'3 ' 5 i ' I '! : ii i'i i I' , 1 ii;-H .1 THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. A lltMAHKABI.K Dll'FEKKM It U remarkable how much difference It makes with some people as :t rcariit iheir ox or their neighbors that gun J Our readers l?vc not f.irgoitt-n the prolonged howl tnat went up from the capaciou throat (inetaphoru-.il! v !.peakir.,; of the republican organs about f ur veart ago when Cleveland purchased some real eta'.e at Washington. In the estimation o( these pinks of pruprietv"i eople the president w. i guilty nf an nnpardonable offense in buv lnS pioptr'y in Washington fiorn r?.i' estate dt'ili r. I, was nr.ply beneath the dignity of ihe presidential office, ar.d un worthy the great "ruler" of a frte ncop iNotmnj; a too Itar-h to sav ot tne presi dent and tSe republican sheets were fille uith all kinds of nonsensical gibber i about it. Well, time rolled on and anoth Occupant is found in the executive chair He is the chosen one of the g. o. p. ti: party of conscientious conviction, ihe part iliatalAays observt-s theorn-:a. proprieties Onlv a few davs ?.' Mrs KarrNon, on lie ing interviewed '.n the tubjeci of a sea tide home which ha J been jih'en to lur hv a syndicate of real t-ta!e peculators de plored the id'.'a th:.t a president should u-i his olliciiil rank a a means of n.ain money by purchasing real estate and spec ulating therein, and went verv far cut of the way to say that the country not long fciucc hfii W . u a spectator to such lower ing of ..i.il dignity, throwing out this hint ..cvcland. She had doubtless been eelec.ed as the mouth-pice of the admin i-slration t. tay those things which the head of the administration was too timid to sav. Now then comes the news that the mem bers of the family of the president have been makingjarge and extensive invest ments in Washington suburban pioperty. Here, again, the president lacked the cour age to buy himself, but put up the mem bers of his family, including Baby McGee as purchasers while he remains in the bark ground. To this scheming, democratic papers have been very willing to call public attention. But, now the Mountain- j ter Orrgoniai, and other papers that con tained the caiutic criticisms on Cleveland lor making such purchases ,vhUe president, have come forward lo make defense for the Harrison family. The Mount-iiMr says : We can tee no reason for debarring the executive cif the nation horn dealing in real estate any mo.e than other citizens. As an individual he has choice of locations, and should be given the privilege of choos ing where lie should make h:s summer residence, if this does not interfere with his ollicial business. But why did not th.-.t paper use this same language in reference to the matter of Cleveland's purchase? It is the same old story. It U Us ox that is not gored and thu "circumstances alter cases" The Qrtgonititt sa s ; There was nothing morally or finandal'v I wrong in Cleveland b purchase and subse queru caie ut KeJ lop. Jt was a private uuswtcss iran.acuon mat in no way Inter- iered with tne discharge of his othcia duties and he was fortunate, as thousand of other men ere curing the period cov ered by his prestder tial term, in that the purchase was a sagacious one, and the sale netted mm a handsome surplus If he ha assumed to be more virtuous in the matter ot real ectate dealings than his predecessor, rresident J larnsuti has proved nothing that instiiutesa comparison with Cleveland favorable to himself. In fact, inasmuch as his wife and daughter possess deeds io BuuurDau