VOL. Hi. ALHANY SOU., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1800. liphest of all in Leavening Power. V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. 1 TiilEGRAl'IIlO NEWS Pro?1 3TS ego! ALU A XV. )IIK(J(.)N. Russel & Go's Engines and Machinery. 1-7 i E B i ft f. m E. i 1 er row vai,i;aii:.k i-koi-kki v. The Cusick AJditioti to Albany ha just been thrown on the market am! will be sold at 6ucn nricci anu icrms us wu enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park: Is hiuh and sinhtly. overlnokini? the citv and surrounding country, in the lanEuaije 01 a nrv mwet mprrhnnt ."inai is ucsuncu lu lie cotne the 'lkm-ton' residence portion of lh rltv " Wallace ic Cusick, the agents ior mis property, have their own conveyance ana will be glad to snow tins, me oesi ui additlDiis. to the intending speculator. and nKAu:i:s ix nDifxiiTiiDti iiuDirMCMTR tiVAnrVwS AND BJauitf. LOGGERS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAI.V, CDAL, PAINTS, OIL'S, WAGON MATERIAL, BACY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASO SEED, GU.VS Si AMMUNITION. In 1G50 ths general court of Connecticut .lopted a code of laws for guarding against In lian depredations, and it was enacted that if satisfaction for inUries is refused or neglect ed, the Indians themselves maybe seized, and because it may he seized, and, because it may be chargeable keeping them in prison, they may be delivered to the injured party, either to serve or to bs sliinp :d out and exchanged for negroes, as the case will justly bear." This was the first law which, in Connecticut, recog nized the right of holding negro slaves and en slaving the Indians. A Good Book. Nothing Is ever lost by buying a good book. That is the kind to ,.xv when an oonortunitv offers, do not lose 11, ior 11 uoes nui . j Mrs. A M Talt is convassing for Mrs. John A Logan's Manual for the home, a work, nicely written and full of just such mnttor o most homes need. It is hand ,nmk c.mtun ud. finely illustrated, and deserves a place in every household. The book is a iruide in social, domestic and busmen, life, a treasury of useful informa The Hulnli uud lue Muse. Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Ilreth ren 'Jhurcn, Ulue niounu, r.an., says; feel it my duty to tell what wonders D Kind's New IJISCOVtrV IIUS OOne ior ill 11 lungs were D.iuiy uiseaseu, mm parishioners thought I could live only fir wppkR. 1 iook live ooiuc ui a. King's New Discovery and am sound an wf II. ai.iinir 26 lbs in weight.' Arthur Love, aianagcr Mve iunuj th, .Kh Tt U a d conlndng evidence, I lion, touching on etiquette, hygiene house h , ' . v. 1 ii.,v,vrv I hold economr. beauty, care of children, amconnoent isr . - rt hn.. decor- for consumption, beats en. all. anu cures m u.. .. .""a. .-.. -"T, " nhv when everything else fails. The greatest ration civil fcrvice, history, geography, kindness lean do my many uioumhu irsj. - friends is to urge them to try it.' r ree trial bottles at Koshay k Mason's Drug store. Regular sues joe and $1.00. Albany 1 -MHIUlfAi'tlUFrH o I HAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW: MILL MACHINERY IRON FR38T3 . m all Kins cf h:a,y j AMTJ LICSil WORK, IN ! IRON hK9 BI5AS3 CASTINQS. -ei;ml -t:l .it-.11 ti.nl " -.