Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 07, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    JXW CtliJJ PCiii jfJ H W 11 iU
roL. in
I am at Smith c& Senders'.
ymi m " " HO
&a vm m mi R 8ft Eft! 9 ?Sfil
1 1 Blli 1 C MA.
fi Go's Engines a
yfl fc f
,5..'.:;v....',, ..-V; :. - j ' - .-i.v.-l
. . ... .... .. .- . . ; V .j
1 1. . . . .. .. . . . -. -,
Highest cf all in Leavening Tower.-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89.
Tin? t:iihii-.k AcUlilioii to Albany has
just I'mmi tlirown or. the market nnil will
l)C koUI al fcucn prices uiui unu.
inaole inu Kjieeui.n'ji i ..... b
nonev. ThU property lies just this Mile
. r:..itr..'u l:.rt. U lilch anil siirhtly.
neilnokmi: the city ami surroun.lini;
i.ountrv. In the lai.ijiiaKe of a lirbt
ktreut iiurchant, "That is destined to he-
rome the 'llun-lon resilience p"i"""
he eft v." ,
! l,r Hits
Wallace x iiisieh, .1... -
property, have their own conveyance anil
will be ijlad to show this, the lest of all
idditi jns, to the intendiilji speculator.
id Macnmery,
'.piuliiiK l'liulosraiilifi AHy Ores'Ui.
L 1 1,, , '1 tl.u. nt.IvPR lI'IllTl l
Ourk pint W II (. ri- .i '..! Mil WA-v
JSSI). l:i h. atia em ,rl""
o.ily i.f i re-hi.;.-.l nn. "
nhoiit l,S,IK)0 i:e(iitive made ly mr
.... Ir .m whi-ii imp '..:.t.- f"'1 '
-n.-. V.'Bc.rrviW.lyf'ih lme f
,vfM..i- r..i ;";v;1 fl
s, r.fsf-r 1i.:.-.e',- rU. W..hallW
s. ,i t-. -i f 'i a h" r'r""11111
ntxt d"ir t M ""ic i.n.vln. .
The transition from ion,:, lingering and
painlul sickness 10 rohu-t health marks an
epoch in the Iff -J the indiviilua huch
a remarkable event is treasured in the
inemorv ami me ij
uood health hks been attained Is gratetullj
p. . . . 1. 1- Ln vti,rti heard
b leaned, lleneeu is iu..i
. . ..1 vt..rt Htitir. So many
in praise ui ..i... -
feel th-v owe their restoration to health to
the use of theyrent alteram e uu ........
..ui.4 ltti nnv disease ol
111 von are nut""" 1 .
kid'nevs, liver or sto.nnch, of lonji or short
,r :n ...r.,W. t'.n.l ri'lirt DV Use
stinitme, vou u.v.. .
of Electric liitteis. Scl.l at 50c and $1
per bottle at Foshay .V: M.isnn s Drug
l-Kf.T!ii.x.:s.-I-or all kin .1 of fruit
huxts pito the Supir 1'hib D..rn.l
I.uinher Co. Ke.l roc prices.
The C hicaa Tuliiur a strung l epuhll
ran eives out the following wan.ii't!
1 . .11.. .......t.. t..!iiirs simi remcsent.T
lives nu.e n" . -
constituents have told them plamlv thai as
between i;ialn-" anu wiicm
ii,.. v of wider markets lor ine Amer
ican farmer and restricted ones, they arc
. ... When the time
lurillC llihitiv,;
comes doubtless Hie conj-resn neu ..i
obey these e'ear directions. If they ills.
..1.1 i ..Lit lmv to stand the
reuaru inein n... - . .
" i'i...,iB fit the
consequences. im ,i.r.."..- . ..
..reat corn and hoi; raising siaie 01 .-.e-p
. . , I...1.- ,i...;ri..,nv,.niinn lids week.
nrasKa also mil. . ...
