j 1UUU1 m a: til1 nee o isar fn t.e-t. Nxtit-n f a rultoi e 1 ;c .t.m 110 elemeit is so hum trtaut an that of li- 1. J -e-ss, aul u fcii.le elt-M !.'. c-Lt. t much tn llu Li::iltrfuim'8 uf a Utility a-i naier up!,!y. In tl.'i; rt;,. ct !it '.!.. m Sprimis is tr.sily Eiipt'tior r. auy ri-Mimi lK.:i it v in tit t-N IVr; a i'. It 13 l;ini., ai.l tlraii:a;e is comt-L-ta. Ti:o wsler apply i-. from a hjiiin c "(.ablt mt al unlaii'! tu, j King 25.U00 ).e ijIe with n'.tr, A liu-t from the river i.f OLt-l.;.h mil) j :.u:-. ii mit .f leaeli oi in.'il.trii. A summ .-! w.tt WL:i;s v.il! :-t t-i.ce he ultu j'., i!,,.t paitie I.uiMitiij will h.ie r.i amnbir, tupi !; 0' i'Urecc! l w .-,( tliiect f:o::i U m..i ii.-j. Some Facts in Erul it lis lection in fcierar.as to th3 Busies and EiEpIcynest Centers. U,ekOM t. IV. . at On i mi i'if v ijrow ami 1.; .it: n-i; 1..!. ti.TM.i.r.c'Uri: AIr.a!yt..,; , jt.' I i' an in v-. T i-.'.-re:.; icutir -f t!;e Ni:t(r.crt. IV: Sana's t nice i:ro-es is at tlie n: ti e W:!l.i'i.tl' iivi-r at 1 .t,;:t'a0tiri:i2 in (?-$.! f l.rt;a 1 1, :n-t y r.ni l'i ;.! .i-i.ii; i-f ?1,0,03J,'.K)-J anniii'lv. Ttmy are cun-tu.t y Di.tMtiiaCturiUjr ceuter is iliitj'it oa u sidy M iii I s DELIGHTFUL , SUBURB troni Mmthoiii ;it;i,;-s u!.r l.n Li.;i.'l, tr.e grout couu.ierc.al nft"!-(v)s ana ijui-hu'sS center of the X r'Ji iV.iric e--r. " vwit aitant tu the nj;i. uirectio::. It rt--qi:irf-i no str t.-lt f itnam-it:- i. " t : r tie eor.iitiy interveiiii' Iv.-tueen I'tirii.n.d aau Ori-iffifi I'ny us hae f : . -r :;( ' : tl.e ii;itiiri-.l rciiifDt-u i'ctioa of the L:.s"i it ni-i ai'-l l.u-y vi?fl,t-is r.:..i v..,.; e nt-.ii who ktep :u motion tiie various ejter prUta if the c ';r.iii- ciI ai.d ii:.irjf.'iur:r.j Uittre'ts of the North IVc:t:c coatt. The Oreg-on Land Co., Sk Lvja --'cb N H 0 R N SPRiN Heme cliier, S ii in. U.tel Purtle nd, Turtland THE BEST SELLING PROPERTY. jHii lime 1110 nuuciiv EcucJicmI in 4 Ways. 17,7 - VO.WKXII-XTI.Y. 1'IKST. ly Si.iitlu rii I acitio triint runninj; thn uli thd iniirt. i it. ny iiiaitH-Liu rivtr ki. i.iii. in iiniuin v m-iir in uui i.uy , o ct itt fJf T.IHi!. Hy I'.'rtl.iml and Yi!lum tte Vl!e traius to ilio White Mihisd a! ,1 t'.o firry to thu jtropefty. rOl!iTt(: l!y t'.nrii on the Im-kitiM dii' A''i.itKHi. 'I'ho must Lu'ititiful eaui- j,- ay '' :n'-t heauliful M.'t-i)cry; WimuUmI hills u . ui i I vu tw t ',K''l motiiit.iius ttt thu tii.U'ini"' 'I t '' h" thtiru buinipet' nensou. , Willn-MtH. liter on Uu-other ,h! .(tf.i I .tin-.. b,... ;. ii,. ut d J y ih-iMuIt,,.,,,.,;, ,jivin 1 .H1HI. l-uillIIUltl Soma Facts in Rcjari to its Lc;it;o:i i.i Miitm ta Ripl Transit Fasilitiss. 1'IU-T. Tiio S uitluTii Puei'ie K..i tjful Vill."., hai r u Mni" if ca U w;ty t!i" i'ij;i:-:Mr.iti an h.tiirly tub-irhMi s--m- f: -.;n I'.u t ! ivl, "t v u f.u.j o! Hit uUU.i" I, win...' Mi'e iiiiiSiim rllv tlimuli Huk Wm -iii.tr ' r ..I'-, runt li eni-iii. I.-, ma a i,ioi oaih.... rcu'nl trip. ,..u ....i li .ii. i .... i. i ... i : .. T11IIIP: A li'tiiuntiiv ilii';)riioi.it,(l in Citv td itm iui i!i.