filE DAILY DEMOUUAT UliM'.SHAY.... .JULY 2j,i8ja, I'ahlii'l . 1 ovary Snuil '.v i..vd. lliu weak, HX"..'t'l. 1'Mitur.t tlritl lrlilr.vs. .1 111 I .- .. hi. .aiit:. i.;, nv 4i;Mri't-ci;t-"i. inw.ll HKtttHr. l.Mltl. l.ic-iiKt-.i l!t Vuzr JullN Kki.i.v liiltl hrtter lu:J;i' niif ui": ..limah' mi'l tlii-u retire. A lew i i!i ..wii.- muy eoiiii near tic; liun h, but w; ,,til:t if Albany 1i:ih hall us many us wn n his cHliimili'. Thi1 iili'ivi' mo iLii rciuiiriiH of u p:ij'i'i iililislini in u HiniiU vill-i.'r-', u'omit ti iilil lilt' h!'! nl A Ib-.lllV, ti'll llti!l"l Hp lie rivi!i', lifter publishing .Mr KIIyV irni-frt nti tiiti Miil:ili(iii nf the vitilry itit-H. Ol online, (he reiiirlisiue riilii: :lnii". Mr Kelly iliiln't take lip- ceiitiiK .1 nil, though ii few e,'inr.i:ii'i;e 'Ikeil that wny. lie dimply rives tin- illivs, mill Ull'iWH Wlll'.t he 't!i lllinlll. Ii.e TiiU'l in simply a close enlin'iile nf thi eMl!:ltii)li of llie i-ity'H three pn-rim-l.-1, lie saiiie an -li'lu inof Corv.illi. : the p"i- hilloil oiltsiile tlie city i.i estiiieiP il lit si m to .'lliill, making the population of tlliaiiy, v.illioiil the mlnn'lm, us i3uo, hii-li" is nliinit i-orii-U. Tin: Initli is Albany has 1 1 :i 1 a genuine healtliy growl Ii while neveral eilii'S tiiat niihl lie men tioned, have, simply hail more cf a lanneil growth than an aeiiiat one. T:n: Jai io. Quito a large- nudieiiie eri'ftt'il tlit of Jacks last evening. llie play in full of music ami fun, of the variety order, anil the troup eontains Millie g 1 comedians, lis well as high kickers, llie young ladles iliessed a.--i hool eirls, in knee dresses, eaiitiviitei! Ihe liald heads, partieularlv the one who brought down the house hy turning a cut wheel in approved fashion, there is no end to the punsand jokes produced, and the audience does not slop laughing from beginning to end, though the laugh in freouent ly mixed with a hlush. the I'titertiiiniuent is ratherof 1 1 1 c- "loud'' der ; hut. it. seems to he wisii t was v. iint'-d, judging from the great applause accorded it. There are few superior comedians to Knowles and Russell, the Jacks. ll.wiiNo With Ksvy. TIio whole tiit is riiK'K with envy of tlio Capital City. Just what for we do not know; hut they arc raging nil the, inline. There would indeed lie Home reason for it if the Kill'cl tower elaiiiiri of the local papers there had lieen believed hy the puhlic. Now there is woe and woo through the broad streets of the city. All because John Kelly (lives the population of all the pre cincts of the city, not part, as u local paper states, at 7, '', ; while Albany's is iriven ull,S7. The following dose from the Journal, taken just h'.'forc going to hed, w ill cure the worst c.e-e of night mare on rei ol'd. I'cihaps there is no city in the slate .tgaiusl w hich so many d.irts of envy are lino us at Salem. The Portland Ongoii iaii w ould like to have it considered a .iltle leunlet, with mi known greatness c.cept that which it ilerives from le-iuif ill tite same state with 1' Tt lend. The papers of Albany and other valley towns .uid cities entertain an envious, feeling towardH the Capital City, heeause of its growth anil prosperity, this envy seems to have reaelicil the supervisor of the census for the western district of Oregon, w ho giws out tlie mlormatiou thutwitli- in t lie voting precincts centering in s-aiem there are