THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. A SMALL. NAKIIOW MIND. We arc orry to have to ay !tf but the man who wrote the following U a small, narrow-m!nd cd, bitter spirited partisan : Tlie sober fact, on the contrary, is that the alleged democrat of the period are pretty good Frrnchmen; they are paw-able Englishmen; they are good Germans and Spaniard. Iut thev are not Americans at all, Thev are in line with foreiyn na tions aaint the L'niicd State. They are laboring to bfntrii foreign countries at the expense of their ow n. They are trg'ga I in a tr1r-d national bell-out. The eJi 'jr of the Mountaineer may SI know it, (and If he does not he is t!tr jl ignorant,) neverthelcts the above extrac. teems w ith lie in every line. Over half the people of the union "pretty good French men, "payable tnglishrr.en, ugood (.icr mans and Spaniards" but not American at all. Truth Is, that tins nincompoop that essays to write about democrats i too murh of a pea-eyed, ' ea-nut sort of a !an. derer to be worthy of no:ice when w riUng about democrat. Uut this seems to be the best he has in his little cranium. Does this defamer thit.k for a moment the! me tnbe is of the democratic party, who constitute a large majority of tlie people of j the great federal republic, are not a in tensely American a republican? Have not democrats is much interest in promo ting tiie profcperi'y of this country as re publicans? Why should democrats a ho believe in a ;orf tariff be accused of wanting!- c cjt to France, .pain, Germany, Rus-" ...Italy or Australia, hen all these na tion iave a hih protective tariff. is a shame to Oregon journalism that any editor could be found in the w hole com monwealth who should so forget the rules of decency and truthfulness as to utter ialsehoods by the wholesale as is done in the above extract. There is not a single gleam of an attempt in the above to avoid falsehood, but on the contrary a studied effoit to crowd into a few short lines as many untruths as possible. Here is a formula for telling the day of the week of aay date, which is said to be the dis covery of a Rhode Islinl mathematician: Take the last two figures of the year, add a quarter of this disregarding the fraction. Add the date of the month and to this add the fol lowing list, one fgure standing for each month; 36624025156 I. I ivi ie the s-m by 7 an! the remainJer will give the number of the day of the week, and when there is no re inn in dcr the day will be Saturday, As an exam; le tike March 19, 1S90. Take 90. 22, add I9,acd6. This gives 137, which, t'ivi el by 7, leaves a remainder of 4, which is the nueibtr of the dry, or W -'re-lay. ..fw crura jail icivl at Yi,rad : Mr'S. I L. E. BLAIN IIiim lJeen Declar.-il NKW ADVERTISE.WE.V! .S. T.iK WKLL II R1NG, HOCK DKLI . A. -AT THE- HEAD IN - HIS - LINE ! write t J. B. X rrcK l- HEREBY GIVEN THAT i-rof -srir owuera are rqmred hy or. ue down ami remove a:l I.! u:-on the:r premise an.l unon tin strt a.lji...lra th-ri-.). n!u thocitv limit.) f litiany. Tuoe raiting to do ao" will be 9 to a fine o. $3. Aio.m- July l;u, ls't). J. N. ItMKFMA Y. City Mariiwl. Senator John il Mitchell, of Oregon, has written a newspaper article in which he strongly favors the election of United States Senators by general ballot. If this system is adopted a new Force bill will be required under which only rich people and corpor tion agents will be permitted to vote. Otherwise tome actual representatives pf the people may rise to favor and thereby destroy the plutocratic character of the United Slates Senate. TriE BKK.U" VAf;ON aed set KiiKMl BItEAD every ni.truirv, or leave onl. fi :th J I! I) ..!; o'Ki lUs 'l.u IWiverid all of tha Now the Greatest Attraction is His Lai-jre Stock of an.l Stv'.ish Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! While trvin to Crow J their -H AY INTO- The Knoxville Tribune very aptly says : 'While 3,00,000 democratic voters in four teen northern states elect only forty-seven congressmen, 3.300,0.00 republican voters In the same state elect one hundred and twenty 'x congressmen. In other words, the republicans require only ipoo votes to tit eta member cf congress, while the democrats in order to elect a member must have 65,00a vo:e." Salem by counting the convicts in the penitentiary, the insane and idiotic, the blind , the institutions generally, has a pop ulation of a little more than 8000. But there is no reason in including these in Salem's count They belong to the state and under the state's