ffln.io.crct VOL. JJI ALBANY, OK., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1800. ISO 59 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS A AD BGGI'XS, LOGGERS AND BLACKSMITHS' &UPPU&S, SHOW, GTE EL CH&lft, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRI AG5.v, GARDEN AND Q ? A 3 S SEED, G'JHS and AMMUNITION.' THE PL AC Uy all mann oa.II on PaKe. Brothers. tir vott Groeep'.s Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc; Thoirgoodc are the bout thctr prices i-rmnuiinu.u. Conrad Mver. -PHiO'iuu'l- STAR Cniuer Broadalbm and First fit?., DHAl ICH IX ''aiiiirtC Frniln, "rlen Frail. Ti)loci. Vngar, police. Klc 4t,..nvl If;, , ti:-itr-v Hp'ti l. Ten. tic. ' .rt reryt'jiiiK Hint la lcopl In pen 11 j varloty and Rrocerj ore. H lnh:4 d rkst prlrt raid for ALL KINDS GF PRODUCE. Fortmiiier k -FOSERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt ittention-First-class Hears S. W. Paisley, l4lb.IT, ro. -WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. Or Jort tolioited from ha trade. LP.AJi Y. OKKUOX. -Alii. NT- l-'OIt- .ANI PKALKKS IN. rrerriiilM lriiti.fl. O.V.MER tit Y. Vr" rW-,-.r--rr-- , 1 A I. J NT - . fj I, 11 I nil r r, nl 'lt.li: !' rint H ' Vi t: t.l )n Store. l. liu KchI R'(;c;i ot '2'. to?, an I :ii n imyiM'j; i i I - ll Ib of ;ootH 'II i!n- ihih prici'M, l 1 Irivo on Iih FU.iMSTiJ.lE, STJiJ, THiVAii, xmm, 3J3'cs, mmn ETC., ETC. -(.h of.'S K Voiiiiu' n' !-lir.' Si Kimi ir.-,. iIikiiv, Or. Eevsre House; ALBANY. - OREGON WAS. PFEIFFEH NIOPRILTOR. FHisd nn In firat-rlaMR aivla. Tnblw tuppllwl with the tiftrft in tha market. Nice sleeping apartinenta. Njmple room' 'or comiuerviai travelers, tjrtr e 4'nnrh I. hn.I rrftm llie P.lel.a A New Repair Shop H just I rsn openi d on Firt street, op pAMf the Rhw Iioho, her y a c.in get .1 lui d IT.'k. n uriiclfK mridiH, cluck ttii tttiit loci. trrnirfH, Ur fitted, &o W from ih-ion-itrr rom t j.i"tpAiA 71 I RESTORATIVE nc'p'rcPT.TRiTioHi r tn r lu iHi lEALTHI Tho only remedy known which will Sltoiiiats fie Kiiiritive Processes of the Hunian Sjslsa. Uy this natural and eimplo means H uckly and ponn uK'iit y lX'UKS All Forma of J)ynp-;iKl:i, CoUHttiuttn, Mrntnl and Kt'rip'ouit ICxhntiHtion, General Debility, ilrnln l'niri or any exhamtted or weak ened condition of the Bywtem, from what ever emiao, Skin Kruptlons, Hull, ltun nlnff Sorea Pvrofuln. and all Diseases of the Illood. Stomach, T4ver und Kidneys S ! .00. SIX ECTTLES FOR 55.00. . Dr. lllllfi'iifd pnrebook. dc!rrIptlveof Tly dntthu Iffstnriitlvuaud his other Kuweduis, fttut tree hy luuit. KILLER DRUG CCan Francisco, Gl rCSHAY & CN. ALBANY, CGii. Albany IRONWORKS IE AM E;G!;):S CRIST AN3 SAW V.ILLMACniriERY im FRONTS W ALL KiPOJ CF HEAVY AXO LlCiil WGRX, IK IRON hilt) BRASS CASTINGS. Paiier.ns Made on Short Notict. qXKV Hmiii U4tptl In lnn on innr.iro I ..irliv. v I. M'r'nr Fr- tii cir""t, mio.nt9 the Ku,i4 Hoa. PcuiiiT Wanted. All Kinds of rwft'trv, Mv or drenwd vantod Kt h tlUmMtn Picking Com pan;'. Storfl. All ny, Oreitot. DsS&&tl B 1 vms ABSOUUTEW VALL'AHIjK lMEOl'BKY. The Cusick Addition to Albany has just been thrown or. the market and will te sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of (joltra's Park; Is h it'll and sightly. Lverlooking the city and surroundini; (country. In the language of a rlrst street merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'linn-ton' residence portion of the cily." L Wallace 5: Cusick, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all ad unions, to the intending speculator. Vading rhotographers Albany Oregon. We have boupbt all thencfcatives mado by L W Clark and W II t.rt enwood up to iov 15th, 18S9. Duplicate cun h had from .hem only of us at reduced r itts. Wo have nUft fil.niit. IS (.(! ur-L.utivt.A h.