hut 7,'i:il souls, whilu in Al bany, Kast. Ailiany and West Albany ihcre are li,s7 Now there is not a child ten years old who can go through this city and Alhany and fail to hdieve with out prejudice or favor lhatour popula tion exceeds that of Albany hy nearly two toolie. This has lieeu acknow ledged mi1 iiml again lv conservative Ainany men well ucpiaiiitci w ith hotii phu es. I lie tact is .Mr Kellv, the censaci super- visiH, does Salem an injustie. cousin kte liitt. iioue ami inaotn. Ax liNciiASTisii 1'i.Ai'i:. The first of the month we rode through the length if the Willamette valley as far as to Salem, ami found it one broad, level pas ture of luxuriant grains and grasses; and divided a' it is into well cultivated farms and villages, it presents a picture of pros perity ami luxuriance seldom equalled on tins continent, the many heats ol (lillct'cut kinds of small grain, rich in growth and prospective yield, showed both the soil and climate to be perfectly adapted to its production. After having spent live years on the barren plains of Nebraska.'tlie change to fertile lands, running streams, grow ing timber, and thv grand mountain scenery of this vat- lev was truly enchanting. -Mrs I)., in -Nilcm Journal. , A Livn (!o.N'riiovi:usv. A most uniipie outroversv is located in California, savs the 1 lelena Journal. The editor of the Humboldt Times was rohlied by a high wayman, the editor mentioned Ins loss in his lianer. and philosophized 'on the auses leading men tocrime. llie robber, from a safe distance, replied to the editor's article, and oiiencd uii unite a discussion linally assuring the editor that it lie needed the uioncv more than the robbe did. the sum would be refunded. The editor is trying to prove that he actually needs the uiiioiiiit,whi!e the highwayman continues to write interesting articles on the theory of crime, and an amicable adjustment of financial and theoretical uillerences seems lar away. A Snakk S mitY. Last. Thursday whll tlie scholars of rielisunt Valiey bcliool were on their way home, one of llu large ho8 killed a vnnke. loyiiKe mul i thom:hteillv he threw it :U Ivy Griffith oung lady of about 14 vears of age. Th dead serpent wiupptd around her shoe which so fiightened her that she tojk a lit and hail to be carried home. She is yet confined to be J, but is now rccoverin The hov has nrohablv learned'a lesson,and ought to be a wanting lo oihtr to be more Cfiutious and thoughtful i:l tlie future. Corvallis Times. Last evening beginniin; at7 o'clock the ceremony of laying the comer Htoiie of the new M. K. Church was begun, and can ied out in n very successful mauiiu under the charge of the 1'residiiig Kldcr, Ifev S l Wilsoii.aiid the local pastor, Uev .Memillger, assisted by Rev liould, of Shcdd; Rev ('alder, of Lebanon, and Rev Sulchwcll, ol'Corvnllis. The otiei'ing i x-erei-es consist! d of some excellent choir singing, and reit'tins of scriptures ami appropriate exercises bv the minister. Rev Wi'.-otl ll.ell d elivered the address of the occasion, a r-m-irl-ahly sensible ell'ort, in which s"i,m very outspoken, plain statements weie in; Vo. Tiiesuh- seription li.-t to the ciillM t' v. :H citeulnt cd und several huicilld i'.o!:Ltr.-! a id.-d le tie; building fund. A sealed (;i Im.-; '.111.. e. 110 illy i'.v po.i'ited in the cot in-r store bv William U.'