Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 16, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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i:i).i:s day.
JUI.V 16,1800.
I'abUilij.l tvtu.y aiym tliu wuok,
Smut-ty' exoinitnd.
IiMltors and Publisher.
L.inr.ii t'i t oiUituat Albany
hh Hwond-elsjiH mall matter.
AiMltltifinl B.tHMilH oil Hli I'hkc.
M'l.iss. A good liou.e greeted the
Moao Comedy Co. iti M'Li, last cver.
..r, Sor.u: excellent acting was done.
;il I'! I.ove made l trntlilimuil Yub;i Mill,
iffunine Nevsukl slni;e tlvlver. Mr l)t.'V
11 was iuilc Immense its Jmlfje (ircjigslcy,
i no wameu id tin uungs ii;i mu:ui-.
!;irrv Harry itoie made a superior lorres,
x Mexican, the vidian whom the an ti
uc always feels like kicking. Mlts Uelle
iinan is at her hest as M'Uss, the moim
ia waif and docs a tine piece (if acting in
.c part. Mr Sno v (il l the school leaclier
,11. and the lest of the support was good.
lie drama is a li e one, full of liitictlng
.'ills and lerinh.aies in Hint happy man
i- n.-cessai-v to Its annreeiatlon. To night
ileld by Hie Knemy" will he presented.
iluuiav ailerlioon ineie win u
e which wlllbe worth seeing.
IvKi'ivtvKii a l'oitiuNi:. Mr Alvtili Ar
id, of Wiilki Wulla, lias Ih-cii m the
v'lHitini! friends. Ho in now married
In! rustling for himself. Alvah w ith his
ither aim hrotherx anil Htxter live-1 in
.any for many yearH, residing opposite
II. 1'. Church, until a few yeai'H ago,
Iipii Mr. Arnold returned to Illinois to
ido with liur uncle, .Mr. O'Dell, who
s in Alhnuy on two or three occasions.
. O'lVll died a year or two ago, leaving
te a lame estate. Jlrs. Arnolil.iiy the
uvisions of his w ill, received $lI,U)HI,Klla
eived J-.'.'i.tHli) and Kverett l.i.
Kali and Frank got nothing. MisH I'.lla
1 Kvcrett are now residing in ( all
ruin. The many menus in Aioany oi
Arnold will lie glad to know of her
ml fortune.
lonald, the man who dapple in tomb
lines, was ai rested 111 Salem last ween
ii brought to this city on a warrant
Kirn out by I R Scraffurd. The Ina1
Pore Justice Carlile resulted in Ids ac-
bital, but Mack only jumped out 01 lut
ing pan Into the fire, for he got drunk
a tiddler that night and in the morning
mke In the city tail. Ileislnndot Ills
lldy and has slept In nearly every jail in
valley, Carvallis limes.
tJuR Population. -,'o quiet the public
nd in reference to the population of
Ibany it may he said that the census will
w it to be approximately 4000, possiuiy
ittle over. This statement I founded on
indabout Informatlon,but which, trough,
11 nrove about correct. Such a showing
II be a good one, and the truth is will
higher than the general run 01 guesses.
ere has never been much exaggeration
iut Albany. In fact the tendency is raih-
to the conservative sine. v
fViix IiK A Maior. lhe returns are
kin from the election held Monday, the
1 Inst . by the several companies of the
cond regiment unu lor a cnoice 01 a
lutenant colonel 10 nil llie vacancy oc-
sioned by the resignation of M W Hunt
lil the result is the promotion of Major
11, I-ovell, of this position. It
more than probable Capt. O II Irvine.
