THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. IT GETS LOST AGAIN. We know ol no paper that has to great a acuity for getting lott.ln treating of tbe tariff question, as Cafilal Journal published at Salem. It has been giving its reason for favoring the McKin!;-v HI. It sav : "The McKinlsv bill is a measure to re vise the tarifl as plcdcnl by the repvbiican national platform of ISSb to retain the prottctive feature for American Industries and American labor and at the same tinu reduce the revenue." I!ut when sugar was put on the free list, was that retaining the "protective feature for Americ.-.n industries"? No, it was taking the cniy ' protection" the south had except tliat on lice and iron. Hut, tlieii. the south h.n no rights that upublican iaderf feel bound to respect, hence Mc Kinley made an exception by rutting raw, (;.n article raised wholly in the south,) on the free iist, while he rt'ai'ii J or Increased it on refined sugar, (manu factured in the north almost wholly.) This alone stamp the till as purely parti tan and sectional. Can thc,rH'exp!ain whv the duty was removed entirely from raw sugar, (whieh is -reduced in large while It more quantities in this country. Ex congressman S S Farwell of Iowa, on beinj asked by Wiling republicans ol his dis trict to Hand ai a candidate lor congress, in declining to do so says: "I believe in the doc- rine of protection, and the results of the pro ective policy it seems to me should till the heart of every American with pride as he w it nesses the giowth of all the great nnnuf.v.-tiir-ing industries which have been fostered hy it, but in many ways it has done its ptrfeci woik, t has fulfillcl the condiilcas for winch tlie policy was created, aud to add to the h'g'.i duties levied during the war an adui ional ptr cent, in these times of close coinpexiin and low wages is oaly giving the nui ufacuirers opportunities loop;ress the people I y forming monopoli'.s and trusts." Jan F Powell & Co. N EV A DVERTIS K M EN' : :-. X' It; KINO, HOCK liKI. intr and piovpcting, "A'riio to J. ! glies. Albwnv, t-fr. than doubled it oa tin, an article not man ufactured in this country at all? Tin I- a necessity of life. The rich, the poor ; the old.the young, 1.1! alike have to ie it. The whole thing is an outiage and people Ere Jast finding it 01 1. Again that parer says: We favor the bill because it seeks to p'.iie a check upon importations of agri cultural products, now reaching annuuily to htindrcus of millions, by increasing the duties on those articles of farm produce now snipped in from abroad in competition with the American f irmer The bid makes jute f-ee and reduces the duty on cotton banging. Sisal, manila and binder twine go on tlx free list. The wool duties are adjusted to suit the wool-growers and a duty will be placed on the nearly thirty million dollars worth of hides imported an nually. But the bill fails to check the importa tion of that agricu' produ;t known as sugar, but as we said before ihi is an ag ricultural product raised in the south and from McKinley 's stand pc-i-v. is notenlilled to protection. "The bill mates jute free says the Journal. That is to benefit the manuf;ciurer,but there is quite an increase in the duty on jute sacks. McKinley has the very highest consideration for the man ufacturer of jute tacks but none whatever for the farmer who has to ube them in handling his grain. "The wool duties are tjtJjusted to suit the wool-growers. "Indeed! How considerate McKinley wis of the in terest nf the half million people who are engaged in producing wool,and with what indifference did he treat the interests of the 65,000,000 w ho have to use wool pro ducts. The Jaarnal seems to hold out the idea that no one should have any thing o say in fixing the amount of duty on wool except the woal-growers themselves. Shame on such partisan subsevlency. "Siaal, manila and binder twine go on the free list." We regret that the Journal should resort to misrepresentation in order to make a defense of the McKinley bill. The bill has