.Istou.tle oldest n.eiuiier of tliechutch. It co llti'.illl.l tile following ariieles: llolv hihle, discipline of h.. ' 1 K Chtitvli, hymn Is-ok, :iev York Christian Advo cate, I'ucillc Christ km Ailoeale,( liristian Kiunl:ird, Sinidav School Journal, Iv.-en- g Jiemoerat, elornnig I ieraid, I'nion nal, list ot present iihmiIk-i's of the iiircb, names 01 toe trustees, names o! subscribers to the building iiind, the aiilding committee, the pas.tor and I're- iding Liiier. Flie corner stone was then formally t'el bv the local pastor, as.-isted bv the isiting ministers and nienihcfs of the regalion. It will he inscribed 1' irst Methodist ChurcVl.S'.iil." This uildingwill be an ornament to the eitv. 'lie architecture is in- licatetl bv t!u: plans, 'liie dimensions f tlie strucLu.! me given as Iisx70 feet .1 foot naive, li)0 foot spire, with a Heat ing capacity t,,' six Cougle iv 1111 are the siicccsstul contractors ami the cost of the building will he about ifS.OIK). Such a church building will be a credit to our citv. KArUKDAV. Jan F Tuwell ,'vEC'o. Cijiuk' (lditii.ii, (hihl iiiuva nt Will Jc Stnrk'ii, K. M. Fri,i:eli kuyi.i railroail time. Rock candy ilripnatOK Briiwaijll'. Neveiti;!1! in j,'ii;i';''ii at S K Young', 1 An Ai.ii.iky Mas Lowest. The bids for the Oregon state reform school were ipencd in the ollics of the secretary of state yesterday. Tlie contract has not vet lieen aw arded The bids were as follows: W W (iarrett A: Co., Portland. .WO: Z Craven, Salem, -J7,04; DC Schell, Albany, tf-.'GSUO; (1 A Stevens, ialeni, 2(S.71(i : Jackson & llittchins, Sa lem, l(.-J7,!IMr AOlinger 1 Son, Salem, .'H,4,"i:i. Mr Schell, of this city .being the lowest bidder will probably get the eon-tract. Ofii 1'oI'I'I.ation. business is often an indication of the population of n citv. .bulging from the number who rush into I'onu & I leiiilrieson's for groceries Al- liuiy is the largest city 111 the valley. This (inn keeps a (irst-ciass slock of gro ceries anil Ircsli produce, a lact generally appreciated by 11 large trade. For ber ries, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, to- 1'itcco, crockery ware, etc., call 011 theni iiml get bargains. Kll'KKl) 11 v A Hoksk. Last evening Mr Mart I'avne received a dispatch frotn 1 tic auintTiit, on tne u r, stating that Id young boy Lee bail been kicked bv a horrv and was in a dangerous condition, Ilennd Mrs l avne left last evening lo attend him accompanied by J)i Mnsloii, Aiii:ai of Time. The freshest und best groceries and fruits in the market lit Jas t l'owell & to n. (iet your canned goods at Jas F l'owell Co's. Jas F l'owell & Co lead in the grocery ousineHS. ' Jas F l'owell Co are rushed with bust ness because they have the goods and give bargains. Quitk Aktonisiiinu. Probably the largest and finest line of fruits, vegetables, etc., ever brought to Albany, may be necn at J F Powell & Co., just in from Califor nia. For peaches, apricots, pine apples, bcirlci, etc. fail on theni. Tin: Hiicouns of M.inioN county show the platting of inanv thousand acrcB land in small tracts of from 5 to 10 acres, Capital City Fruit harm of WO acres, Sun nyside No I li-'ll acres, Sunnvside No ii 1 10 acres. Sunnvside No 3 170 acres.ani a number of others have been placed on the records hy the Oregon Land Company of Salem, Oregon. This company is also doing business in Portland and Albany, and have for sale numerous other small tracts. The great