lots in ahhington, at a price which insures that they have made a good financial venture in "the purchase, the iu;tmv oi me vaunted virtue that refused to deal in icul estate because the possessor presicen-. would be exceedingly ques uonaiiie ll.U u sound logic and good senc and it isl'j oo regretted that republican papers uiu nui say inese seiioiuie things tour vears ago. Hut this neighbor's bovine stood be lore than and they "puchedjw ith less care than they do now. So far as uemocraU are concerned, except fur the purpose of "getting even ,they see no reason to object tj his buying real estate. lie is none too good for it. He does many, very many things fj.r more objectionable than buying Washington real estate ASTITENDOI'STAIU Congress in 1SS3 reduced the duties op. woot, bv the vote of democrats, and New England factory represenat'.ves Capital J out not. What a sti-neadous tail that was that wagjed the congressional do in l3 The vule on the tariff bi-1 in i3 when the tarifl on woo! was reduced was as follows In the senate Xl republican ar.d one drmocrat voted for, and 30 democrats and one renuh'ifjn voted auait:t the bill- In the house 139 republicans ar.d 13 democrat voted for. and i democrats and m re publicans voted against the bill. Liies Sl.mmer BLOfsFs :re late n n'rl'.ies. l.iit reiive.l trx T.n :ti.t bv epre. Samuel E Yol ng I rve jat received a laire invoice of lace currtin, ranging in price from clo to nine .li'il&r? a pair, scrim, vUrtAi'n net, etc. Also liie df enrtrtia tolti si d fn-nit'iri cover- inc. Sam i' el K Yorxo. :?:'vV ADVKnriSKMENi IOR V KLt, H 'RING, ir.ir ar.d 1.1 o-p- tii;p, HOCK I. KLT rhe ti J. Ii, VTI E I-- IIKKKBY tilVKX THAT 4.N rrptrtr owners aro r quired-by or-liiu-t. t fiif 'iiiwn ard 'rftnuvH !l thl-tl nn 1 ohnxiotiti weeds trrowinc tinon thf-ir nromist-s and noon tha strpot a'ii Mntni; thrVo. wi nin tuneitv limi of AMmnv. Tno'-e fiidna to do o will be iNM to n fine o.' AihhU'-. July !'.(), l'.n J- X. H'FFMA' Citv 'dar-sha! L. E. BLAIT -AT THE- m LINE Now the Greatest Attraction is His Larjro Stock of nui Stvlisli 11 IHM.-.1 lurniilieil o.tt-.i". fiv . ro-m. with or wirl out pi mo. f -r thre montti.4. Ii.O'.nre at tin afjoo. Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, UK KAMI, Since a repuhlicnn Lieut governor of Kansas has made a statement that it comes to favor states niils, ihe Alhany ikmocrat would j jstily the attitude of Gen Lee and hi collea gues 0111 s guvurnment tanty ye;irs ago. capital jvui mil, Xow, in order that the readers of the JoHthtil may know just what the Ijcmockat Baid uj on wIulIi that p?per bases its charge that we justify the attitude of Gen Lee and his colleagues to this government thirty years ago we reproduce here what wesuidandask the Journal to piim it fur its readers. Here is what we said: "For saying lint ht owed his first allegiance to ins sin-.e 1 ten i.ec was iienounccl as a traitor from Maine to California hut, now comes the Lieutenant Governor of 'llcc!ing Kansn," Kansas with lier &,oou repuUlican tn.ij'irity, and utters such strong dcKtnnes on the sul.ject of slate rights I lie truth is that repuhlicins Krejust sine to he state lights advocates hen Ihe federal govenmeut assumes to exercise nuthority which hjlongs to the state.and whuh exercise of authority clashes with the interests of their party. We heheve tint Lieutenant Guvetnoi I'elt is right in saying tl.e Supreme Court has ovtrruled the laws of our country which have stood the teit for nearly a liundred years" when it derided thi.t men wight ship