tlnVprovUion: '-Binding twine one and one fourth cents per pound." And the senate has raised the twine duty to one and one half cents per pound. Tiie Jour has deceived it readers about the twine duty. Will it row be candid enough to set them right on this point?The Journal says "the McKinley bill reduces tiie tariff." Except sugar, the duty on nearly every important necessary of life lias been in creased. Take wool and all kinds of wool en goods something that the poor as well as the lich uinst have aud there lias been a large increase in the duty. Every body willi an ordinary memory lemeinbers hos tile republicans complained that the Milis bill made but a slight redaction in woolen poods. But the lu'lls bill reduced the duty from 70 to 40 per cent while the YicKin- ey bill Increases it Iroin 70 to an average of 90 per cent. The makes much ado about the so-called protection for the farmers in the McKinley biil.but this "pro tection" lias been shown time and again to be a fraud, deceit, a shame, Of what bei.efit is it to the American farmer to placs aduty of 15 centsper bushelon conn or twenty cents per bushel on corn meal, or fifteen cents per bushel on buckwheat, and oats, or ten cents per bushel on rye, or twenty. five per cent ad valorem on wheat flour, or five cents per gallon on milk, or three cents each on cabbages, or forty ceuts per bushel on unions, or five cents per dozen on eggs, or twenty-five cents per bushel on apples, or five cents per pound on bacon, or two cents on beef, pork and mutton, or five cents per pound on dressed chickens? All of these articles are produced in this country as cheap cheaper than in any other. Why, then tlii duty? Simply to ir.akcthe vnsophistlcatcd farmer believe that he is protected equa'lv with the manufacturer. But the farmers are day hy day cpenir.g their eves to the fact that this so-called protection for the farmer is all a delusion and a snare. The Jotirual must tell its readers,aUo, that hioes are put on the free list br the MrKlnley bill. VTOTifK li HEREBY UIVKX THAT X roi-ertv owners are r quired by or-diii'i:-B ii tut down aud remove nil ihlstlcs aii-i obnoxious wveils crowing upon tliRtr preiiiisc-5 and uor-:i ti-o it.-i-t't. actj h.lni; t!i-.ra:o w'i pin th-? ei:y liiitits 01' Ail-any. Tiios-e f.iirug t- -hi 'o will be !::ih:.i to h fine n. f.V fii.w, Jlllv, 1MU .1 X. IIOFFMA'K. Ci:v Marshal. 4 -:M5?J J tm - :L. E. BLAIN Hn 15jen Ioe.JJ -AT TUE- Now the Greatest Atvraction'is His Large Stock of am 1 tvli.-ii T 3 U!i ft 7 msr& -s 2s Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, If You "Would be Suitably Dressed AGKNlfc FOR TliK CELEBRATED II. P. Miller, And ihe Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Also the louse Proof "EABRPF," And other First-Cla.s O IR G- .A. JST s . Sole Agents f-.r the EIMEWSE P.. : and : SEW liiiME Sevflug AIucliiueN. Oroass - Cleaned - and - Repa:red. ALBASr, 011EG0X v Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO- Store, where thev always have on hand Ihe largest Stock touth of Portland, of the latest improved Rules and Shot Guns; an immense stock of t ishiiv Tackle of every description; lents, Hummocks, Camp Chairs and thousands 01 ether things too numerous to mention. Xfcepaix Shop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen in th'j State to do anv and ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to how goods. "Small profit and quick iii is 0111 motto. Straw Goods, Etc., -In ICeeping Witli the S'JUh'iu. - Call - at - His - Store. - vwivvm t sent' kji Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALF.U3 IX- Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. mm, LSVJtrjraLixwvr. v ruivim9.' 82.50 FARGO S Hi riAT.i? SHOS FOR CENTLEMEN Is the Best Shoe in the for the Price. 'Markot Eugene City Bonds For Sale VrOTlCK IS HKHEBY GIVEN TI! iyi uader the provisions of au act of tlie Legislature of Ort-uon entitled. "An act to incorporate tlie City of Eugene and to re peal all acts Biia part 01 acts id cot met nere with," tiletl in the nltice of the Secretary of State, Febrnar? 