THE DAILY. DEMOCRAT. The fashion for young New Yorker to go to London to have the wedding cere inony, where it will be convenient for dukes and counlti.ui tu run in nj honor them, I. the height of Anglomania ridlcu. losa. The leave, oi the pawpaw tree are cm ployed by the negroes in ualiintr linen, u a sub.tit-.itu for soap, They have also the property of (en lering meat wrapped In them tender, oniug to the alkaloid papain will, h they contain, and w'-kh aets as a .iilvent. Kecent investigation h i pe.ip of Urcat Iiiitain s M.en th.ii tin mi.i.v over ;,. 500,000 pills d:lily, or one pj i i a woek for every perron In the'p ipnl.nii.n. -,'K. pi. consumption for one year would ei.;!i i;otons, and woi'l.i li I thirty. six freiijl.t Cars, en:.' r It announce, that cimeli-l will adjourn wl.en it ha- pa-ed the ta:i:T 1-iil, tl e appropri.itio!-. bill and the f.-Jera, eleeti.'!-. bi:l. I: it doesn't .idjourn un-.i; that litre the;her niay a well cr-.i;,-,-'.heir fall ard wit ter niinrtcrs. Mr. i'owdeily i-entne y ti-ht ir. i:r.;in..; workwomen to h-iws tl.J I.tid-e Force bill wt.'r. their 11. i ; lit. I. at l.p.l aims at the destruction i i tree eleetior.-, and free e'ec.lor.s are the condition of liberty for 'vci- - net., who constitute trac-tentli-of . e n et: in America. The rapidity lth which flics past t irouch the air ! I. not likelv to be annre- cialed by those who ten onlv with what apparent ease they do it. Files will keep up with a fast horse, and that, too. with out lighting on til in. In an open cxpies car, through which the wind blows, thev hold their places, lit in this w av pnd that without hitting against the sid.'s. Thev inu-l, therefore, e,o fa-ter than hor-e or car, (live man speed like this proportioned to his size, and udn around the world would be a matter of only a few hours. "Flic passce tf the i'or.-e lli'l tvjuM mike in the South eveiy res; ectahlc citisii a 1 icmo ciat. It ttoaU concentiate all intelligence an.l all honesty and all ca; ital on the one side, while t'ic other ttuuhl he made 11; uf the slams of oar post l-el'iim civi'.MUoii. Aa ordeily discussion by tl'e Peniocrati. Sjr.atois of a l ill to t.iset afte tttenty live of peace is called "filibaster y a ; arty ttlilc'a oii.c stocj for "1 ici :L. E. li L A I A J" llnw 1Jmmi Declaivtl -AT THE- &8P tf.miii.ivN& HEAD IN HIS LINE! Vi.l N V, 1 iv ; H :i .:V.'.l('ti. ''LO'vt'i', Ti!lV,',U'o. Itlir run tn Vll v, I.1.!!!'!.. lli I 1' . (lie lit'st llano's mi tin' imirki t luiv tln .li'Wt l i.j'' n-t y ill i 1 . 11 e . 1 . . '1 ... ' c alt tin t.t 1 !J. . 1 liiliMit is iij mis HI. lie in liji.-, m.c;,,(1 .. , 1 an 111 aki- vtii In !! . .nn.i tliti'i "!!!-. 1 . -nt i'.,r.,.; ,i, . 1 1 1 1 i ,. t i ui we lianiilr .- -v '. in -.v wa' l" Iiiii'ihvai-c. .t Wash m 1 1 at NK'.V Al),1 'K!l !'! SLM KN Mr i'owderly tats the Lodge Force bill "passed the House oi Representatives without the ad. Ice or consent of the pco p'e of the Fr.ited States." True. It is a bill intended to suppress the people of '.he I'nited Ststes and to place the control of elections in the hands of partisan agents charged, with the duty of returning a pre arranged majority to congress. Contrary to all piecedeni. S npakpi T!,.s has made up the Raum Investigating com mittee without Including in it Mr. Cooper, en whose motion the investigation is un dertaken. This proceeding bears a close resemblance to the exclusion of tne prosecuting attorney from the court room pending a trial. Edward Wakclield, in his History of New Zealand, estimates that the introduct ion of bumble-bees into that country has already profited the farmers tothe extent ot .s;,ouo,ooo. Kefore their intioduction it was Impossible to grow- red clover seed for lack of fertilizing agents Two Men FOUND m u fi2 Bo? DEAD!! V Whil, Nov.