-r'lm N ol' in ii-hiuiT' HaViD.ns Matie on Short N'ntict BilSTOHifflYE id Es;rie i Loan Biota. A body with a nervous temperament uiiii mil-, tnnunl's wants through its natural medium the nervous system. If it fails to receive proper nourishment the nerves will be the first to rry out. Dr Hiller's Hvdrastine Restorative ensures D fe:t nutrition to those who take it, and a Merfictly nourished body cannot be ner vtus. For sale at Foshay & Mason's. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its .,i.r mHilnn Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attenii. La-url-ti for sale. PERFECT & rTuTKITIOHt EALTHI Tl 2nd IP" Htll ill HI V r-n" ,ih (trie ill till Vlli 1; 11 I -hi! 1 ill 1 llHVH Store. r- IV nn I J- iidj rctnrdy l:iiown whlrh will 2 Es'iilto rrscsssQS cf the y d f.iriii ond city propeity v mi rutl estate in Lianand itc ft nit in reliul.lt compA ie;. :i: j nil c 'nvevancer. ('..! on in v rite r.ic. i- Vit! , 1m. Ill Ml llHTI'l FU JillTU.l;. SrJ'iS, TIl.VA'i?., TR'j;i;5. 833aS, P1JTJ1E3 ETC., ET3. 1 ,;. ir w94tof H K iiun's v sui L. 03111.5:1 Plrst BtrnM, Ailmnv, Or. rot1 FRANCIS PFEiFFKli. PKOPIUKTO".OF . Albany Soda 'Works -And Mnncfaelurum of- DEOICE CONFEliTIONERY .Ve r.re now prnp to foil l Wmk , ttlwny Irwh no ,11110 i I nrtli 'id to ilnnlnrx. We '' kwp ''' Huts anfl Tropical fruits, CIGARS AND T03A030 OR. G.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surg90P. Offioa oppoaile the Derprvrat. mpV I'icnnsU quicklv i'.i All I'orins r Itimtliiii, ?.I'iitul mill S-.-v..i"i' I ;"i.'i" ;tiicral llflillity, itr-ithi I'arr. r-1 0" f'lu'iit.-.l or wenl: .11. .1 4-.1i.dlt Ion of tii.- Bj st.-m, trm wl.iit 4 v.-r 4-i.r.-c, M l'.i-Uiti.ii't ltt.Hs. lliin lilnjr Horrr. ri r.li(ln, and nil llUriiRes ol i:!noil, Sloiiiat l., I.ivcr cud Kidneys- G I .DO. SiX EOTULS FOR S5.0C. ti- irni..r,if.l i.nrn Imnlf. dpsfrhtiv of IlT- drtMiiif l.-M"rmicuui Uia otlur KvuiuUit-a, wcut irte by umil. HILLES DRUG CO., San Francisco, Ca!. ro: hay & mm. Albany, oc t- Conrad Umv, - PK ''Kl K I'' . " (ifiiaer Broadalbin an J First. i& -DK.I Kit Ii- X. STEELE, tiWany, Oregon. I .11 .vi. ; a 1 I 1 ; ol i ' ; mvt'll fltn I Cf Titf.. Restaurant. . .1 n 'irt.ly riiHMle!c(l. thin old r ;- r.iii r.;:it wiil 1)h ntmio li tut. - r rr'-j.Hct, Th puhl.c will he tiK-.-i!. hi; .ll htturri for only 20 L-r thin j iieai, nl nttrao'ive. VW--.fiT7 iP3 Epocb. The transition from long, lingering and n.i..i..i vtrVness to robust lieaitn marns an 1 . . ... ....... .l..;.l..nl 4;,irh epocn in tne uie 4-1 u.c " -- .... . In hf remarKaoie evem . nt..... ... - memory and tne ogenty good health hk been attained is gratefully hlessed. Ilenceu is inai u u.uv... .3 ......... In praise of Electric Bitters. 00 n.i...j feel thy owe their restoration to health to theuseot me great biicibu.s If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, .of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of Electric liitteis. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & M-ison s Drug stoie. i-rt i.i every ntjdr. W. A. Mi-Gkl I.v all iii.