I Albany, will be promoted to 1112 rank
majo'. Journal.
l C(iitnr!ATKi Iii ii.niNii. Mr Harper
l.inor is having erected another Chinese
I tse, on Ins Second street property, ot
sizo ot those already put up. llie
aide is to be entirely ol corrugated
a. both the roof and sides. The Sha-
19 are doing the work. This will lie a
city among Albany buildings, though
rugated iron bus been used considera-
( for roofs. i
rcn-KB Work. Work on the Calijiooia
kcr has been begun,by Mason & Strang,
I contractors. The nine was shinned
lin Portland to the linn at Albany, by
but the boatmen liy mistake, or
liter thinking a mistake had been made,
it at Saleiu.anil it will have to lie re-
IJi'iTE Astonishing. Probably the
L'cst and finest line of fruits, vegetables.
., ever brought to Albany, may be seen
F Pywell A: Co., just In Iroin calitor
Kor peaches, apricots, pineapples,
rics, etc. Cad on them.
t Cons & Hesiiricsos's. The fresh
lierries and fruits in the city,
'he latest vegetables in the market.
large and choice line ot canned goods,
pine splendid brands of teas and col-1
i o snaps, but reliable, straight bargains.
idl kinds of groceries and produce, ana
Inc stock of crockerv ware-
hood treatment and low prices.
fiKr. Notice. That woodsawers and
rs are hereby remicsted not to o1-
tict the alleys of the city with woo 1 or
LTwise, so as to make them iiupassa-
or the ordinance relating to such
a will lie enforced. J ' Hoffman,
. Live Game. Kvcry day a live game
RVed at the corner of Second and Ells
Hh streets, where Mueller ,V Garrett
thHr clerks have to run to await on
their cmtnmcrs. They now ha e a
doe of frul's and vegetables on hand
r ar yi Weat her . A fine stock of re
altors au. .v ...earn freezers may be
1 nt Stewart & Sox's. Nothinir like
I n for the house.
'i.L Leave tub Street. Delivery
nn will li-ave the street in the for e
" on first trip nt o o'clock, sharp: sec
lr!p at 10 o'clock; third trip nt 11:1
ck. Atmvv IJei.ivery Co.
' Slr Seven fresh cows for sale
nqjire at this olFicc.
"A Vaikok Jacks."-" A 1'airof Jacks,"
the farcical comedy tlmt tomes to flic
Opera House, next Tuesday evening, lias
been doing a record-breaking business in
Ohio the past week. Tim volume of
business ilono in Cliieai!o, St Louis, San
Francisco, t'olunilHis,('inciniinli,)iiuha,
Kansas I'ity, has never lieen collided hv
any farce-eoineily company on its lirst
rip. In mid to tins agreeable, feature,
the performance has given the i:ivutest
satisfaction ami the cry has liccn le
again and come soon. Comparisons are
odious, hut it is within the hoiids of truth
to say that "A l'air of Jii'-ks" is leaving
behind it a reputation for brightness,
novelty and originality second to that of
no similar performance extant. The
company giving the performance is at.
tractive in make-up and capable in its
possibilities of entertaining. C li
Kuowles.who lias had the training of the
variety stage, of the minstrel stage and of
I lie legitimate stave, (that of Augiistin
Ouly's Theatre,) is a host in himself. W
J UusHcll has made a hit in the part of
Doctor Jack, and these twain are hacked
up by u Cortisol clever comedians, si tigers,
dancers anil specialists. It 'A fair of
Jacks" can justify here the favorable
things spokcu of it elsewhere it should
easily do a banner business, not wit hstand
ing the lateness of the season.
Bask IIm.i.. Til base hall interest in
creases. The real esUtc men, who defeat,
ed the lawyers, have been challenged by
the Salem real estate men to day a friend
ly game at that city next Monday, and have
accepted I lie name promises to lie a
very interesting one. as no one will he al
lowed to play except dirt men, and they
know how to make thiols tly.
Ataeamcin Lebanon a few days ago
between the business men and a nine of
picked men the former beat and the g.vr.c
ended in a close call to a general sciapping
The Albany jewelers say they an: ready
and willing at any time to play the milli
ners. The scores Indicate that they play ball
In Salem about as they do in Albany.
