1 I i i 'A I .3 THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. A DUjKMMA. Before the election republican newspa pers and republican speakers, on all occas ions, warned the people that the real issue was the tariff. Democrats, when speaking hopefully of the piospective election of Tennover were told that hat was the Uue and that they might settle down to the conclusion that the people of 'Oregon would not elect a "free trade" governor, and that INrnnoyei being a "free trader" would be snowed under just like Gcarin was two year ago. Thompson announced just before he started on hU canvas that the tariff would be the real issue, and that he was then convinced that the people of Oregon would never elect a "free trade governor. Well thi election came off and the people elected this "free trade'1 gover nor by 4,000 majority in a state where the republican majority Is seven or eijjhl thousand. Now what do we see? Why, these same papci s and speakers are laboi Ing manfully, day by day, to prove that the tariff issue was not before the people at all. The OrfgCNutn says it was not and others are doing likewise. Most of them, how ever, say that the tariff had nothing to do in the election of governor, but every thing to do in the election of congressman. The brethren are In an awkward dilemma on this subject, meanwhile, the campaign of education is Joing its effective work as will more clearly appear in the election returns from the several states this fall. THE rt.NMU.S ol n.OUIv. According to th Treasury statement for M.iy the pension payments in the eleven months of the fiscal year have amounted 105103,177,727. If only the average is maintained for J urn. the cost of te list for the year will be over $112. 000,000. This is a fact which should lead Congress to pause in its works of adding to this enormous total. Either the Sen-ice Tension Kill of the House or the Dependent Tension Hill of the Senate would increase the expenditures on this account beyond the cost of the largest standing , army in the world. And the worst feature of the matter is that It is a continuing expense, It mortgages fche revenues of the future for a full generation. Reckless extravagance for one year might be sustained, but to enact legis ation which means excessive taxation for twenty or thirty years is a serious blew at the prosperity of the country. The cost of pensions for this year will exceed by more than $So,ooo,ooo the expense of the list ten yea s after the close of the war, when h should naturally have reached its maximum. Each of the bills in dispute embodies a wrong principle of pensions, in addition to being reck lessly extravagant. It would be a good thing if the deadlock should defeat both. A WVEISM K. The decent delay of the Tariff Bill for con sideration in the Senate is deprecated by a Protection journal on the giound that H will "give the Democratic organs an opportunity to keep up the tariff agitation," Lay not theMattering unction to your soul that the passage of the McKinley 15 ill would put an end to "tariff agitation." It would make that agitation more active than it has been in fifty years. The notion that tins question will be settled by a law increasing the war duties in every schedule save one imposing taxes from too to 250 per cent on many articles of clothing ,in.l burdening nearly all the necessaries of the peo ple is really too absurd. With the McKinley Till passed or pcnJingi the tariff will be the main issue in the Congres sional elections this year. It embodies a new irrepressible conflict. The latest report states that twenty one oh serratories are now engaged i the internation al undertaking of photographing the entire heavens. Each observatory wdl have to take about 700 pho'ographs in the zone assigned to it, and it is hoped to finish the work in three or four years The new republican tariff bill takes about $9,000,000 per annum off the tobacco tax and adds over 15,000,000 to the woolen goods. Ought not the woikingman with a large family rejoice with excteding great jcy that the tariff is in the hands of its friends? The same American plough that