-ii, v 1 fn-m that eity t Curtlnnd jiii-.ifi.e t c iiiti net tlnir lino tlir-.ui;h Mif.horu iShrtnin I c-L Kill. A com pa i i mv or.; .r,:z d tnc Mi(!-crl' it In ImiiI 1 a fit cam tn.itor lii.e l etAc-n I' rtUi d a: d On-iiit i:y will inn tout line vitliin a ijuartvr of a iuiIh of i me .MiiitiMif n c iinuf jio ei ty. - nru m Home c-tiii:, S.i!nn, The Oregon Land Co., ltD'fl I'urtlauJ, Poitiand, DAILY DEMOCIUT. c RoBissos's Cmccs last Tliurs lay wa. doscrvcillv welionicl to Athena bv a lar'O crowd of peo;ile jratbe-red from all over the county. Although not the largest concern of the kind that ever pitched tents in Athens, few have buc- ceeiled better in pleasing the people. The performances w ere tirst-class and in two or tiiree instances such as have never ljeen equaled under canvas in this town. John l.owlow, the clown, who travels with John Kubinson, is one of trie veteran circus men ot the country, having been ill the business for tliirtv- three vears, twentv-three of w hich have been passed with Hobinson. Out of the ring he is as genial and mirth-creating as iie l.s in it, and makes friends w herever he goes. K very bod v knows John l.ow low. Athens Herald. Aug b. Will ex hibit at Albany, July 31. Accident. - Oahy accider.is occur in w hich Individuals become more or lets in capac'tated to follow their ..sual avoca tions. In such cases it is a great conve nience to be ii.surcd in some safe Accident Insurance Co. Such i the Union Mutual of Chicago. Any male person over 18 and under 65 years of age is eligible to membership. To fullv understand the benefits and workings of this company you should call on their agent, Joseph T;d"t in the office of L H Montanve, Strahan's Block. Voali.ven I :g stck to select fiotn At J Fl'wciU Co" Albany IRON WORKS Mi:m:fyt''turers of 1EAM EHCI'iiES CRI5f Aril) SA".V VILL MACHINERY F30UTS m ALL KiKDS i.- HHA',V AMO LIGHT W03K, VI IRON AND BRASS CASTJKCS. r'-titiifir Ha'btcr.ns Fsiada on Short Notice ' M . I "K 'l- Ci'VlTlI-'M-Kf ' 1 I! t. 1 ' I.-.I.' V, W.lll.H'-r.ii, .'i:. .li-ti, ) tVdPi-j'.i, liv '.Ufti.-t'iry - i ! pi-.-r ,it: . i,, f!h; ;i 1 1 -,-i..:-l.it li Uwi 11 :i I-.-1. :i; ,-,Kc ha l,v lii;i.i ( Uttniy Niiti'Miit! I :iit:k. ft Ailrtiiy, lit i --.irvii Ai-k-v, in iliu (Mirm ( i.:- ;i, .! iiit .if 1 :,": . .. In n .!i- I n l til t'.i .r ..;; U, S' .!u;. - ..f tht-fi:-l -iU-. I 1. !;. ! n.'.'. t.. !-rf m ;t ...! n ...! In' rfi'i! riivi t ii.-. .-V t'i-,' b lii'ic'i -if N:ir.-:i.. tlii-refore, I, K-I .- t I s (.. ;. . , .tr.!I r if ;!h- ' I'l-ju-.-y, l" I.- r y :i.lv i!.:it -"!" i 1r.n r.-univ N.ii..:il l;n.k,'.i A 1 r.i -I.." n iV-.'iy m' Ai'vir, in the cniinty of I.ii.n, S tito .f itr. vi m;iTu.i t.i untiriK'ii' Hit; lm ,im u( luM-kin,. in lu- 'vi lul in fM-.-twn I'.fiy i.- l;itn;t-' ni.l - itinu i.f t'lurjvHj-l diittii'i-'j i.i tin.- i'.ilu'-i -Hi--. In tf ttlin niv wli'jri--'f i tio-i n: )..,, ) l.