Yesterday the dry goods men beat the
groceries 30 to 23 in live innings, and the
blacksmiths beat the real estate men 10
to 15.
Skvkkai. linn I'.uoKKX. About 10
o'clock this foienoon Mr Jos Kagan, of
Acheson iv. Kagan, the marble men, and
johnny Murphy, his right hand man,
the former living blind, were driving
along the south end of Kerry street, Mr
Kagau holding the lines and Johnny
reading a letter to him, when the horse,
a young andfrisky oiie,gotfrightened at a
collide men aiuiroaching 011 horseback,
and turning around two or three times
threw liolh out to the ground, and leav
ing them there came to the city, where
he was caught, damaging the dogcart, 111
which they were riding, to quite an ex
lent. Mr'Kinnin had three ribs broken
while Johnnv got off with a sprained
w rist mid a scratch or two. Mr Kagan
was taken to Mr Hall's near Tipes' ad
Exclusion to Newport. A special
excursion train will leave Albany for the
seaside Saturday, July loth at 4:30 p.
passengers arriving at Newport about 7:30
p m. returning the following day, leave
Yaqoina 6 p. m. Those who desire may
remain until Monday, July 21st, and have
the privilege of returning on the regular
train that day. tickets to ."Newport and
return only $2 on sale at Wells Kargo Co's
A llm Vakikty. It is always a privi
lege to Iinye n big stock to select from.
J K Powell & Co always have 011 hand
the largest variety of fruits and vegeta
bles of nnv establishment 111 the eitv, a
fact easily learned by inspection.
For Sai.k. A bargain; one ipan of sorrel
horses, 5 and 6 vcars old, weighing 1300
each. Olio new 1 J steel axle wagon, Miteh
1 make. Dit W C Ntors.
Uaisci Aloso Yolk Stock, if you wan
to send them to Pasture, where, they
will have the best of feed, good shade,
with plenty of water. New hog tight
fence. Horses and cattle at oO cents per
heud per week. Lots of twenty or more
at reduced rates. All Btock must lie
paid for ltffore taken away. Apply to
the undersigned at the H Charles hotel,
or Thos Daniels on the farm at Clover
dale. I w ill take good care of all stock
intrusted to my care, but will not be
rcsponsible'for liny accidents that may
occur. t. I-. M'cii.
Ahead of Time. The freshest and best
groceries and fruits in the market at Jas
F Powell ei Co's.
(iet your canned goods at Jas V Powell
& (Vs.
Jas F Poyvell & Co lead in the grocery
Jas F Powell & Co are rushed with busi
ness tiecaitsc they have the goods and give
f-i-Biso and Summer Delicacies. The
largest and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolens in spring and Biiuimer
novelties just received and is ready for
Inspection nt
Zaciiks & Son,
Merchant Tailors and Drapers,
Opposite Post Office.
mm m
I have jut received a Hrge invoice of lace
curtainr. ranging in price trom one to nine
dollars a pair, scrim, ..urtsin nets, ete. Also
a line of curtain p)!es acd fn-riitnre cover
ing. ISA Ml" el r. 1 orNO,
ALnA.V Marble and Granite Works. Tlav
ing la'elv purchased the stock nf S A Uivgs
and t w Harris, we shall bo please i to
show designs and Hive prions to all intend
ing purchasers. Best of workmen employed
and prices as loT as any for hrst-class worn.
Visit us before purchasing elsewhere.
Kn yN & ArmsoN
next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or.
Itrsl In IheiUa'kil
Dr F. S ITolden i Have used your Kthe-
real Cough Syrup and consider it tho twit
dv in the mrk t tur'Jhe l:stae lor
whit h it is recommpr.ilM.
J II McttSto.
Ume ttir.9 $1, iinsU iiOctuts. For sale by
f A Cum mi nil, druggist.