advantage of this plan i that it brings together in one community the class of people who are all engaged in the same business, viz: fruit growing.conBeqiiently there snrings up large drying and can- nine: establishments similar to those in the city of Salein.which advantages makes prolitable market lor tne prouucis 01 these trull iarnis. Coiisu t vour interest by buying of tl Oregon Land Company of Salem, Portland or Albany. Seitixo and Si::.iMi:it Dki.icacies. The largest and finest line of foreign anil do mestic woolens 111 spring and suiiime novelties iust received aim are ready for Inspection at .achf.s wm, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Oluce Wall Paper. 1 have mat received in tin cut a largo inyjic-.-of wall pa n'-r. borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains w hich are becoming Very popular. These goods are better stvles and cheaper than ever before. -T 4 M L LI. I' 1U! ."SI. F, R Sai.k A harg'.in; wio ypL of sorrel ho-s,-, 5 M-.d C vears 'Jil. weighing R130 ouch. One new 1J tteol axle wsgnn, Mitch 41 mi.kei 1)K W tl KtGl'S. t;iiui ! ea.i r.ri'Wiwli .1. Pifpim-d e l:..,!r . 1 b-,i!ile., t, Ciiivvin';'.-. h':.r irt;-;.. a k 'III. I'"'u:,in; nt lib cif.nt:. At C E ..leu ds . a k li.-h.-ti r. :..:!! S'Ttll : I'-r., el 1 I v r . : c 11 i.t C. K r ceu'.i.'. j.t '.iele-s A: .Sen, i-, .eoiei !iU:jllt lit C )!.! New embroideries, rlouncings, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cretin. Laces In imitation point, also new designs in blue and white lace, including Vantlyck and Eifcl Tower. New ruchings. Samuel E Yoi-xg. Some of vou liave neglected to cut your Canada thMle. "Oct a move on. There is one sensible woman in the V. S.. Mrs Frank Leslie. She refuses to marry a Marquis. If she marries any body it w'ill be a man, a journalist. A Kausas man wanU to bet $io,ojo to $50 that lie can walk from Leavenworth to Juneiion City, a third of Joe length of Ihe stale, without taking his feet from mortgaged ground, except when he crosses a cojnty roan or a ranroau. liid,'o Miller, of Washington, had oc c.ision two weeks ago to decide that a pigeon is not a fow l, and 111 support ot this decision a correspondent of the Washington Star, claims that the divid ing line between birds and fowls is this: That fowls take their young to the food, while birds take the food to their young. Hilly (iraham returned from F.ustcrn Oregon on last Saturday, lie reports eveiything neai ly Ti led up in Gilliam county and says that in many places the crops will be a total failure. Hilly has been stuck 011 F.nstern Oregon for several years, but he returns now perfectly will ing to turn it over to tlie Jack rabbits and sage brush. Corvallis Times. If half the damage suits that are brought against railroads and corpora tions by individuals who receive injury while traveling, were allowed, it would bankrupt every road in the universe Suits aggregating $125,000 for damages were commenced in The Dalles lately and transferred to 1'ortlanil, lor injuries sus tained in an accident on the Union Paci fic near The Dulles last w inter, when a car went through a bridge and killed sev eral workmen. This morning's Statesman has the 1 i 111 iams on tlie census worse than ever, In response to a dispatch to Kelly the answer was: "This is for precincts, not for wards." The Statesman makes the following crazy remarks: "There are without a doubt more people in the sub urbs to Milein (winch should be in tne city limits) than in Albany with -in iicr citv limits." The w hole course of that paper is one simply of bluff and bluster in the matter, and among intel ligent people wont take. A "reat river has its source in Wyoming. It wriggles r.nd curves from side to side of Idaho, and leaves the very most of it: sinuous length within its borders. It is well called the Snake. Rut more remark able than its sinuosiiv is its fall The Snake enters Idaho at an elevation of lieailv 0,000 leel anove line waier. 11 goes out of Idaho at an elevation of only eSo. litre Is a mightv river with 5,000 feet fall, waiting to be utilized. When director l'owell, of the geological survey, had looked at the river and the plains, he ,aid: "I cm nut tlie water on two millions of acres of land here for twenty-rive cents an acre." A. j .-tiei li. n t K-k i,f !e,.-t ham at V.'iil iV Sv.u-k'i lUveyisi ftA-ii tlwj'fu piti.c mi!B that T Kriek ii:.s just received ? Tia-y are iiiot. Sprieg jackets oi.d lidt.d capes i;t ro ihi'.e-l 111 let 8 ivl Samuel K Y'-llnaV. K y 11 sin: a lin-j toilet or !..-.' edl Slaeaid A; ('usi-jk, (;;ty Liu St- re, When wauliui the best i-i the inr.''..t t at reaKote'-'! priL.(. uull f.e f V rv- ei; Co. Jas F Powell &Co. Mr Cfckiwo'il, -f Poit'.ii.i d, ir. in the city . Miss l)..i..y D.vur.a'n went to SiJein, on a visit, t i--day. V II Greenwood I. ft this morning for Uakftr City. L L hliuu and wife returned t'lis noon from a trip to Y-,quina Bay. Frul Illount ami wit'o have gjno to Upper oeiiK lor a lew w eeLs, A new line of dress buckles just received at tr.e LauieB llazaar. t bangr urn me Tnlilr, Corvallis, Oregon, July 23, 1S00. The change of time table, which goes into effect the 25th current on llie Oregon Pacific, wil. accomodate it large c. ass of travel. The train bclween Albany and Green Basin will leave llie eastern point in the morning arriving at Albany at 11:30 a. in , returning leave Albany iu 1:30 p. m. This will give connectio"s with the Ya quina, the Southern Pacific, and the Nar row Gaue trams, and people from vailey poinls can reach the htuil of the Cascade Moiu.taiii, 011 liu d.iy they have home. Thi-. n.iis! t.irgelv;,e travel. i;m.!.1!:s .inc. liKki The Is. st makes are lo be found in Al bany at Price A Robson's, who have just received a carload of the finest hacks and buggies to be found. Their priees, con sidering quality, are remarkably low. It pays to ride in a good buggy or hack. Keep this fact in your head, and whin getting one call 0:1 Price e Robson, who have the largest variety to select from. 8 'tf IS 1 1 Will KIMSCIALIST.' r.hiiiil.i-rr HUick, Albany, Orison. Jty the nif.!t i.HMlcrii ami npiirovwl inelliotla i-mvH I'tmali! ('.isouHt.-H mul l'rivate tl is- Hy' ff fitlu'-r Kfx, He has a Mire cure f..r (.tt.Trh of t!:(; hctul. ('(ntiuitatiun U fut nml fvcrytliim; f-trii'tly (-".nfulfi.tial. Oiiii:o lnurH 10 lu I.?, '2 tn 4 niM 7 to 8. Ht .siili-ncc, curner Tliinl iiiiti Mciitiiiucrv ht'-eclrf. I l.'lllflli. Hi litl l.lllll", ecp a full lino of thi-o ilovi; in Itlai'k ami fniuri-i1,. Am hU; arviit fur T.vkkn IJi. Marshal Ilotl'iium lias taKcn ui) three horses ami a colt, whidt ;iu lie i(n;nl bv tne ownernat ehn,iftr liverv stalile. Anv one liavinir lost such animals jjhoultl call tltere and inspect the .line. On! Ye. ('.ill Bt JKI'on-W cm fectioiiary ftove for choice icecream, 10 cents a !i.ih, milk shake, IS cents, mul everything else cipmlly cheap, iir.