charge. The only j-eafton they are gathered in one body at Safcm is that the state wanted some out-of-the-way, quiet place to keep them, hence Salem's selection. DEYQE &. FROMAN BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south 6f Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Gun; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands or. ether things too numerous to mention. Repair Shop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen in the .State to do anv and ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to show goods. "Small piotit and quick iW W out motto. Mr Blame tues to make it appear that the only way to open a matket for our products is to bargain fjr it. lint when fair trade exchange is unobstructed by tariff alls commodities hnj markets easily enough, Other commer cial nations will gladly exchange their goods wnicn we need lor oar breatlstulfs and meats which they need, il we will permit them to do it, and there will be mutual profit in the trans actio R. A protection organ ban the hardihood to say that Hhe McKinlev bill i- drawn with special reference to the agricultural interest." It U Mr. Illaine who says that there is not a line in the entire bill that will make a market for another bushel of wheat or another barrel of pork." But it does raise the taxes on everything save sugar which ths fanner buvs. Salem wantr it un leratood that Presi dent Harrison hasn't bought any real es tate here as yet. Only live men come to Oregon's capital Capital Journal. Well, we have been thinking for Kmc time that Harrison was a "dead duck," and now comes one of Ids best friends and ad mits It. The Farmer Alliance of Minnesota seem not ttf have apprecnte.I Mckinley's preten led efforts in behalf of formers. In their state convention the other day, ihey denounced the Mckinley tarm as " downing infamy of protection." They are right, too. The House has very properly amended the Oiiginal Package Pill jo as to make it apply to all articles shipped from one State to anoth. er There is no reason w hy liquor alone should be singled out for State control, Myers force pumps are the best, a Smith & Sender's. LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., In Iieeping Witli thu Sea.o If You Would be Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. - FARGO'S 82.50 vices' f&mt : "v'-i i-v.-' viq '' Will k Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, - Auesrs for mi crlkbratud II. F. Miller, And the Favorite. J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Also the Mouse Proof "EAREUFF," And other First-Class O 3rl G- -A IT S. S'de Agents I'tr the ELDRElKiE I!. :- and - SEW LOME hewtuu Htichine. Or.sxi - Cleaned - and - Kepairkd. ALIUSY, OREGON Milk JMukl! I am prepared to deliver milk to all parti of the city, (iuarautcc tin bt quality. Iave orders it C h Hrotrnell'a grocery store.. W Fi.rTOHwm. 10 IlKNT. A fun ishtd cittair. ItHjuire nt thiM Milico. oiuntha. five (li n l'c.ri i. Tius. I'UAini'i'ii is often an i ml ic-11 1 ii iti nftlie Mimlatiin uf n city. Juilirinir frniu Die iniiiilM'r who rtiph into Omif ilt lli'iilrirm' fr gnn-erk'8 Al Imny in tlie lancert citv in the valley. Tliia linn keeps a linit-t'iara Ftoek of t!r cprii'd ami fre.h ir(Klni-e, a fact generally npprecintel ly a Inrjie trade. For ler ried, frnitii, veietaliles, canned (roods, to liarro, crockery ware, etc., call on them and get bargains. Eugene City Bonis For Sale, N'OTICK IS HKKEIlY ttlVEN THAT uddtr t!ii provisions- of an act of the leitialatu re of Or ?ft(on entitled, "An aot to incur pirate t hi-1'ity of Kicne and to ro penl alt cn and pnrt of acts in onnrlict here with, " tiird in the niTloeof the Secretary of State, Ithrnary iWth. the eoimnon council of the t'lty of Kugene will imue and (Impose of th iMtnds of iaid city at par value of from .10,0110 to $.10,000, in denomina tion of from $100 to 1 1000 m the purchaser ma desire, payahie ara arter data of unuinii tha same, with interest thereon at the rate not to exceed 5 p?r cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Sealed proposals to purohaie said bonds will lie received hr the undemiuned at Knifene, Oregon, until M pt 1st, 18l0. aid all pmpotals rmeired will bo openM and conniderfd on the 5th davtf Sept ISini, and aid bonds will be diiipoot-d of to the person nr permit making the best offer or ofTer therefor. The cot. 111 on council reserves; tha right lo reject any and all propsal. ,Hy order of the council. May 2M. HW. B F DORRIS, ItecoMcr for the City of Kaene FOR GENTLEMEN-' 1 Is the Best Shoe in the Market for the Price. FOR SALE BY- :G. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ErC, ETC,. Is now Larger and Better tlian Ever Jas. F. Powell & Co.. Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DKALKR3 IX- Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. Montague & Son, IoiilrH STS Groceries, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars. vuiiiLT'utmiii'y, r.ic, Prwiuce wnted in exhange fir ;oods p mpt attention. or cash. Pint-clacs gomls and FL.KENTON DEALER I3ST m 10. I l-r . '.-1. '".I riTiiii;vs & Wasiiihuv, Hiitora, F.ves, aai Tinware. W'aital'it! A man liroke Iiis neck r.i:t- lx cause lie was in a hurry! W.- want you to kn.v nur Staves and italic s, at 'rici-s )Vi,i ten dollars upward. The newest thine in the way t 1 i j : --! I 1 uti-.,-ils are il and (iasoline st )vt -s. Come and lo at 'em. V do l.usiness to j.leaso our IVieiids as wel! . to make a d.ollar or two. Popular pile, revaU. M.vmir.u's it Washj-.i-kx. E i Heark D y G33.!s, :;a:;c:i:, SxtsFars ising ana ti. ;;i;d i.l .,:-. i i-v ! i . ! :i 1- C. SEARLS, Tallin htj'h Now II It you want the host and most durable furniture that is manufactured in the city jro to Thomas Brink. T0RAT1YE PERFECT jHf The only rcmp.lj- known which will Stimulate tlie Kutritlve Processes of tfio Hainan System. T.y this tufirnl n:vl !mplo mcr.ns It qnlckly an.l p. r:na:itn: y i'( ::ks All Forms or IjHiieil:i, l.nistimillon, Mfiitnl and Ni-rvom KxluUMllun. (ifiierul Ucllility, llraln l as, or any rxhausted or ireak. riu d conilltion of the nystnni, from n lmt. ercrcausr, Skin Krujtllnna, lli.lls, l!un. nlnB Snrrs, Si roftiln, and all DNpanns of tho Ulooil, Stuiuurh, I.Iixt and Klilueya. S 1.00. SIX EFfTLES FOR 35.00, Dr. ltlllr"l pnirc hook. dcrlptivpof ny. HILiER DRUG CMan Francisco, Ci!. FOSKAY & MAj.CN. ALBANY, CGfJ. ileal Estate Loan Broker. Lira, list of g.'nil f irm and citv property foraale. Loans, money ou rejl esUte iu Liuu'and avijoiuiuy coutitiff. Iii?uraiic'-vnEti;u up iu rUinble conipacicaj Notary ruhliuatnl cutivej ancer. Call on or write me. S. X. STEELE, Albany OregoD. Albany Conrad Mever. STAR AKKRY Cnraer Eroadalbii) and First Sts., -DKAI.EH IN ' hmuimI FratH, I'amiril m-t. rl-n rruUn. t'egcnbli. Tolmrcn. C'leHm. 1oitr Hn'ti . ollee. Tea, Klc, tic. nrnrythlnK Hint In kept In sen Iti varlotv and aroenrrr ..r. liichaai n rkt priM raid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Mantifacturers o lEAtvl ENGINES CRIST AND Skfi WILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AHO ALL KIMS OF HEAY AMD LIGHT WORK, IN IRON KNO BRASS CASTINGS. ' attHTirMii jhM o . -nirtntr 'l FaUoins Made on Short Notict THE PLACE. By all mean, call no Pase, Brothers. Delmonica Kestauranl, CORNER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The UDiluriiencil hiving purchased the old Herman R. taurant stand haa opened under the aliovo na ne a tirat-clauB re.tau nr. V are prepared to turuish meala fur parttea or dances ou short notice. Oys ter i-rveH in every styla, eastern or coast; 11 kinds ol ll.h knnw.i in the market. Employ only lirs-clas lelp, and waiting will he prompt and courteous. Regular meals 23 ct. Coffee of first-class quality nd a cup of coffee and cak at from 6 to 10 ta. I am well known in this city and re nest the tizens to give me a call. SAMGOKLS Proprietor M0NF.Y. CHEAPiMONEY, Wi hfli'O rnnrlo nrrnnrraniAnta A 1 -" --- a.",!, lit. I IB lJ money to all on long time at low rates o interest on improved Linns and citv nron- ertv Thiw ulm 1I... brick blocks or good brick business houses c,in get money. See ur. Wallace & Osick. for rout Choice Candy, Xulsj Fmif, cfc. NEARTHE Grocer jes, Produce. Bake3 Coeds, Ltc. Etc. Tl.Mr irondc nrn tne 11 ui tb(r prc tfAAonabte. ALBANY OR. WRITSM & HULBEET BROS.. Real Estate Agents; Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city brnirty in Albany and Coryallis. Revere House: ALBANY. . . OREGON CHAS. PFElFFKi! rilOPRIETOl?. Filici in. In f)rt-.l8M o'Vle. Tables iiippllfd with the hext In the market. Slco'. Njniple loom' 'or commercial travelers, trrr e t'nnrh In aail (he Hotel. 1-1 FOSHAY & M ASON, Dnrgistsand Booksellers, Aaoi tafor John B. Alden'a poblloatlons, dirb w sell at oubliaher'a prioea witi sUlBHtV 4.I.RANV. DKKIJOI IOH SALE I have two younj mares, . harness and new wagon, one full-blood Jersey bull and one first-class milk cow which I will sell for ch cheap. Call at the Fauning place, two mi'es east of Tangent. Ulrk ii f tieoiler.