20;h. 139, tha eoinmon council of the City if .u(ne will issue and dispose of the bonds of said city at par value of from $30,000 to $."0,K)0, in denomina tions of from $100 to ?I(HJ as the purchaser may desire, payable 30 eara after date of issuing the same, with interest thereon at the rae not to execi'M 5 per cent p r annum, payable UTr.i-anuii illy. Se:tled proposals to purchase 3nil bonds will bo received by the undersigned at Eugene, Oregon, uiit.l S- pt 1st, ISl'O. and all prnpi)ala received will ba opon.d and conxidertd on the 3th dayVif Stpt, lSitO, an-? said boi:ds will be dipoH:d (;f to the per "on or persir makiiig the bet offer tr vCivT threfor. The eit union council reserves the riht to n i -t any am ail propsals. ' l!y order nf the COU'ICl!. Miy il it, 1SC0. B F DORRI5, Hecordcr fi'r the Cityot" Eugene FOR SALE flgf DOIx'T FORGET flif Pll frcs h At Cons A IIkmikii-.his'k. The t-st lierries mul fruit in the city. The latest vepetiiMen ill the lnurket. -A lurfre mul clinice line of riinneil (twils. Some (jilemliil lirtuuis of teas und cof- eei. Noonapf.hnt relial'le.flriiiylit hargaiup. All kinils of irroeeries and prodiue, nod a line otm-k of epH-kery ware, (.iooil treatment and low rieei. Will I.k.we Tint Strkkt. Dclivcrv wagnr.s will l-ave tl.e street In the for e noon on l;ri-t trip at S o'clock, shatp: st-c on J trip til lo o'clock ; third trip nt 1 1 : t o'clo.-k. Albany Delivery Co. pSa(z & RSATURANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Just opened, opposite Che Hat 9 Houpe I'mmpt attention, and everything n-.'at ami Clean. Open day and uiht. ALBANY1 OR. WRITSMAN 6 HULBERT EROS,, Heal Estate Agents, Farm and lUnchet for sale. Alio city property in Albary aud CoTyaliii. -:G. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ETC., ETC, Is now Larser and Better than Ever FLJKENTON CSioicc Candy, KeiIs NEAR THE POCE. 1 1 ES E-Yoit, etc. Montague & Son, CORNER FIRST & FEEEY ST 3 JeilrrH UimttltiB IVUlltii VKw"13 Consi'ciiqnary. Mc, Troilucd .i'ti(t in cxh.-tige fo good, or c.nli. Fi.l-clr.Mi on rd p nipt atttution. .A.. "i:o V.-crK'.'s tl'-;1' srtl lrr-r.7 i -.v. ai' Si 1 ill la :.ri: o to-tliv r CTOV!-"S RANGE; VI ll,V'"l t'f. ii! ( '41 A3 as IAJ Si. 6. o 0 si j -s 13 mZ I Z 1 CI H o V7 SO 2 :i;i , Gailand, - Jipiei Stoves ana rtanges, AllTu'.h STYLE, WORE and PEiCES. f ' y GoorJs, ishings ami ' Our sleek of Ikmi's ain! is ii-i'v loinp'i'H- In nil lints '.u--sprinj; cui-.-. c will Mivt-nu mniu-t ii lin intl of ii-. IhHi-, tllili iil'il cl-.i!iiic-nV tine shots 11 I.l lH.OU NlilWKH F C rfr ft SEARLS riiniUmri;'! Now hioi'K, ill & Washsjussx, ALBAXy, -:- OUKGON Ihrtlw.ira, Stoves, anil Tinware. Wait a bit! A man broke his neck once because bo was in a hurry! We want you to know about our Staves antl itangea, at jirices from ten dollars upward. The ntwest hina in the wav of household ute.isils are Oil and Gasoline st nes. Come and look at 'em. We do business to please our menus as well a. prices jirevail. to make a dollar or two. Popular & Wasiii.chn. Fortmilier & Inrinc. FOSMAY & MASONi f.K . tk for John H. AIiIhi-.'k ,iulillcilloiii . iti.... u . L..:i i.i. .... with i is y . ii nt:;oN -FUSEKAL DIRKCTOI'.S. Prompt Ittantion-First-s'.ass Hair- Uol urtc Lumber. i I tl c l-ft himlitir iu the c-uty; l8 'vi-ilar i-p, -l.nit.le., luths Jimr. nl win ;air.v iii..uli;i:i , ere. ) ri.-es from $3ro?22 'it--r ih'imA'.il, Vanl ni I.owaon, on th N or" Om Son me before iinrohin( i-ort.i io. A.I,Ue P O Till In.t.Or r10 I'.F.ST. A furui.hcd cctta.c, tiv. JL ro?ni. with or without piano, f r thre months. Iuqoireat tllia otlice. Eevsre House; Ialeany, OREGON lSKK'CUAS. PFEIFFER I'fWrRIKTOR. Tblf kiiiall, liKhliiiav mare, urannen -r vn leu Blow, nmwmvim mwitrn lontiy1 r-nt-'i if 111 in-.. am . . . - . . oin who wlil return tons or give iafor - turi'liwl with Iho liwt tn tlie mar ' nmtion to her wheroabouta. 'Nice tU t ikiic nr-arrmecti. .Simple rooro July Will, lb'.'O. Vir pr.iiiiiin..iAl Uhveipn, siCMiuiif BKUS. t-rrr r. oarli o an-l fr.m Ihe ueici.