-t Street, ojipoaite Hiifs IJuuhp. Ken Sale. The limlorsigiK-d will U t puMic au':tiuii at Schmeer's sl;ihle, in this ritv, on the 26th day of July, lS'o. at to o'clock n. m., a number oi jjood horses. Terms of sale : Six months lime without interest, with approval security. f Wells UrosIv Slauk. A I iu Vahikty. It i.i ul way n a privi !' in ImvP n lii'f tnflr to Hflnrt frnm I V l'owell & Co always have on hand Jhe la rire nt variety of fruit ami voeta- "ics oi any cMahPslnnent in tlie city, a 'act easily learned hy inspection. Wakm Weather. A fine stock of re ''igitttors aiiu .. tieiim freezer mav be ,ecn at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing like them for the house. r.. . .t - . . hi ! i Nop.nncAR. in ureat vnnetv 01 ylee nt bottom prices. Samuel K Young. J W Rentlcy, bent Loot and shoe mnkerjin city, opDo.ttfl Forl-nnller X lrin Kt cream client just received at Conrad jRewt lu tlir IWutkrl. )r K S ll ild. u : II e tiHLvojr Etho- rcii Cuij;li Syrup and cmsider it th beit retnrdv in thn mirkot furftha ft if widt h it is roc irmnehdcd. J 11 Cakpester. MoJtiito. siso $1, biii'.I ")0 cents. For s!e hy New IIlacksmith Sho:. G .V Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Kailrond t-trecls where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Ilrlng on your plow, v.i.jr., etc., etc, for ri'pntrs, i ! Tev cre Tracts. Some clnicc I and 20 acre tracts for uarden purposes, just secured for sale at a bar.du. Inquire of Ui.iss llfoilck. I'Kt iT Hoxi:.". lor nil kinds of fruit boxes jm to the Surar Tine Ior and Lumltvr Co. Hid rock priccj. Rst rost e.'tTi in tto city Cornrts, rrnncls. AVe make a ppeclally of ladles nnd misses nne rorsets nnu wa1ts. Weaisonave rive in a French satine corset at 75 cents bxtra good value. Samlf.l E Yol'NG. KVKh alK. John Weis and wife to Ann Flick- mjrer, 0.3. w acres iu w a Wm A vera to 11 0 Moran, (ii)5-l(Hi0 acres, Hi L 1 Uihheard to Mark llulburt,157 neres. 12 w 1 J J Kendall to K B Kendall.Iot 6,hl ji, ira L'nu j W T Host to Jag Klkins.l lot.K's A Muipp to A Skour, 1 lut,LI.w,U s 2nA A J J llrown to Mra Mary Wocjdn.lotrf in l j-rownsviue Mrs Mary Woods to Mrs Ii A IJrown.same as iani Mark llnlhert toj K Weathcrford andThos Kay, l"7.2 acres, Yl w 1 acre in Waterloo.... J A Uih'hcanl to Mark llurlhert, 1 a'-re, Waterloo K't in MjiMinie cemetery to J K Weatherford John I'.rown to Osfonl Milling I'o, 10 acres at l-'inU-y's mill 1W Hardin to A lodg, 10.47 aires 1 w 'J . . John Trier to K K Haley, lui) acres, 12 wl L Yi-reck to Snvanah V,:, lot 1, Id 4, Y's A Call at the Ladies Bazaar aud hco t h latebt uove;ty iu luir craaments. The City Council met lst evtniug aed ad- juurucd until to-morrow evening. Snmo Hr. Oregon hama at tho Albary 11 aiuet, onuuz uroe, rropnetors. During the past year 83 postofiVeu were eataoiidiiert ui uregou and 2.S tlifccontinueu Mr CIios L Diehl, Vacifio coat agont of tho Af-ticiutfd press has been in the city to 'lft.V Mr D Rankin an ived in the city last avea ina Irom lnitrande ana rmorts it "all urea not up tnero. II W Hatch, ytsterdav, at Sdem, caught a salmon weighing twouty pounds, iu the creek at that city. Tob Yrcnn, a formtr rctident of Linn Co. who left Crook county for Lakeviow, about two y i&TB