Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 31, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    Yah. in.
NO 73
I am at Smith & 'Senders'
Russe! ft Go's Engines aailaiinery
Uoburg Lumber.
I sell the beat bnnb-r iu ihe c uut; ; also
.edar posts, ahiuiles, Utlis dior n.l wio
o mouldini?, to. Prices front $3 "o 22
per thousand. Yard t L'wi'ni on' tho
Narrow Gaugo. Stt me btfvra archcing
V W CrtAwrrRn.
Addrt,P O T.I .
Pouitry Wanted.
All Winds of poultry, ltv or rliswrl
ir.nt.dkt tb wlllaroett. Packing Com
fmj' Bton. A lbny, Org t.
tec? fv
,V ; v '4"
AM) m:.i.i:i:s i.
lit ritocxu fLot-R superior roh riaiMn
and Surgeon,
and Ferry StrwU,
Offloo cor, !
. Fartmilifif 4 Irving,
Prompt ittnV, n-?ir3t-olass Hears
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
li Powler
yamj.h:r I'UOl'K.l.Y.
The Cusick Addition to Albany hat
just been thrown or. the market and will
e sold at such pricei and terms as will
naole the speculator to make good
inonev. Ihis property lies just this side
f Goltra's. Park; Is high and sightly,
iverlooking the city and surrounding
:ountrv. In the lunouace of n First
Street merchant, "That is destined to be
come the 'lion-ton residence portion of
he city."
Wallace X Cusick, the agents for tins
property, have their own conveyance and
will be glad to show this, the best ot all
additions, to the intending speculator.
'..eadhi): Photographers Al'tany Oregon.
We have bought all theoeuativei "-adf by
it W Clark and W H (jreiriwocd up to Nov
loth. 1839. Duiduiates cm ' t: id from
r. . , , if .
lein ouiy oi us -u re-iiu-vi r . o nave
ileo about 18,003 n-yattvoa n a-lo ty ou.r
elvea, from which dun.hi.. t ch-i be h.tit f'
ike r;4tes. We carry in oidy fn't 1u;k f
v.i-wg (.f this a'oty and do e?dng--d v.o: k at
OAMt rites for lht cJafs work We Aniii te
Mu-aasd to sen o at ourSmdu in Froman
.iK'uk, next door to Masonic I't tnide.
The trausitiou fiuin Ion:;, lingering and
paiuiul sickness to robust health marks an
epoch in the life of the Individual Such
a remarkable event is treasured in the
memory and the agency whereby the
good health has been attained is gratefully
blessed. .Hence it is that so mucli 19 heard
in praise of Electric Bitters. So many
feel tify owe their restoration to health to
the use of the great alterative and tonic.
It you are troubled with any disease of
kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short
stjndfng, you will surely find relief by use
of Electric Bitteis. Sc'ld at 50c and $ 1
per bottle at Fosliay & Mason's Drug
Fki'It Boxk.4. For all kinds of fruit
boxes go to the irugar l'ine Door and
Lumber Co. Bert rock prises.
Bargains atRead'fl.
Whereto Gar Them. When vr,f",St
.n organ or plana call orvG L Bla'"
rhft'e you i:an select from a class
tto-. '
S.noke the c. lelnsteci liavan tilled ei
'prs, mamif.ietuu-d at Jul u- .lo.'epli'u cigai
ficttir. Oiiiv D c.rtrs.
Ruck it'ii's Arnica
T!u t j-tt Sil i'l t!i-j v.trl I I'H
!t K'i mi 11, Fji
s r. I -n tr, (it ti
1 :;!: .Ski. 1 Kru;tiu an
:yj If, (Jlillli;UIH, Kj h
ntuul tn 1(1 't) ju'lu'-'t. H'iii!tfajtim, r nnnu'v i';::;ini
tl. rr.uti i 3 cent pjr ix, for u'.w i Foa!m uutl
IOO V. Albany Loile No 4 holds it
regular meeting U edncsday evenini; of
each week. Visiting brother are cordially
nvited to attend.