is sold in Iowa for $0 75 is sold in Mexico for $5 57. The Iowa farmer is "com tensated" however by a protective tax against the importation of the wheat heexpoitste Knp,land, unn,vlile Frail Farms. Salem continues to grow and the build ing Industry never wa so actively pur sued In this city before. i his activity extends to the section adjoining the city and each contributes to the others prosper ity, t his condition of affairs gives added value to lhoe ten-acre fruit farms at Sunnyside, four miles south of Salem, for ale by the Oregon Land Co., and render them increasing' desirable to lhoc who wish to engage in any farm spicialitv. ' f.AMKS Ml SLIN I'NPKRW FAR. I hav? ust opened the Lugest line of in -i I in un derwear I have ever carried, and have marked them to sell at the least possible percent they can be handled for. Infant dresses from 5c cents to $3.$ each; full size, full length; no china make, all white labor, guaranted to be equal if not super ior to anything In the market for the price. Aloo Infants caps and coats. Svvu kl K V h-v i A New Soifmk. On Mondav and Saturday of each week, 11 C Hubbard will How a ten per cei.t dic( unt on ail cah purchases made at hidiug store. This will only be allowed on M inula and Saturday Y BYEs;OTENKI, Senator Plumb, of Kansas, unlike his colleague, Ingalls teems to be getting his eves opened. In speaking the other day in favor of free coinage of silver he thus reffered to the McKinley tariff bill : "The senate was appea'ed to yeterdav bv the senator from New York tlliscockV attains: the bill In the sacred name of pro t eta ion. Silver was an American product, a much larger product than many others whicn were to bf protected by duties of ioo or 3'jo per c;nt. under the t u itl hill. lie would like to ask the senator from New Voik. who was so anxkuis about foreign commerce, what he intended to do with the tariff bill, which would prevent the Lnited States from having nnv torei commerce. lie hoped he mit;ht interpret the senator s remarks on t'at point ts hopeful auiiurv of the action of that senator in puttinii his knife into the bill now be fore the finance committee; a bill rvhich would raise the p-iceof nearly everything used by the masses ol the people. Thus do we find another republican 1, 'eadfcr hastening to adjust Iiimscif in line with the democratic idea of tariff reform. i.n ki:;;oic. Having v..ted solidly in congress against free sugar, the democrats are now voig against free silver. What is t;oitii to he roine of the democratic party, an how: Capital Jourtt tl. The Journal is two reckless hi i's state ments. If it means by "free silver," the free and unli-r.it ed coinage of silver then does it misrepresent the democrats in con gress as they labored to amend the Win- dom bill so as to secuie free silver while thev were outvoted by the republicans, lietter ask what Is becoming of the repub lican party anyhow? 1U. IMTIOV The Scientific Specialist. Guarantees a successful treatment in diseases of women and all private diseases of either sex. Over fifty cases of catarrh cureJ since Jan. 1st in this city, and no failure heard from. Doens" of ladies cured of diseases peculiar 10 their sex and not one unsuccessful. tzoo will be panl to any one he treats unsuccessfully after he has agreed to cure them. Consultation is free and you can freely call upon the ur. everything is strictly confidential and ptivate. He prepares his own medi cines and you do not have to go to a drug store to have your prescription rilled. His office is so arranged that one patient does not meet another. He is not here for a few days only but has permanently located and will stay. I lis prices correspond with the nature of the diseise and deserv ing poor are treated free Patients out of the city can be treated bv correspondence, unless acute diseases. Oilice, Ulum berg's Block, Albany. Residence 3rd and Mont gomery. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to S, The Dr can refer to any bank in Albany or the Pacific Coast as to his relia bility, and to the Oregon State Medical Society as to his standing in the medical profession. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AOK.NTS Fun TUB CSLKRR ATID II. F. Miller, Ami the Favorite J. BAUER & CO. PIANOS, Mouse Proof "EAREPF," And other First-Cla.s . Sole Agents fur tht - .ELDREIICE B. : and -:-.KV HOME Rfwlig .11 m-lit nen. Okuaxs - Cleaned - ,xd - Repaired. AI.BASY, OKEGOX. POPULAR APPEARANCE nr thi.- McKanlass Minstrels! AT THE ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Albany. Orrnn. I llinU KiHT, jim: 13, The Great and Onlv M'KAIiLASS. Tlis Nff r Ole Putl of VialiaUts anJ the Mint rd mug 01 Aiurnoa, tiifnu lj hu two Ulrnif t children, Matcr TOII.LIK Hnl AD.IMX.4. MR. A. I. thrr'unnr n ( xhf Par. Mls SI SlKl.ltltHN.the M.i-ied Woinan, Kf-FIRST-CLASSTflTISTS-1 1: ith Full ltrass Hand and Orchestra. All to appear In a seleu projjiam of FIN, -:- WIT -:- AM-:- llf.MOR: aTtirand Street Prill at 7 o'tlockyj fonts now on s;ilc at . I. III,V( K.IIAX X. Ii. E. litis IJoen -AT HEAD IN - HIS Now the Greatest Attraction is His Largo ami Stylish Stock of jIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., -In Keeping With, tlie feittim.- If You Would bo Suitably Dressed - Call - at - Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALEK3 IJ- Choice Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Wait a bit! A man broke in a hurry! V want vou to Ranges, at prices from ten dollars upward. The newest thing in the way of household ute.'isils are Oil and Gasoline stoves. Come and look at 'em. AVe do business to please our friends as well as to make a dollar or two. Popular prices prevail. Matthews & Washburn. Moi itague COE3STEB PIEST So FEEET ST3 Iea1erH in Groceries, Produce, Conieeiionary. Mc, Produce wanted in exchsnsja for gooda or cuh, Fist-classa gooili and prompt attention. TRY US Smoke the ciagars Manuijotred by Julius, Josepi. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GfliARS Ping und fcniokt.ig tobacco, Mp'tsjImmo and briar (iipr8an rankm arfiilet (pnernllv ART STUDIO, Jr. Dr. Pallii, Blumbrr; Elork LKSSOSS GiTn Id Dun mp. Pu nllii r.d.M r"oiUru. f ir sate or inlu lOr.lftr rtIO UKNT. A (urnishtil ctta, live J. ro--ni, with ornho it pi.iuo, i,r thre" Cu'Utln. Kiirireat this i ll.ee. BLAIN Declnivl THE- His - Store. - Groceries Prompt Attention. Matthews & ALBaNT, OREGON Eirdwaro, Stoves, and Tinware. his neck once bacause he wa3 know about our Stoves and S Son, Tobacco, Cigars. MONKY. Home epitil to lnn on Bppmvo.1 sotfiirltv. W E M(rP:ir' 'u. Krai K-lata Hid Inumncj Hrnkvr, ' roi wrert. op( oit th Hum Hoii-e. IOK SALE. A cirpet laom. with" til fixtures unil tUclim.nl,nn immg. b'o terms. Call on John Medin. at the Central School bulullne. This Trade Mai k on a stova tream It Is the best that ex per!r.ce anj skill can con. trive. Sold enlr bv Smith & Senders. LINE! J0 DOIT Sii.ith & Men.. Jft. THE STOVES AND RnMPrr. ...... bearing this trade mark ore to-day making moro Te World's Bost- homo? comfortable f$ and bappy than any other brand in istenco. They are made in all styles una sizes, both for Cooking and Healing, uid t.v Bold at prices to suit tho purso of tho rich or Por- of Imitation.. Emine U TJpWrP, trade mark .losoly, Mi XJJ lhaiyott are nm gss mm gr. Mi 1 'a : IT Hi Garland, - Superior - Argand. - fvlonHor - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, All Fully STYLF, WOBJC a.nfl PH.TCF5 Uaf just received lii.s Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will be soUl at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell hid large stock of Notions, etc., at, A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. E, C. Searls, D. j Booils, Notions, GxtsFnrn isliinga and BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of hoo'n and fthoc Is nov complete in nil lines fur spring fade. We will stive ou monet n bnving ol! u. Ladies, mifset and children's fine shoes a specia v. ExcliiHive Agrurv n Hie E. 0. FL.KENTOi -DE ALBH IN Choice Candy, Xufs Frnil, etc. NEAR THE POST OFFICE. VORGET Senders' nil. id )ES!i:;).. i ex- - a w v. h I CO Wurianud in- LCDI.OW ISHOKH SEARLS, T'liimlmrK'a New lllo IB Ilia 1 I.. 1 I ' J I 1 'J I "Lry wi ir ilf iiiiiiiii w?;- r .i - a