ono, haB Lever been heard of jainco. Ls&t eveniui a man called Buddy died at Lyons, after an illness of a week or mere. A co'iin and suit of clothes wnro sent from Albany on tho morning tram. Mr Ira F Powers, the leading furniture man of Foitland, also superintendent of the 1 boys and girls aid bociety, was in the city I lust evemug, going trom here to Junction. Dr J U Irvine, for many year a resident of Helix, Umatilla county, a son of Hon K A Irvine, of Albany, has aold his drug store in that town, and wi'l remove with his fam- if v about tho ltt of Aueust to Sboal water bay. Yehterday afternoon a very nice birthday party was Riven at the heme of Mr Thos Wallace, in honor of the ninth birthday of Willie Wallace. Too or iiftcea children had a tood time playiDg games aud putakioc of a choice repast Our exchanges through the valley hm been mentioning a woman who is canvassing for the sale Gf tickets at a dollar apiecn in a railla of Astoria lots. She has arrived in Al bany and has been viewing our business men, disposing of several tickets. The Ihicst peaches brought lo the Albany market now corns from across the river in Be it ton county . Ia lojksand tat to they'are superior to anything brought here, and the public appreciate lh:s lact uy calling lor them ia preference to peaches imported. W H Mcl)oDfc!d. ci'hierof the La Grande national bank, informs the Gazette that the pro met of precious metals iu the state of Oregon during the calender year of 1SS9 was approximately ai follows: Oold,? l,,i.rA (9 37; Silver, S-IL5S9: Total, Sl,3i),83S,37. Of which Union county produced, gold, .f74.uS(J,22; silver, $10,027; total 585,- Heporta received daily from abroad by tel egraph, respecting the general ciop prospects, are bad. In France.especially iu the central and northern departments, cold n'ghts and constantly wet days are bringing about dis astrous result. In Germany. Switzerland, Belgium aud Holland the constant rain and low temperature are seriously atTecting, but in Austria, Hungary, the harvest looks favorable and there are promises ot good yielna. v. s. osnoo's. bi succpssfuily Irao'sd with out 300'J health. To rsnch weallli or any I covoUtl csEJo In life requires tho full possession s.-id c?;r:tlon ol nil tho fao Lltlis V.-i n'.lura r.r.s tr.tzvutl us with. I Theto exfet unless tho -hsic;l bilnj Is In perfect Korng trier, nd this is Inpotsluij when Ui l';v:r ond spleenzro torplrt, thusotstrnc!. l.-ig the secretions, ccuclng InJigefi'Ion and ;:jsj3!a, with t!l ci their c;oi! ran;lr.3 Ersftlioh Danrfalion Tenia cxerts'o epec'fic Lifiu-jnco over tho liver, ecclteo It to hscl'.hy cctlon, resolves Its clircnicnngorgerr.ents, and promotes tho secretions; cures Indlces'.lon and const!- pat'on, sharpons the appetite, tones up tho entire system, end males life worth living. LCALr.n in Seth Thomas aiSIHS and GL0GSCSy IWaltham F. R. 0?Kood, ol Opsjo'hI Ilrnn., tlio pror.ihient flmttKists ot c Yen Mi n:il hrotuhvi.y, owklnnd, in ali'tt.-rto tho L'lwin V. J..y Co., July isth, snys, Wo hovo no T,rctiiruri' 0.1 enr Rhelves that shows rui'Ii results ns J.iy'n Vi;ta)lL' Biparill:!. A nitout'.r oi Ji'ioK mi Ninth t.. icUsusthiiti: r!iievtl fn-r nlui--;t imnc'.i ateiy of Wr Uis)-ejsia; ani r'G-li-r n Jini:"i wtiy repoii?, tlitt thrsa bott..-s er.tlruly curt-a him ot his mu.