l !iv '
A"iop hn? tf tis tf t-e or n mulff whirh,
from ovr i?r:. v r, ' A ai:i and l'dt
rv, savir-.- 1 (li'-'if):: "Mv :.i.lit-r. : -'v,
wan a higu-mi ti.'t 1 it'- r I ,im S.s -n
enild m SfK'. d a f1--" " ' ' t
tiot uid weary: if i- ;', -t
havft made a miit-ki . '.-.-r. b;m a.',
fl-uld hiire bor:i o . "r ' a rsan. til
cwtintr a good oinm-r. i.: .' ' '.vit.-uviuriit'f
:.iu; hut r"Xt tiay tl tnt ntnr, you i,
mtt.-r be fcrla Ma an as-) in is surlv uuu t-ri;:i.
bit rtonch aid livr am el'TxHi. he i
morose, (ktitjnnc.-nt jrd "out. of ports' (tt
cri'.lly. For lnJijr? Icii,'ntimes and n'l
fleranffonM'nt oi ihe .Stomaeh, nod
Vswnl&, !. r. i"i'H-!'',. Go!i:"ii Mci;tl
ery i an un-iin."d lfwinMy. Cnntaitm n.i
aleobol to iivir!ut; no rup ir 8u.' ir to
fTrant and fl'-rar:ir .ho rtifirrrivo pur i -c.
It rlfsnscs the rvatem and cuivs plniT'l'.
blotcfir, cniTKfons auJ all Hhia r.?d S;alp
biaruws Scrofulous afr ct1'n, aj f'ever
torn, If tp-joint Dlseaw. Sndlintf an.l Tu
mors, yield to Ita superior alterative pmn-r
WOlil.O'fi DlPT-R4UT MKUtCAf. AfiSOClA-
Tioa, Kaaufaeturen. UjiTuIo, N. V.
olT'TMi for in
rf Catarrh In tha liu. y
thft nroDri.'tijri of Ur Mr S
tnrrh Urmrtr. OatV M ocr.U. BoU b;
4iU evcrjrwbere.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Hold the bctlle or decanlvr firmly in the
innd or Uttween the knees, and gently tap
the stopper on alternate sides, uing for the
purpose a small pitce of wood, and direct
ing the stroke upward. 1'lunge the neck
of the vessel into hot water, taking care
that the water is not hot enough to fplit
the glass. If after some immersion the
stopper s still fixed, recur to the above
process. Tass a piece of list round thf
neck of the ve.;se which must be held fas
while the list is drawn rapidly backward
and forward. Take a steel needle and run
it round the top of the itopper in the angle
formed by it and the bottle. Hold the
vessel in the left hand and give it a steady
twin with the right, audit will very often
be effectual, as the adhesion is frequently
caused by the solidification of matu r only
at the point nearest the air: , If this does
not succeed, put a few drops of oil round
the stopper where it enters the gl-tt-s ves
sel, and then warm ft before the fire.
When thoroughly warmed tap the stoppei
of the bottle on alternate sides as di.ected
;ibovc. Kepeat thisoperation if necessary.
Tin: HucouDs ok Makiuk county hIiow
the platting of uumy thousand acres of
land in small tracts of from 5 to 10 acres.
Capital City Fruit Farm of 040 acres. Sun
nyni.ic No 1 3'20 acres, t-uniiysu'.e No 2
140 acres, Sunnysido No 3 170 acres.and
a number of others have been placed on
the records by the Oregon Land Company
of Salem, Oregon.
This company is also doing business in
Portland and Albany, and have for sale
numerous other small tracts. The great
advantage of this plan is that it brings
together in one community the class of
Eeople who are all engaged in the same
tiHiness, viz: fruit growing.conseiim'ntly
there springs up large drying and can
ning establishments similar to those in
the city of Salem, which advantages makes
profitable market for the products of
these fruit farms.
Consult your interest by buying of the
Oregon Land Company of .SaluiuJ'ortlaucl
or Albany.
A Change is HusiNEse. The public
generally will be glad to know that Mr
Joseph Tironi, formerly of Corvallis, bus;
purchased the interest of tho late C 11
Spencer, in the grocery btiHiuess of Spen
eer & Ulaeklmrn. Jlr riiom is by no
means a new bund at the business, and
being himself a lirst-class baker anil con
fectioner, their store will always contain
the choicest of bread. iies and cakes.and
to their already complete stock of groce
ries they nave auuai manv oeueaeies 01
the season. Their place of business, sit
uated on the corner of First mill Wash
ii.;;t"n streets, would lie an lienor to any
c.vV. These gent li men lieiiw both well
mil favorablv known in Linn anil Bentuti
counties w e do not hisitate in saying tliey
w ill do a large ami prosperous Imsinejs.
