VOL. Ill ALBANY. OR., WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1800. SO KG pThisie croof the 500 '.- W; Russel & Go's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AfiO DOGGIES', LOGGERS A" D BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IROW, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. D. R. N. BLACRDUBS, OtO. V. VUIUHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in all the Courts f the State. Prompt attention given to, allbuffi neiN enttnsta to oar care. Office Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or IOK SAI.R I have two young mire., harnem and new wagon, one full-blol J.rwv bull anrl one frirat-ela.8 milk caw which I will Mil for cash cheap. Call at the ! Kaunirg place, two mil". e.t r.f T.nc-nv j t'l.p.iri! Ptikueler. I fc'tovcs Srsixil & LENDERS 1 : "n. ALBANY. OREGON, -AtiKNTS Foil- Engines an rr:r--: vS-v-i .' i -f?-', tI,yiV,.?!a&V.W,..: IV- J DEALERS IN .. J. U. B'JM,tt, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NuTAFJ PUBLIC, fiiTOIIice in Ntrn'mir. lllook, No'.. 1 md 2. AL3AKY, ORESON. MONEY TO LOAN. $Jco,noo to loan at S p!r ccnt'on Im proved farm or citv jmipertv. 'Wallace jc Ji'skk. can show you.yrj;? d Macliinery. LSD? .H?-'-..i iF H. C. VVATSSN, Attorney an Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON. Ofllrr In Ihe ntrnhnn Blork. JAMES P. MEAD, AUornsy a5 LawaniTitlo Eiaainer ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all trie-courts nf the Statr. Abstract, of Tula fnnmhid on short uotice Teo vrars er.uerience. Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY TORE vau;ai.:.k imeoi'Kuv. The Cuslck Addition to Albany has just been thrown op. the market and will be sold at such pricei and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding (country. In the language of a First Fstreet merchant, "That is destined to be fcome the lion-ton' residence portion of lilt til y. Wallace x Cusick, the agents for this frp-.'operty, have their own conveyance and win dc giau to snow tms, me nest ot an additions, to the intending speculator. Bargains atJRead'a. Tlic rulpH an it HieHlauc Rev F M Hhrout, jfiitor United Breth ren Church, lilue Mound, Kan., says: -I feel it mv duty to tell what wonders Dr King's New Discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Ir King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gai.iing 26 lbs in weight.' Vailing Pliitoirrii!tcrM A than y Onon. We have houuVt ail thcutjgatives mad by L W Clark and W H It men wood np to Nuv 15th, 1SS1). Duplicates con be had from hem only of us at reduced rates. We have also ahout 18,000 uegativea made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like rates. We carry the only full line f views of this state and do enlarged work at lowettt rates for liraC clia work. We Bhall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's block, next dour to Masonic Temple. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. "i-.'.-:'V'f..x-V Tb? worM ia even r.s xt A:.J lir.;, -k.ir child, v, Tti.3 v:.i !!!. STlilK.-u: .. i;r. ' '.ill''! l V: -3 t!:t F' i;i.':; 1 Ml'ir . it if o..i i.-fMr-iiV- f .r f iM is? !!. ,'y, uri :t n l-O"!' ! '! jk.0 ,J:.:-l !.! n l"i- i::vi'i;, t .,! Vi't) f t i !! n ::i I'v.-rj , r,f n..- t i rtii:. '. iru..r'ip". f. d " t; ou in.- L'tii.e-wNi'! cifj, iiiii fai'..ir,i-. O'lt l'.r mtinv ynri. " FuvnrUt; I-'ro'TinUfi'l " 1 1 1 'fir' tit : t ;it.'( a Kerrrctji'. Cot'isin! n" ! il in ir'"oriino; no pvrup or mt'u' In r Vtn. As iwnUar in ha rvui.ui.u n xAit its oot!i mition. .