VOL. III. ALBANY. OH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1800. SO 43 H I U W '1 'M g B W ih ALSiVNY. OZtEUON. Alii:.'."!'-: I'cn: Basse! & Go's Engines and Machinery. .1 n -r-. .-S f-kTMII I I Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. PpSs Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE VAI.l AIC.K 1'KOl'HitY. The Cuslck Addilion to Albany has just been thrown or the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant. "That is destined to be come the 'Bun-ton' residence portion of the cttv " Wallace i: Cusick, the agents lor mis property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the Intending speculator. THRliliEAT LAND-UKAH. New Blacksmith Siiof. G V Willis hns iust completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repairs. AND DKALK.KS IX AGRICULTURA Sf-PUJME NTS, WACOS AMD BU3GIES, LOGGERS! LA' BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLltJ, fiiOH, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, VVAGOM "i,? ATE RIAL, BA3Y CARRIAGES, GARDEN AD 1KAS3 SEED, GUS and AMMUNITION. Vailing I'liotosrniilioin Allmiiy Oregon. We have bounht nil the negatives read b L W Clark Slid W H Oroeiiwond up to Nov ISth. 1S89. Duplicates onn be hd from hem only of us at reduced rates. We have also about 18,000 ne'ivo made by our- ..!...,. Fnim which 111, I, lttltHH CAD 04 naQ BE lilt, rmtna. We earrv the oulv full line ef iau. nf thin at.tn and do enlarged work at lowest rates for Hist, elas work. We shall be pleased to see oo at our Studio iu Froman s block, nextuoor to mrfuuiu j.i-mjie. S.noke the celebrated Havana filled ct- gari, manntactarea at Jul or .oifn a eiS fictury. uniyoceota. Fartmii.er & Irving. VL.M.Y.,;.-'-'.v-.-. '-.-.v.;- rv . -FUNERAL DlllECTOHS.- Prompt IttaaSlja-e'ifij-iVw.? ilaw i t Conrad MavsrJ STAR liAEviCttV tllli RESTORATIVE HENRY M. STANLEY perfects KuVritiom EALTH1 Cm-tier Broad.iPum ana I ;,irsi DKAl.KK IV- ' aiiued Kruifx, lliuitort, 9rfc FrnllN. Tobiaven. Nngnr, t'oltee. Etc., ill!. I' !'.?-., t'ltfrt- . i'r- ... '. ' ...et overythlnu Umt m knpt in a yv u variety ftnd gn'Hr7 or, tiikhi.t n rltst prio paid for AUL KINDS OF A133Ug. FRANCIS PFElFFLiii. -PROPRrwro of Albany Soda Works nd Manafaeturoni of 3H0ICE GONFEUTIQNSHT. Ve fire now propared to Mil Kt whok . always frnsh and pine at Forth nil , js to dealer. We ' knop a fi ll lints and Tropical fruits, CIQARS ANO TOBACCO Tin only remedy known which will Sttaulata iha Kiitritlw Processes of tt.e Human System. I y t'-'s rat'irnl r..l rlmplc tnr-anstt ouiekly nn l p. -un'iei.: y CI UKH All Forms of Hyp;.si.i. Ciiitlltl"n Mental ond Si"-mv.i l:xh::U!ttion, ienernl Doblllty, liruiii 1'asr. or a;iy exhausted or weak rnoil coiiiiillon of ttic system, from wlmt-i-.vr cnnwi f kl" Krutlin, TUlls,Bun-ili'-it Sorrs. Sorofiila, and all Dlneasi-a of the nli-oil, Stomach, Liver end Kidneys. S 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FCH S5.0C. T)r liri'rf HI linok. dcserlptWo of ITy dm-ihif liestiirullve aud his other Kemodu aeut ireo by mull. HELLER DRUG CO., San Franta,Ca1. BOB bALE UTl FOSHAY & MA'-CN. ALBAKY, CCH. DARKEST AFRICA T'n p mi'..'tf MftiT i t ftaiilay's rtceut thrltllnf n'.vj.-i; s sul i u dKcliMiir ( Importaut - if i. will ;:ih'ar for tlio Unit tlni ia tlit a- k v- iff ;i ty tiiiiiK.-lf, entitltil 'In Darkest A a ' 1) it -t Ittt il. cvivfd by any nf th Ctl l 'J !'") t"'iha"imw WinK ottgreil "gen I- " -.. il .iti.ii.Niiic ." To no one ?' tbeM ba 8 i ! -V '. ti.r.linti d n liii". - it ;.b,.ut this nUtement b!ni ti ni)tft?attim. i ii-'IimI ir. Vv ifuarautto It, uiu lt not to ha mlt'td, IXMJK uemf uit uu. CRIBNER'S SONJ r . .liii aiiat carrlci ft otrtiOoftM ' C 8CR0FT& CO. 132 POST STREET, SAM FtiANCISCO. (Jr.ii. ra! Assn! fsr the Paclflo Coast The light which Mapr Powell, chief of the Geological Survey, is waging against tiie syndicate of speculators who seek to monopolize the public domain is one in which he should have every Assistance that can be rendered. There is a vast area of now worthless desert lands in the Western Territories to which irrigation'of an easily practicable