WriF.RE to GstT Them. When wanting
n or pan or niana cill 01GL Blackman
A-hc e vou can ee.ect from ft first clM
ionliTet higtookto iclect from at J
F P.iwcll Co-
The victims of tlio recent hridgo acci
dent were brought to this place. Mrs
Nannie. Teinpleton is badly hurt intern
ally and externally, her face badly
bruised, none broken and probably one eve
destroyed and severe cuts upon her leg.
Miss Ivy Teinpleton bud her thigh
crushed to pieces, an arm broken and her
lace cut. lhey were brought upon litters
to Ciawfordsville.a distance of nine miles.
and Miss Ivv is at H llass'. Hsu., and
Mrs. T. at Mrs Hell in Wilson's, both re
iving all tlie attention in the power of
the people to bestow. One horse was
killed the other w ill prob.ihlv die.
1 hero are three other hnd'-es across
the river nt and near this place needing
attention. The c m'r.iet has been award
ed and I barn to-d that, work will ba
gin 11 poll them imiiH diati'ly.
The infant child of .Mr and Mrs J li
Cox died on Saturday morning. Hev
I. Molloy preached the liiueral sermon 011
Sunday, at II o'clock, directly atler
which the child was buried.
1 here has been some sickness among
the children around here, otherwise the
health of the community is excellent.
A large nunilicr of lieoole from the val
ley are continually passing and repassing
to and from the berrv patches. There is
a full crop of them this year.
The codlin moth got in its work this
year in this vicinity. The apples are
Work is tntigrcssing on the grist mill
anil it will soon be ready to again do the
grunting tor this community.
On last Saturday night at Odd Fellows
Hall the full. .win- (.Hirers oi the I O O F
were installed: K II Chance, X (i; J II
lass, V (i ; A K Muridiv, It S: 1) IS Me-
Kercher, I, S; J C Cox, Treas; K W
Moses, ( onductor; lames Hamilton, War-
ten; J M Wright.K S .N i ; J J Matlock,
I.S X (I; A I Matlock, ItSS; , IS Moss,
I.SS: II M Huberts, TO; M W (ilass, ()
(i ; II F W Hamilton, It S V i ; S V liarr,
Hay harvest is in full operation, wheat
and oats being cut for that purpose.
ISrnl Xtiiluiin Starrs,
A score of fleet-footed thoroughbreds,
a herd of Scotland ponies, a den of giant
ostriches, a score of jockeys male and
female! ami luunber'ess children will
take in vel and unique
races to b the "all jierfect"
hippodrome, which is only one of the
many features to be witnessed in the
John ltobinson show, ut Albany July 31.
SouTiiKitx Pacific Company,
I. inks IS OliliilOX.
PoRTL-ixn, Or, July 12, lS'JO.
On aud after July loth, 1800, ad uotil
fui thcr notice, trains 17 ond of ttie L' ba
dod Hrauell, will annulled.
E. P. nooKRS,
, Asst (J K and P Agt.
Sutlre In aler I'liBKllliiers,
No person supplied with water from the
Company's mains will be permitted to
supply, in any way, other persons or fam
ilies, or to allow water to be used from
their pipes for building purposes by any
one unless written permission is obtained
from the Company 6 office for such use.
Failure to comply with this rule may
be followed by shutting the water off from
the premises of the party so offending
without notice.
Albany, Or, July 12, 1800.
Aldany Canal, Water, Trans
I'ortation and Lighting Co
Gift Entkhi'ihse. Go and see tha
beautiful gold watch nt the "Golden
Kule Hazaar." Julius (iradyvohl the
proprietor of the Golden Kule Baznar,in
fiirins us that he has the Prize Baking
Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly
up for his business, and for the benefit
of his customers, each box of baking
poyvder will win a piece of line glassware
and also each pound of the tea will win a
piece of fine glassware, and customers
w ho buy one pound of tea or a Ikix of
baking poyvder, w hich is warranted, will
have a chance at that beautiful gold
watch. He has also added a fine assort
ment of family groceries to his main
lnouth stock of glassyvare and crockery,
w hich is the largest in the Willamette
Valley. Go and see Mr Gradn hoi at the
Golden Kulc Bazaar, and you will find
that nothing is misrepresented.