-aiL oi'.U nn .4I..T , !Irl4ai f-riill Fwtnsc.cn, nl4c. Kl., . ,ri vMryl Sinv th-, , varlotv iit Kroiwr" , kHt prlro f aid for t$M'4'4l,Wi'-'-I'tX.'l' I'lSif 4"ll' . T-. tie. lcl 1, 4 OH1I i.rn. H iirheft hi, Brothers. or yont ft 1 X5DS OF ROSUCE. D. R. H. BLAC'RBCRK, 00. W. WRlnltT, SLACKBURN & WRICHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice In M the Conrte of the State, Prompt attention Riven to all bosi- ntn entmiterl toonr ears. Office Odd Fellow, t emple, Ain it, ur JAK1ESP. MEAD, Attorney at law and Title Exanine?, ALBANY OREGON. Wil1pr.cc- in nil the rnnrt. of th. State. Ah!i..:t. ol Title furnished m short n.lie- Ten years erncripnco. H. C. WATSOW, Attorney at Law, A'-flANY. -:- OREGON Dire In le Itrati.a leek. Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Tl.elrnonils aro tne lat thrlr prkw eAon.ble. MMlol T'-IInll TWIolll" " W-.-ll; r.-h.it ia it?" "IIo-a- l-i 5ur iimtlier. tliif. rnornlniri' . "Vi-y li'ii. H w-t'-i-r; hh' ?iLl il nnl r.'?t.ul flct-i. l i't iiiiit: P'H- Lm a'?n-.sr. rid of in.-rni::iit-fr.v.'-l's c-H L'-ii rn.l U.-.-V-)!!?!.- .ilid is ?rrow-Inc'ii-Vil'.- ei.n-rtiil. il"'-' ir-U'-ful ad are 11. ti.i. lu.- tlmt tiottlo ut I'.l'.uMil'!.' "'li.;n'. i::v'.,lt of gruritude. . u-:t does tue doctor t"l-' V " , r , 'tit- t.-.-.i ho nr-vi-r pnw ro wim-.l-rru: a - Minn lu'wit-li a si-nims lung tr.mii!.. lie , il thtnaa wo ro Riviiu; bis nuuca. 1 uor.'t 1" hira." TLar's rich'.. H'3 en old frii-n 1. .v-iu frnoi.-. I'll Miiv vour intitliiT will (: t w.-lt liow. b-it y.'ii won't forsut the n.11110 of tut "lr ''in-e'. Ooliii n MMIeal W i.V"."" u' hou tio(l won. tilnurty. uml it li.i.i VoiP" to t iv. 1' ccv.ni! awi y v. hat si.n 3liino it huri linmxht ahtuuly and It-l ub .hunk you airnfti lor it." " I will, (."o-l b;.-." Tn'j To-i ft'.iJK Ii a fVT npr 'iitiui'ri v, A ry tornrm'n ni jcrn-nw. MmiM"i Ni-O'.-ju lH.i-oviry" li:i!runHlt'-r.Ti,liHui'-inir riMiirhs Rii'i atn..-) O n r:i-:-n. r iJit.ir-f.-n.fmi, 1.. t...iu,.:ii:uiii' i-:ij- lifter diK'tors hiiv iiulea rr H ulhr lu-iUMn lit.vt b n tri'l a;..l n!mi c,,ni! ho nwierw. Tiiu " linvury tfiMir ;iatpd tc I. wilt or cun- in evtTv iu. ir fi;i-n in t:::ic -mrt givou a tiur trial, or immcy wl! 1. icHir.K.l. DR. SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY curt 9 tiu worst nun's, no niuttfr ol liuw lonn i.eilinz IMiotoffrniilieift Albany Oregon. AVe have Imuthtall thenetives made by 1 fi.i, un.l W fl (liuenwood up to Nv iztu lluMit-otiR c:n He hail from hem oalv of o as reduce 1 rates. W e have .ilsit about 18,000 ueativo mde hy our Mlve from v hid. dnp'io;tt.-s cd he had et like ratus. We cary t-ie o. ly full hue ! view of thin Rtfttj mkI do eiil-.rj-'-d work at lowest r-ittt. for tlifct dat. work. Ve-hn.l t" plea-.d toBn at our Studio ' Hionu-n ukiuk, nt-xttioor 10 wmuiiiu A Peculiar Out!. Sa.-j An rosio.June 1 1. The most remark ab'c duel ever known took place yesterday neat Moore station. Two Mexicans, named Jo Corraasso and Namanepa, had a quarrel over Urival matter and agretd to fijlit to the death y means of lassos. Itoth l)eing expert cowboys 1-iach man mounted a horse, anil coming with i.i a proper distance, began ussoin ai racn, other. After much sparring Corrasso cavicbt liass around the neck, drawing him from hit horse aid running with him home dUtnnce, breaking his neck. Ofilcers are searching for Corraasso. but he is in hiding. A Ilnuhle Trazetly. Portland, June 12, -A douole shooting tragedy, which occurred near Milwaukie at an early hour yesterday morning, has created a great sensation in the usually quiet and un eventful life of that community. Daniel