Tiie new linn wiil . bereullet be siylvu
bliieklitiru ic f'iioni.
Dr. M. Ft. Hliis. imysuiiii: aan sir,:. .
Afr.i..v, Oregon, c ;.'., u:-.,U il citv
LilU:..T Sl.AL'GlirKK. G W M;:ip-ii.
has made a great slaughter in price on
a'.l mi in nit r tood to close ihMn t.m
namely :
Lawns that wc old lor 12 y2 15 (
reduced to 8 cents. All wool tha!li tluH
we sold for 20 25 30 reduced to 15 c pt
Chaliies Ihnt we sold for 10 12
reduced to 7 cent.
Iatieens e oid tor to'j m & y
reduced to 1 5 ern:s.
And a eeiural reduction on all Minimer
good-. Lfok at risplay and pricei in the
G V. SlMI'fcON.
This Tratie Mai k on a to
weans it Is thr best th?t ex
pct'cnce and skill can con.
trive. Mold nly by Sn ith
k Senders.
J W Hftitley. bent b-t and slim-miliar il
3ity, eiooite rortmillT &t lr inn's
Tbr I'ulpll and he Htnar,
Kev F M Sbrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Hhie Mound, Kan., says: I
feel It iiit duty to tell what wonder Hi
King's New Ii-cov. ry ha done tor me.
My lung were badly d'seatd, and my
pa'risbkmers thought 1 could live only a
few weeks. I took live bottles of iir
King's New Discovery ar:d am sound and
well, gal.iing 26 lbs in weight."
"tnuhmrea hi etuok to 'f'fjt ftoinatj
F Powell Ae IV
A LB A. 4 V Marble and Grmte Work-,H.-in(rUtl
pn rehired the stek of S A UipR
and O W lUrris, we shall he ptfaerl to
show deigns and aive prices to all intet d
ing purchasers. Bet of workmen employ; d
and priceii as low at any for nrat-claaa work
Visit na before pnrchwina elwhfn.
EoA!i St Achi.sow
oeit door to !)i.tnCTst office) Albany, Or,
Blaine Almoht a Elrumrraf.
Washington, July 30. The Star (repwb-
ican) says to-niht: "The indignation of re
publican congressmin over Mr Blaine's inter
crmce in tl: tmifi" f!Uu.ssirn hrs reached
smh a I clUercnt state that it is proposed.
nice the i uh.iration of his last 'tttcr to Sena
tor Five, that he shall he forced out of the
cabinet and if possible, out of the naity This
may seem extreme and startling, hut it . uhnt
it this moment is being seriously dii.nssed by
those gentlemen in congress who mr hi be ex
nected to hear a feeling of angry sirfment.
31rn Wheeler Injured,
Elokm;, July 30. Mrs A Wheeler, wife of
the propiietor of the Springfield mil), met with
a serious accident this afternoon. She had
been to Eugene with her husband, who had re
mained, wli L- si.3 drove home alone A short
distance from town the horse became f lighten
ed and ran away, throwing Mrs Wheeler out
on the hard gravel of the road. She received
severe nervous shock and bruises, but it 11
thought they are not necessarily fatal,
ISurtiliifi n Town,
I OLE do, Ohio, July 30. A most extraor
dinary condition of afl".uik; prevails at Bairds-
tow n, an oil village twenty miles south of this
city. There have been hye incendiary fires
within a wcrlt, and every business house has ,
been destroyed, Tht cause is thought to be
the passage by the authorities some time ago
of an ordinance forbidding the sinking of gas
or oil wells within the town limits.
4'rasy Train,
Tacoma, July 30. George Francis Train
has made arrangements with the Tatuma
Ledger to make an attempt to beat the reccd
for a Hip around the world. He will leave
Taccma August 7 on the steamship Chin?, and
calculates he cun make the circuit ol the globe
in iilty seven rlajs.
lite Sa. Valium it'lriwus,
CjtY of Mexico, July 30 Iu the lust rix
battles in Guatemala the SalvaJoriar.s re
ported to heve obtained almost complete and
decisivj victoiies over their opponents. The
battles were fought near Jutiapa, twenty five
mit;s tioni Alesoitempa, on the main road to
Guatemala Ciiy. The report of Salvador vic
tories nyamst numerical otlds create much tur-
prise here,
Tnc Jem in ItuMtiu.