-i;ui.n. A it;;o wo oily bmctit n fxth of u O.vztn boMU-s at n tin-.?. Now we bu;- it b tuo rub. li r-coi:.iUUiUJ itjil." HHYMCtAN AND URQK'IN. JL "flice In Mnllwaln'a lir'ck. Can li lound iu cftico day or night. WHITE STEAM LAUNDRY S E Smith, Whiio Sieaui,ilry, freuorul Ir.uni! w rn Suiis lnaii, ed. L'oriior -1-i.a-jil l.aiuviiUesta. Albanv For Sale ! I Choice Rtock i?rnRrn. fiTinr..v. .bt )oinggood business. Cinou leaaoti selling, adatess, "M." P O box 375. AMI :tr .viiiipnuriur-j OrEOTACLES O O EYE-GLASSEO THE BREAD AVA00N, and get KEESIi BKEAD every mnrnintr, or Icuvi ordeiBttich J. j D-.uli-i opposi Hsu S.-un- Delivered a'l of thoci'.j City rsig Store. Stanard &. Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfumery ,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately cniTrounded. 1000 3.-10 SI 23 130 230 230 7(H) a 125 5 20 1 373 100 , AT JAS. f. POV LI.L A CO' Fin oranircs, tarly Kose ana otner poinioes, CooMus and crackers, Dried fruits. Fresh garden products, All kinds canned goods, Oatmeal, corn meal, tlour, etc., Hck'icft, rtlishcs, etc Everything found anywhere. OX THK Also Their Totr.1 M,4Ji; To Hut lo Tauk. A certain man In Alhanv went home to dinner yesterday. His wile met Mm at the door with a broom in her hand and fire in her eve, nnd aid: 'John, if you think I am going '.o kill myself cooking this hot weather you arc mistaken. Go and get some of those delicious lu -rh ,;oods firm Mueller & Garrett's." He went, and now everything Is serene. Great Si.aughtk. G W Simpson has made a great slaughter In pi ices on ail summer goods to close them out namely : Lawns that we sold for n'2 15 61. i63j reduced to S cents. All wool challies that we sold for 20 25 (I. 3-1 reduced to 15 cents Challies that we sold for 10 12 if, reduced to 7 cents. Satteens ihat we so'.d for ('s 20 $1 30 reduced to 15 cents. And a general reduction on all summer Hoods. Look at display ai d prices in ihe window. G. W. Simi'sox. l'ARA!totJ. 1 have just received a new invoice 01 1 nraaole. Samuel K Young Mri'm "nt I'i'rn nr troolrns jn-t rooeived .inc. t .vn. itpposittt 1 wtjee. Will Leave thr Strkkt. Delivers wauotis will l:ave the street In the fore noon on first trip at b o'clock, sharp: sec ond trip nt 10 o'clock; third trip at till oVI'lik. A I.HAN Y DRI.IVKKT Co. P.isUY Ct FiSH, JOB PRSfiTCrS A WAR 1 Self-Feeder mul I?:3iid5tter5 Traction Engines; Automatic Stacke r. Etc Also read what one of the snlid men -f I Aim counly says about thaiii: M11.1.1 rs, Linn Cointv, (Jhh-.on.) Setitembtr 25, iSo f MR. Z. T. WRIGHT, Portland, Oregon, Ileiii-Jir: In 1 t-fe'i nee I" ii'iir inquiry as to Vow I liked my Advance Thresher, purchased ol yon 'his year, wiil say the Advnrxe does more ar.J better work than any other mnciiine 1 evtr ;nv, and I have seen n!l that are rep. resented In Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the giain better, n.n lighter and savt s the grain better from the straw, than any othi r .imc hine, ard f---. ins to be strolig and duraide. 1 Jm ready ai any time to go into a trial wi:h any lb r mrrhir.e ecept the Advarce and ihreili for from $100 to $?oo. TI.ey arc li e 1 1 t in Ihe market without doubt. If vgu desire vou can rcler lo me at anv and all linn-s. ' Signed I. P, MILLER. , WRIGHT, his list of W.y names of parties who have purchased Advance Threshers in Oregon, Washington ami Idaho. For further particulars address Z. T Albany, or Portland, Oregon. rend for n