Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 28, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    Yith. lii : . "
NO ;9
m i . t . ick A,!l,i,io" to Mbmy hM
feiCa'iiK'HlB't1 514 WySSSSa ' twt been thrown on the market anil will
1 1 I'k&P t uch price, and term, as will
tOTll?TO'll ? 'iP enablC ",e 8Pecl!lor to make good
fflfW'' ra T m"nev- Tl,is PrPerty Ue ju this side
TO) iMM ff .l Uoltra'. Park; is high and sightly,
.tilli ' Mi 111 ftivcrlooking the city and surrounding
'te'C- ,;H,V In the language of a First
ilJMMIIIMft. A WMm HlillWaS P""'"' "'en'. "That is destined to be-
yr.., , fjgBJqipiapblS i, i pome the 'llon-lon' residence portion of
tyai'1" " ' j- --"-- r i i 1 - t .-' Wallace & Cuslck, the agents for this
JSrSESj-tiMiCTfcrfyVi ' I p.-operty, have their own conveyance and
ffSlyf'W . '"iaSii wilt be glad to show this, the hist of all
ff fcS'- oZirtS-? SafjSr'' "'J?:lBt ': f8T 'Ski additions, to the intending speculator
Russel $ Go's Engines and Machinery.
Uoburg Lximbar.
I .ell the best lumber in thn ai-nntv; sl,n
edsr pouts, ihinlos, laths rtnnrs no 1 win
dow monldin?, .to. Prices from $3 o '22
Pr thooMuid. Yari at biwson, on th
Narrow Gauge. See me before parchaiinij
W W Crawford
Addref,P O, -
Pouffry Wanted.
All kin J. of poultry, allvo or dntawo
'mod at the Willamette Packing Com
Pny' Store, Allmnr. Oremi..
WsasS- -
Physiciai and Sw. eon,
Otilno not. and K"rrr Strft,
V7 .:
FoitmiKer & Irving,
Prompt UMaMii-Fint-cIasj Hears
Vatliitgrhologruptiei Albany Oregon.
AVe have bought nil theucativea mid- ly
L W Clark and W I Greenwood up to Nov
f 15th, 1SSU. lti plicatt-M c-jn he f d Irom
hem only of us at reduced rati :'. " o hav
iiso :hout 18,000 uivattvc-i mode (.v our
selves, from wlncli' chii he hat. ft t
line r -w eft, we carry Vw i.uiy hid hoe i-t
vi.-uH i.f thia statu aiid do eiilryl work at
lowest riti8 for firat c!um wcrk. We shall he
pieafiil ti ee jon at our Studio iu FromanV
block, next door to Masonic Temple.
The Rei-ouim ok JIaiiion county show
the iutting of iiiuny thousand ncres cf
land in small tractH of from 5 to 10 acres.
Capital City Fruit Farm of (140 acres, Sun-
nvsKle yo 1 ,!'Ju arres. Sminvsule ro :
140 acres, Sunnyside No 3 470 acres.and
a numoer ot others have been placed on
tne records ny tnc (Oregon Land company
of Salem, Oregon.
litis company is also doing business in
Portland and Alhanv, and have for sale
numerous otber small tracts. The great
advantage of this plnr is that it brings
together in one community the class of
people who are all engaged in the same
business, viz: fruit growing, consequently
there springs up large drying and can
ning establishments nimilar to those in
tbecityof Saleiii,which advantages makes
prolitalile market for the products of
these fruit farms.
Consult your interest by buying of the
Oregon LandCom,uiy of Salem, Portland
or Albany.
Whereto GsI'Thkm. When want-,
,.n organ or piana call on G L Hlac!
A"hc "e vou :un select from a first ci.iss
S.n'tke the ci lt'irftrd iii,i:ft tilhd ti
car:,, inxiiufAetuttfl at Jul u Joici'h'u cigai
f. ctor. Onlv 5 cMits.
Itnrkli'n's Arnica Salvf,
Tnj butt Si!e in tilt' v ,ri 1 f ,i t.'.lt.,uru; j,.S.,rj
tTiv-L'r, S-lt Itheilin, Kjvjr i.,rj. Ti: CI.a;,;)
Ititmlit, cliiltiliiidt c-irn,, iiii.l :ih bkiti Kni;itii, an
jiiihitivclycuros ti i-j,,.r ri , ,.iv iv idirud. K is tr.
uiivl ti i,'i,'o p?rim:t H itiifactlwn, or ni.imjv l (:nl.
it. I'rnjd -lb ce;in ,cr l,.,x, K.,r K!'u liy I-'ubli.iy liiid
I O O Albany Lodge No 4 holds its
regular meeting Utilncstiay evening ol
each week. isltlug brothers pre cordially
nvited to attend.