.nsieau 01 iii.u.b... ... --rr 1
thev demanded "a revision of the tarifl In
. . . i. r.r.,l,,rfr .mil laborer.
ine mieresis ui i- . . ,
. 1. ...... .,.! hWin-r lire
In this case ine prouui-ci
one. lnevaie - "k
., . ,w Iiol's and cattle. I he Ne
braska farmer does 1101 irnns,
l- n Mekm ev tarlii revision .....v..
raises the duties on com, w Inch is not In-
, ... to itti him lie wai.I
porieu 10 Liiini'. ...
the tariff rcviscil after the olil rc;m! ic.m
fiihhinn, bv retlucing the cot of what he
n nlnriMrii' hi market-, ami
llm uiving Mm better prices for what be
A PiM'iillnr t ne.
Sr.vrTi.E. Am. 6. Suvtial i';ivs ni'o !: mcS
anil Tliomns IIulII, l.iuilu'vs nf a vscll
.ukxt, anil youni,; nun ol ul
111 the (nimium it y i':c ;nu su il mi i liaU'eS
t.i woikm 1 he "flt.iiiye la. Uci" tn Mii.ill 'Oc-
aiul IKi'.iOii stoics ;.h..i.l tttw'i. 1 his altci-
nuoi) ll.e ntiiti;.:Kciiifin c.iii.t.-,u hi n ihc l iolh
ti c;ai-cl the anc.-t ( ( it4-c ,ic ami ;. me
MlI leli:in, mini; nan v.i.u sv i.n.-v.) i cm -
c tlte Jii.kl. t-'s 111 aj uMiicc a; i.f i e
. .. i. . ,L . - i'..r ii.. .,. '. r
l.iims lhe.e two men aic the it. : "llilll
iiair.uieis, that his hioUi' is n t c I e iiuio
cenl k-ums cl an nhftniuiuiie himiluiiiy tii ap
pearance. 'Hie 1 oliic are I uleii; hut are in-
;hed to the heliel timl the last men aneMcu
aie the guilty j-aities, and will hold them until
Ihc mailer c;.n be uioioniuy invesu.iitu,
1... ;l 1 1.. 1 ,! ,
1 lie IiUCll UJj usm miaasu vn
Hi ..H AM. II UK"-
Sn.'lve Ibe c-h-hr.ii.-l iinvait vh-- "
V '.ii(4'inrnl UOX
Kcrpa fuil iiiiu of these -loves in
l.ii'k Hint .mi m";; .-.--
All mi lV. (KVLIOIJ. SiMlUb'l h DIlll.
.. -
Vr TO Cur Tllf.M.- -tV'nen v.:.ntint,
-;:... --:-... ...:l:o-, (i I- illai Kman
,vh, Z you can s-.U.-i from a !
I O O I". ' .... I- -' ' -N" l I;.'..1 it-;
,t...,,., xl.,. V. .-i!' t-ihv i-vi-iiiiii "l
e.-jli VKhut bio-li.-r-i ne contially
-ivit l! to a' ' i ! 1 '
. anu 1)I-;ai.i-:i;s ix
The- l. st iimkCH are to U- fouiul in Al
i ,t !; t lt.ili.son's. w ho have ititt
reeeive.1 carload of Hit' luii kK ami
busies to I found. Their price,., coii
siderin quality, are reiuarka , y low.
!; 1 - : - l.p.i.l uiui when
have tlte largest v
vwviMtuiKH. Io and Bee tha
. vi .....t.,t. at bi "(iohten
. .. . . ti T.ilma l.rilrlwnhl 1 1 1 tJ
proprietor of the (iolden Kule.llnJ ir,u -or.
ih us that he has the l'rie Haki
l'owder.aii.l -No 1 Japan tea, expre ly
"r'-'-llrfM 1.S
powder will win a piece of hue c avai
I . , i .1 ,.! ti.n li.n II Will a
anil atso eaei. , . - ..