-iHb hv nnr- selves, from which ilinnlutitm can be had t ..... r . . like rates. Wo carry the only fuli line A views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest rites for first clas work. We shall be pleased to ace ou at our Studio in Frouian's block, next door to M atonic Temple. New Blacksmith Ssiks. G W Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repairs. Asoora Goats Wantkd. The under signed wants to buy ISO head of Angora -onts. Call on or write to me at Albany OOn. J K feTEWABTSON Bargains at' Head V Epoeb. The transition from long, lingering and Dainful sickness to robust health mark an epoch In the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in im memory and the nirencv . whereby tl good health hh& been attained is grateful!. blcsaed. lienceit is mat raraucn is rr.ru In praise of Electric Bitters. So inuny feel lhy owe their restoration to hdth tu the use of the great alterative and tonic. It you are troubled with any disease of kidnevs. liver or stomach, of Ion; or short standing, you w ill fcmcly find relief by imc of Electric llittcs. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at toshav iX Mason s Urug store. The bo-i men ol 5 and 10 evnt ciufis it the city artj.w le foun i at Con 11 & Hfiidrie lint, IOO l Albany Ixidge No 4 holds its rcuular meeting Wednesday evening ot each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. A W3 :1 !H 4 Tfcc toTv Is f.-.V.t of a Crrrnan, who took the hnmNnf rilsol.it k to ike maker to bave th ra tr.n!, U ciuiric thf did not keep proper tlir.. Uf cotirw. th clock-makT dcn:ai.dd too xnrk. In thf-m Inr the trovblc. Udili nr.d blotchn. pimpl and ther erup'lmis on The Mtortor V'il of u disorOrud conditlnti oT tlx trinttd within. K yu have thcuc lndtou !;;. be wisn in timo, and tnKj Dr. Picrte's (tiO'Ii-.-i Mf4itc.nl Plstftvory. It puts the liver und kidneys In itoikJ workiiijr ortjrr, puriiiff-tfu' blood, cleanse tho system from all tmpurl tics, frnrn whatever win ftriflln, and tones ui tho functk.ns gtncraily. "Golden Medical Didcovcry" cheeliB tl.e frhrhtful inroads of St rofula. and. It taken In time, arrest the mnreh of Conumpti-):! of the Lun:rs (which Is I.unjr-scrofula:. puriln-s and enrich the hlod, then-by curia; ail Hkln and Sealp Dlwaw-H, i;iccr. Sores. S.vf il lnpn,atil kir.iired nilu- nts. It is powoKu!!)' tonic a wll an alterative, or t'tood-f'lcanrtinjr. In IU eff -cts, belief It sircnthens the ?n m and resinrea vitality, thereby dtclli'iir ni! those laiirnH. "tired feelintni" experfcncHj by tho ilobilitated. Eplally has It manl fentcd Its potency in curing Tetter, halt rhfurr Krwma, Erysipelas, Iloils, Carbuncles, Pore Eyes, (loitre, or Thick Neck, and En larired "lands. , M . . . hlnnd anil lunr rcmodv. Sold OT dnifrrlM. and guaranteed by its manufacturers, to do all that It is rial men 10 aecnmpiiHn. nr muuvj nnirl tnr It will he nrorriDtlT refunded. Wont.ti'i PlPE!SABT HiniCAL ASSOCIA now. Hanufaoturora, No. 063 Main Street, Buffalo, N. mcsa OFFERED by the manufaotur. r of Pr. Catarrh Htmdy. for as tnoiuabto mm of Catarrh la uw nma. Powder PURE A SAN'KtltKITKML'AX WAltMNl.. And any act which looks towards such a centia'ization that the expression of the popu lar will may be thwarted or nullified by offi cials responsible to ths existing Go vcrnment means the degrading of this country to the level of those nominal republics where the rulers perpetuate their tenure, and where a change is wrought only at the point of the bayonet. Thoughtful Republicans ought to consider carefully what they are about before they ote for such a change as this or spread a net so dangerous before the feet of future generations. Patriotic as are the motives that inspire the demand for a Federal control of elections, the danger of it is too patent, too vital and too ser ious to be dismissed lightly. The Republican party could scarcely commit a more irretriev able