JEiwp uits trtti n$ thn tflloor n mitlo irhl'b,
from ov" '.injf. vulUtf 'l nUm tm! r- lt
(tHjr, sayiii? to tn-nK!l'': " i ti't.i,?r. pim-v.,
wtw a hipb-nirti;ci rk:.:, u:-t t tn be -..?
ebIM In upei ri a.r-1 f-i-'.- ' v I i
iti'. and weary; hi? r. . . . ; : i n...-t
have mode & ril;.k - ;nt nrut-' nl'
J cnijld hava bcon otiii ' A nmn. it'-r
eminif a frooa oinnr. mtu" : ! f.c:niviurani.f
uvo'ifl; but next day 1 1 li.jr.'t mean Ttiu ij
inter he fwls IUp an ai he i euriy and rrin.,
liit momjf.h and llvrr oro feJujrfuh. hv fa
mofno, Ofspondt-nt and 'out of f.trta' t-t-n-rrally.
For InUiffStlon, ltiltnutTiitM and ail
d'THPiromcnt't of th Sorr.nrh. f.h. r tin-l
H twolft, Ur. PkTcc'a Qoldrn Mcdlml riisci.--ery
ta an uneniuJd l!mdy. Contains no
alcohol to Inehrlata; no nymp or auur to
ft rmpnt and deran(r9 tho diirofliivf pron-M,.
It cloansva the eynv m and rurt pluiil-a,
blotches, erosion and all Skin ami Ht i(p
I)iftoiuc. Scrofulous affections. a F(;vt r
aoros, Hlp-Jolnt Oisoaw. Hwrllinirs and Tu
mora, yield to Its superior aJtcrativ nnin;r-iU-a.
WonLP'a T)iP?n?ii.RT MmrAt, Assocxa
Tio, Xuufacturrr. Jluffalo. N. Y.
offered tor an
InfYiirahln mm.
of Catarrh In tho Head, I t
thfl DrnDrletnrs nf Tjr. H.un.'f
-rh Mrmedr. Onlj M eenu. Sold bl
j .tj .rerrtrlMn,
rhe election bill, now before congress.
is an attempt to get an honest vote where
members of congress are to i.e elected.
l"o- inar.v years the elective franchise in
the south las been controlled bv democrats.
and republicans hpve been intimidated and
completely debarrec from exercising the
privilege, j ms condition 01 oltairs should
not exist in a free country, where govern -ment
is, in all its denart'inents. sunoosed
to be subservient to the wishes of the peo.
pie. The bill now under consideration, and
w nicn is severely criticised by the demo
cratic press of the country, simply aims to
protect the purity o( the billot at general
elections of government officials This
win cause no hardship to anv patriotic
citizen, and no one has a right to complain
except he is of that class who attempts to
control the ballot by unfair means.
Elective franchise in the south controlled
by the democrats. Now that Is perfectly
awful. "Republicans have betn intimi
dated and completely debarred fiom cx-r
cising the privilege." Now this lie has
been told over and over again so often
that people of sense never listen to it any
more. "Democrats control the elective
fran;hisj " Of course they do. Thev are
in the n.ajor'.ty and own nine'.eentwcnticths
of a. I the property in that section . They
include about all the intelligence of that
regiun. They are the veiy salt of the
tar.h in that section, then why should tl.e y
not conlrol the elective franchise? Have
not republicans In Rhode Island, New
Hampshire, and Maine controlled the
elective franchise in those slates for the
last twenty five years, and in no state has
more corruption appeared in elections.
Tnen shall we pass a federal force bl'l
whereby the election machinery shall be
put into the hands of the demociats In
those states? This kind of a law is just as
much needed as the Lodge force bill. We
cm not believe that republican, will pass
this bill.but if they do It w ill result as much
of that party's partisan legislation has done
in the past. It will damage the paity much
nore than it will benefit them.