- tin.' (Ji-faU'st lu. artimi is 11 is Stock of an. I -tvlis trying lo Crmvtl their -WAV INTO DEYCS & BHGS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest itnoroved Uitl..s .in, l s;i., Guns: an immense stork t,f i--;i. ;. Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks. Camp Chairs and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention. In connection wiih the Sioie, and one of the best workmen in the Mate to do any and ail kinds of work. totne one, Lome all; No trouble to snnw goods. '-Small prolit and quic 'nW' is oui motto. Straw b;-oods, -In lieepino: With tlio J I j o i-'.i Z't V i i :' r. i - i it ... o (;:: -t(.. ;. f : , .. is it .-v ..i.:,l. in ;,!! Hi, - !.,r spi'ii1.; iiuli-. We u'i! -. te ion ...,. i; .. i .. i. .. Ilxc-ltisive -ellii ti.l- II S.- l y.HO V. ti ilitc, If You Would ho Suitahly Dressed - Call - at - His - Store.- FIR WELL l!KlN-i, ROOK HKLf.. imrand pto-preting, AiiiotoJ. it, fi-ghes, Albany, tir it-.e best way to remove the smell cf paint is to first render the room as nearly as possible air tight by closing the window's, doers and other oneninss. Pl.n-i. -..i of lighted charcoal in the room, and throw- on it two or three handfuls of iunlner hor ries. After twenty-hours the smell will have courtiy uisappcared. Another method of doing the sa ne thing is to plunge a hand ful of new hay into a pail of water and let it stand in the newly painted room. The labor organizations have abou t decided to make an Incursion into Speaker Reed's district and defeat him at the next election. The Federation of Labor, the Knights of Labor and the other labor 01 ganiKiions nave petitioned the speaker sent del -gates to wait on him and In evert- way have endeavored to induct him to give labor bills a chance, but up to the the prcse'it time they have received no re sponse. A prominent labor man said to day : 'I hate made fietpient inquiries of the chairman cf the committee on labor In re gard to the matter and have invariably been told that it rented c.tirely with the speaker: that !h,. cw.L-.. i..i 1 .. , . - -,-sv. .,uu .IUIII1SCU tune and again that he would give his committee a chance to consider its bill.but 'onuses mi not seem to amount to Rnytmng. It is against the speaker.therelore, as tne person who is chictly responcible for this barylngoi hills of great Interest lo labo that the laoor organizations will now direct intlr rllortr. .1 v i 3ns. F. Powell & Co. Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -IiKALF.n.S IX- The annual snowfall in Colorado enormous. At Dillon, according to the cmerfrisc, the snowfall there from the tirst day of November, 1SS9, to Nov itiyo, was twenty feet ten inches. At Kokomo In ibSa--, by actual daily measurements, something like ninety-six reel ot the beautiful fell between Nov. 1 and June 1. Of course It kept on settling all the lime, and when spring opened up there wasn't more than six or seven feet on the ground. I: may be just is well to mention that L'ncle Sam's dominion ex'ends a little more than half wav around the globe Therefore, when any of her majesty's sub. jects get oil thai che-tnut about the sun never setting on the lliiti-h dominions, we can Drag ot the same thing too. The ills tauce from the cat tern. nost point In Maine tj the westernmost Maud In Retiring Sea i a little more than degrees of tvdc, so that it is full sun up in Maine be fore it is sundown in Rehring Sea. Will & Link OPERA MUSIC AliKNTS Foil TltR ( KI.Kl'RT?It S3. V. Miller, Ami the Fav(riti' J. BAUER & CO. PIANOS. Als.1 the Mouse Proof "EAREPF," And other First-Class o -R G- a nsr s . Sole Agents tor th-j ELDKEiKiE I!. -: and : XEff hOHE hOWfllZ .tllK'llilK'S. Ok-jaxs - Cleaned - axij - Repaiuh. AI.I1AXY, I Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac Low Prices and Prompt Attention. lfnp -F L KENTON. Vj J. Ul IJJ, JDTT! A T.-RIT? -r-r.-r E. 0. ShARLS, Real Estale Leap footer. '" r.- i-. . I.),. t Lan'u !it of L-.I. .1 f..!n, Ait.l ,.itx .,.. foraalt I.onn. m i t v on r.l i -t ,,. it. I -....I Iufcurauc? wiitVu u;. in rtls i'i li- c. ,t;h icn Notary 1'uMioi nl ciivi'iM,,:,-. Call on tr wiitf nif, S. X. STKI'LE, Ailii:i ' Ojcin. Furnished rui n to lent, Ii.-uirc of Mrs C L'tihruille, i.yoii St. ALBA NY6r! WFJTSM & HDLBERT BROS.. Peal Estate Ag-ents, FaiiiiP anl I' lni'lica fur Rale. Annuity iro.trty in Ary and CoryuJli?, Eugene City Bonds for Sale XI uader the provision of u act of the irgisiaiure oi ureon eninied, "Ad aot o iiiKninnratathrit P. . i - ... -ajugcuo null IO peal all acta and part of acta in oocftict here with,' ti.ed In the office of the Secretary of tifn k'ktr-.s n 1-.. mux, icen u "'"uu.j twrw, ihv common Ann noil nf thn I 'if v nf fmun. tmiil I . j "J " 1HUO HI1U dispose of the bond a of said cifry at pr TaJue o from $.-10,000 to 1,000, in denomina-tu-ii of from $100 to 000 m the purvhasnr (no. dwaire, nayab.o 30 veftaa after H.t nf puiiiK tu raiiiu, wnn Micerct thereon at -- - -.- . k' .ui. jrr auiiUDI DAValilt JtPtri .tiiiii .Mt .ea.d proposal t mrehaf id honda ill he rt ifiitH l.i i :i .,.ir j r.uuviiv. i Tit-nn. tin .t i mt ivrt 1 ,, , t f- I'Jirv, HI ail prop.iwn roccir-tl will m opcn.l and cotmi.icrtd t-n the .tlt davjt'f pt, l!C0, n4 said linnds mil he di..a(.!l .f t.. .. ' rum to ri'jfut any mvl a.l propaala. JHy or.ler the conru.ii. M i; JI.,tt I. V linutnc Hpcorder f ir the City of Rnin Xrfilk! Milk !! I am to deliver nalfe h all par nt tne cttv. (.uir;i!if ..( Hit h.,. in in i n n, r. li.OWllt- ttriT.iru . p.- - .i ,7 J "') u IKtll JVEARTKE POSTOFFICe. ALBANY, OREGON. FARGO'S 32.50 v. w. I Il lSTIH U Y, 71. I ICIAN AVI) M-m:lNiv tiiiiw i'i .M.'IlwRin i.rirk. Can l) Miiliinlll.-B.Uyoriiipht. WHITE STEAM LAUKDRY s I s"" '' " 'o Slru T.Hiii..lrv. Kfiiorwl iHiui.lrv wi.rk Miii, (.,.i,. ton er ltli. i.mnyultM.tH, Almiy Alioany IRONWORCCa 1EAM E'iCIHtS CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS m ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT W0.1K, l!l GASTWSS. i.wiHi :::!:. .ii ji.i.i ,, ;.Hirlim ,i un ni i!i.t.-h:r.r. Ka'ni:i-:;3 I'iacie on Short Notice Conrad Mover, -I'll. ":! M.T''.i Or". STAR HAKKUY Cnt-aer Broaflalbia and Firut Sts., m0k Tli-oi,!;. ri-nifily l.i,nwn nliMi will Ct'rii'jfo -,s Ll,lr-!'an UL. j v.. u.j nuniii'.s riljlciui Ul (ill! j T yl'r- ra.'i-A n:.'lriTt '.. i...nlt .j.iVklv I ''' '?: y .t'KI.S All rm, ,,'f I ;;:. -I!l.:s1l..i, ;,1,(1,1 nj -S.