& a l'owf -mil, invitTorr hit i pticnBtti to tlf viioli s.vMi tn. jy.t fit- nr.li.l) si'nl Ue ap:v-n-!i'kT' .'. vorrvn (.-('T-iMlly, fir. I'.in"', Vu wrl;'ii'iii it the jrrtnti-jtt cartiilv l ii:it' i.jJ (rs an apyn't'.-i i; rli BtoraMvt to'ilr;, or st rciiir'.h y'.vr. A l!io!c of I'Xl pryffi on U'r:nn rf5iiies, t.hftir .Viitiin:. ntnl If- ' -ill.:; 0.11 .v 'id I!" to th'-iti, p-nt griiir., in plriln envfuiin:, on ro ecipt of tii o,:it. In fttmnfrt. Ailrt-jtS. Woitf.It'S fll'.NS.RT Mkiwat, As ICIAUON, IVo.GUl Muin ft., DuIT.-j, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Porpy V -. I.xalHf. or t'atharlj, a.--.i.iini: to b- of dote. Iiy dutttiJU, 3ta ccnU a ial. J, J. WHITNEY, UaoLtey And Counsellor At Lav XoUivs Public. ALEAT, OREGON J.K. WE ATHERFORD , ATTORNEY AT LAW A t. OIICI.ON. W it lULYEUf ATTOKNKY AT LAW And Solicitor in ( lmncery tl.RAKY. OKCtiOl. f'n.lfMtlons prnni(.tly i.iade on ait r'jyi Cr3rnoiotited on tranotiablfftnrun. TJ, 5. Gov't Report, Aug, 17, 1889, M AM'FATLiU US PROFIT. Eiu;knk, Or., July 22, 1S90. EJifors Democrat: 1' lease inform me through your valuable paiier, about how much more the manufacturer gains on a $25 suit of cluthes (wool) under the present 'anil Ui.m be would under ircc trade. A Sl bscrihiir. l4Sub$crilirt " question is not very plain Wc suppose he means how much more the aiiit of clothes would cost under our present tariff than under free trade. If a suit of clothes is Iwjught in Manchester or Paris for $25 to be imported to this country, the purchaser would be inel ac New York City or other home harbor by the collector of customs who would require him to pay two duties on the suit, a specific duty and an ad valorem duty. 'I he specific duty is 40 cents per pound on the suit which would be about $2,00. Then he would be re quired to pay an ad valorem duty of 35 p?& cent of the cost which would bt 6S.75. Tlit two duties added together makes $io 75 as O'e amount of duty which this importer would have to pay on a suit of clollus weighing five pounds and that cost 25. Under the McKinlcy bill, nuw vending before congress, the duly on this si me suit of clothes (that cost $2$ in t':e forei gn market) would be 49 cents per pound which would be $2,47 and an ad valorem duty of 60 per cent on the cost which woidJ be $15,00 Add the $15,00 and $2,47 together making SL7-474 as the duty provided for- in the .McKinlev bill, So the McKinley bill in creases the duty on this suit of clothes to the amount of $6. 72. Or ip other words the in crease in the McKinley bill oer the present is from 54,oS prc?nt to 84,74 per cent. If Subscriler will reflect he will see that unde the present law the suit that cost $25 h Pairs will staad him in $35.75 in New York city be sides freight. Under the McKinley bill this same suit that cost $25 in Paris will stand him in &PL472 in New York city. If "Subscriber means to inquire how much less a suit of cloth es would sell, under free trade that now sells in our market for $25, we reply by saying that, Idling out the matter of fnight,, insurance, liMi profit of the dealer, a suit of, clothes im ported fium Paris or other foreign maikt to this and sold for $25 would sell under free trade for $14.95. Our young friend is to be commended for searching down into the two true fuels of the tariff question. He will never be a protcci'onist if he pursues. this course. AliiaSY Marble and Granite Vtirkn.HH--iug Uely purehaned the stock of S A Jnivgs find ( W 11-imp, we bhall Ih )iiuni:d in i)v w dci.nt ml uive tiriuft. tt all intend -i'ti I'li'h.ntJld. liettof WorliinPli ciiiili d ! f.ti pners as low nn ptiy tnr lirftt-cluss ',vttk. new doir t O.