A Chanqe in Bcsixess. The public
generally will be glad to know that Mr
Joseph 1'ironi, formerly of Corvallis, has
purchased the interest of the late C II
Spencer, in the grocery business of Spen
cur & Blackburn. Mr Pironi is by no
means a new band at the business, and
being himself a lirst-cluss baker and con
fectioner, their store will always contain
the choicest of bread, pies and cakes. ami
to their already complete stock of groce
ries they have added manv delicacies of
the season. Their place of business, sit
m.ted on the corner of First and Wash
inut' n streets, would be an honor to any
city. These gentlemen being both well
anil favorably known in Linn and Uenton
counties we do not hesitate in saying they
will do a large and prospr-rous business.
The new iirm will hereafter be stvled
Blackburn & I'ironi.
The transition from long, lingering an:
painful sickness to robust hualth mark ;u.
epoch 111 the hfe pf the individual Such
a remarkahle event Is treasured in the
memory and the agency wli-rehv the
good health has been attained is gratefulh
blessed. I lenceit is that so much Is heard
in praise of Electric Hitters. So manv
feel th.'y owe their restoration to health u,
the use ot the great alterative and tunic
II you are troubled with any disease of
kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or shor
stjnding, win ill su'ely find relief hv use
of Klectr'ic llilli Kcld at 50c and $1
per bottle at 1'oshay & Mason's Drug
i't rgain. . !teiV
the Pulpit ami the Hlaar.
Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "1
feel It my du'y to tell what wonders I)r
King's New Discovery has done for me.
My lungs were badly' diseased, and my
parishioners thought 1 could live only 'a
few weeks. I look five bottles of Dr
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 26 lbs iu'weight.'' big stock tn select from at J
F Pell Ac IV
Ala.t Marble and (irn-lte Works. IUv
inif lately purchased the stuck of S A Kifir
and O W ll.rris, wn .hall lie pleased tn
show dlgnfl and sive prices tn .11 intend
inir pnrrhssers. Best of workmen employed
and price. .. low as any for first-class work.
Visit n. before purchasing elsewt. re.
F.oAtt & AmisoN
next door t" Omnerat oflW) Alhnny, Or.
t.'... I- 1 1 L! . , I
in'Aw. ror nil Kiliun OI irtlll
Ikixps go to the Sugar Pine Poor and
Lumber Co. Hed rock price..
. Thin Tranr Mil l r.n
rrean. it I. thft best thrt e
netltnre and .kill can rnn.
trive. .told enlr by Smith
& Sender..
A Town Itiirnei),
Si'Okaxe Falls, July 27. It is now leara
e l definitely, through an ofli.;hl cf the Union
Pacific, that the enure town is g'n.c,. with the
exception of the two railrond depot.. Tile '
wires aie all down an I further priliu'nrs are
unob-ain;il Ij. Tn: loss i. tlajugnt, by Sjjok
ane husiis, men li aie interested in ihe
town, 10 h-j fully huf a million if not more.
The entire town is entin ly de-treyc-l anl .if
tecn humlied ,etple aielioiuelcsi, lively busi
ness i:ous2 is buiiiel, no exception.
is the cenier of 0:1c of theiicbist ruining ilis
tricts in the West, producine half the lead
supply of the Li lined Slates, lesides nalhcu in
gold and silver. It has a population ofljoo,
and is reached by IkjiIi Union ai.d Nortliern
I'acilic branch lines, ft was llchted bv tlec-
triciiy, had waler works, and was the largest
ton in the district. It was built on a flat at
the junction of the Sou'.h Fork of the Coeur
d'Alene river and Canyon creek.
TlireulJral Disturbance.
EutiEXE, July 27. Quite a disturbance was
crested at Rlieinbarl's threatcr last night, re
sulting from some difficulty between the Chicago
Comedy Company and M,- kliienhart. The
comedy company had the theater contracted
lor tne weea and had been playing to fair
houses every night, and on Saturday evening
the company wished to play a short bill and
then have a short dance, to hicli Mr kinehart
objected. When the company was preparing
,ui me uance me mjn.s were turnea out and
ihe audience lelt in darkness. The comnanv
claimed the hall under tlie contract, and then
attempted to play a short farce, but as fast as
iney could bring lamps they were put out.
.Many ladies were present without escorts, as
well as little children, and Ihe urninf out nf
the ligh.s is the cause of great uidigaatioa. No
violence was indulged in by the comedy com
s.ilt. Aritrr.rnn War
liLENOS Avkes, July 27 Generals Campos
and Arendonto, commanding the insurgen's,
have seized ihe aiscnal, bairacks and plaza at
Lavellf. Their foices include five militaiy
and two citizen battalions and a cadet corps.
