4 1 ifetflrlrlrY IlQvtI TOL. III. ALU ANT. Oil., TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1800. SO 24 illghest of all in Leavening Power. V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. .17, 18S9. 1 ELICLl IC KEUVS A AX!) DEALF.KS IX A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, LOGGERS A'D BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRO70, STEEL. CHAIS, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AMD GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIKTO.HOF . ' Albany Soda Works. .slid Maiiu!acturra or CHOICE CONFEuTIONESY, V r.rs how iiropitrvi' to .'ill at wiui. ulwayx fnwli and ,)uie nt forth tid , j. lo dealer!. We '' ktie.ii a full lot Huts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Conrad Mver. ,-PIU'''KlrCT't ) st a it a.cs:uv Cnvuer BroaiUlbin and Firsi ots., -r; KA I 10 R IN - ''Runvd Fruit, :mifiS ilciii-. dlOHNVnv " imcii'i .vi.r. "rle f rull t'iitrti Tobacco, f'tsim n ingnr, Knit, Vol!?, Ton, Kc fin.. ' .rx ovnrylhitig ilia'. In kept n a gen n variety anrl grocery or?. H Ighni d rkst prlo aid for 'ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ' Best a'.ock ot'2tul J ;onds In llin Vnl ley, ami tho mn nuir iaie prices, l)olh in Ijilvlnir ntil jiilhiif i have on hand 11 kinds of FlI.lNITU.lE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, DJJXS. PIliTUflES CL03U CHICKY. ETC., ET3. i.i-n wa.t of ,.S E Yoiinu:'. oh tor L. COTTLltB 12.1 First ktrnM, Albany, Or. F IDU PU A f IT tyajn hiinilrA.I Ait. .". - . n,l r,pm Idiiil all in r 1 1 f I ! buiotvi -. ... ....... i ! ... I. 1. ,.! fori, afnrv ItmiM,,. mnil VHiitfU, nun H" , b barn and other outhouse. Unni water for faji'ljend mock, uikmi pr ami ap ple orchard, as well as ntnr kUda 01 fruit. Would make two good am all farma. Situated four mile" southwest ol Albany. Inquire at this office. . B,H.BUCKBUR, GEO. W. WH1I1HT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT. Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all the Court, of th. m.. . a. aa. ntuan tn tall hllail State, rrompw,uu""" " a am entiosted to oar can. Offioa Odd Fallow! Temple, Albany, Of Mi ANY, OKEUON. .;i:.vm foil - iSTOHATlVE PERFECT jjjjfS'gj Tho only remedy known wliteh will St!svi!!2!3 tho NutrHiye Processes of tlie Human Sjslea. . Vy rnt:ir A end imple mrnns It quickly at:l p r:v. ' it'll ES AH Form of Hym;sl:f ('.'.tiKtiputlnn. Mental and Nervou 10i.li.austiiii. Genornl Debility, iiruiii Fas. or any oxhausted or weak t noil condition of t!io system, from what vir runo, Sltin Krtiption, Hulls, Run ulns Sore, Scrofula, and all DUenscs of il:e Itloutl. Mtcmneb, Llvor and Kidneys ! .OS. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Tir. Hi'.lrr'sf.l pn-rf book, descriptive of FTy In; -liif1 l:cM'initiu oud hi ulhwr lioiuudiea, UUI ItwO It)' Uiuil. iilLLER DRUG CMaii Francisco, Gal. FOSH'Y & MAn'C'N. ALBANY, CC?'. rOSMAY f MASON, lh gistscad bonksellr rs, - lafor Joh'i B, Aldn' pi.blliw'l.nw, tilrb Wft will a p-i'dishot'ii yrlces W'tl. ''jCaiMa '. AI.BIMT, (IKKUO! Civil. Sanitaiy anl Hyiraalia Enyucer. 0 in.i'.l.i'i.- eti jit.M.T for 0 M M.'iuutain and Dry 'eh ( on"li.l-ti''l O 1 1 and -Sil vr Miiii;ct'. Ort't-. rt Strrtt, A)l.u. Or. .5, Ji. Wta.TKY. .i.m &: And Counsellor At La? KB .Volar Public. ALH OREGON OR. C. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon Ullioo opnoolta the rnunnTat. Momy I -TO On gptA firm and city property at 7 mii 8 Per Cent. I 1'Vfiiiiii!" ntv v. n 8e-.'urity ;"jwrite my own iiijwr-s Hid if title is perfect can close ImiiMyi- up in Hbtt't order. Call on or write me. S. N. STEELE. With E. ('. "u.ll.-y.Rjal Estate Agent, AI.ati. , Or.g'm. City Restaurant. Hivitiu been ( u'irclv r mode ted. this old ad pilar r.-i, ..tr-mc wiil be made first- 0 in rv-ry r-fpt-ct. The public will he gi-pii good -f nt. nil hmtnt for only 25 01 tt h. Kwr, tn'Ui ue.nt and attractive, Phvao li'.X'). 0stei'H lu every Btyle. W. A. McGek. THIS PLACE. Tty all meant oall on Pass. Brothers, 'or yout Groceries, PrjQuce. Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. T l.flr ii'i'.'l are trio bmt ai tli( Ir price .-aanna"'i Milk I Milk I! I am prepared to deliver milk to all parta nf the city. Guarantee tha bmt qaaiity. Iaye ardrra at C E Brownell'a grocery atore. Wx Flckhib. Pouilry Wanted. All L ln.l. nf nltv. allva np HrMMll ranted at the Willamette PKUIng Com fmuy Store. Allmny, Oregat. BmI roast coffe in tha eity at Costs. 