sort will give a value ranging frum $50 to $200 an acre. The government has by law directed its surveyors to mark out all ihe tracts thus susceptible of redemtion together with the sources of water supply to be used in their recovery, and the law requires that the areas thus designated shall be withdrawn from occupation un der the desert -land, timber -culture and pre-emtion laws until such time as proper laws shall be passed for the regulation of irrigation works and the occupation of the lands by actual settlers. Speculators representing many millions dollars offtapital are trying to get this aw repealed, so that they may obtain possession of the tracts in question, and more particularly the water-supply sources, bvthe familiar devices of fraudulent settle ment, thus taking this vast wealth to them. selves and making themselves a sort of feudal lords over rich domains, whose peo ple shall be dependent upon their will for the rltht to exist. ,The scheme is one of gigantic and Iniq uitous laud-grabbing, yet it has enough support in congress to render it dangerout, unless public sentiment shall come strong ly to Major Powell's assistance in his bat tle with the syndicate. ITKLEGRAPHI0 NEWS A FrliilUf-ul Acchlrnt. Tacoma, June 24. At 5:30 o'clodlc yester day afternoon a fatal accident occurred in Iron trunnel at the Tacoma mill, on the water front near OM Town. John Miller, a railroad lab orer, was the victim. With companies he was on his way homeward upon a hanrtcar. The handcar reached the west entrance to Iron tun el and passed into it just as a gravel train en lered the east end. The handcar had prtXtvd cd some distance into the tunnel before 1113 coming train was noticed, It was too late in turn back The tunnel is too narrow to al.nit of the derailment of a handcar, John M lir seizing his flag, hurried forward to meet the train. Thev saw it, and were slackening speed. Miller steoped to the side of the tunnel and pressed himself close to the wall. My a strange fatality he had chosen that particular spot where a detective rail, over which hitherto all trains had passed in safety, was directly in front of him, and the front car leaping from the rail, dashed into the tunnel's side, burying Miller in the debt crushing his life Out and leaving him standing there with his staring eyes looking out to death, his upraised hand that held the flag, falling a nerveless member upon the heap ol earth :.nd timbers that had robbed him of life. Only Fined, Purvis, Miss., June 24. The case of John L Sullivan, who was indicted yestcday, for engaging in a prize fight with Jake Kilrain( was called in the criminal court this morning. 1 he indictment was read to Sullivan, and upon being asked to plead, he replied "guilty," The court then sentenced th- champion to pay a fine of $500. The 500 wa immediately paid, and the bullivan party leave tor the north at once. Fnt'iT Boxes. For all kinds of fruit boxes goto the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber (Jo. liea roc prices. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an h In the life of the Individual Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the health hi.s been attained is eratefull blessed. Hence it is that somuch Is heivu in praise of Electric Hitters. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. It vou are troubled with any disease of kidnevs, liver or stomach, of ion or short stinili'ng, vou will suiclv find relief by use of Electric llltte-s. Sc'ld at 50c and $: per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug stoie. Thel esthues.il o uu.l lUe. nt cleats in t :e city aiej-e be founl at Conn & Hjudrie- I O O F. Albany L.ouue So 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. 0 A lanilly Bemedr. no F. S Holden : I have used your Pouch Svruo in mv family fo: iong lime and cheerfully recommend it to a I aitectea wuncougus, ...