all kinds of li-jtior to Kansas and sell in original packages notwith landing ihat state has a law prolnhiiiug the silc," Is there a single reader of the onrmtt that cn fia i anything in ihcahovetu justify that pipei s charge thai the Ii:mm kai justifies the altitude of Geti Lee in lS(o? Not one, The Jottrnn i s idly ciT when it comes to party politics. ' 1 A0E.VT3 FOR TiiC CZLFHRATjJI' 12. F. Miller. Anil the Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS, Also the Mouse Proof "EAEEUPF," And other First-Class O H G A N s. Sole Aenli for the EIMEDGE R. -:- and : XEff liO.ME Mewing Machine. Groans - Cleaned - and - Repaired. ALBANY, OKEGOX Two Men and One Rov FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAV INTO DEYO'E & FnorvlAFJ BROS' Store, where they alwat s have on hand the largest Stock kouth of Portland, of the latest improved Kitles and Shot Gur.s; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs anil thousands of other things too numerous lo mention. Xfcepsair &liot In connection with the Store, and dne of the best workmen in the State to do anv and ail kinds of work. Come on, Come all: No trouble to show eocds. "Small profit and ouick is out motto. LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS Straw Goods, Etc., -In Keeping "With tho Ss'jasuu. If You Would bo Suitably Dressed , - Call - at - His - Store. - C. Searls, Diy Ooofls, Notions, GautsFi-rn ishiugs and Our Mock tf lnx' ami ntw roHijtltle in ;ill lin spiii auif. U't will w. mo.ie. 11 lvi iin: f u. mii-c nmi ehiVton'i title spe:ia t v. lioes. u fur C L.. li.c l.l IM.OIV MlOtii C. SEARLS. HiiiiitiiMr'.-i ,Vfv hhi bit ! Al.liA.Ni", OUEtJUX IIuvw.v.Y1, stavG?, and Tinrao. Wait a in a hum' mires, at lirices from hin in the way of hou t.t ) es. C'oine and lool; our friends as well as prices prevail. A limn broke his neck once Wi'ause he was We want you to kn.nv nbou!, our St n'es and ten dollars njiward. The ii'.'West ehohl ute.isils are Oil and tJasolino at 'em. We do business to ileas to make a dollar or two. l'opular Mattui:ws A- Wasiibi'un. 7;TTD MTTTTT) T rui Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. ATFPTTT) It you want the best and most durable furniture that is manufactured in the city jro to Thomas Brink. s -DEALERS IN- Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co JLUtc. JtUtc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. FARGOS S2.50 ST0RAT1YE nrnrrnr wutritioni rtnrtbl healthi The only remnly knuwn whlrh will Stimulaia ths Kufrlllve Processes cf tlij Kuinan Systsn. H- this natum! a::l !mp'.- mi-ans ft quickly and IK-Rttauei.: y lti:S All I mm, of I)'pcph, it,putlnii, 31, 111, it and Nervous l-:tiatistlun, jinerul Jeliity, Ilraiu l as, or any exhausted or weak ened cunitltion ot'tho yti'iii, from irhat ever cauac, S!:l:i I.riiptln lliil, Hun nlns Sirc, S- ror'ilii, Knd all Ilirnsea ot the lUood, Stumai-h, I.lvvr and Kiduft-A. SI.OO. SIX EQTTLES FO!t S5.CCe lr. tni!orr.t ,..... u.v .i . cut lnj by mail. .iuwto. HfLLEH DRUG CCUSan Francisco, Ci!. FOSHAY & mm. ALBANY. CCH. Ileal Estate i Loan Broker. fcrsalc. 