VOL. Hi. AL15ANY.SOR., TUESDAY, JUNE JO, 1890. SO SO 8 mimm o I'hest of all in Leavening Power. V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ' III w w ii Rus AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AMD BU3G.ZS, LOGGERS AVD BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, GTEEL. CHAIV, COAL, PAINTS,. OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BA3Y CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS Albany MrttuilHcliin rx rf- 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SA' MILL MACHINERY IROH FB&STS .MD ALL KI,rJi OF KEAW AH!) LICK1 WfRK, IN KCf! iiND BRASS CASTINGS. U of ii)AWiitit.r Patterns Made on Short NVJci cm mi .'2ftentfottkcr2i.il ,m !, ( v CdV, Hud :u ,.t r.m ,ri.'-.M. I,.n In lillvilin n i 1 hi 1 ,. i.,,, ll k'n is of nam, nm, ?i-jrj?sj CL13X3, C.jf3.(r, ETC., ETG, j f.- rJo ir wait of "S K Ymnni'i I. Q3T7;J3 li'I Klinl Rtroi,,. A il'HPv, Or, FRANCIS WiilFt'EIi. -PKOPRIETOV-OK Albany Soda Works -jiud MHnufactumr- of CHOICE COmuTIOHSEY. Ve fire now prwpiirer to pnll at wi,t!, , uIwnvH fresh nnrt ,"ne ai I'ortli v: 2n ro doalerM. We rV'i Itwu a fult tints and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOSAC33 DR. C.WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. OQlce opposite the Democrat. IK R. K.BLACRBCRir, GEO. W. WRK11IT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice; in .11 th. Court, of th State. Prorhpt attention given to ll hoi DM! entmated to bur d.re. Office Odd Fellow. Temple, Alb.uy. Oi ALBANY. OiiKUON. -ai.i: -n n il- .AXI) 1EALKI(S IX.. SEED, GUNS AND AMMUNITION. S UiTtUl HEALTH! Th-1 ni'ly remedy known rhlrh will i Xzuti ";o fcliiiin Froccsiss of Sis j 81-333 Si-sto j rylVii" ''",' r.:;'l Itt''' mr-nnsU quickly i en i.- r . y :ri;t:s .tl I'onns of ;ivhi'!'V 'iiT-t!;i:iliut Slontal and i XtT.cti-. :V.:i-tion, ;riicrnl Debility, :-.!.. Vi;" f" fxhfMtiileil or wc;ik- j Mi :U .;.n:a::n o: the By firm, from wlmt v;T rai:'is P'ci'i I.ruptlcn, Holls, Itun r!:iT F.r?rnl.;, ui:d all Dlsenrs of ;t c SiU-o'l, Stomwrlt, T.lvrr and JilJneya. KkCO. SIX SDTTLE3 FOS &.C0, Tr. TM'rrr. pnrrr b'jfiV. drvrriptlT of TTv-di-it'titi- i: '"r:t;u uud hid other Utu.vtlxvs, HiLLER CHliS CO,, San Fianslsso, Cal. FJS:UY & HASK. AL3.i,f, CS,'. rat 21. ARK 1ST Cniiicr Broadalhiu and first Sis., DKAI.KK IM- 'Humcd FrmlN, ( ituiirii .ttriun cJlaMKl"re, ii' rtvni-. . srfen Frnlt. t !). li'-. Tnliww, :!!' s inuar, Si't .. i'fltcr, Tert. Ulc Vtr... .. .et everythinn that ' kppt in a vi iw variety .nd grocery ore. Hlf.riMt n rket prico rnid for AM., KINDS GFi'RSDUCL Poi'iii? Wanted. A'l klu,lnr (miiUry, nlive or diewu miiwIm the WllUuiflte P ,H:ing Coio pnujr tjtore. Allmny, Orekr.i. B, ( roMt coffee in1 the eity t Conrad f r iflp.hiiip.ru I. xCwSa L AM."LLIJ111 UIJI y.i : S. STEELE, ' : Seal' Estate i Loan Broker. ! 1 for sale 1 I , Loan, 1 i. .f g,(1 a farm and city propeity y 01. real esUte iu Linn and IMltli . a Iji'ti'i t. tl; H k N-tf;.iji Pill c.::i o- i-.l up iu reiiablfcompa ie. Mid cooveyaneer. S. X. STEELE, Albany, Oregon. I hi) 11 !.:!! remoileleil. thin ol.l r -nrjint viil bt. ininu lirMt-r-!"'. The uubl.c w ill lip - u nil iionrrt for only 2.') ' I'1 ..'r r.'vr liutjj in-at and attrao'lve, l'riv.i'.B Is ml O.ttdvi in every ntylo. W. A. McUkk. ', By .11 mean otll no raKe. brothers. Groceries, Proaucfi, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. I l.tdr tootle am fn ht ,J thrlr irfeoM r uaonnb a. Milk I Milk 1 1 I nm pr p reii ti deliver milk to all parta of th? city, (iaarantce the btat qaality, Iavi orders at C E BrowneU'a urcery store. Wh FLvrttiKB. FOSHAY & MASON, muiu. ... ami.. Di uggi&isaod UouksellerS) Aii.n.u for John B. Alderj'a pnblltsfJoiu. -Dtro t mil .t publUoer'e prise. wiUi ALHAH, UKKtlOt 5 fiJA. 1 P fiss F: VAI.l AlK.r, 1-KUl'KitTV. The Cusick Addition to "Albany has just been thrown or. the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side 01 uouras j-arx; Is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the