-i-i m i .ii .',f 't'f.U s:-t . - K K. I.M V. 1 ' ililj f" ! '.r (lit- 'iirrel'-y. FOO- A-32C. l'rerrlhiiitn I'rii.u:!!. OCl3 ENJOYS Hi i:h the meth.nl and leMihs when .Synii) of Fig is taken ; it is pleasant utiil refreshing to the (r.ste, and acts v-:illyyetinmiit!y cm the Kidneys, Liver mid Jiowuls, cleanses the sys tem cilectiiiilly, dispels colds, lieud nches and fevers mid cures lmbitiml conslipatiou. Syrup of i ig3 is the inly remedy of 'its kind ever pro dueed, j.leiising to the taste andnc c"ti!;'.e to thn ttoniach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its iiRcts, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in -r;0c and $1 bottles hy all leading li ru o-fristS. VraFACTUD ONLY BY THE CAUFCP.NIA FIG SYRUP CO. st rnAncso. cal. LrjUiSilLU. nr. M.V ronx, ti.r FRANCIS PFEIFFEIl. - PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of DKOICS CONFEUTIONERY. -e r.ra row prepurei' to 'dl m w iolt always fresh ami ,1111 e at I'orlii.'id ue to dealnrM. We a'sT kep a full flf flut3 and Troploal Fruits, CIGARS AND TOSAOOO s(y Meat -Market. SHULTZ ES03., Praprictnrs. K'epa full line of .iipuIn of all kinds, la a cool ph.cp, cunpletnly pro teeted; and alwuys l'res,h. Also have nonMantly .in l,r.nd wtlmou i.ii othii ibdi. ' 1 sum, LAxmu & (.. Lisni's. :sw r uoci. Ktucii rtiTKiaou roh i-ahiu a:.o ea!:!:sm c;i. 'ii'STSTOItAi;!-' tcjlitii:.s. 1 r 1 t ,iErA?TlCLE5;k C"7S'T PM RICKS PlLLSjlfl mtrANl'liH Active liocil. District and V T ' SolichiiM AgntN hi ail pnrt of the northweu. (ion J coiuiii.u.ioii and ex-j c'li'ive Krriiiir.v, I Pacific Mctcai. Live ru k r t'o, ' Sjxjkane Kails, Wa bington E?3. JAMES KEYOEG!, GraUnato of Efclarg, Sca'lanfl, H n located In Aliianv. P'rc 21 his liirmli k'iovlHd'' ot'lils prmnxsion 1 1 li-j, .iTpirinu.( of 10 vrs as an r.ili. orbi a Caval -y KHgimrit, ho hopes to m ritt!io pa-ronagi. of those intrtvti-d in bors,is, chi'Iii. shenp, etc. He would lo riHj-nnmo.id Ii 1 1 solution or liiiRinrnt or Korn shoulderi. sore mcks, hrokon noes, wounds, sprains. Pri 0, oris do! r p ir b itile. s '.:!! at JniuiMuhiuior's'lvor; u "AW I DR. HiLLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease, P?. HILUS'S RYORASTINE RESTORATIVF. stiroulto. nutrition, i-urifla the B;ut,U Cures l-ynpuia, CoualipAtioii au.l Cciicrii Uuti.ty . A perfoct tonic aoJ strength builder. ElV-i"! CURE. Cures Bilious- i;,sa au.l al Uvtr Troubles, Cl. .1 ud Fever, Maim-! 'evtra, iiU 1 TthoLl conditions. P?dUr CATARRHjCUE. Cutm Acute CaUrrh, Chronic Ctarr. Rn-1 CUarrhal l'.-.if.i-.b UuiiruiiU-e.i la ymt ttu wurst com when uircitionsire follower!, uruioney refunded. ikffil- W ?PiP,?Hpy Cun-sCoMs, Iloancness, Coughs, ISrcnchi:!, rieuriyam! ti.t'jiaoi.iA, m.d ftiivta C'unsuinpUon. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 1J n:irtut4;.i. Try iL jrgSJSp;pHTHERIAAMpMS CiJffE. rrevont. on-l cures L'.j htlieria. Will poiti ely euro any auro (urual ia iroui 3 to h-ura. Cures Cjuiiiy in 3 days. 2-fr-S.VEn.CURE. Indispensable In all acute dlase3 otten.hd with fever, l'rutvn's a it: c-.i.