- chl.il affections. EBEN W OOD, S R Clayes, Druggist, Modesto. Af-ent Modesto. T e size Si. small so c-mts. For sale h) J A dimming, druggist. Pr. M. H. fc'llis. pnysieian and sureoi Ail-any, Orecon- f'lls mad in city 01 mmtry. An OrcKn Mrlke. La Grade, Or., June 24. I here is still do chtnge in the strike. The striking machinists are still out, and are striving hard to concen trate their forces.and the better element seems determined to prevent if possible any lawless ness. One noticeable thing; about the present strike is the absence of any meterial disposition to drink. Agulnsl a Trnsf, Saratoga, June 24, The court of appeals decision in the sugar case, handed doown this morning, is strongly against the trnst. Tlu judgments of the Lower courts, dissolving the trust are lully athrmed. Created a Sensation, Madison, Wis,, June 24. Ex President John Bascom, of the Wisconsin university,now of WiUiamstown, Mass, created a sensation to nigh in his rddress to the graduating class in law by unmercifully criticising the decision of the Wisconsin supreme court in excluding the bible from the public schools. Hal Next, Saratoga, N Y., June 24. The court of appeals this morning affirmed 111? decision of the courts below that the warden of . Auburn prison Is the proper person 10 execute Kemni - ler. 1 W Uantlev. best boot and slu e maker in . J .. :n c. 1- Best, roast coffee in Meel. the city at Conrad Carol dry tir wond fur sale, at thi otlw-. Lsve orders Spring Has Come The stock of wall nniw nt Kortmiller & Irvlng's is larger than ever, being quite immense and in elude many new and beautiful designs. Soli , Marti!. I.ii'ii Countv, Oregon. il I 1 1... b..n mitirt-l.- -i.n.leV.l. this old 1.1'ir ristiurant will b mii'.a !..- inrwrvntiwRL lllll'UC Will i iri-en i-oo-l meals at all honrs for on'v 25 ovum. Kvorythin? neat and attrao ive. Privv-e b'io. Oysters in evry style. W. A. MrftER. Znd i Store. 'HBaittoekof2id ;oo1 hi th Vl ly, n1 tho tiiKt rn"f in la prions, both In bnvlng ami nolllng. i have on hand II kinds of FU.lNITU.-tE. STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS. BOOKS, PUT J IE 3 CLOCXS, caocx'.RY, ETC., ETC. door west of S K 'Yoiinii'n oV stm L. COTTLttS 123 First Htm, A'hnv. ':r. Milk! MUkll I m v""P'r,'l deliver mi'k t ll ryt of the vv. tnarnTe tiw ",,1"'Y leave nnlfm at t; K iwnen r-wn tnro. JA19SSP. BUf), Attorney at La anflTitle Fiaainar, ALBANY OREGOW, itr:ll 1. in all thconrts ! ine Stat-. Abstraeta M i short notice- T-n yna's nioenenoc. ON, liraiisistsand links'.".!!? rn FOSHAV A MAS v h. PLA.CE. liy all mf'rtn' otll 011 'V 3FS, 1 Ladies Summer Bijjusis t fe lutes novel'l.?s. jint received fr. n ir.i-i if i rs bv tvire-i, .Samuel E Youm Of lutcrest to lluise tinners. Horses boarded by the day or week at L Senders' stables. All driving or other horses will be well cared for, being tinder the immediate charge of Mr Fred Moist. Charges will lie very reasonable. Farm ers horses will also be furnished with the best of accommodations. Owners of good horses will always find sale for the same at this stable at good prices. Stables lo cated on sixth and i'.llswortn street, one block south of school buildieg. Groceries',' Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. T)..riroof1v urn tun beat 'J their price rwRqnniih'.. ii. C. WATSON, Attorney at; Law, ALBANY. -i- OREGON, onira In lh Ktrahan mck. 1; v.xr Lumber. 1 n. wsf. himb ?r in th ceontyt also l,in ,lr. laths dn"i and win- t for John n. am.-:, a pm a!hn, s w.th lit -. 'r. Pricfs from $.to'22 .r tlmr-v-ti'd. Y.ird T.nws"n, on the N.i.'i.v fnkf.'. in" hi-f.'Te purchasing !i wliri. W W I'ctwnmn. V O IMIman, Or A LOVELY WOBIAW overheard one nay of her, " By Heaven !! painted!" "Yes," retorted she Indignantly, "and by beaven onlu!" Rudily heulto inac tion her cheek, yet tbls beautfrul laJy, onc thin and vale, nod urtVrtnR- frnm a dry. naok Ina eougb, nlirlit-swoats, ond splttinir of b.otxl, 0P!n) destined to fill a eoriammittvu's pravp. Alter syv-nilinir hilii'IrMs of dollar on physi cians, without ncnflt, site tried Ilr. Pierce's Golden Medical Ilucovtry; her tinprnveraent irsa soon marlti'd, and In a few months aha rrm phmp and rosy attain, a perfect pictura nt Itonlth mnA Jitmnvth. Tins wonurrrul "tiomen wenirai ifiscot mt," nnw worl'l-faraed an a remedy for eon u'mptioa, whlcL Is really liinf'roTula, Is not only an atku.wlHiffl remedy for that terri bly fatal ni.iinty, mIm-h taken Io time and ilvcn a f:ilr trial, but slsii lor all forms of Scrofulous. Skin and Scftln Iliariws, a w liit lll.ias. JFurer-mm. H:p-Joint Illvise, tfoit-lheutff. Tetter, Et:z?m, fioils. f'arbun-el.