VOL. Hi. A.LBANY.SOR., WEDNESDAY, JUNE J I, 1800. SO 31 Ha highest of all in Leavening Tower. V. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS m m o ill ALBANY. Ai I IS'IN I-iJ It- achinery. Russel fi Go's Engines and 1 n v 0 4 t ASSCWTEIX PURS VALUAIIhK I'UUI'KIM'V. The Cusick Addition to Albany jhas just been thrown or. the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side oi Goltra's Park: is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First 1 r.tretit merchant. "That is destined to he- tcome the 'Bon-ton residence portion of uie city." Wallace X Cusick. the agents tor this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best oi all additions, to the intending speculator. The I'uliiil aud llie Klnge, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church. Blue Mound. Kan., savs: ! feel it my dutv to tell what wonders Dr King's New Discovery has done for me My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs in weight. Ar.hurLove, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all. and cures horse s attention when everything elbe tails. 1 he greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try It." Free trial bottles at roshay : Meson s urug store. Regular sizes 50c and ifl.oo. HOW TO tlKK M.ltVlllSMlSS. ..AND DEALKKS IN'., AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BU3G1ES, LOGGERS Aft'D BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IROM, STEEL. CHAIM, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAOOM MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUS AND AMMUNITION. Albany IRONWORKS 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAY.! MILL MACHINERY IROS FRONTS ' AD ALL K!f"3S GF KEA,Y j AM) LIGHT WORK, IN i mt MID DHASS CASTJUOS. '1IW'IkI tttlfVltli't) Patiorns Made un Short Notice ssioeffiYE fEGT STEELE, Heal Estate i Loan Broker. J L l'-t r.f gK rl f.-.nn and city propeity . for aa'c . A body with a nervous temperament will make known i'.s wants through Its natural medium the nervous system. If it fails to receive proper nourishment the nerves will be the first to cry out. Dr Miller's Hydrastine Restorative ensures nerfc:t nutrition to those who take it, and a perfectly nourished body cannot be ner Pn. C.1.. ni Fiwlmv Mason's. inn F Albany Lodge No a holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvitedto attend. IlVliltorillilUA. A frightful epidemic of hydrophobia is raging at Breeds Iowa, Mad dogs are running lcose throughout the countrv, and from everywhere coine reports of horses and cattle suffering from the rabies. Several persons have been badly bitten, and a boy named Irwin was killed by a rabid stallion, three miles from here yes terday. The first case discovered was a horse in the last stages of the terrible disease. John Rvno, a farmer, was driving along a lonely road In abuckboard, when he heard a clatter of hoofs and saw white horse pursuing him. Flakes of green saliva flew from the jaws of the mad ani mal, while its eyes were widely expanded. R vno lashed his horse into a run, but the animal overtook hfin and was soon snap ping and bitting at the buckboard wheels, and at the driver and horse. When Ryno's horse was nearly exhausted a passenger train came In sight, and attracted the Ilecuased the train foi half a mile, though shot stveral times by passengers. Several other cases were de veloped immediately afterward, and now the epidemic has spread until it is abso lutely unsafe for the residents to go abroad. ; I.o. a ijoiiiinj 1 y on real el'lltlt'l'. estate io Lino am! NUTRITION I HEA'-TH I I Im:i wiitttn up in reliable compa it. in 'Hcsl s'.ock of 'Jt.. x4T ;oihIm III III" Va ly, Hnil iIih iii'i riM-1 ihh iif"i, (mill in buying iul v.niitin: i hrtv' nn luiii-' ll ! Of fj.initu. mm, mum, Wmi, B33SS, ?iimi3 ensxs, csisfhy, ETC., ETC. 121 First Ktrael. Albany. Or, FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOK OF - Albany Soda Works. jsnd Munufacturers of- CHOICE CQNFEbTIONERY. Ve r.re now propsrw' to Fell t w'mk 1, 1whv froxh nno puin t Pnrtltml it 10 dpalr. We r'"' k-wp fi T r fints ana Tropical fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO DR. C.