New embroideries, flotincines, lace
flouncing In cotton and silk, black and
cream. laces in imitation point, also new
designs In blfccn white, including
Vandvrk and tllei lower. iew rucnings.
letter Llxt.
Followintt ift tho list of letters remaining
in the Vot (llict. Alhanv, Linn county. Ore
mm. Julv 18th. I8!K). l'ernmis otllini; for
thece letters must ive the date on which
theyvpie advertised
Cone. M S
FYttus. Win M
Laws, Mr- I1U
Xuulnn, H S
rratlltr, Koveh L
Mtckey, (J-cur
Kutlerfp.-d. W A
Smith, I-ck
Kinner, Mrs LA
Mc(Jowrn, Anson J
Hie men t, Ji'hn
Mnrex't Normmii
Overftle. Joneph W
Smith, A J
Shoit, Charles 2
Walker, .Sill
Stfpro, Mi f El
Wiuter, Kilph
R. Thomi'sox, T. M.
Ths Al'nny W,.,.pn mi 1 will pay 2'J cut
sp und for hokI
Wednesday, July ltitli, 18W, at 10 a. m.,
Mr. A. V. Itlackbtirn and Miss Snlinn
Dulmiille were married in the vestry of
the Catholic Church, by Kev. Fattier
Metayer. Mr. J. D. Pubruille was "Ijcut
man" and Mips Klla Smitli.of Wnitsburg,
Wash., n dear friend of the bride. wa
bridesmaid. Only the family relatives of
the contracting parlies were present. At
nuon the bridal party took t lie north
liound train, intending to spend several
days in Oregon's metropolis. The gmoin
is one of Albany's popular grocers and n
young man of exemplary habits, while
the bride is the accomplished daughter of
Mrs. Iitbrui:!v nr. 1 a sister of J. .1. Iu
bmille. They have the liest wishes of
many in Alliany for life's lest blessings.
Jan F Powell & Co.
Omick'tf addition.
(iold o.iiibn at Will A: Stark's. ,
Huy yourgrnceriM ut Lange't.
F. M. Kronen keops rsilroad time.
It ic!l nnndy di ipi at C K UroivnoU'e .
t A now li.10 nf i.t-ckticr it K C Searl's.
X.ivtlll.'S in at S K VouugV
Km: uuis and wax at Matthowifc Wsl-.
Choi-o cut.Ewl sxiet potatoes at C E
IVepiired in.
1 i e i!'U'i. i-i .,'ri.
I'.jr ari-i'.ts'
', i.i 1 lb caii, at
f r yar 'in kio.U at (J E
Mlppiies ;;o to Stanard, &
Tliu latent shc-l imnl.j, J disuountat Mrs
Tim AM. any W,i,; mills w illjuy 20 U
a p'.uud f r wool. ehiakcuj 01a ,Ui,-.!y o: Ii.ihI at
J F Powell fc Co.
Delicious craid.'.-.-aic.s at C. E
l!r. wnell's.
Spring ovnr coating ut Zachcs 4i S.m, op-.
n(.tl l'di,.ir,..n r
(ienuino Iowa sorghum on draught at C
K lVownell s.
A large and linei-tick of gold canos to se
leot from at Will ic Stark's.
Jlaveyoa seen thoso parlor suits that T
llriuk has just received! Tiiey are nice.
Spring jackets and headed capts at ro
duced prices at Samuel E Young's,
Uerrca fresh every mornine. Urdus
promptly filled at J F Powell & Co.
No need to suffer with the hcadaeh w hen
Hulibatd's Capsules will Burcl) cure you.
