vol. in ALBANY, OR., THURSDAY, JULY 24., ISO". SO r,7 6 lam at Smith n (SI Highest of all ia Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, mmmMmmim ALBANY. OliKUON. -ACENT-t FOK- Russel Go's Engin 8S ill! 1 1 .v. .1 I t 1 n k i :- -'i,':',;. i-l3i;.H:;.;' .i-.-i'--. t-v 4' ijrP?r, 'i' .and ii-:a;.i:i: in ALWSl pure vam;aii:.k I'ltoruxY- The Cusick Addition to Albany has just been thrown on the market and will be sold at such pricei and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; Is high and sightly, over looking the city and surrounding kcountry. In the language 01 a first Estreet merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'lion-ton' residence portion of the city." . Wallace & Cusick, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and Pwill he wind tn chow tliis. the best of all additi3us. to the intending speculator. Bargains atRi-ad's. The rulpll Mid tbefttHKe, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I fuel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr Mng s New tJIscovery nas aone ior me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of I)r King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gai.iing 26 lbs in weight." Maciimerv. AGRICULTURAL IPLEWENTS, WAGOr.3 fiAZ BJCJGiES, LOQG2S AVD BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IROW, GTCLL. CMAI COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, B;3Y CARRfAGE'?, GARDEN GRASS SEED, and AW! MUNITION. . R.K.BUCKnCRN, GA W. WlittillT. J. . MttC&li, BLACKBURN & Vr-il Gf ST, ATTOERSI AT LAW AND NuTAIlT Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in all thu Cnnrts nf tli State. Prompt attention aiven tn s.11 bind Deli entiuited tonar enre. Office Odd Fcllowi Temple, Al'iatu , Oi ! A"Of!i nd2, . In PDBLIO, Mra'un'i Block, ALBANY, CHECON. I JOB SAI.K I have two yrnng ir.?ro. . harness and new wn, one full-blotMlj Jartev bull and one lirt-ola.s milk cn 1 which I will lell for cash cheap. Cll i thf I Fanning place, two nii east of Tunm-n Ulkhh Prisnri.KB, MONEY TO LOAN. Sjoo.ooo to loan at S p-r cent'on Irn proved farm or citv property. 'W.LL4Clt& Jl'MCK. Attoraay a Law, ALBANY. -:- OREGON, ivtlrr In Hie gfrnlian ninrk. JAMES P. fslEAD, ittiraiy a Lawaaltitla Bxaain8r ALBANY OREGON. Will prnctlco in U fW-conrta of thi. tt... Aha' 1 acta t Tiii f'trnished on short uolice- Vm ; i-ara rriierienee. Mr Blaine, in n Idler to Senator Frve p'.eatliuy Lr such Ki(alation as would ex tend and enlanre our foreign trade, and especially that in iouth America says : "There is not a section or a line in Ihe entire bill tha. will open a market for an other bushel of wheal or another barrel of pork. If sugar is now placed on the free list without exacting important trade con cessions in return we thill close the door for a profitable reciprocity against our selves." 'Our foreign market for breadstuffs grows narrower Great Britain is exerting every nerve to secure her Lrad tupp'.ie from India and the rapiJ expansion oi the wheat area in Russia gives us a powerful competitor in the markets of Kurope. It becomes us therefore to ue everv onnir- tunitv for the extension of our marki-t on both of the American continents. With neatH one hundred million dollars wotl1 of sugar seeking our marke' every yer, we shall prove ourselves most unskilled legis- Utors if we do not secure a Inrge fieid for the sale and consumption of our bread- stuffs and provisions. For uing such arguments as thi a dem ocrat would be charged with being a "free trader." But we arc glad that light