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. OlSoe opposite tba Iwmnorat. Tv: rnlr remedy I;:i(vn trlilrh will , r :i;;:o U Kutralvs Prccssses cf tto ' : Cv'4lM j.s.;..jil j-,. (,',-, r -"i-'I n::'1 c,:nnlo moans It qulckljr j ;' ;i t u. ;ii;:4 AU l oriu of ; . i :i , tii.-ilhHl, Mental and v " r.-w."; .V1.i.:u-.;ioJt, Oenonil Iellllty, j:.m'.:i I';":, or nnv fxtmtittl op wciik-.-. ! i-..i."..liu:i ol't'ie nystonii from whut ( i i !t.:xi , Skin Kruptions, Hulls, Jtun i.l :n; S.ir-s, fVrnfitln, ond all IllttPnnpB of 1. in i:l -rjilt GtomacU. JAvvv and Klducya. 3 i .00. SiX EOfflES FCfl 353.00. Tr. TT n r; t f.iii' bonk, flesrriptivoof ny rrtii:"' Ui'Mcrniivc aud iiU olUur Kviuudics, FILLER CP.U3 C0.LSsn Francisco, Cal. VOU tALU liY . F35UAY & MIWaN. ttLOAHY. CCJ. tonradMev?r. ST All HAKEH-Y Cni tipp Eroadalbiu and First Sts., -DEAI.EU IN- N..':r l'ul. i:;.n.l cnvevancer. ('.ill oi. nr urMe mo. S. N. STEELE, Allonyt OreRr.r. 1 Hvini.' l. 'ih f-uttpjly romorieled. this old ! U'i l i t'c rht tiirant will be iriAde firsc j t'lfl. h lii 1 r-t.;tect. The jmbl.c will he , !..r. s'" t iin.u.t. m nil bourn for only 2.1 n-n't. K.'r, tiiinj iic.it and attracivo, I I'nvnf Ih'V . 0htciB iu every style. I W. A. McOee. ttx: 1 B. R. K.BWCRBCnS, OE0. W. WBI01IT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will praotice In all the ConrU of the Slate, rromp awannon giTen w n nuw dm entmtteri tooor eare. Offie Odd Fellow Temple, Alhaoy. Or fi iS "A By "'1 meant call on .a it l Frnil, erfen Frmtl. Tobcc, incr, oiler. Etc., .. .rt nTrtrrthina-ttirt' i . variety and growr t, rkst prlo rid for Jae- ii wr Fctr,Bl'". 'U' Xll'l .. Ten. kr.. kept n A an. urn. HlghoHl P3ACE. Brothers, Groceries, Pnaace. Baked Gooflg, Etc. Etc. JAMES P. MEAD, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will pree-Ice in 11 fhe-ciuru nf the State. Ait-racM oi imo hort notice- Ten yeare eiswrienee H. C. WATS 3 W, Attorney at. Lw, ALBANY. -:- OREGON, a aire ir"" Blerli. 'I'I.eir Konde ere tlte heet e: i-ennr.eble. .i thitr prkue I copjrif,:-.,, tai. Etioch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual. Such a remarkaoie event is ireasurea in mc memory and the agency whereby the good health his been attained is gratefully blessed, llenceit is mat boiiiucii is ncmu In praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel th"y owe their restoi-ation to health tu the use of the ereat alterative and tonic It vou are troubled with any disease of kidnevs. liver or stomach, of long or short standing, vou will surelv find relief by use of Electric Bitte's. Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug stoie. Vadins Photographer Alhony Oregon. ('barge of Bribery. Oi.YMri.i, June io, The Olympia Tribune of this afternoon makes the startling announce ment that a charge of attempt at bribery was laid before the members of the state, board of education In sessioon this afternoon, in the shape of a check for 5000 given One of the memhers for the purpose of moving a reconsid cration. This plain documentary evidence IWI like a bom jshell in tht Itoard. It was a reflection on at least two other members of the board, because such a Urge amount of money would not have been given 'o one member to make the motion unless those who ai'cmpted the bribery were sure 01 iwo Olliers. A third memt.er would have made a majority, the ioard being composed of five members. The exposure was made by L II Leach.of Vancouv er, secretary of t.ie board. A Trunk ault San Francisco, June 10, M Wunsch & Co., filled suit this morning in ihe United States circuit court against the Northern Pa cific Railroad Company to recover the sum of $21,874, The complaint alleges that on March 24, 1 11 Eisenbach.a traveling man for Wunsch & Co, took a t cket from Spokane Falls for Missoula, checking at the lame time a trunk - va'ued at the sum prayed for. Ksienbach re ceived a check for the transportation of the