm:.. 1 tmJA Albany 1EAM EiiCIKES CRIST AND SAV 3 ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS m ALL KI,'DS OF HEAVY A?!0 LIGHT W0!ii(, IN if?a:i km brass Th.-oiilvrcmr ! known vhHi will St:ir.i:!3l3 Ilia SkMive Processes of the l!uir.2ii S;:tT!. T; r il-ir-l i-.:..;.:nil,. v-ttt It M:rllr .1 r : .'! l:i:S All !,,, f iitioil, .Miii!I oml CAS7IK0S. (1H O I H'tM';ri .u iifiti'hiitir PftUoi-ns Made u;i Short Notict Conrad Mever. STAII 25 A K VAiY Rni-aer Brcadalbm an:l First Sts., -DKAI.KK IN I KnJi MAW FOR CENTLEMEN 'Drten FrnltN. 'l'lHCrt. , Kr n 1 'lc;nr b, Tf'H. ci evurythiiiK tlmt in ki'pt in nn variety an l if riH-ery or. Iliahert rlit pric paid for AlLKiKSDS OF PRODUCE. .N.-rv.iiK Kxll;i:istin. ticiiiMMl I)( Mlily, Ili Hlri i'i'.;f or m:y f xiiit.h.ii or wi-iik.;i 'lie. Kyl.-in, fmi.i wli a. I'v. r rutini:, SI. ! i:i uiili..iw, li,lu, Itiin. li!:i Sori"i, S'-riit"til;'., ( !(i.;n.-s ol tho lilood, Ktuuiarh, IJur aaj Ividiiojs. GI.OO. SIX BOTTLES F01 S6.CC. I'r. IIMl.T'.r.l pbcpI,.,, ,1 rlptlriTf dnitim; H...t..nitivt.. ULd Lin vliier 1.. .u.-t'.tg. :iit lrcc by muil. HILlia CRLl3CO.,SanFniic!sco,C8l. roitbAj-i: ux FOSHAY &. mm, ALBANY, OCN. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPKIKTOK OK - Albany Soda Wrks. -jiu! !ftnlf!llrl of 3?0ICS CQSFEOTIOHERY. '" i r. i.Hr...' to rull at whul hi Portliud kirp a full .nwnvmr-'sli HTIO flllf Ruts and Tropical Fruits, CISA7T3 AND T03ACC0 S. W. Paisley, -W!t'M,l'.SU.K OKALKIt To'oanco and Cigars. Or.l.'rs s.ilioit. d ,'rom tho tml.i. IX- Is the Best Shoe in the Market FOB SALE BIT- for the Price. -:G. W. SIMPSON,:-- THE PLACE. By all meant oall on PaKe. Brothers. ART STUDIO, Mrs. Dr. Pallon, tor. 3rd and Lvcu SU op yout Groeer.'es, Frotluce, Baked Goods, Etc. .Wiinsi-: STOCK 'I'.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, UJLjUTHING, ETC., ETC,, n hvi-r .I.s now Larger an-1 Jic ttt-r lh store. ' 1 i.eti uri:. IV. vt . i: AM ISI lt., m. i. 1J1IVMC1AN AXI) SUKor.OX. ihw in .Mr-liwain'a hrti-k. Can -luuild 111 Hire ilay or liilit. WKJTE STEfifil LAUNDRY S K Sriiith, Wliiu, sieau, .Irv Ilct'K KOllnral liillmlrv ui rk vi.,;, eil. i rLfr4tlia'il l.a'aviti...i. an..... I SMOKE THE CSGARS ManufAciurc-l lv Julius-:-Joseph, IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CltiARS Plngan.l Rfi..-!vi.ij: tolmccov, Mee. T(.!.ti prank cm urlitl. cfnrrallw 'I l.oir pond Kr th hf.M i rnasonalilt. Etr,. i '.In (r I'f'ctM 2nd ni n'ock ol '.'Ml jrr lo. Hri'l tlio ni'it r.4r Imvinit anil Nulling, i ill k'nJit of Store, ;o(N In tho Val jh prii-ff, lioth have on lmnd FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CR&CKRRY, ETC., ETC. ?,. r wast of S E Young's oV Xorp, L. COTTLItB I2i yirst attutt. Albany, Or. LESSONS (iiven in I)rinir, I'aintllilt RinlMrfclL'. HlciurtiH fnrhalAnr painteo to ordnr. Dclmoiiica Restaurant, CORNKR FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The iiulerikfnp(l having urclijnctl the old Herman Utrntatiraiit HiaiKt openeil umiur tSitahovo na n a lir.-t-ui.u-it rrttau rant. Wo aro rL'.nrel to inmish nvali for parties or Jhircs mi !iei t. r.nlice. Oys tT fM-rveii in cvt'ty styfa, casKnn fir ccast; rKii.Ur.f 11 h t.noH.i in the market. Kmplfiy only tir -cla-H I dp. nt.J waiting will hi- pfoiopt i.m! cnirrti'oim. Kir.Iar mculs 25 iu. ('.Ihc of lir-t-closH quality n.l ii :up of f IV. v v:U-i nl frnm 6 to 10 t. I h in v n 1; now n iu 1 h im city ami ra il est; tho ti tn nit' a call. S WKjvMS' Proprietor . MChF.Y, CHEAPAICNEY. We have tnaiif arrnnt-fint'iit to suppljr money to nil on loiyir linn at low rates o interest n improved f.unis nndcltv prop erty. Thee who contemplaies building brick Mocks or nni brick business house can ct money. See ns. Wallack At Citsick. CHyMcalMaakcl. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Kofp a full Un of mwiln of all kinds, tn a pool plr.P", pnnipttl y pro tected; and hImvs froa'i. r' '"lrf',""'w.( -f la-y-Ttr