is (breaking in upon the benighted mind of so distinguished a republican. V.nHtif: IMiotnp-nitdirrfi AHiaiiy Oregon. We have bouuV't H thoneyatives mad by L V Clark and W H Greenwood tip to Nov I5th( ISS'J. DuplicaUn caa be had from hem only of us at reduced ratea. We have also about 1S.000 negatives made by our gnivna frnin which diiuHcatPs can be had at like rates. We carry the only full line ef vmu'c fxf thia Htatu and do enlarged work at Irtwnat rtf for tirst class work. We shall be pleaned to aee jod at ourStu.lio in Froman's block, next door to Masonic lempie. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Us regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother! are cordially nvited to attend. WmBiM The debt of Virginia now amounts $46,000,000, much the largest of any state ' in the Union. It started in 18.15, when the state gave Us bonds for internal improve ments. This was repeated at various limes. Up to 1S60 Virginia his always paid her interest in goki, and much of the debt was held in Europe. I'robaoly more of tne English sentiment early in the war In favor oft he south was secretly influenced by a hope of making their Virginia bonds good than will now ever be known. The debt then amounted to $30,000,000. The war topped all payments of interest which kept being added to the principal. Jn 1S63 West Virginia was cut off from the state, taking one-third the revenue. Since then paying Virginia's debt has been an im possibility. It was S3 hot the other Sunday in San Diego 'Jnty.Cal .that honey was mefted in the hives Vet, despite the warning, the bees ent liyht on workiug. TELEGRAPHIC. NEWS All oanenHC. S.x Francisco, July 23. "It is all non- sinse to say that the Chinese government con. templates puliing into operation any retaliatory 'vji" .iamsi .-iiututiuis in v.inni,i)y rea n hi ine pnssose 01 me Mco'.t exclusion act, aid lr Iu0eon last evcliine. The doctor has been a resi.lcnt l'eliin fjr th: lat tweniy eihl years, an l his o-i'ion in lie Tun" Wen r-oiU-o, ani ailviser of the privy count i! nve him unusual laciliiitsfor kt o.iiag tt.e rue fecU in". A lrad Trn.l, Xkw Vokk, July 23. Steps have t.-t al- rea ly taken towards the re-organiratioi: of the sugr trust, uliich will be leformcd in corn- iliance with the laws of Ihe state, as laid lown by the court of appeals, Ci E Searles. treasurer of the trust, had a suit brought in Urooklyn to-day in the name of the trustees asking that they be authorized to wind up the trust and dispose of the property in their hands for the henetit of certificate holders, who are the real owners of the stock. Twenty AitMl Ill-owned. Montreal, July 23. A dispatch from Tern- broke, eighty six miles above Ottawa, on the upper Ottawa river, says two nights ago some miscreant cut a rope holding a log rait, on which twenty two ri.ftsmen were asleep. The raft drifted into the rapids in the dark. Only two of the men got ashore. There is no trace of the bodies of the other twenty. 1'rcllj Hot, Walla Walla, July 23. I his was th. hottest day for years, being 106 degrees about s o'clock this alternoou. A man named Francisco Valentia, laboring on an excavation was sunstruck and taken to the no.pital. He will likely die. This is the first case of sun strokt ever known in the valley. A Kuiltle Fire. JlALLARl), July 23. The northern suburb of Seattle was visited by a very disastrous fire this morning shortly after 4 o'clock, The fire originated in the Snug saloon, on Ballard avenue, aliout two blocks from the depot, in a manner tn.it is unknown. i.uss about $15,- OOo. Luke Froat I'liAseUt Chicago, July 23. Amid great cheering to-night the ordinance, asked by the directors of the world's fair, granting the use of Lake t ront as a part site lor ut world s fair, was adopted by the city council without any amend ments. It is a curious fact that among the tl.ousai ds of insects killed by the electric lights every nig':it, there are no dia-1 mosrguitos found. I rnr' l is rvrn r.s ti'.'