laiieuaL'C of a First treet merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'Uon-ton' residence portion of uie cny. Wallace i Cusick, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. The Pulpit uuil the HtHet Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., Bays: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr King's New Discovery has done tor me. .My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks, t took five bottles oi Dr King's New Discovery and am sound and 'well, gai.iing 26 lbs in weight." Anhur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails, i he greatest kindness 1 can do my many tiiousand friends is to urge them to try It.' Free trial bottles at Foshay Mason's Drug store. Regular s:zes 50c and $1.00. IIOW TO HUE MlVOlMS. A body with a nervous temperament will make known its wants through its natural medium the nervous system. If it fails to receive proper nourishment the nerves will be the hrt to rry out. Dr Hiller's Hydrastine Restorative ensures perfert nutrition to those who take it, and a perfectly nourished body cannot be ner vous. For sale at Foshay & Mason's. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. f OrTiltAI. 130. v. yH' "HrJIol Hollo 1 1 Hello!!!" " V'fU; what iJ. it?" "Ho i? Vfur ni.'.'thcr, thin mornintr? V'fry mueh l.,t:i:r; e!o hud n rt'.u ttvul &!(uiii8t niviit: Pin ! a'ni.''sr. rid of ii-r ni.it li.vfiiU. vjinit'ti riid ni'rvourr.f. unO ij ;r".'w Ii.V MUit'' ;."iTtUl. Uov,- gwi'-il W'.r. aLi uro tv ; oil tor ttiut btittlf uf Don't ppi'ai ot grutituie, Wliat does the-C-x'ior fci'.y " "ile: r'j.j'6 ho novrr sew rn T'orclrfi:! a ehr-iro in mich a fif.rNt;s lur.jt tpm:i;. ' thli.Ud wo aru invLig: hia iaA.lui:KS. i 1. t I'Uij to tHl h'.rn." "Tb.;'s riint. li;'s on oM f-lonl, vrn; know. I'm sure your motler v.-lH pi t .v. new; but yn wr.n't foryct tUo Uiuai; or toe m-llo :!. will you t ' 'N. vcr lr. J'iere'e Oolilrn MHcal eovcry ' art linust'inJd wortis alrvai'y, Jtid it L;t c:mo to Do como and avo wliut sun- ;.r.'.o tt lirra hi ouutit alrcMoy, ai.d let u& tlianl'. rou oi-r.ln for it. I will. Good hyV The i-f,T-"i:if . a fair rvrr''ft,t!nn ; a very tv):Tin:;t. oc fiirrnc4. "tfI-irn Mcdr.al 1.1)i':oit'" l:ii-tc uifd severe.linjfi'riri ooujfiia aivl arrenred '"oiruinjtfon, or J.uiK-ctrroi'iin, in '.hoi'f ant'if cf afto dM:tra h:.M faiiird itad vithur iiv-di:inffl havo tx-n trifl n'-.m-Con,. as uft'it'tia. The " Disoovtry " is Knr nwtend to tom tit or curt in ov?ry rmo, if tiion in tit.-- and ffivtn a (air triu.1, or uiouey wid Lo reiuu'lod. C. SACK'S CATARRH RE W SOY cu.-s iljj w rsk-Vfa, no matter of how iooa ftandlair. Ui oeaU, by CrugtmU. ALBANY COLLEBUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 18S8, 1889. rmt Term Opea, September Ilir. imw. A lull corp. of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Counwa of tudr arranseil to mftet tb' of all grade of students. Special tnauctmenii offered student i from abroad. Tuition range Prom $5.50 to fl3,M Board In private faHalMoa at low . rtm Room a tor awlf-boardlng at am all ena A carefnl anoerviion nxerclned over atu da at away from home, Frll term opna e'rt"inh 7in.. For olwiilam anil fH1 ' parlirDlara address the Prenfdeni.. KIT. KiacBT c-axniT. nrQKLs- (.5 J: 0mM 17 ft IT THE FOKl'SL The following are the subjects treated of in the loxum fur June. It is a highly interesting numljer: New England and the New Tariff Bill, Roger Q MilU-1 Culture and Cuirent Orthodoxy. Dr A J F Behrends. FormatK e Influences. W E II Lecky. The. Limits of Realism in Fiction. Edmund Gosse. Genius and Woman's Intuition, Prof Lester F Ward. American Interests in Africa. Henry S Sanford. Fetich ism in Politics. Henry Charles Lea. Encroachments of the Sea. Prof WJMcGte. Public Control of the Telegraph, Bronson C Keller. The Exhaustion of the Arable I-ands. C Wood Davis. Defenses-Against Epidemic Diseases. Dr Cyrus Ed son TO I K 1ST M, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take cn every trip a bottle of Syrup ot rigs, as it acts most pleasantly and et- tectuauy on the kidneys, liver and Dowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other form 6 of sickness. For sale In 50c and t bottles by all leading druggists. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained Is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health tu the use of the great alterative and tonic If you- are troubled with anv disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, ou will surely find relief by use of Electric Bittei s. Sc'ld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug St(.U eadhtc IMiotopnipiierH Albany Oroson, Wn have hont-bt ll theti?iitivos mad h Ij W C'rk end W II Greenwood uj tti Nov loth, 1W9. Dudkatea can be had fron. t...... ... K- f ... n ru,l,.nu.l rotan Wn Ktc ftlf'O .-ib'-ut S,iK10 ncuativcei inado l y ur- itdvis, T'hu v hicu diip!iuiit-n n te nan si i'.. ... .U.. . . 1.. (..1i 11... A.i viewb of this state ai d rl i-tdnrgcd woik i.t Iowwl ntfafir liist eli,a witrk. WeihaH K plfasid to fte on at ur Studio in FuJimn't ijlook, nuxt d..or to Mufottie 'IVntoiti. Nbw Blacksmith Sikh. G V Will! has iust completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad htreit vhere all kind of iron and wood wot 1; can he l.ad and done in lirst class ordrr. Iliin m your plows, wagoi.a, etc., eve for repairs. Zinetnai) h "Diamanta tpeetacua Dilutee Uii-t-a at F M Freuch e, 50 cents a pair. The best lines of 5 and 10 ctnt ciaj.iis 11 the city nr t be f 011 i d at Couti & Herd l it sou's. A Bargain. Houdoir paper, large package, only 10 cents at Hubb.ud'-. drug store . Burklrn'a Arntra Salvr. ThbotS-d 'eiti ttw w.irl l tr 0aM,IIrn;v.S-r Ulcern, Slt Kiuu:n, Yavor a r-M, TiiUr, Cli:pl hamH, thilt)lMi9, Corns, aii'l tl Skin Urnptio and ifciiiiiviilyuurtw f ile.i.or no juy riulra l. - Il bifiimr ifc.m.l L.i iriv nerfe!t uttat jttti m. or morifT ie(und- tl. Pr. eti 26 cnu x box. For av.'a by Foihy and 3lua 10 orr cent off on all cah sales for the next 30 dayat W F Read'a. If vnu waut either U buy or aeB your property place the nine in the hoo ci it r Aahhy & Co. For Salr. Seven freh cows for Rale cheap. Inquire at this office. Smoke the eelehratfd JtUvana tilled ci tfari, maoufactnr-d at Jul a Jnaeph'M cigar factory. Only 5 cnta. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB PRINTED ALBANY Von Iitb a higatoek to telect from t J FI'oell Co- S east Golden 8tr tomatoea for 50 cent, tt U H eyere, and .11 other raoned food. cheAF. or can. ' J W Bentley. beat hrxit and aline maker in city, opposite Fortmill'r & Ir,ing'a IDS - "m nap .. k Bad Urerk, St Lou is June 9. A railroad wreck occurr ed at Warrenten, Mo., six miles west of here on the Wabash road occassioned by two freigh iains colliding just outside of Warrenton thi morning, Both the engines anJ 18 cars were wrecked, seven men killed and several wound ed. Oi eight unlace horse cars laden with race horses enioute for the Kansas City races two wete wrecked and seven men in charge of 1 lie horses killed. Fifteen race horsss were killed and a number of train men hurt. Waul ItrHpr welly, . London, June 9. In the commons to, .-y Vincent called the attention of t le house to the fact that the house representatives at Wash ington passed a bill for enhanced prohibitory duties on cutlery, tin plate and other articles of British export. He asked whether the English government having regard for the disastious etiect which the se.iate s approval must have upon hhemeld, the Midlands, noutn Moles and Belfast, would adhere to their view that the import vys'emof the Lmted Kingdom pre cluded instruction to the British minister at Washington to represent to the United States government the injury that sucli legislation would do the industry ol a liicnuiy power, which in 18S9 gave a free market to $95ooo, 000 worth of American competing goode, Kugur UeuiH. New York, June 9. Wall street was