error than by seeking to redress the griev ances of the minoiity at the South by legisla tion that would.promise to mate majoiity or minority a mere question of the party in power. Bad as local abuses may be, we cannot afford to root them out of their native fields only by transplanting them to the more fruitful soil of .1. v- :. .1 n: n 1 1 l cupum. i wuccr i rei.cj One of tl.e arguments now most used in de fense of our high war tariff is, that, if we shut out all imported goot's and commodities by a high duty and compel our people to produce everything we use. then in case ot war we could manufacture everything we should war.t to use during such war without being depen dent upon any foreign country This govern ment has been in existence over a hundred years and during all that time it has been en gaged in foreign wars about six years. The spectacle thus presented by protectionists that we will tax, and heavily too. the people over ninety years for a mere imaginary ad van tage for a period of six years. This argument of protectionists needs only to be stated to 1 e condemned. I IieletV York world says: "two years ago the 'condition' which confronted Congress was a surplus of $100,000,000, Now it is "mpty treasury and mortgaged." "Wife, who's Lccn h?re since I's been gone?" as the Chic go soldier remarked on his return from the prmy after an absence of four years, and found two more children in the house than when he left home. hi'i.h t:Kv.s. licnry J Gallagher, 56 lrin3 Street, N Y, writes : ''Having been troubled with petit) iu back mt-.d cheat durog the last w inter w as compelled to remain at home unalde to att nd to business, uutil I wm advised l.y a tiind tn try ono of Allceck ' Porous lUs- s. Attur appl)iriouo to my cent and uetn my hick, lo threo hours 1 found relict which I had not ul iu over three iiinnthH. cheerful I v rr-eommend them to erMijj having Hpinal weaknei-a and luug truuhU'. ' Or.ler vonr dressed tjoultty fir Sin of MuR'.ler & G tJ tOil dry fir i !ood for sale. Ijo.v nt tins ofticw. Kucklen's Arnica Salve. Tiio h nt S il In tho v I f h Ctr . H- im t . Uli?ur, 8'lt Ifimn, Fiver r. V i.rt li:iii'I4t iMiilhi-tiiii, (;.rn4. and all Skin Kniptiw an fi-tiiivetycured ilw.-ir n t ti iv t iiro I. Il 11 'ir itocl t- ifii'a iHtrfeut ntifa:M'in, r nmtiov i (,-(:; nt- 1. Ir Rd ' ceuU iror b-x. For ske by Ffwlvtv nvH The I'ut pit and Hie Hlitse, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: '! feel It tnv du'y to tell what wonders l)r Kind's Kew Discovt ry has done for me. My lungs were badlv diseased, and mv parishioners thought 1 could live only a lew weeks, l took hve Dottles ot iJT Kind's New Discovery and am sound and welt, cabling 26 lbs in weight.'1 Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and surtrn Albany, Oregon. C'alls mad 9 ic city ouutr . PAIslEY & FISH. JOB PRINftTS ALBANY Alhunjr.H.rlK't. Vhet-lo 1 Hits -S3-. Biiiior lfto pi ii. Kir)fii-20 Hav-H.OI), Potnloe-" 75 ct per bmlis! Bxef-on ft-ot. HUf A ,ipl-7S cent, por bu. ?.irk t'Ac per Ih linvr a. Rron b.in.. IJ0, hnuldern, 8c. .Me. 10c. .td nerlb. Honr-4.25 per Mil. "blcket8 00 per rtn llll Feed- brnn. M.OOper ton hort, 1(1. i mlddllmo, 30. f'bOf "0 larnernl K'remoul, New York, July 14. Arrangements for the funeral of (iencral Fremont were made to day. It will take place at 10 o'clock Wed nesday nioining hum tike KpUcop.,1 church St Ignatius. It will he as quiet and ur.osttntaUous as poisilil. There will be no military display Mrs rrcmont and the geneinl's dm. filter. Eluabeth, are in I.03 Angeles Cul , ;ml will, of course, be unable to get here in lim,-. The interment will be in Trinity cemetery, this city. Keel pre clly. New York, July 14, frank G Caipcntr.in a letter to the World says that in an interview in China uith the victory. Li Hung Chang, the victory said: I wih you