If you want a fine toilet or hath soap call
yju oiauuiu , .usiuK, cixy urug oioro.
hoo wantiug the best groceries in the
market at reason.!.!, prices call on - F
ell k Co.
Jas F Powell & Co.
"Held by the Uoomy."
Read the Oregon Land Co's biy ad . on the
fourth page.
The milittry drama, "Held by the Enemy,"
A now lino of dress buckles just received
at the Ladies Bazaar.
Call at the Ladica Bazaar and see the
latest novelty in hair ornaments
Spring am summer woolens just received
Ziehes k Son, opposite Postutlice.
A competent girl wanting a placo to do
general housework at good wages can find
one uy caning at tne iJKstocit.vr office.
Mr Ed Wills and family are home from
week's trip up the North Santiam.
I W Eubanks and wife, of Hope, Idali?,
aro in the city visiting friends and relatives.
It will take a 10 mill tax to run Salem's
city government the ccming yoar,and that is
me levy.
Thn monthly meeting nf the Albany
Building and Loan Association will be held
r nday evening.
Steve Pliillipi, of The Sisters, was in the
city yesterday. Steve is running Dr Hill's
soeep rancn.
Mrs Alice Dodd has been rehired to teach
la the Sulem schools the next school year.
Mr Harry Cusick. a neuhew of Mr J W
Cusick, arrived in the city yesterday, and
win irooaniy make Aitiany his home.
Ben Barker, an efficient brakeman on the
motor line running between Portland and
Vancouver, ism tho city nursing a felon.
Ben wears a blue coat and brass buttons.aod
the "general" himself will soon have to tako
a back scat
Some people set mad verv oasilv. Recent
ly the editor of the Big Bend paper, in writ
iDff una party at a residents of Bio Bend.
said Mrs B. bad the prettiest plants in town.
By one or me famous typographical errors
1 was leftVut of plants, ard the Imsband of
Mrs K calieu at the newSDaoer ollice with a
revolver and blood in hia eves. last after the
editor had left out of tho window for the
canyon beyond the city. And yet snmo peo
plo think it must be fun to be au editor.
rARASois. I have hist received a new
invoice of 2'nrasola.
Samuel K Young.
Scrofulous emotions, such as nimnUa
discoloration of the sltiu, especially on fce.
are caused by i...KW. hJuori and will disap
pear rap.dly by iism Pfunders Oergoo
Blood t'uiiber.
evrry morninp, or leave
orders with J R Douglas,
opposite the Rubs Houret
Delivered to all of the city '
Musical -- I'arcicnl -:- Comedy,
6 ft
Uy H OntlHn OoTinell;, Ktti, author of
O.s," "Lalir on," Etc,
K. O. Knrlca M M IK:F. JAr.K,
Wra J. Kust.ll u UIHTOK JACK,
And s srpcrb Cotnpsny, intrrMlacinr Ih.
fit K'tS. SO. JII 7!t f.T.
Rt-Mrted feksts on al. St bkACKMAS's Uri. Stosi
'The liest makes are to lie found in Al
bany at Price & Itobson's, who have just
received a carload of the finest hacks and
liiiguies to lie found. Their prices, con
sidering quality, are remarkably low.
It jiays to ride iii a good buggy or hack.
Keep this fact in your head, and when
getting one call on Price & Ilolwon, who
have the largest variety to select from.
AT JAS. I I'owi.ll d: ( O'
Kin oran.res.
Early Rose and other potatoes,
Cookies and crackers,
Dried fruits.
Krchh garden products,
All kinds canned goods,
Oatmeal, corn meal, Hour, etc.,
Pickles, relishes, eic.
Everything found anywhere.
Wall 1'ai'i;k. -I have just received
m:ii tfi j out a lav.; 1 iuy lie- it wall pa
oer, borders, dccoialions, etc., including
the plain ingrains which becoming
Very popular. These goods are better
styles and cheaper than ever before.