-itioer.il ot3i.e) A!i hit) , Oi . r.porti. Ti:in.it;on iro:n lon, linyerinj :r MckiH'-s to rutxist lu-alth ni:n - - , i:i the life of the individual S,. Th'.: 1) ! a rcinai kuble event is treasured in memory r.nd llie ayency w h-iehv Hie unoil he.iltli h;s been attained is nmtefullv bU sM-d. IlcnceiL is llmt &o nuuh is heard in prai-e of I'lectric Hitters, So man v feel th'v owe their reslnrattrn to henlth to iheuseof the reat alterative niui tonic it uni are troubled witli any disease of kidnevs, liver or ntomaeh, of lony or short htindin, vou (11 Mirely find relief by i; .... of Mh-ctric lirUs, Sold nt ami oi per buttle a. Fohuy & Mason's Driv till c. Wcir.RK to CzT Them. When wanting n oran or inar.a call on u 1, Hlai.Aman aIu e ou t:un titlect from a firsi class Thlt Trade Mai k on a move rreann it Ik th beat thp ex pei'.ince and skill can con trive. dold onlv by Smith & Sendrrn. itarklrn'M Arnlra Halvr Th bMtSVvo in tho rl I fi CnfH(nrn1,Snr.'t llifru; Hilt IC'i.Mjni, Vavor rtH, roller, Ctiapp han-K Ctii1i,iii. CiriM, ml nil Skin RrnpMo an (niBilhtilvfTiires PiIh. r n mv rnfiirwl. It in inar liKw"! tu' trive MjrfQ'it jUtUfujUnu, r mnnrT Tcf.iti.t . l-rictj tb centi t;r mx, Vr ' by Fohy ar! MttMin Ooburg Liurnber. I jll the hest liimlMsr in the cnnt j Iki sedar posts, shinules, laths rlnor. and win dow mnuldini.', etc. I'rices from 'o ''22 per thousand. Yard at L.wson, on the Narrow Oauge. Ste nif htf r pniuhsfinr elsewhf rs. W W rtt.wrnRn Address,!' O T.I t-. ... Pouihy Wanted. All kln.lnnf ponttry, aliv or i1fewd mnted it the U Illniiif.u I' icking I'fio paiiy'B H'-otp. All any, )r-r,i.. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A I..U.I Itui.l. Dknves, Col., July 22. At mi Inight last night occurrcil a tcrrillc catastiophe that lias tcirorarily isolated the tuuns u; Cleat Cicck canyon fiu:n inUTicursc the wurlil. At that hour tlit-te was an iir.niense coul.l Imist ner the forks of the ciet-k, pouring a deluge of water uitliin the narrow walls of the canyon which completely (k-inolUlieu the two horn railway l.ri.ljes at the Turks anil as far ; s can le teamed u!Htiiiilatel all other strur;aies in lie vicinity. A Tri'atj MlKllrd. City, on Mkmco, July 22. AJspi.ial from Guatemala sa)s the ministers of Costa Hica and Nicaragua yesterday signed with Guate mala a treaty of alliance. They demanded of (General tzela in the name of Central America lirst that he leave the supreme command in San .Salvador; second, that a legal regime be estahlished, in accordance with the .Salvador constitution as hefore June 2, the date of the assassination of 1'iesident Menenilez, and third that a general amnesty be granted to all par icinanls in the revolution. Anil rruliltmion. Watsktown, Wis., July 22. The state Ami I'rohihition society began their annual convention to-day. Of the 270 delegates pres ent about two thirds are from Milwaukee. Secretary Croolieh and Financial Secretary Read reported, and they both referred to the growing 'ack of interest in the society, which they attributed (o want of support from inter ior of the slate, onil said that unless the saloon keepers in the smaller towns took hold and contributed their share to the expenses of the organization the society would soon be a thing of the past. Ioiulntlon