-ts bearlet i-'ovtr, Srlatina, and Measles. Mother should btar this ia uiind. ""ll'y Cures K,rvotis WeaV-ne, and torn of 1 w.r. Never iaiis. Send fcr i rivato Circular t Iliiler Uru; Co., K.m Fra:ximt Cal. :i.R J;t!:kfJjjli Cur. Rheumatism, Mtfiiru.gia, Oout, LuinLugo, ftnd fcu-rtica, by Leutcumg lUu LLoJ uius which tauso them. i?JlilML5iR th0 Ero""th an1 Jcvelapraciit of children u;;ring the tt-ittiiriv period, ensurta iainleas tcethlntf and sennd teeth, and pravrnts nnd cures Squirt, ltifikeu, briii Troubles and Uowel Complaints. A hlesaii- to Lth mother and child. CH. ryESVHOOPING COUGH CURE. Hevtnts and Cures Whooping CouKhw Nv,r,-Uith the exception of Pr. 1 1 filer's Hyi'rastine Restorntivc. Pr. Hiller's itheumatia ?n ! Nci:i-j it'K t ure.bnd It Hiller'sCuuli Cure, thtj aine rtmeuiesaru pat up m Tablet form, it net obtainable from jujr dru'iat, will Ui wvut fa-4 by mail, uu reuit of price. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. Thce n-niMlles are the result of twenty-five years of practical professional experience, -.ire tiiarar.U'O'i to cure when a ruro Is p'tKalljIe. lir. filler's 0l-pai;o b-tok A directions f.(r l.i ue treatment, containing tamable iuatruttioiis as to tiyieue and diet, 6ent i'rtB on application H1LLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. Fahav Uiv-nn. A?ft.ils. Alhnnv ilio-fiii . . j , -o 7 ........ j . . Delmooica Kcstanraai. CORNER FIRST AXD ELLSWORTH STS, The unilririijiic(l hftvint; pnruhaseil the oM Hr.-n.-.n H-jstaurmit st.tiul has opened titiutr thcabova na ne a tirst-c'ass restau rant. We are prepared to lurnif-h int-uU for parties fr dances ijq short notice. Ovs tiTs f.erve;! in every ntyla, caeteru or coa.it; all kinds of 11 h know.i iii the market. Ktnploy only tirs-clats 11;, nod waitinr.' w ii! h- prompt mid courtcnna. Heynl.-ir meals cts. C'lfTte of t;is'-cl;ts (juality nd n rup of c.ifl". e ar.d cake at from 0 to 10 t-. I p. in well kijftwn in this city at:d re nest thfi tizyuh .(;ivu me a cAll. S A M G ') K'i S Prprci or OS. C.VVATSOfl fMSY0?J Physician and SurgecM. Utlioe oppoHilo tlie bsni'Vrat. MBMF.Y, CHtAR'ftflCNEY. Wc have made niTantcnicnts to supply m:)tiey to all on lo-i linn: at low rates o interest on improved f.irm- and citv prop erty. Thiee who contenij-.hties building brick blocks or yood brick business houses can yet money. Se us, Wallace- Ci-sick. First National Bank i r'.'iii'erit ,,,,., Vtvif lVes!iui:t Ci&Idf.-r L. KLINN , K, YCI'NG K. V. LANOUO-'i, TRANSACTS A (;F.Xr:ilAI.I,uiik!:.4 i.u,li1eOT. Acvot'.vrs i;i:it ..iii.t to .-i:3-.k. SIGHT E.T!IAN;X 31.1 1.1 n...!ilc tr.n lrr, .ol II N;W V'rk, .-jii Ki aiiciso.r, il-:ai And l-ol t sfL" i . KJI.LEi'T.'O.VS llADKon lai.iral.lo lcrn'.. LliO-.tTOt... K Yim-o K. v. l.so2oy l'.:rx hi K. .s r.. Special MomceiMit ! -OK. . R BEAD. My Spring Stock is now ('omi'lktk, Kiiilivacing all the Lati-st Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FAUMCS. -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Lac'ies Underwear, in Kvir liimsKi) ami Muslix. My rinci-.s aro the LOWEST and my Goons the Best. Am solo agent for the Celebrated . S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :To The Men,: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I hii v L irt;o S'.oclt M il.o I, ef.t Prices ever offi:rui) in tlio Valley. mm ONLY! tt 4 uvi 1 1'Cfnor.iUnJ MiKVOVS DKBIJ.ITV: ftlTT? TR knes ol iltOycnrl Bini: FffocU J-wtT.J of i-.