trunk, paying excess baggage therefor. On the way to Missoula the train was wrecked and the trunk partially burned. The drummer hauled the remains ol his sample trunk from the wrtcK, and purchasing a new trunk, placed the jewelry in it, showed it to the conductor, and it was agreed that the suine should be de livered to hiin at Missoula on presentation of his baggage check for the old uunk. Instead of doing this it is claimed that Conductor Crandall sent the trunk through to bt fault Minn., and it has never been returned to him, An Indian IprHliis- II elena, June 10. Authoritative reports come in from the vicinity of the Cheyenne agency that the bucks heve left their regular camps and are gathering in small camps of from fifteen to twenty five, in the timber, and are acting in a most insolent manner to settlers tiring at houses and making the most threaten ing aerr oust rations. So alarming were the re ports to-day that CoIolcI Swaine, commanding at Fort Keogh, telegraped to thn department beauepjarters, and in is evening a reply was re ceived ordering him. to send one troop of cavaU . ry and two companies of mlaniry to the Chey enne agency At rrtuceton. rRiNCETON, N J., June 10. This u.orning the l we ut let h annual games occurred, in which thiee acords were broken, loo yards being run in even time,. 220 yards la 22 jteconas, uy Cary; and a shot being put thnty two feet and hve inches by Janeway. Almost a Fire Silverton, June 10. Yesterday ..bout 2 o'clock the tire bell was rung, and it ua soon discoveted that the Commcrical hotel was on tii e. The tire company and citizens responded to the cill, and soon the hotel was alive with busy men and women, endeavoring to subdue tl.e llames, which they accomplished in a short time. We have bought alt thenegativea msd 1m L W C'rk and W II Grct-wwond up to N I5.li, li$t. Lu at can he bad Imm he.111 only f at reduced rats. hfv (U' a bait t 13,HM uefialiviM mudo by .r ielvwi, frcm which dupticutiK ci be hid st iiki! rut Rti . We carrv t'ie imly full liim i views rf thin dt.ttto itl do rnlnrjrrd work ' loveht riu f..r first cIumh vTork. We -haii ' -.ii t-u tu teo ou at ("ir Studio in KmmaiA blueU, nuxt dot-r to M.irOniu Tni le. .id rstfn Hello 1 Hollo 1 1 Hnllol!!" "Ho- Is vuur mother, this rirrnirr Vin-v tii'in',1 liofri-r: u'10 h. il I'.'ii tlovp Ifist ni;rtit; tIto is a'rnat rid or 'u riii.aiV B'.vi-uts, wivh n.'.T7iiia::'S3. '.-.'I Mio.v intr nuitf i' 'oriul. liotf ff'r.t';-!! wo ua Ui-a to you for tun'. b jttV- cf i:i-joioi.ic." " ihm't spi'ttk of rr.:;tudo, N1! iiut docs ti:e iofjtfir aay V " , , , "lift fiiivs h novrr eaw vnri.!--rfiil a chnnTi1 :iMicii a wriotM Ir.ng tn;). .,' . !!e ;lll thinks w r.n.' irivir.jf his lai'dKiiu.'. 1 durt liiiu to f!I hii.i." "Tiit'o rirh lie's an oM frr'iil, :'i m knmv. I'm surw your niotluT will k t v '1 now; but vou won't fortret tho iui;iu ol tiie iw'diim will you?" "i'vcr! Dr. riorce's OoMrn STtll.l Pi cowry at tmuschoid wortis atrt-iily, stm. it b.m cor,H 10 rtiiv. Un cotne Had fc. c wii:;t S;li ?l..i:e tl has hrwkt already, and let us tiioi.h you a-r.:in for it,' " I wiJl. ; iJ by'." The topKonux is a tMr rpnn'r.tnrif-:i v. t Viy co'iiiiio.i cHvurrenw. "itot: . !"'irii Jtvrry" h.- cun-d h vit,Ki; !'iiiv.- "wir" a:id arnit(J t.'oiiptunntioii, or Loiitr-hcr.:u;:i. Ik tjjtiuiwndsiH -um: r.l'vr do-t"rp im t f -iU-3 and tn r lnclul hiVf bo n trwti m.mI i-.t. m d Tii d i VMli-a T'M! " Iicoviry " ih a!:fcrt t t m tlt or curt in rvrry m. if t-iki'ii in tinc and givt?nafnir trad, or uioi.i y will be roiund-.-'l. Cvl.SACE'S CATARRH REKSECY C'jri thi; worst out, co ni.::rrl how luuy uudiOK. 10 oeuu, b7 dnwuu. Milk! MUkl! I m i.repjrMl to Holiver milk to all purti uf the cty. (inrntie the beet quality. Leave miiT at 0 E Brownell'i ((roeery atoro. Wm Fun-emu. 1 FOSHAY & MA80N, rauuu ... amik- Ih uggistsaud Booksellers, Ai.u for John B. Alden'e pnbllcatloM, nut n will.' pQlili.ber'e pricwewitti I,MT. HCDOI HLBAHT COLLEGUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1889. Flrat Term Opeae grptember lilt. IKM. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot "tudy arranged to meet lb ami of a'.l grsles of students. S fecial iMucrmrh offend l iluilrnlt from abroad. Tuition ranfiss from $5.60 to flS,MI Board In private families t low rales Rooms lor eeii-ooarnmn ai .man a nnrnl enosrrlslon exercised oer stu deata away from home. Ff II terra opens leptnmrmr 7th. For elrenlsr. ana ro particalars addrus the President. BV. KIFCBT fXIT. New Blacksmith Sim!-. Ci N Willis has jut compk-ti.'J l)i blacksmith shop at the rnrner of Second and Railroad t-trctu where all kinds ol iron anil wood ir- er.n he hau ana none in nmciuss inur, Ilrinonvour plows, wagoi.s, etc., ut. for repairs. , 7,i,i i!in's "I)iamnta"peotael ' au:'. rt 1,1 at K M Freuch't, DO ceiita a p.iii . The best lines of S and 10 cent ci us ip the eity are t be found at Louu & Mumtric aoii a. A Baroain. lioudolr paper, lar-je package, ,nly io centa at Hubb.-.rd ih i-j store . Kucklru's Arnira Salve Tti.!wSi! ih! irl I lr Cut,ll'a!.K.r Uleeri, S'U KJwmn, Fjver sirjs, rotter, l.ii;mi turn. U-1 . hi hums. crns. aii'i an svn wn iv MnitivclvuurM Pil.or ii. iuv ri-urI. It is iru-w- II. IT c Bcnia w Uawjn lOiK-rcent oft" on all cash aalea for tl. next 30 day-at W K Bead's. For Fyhy ant Tf want nithnr to buv or sell vr.ur on'Dfrtv place the tame in the h.nda cf K F Aahby 'Jo. For Salk. Seven fresh cows for f-ale cheap. Inquire at this ollice. S.nnke the celebrated ;Havana filled oi aars, manufactured at Jul ur Joseph'u ciRai factory. Only6ceDta. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB PRINTEPS ALBANY . 'lonlisvea bigatockto select from at J Fjl'o. ell it Uo' S caes Golden Star tomatoei for 80 cent, at C y avers, and all other canned gooda chaa; 'or cash. 1 W Bentley. best hoot and shoe maker in oltj, opooail. rormiiir a, tuH TVantrd. cowa to nastore. Woouli Tilt Bros, TuLUiaTt., Whether on pleasure bent or tuiness, nhoulu take c-n every trip a buule ut 6yrup oi Figs, as it acts most pitaintly and el tectually on the kiuneys, liver u.iJ bowels, prcvcnui: fevers, liL-auuches and other lui iiis otsicKiiess. For fcale iu 50c and pi boltles by all leading druggists. Two Cab Loai. I'riuc & ltobton have just received two car luac'.a of wugoiiB and ni'.tsKieH, light iukI heavy, and will sell tliuui ut renmiliiihly iuw ricus, contidet ing tin; aplenUicl quulily oi the wUKung. Ton Salk. At liu'ibard's Drng Store. No S Jewel range; a laige heating toe, two baby carnages, high chair, and oilier articles 100 nuiiicivub to mention. (jikt ExTKitrKihi:. Uo and sea tlia heuutiful gold watch at the "(iolden Utile llazaur." Julius (inulwohl the prorietor of the tioldcii Kule l:aiuir,in torms us that lie has the l'rize linking l'owder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly lor his business, hikI lor the beiielii ot his customers, each liox ol baking nowder will win a piece of fine alassware and also each pound of the tea w ill win a piece of line giaHwnre, ami customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of linking liouuer, w hich is warranted, win have a chance at that lieautiful gold watch. He lias also added a line assort ment of family groceries to his main mouth stock of glassware and crockery, which is the largest in the Willamette Vallev. (jo and see Mr (jrndwhol at the Golden Utile Bazaar, and you will find that notlunu is misrepresented. ALBAXT Marble ai.d Granite Works. Hav ing Im'cK (ilirctiased Hie suck nf S A UnrgS in.l U w I urn, s snail im pleaa, J vo how drina and aie pr;CKS to all liiieud au purchasers, liettet workmen toivloyed oiil inees aa low as any for brst-cltsa work. Visa us before purchaiong el-wiire. Koss Si AnmsoN next door to DeinM'rat olliue) Albau), Or Hats. All hata told for the next thirty days at Ida M Brush's will be dUcuunted, to reduce her large stock. The besl .read of abbcr kte .1 laallk neadrra'. Yon osn says many a dime by tradisg at H C Hubbardi new ding store. Try it. - Spring and nmrner woo'ena just received Caches ft Son, opposite Poatolfica,