kept in a turmoil throughout last week by wild due tuations in sugar trust stocks. On Friday the transaction amounted to 115,000 shares, equal to one third of the total dealings unon the mock exhangc that day. Inn Keene, 01 ban rrancisco. who is mani pulating a deal for the llavcmeyeis is popular ly supposed to have made anywhere from $1, 000,000 to $5,000,000. A llemnrkable Eruie. Balti MOKE, June 9. I larry Evans, of Washington, D C, an insane man, in cha'ge of an cfticcr, on his way to the insane asylum at Albany, N V., jumped through a car win dow of the fast express train on ihe Baltimore k Ohio road yesterday. It wa thought he bad met a horrible death and the train was stopped bu' no trace of the man could be found . To day he was found wandering around Canton in an almost uninjured condition. Found Dead, Salem, June 9. Charles Stokes, a hostler and buggy washer, employed at E'lis & Whit ley's Uveiy stable, was found deod in his room at the Chemckete hotel Ibis evening, and the supposition is that his death was caused by suicide. He had been drinking several days, and after being discharged, talked as il he had in contemplation self destruction. Even In lUfceulU. St Louis, June 9. L D Dozict, of this city confirms the report that a cracker biscuit tius1 was recently formed- The New York B.stuit Company, with a capital of $5,000,000, d.e United biatts liaking Company, with a camtul of $3,ooo,ooo,and ihe American Bucuit Manu factuiing Company, with a capital unknown, have ) ought up all ihe cracker uuiscuii concerns in t'..c country. I'"ok Sale. At Hubbard's' Urnj' Store. A No 8 Jewel rai'.;i;; a Luge hiatlnjt atovv, two baby curiiauct, liiuli chair, and oilier ailicleb too numeri-uti to mention. CittT K.NTKHfitisi:. tio and gja tin l.tiuiliitil fold Mt'.ttli nt llii- "Coltlcn Kttlf i:a:a:tr." .Itilit'a (,ruIwohl the lir.iptia.-tur of the liuldi ii link- l;niiar,in foriirH us tliut lie liiiH tlie J rizju lUtin l owili-r, unci No 1 Jiiuiii ti n, txjirti'sly up fur liiu litiniiiifH, tiii.l lor tlie bi-tu-lit ot It is ciii-toiiK'n', t ai-li Imx of 1'iUiiiy pnuili-r will win a j-iict.' of line ilrpewuru uuil u1h each pound oi the tin will win a pin-eot line itruw-ware, and cUftniiK-rB-w liol.uyonc miuiii1 of h-a or it Imx of 1 wa powder, whieh is wariatited, w ill l,.-i- i, c'ltinee nt that lcauliful nuld i. u ii. He Iiiih also added u line npsoit uniituf family irioceriea to hia ilium-, iiinuth tnek of (.'lasbwaro and erinkery, w liirh i tlie luriiVHt in the Willamette Valley, (io utul tee Mr (tiudu hul at the (inldi ii Hole lluziuir, nud you will find that nntliinu h lniHreiirenenttd. A Good Hook. Nuthi g is ever lost by bu inir u good book. That It the kind to hnv, and when an opportunity t-ffern. do ' , :iii. it, lor it (Joch not occur every day. .;. A M Tall is coijvni-sin for Mrs. John Lotin's MnniiRl for the home, a work, r.icciv written and full of just futh matter n mont homes need. It is hand minely gotten up, finely illustrated, and dotrves a place in every l ouneliohl. 'J'he Ikk k is a guide in tot-iul, doir.cslic and business lite, a treasury of useful hiiorma Hon, touching on etiquette, hygiene, house hold economy, beauty, care of children, money making, fancy'work, house decor ation, civil aervice, history, geognphy, physiology, ai t, etc. Albany Marble and Gf'illo Works. Ila ingl.'elv .iii:liascd the sinrk of S A kitpa and G W llrtis, we shall le ploasej tn hii drtslgtis snd sive pr.c.s to all uitetd ing purehMer.. IW.t of wiirkmeti tni.luyed ml pncea ai lnw . ty (or Hrl-cls work. Visit oa U-foru purehaMllg ehewii.re, Kuan Si ArmmiX next door to Democrat othec) Alt-aii), Or. Hath. All hata aold for the next thirty alaysat Ida M Brush's lll be illiC.ur.tcd, to reduce her large stock. milk Ynn oan aaye maoy a dime by trading .1 H C Hubbarda new ding store. Try it. Spring and rammer woolena jnat reotired .t Zaohea H Son. oppoaiae I'oatvffice. Wan ed, cow, to i iswtur., VVoODLI k Talt Bo,