-rv.nn lljliausll,,,,, i,.ll(,ri,i .,iiiiv, ttriiln l'a.;, or any . xtiaiisl,.,! r vrxti. rn. it c.iii.l'.tli.n o;'ll. ,-,,.,, ;r,.. Kint. rv.-r raa!, stihi I i ii,-is, )t.,iu, v.. iltill si.r.-s, S,rurl, ,..,;,t , IH..,B,.rf the i;t.,o.I, atomii, 1,M ivur uul Kidney. 8 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR 13.00. Ir Illll. r'.r.l ,,.,. -)k ,!,.srri, t:ro( t'v. H1LLER DRL'G CO., San Francisco, CA Foil &.1J.1; FDSKAY MAj'GN. ALBANY, OCN. 4'H.iii(-ii Vicnts l"'fii!wnp.. Q. T tSP snon FOR CENTLEMEN Is the Best Shoe in the Market " G. W. SIMPSON,:- tflliwi' .--i-. ........ GENERAL MERCHANDISE, uijutiijm u-, sro., ETC,, Is larger and IVUlt than Ever o lnttswrp. "'pirn fritllK. t-Kt-(ali;. 1 oln, 'ira, 'llf'. TfH. Kto Kt... ' .. Avirythlnn t),,. s t,Hr,t i ten 11. varloty and irrncsr. Ulglie4 n rkt prlofl faiil for ftll, K5KDS OF PRODUCE. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PKOPUIICTOK OF - Albany Soda Works. jvo'i Mani'T'i'tiirery of CHOICE CaSFSaTHIIERY, A-nr.pi. mow (irip.r ' : s!l Kt wtiolk '.j.mvriiMi "mi ,u r.irtii Dd :fs 10 (li.airs. .'., fu tints .mil Trapip&J fruits, ClslIRS ANO tobacco S. W. Paisley, A IIimiij', ,rsKn. -W!ioi.i:svi,io rihui.KB in- Tcbasco and Cigars. Orilnrn xiik-ited .'mm tl,etra,l,.. THE PLACE By all menus ot.ll on PaKe, Brothers. ART STUDIO, Mrs. Dr. Patton, for. Jrtl 11 n, I l.yra M$ T KSSfiN.s CiivBn In I)rv,Mi, Palntliiit J-i nilMi.ic. rfrnalaor pain tea to ordor. ''r yoKt SMOKE THE CfiC MftDufacturcJ I.y 'MHuuiuuiurcti iy - Julius-:- Joseoh. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GUARS 1 11115 anij!t; tuW.Ms, Mrtlt..0i ar.d l.rur -ip,- ; unnliin Ki'.it;i rrni,li,. Groceries, Proauce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc lU'iriroodi; arn U,(. i... n h J ttu ,r t.ri-t. 2nd mr Store. Rcatatorkoriitiil tr .omls In tho Val l-Y, ami tlio mint r..i.r ,nin prices., ImiiIi til biiyltiK i"'l m.lltng. i have ou lian.l ll k'-iiJa of FURNITURE, STOVES, TWWA3E, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKFRY, ETC., ETC. Jo.r wait of S E Young's olr" store, L. COTTLliB 12:) Flint street. Albany, Or. Delmoiiica Kcstaurant, CORXKR FIKST AND l.I.I.S-.VORTH STS. Tl, ,..l ...I 1 1 , ... u.ii.imini ii.vni p'lri'iiiiRCii tne old Hnrman ItenUurni.t .an.l has opened uuiitr innanove ua n. a lirnt-uuil. r.'fftau 'aut. Wa are prepared t-. turnisli meals for partlea or danei; rtlort limine. Oy- ters served in every Btyla, eai.lem or coast; nil Hindu of tlsh know,) in tlm market. KtllllloV oolu liru.,.ln.a I . 1 1 :.: . - j j nun waning will he prompt mill cotirtrnna. Heiilllar me.ilsS.-, ct. ('..Il.-eof i rut-cliiM qualitv nd a eup of cofl. and . ,U nt from 5 to 10 U. I ' well Un.m-ii :,i iliw cirv and re nef. tllu 117. -.!. t.. 'lie me a cull. SAM'j: )KTS' Proprietor MONF.Y. CHEAP.MONEY, A e ll.tVe hlllde Drr!ltlir,.nnl. I r i.fs,stv money to nil on lonjr time at low rates o interest .in Improved f irms an:! cltv prop erty. uhn .n.,i... ,.!..!... i...ll.l:n. hrick bloi ks or good brick business liot:se can gel money. See us. W AU.ACE& ClTSICK. City .ileal Market. miihu BROS,, Proprietors. K'-ep a full line of ineMla nf all kinds lu a eool pIlc, noinplofflv pro tooted; ami nlvaya fro.'ij. Also havoeon i' -:it!v on hiiml faliuod t.d oiL-m f.s), ... Vi