' ! n buy one pouml of tea or a box
akinir powder, wim i. ...
ll lvl- a i-bunee at that beautiful VM
, ii.. i. ..i, niii oililt'il ii tine asj-ort-
mi nt of family troceriea to bin inam-
wh i h s 1 e larnesi in n.v -
V I. v.;iailwho.l t tbe
i : 1.1,:,, ltulc. r.a.aar, ami you will tiiul
I that notions inisiepreseiited.
M-r l-inhe.
. t.; ,,r::isu is no r ceni .nuuiatii-n, hut
,:. an. times h,u mail I M'Ut t'li
..,. t-IU e fntli i.""t luii.'e.f- "lu-l.
v' i i,0,Mlssnpl.'"t.,l by til. t.-lliu..t.
' ..thors no .. .1 :1 I " J-"
. ... . ... '.Tl,..i.' l'.,itui..
l';,.st.r.i..r... ll,....t:l.v l!i.mme nl-d nv-llt
rn, piaster ...... ;; i- t..-t. h 1" 'I-"
' f-r" oMTtVr.y j i.!:d in r- ; -;
i, .:( it- 11 I'lM itu.t' v"
t. ihi . ui-is Hit v hivvu ilitC"! '
ii. :ar t.-'.in.n.i.!.-th..o v h. hi.'., t-
'''irvw cf i:.t'aii.Mi-;.i. Jo
vis,-.; hv n ;M(.P.'o.'iit-;i-.iin. A I. ' '
j.mI ft u ncil.eitatir.n rr '"
ind.Je V" tneecj-to Mt'-Hi" e.
rjiiiiiK nud c-it.ain rci.t i.
W a;ii!V(;to. Ails' 6. Accordinc to the
postalcatd returns in the census office Oregon
has 303.91 1 to)le. Of course these are sub
ject to eonsuieiawe reus on v.ntn iiiccuuhi i
made (rem the schedule lemma which are not
yet complete. The tirt 01 West district pa&s
u,l nvur ..(ri-;C.i- tins itt.anl and
Supervisor Stmnye's disiiitl has 71,410. Tele
giaius liave been coming in all day from people
111 eveijr pun ui aiaic iniiiniiuiuj, v..
11 ,.i....i-lc An r.nt
1 licsc icitriaiiis ine lwiisui uiiiviux j
spec'fy any particular ins'ances of fraud nor
that any count 10 or uiuci or pan 01 uis
IliltC lVVll Ull.l.liu.
TIip I nil nil Aiucrlrun lVar,
San Francisco, Aug. 6, Domingo Ks-
tiada, Ouaiemalan consul general in this city,
received a dispatch to-day fiom theCuatemalan
. .1 ,.r m..;.... -T-ii.... -w-it
IllLlliaiCI 111 I1IG H.J vl .'ll-Msu au.i..b
General Vrimguiar, leader ol the revol against
liarrillus, hu been routed by Guatemalan
troops at I'ulo (band Myia, vice piesident i.f
,1.H O a t..b.....,.v. - b.- - -
the Salvadoian territuty 111 opposition to that
Ul ILLCUl, UUM !." uviii auiim 'J v. ...-.....
amla, one of the moat iiupoitaat men of the
republic. lie th patch lo statnu that Eeta
hati hot many tuple connected with the lival
movement, ailing wnuin wne manj m:'u'
Baton Kogue, l a., Ang. 6 At the State
Farmers Alliance meeting .o day, Fitsident
Adams, referring to the attitude of iheal.iance
toward the Louisiana l-oltery, ciitd the fact
that the alliance was iuc him kwi wK jur
ation to announce its opposition either 10 re
chartering the Louisiana lottery or any other
lottery, 1 nil oposniun snuua u
the pait of the order which must be kept in
viola hie.
A Prcnldrnl UvkIkuciI.