1,1, tt f trin ami city propel ty I. nan. ', tlllllH'V ou ro:il a'l joining cixintux. In: ciit.to in I.i:iunuil nnc I vritt-11 up in ri'li.iliU. compatica' Notary I'nli.ic r.n 1 cuiivoyancor. Call ou or write mc, S. X. STEELE, AHiaoy' Oregon. RESATURANT FAND OYS TER HOUSE- Jutt oiwiKil, o iiitt iiib nut. Home. Prompt utti.'iiti ti, ai.d evirthij utat ami cleiu. Opoli ilay ii il niht. -TRAUll MAH.' f at.t anon FOR CENTLEMEN " FOK S-A.LE B"5T- Eugene City Bonds For Sale, XTOTK'K IS HKKKBY fUVKN TlfAT X uader the tirnrisintm of an act of tin. l'Kialature nt f )rcinn rtiitltil, "An at tn incttf pnrato the City of Kti-ne ami to re wal all acts ami part of acta in conllict hiTe with' li!eil in the oti'ico vi tho Necietsrv of State, Felirnary 20th. lSK the vinnimn council of the City of KuMie will t-cno and uHire oi tn iMiiids of nuui city at par value f from :i),tHK to $.'0,IH)0. in ileiuinnna- tii.naof from Sl(H to f l(H0 ua the niir.-tt.i.-.r i.uy (ktiin', pnyahlo .'U yeara after dato of iMtuin tliH name, with interut therenii at the rate not to exceed 5 per cer.t por anuuin, payaoiu pi u.i Htiiiiii ly. .Nuafetl propoMnia to purchase said bonds wnl lie n-ceived lv th underaiL'tied at iiBiMie. Oreuon. nntd ,S. nt 1st. lS'.M ,1 II projuitala received ill Iw otfnvl and con?idiTd on the.ith lUyJnf Sept, 1SIK), an1 said bonds will he di.4pofd of to tlii teron or peraona making the beat offer or offer there! or. The coT.mnn council r-s rvfi the rbl.t to reict anv ami all menial. l!!v nr.'r- ,.t ti.A council. May SUtj HW. M K DORKIS, Ilecordor f;ir the City of Kajene, Is the Best Shoe in the Market for the Price. ST- W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ErC, ETC, Is now Larger and Better than Ever 81 Ul 15AK!'ilY --:G. FL.KSNTON CntiiBP Eroadalliiu ana first Sts., -DEAI KK IX Drien t'rulls. t'fxclnlrlrN. TnbMccn. 1'isam, intcar S;t'-(x, Volirr. Tea, Kit., Vie.. .. .ct vrvt!iinK Um'. la kept In nun VRrifty and groenrv i,rn. Hliihwt rkcl priro rah! for AIMCIKDS OF PRODUCE. ilkl MUkl! I am liri'paroil to iln'ivi r mill to .11 ,.,-. f tho city, (.imai.tr, the l,,t ,... nvo or.t.'M at V K llrowp II a uroorrv store. WM l'LKTl'ltKIl, BEALEB Clioicc Ciimly, AiHs, I'nit, MEAR THE POS Ka uv cjia r i 1 etc. fflonta gue fi Son, COBNER FIRST 5c PEEEY STS Groceries, Produce.' Tobacco, Cigars. lf. i..4t ' tUUIlTIIUIliir). mc. THE PLACE. By all mean" mil od Pascei Brothefs. Groeerjes, Pnfluc9, Baksa Beetle, Etc. Etc. Their pnod are tne InI - tin ir nrl.i I mannntthle. ALEANY'OR. WRIT3MAN ft HULBERT BROS., Peal Estate Agents. K'trm ami Uiinchen for sale. Altm city hrnt,ertv in Albany and Cur v.J lie. S. W. Paisley, tllanjr, ItrAcmi. WI10(.1SLK niCALUR IN Tobacco and Cigars. Onlnrs olij:t, d from the trido. ART STUDIO, Mrs. Dr. Pulton, niumbcrg Block LKSSONS (iivnn in Draninij, Painting nnilMi'Me. I'icturiw f'THluur palntert u uiuur. Pianos. r- i i utiuLo w-iniM id cxnsi:gc lor goods p mpt atteotiua. or casl . Pist-cUttr RO rd Ciiy Restaurant. Hiving been entirely remoilole,!. thia old and p..pular restaurant wiil lt m,de tir't cla in every respect. Tho pulil.c will l,e Siven good meaisat all hour, for ooly 2j cnt. Kverjthini neat and attractive 1 tivate boiet Ojtor. in every atyle. W. A. JIcGf.k. Thoie T-'ahinir a drat p!rs the teat Hide to ataoj the climate of tho own, ran i e auiteit ay rallinir, at Mr3 H . Hyuias'e, nnnoftit iI..t M,nnin 'i'A.r.. pie. on KirU Ktroot. The laimt vv.l n,l instrumental music kept for ale,lo tho largest KSHi.rtnieiit nfatainninK patterns tciMileni Iroiii thia t,id3 oi 'Krio. Leg mna iriven In uintiiiK,and oii.lirolderina In ter atu.li., ..-..r ,, ,jilnty Hank. Oivehor youruid-jr r:ii1 ynu will bo pleaaed. 2nd Store. Bf.1 a'ork of 2i.il fr ,ool 111 the Vsl i'f. and the nio-t rmie ,aie prices, both vi buyiiiH and selling, i l,v0 on hand all Ifc'nda of FUIWITUBE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, FUTURES CLOCKS, CR&CXRRY, ETC., ETC. tir wast of S E Young's oY store. L. CDTTLIfcB 12: I'irat street. Albany, Or,