oft'imtiUt'. La Gka.ii.e, Ore,, joly 22. The nppioxi raate population of the Second tiistrict of Oregon by counties is as follows: I'matilla, 12,000: t'uion, 1 1,900; H'asco, 9.200: Baker 6,800 Grant, 4,750; Morrow, 4,100; Wallowa, 3,640 Gilian, 3,63s; Ciook 3,310; Malheur, 2,770; Lake, 2,41)0; Kiaitiath, 2,422; .Sherman, 1,900 llarxey, l.jtio. '1013171,500. A HikMiie Fire. Si-okask Falls, July 22,.,2 A M A largo nre is raging on the north side of the river on Monroe street. Monroe street bridge i burn ing. The loss w ill be al l.att $100,000. Another fire has broken out on Second street, on the south side. The fire on t te north side is yielding to the efforts of the firemen. Population of Bulle, Slont,, Butte, Mont. July 23.: Census Supervisor Speere places the populatkin of Butte at 22.008 These figures do not include CnterviHt,Walk erville, Meadvillc, Burlington, Kocker lind South Butte, Butte's suburbs, Hilmulafe ibe BIowl. Braudieth's i'ills are the great blood iiuii rier. They m a purgative and blood tonio thpy net fijujllv tu it bowels, theki .ueys, ana the skin, ttun clen.sing thesyntotn by the iMturni I'tulei oi the body they may be called the purwaiivti cudmio and diuretio medicine, 'i'j fiimulate ihe hlood so as to t-iiiib'e tiatu'e ;o throw 1 If all morbid huinor, lino vurv di-Hbe no nattir by what name it n-.-.y t,, vn'A- d . One or two nf them t.-ikon vv.iy iii,. 11 v.ill prove an infallible remedy. Hri.i,d".Hi Pills are purely Vcgot ablf, nt (oliii'i li.-Tinlf." anil safe to tuKj at ntiy tun.-. Soiii uivwrv drtiutaud medicine stotu, tiilmr uial'1 or "tiy;ir noated. TIIK- ltKT rr HI'MMER Kiirrvpli-! t!. fV-'i in, Jlul -t;: dffl'h l'.r I 1.. . L it Uh: biily r. iidily IV.. Is I'Vriif v 1 In- M Hft-iu iil'-'i duoes the vita . In this conditi i tim to diHaf. l tht.u debihtntinK inkuti c-i. V. it.kn tr lr lldlfer'a IIvdraBtine. It lUMt"i a1 ;vi.. r fi.ilit-i ihe nutritive stem vi;.Tt,..rli Miriicim-t ti. hi -inhtuc nt to ke( tlie J"" i 'kwon- ;m..i m ,lthy,aud in a tit con- iuty j'.N ii.i;! i:ik. (io aiul see thii 'tifnl pdd watch at the 'H!dtii t, I U iU'U' ..n.aut, .hiluis (tniilwolil tho pr.'frittitr of the tohU-n Kule i!:iz;i:ir,iu-i'-;ius us I hi' t lie bus the J'rizo linking lVnder, and No 1 Japan tea. exjresNly up tor bin liiisiiii'SH, and for the bent lit of his mMoiiKTH, each lox of liking pAvdi-r will u in a piece of line )jl:iHHwurt and hIho each pound of the tea will win u piece of Jim liiH.nwnre, and cUHtoinom t ho 1 my one pound of ten or a box of diking powder, w hich is warranted, w ill have a chance nt that beautiful goM watch. He ban uIhj added a Hue uHKurt iiient of family groceries to bin lnain moutii stiH-k of glaHware and crockery, which in the lart'ft in the Willnmettu Valley. ioand see Mr (iradwhol uttlio (ioldeii Uule I'.azuar, and yon will lind that nothing n aiitrreprcHiited, S.iir-ke th clflrat'fl I( ntn filled ci-itr-, man" ctund nt Jut i.. .!o,rpha cigar f; co ty. Cn!y & c x. 't-ci S.wviNc;. Mir-h:jll & Son. with their team saw pre prepared to saw wood with promptness on nhori notice. Leave nrd-rs at Le oe 5c Kroman Hi o. orFarni er Waryhouoc. AllmnjrJiniki-t. Vbr.al -lo laf- :i3-i. RmtMi - lbr pr th. F VCTH ?'N Hay n.00. Potatoes 75 etn pr bunhelf Beef on foot.H'f Apple 75 cent per hu. Pork elic per lb dreaeed Bacons hum, I2Xc, ahoulrlerSffM) ahlea.lOo. tjard fe per lb. Flour.-4.26 per bbl, "blckens 3.00 per do. Mil Keed bran, 14.00 per ton ahnrta, 16. fniddilnffs, 20. Cbor .ao.4