Harvey, who has lived for many years with his mother, Mrs Mary Hum. ell. and step father, Charles BunnelLfhot his mother through the temple, with a pistol, and then placing the weapon to his own head, pulled the triger and completed the tragedy. The weapon used was a thirty two calibre Smith & Wesson, and both mother and son lived until about half past 9 o'clock in the forenoon when death came to their relief. Mrs Bunnell died just five minut es before her son. After ttiff India us. IIkuena, June il. The sheriff of Dawson county telegraf hed to Governor Toole to day for rifles and ammunition for the settlers and cowi oys who are in danger from the Cheyenne outbreak. 1 he governor sent 1 000 nties and 1 000 rounds of cartridges in c .iarge 01 Colonel C D Curtis, who has gone to the seat of war accompan'ed by C U Greenfield, the well know n war correspondent. A Ills 1 ree. Fresno, June 11. Skilled workmen are now engaged in getting out the world's fair big tree a sectbn of a redwood tree, This will- be the largest section ever removed fiom Cali fornia. The tree is located at Mammoth Forest fifty two miles east of Tulare, at an altitude of 0325 tect above sea level. 1 lie tree measures ninety nine leet in circumference, making it thirty three feet in diameter. It will requite three flat cars for its transportation, as the total weight will not be less than 65,000 pounds, A JnhI Verdict- San Francisco, June 11. An opinion was filed by the supreme court yesterday in the case of Simon Hanberg, convicted of obtaining money under false pretenses from X M Parker, in representing o Pt rker an unsuspecting granger from Orrgcn with more money than a knowledge of the ways of tie world, that he was the owner of certain lots in this city, and relying upon such representations, Parker oaid S9500 for the mythical property. The defendant was tiled, convicted end sen tenced to one year's imprisonment and to pay a fine of 19,000, double the amount ecuicd,tr in default, to suffer 19,000 da's in jail, A 4rrul Experience. Xfav York, June 1 1. Baton rede, the Swedish nobleman who spent thirty years in Sibera, is now in New York on his way home to Sweden, after an absence cf thirty two 3 ears, he having been sent into eu e in 1057. i' no ! - rol twH in th 'ty At Conrad to 1 iEivr, Whether on pleat u re bent or business, fd.uuUl take en every trip a botile of Syrup of Figs i's il act n.Obt ph-asuntljr and ef fecUmllv on the kidnevt, liver and bowels, prcvriitn.fr fevers. lienoucheH und other fui n.h of Mcknefs. For i-.ile l:i 50c and i bottle bv all leading druggists. I Mcei . Nkw Blacksmith Siiu;-. O V Willis as ni-n completed bis blacksmith shop at it corner of Second and Railroad ttreetK nil kinds ot iron ana wouu win. can be nad and done In lirlnjj on your plows, w for repairs. Zi..i-mWn Uianmnt"pectail ai.i rji k1.imu a'- V M French , 53 oentu n pair. Milk!MUkl! I in i.rep ireil to deliver milk to .11 prt ..I the citv. (lii.iiint.-e trie qnauiy. lv mrter. it U b Urownell. rwcry tore. ... M rurren.B. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists anil Booksellers, Asci.t. for Join B. Alden' publication oioli we null.' p'l'jll.ber'e prloee wills uge.t-W mm DOLLEGUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON. 18S8, 188Q- rirnl Term Open. Hrptemher lilt-, in. A lull corps of Innttuctore, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Connw. ot .tody errnnned to meet lb end of all grndBS orsiunenu.. Sftdal utaucemexH ognrnl It itnJm$ from abroad. Tuition runRne from $5.50 to $1X50 Board In private fainllle. at low rate. Room, tor eelf-boarrftnn at .mall ex'-enae MM.fi. i aunnrvHIon oxerclsed over atu clp.ti. .way from home. Prll term opn. aeptnmlmr 7th. For olroular. anil ro imrtloalara addrw the Hreeldont. r.. kLKKT a os bit. first class order oi.s, etc., etc. The Lest linc n( 5 and 10 cent ciK uo m the city ro t be lnuiirt at uouu a iieuM aou'.. Baksaiv. lloucloir paper, lart nlv 10 cents at Hubb.'.rit tiruj; store. package, Two C'ah Lo.vns. rrk-c ei RoIimou lme list rweivi-il two ear loiuU of wnmiH fttul itiiruicH, li"lit anil lieavv, uml will Ht'll them at remarkably low prii-et, eoiiniiU'r' nig tin! Hj.li-iulia qitalily ol the wagons. l-'oii Sale. At Hubbard's Drug Store. A No S Jewel rane,e; a l.-ue beating kIovc, hiu baby caniaes, liib chair, and olber ailicles loo nunier, us lo nientmn. llarkli-lT Arnira lv.. i;i.-m stt K-ieii ii, rj.er s.rJ.. . '"ar. 'ii'i-' V ,w.r' . ......V..- .. .n.t .11 Xkln Kri.itllu .11. in r nt off on all cash ale. for llie next 30 doy-at W F Bead'.. If von want either to buy or .ell ynai pr .perty p!e the i in th. b.na. aim Alhhy ot .-o. t.- K.,.si-n tresh cow. for tale cheap. Inquire at inn oincc. S,n..k. th. oel.hr.t4-d :at;.na ar.. in.nnf:turrd at Jul Of Joseph . cigai factory Only 6 cent.. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB PRINTEPS ALBANY "i oo have, hig.took to w'ect from at J KJI'uwell at t'o S nil OoMpo St.r tomatoe. for 60 cent. .. I' i nvar., and all other canned good. chea' or caah , I W Bentlev. beat hoot and .hoe maker in tW onooalte'Fortmiller&Ir-ing. Wanted, cow. to ntno. Woodli Talt P.o. tjll-T KNrKltl-HIE. (id 1111(1 800 tha biantifiil pilil watch at the "(iolden Kulf lfazaar." Julius (iruilwolil the iroirietor of the (iolilen Kulu llaminr,iii- ,.l inf. iih null lie ran mo i ri.e iiuKing i ..niter, and No 1 Japan ten, expressly up lor his huHim-ps, ami for the benefit of lux i-ustoiiiers, each liox ol linking miwder will win a piece of line ulimsware" ami also each pound of the tea will win a piece of fine glassware, anil customers who buy one pound of ti-u or a liox of liaklllK powder, w iueu is w iirriuiicii, win have a ebaiiee lit tl.nt lienutiful iold wateli. He lins also added a line aesort uientof family tiroeerieg to bis ilium- inoutli stiK-k ol (tliifsware and croekery, w liieh is the larm-st in the Willamette nllev. do and see Mr t.ru.lw liol at the (iolden Kule llnzanr, and you will tind that iiothiiiu is miercpre-HiiUd. AlbaT Marble .() Uramle Woik'.lt.r uiil.iely pnruhaMil the uick of S A Hwv m.l U W Harris, we alull be plei.d in .Low dUii. and eive pr.es to all meuri- Ui purchaser.. Ie.l ot wnrKlnee 4lti toy.a .ml price, aa low as any fur lirst-cl.s. woik. Virit a. beforH puicli.siiiK el-t wh. n. r.iM. a.'iiiso ntkt door to democrat ollict) Alhan), Or. Hats . hat. .old for the next thirty days at Ma .'d Brush', will be dltcuuntcd, to reduce her large stock. Render', You can .aye many . dim. by tr.ihng at H C Hnbbardt new dim store. Try it. 9m Spring and ommr vool.B. jnst received Zaehe. ft Soo( eppraite PntotEoa.