.11!L'KI. h OCNO.
Mi ('.vor.itnr.Ai:. In great vdriety
of styles at bottom prices.
Samuel K Young.
A ileKpj.tct. save that M.iIhjI Ford tov
nmuck in tha ftrfcuta of AiMc'rtu- vyntt-fJy.
Tht was a nii-in tUiui' fur M-Jioi to lo Shi'
was the wife of Hoi. I-'odI, who ki!lii Jeam-
People who aro Kuwilj' leoclved.
has Cai;!it XCiht ho far.
A city r.r
A th.M !iG lind had c!yht
:-:i::varjt!a but had
it CUl not occur to
ral fur J
It! tt
t.i:u that !t
a serious HM.tter to givo
Lis old lime ncrcury mid jitash .rtarutIon to
pcuplo who tit) not need syphilitic trentraent.
It U srife to skv tlmt not one Krfim !u teu have
Vliilitic trr.iblc. Hence what do they want
with uucii drmuroiis laiiifruls a a Mercury and
potash? W Uut nlue-teut'.is of our people aro
troubled with is indigestion, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, constipation and faeo eruptions, all
of which aro the legitlmnto results of Improper
liver and k:ucy action, ur i:ni:iilred dL.stiro
organs. Those disorders do nut call for syphilitic
treatment, but for mild vectablo liver, stomach
and towel alteratives. Wo aro surprised that
Intelligent people should bo persuaded into tak
ing a mercury and potash sarsnpariUa. When
fon ask for Joy's Vegctabla Barcaparllla. see that
tew get U.
Oue wooR only aad Saturday Matlnw,
Chicago Comedy Company,
Pla inp a repertoire of the latest
Eastern successex,
-cnA::E of tlav kiuhtly.
rori lab riiuts to, .so and so ,ets,
fieSfrveil seats now on ale wlthont i
exra charge at ttie usual
Self-Feeder and
dvance i-i l
Traction Engines;
Automatic Stacker. Etc
Also read what one of the solid men of Linn county says
about llism:
September 2f, iSo (
Portland, Oregon,
llrarSir: fn n fetmr to tour Inquiry n to how I liked
my Advance Thresher, purchased of ou this year, will sav the Advance does more
anj better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all that are rep.
resented In Oregon.
It threshes faster, cleans the grain better, runs lighter and saves the grain better
from the straw, than any other ,nnchinc, ai d seems lo be strong and durable. 1 am
ready at any time to go into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and
thresn for from $too to $500. They arc the best in the market without doubt. If
y&u desire you can refer lo me at any and ail limes.
lgned " I. D, MILLER.
For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT,
Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193
names of parties wlio have purchased Advance Threshers
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Iiliinilierg Mock, Albany, Oregon. !y
the most modern and approved methods
cures l emale diseases and Private dis
eases of either sex. He has a sure cure
fur Catarrh of the head.
Consultation is free and everything
strictly confidential. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 4
Third anil Montgomery Ktrvctn.
k Mi to Wealth
Cannot bo successfully traveled with
out good health. To reach wealth or any
coveted position In life requires thetuil
poscetaion and operation of all the fac
! ulties kind nature hss endowed us with.
These corditlons cannot exist unless tho
physical being Is In perfect working
order, and this Is impossible when ins
urer and spleen 3ro torpid, thus obstruct
Ing the secretions, causing Indigestion
and ccpcpsla, with all of their accom
partying horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
exerts a speclfio fnflumce over the liver
cxcKes It to her'.thy action, resolves Its
chronic en gcg entente, and promotes the
secretions: cures Indigestion and const,-
I pat' on, sharpens the appetite, tones up
U the entl
H l'-ing.
i m nnie
W w w s s
Wait ham
City Drng Store.
Stanard & Gusick
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
perfumery ,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
hresher !
FiaKd -
F. M. French,
Setli Thomas