- DOK'T FORGET Siiiith & Sondors9 Linn County Returns. L. E. BLAIN 5 s?r -3 : : : . : r :: g.: ."3: :::-: : lias I3een Declnrocl 7: IAtXY OEEZ'UiOX. -AT THE- Sft.tr?'""" -1 1; i: u s ;t j; x r. i c n vi ii 4: - "II!K K ; i : . J8A0UU5J 'rS T- - ti k:u:ij w ;J i - ;: 1; r. J: c -in "1 3DJ0! jj ii y S x i' ii Z 2 2 ?! " " puasmioil S ; u 5 5 ? S ri - WAV ti li . 'C: Mr, S eT" " "WAV 2; 3 2 S S - S S 'i i' ft umpsjarc St . ?r " t- :r 5 v - i- 2 i ?"-jr j? u i t iiiico Si-. ?- 25 r: ? ri S li - :' f- i !i M nmanin :i -'r - i--:u - E S 01 s? .K u 5 r 2 S -pjojaainuav ii ii f S g 0 g g J: ts lj 2 mBiiSumanQ: I "JUBAjgl j ct cs ppaqs pjUSUBJJ Xjuot uojatdraaj, i"ti UOSpittilOiy J35iVJ smBpv ' UOSB3f) 2 S 3 -S3 25 2 H S ft 8 S S Piatjpaa g 5iirKg ?gsty 5! ' " 'iSnBqnina g w ( 2 fS ci " UIBUBT Li -issitt'Si;' b'au g 0 -ffl-e-. - HJm'S g ItHIISlSs ooS a S' I g g 5s - C i jiio g 8 8 S S 3 S 3 5 ft .mm8 I tt uoiimniji J . g g " 5 2 8 ?' I 2 " - 3 ' ' " 103u 'PiK I ? . ' H " S S S 5 " 3? :1 naj,i i S" S S E g S 5 ij 11 ii u ii aanimjao. S is SSM5Eiit5-!iSsS5c--- - uosdmoi(x ? ' x c w' is HEAD - IN HIS LIE Now the Greatest Attraction is His Largo and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., In Keeping "Witli tlie Reason. If You Would be Suitably Dressod - Call - at - His - Store. Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Hendorson. -DEALERS 15- Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co ilitC. JUtc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. E, C. Searls, Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Fnrn ishings and BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of boot! and hoet U now complete In all lines for prlng fade. We will tave you monej n buying of ua. Ladiei, mlsaeaand children's fine ihoea a apecia t. Exelaalre AKeaT r. th LUDLOW flROEH NOTICE TO CONTUACTOliS AND BU1LDKKS. riids mil be rpceivwl by Mr H H llwitt nl All..u t !... 1. noon, on Saturday, May 31, lur furniahius the material and Ulior to erect a t'vo-.ti.ry dwelling house, Plans and iecitioatiiitis can be seen at the oHiceof C W Ayem, arch itect, or at Mr Hewitt's c dice in the me building. The right is restored to reject any all bids. City Meat Market. 8HULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Jknepafull llnf mmis of all kin. is, to cool pltcn, cninpletaly pro tected; and always freeii. Als kars constantly.on) hand aalmon nd othsr fish. ll HUlLDKHS. K .1 urill l. ia i. i' ?' '-""no". P to 12 o'clock, noon. ... .jr, .. nj 31, ror furnishing all nm-eaaary matorial and labor to erlai . achool bulldln,,. 1'l.naand speciflc.tlon? can be seas at the aiore of c o S . man. at Lebanon, until Friday. MaV 2a. and at the oillee ofc W Ayera ArehTif;; allbida. '"" o reject any or ART STUDIO, r. Dr. fallm, . BlumbtrjBIork uio . . j lur" f,,r le or E. C. SEARLS, ouccasasor to Iiarrntv. K..n. 8uccasasor to Barrows 1. Beans.' Blumber(j'8 New Bloak. Montague & Son, COENEE FIRST & PEEBT STS Dealers in Groceries, Produce. Tobacco, (jgars. Confectionary. Etc, THE STOVES AND RANGES bearing this trade mark are to-day makiDi; more Th World's Best- comfortablo rv) and happy than any other brand in ex- istence. They are mado in all stylos and I sizes, both for Cooking and Heating, (rad eio j sold at prices to suit tho purse of the ncn or P001' f Imitations. Examin ths TlnWTP, trade mark closely, and tee D6V 0 "aTyouarenotimposed upon. j fa if. s Ul D "3 00 H fiS I ui o. 1 g ft e e. d S g 1 38 5 0 ft V . C 1 T3 89 X Garland, - Superior - Argand, - Monitor - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, All Fullv Warranted in STYLE, WORE and PRICES. Smoke the ciagrs Manufaofcred by Julius Josepi IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS nu.Md.m.kin.snh ....... . U'UnnU i If, fail lias just received liis Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. lnr cfrJeir t(2i"ake room for new Sds will sell his large stock of Jsotions, etc., at, A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. FL.KENTON DEALEE I3ST GROCERIES. Choice CamSy, Auts, Frnit, etc. NEAR THE FCST X I tt tl t Matthews & Washburn Al.ItANY " Okeoon Hardwarc.StovesandTinwar. ng and smokioi? tobarm. r l ... Oui ciarges are so light that everyone can stand them stoves ranges, and builders hardware, wo carry thi finest assortment in tho Valley, and only ask afSJ frxaminatnn of our stock to convince you MATTHEWS & WASimURN ) mke rrtflo generally. ' pipes anri