1 Raider AmOWlEOt PURE VA1.UAI11.K PKOPKUTY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany hat just been thrown on the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'lion-ton' residence portion of uie cny. Wallace & Cuslck, the agents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. CAillnic Photofrniiihrra Albany Oregon. Wo have boui(ht all the negatives made hy L W Clark and W H Greeowood up to Not 15th, 1889. Duplicates can Ik had from bein only of us at reduced rates. We have also about 18,000 negatived made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like rates. e carry the outy lull line of views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest rttes for first class work. We shall be pleased to see ou at our Studio in Froinan's block, next door to Masonic Temple. WH IT A IMtV Tosee a woman's lovely feature mar red by unsightly plm.des and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition Is the cause of your blemishes and the sooner you take a faithful course of ur Hillers Hydrastine Kestorative the sooner you ill cease to be an object of pity. For sate at Foshay Ac Mason's, druggists. ft.MCb. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch In the life of the Individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agencv wherebv the good health hks been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it Is that so much 1s heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. It you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver ur stomach, of long or short sUmlinfr. vou will sure v nnd re net bv us' ef Electric Hitteis. Scld at 50c and Si per bottle at Foshay & Mason s Dru store. PAISLEY & FISH. J03 PRINTrTS ALDAN T "ion have a big stock to select from at J r jL'nweli AC Co" 5 onus Golden Star tomatoes for AO cents yoods at 0 avers, and all other, canned cheap or cash . I O O F. Albany Locree No 4 holds its regular meeting ueunesilav evening ot each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvitcd to attend. ,7'---o ynu think of loeRtinjr h-c? t't.,rt( i ',yt-r. 1 thought some of prno tlcirv mil 'fia vpu. Often S hero, younsr man, tbrr's a f-cod oprninfr hertt for n man as un'i' rs'Bnrls ;! Kz, but wo don't want no prntUcihQ, or e'-Tr'ifflntinir iWor(np't uhalv vnnt! Many timm women on thflr family physicians, suffcrintr. an they imsn--. ct.o from dyppepsla, another from heart disrrs", n not her from liver or kfdnoy distiw'. ain't hrr from cctvous extifiiirftion or prostration. u;ioihT with pain hero or them, and In tltrft whv tltor all present, alike to themselves ftiri thrir eaay-poinsr and Inrtifferpnt or ivcibusy dot-tnr, sopnrnir and dipt tact diva, for which h' proprrihea hte pills nnd imtions, emninjr thnm ti be surh. when, in reality. the? am all only ijffitf.mit ui '4 by some w.imb liiBonler. Tttn phvalntan. tirtmrant of th n of suffeHne, onoouraeerf Ms ytrnrttrr." until lunru bills r.ro mud'). The snifTi rlnr pntirnt (r-'ta no bett'T, but probahly wone t.y Mi.n of tho delay, wrons; ireatmetst ind cm. quen eompiiitlon. A proper medJiim. tike Dr. Pierttj Favorita PreerxipUon dtrrrferl to the fxxur would harp entireJy rumored thn diMaw, thereby dlnpelllnir all tboan dtitrest ins; aymptotmt, sod instituting comfort In stead of prol'ir.f-d Bifnery. It's tho only medtrlne for the weaknetwa, Irreirulartles mn4 psinful derance nent iecu liir to womn, rid by drumyiata. under a woaltlve sjsiskvsuisM that it will rlvft aattt factlOD 4n rrry ewe, or prlea sfJ.QO) paid for it will ba protnpUy refunded. thf I''"r. mnaoa dot.m. Oa. a uuea Com kr oruaw. w anii a iu HINTS TO HOLSI- KKF.l'KRS. A strip of flannel or a napkin wrung out of hot water and applied round the neck of a child hat has croup will usually bring relief in ten minutes. One of the best things to cleanse the scalp thoroughly to dissolve one half- teaspoonful of borax in a quart of water and apply it, rub bing it in well. Rinse thoroughly in clear water, Napkins and tablecloths,if mended carefully when they commence to show tiny breaks, wil last much longer. Troyclolhs, .made of butch' ers or momie linen, will save the tablecloth greatly, and they can be made at home very easily, and either fringed or hemstitched. Rattan chairs that have become discolored may be made very pretty by a coating of black or golden brown paint and finished with