11ubxos Aykes, Aug. 6. 420 V M. Presi
dent Celman has been compelled uy popmiii
clamor to resign, and Vice President Pel irini
has assumeii ine presidency, n
hat Seoor Metre, Costa, (iremst:.ii;o aiut
Levallcwil! tnt;r the new cal met, Puulic
contidence is levivintf, and gold is quoted at
Druggists and Bowkst'llf r
A(ri.t for Join P. Alden'a )iill lectio::;.,
nirhwetelU p'j'iJishorS pr!c-iU:
LOST, Somawiiore In the rnuntt-T. n
Llewelinn reii nott-r, whlto points..
L'beral reward upon return or Inf. rm
onof whereahouf, n 0 W Watt-, .M
ny. of.
-V w if .
n-, ,.. -...linrr !! Inf. rUiTtf-nt.
pl... on r :r. . reew . ,Ble,Ho the
, '"Wet from thl- -i ' """"i,,".
,,ven in l-""r?7'tank.
In her .t.i.l.o i . .Ill he
i t .1 1 1 n n ijjT hr youror.i'r
frompt iUeatioa-Firat-class Hears
-VJ ' ' .7
A nipM fnrrrer H.lkiil Into tho lanct-jm
wllh u l'i(T wl'.P ..nil.-' tie rra-
"lie j... i tie eiiltij-y" "I am, Trae tne
He .-ei two doliineend me your paper,
' You' Ii wont on. "our nMurhiw- wai
.Irk and lik to rtie; nh dr..oH-1 an-l pnr
wp'ik and ..'lie, hi.rt h-o.1uel.i-H, no npprtitn.
Colli h trK-d.thitnr. HWrt rvt Pj.
? r. . - i in r. Mtnn unit 1. now well nnd
!,.i,,n' u a roee-put mo down u a life
aiiterilK-r." ... . ..
Tlio0rnl'ieln bM enr. rl thimn4 afllleteil na
m.lo r.inrtion. o . .... " V,,Vh
ln tno on .. . f i
KMtfiirttoTI in '!rv cunt', or yn'-n 'j'.";'"
fundBd. Ifi a .pff-it.maro fnerffefne. not a ber-
era- - (...munf In thfi altntn.
yn.p or nrar uiwinr ui i -
For a I. of hW pa on Worann: IW
in blun Hnvelorwt riic1oi tn wnt,ln utainim
tOfOI.U IilSPIIWHAKT MumrAL Ahkocia-
TIOM, Wo. WW Main oiroefc, uuueuu, i. .
LaiaUTi.. or Catbartle. mceoMlnir to "lie of
Burnt to take. Cur Wcki M,;"dV?
Rill a.l. i.nuiunuuiH . -w
Tl.ia 'l rai'te Mm Ii "ii .i mm, it is the hi-st thpl e).
....tnce nnil skill eon.
Live, ito'o only ny ciinu.
,V Semievs.
Dr M. II- f?i:i. .h)iBi '' 'ri""t
A-bjny, t).i..n. falls !.. ill en,
c i..iiti .
ii. .I
Tiik Kki okiis of M.muo.n lounty show
the' of liini.y tlioiiwin.l iii-res of
In.i.l in email trartc of from 5 to 1(1 ai-res.
Capital City I'ruit 1'i.nnof (I4tlni-rvi,hiiii-nysiil..-
No i neri H, Siinnysiile No -
Ho aere.s, .mi .i no iieier..iui,i ot olhei'i have heel, plait'il on
the rieoi'.l.-. I y tlic Orcei n l.aml Company
of Still in, in j;..ii.
Tins (-.illipllliv 1H ?io r.iniiK .n.s.i.i-Bii m
l'oitlaiiil iiiiil-.AII'aiiy, i-.tnl have for wile
niiiiii roUH other i-inall tn.els. The ;rent
a.lvanlaj;e ol this plan i" that it l.rinpH
t.-fzelher in i. ne i-.-nniiuiiity llie cUihh of
peopli- w ho are ull u ;:v;a- ill tliu same
lniiiiiiss, viz: fi nil ii.i-.eotise.iiieiitly
there splines np'ai-i- i!iyin anil cali-nili;-i
slalih.-hiia nts similar to those, ill
tin eily ..( .-alei.i.v. hieh a.lvaiitaes inakeH
I n.titii' marl;it for the pioihu-ls uf
lhi-e linit lanns.;,;',t V..1.1 i.;h .. .-t l.y lmyini? of the
Or. .!. l.:'.ii ! I '"i.-l'.-i-y 1 f Salem, l ortlai:.!