uould say for me through your newspaper, to the American people that if the exclusion act be not repealed, we shall certain ly advise our government to exclude Americans from Chinatand I think we shalf be fully justi fied in such action. An Kustern Forger. Eugene, July 14. Constob'e Cochran ar rested one Charles E Arthur at Ilalsey yestei day on a charge of forgery, committed in Har rison county, Missouri, three or four years ago. From Missouri he went to Idaho, and thtnee to California, lie succeeded in evading the officers in both these states. Cochran learned of his coming this way and has bcea on the lookout for him for some time. I le admits his gnilt, and wants to sell his outfit and take his family back with him. All Smoke. Victoria, E C., julj 14. It there is going to be a war over Bc-hring sea between England and the United States, the people of Victoria, w ho would be most interested in such a con diet, ao not known anything about it. Ac coming to instructions, your correspondent left this city last Saturday foi the purpose of sifting to the bottom the sensational stories recently published in leading Ameiican papers Mayor Oram, ol ictoria, one ot the leading ow ners ol sralirg vessels, ind officers of the lirilish noil hern Pacific naval squad 1 on, when interviewed on the subject laughed at even the possibility of such a ;hmg. A Daring tttibbery, Omaha, Neb.. July 14, Mrs Kloretta Rus sell, of Ottawa, Kas., came here Saturday and cashed a draft for St 0,000, winch the placed in a satchel. As she was going down the street, two men snatched the satchel from her hand and ran. She recognized them as John Rush and James Hogan, of Ottawa, who came there on the same train with her. Hogan has been caught, but Rush is still at large. A' Bio Freight Bill. A car-load of as fine a lot of furniture as has ever been seen in Allmny? lias been received by Fortmiiier & Irving. It consists uf about twenty varieties of elegant center tables, in Kith century and other finish: hand some bedroom sets, stands, tables, etc. People wunting the latest and prettiest in t lie furniture line tdiould call at once and see these goods. Though the freight bill was large the prices will be as reas onable as possible. Wood Sawinu. Marshall & Son, with their steam. aw- are prepared to saw wood with promptness on short notice. Leave orders atDevoe & Krotnan Bros. orFarm er Warehouse. Sotti haudimue lad ten bouse shnjs at C Seuils I' Oiitrmcitt Kid talovc. Keep n full line black and colored. Albnny, Oregon. of these gloves in A in sole agent for Samuel Ji Young. Tks Acki: Tracts Some choice io me! 2i ucrc tracls for uarden purposes. u.t si-curcd for sale at a bargain. Inquire it Gtiii .S: lldrick. Albany Puilding & Loan Ar(ciittion. Fourth series now uirn Only .soshares to htil Those wishing slock in this series must applv soon to Jay W llLAix, Secretary. Hot Col FKf.. Hereafter the Albany E. press trt In leaves this city for Portland at 50 clock a. tn. 'o accommodate those who leave on that train hot coff-'e will be served at the counter; of the U'.'pot hotel to Ihoce who desire it. Fm rr Koxeh. For all kir.Js of fruit boxes vo to the Supur Pine Door and Lumber to. Bed rock prices. ThisTrade Mmkonastove .means It is lh- hest thpt ex 'per'.cnce anc MII can con. trive. o'd only by Smith & Senders. Corsets, Corsrt. We make a specially of ladles and misses fine corsets and waists. We also have a drive In a French satine corset at 75 cents xtra good value. Samuel E Yovko. La oiks Summer Ui.ot'st. the late. novel'.t.-s. iut recelvj I frj-n mi mf 1 .rs by exprecs. Samuel E Vous i Best roast coffee in Meyti's. tL. city Coprad Smoke the celebrated Havaoa filled ei er, insBufactnred at Jul or Joitph's cigar f.ctoi). Only 6 crDts. J W Bentl.y. best boot and shoe maker ua eity,oprjo.lt. Fortmiiier k Iryino'i