handsome cushion. Sprinkle places infested by ants with borax, and you will toon be rid of them. A fine furniture polish is made by the use o the following recipe: Alcohol, half pint; resin half an ounce; gum shellac, half an ounce; a few drops of analine brown. Let stand over night and add three gills of raw linseed oil and half a pint of spirits of turpentine, Shake well before using. Put on with cotton flannel, and rub dry with another. cloth. Take black court plaster, moisten enough to make it stick, and mend the small cracks and holes in your silk umbrella by pressing it on the wrong side with a warm iron over a thin paper. To whiten yellow piano keys rub them with sand paper, and finish with a piece of chamois. Spruce pillows which have lost their Iragran ce may be renewed, it is said, by subjecting them for a short time to. steam, and drying them thoroughly. Dresses that are entirely good often have the under part of the sleeves worn out, and it seems loo bad to patch them, so the best thing is to take out the sleeves and make new undeif Many ladies, in buying dres&es for themselves or children, get enough extra for a new pair of vlee-. nnd to allow for mending. A three cot....ed tear in a dress cap be neatly darned with s Ik, or travellings of the same color, if a g nall piece of the good is placed under the tear. If you have painting and calcimining to be done, the Spring is decidedly your best lime. Hurd finished walls may be washed w ith soap suds and wiped dry. A bit of pumice sione will remove stains from them, White paint may be washed with ammonia water or with whiting and water, which is not so trying to tli h ind as the atrsncD a. A new railroad bridge across the Mississippi at St Louis became a necessity through the ex. tortions of the railroad manager who owned the other bridge. The merchants of the city raised the money.and have built another bridge thus securing comoetition.evcn if their venture as a business enterprise proves otherwise un profitable. The inter State commerce com mission ought to have prevented the necessity lor another bridge, unless the business is so great that two needed. DitiKDFitrtT Wanted. Plums and al kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by W H Simpson, First street. If vru want eiher ti. buy nr .I'll ui pri'prty plnce the bMi.e in the h.-nds of R F Ashl.y & Co. Two Car Loaiw. Price & Robson liave just received two car loads of wngnns nnd buggies, light and heavy, and will sell tliem at rciiinrKuuiy iow price., eunmue ing the splendid quality of the wagons. In all (iuese. rf the stomach, liver iud kidneys, n.e, to tho exclusion of .11 other medicit.es, n.turiw'. own remedy, PfandeiV Oretfon Blood 1'urlti-r. Wanted, cow.to pasture, WoonLa Talt Bros, The Pelpll aad the ai.ae. Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: '-1 feel It mv duy to tell what wonders Br King'. Sew Discovery has done for rfTe. Mr lung, were badly diseased, and my parishioner! thought 1 could live only a few week..- I took five bottle, of Dr King'. New Discovery and am sound and well, l.ilng 26 lb. In weight." Arhur Love, Manager LoveV Funny Folk. Comtlnatlon, write. : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King'. New Discovery for consumption, beat. 'em all, and cures when everytning else iati. 1 ne grraiesi kindness (can do mr many thousand friend. I. to urge them to try It." Free trial bottle, at Foshay & M'xm'a Drug tort. Regular sue. 50c and $1.00. II. nllam Hindenlk Boston, June 2, The Harvard university to daywilnrssed the crowning outrage at the hands of its untamed students, the victory over Vale at New York and Ne Haven haying tuined their heads. After wild hurrahing last iiyb'j the band of unknown V-ncl;ls started out to decorate the college and portions of th. ci:y. They secured a large amount of red paint and smeared it all over everything. Pri vate house had windows, doors, walls and stone steps utatkrd in huge red letters, "Har vard 9, Vale 8,'' the baseball score yesteroay. 