London, July 30. The Times says the
Russian government has ordered the applica
tion of the edicts of 18S2 against ihe Jews.
Jews must henceforth reside in certain towns.
They will not be permitted to own land or hire
it for agricultural purposes. The law limitting
the residence of Jews to sixteen provinces has
been enforced. No Hebrew w iil Le allowed to
enter the army or any other profession, The
enforcement of the edicts m ill result in the ex
plusijn of over 1, 000,000 Jews from the coun
try. Gift Kntkiu'rihi:. Go and see tha
lM'uutiful golil wutt-h at the "Golden
Rule JtiLZuiir." Julius Gradwohl the
prtiprietur of the Golden Kule
I'orniH uh liiut he has the l'rize Bilking
iWdt-r, and No 1 Japan ten, expressly
up for bin htiHiiicrH, nud for the benefit
ol Iuh ctifitomerR, eadi box of baking
powder will win a piece of line glaHwaitj
and al.o ( :u'h ponntt of the tea will win a
piece of line ghitwnr?, and customers
w ho buy one puuml of tea or a box of
baking powder, which is warranted, will
have a cbinice at that Ixautiftil gold
utitfli. He 1ms n!o ttdfled a line ast-ort-tiK'iitot
fitinily groceries to his liuim
iiK.utb ptock of glassware and crockery,
which is the hurnt, in the Willamette
Valley. io atid nee Mr (rradwhol lit the
Golden Utile Iiuaar, and you will find
that noibiuif is misivpresented.
Vv'.m l r.:'i:it. - I have just received
r -i iii.? mt ! 1 ; ; rivotov if wmU pi
rer, borders, docratinns, etc., including
Lie plajji iiigrains which are lcoining
tay pi'i-tihir. Thcf-o gK)ils nre better
tyics and c!:c:iper than ever before.
Samcfl E Vcl'Sii.
Nkw lii.ACKSMnii Siioj'. G V Willis
has completed his blacksmith shop at
the corner of .Second and Uallroad streets
where alt kind-, tti Iron and wood work
(Mil be nnd and done in first class order
Uiingonyour plows, wagons, etc., etc.
r. pail s.
1 O mcuicul Ktd l.lovr-.
Keen a full lino of these i.doves in
black und colored. Am side tient for
Albany, Oregon. Samuel L oung.
heir I'lalM-,
:t:f praise is no rtectn t rU'.inn, lot
tht-rr ra titnev wh -11 one mn- j-mit a 1 t
bii to tell ti e truth ntit iit l.uit- f. Wheo
vihut he say is auppnrtcd I y iim testiiroDy
t M vrino leasonai lf) tnko v 1 1 doubt his
word. Now, to that Al'tvtVs I'oroas
Pi? rs are the only ueuun r rd rt!'ble
pnrnii p last or mndc is net rlf praie in the
nlii b nt deitfrti. They liave ti.nd the tt
fir our th'rty yar, and in 1 roof of their
iner't it is only ifcessary ti alt attcnti' n
ti tlif eures thev have tfiic'fd and the vcJ
mdnry testimoLlsls ef thiaewho have nnd
Kt-wnre of iniitationa, ar.d do 1,0 be de
ceived by misteprespntati' n. Ask for All
cock' and M tin axhcitalirn or eiplanatioo
indi'iiM cu (accept tuhntiinte.
Allcock's coin and huuioo shields efftet
qoii-k and curtain relief.
the nr.AT tr ainher
Enervsti s the ttystem, redoces the vita
And wakrna the energies. In this eonditl
the bdy readily falls a victim to diee
F'Ttifv the system spalnat these debilitat
idriaetic, by thkioK lr Hiller's Hydiatistf
Itrpt'ira'ive. Iteoables tha nutritive swtetm
naooorh sufficient nnorishmont to kff the
h-tly vipomas end heal thy, and la tit con
rhioti to resist disrase.