-s, Krvsii'-laa and kir.dn-d ailtwrlf. All ealy. rruy. Irebin. trivjlilreome eruptions yield mdilv to Ita curative powprn. It llivwr Qnus the liver, enrlchi the blood and pro moted all tha bodily functions. It Is tin only liver, blood and litnr remedv, sold by dri tfisra. under a positive irnaraiireo that it will do all that ft is rrootnmcncU'.l to. or money paid for It will be promptly refunded. The I'ulpK anal tile Hinge, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: M feel il mv duty to tell what wonders Dr King's New Discovery has done for me. Mv lungs were badlv diseased, and my parishioner thought 1 could live onlv a few weeks. I took live bottles of Or King's New Discovery and am sound ano well, gal.ilng id lbs in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Loves Funny Folks Combination, writes : "After a horouirh trial and convincing evinencc, i co, fi,l..nt Dr Kinu's New DU3very for consumption, beats em an. anu cures when everything else tans, inc gui.- kindness lean do mv many thousand friends is to urge them to try It." 1- ree trial bottles at Foshay & JIason s Drug store. Regular sizes 50c and $1.00. ",'00 have a bia stock to select from at J Puweilt IV Vsutfd. cowl to partuie. WOODLB t TALT llM, .3 "T s ''J II. 1 I , of rst. the 1 rori 1 Catarrh Ttemr-iir. flniy .V drugisU ever) whciv. r- et I enls. Gift Knteki'kise. Uo and see that henutiful gold wateli at the "Golden Utile r.azaar." Julius (irndwohl the proprietor of the Golden Utile Iiii7.aar,in liirins lis that lie 1ms the l'rize Baking I'owiler, and Ko 1 Japnn tqa, expressly up for his business, and for the lienelit of his customers, each box of baking powder will win a piece of fine glassware and also each pound of the tea w ill win a niece- of line irlassw ure. and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of baking powder, which is warranted, will have a chance at that nenutiiut gout wateli. He lias also added a fine assort ment of family groceries to his nuuii moutli stock of glassware and crockery, ..,.:!. 1... Will n iiieu is nie miesi. 111 mo ,, inouo-ttc 1 alley. Go and see air Gratlwhol at the ioiden Rule Bazaar, and you w ill find that nothing is misrepresented. 5 csna Oolden Star tomatoes for B0 cents at C 1Y ?yra, and all other caunea go. ohear or cash Harklen's Aralea Salve. Th. s Ssl-. la tils rl I f ""''.""""oL''"'"' ,. 1 ..i s.ft .. ri.ure l. It ll ur d T ffl cenU per .. For ty Fmhy nH Mton If too want either tr. buy or Bell yonr property place the time in the huort of IX V Antiby & For Salr. Seven fresh cows for ralr cheap. Inquire ni thi office. O.-ib-r vi ur Kiutish uA Kyal Ann char - rie for puttiiiu up nf Jan t t .iwall 6c C'. Cornets. CurnrtH. We make a epecinliy of h-uHesani. misses nnc rorfem and wrists, e also have a drive In a French saline corset at 75 cents Extra good value. "lAMl Kt t OVSO, Anoora Goath Wanted. The under signed wants to buy 150 head of Angora jioats. Call 011 or write to me at Albany Oron. J tt Stewartson. AlbaT Marble ami Granite Works. H.v tns: lately fiurchased tb sUh'k of S A Kifi;i itnl U W Harris, mo nhall 'e pleased o ih'W nVs-in-tii uiv- prices to all intf d inu purchafit rr. Bt of workmen tmplcwd iimI prices tn In a mv for firt-cliiS work, ViMt as baft r purchs ng Uewhetv. Koan & Armei'N nex'i door t Democrat otlioe) AH o , O-. .. Prle nmruion in muse wno PAISIEY& FISH, JOB PRINTrS,Pe.f-ciU nourished body canr pfU'V voim. Fur sale at Foshay Sc M ALBANY how t ruts at.i xr. A bodv ftith a nervous temperament will mike known Its wants ihroueh Ita natural medium the nervous system. If it falls to receive proper nourUhment the nerve will be the first torryou'. Ir Miller's Hvdrnstlne Restorative ensure perfe I nutrition to those who take It, and not oe ner aron's.