: .-i- Ail-any.
.' 1 1. ;v M.i-1.;. and (iranito Work
ii... :.: Iv I r. -It.. --. -I the stlk i.f S A Uii-'a
...i: tl W in-, u ! hail ' phi." I t
-l...-.i.-i.i. --I -i eiv. pr.e to all n.i.uil -p'iirli..M
i'-. !;.; t..l M.-rkinen eml 1 i'l
..i.'il p ..".'- in low :ir at y fur lirat-claMWork.
Viiv l. !"r.- lirel:f.MIl,' ' l-i w liere.
Ko an .t ArlllsoN
r. ).t ill,, r t" !)..!. rat oliic. ) Alha.-j, Or.
Uariiaiun at'lleniVa.
C'a: t. 'M Ski l l.i:. Those l.nottlni.
!l,en.-i iii imlehtiil to the oh! lirm ot
Kr.-im.-e iaC Klein, .lill please call fet
tle at oi-ee.
i.. .... r t,i a it.-ri.iin llr:..l:i .illtl:ll
.in M. tll'i wk ft Wanliliurn li'-v t.' y nil
-neli ari H nenilier el bum en 'in
l.ilt mi iiit-liectli.u l" lllinr mwick
..inn ei, myone tlnil th.e. ...mi mini, t-. , ' h.-u iiei-i'iiiK nnyll.:.. tu their
I'.uckln.'K Ainlea Salvr.
. t ih.,....rill,i r.i-4.llriii!..-r-
h-iint.. I liill.liii.". i:-.r., "" " """" , , ,.'...
.Seiytur.. l-il.-...rnr.,yir.-. ur U !!".
Alliimy Maiki-..
,.it.-i-llc prll).
K ens-20i
"otntoe- 'ft nn f'
B,f-on ft, 8!r.
A ,-ipI -7S cent- r bu,
P0rk-6J.e peril area-cd.
a.ilea 10o.
per hbl.
tjlrkana-8 00 Pr rloa.
Ill Fee.l-bran, 14.00perlo
ahorta, 1.
mlil.lllmri 2.
I I- nv. i i.t rec. ivtd a l-irtfe u.v-'M-n of lace
certains .aniiiu in f.ii.n ... e to nn.o
rlnll..iK n p-iir, cii.n,J-urtiou m ts. . .c. A 'O
a line of ti.rtain p ! 01 ! fii-i,i'ii. covcr-
,(,. OAHir-ir. mi..'..
1 lie rulfill nnil llir liii-f-.
Kev I-' M Shront, pattor tniieil llrelli
. .. -i in.... t,.i,,wl Kun . .nv.: '-I
(eel it mv Jn'y to tell what wiinilera Dr
Klnu'a Sew Discovi ry hnn done for me.
Mv Innu. were nnniv inseiiM-u, unu ...j
pa'ii-lil-neiH thoni-ht I coul.l live only a
few weeks. I look live boltlre of .)r
Kinc'a New Discovery and nm sound and
well,' gaining Jo Iba in weight.''
l.t-nrral llrrak now,.
i .f tl e ayatcm ii termed "'Jcocral pehility."
The I oiy . t P' er,V nour.iheilj it 'a in
itaiitd cm ilium "'
maintain 1 aeif. it ..rema.kabl- to aee how
miieklv a person in ill cmmui . . ......
Zlr b.l Ha. . of Ur 11.11..'. I lynrM
tiue It.atorathe. For hale at Foa.ay