1 he tiaDusome bronze statue 01 J ohn Harvard was painted red and its beautilul bronze base ruined. Churc'.es were invaded and desecrat ed. On tli. beautiful Mosaic arch in the mem orial hall "to with Vale" was daubed, and the stonework in all numerous halls was simil arly treated. Quite Cold Blooded. Redding, Cal., June 2. Last evening as Will am Menzel,of the firm of Menzel Brothers blacksmiths and butchers, was returning from a ride to Anderson in a buggy with Miss Molly Tester, daughter of Msr AdJie Tester, who keeps i restaurant here, they were met by Mrs Hank Plumb, who fired five shots with a re-' volver, either at Menzel or both. The team was frightened hit by bullets and jumped to one side, turning the buggy over. Menzel is badly hurt, il not seriously injured in the hip and by a cut im his head. Miss Tester is considerably bruised and badly shak en up, but is thought not to be sniously huit. Threatening Blsmarek, London, June 2. A dispatch from Berlin says the emperor has inforraed Prince Bismarck that if he does not stop his press uturings the result w ill lie serious. Iteatuu CoNnly, Newport, June 2. The following is the complete vote of th? city of Newport: Herman 137, Miller 35; Thompson 1 14, Pennoyer 72; McBride 1 19, Townsend 49; Metschan 1 88, Webb 21; bean 133, Bonham 50; McElroy 127, LeKoy 44; Baker 116, O'Brien 73; State Senator Crosno, Rep., 114: State Senator Thompson, Dem., 48; Representatives Starr 121, Moore 117, Rep; representatives Foster 45, Gibson 47, Dem. In the county the re publicans have an average majority of 65. Re turn now in from outside precincts indicate the election of the entire republican ticket, ex cept sheriff, which is very close. The union party vote 182. Bebrlng Sea Troable.. London, June 2. In the.llouse of Com mons Sir J as Ferguson, parliamentary secre tary of the foreign office, declined Jlo lay on tne lame papers relative to negotiation! with the United States concerning the Behring Sea troubles, until the question was settled. Jicaln Looming I'p. The Astoria Columbian sum. up the amount ot real estate sles in Clatsop Co. for the week ending May 17th at $29,053. The Astoiia real estate market is showing a decided improvement since Hutr.ington expressed his intention of completing the Astoiia & South Coast road into Astoria. The sales reported above were not large, Din Dctter than tnev have be.in tor the past two months. The cllv i biluhtenlne up, and the big boon, which precedes rail road beilding in the Northwest has alteady commencea in Astoria, the bonding of property during the week named reached a quarter of a million dollars,btit the amount deposited on these bonds hardiy reached $40,ooo,they proving that the actual trans fer totals were not a rellex of the condi tion of the market The lots held by the Oregon Lni.d Co. of Saiem and Finland, in the Nonh Pacific addition to Astoria,are again coming In demand and offer a very desirable investment. GiKr Knieki'khe. Go nnd see tha binutifnl gold wntch nt the "Golden Hule Haiuinr." Julius tiradwohl the proprietor of the Golden Kule Hnznar.in lurtpis ua thut he bus the l'rize linking 1'owdiT, nnd No 1 Japan tea, expressly up kt his business, mid for the benefit ut his customers, eaeli lox of baking pow tier win win a piece ot tine glassware and also each pound of the tea w ill win a piece of line glassware, nnd customers who buy one pound of tea or u box of baking powder, which is warranted, will have a chance nt that lieautiful gold u utrh. I lc has also added n line assort liKDt of family groceries to his mnin mouth stuck of glassware nnd crockery, which is the. largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Grudwhul nt the Golden litilo Bazaar, nnd vou will find that nothing is misrepresented. 10 ir cent orTnn .11 cash ,Mlei for th. Htxt 30 ilnr-at W F Kciu'l'.. Si'kino Has Come. The stock of wall paper at Forlmlllcr & Irving'. Is larger than ever, being quite Immense and In elude many new and beautiful designs. Tl'. be.'t I f 5nd lOurut eis.t. in t ie city atel' be found hi Conn & Hendrio- a m rtitA4T Mart le and Granite Works.Hav .ny ta-elv purchased the .uek of S A Rirge I'd ) W lUnii, w. .hill he pieisel to -how designs and uive pr.cs to ill intetid uik purthiseri. Bwt of wurkmeo en ployed ;nd p.-iie. as lw nny fur first- e'. work. Visit d. before parchaein.: ilrewl .m. F.on & ruiso ne) t door to Democrat olfije) Albaoy, Or. A BAneAiN. roudolr paper, large pickpge, only 10 cent, at Bubb.ird's drug' Mere. Darkle.'. Aralra Halve. Th. bM In th. earl I tx CaU,Rrale..8rse Ulcer., 8.H Rheum. - P?.r . tr.4, r-ttftr, Otf.l hn.H.. Ch.PM.in.. Corm, .nit all 8.10 Erapll.. ana Miti.lf tmrm tM.or no n.y nqulrwi. Il Is ffMr .ntw. in (Ira ptM atiMMtle., .r mntr i. riMUmareWi, . Fsa. tm