-ra.-s ori'xr. sstRin Oli. r ".unit. t l r.nl. Vcliln UAMMli:. r-.llr It ,1-, r. f (... v ! hi'fi-lKrn ViVA h.l MIH! J.tii-ni 4 -( IS(,f UH-T. i'-..i.iil. nihlliaz llii.lk .l:Kril-.:..nm, In ).. P -n Ir.lifj fro- 41 Suir., T.-rrlti.f!M, in.l i:,rr zn I ..nntrli . V- it eta nrlt.Ikroi. Un,L. full t- j Vn'.l-n, an tr..fmi..lnl iwiJti) rn. A4drM mil Hi&.CAL CO., B Jl f ALO, K, T. ' l. mil, Physiciai and Svii;eon, Ollico ci-.r. .' nd I'tirry Wtreets, ALBANY OREGON Foitmilier-4 living, Ofl. W II. DAVIS. Physician and Surgeon. (ince uimtnirs In Simhan's Illork. Uay be found at bit olllce any and liif-iii. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. firaWe nf llcll.'vus Hoapital Mollcal t -oll(-(js Now Ycrk City. Diicatea of woman a iw;i.Ity. Ollio lomao'i Urick, Albany, Or. A- -FL'NEHAL DinixTons Prompt Atr,antion-Fir3t-cla33 Hoars I. ASTRAY NOTICKStraved from my l-'.ace, ten miles sontliea.t of Albanv, aniiiHll, light gray mare, branded ' ii" on left aide. Itntnon able reward to a.iy ocn n ho will return to im or give infor mational to her whereabout. July liith, lio.Hi. McKNIOHT BROS. I Co. Xatii:al Kank, ALBANY - - - OR5:GO. CAI'lTAl. s'1'vM.'K tlf i.WK'. l'r.'M'iit ,T L CltWAV. l-i-l'r-'ai.lit I M H I,-.T.I';. ri.l"r C.-.ji K ( IAM;I-'.K1,A1N, A.t Caslilor o A AliUIIWHJ 11 ItK'T, !!.-! I. ',.v:in. .1 M K:i!sWlp, Ci-.t K li ti, l.(-rl-iiii W s 1. 1 u II :.. p. .1 f..r l mul 0 A Art luli'.i I. TltANSA(rl'S n i;.!i;.;ral li.niv!n htlKinciM. DIMWsl'iin rmKrSou New Vnrk. 8n in I ' Ir.-.-.m. I 0.v MO EV ai (tievrt .ccurity Ba;i!i Oregon. ALCAKY, - - - CKECOfJ. aAtjir,i.rJ, 8no,ooo. PreiilMit If. BRYANT Vice I'resblHUl !I. )', MEI!KI I.I, Cashier J. 'V. JU.AI N JunKirroitH. H ltrvart. .1 V P.!. l Heo Humphrey, (' H ptewm, e. j i,iinnui, n b Jierrlll. Siiihl exelianuA nn I lole"nii!iM trm . fcr on N'a- York, ".in Franoixiwi a i and all principal points In Oregon mi-l olleetions mad" on favorable term. iiiih aiu..J,M, Revere House; ALBANY. - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEi: PfiOPRIETOR. fitted nn In firstlasa atvle. Table supplied with the het in the market. Nice aioeplncanartinems. Himplo room' tor coiiiiuereial travelers, tTr e Co.rh to anil Train the liilrl.-n T10l.l'-.1,( B MTlll. Ilruggists and Booksellers. Air n tefor John B. Al. Ion's publications b(eh we sell at publisher' yrieoa with itujeeatl.ts.' A I-II AMI', OKCUOH 1 wiry .. Iiili lin-.- of U10 w.-,r'..l-r.-uowoil till' )AD1IE;VD Sa).l, unexeolled l'ir v.,n ami ti i-li. Lir:- io.'k f !'iii:i iidkuiks ami Kbjfxoisos. Cal u.'i I n i-'jn::i thi. AM. m y i.-i il..' ! v.t ir.'iliii'j point in Oregon. IHSUEE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative Smoke the ciagars Manuijotred by Julius Josapu IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Plug and amokiDg tobaccoa, Jlrgchaotn and briar p't a0a mokes arthlea Kferallv G L. BLACKMAJS 1 1 The Leadins: Druererist. ? ' - OREGON. DRUGS, MEDICINES STA1 10HARY-&C