-i- :, Ivecticplating wilh platinutr promises, to l.e among the accom;Hh;d things of the near fiitiue. i.i .--v.' .vu;;-;i, . -V. I " .! I.t m.t tn (ii'i' 'l v : . wen lire ws, "Iihu':;'.;.i. fur.rtinnH.! in- vU. ; u .-iiiiiirc. It is fii-j uri'v soi 1 iy O'irv"1';, v. uti.ci" .- ;:i r.'.iii"' Kio tvV'MV'j.-ictt :-i i-vc: on th;- bnd!f,--'.".ip',!"(S cut. fcr iit'iny i .ir. " ruvr.nu: f'n 5-.Ti(ti'v ir-,lK-JTrn; no vn;p or i".;r:ir -( o. r V'ti. As ih'mltur In Us r'.mx!ui! il9 er:TTiT.isitto,i. A3 .1 prwrTi;l, InvJtfom'iTiff tn;.; : (r'.r.jitli 10 tut. v.'.nio t.i; wr,:..!i -ird tH ' ' ...t'j. v.v;i .1. r.il.y. I r. I'i.w.. ; iwT;-K:..n is tin- sr.n'irt mrUtl? b UT?tM-.jlc;l ;i up.-'tbruf r.il;:i an t Bl'iruivi toriif, or !! MVih-plvcr. A it.otc of piA ou Woman ?l'r Pi -wee, their Nutur.-. md ilow to tilt':'!." svnt 8'hK'1, in i.liiin envelop., on rr ceip of t;n rent?, in st::uris. soIATION, Iso. tS3 Maiu ht., IlUltili'J, N. V. DH. PIERCE'S PELLETS Lixatlvf-. or Crtthartie, H;eor'.ii:'tr to e;'. t dose. Ur drutfuU, ceoU a vial. . i . .WHITNEY, haaLX And GoanselloT At Lav totar-' Public. ALSA'tt, OREGON Tji:: Kkcoiidh of Map.iox county hliow C.c platting of mrny thouatul am s of la ml in piuall tracts of from 5 to 10 nrreH. Capital City Fruit Farm of t40 afrt',Sun nyisiile 2o l IJ-0 aere. Sunnywiik' o - 140 acres, Siinnyniilt' No :J 170 uomvniil a miiiiUr of others have !;nrl on th roconlHby the Oregon l.amU'nMi'.r.iy oi Sau'iii, Oregon. Thin company is also Join; linf-'iiirt ;i Portland ami Albany, nnd hayo for m- nnr.MMoU9 (tthor small tracts. The uh mi ndvanttijze of this plan i that it lr:r. tuetht-r in one coiniminity the rin u) i.eoplo who art nil ergajred in the mint fiUi-inesi", viz: fruit rnnving.conH'o.m i.lly there spring tip larjre drying and c;m n:tig et-tahliHhments fimitar to those theeityoi Salem, whicli advanta ma!;e! profitable market for tie jiidduct" ! these fruit furms. Conr-ult vonr interest hv laiviii" of l!a fircjror. Laiitlt'uii.pany of .Salem, Portia..! or Albany. The trauitioti from lonj. lioyrrini' a no painful fid; tie's to robust health ma: k'ur-. epoch in ht hie of the individual Such a remnrknnle event is treasured in mr memory nnd the ngency whrcly the lood health ha been attained in grntefullv blessed. Hence It is thm so much U heard in praise of Electric Hitter?. So many feci tlvV owe their restoration to health to the use "of the great alterative nnd tonic If you are troubled with any disease ol kidneys, liver or stomach, of loni? or short sUndfng, you v ill ivuretv find relief by use of Electric llilteis. Sc'ld nt 51 anil $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Oru store. Accident Dairy accidents occur In which individuals become more or less In capacitated to follow their uual avoca tions. In such cases it is a great conve nience to be insured in some safe Accident Insurance Co. Such U the Union Mutual of Chicago. Any male person over 18 and under 65 years of age is eligible to membership To fully understand the benefits and workirgfc of this company you should cad on their agent, Joseph