Tliegoverninini conuninds seven tattalions
and expects reinforcements from Zarate, The
street conflict, on Saturday were adverse to
ihe government. Losses on loth sides were
heavy and many I uildings Mere destioyed.
The navy remains neutral. Senor l'elegrini,
vice president, has assumed the presidency.
Another battalion of troops, with arms and
baggage, has joined the insurgents, The popu
lace support the revolution, which has extend
ed to the provinces. 1 he authorities are nego -tiating
with the insurgents,
ihe Hirer d Harbor BUI,
Washington, July 27, The interest mani
fested in the river and harbor bill on the Pacific,
ccast, evidenced in the telegram received yes.
tei-day and laid before the senate I j Mitchell,
may result in active effor's by the Pacific coat
delegation to have the bill considered iu the
llar future. The commerce committee is veiv
anxious to have the bill put through.g m I has
msiiuueu tne cnaiimnn 01 the committee,
Frye, to confer with Aldrich. who is in charge
of the tnff uill, 10 deleimine upon the best
lime fur calling up the liver aid harbor meas
ure. Gikt KxTKufmsK. Go and soe tha
beuutifiil gold watch at the "Golden
Utile Huzuar." Julius Gradwohl the
nronrhtor of llm t:..l.l.. T?.,ln
f. -j ...v -..uiv... s.tiiu ,111-
onus us that be bus the Prize llaking
1 irawr, sum nil i japan tea, expressly
up for bis business, ami for the benefit
ot bis customers, em-ii box of baking
powui.-i win w in u piece 01 line glassware
and also eneli lromul of tl.p ten u-ill u-i a
piece of line glassw are, and customers
niiii vuy one iiouiki 1.1 tea or a box of
baking powder, which is warranted, will
have a chance nt that beautiful gold
watch. He lias aho added a line assort
ment oi family groceries to bis lnain
iiioulh sioi-k of gluwwaru and crockerv,
wliii I. is the laiyi-st in the Willamette
Valhy. Go and see Mr liradn hoi at the
1 .i'.ld. n Kulo Piu-aar, and you will find
':i!t r.oUiiiiu is iiiit-rt. presented.
1 1!; ItS.AT III' Ml JIMIiR
I-,' t-i . i.t-'A tin-vystein, induces the vi'a
ii. .I i-irUi'tm til.. fnerii.:s. In this couiliri
".if I" ily i--:.,uly falln a vic'lm to dise.i
'S' rt:fy t.i: i-ysti-m against the-ie dehi'itit'
ii. tint net: . b tikii'.-.' Ur IM.'er'e Hydiastna
t .rr. itiii:.blc. llie nutritive sistem
,. .r.rb ruliiciei.t nnuriluiH Ut to lee'p the
' !- !,! h'llthy.and in a Ktcon
: 1- ; .. resist rirtfrfBse
self I'ralse.
Se'.f p'ciae is no rrcrni.n'mlatii n, l.ut
tr.ere srt- rime, w Inn one must, pumr , per
in: tlie tn, th alut liimx-if. When he -y. is supported by th,. . ,nooy
f otht-rs no lejsoual le m.u Mi I do. l.t hi.
word. V,w. t.i uy that Al c. ' P.iron.
I'lasirr. are the only peauine . d n-iitbla
jn n,o. y aster mwU i- not .lf pr .i-e in the
liglitvat degreo. The baie si. id the lex.
(frmerth-'rty yean, ai.d in .i.. if their
uiorits it is onh M-cesirv to isl srtentirn
to the. life, thev have .ffictrd sii I tho yoU
t'r.tarj I. .timoi i ils f these In. lave ued
Beware of imitation., and do i.otbeila-oi-ived
i-y nusreprspntation. A a for All
eoek's ,1 let no .oLuitalion or ixplanatioa
ind.-c. oo Uccept a tulntitu'..
Allcik'. cord and bunion .hit-Id. effect
piick and c.itain relit f
Accident. - Daliv accidents occur in
which Individuals become more or lets In
capac'tatcd to follow their usual avoca
tion.. In such cases it is a great conve
nlen e to Ire insured In tome safe Accident
Insurance Co. Such i the Union Mutual
of Chicago Any male person over 18
and under 65 year, of age 1. eligible to
membership To fully understand the
benefits and workipgs of this company vou
should cail on their agent, Joseph Tilt In
the office of h H Montanye, Strah.n'.
J W Bentlry. but 'mot and .hoe maker im
oit7, Fortmiller & Irtiog't