lalt In the office of I fl Montanye. St rah an 's Block. silmulittc 1 lie l;;oor, . Iat,tlic!ih'B Pill im' thegreJit blood puri riiM. TliRy i-r a purgative and blood tonio they act ujuull mi r.t.H bi-wels, thekitioys, aud Uib lit, tiii)- u ii.n,sif)(; the syKtcin by the itlutM i utIh!. ..' Kin hty they may bs ehlhd tlie pnraivivi: i inh-titio and diuretio Ji:eiicni'. J sttiiiiiJcittt the blood anas i fiiable urittni! to uu-w vtl all morbid h.'inrf, itiii ut-r Ax- - e no matter by what li.mie it my i-r.;t-1! . One cr two of them tuktu every m li; v r!l prove an infallible rfinm'.y. t'r.i.iht tft P;'l- are purely veijet 4l le, pi'boliit ) f,--r:i !- ourt safe to'tattj at H. iini". S .1.1 ii.vi;.v f'.iugand medicina ttin-, either i'hi" vr vzat eoated. ii.B.-Y Mai nit ur.d tjranite Works. H-iT-: l.velv fUien.-'ru tf,e stock of S A Kvga ! H W li.,i I-, uc shall ba pleased to H-a-,.iin m.ii prictf to all intend- p-irt .'iij.fn. K- f t ot workmen employed : r!oe i.s Jew ,it (my for tirst-clats 'ork. di, its 1m fur:' putuhatjiiig elsewhere. Koan Si AnuioN tb.or t'.- '.) mocr;;t otlic ) Alban, Or, S-rro'iT1ciis crup'inns, such jin pls mi o-ntiiif (.f tl.e i-kin. especially on fce ca u '-'I t-j )...,,. d t'ood aod w 11 ciap nr rau.d y ' y usin Pfunder's Oergoa 11; d 1 "tinf-ei, . ) . K. WE ATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW W H BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT L.AW And Solicitor in Chancery) (I.B4RT. OREOOH. Collootlonn proln tl i.in.ln onl! po'nt fjoniineKotiBti on easonabln tnrinn . W fi krr to GutTiie.m. When wkiiKne v organ or nlr. call on G I. Blackmail A'hi -e von ran tlvct from a firt clr. ttr. This Trade M.n k on a stove rrenns It Is tlm best thpt ex peittnre and skill can con trive, fio'd only bv Stnllli & Sondt-rs. Ilni-klrn'a Amira Salv.. The brt SO". In thi irl I f it C.lt,nr:lhi.nrri l.leer, S.II K'.ciim. Kv.r .ri I'-tier, l,'liM h.n-ls i'liilLUiiM, C-.rn, anil all kin KrltvUi. n IMAiliT.ljfiim. .'.s.-ir .1 tv r- nro I It i x.l iiUw! t- if. re perfetrt mtitf. -li "i, r ntonm- lefiij l. Prio. 25 cents iwr h.i. Kor hj Koliav at1 t:: it it f si Jirt i-'iii-ivi.t.:s tl'O Mstem. roJucts II. h vila :nd wr'..k;-ii tl.e eiicritfitta. In tliv r.Ddlti nt-1., .iy r-mli!y fnlln a victim t direu' F'-rl.'fv the .vnem atfiuHt tlien fl-''iiitatin ii.llr.ti.ce. by tj,kiDff Ir HiHer'n H v I'sstinn Kent'ir.-Uive. Itrnnbiea lilt; pl.tiili.. sSti-in '.olw..irb tutlicient nouri.hiii. i.'. t. f.-ep th h..K v.gnrous auri healthy. 01-. I in a Hteoii iiioti t rciiist dise.ve. Uis-r Kntkui'iiihi:. Go ntid gee tlia l.i'nutiful gold wiitch nt tlie "Oolden Utile I!a74iar." Julius l:n.lwolil the proprietor of the tiolikn Kule liazaar.in n.rn.s ug Hint lie )ma the Prize Jiaking Powder, and No 1 Japan tea. expressly np (or li is I. Humes?, and for the lienelit of liis rtiHtoinerfl, eai-h tox. of baking powder will win a pieee of line glassware and also each pound of the tea will win piece of fine glassware, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of Inking powder, w hich is w arranted, will have a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He has also added a fine assort ment of fnmilv groceries to his mam nimith stock of glassware and crockery, which is the largest in the Willamette Vnllev. Go and see Sir Gradwhol at I lie Golden Utile llaxaar, and yon will lind Hint nothing is misrepresented. Siixika tha celerraterl Havana filled ci r, n.iciif.ctarrd at Jul or Joarph'a cigar ficti.r). Only Scrota. PAISLEY & FISH," JOB PRINTERS ALBANY